
323 lines
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Raw Normal View History

2020-03-11 23:22:37 +00:00
+ MAJOR: Scratch_Blocks now take arena pointer parameters in their constructor to specify arenas that should be treated as having distinct lifetimes, without doing this it is possible that a local scratch and another arena will actually refer to the same allocator and freeing the local scratch will also free memory that was meant to be in a separate arena.
+ New Date_Time system APIs, and Date_Time string formatting
2020-05-01 12:29:29 +00:00
+ Fix: when generated/metadata* files are missing buildsuper still succeeds
+ Fix: mac does not hang opening multiple files
2020-05-01 13:31:44 +00:00
+ Fix: line number margin performance
2020-03-11 23:22:37 +00:00
2020-02-08 00:50:35 +00:00
+ MAJOR: The clipboard history is now a fully custom layer implemented system. Users maintaining a customization layer should try to update their call sites to the old clipboard API. #define FCODER_TRANSITION_TO 4001004 to disable the transitional function wrappers when you are ready to make the transition.
+ buildsuper scripts now all come with '-win' '-linux' '-mac' postfixes and pass their OS identifier macro on the build line
2020-02-08 00:50:35 +00:00
+ clipboard is only read when the requests to, or when the collect-all mode is started via the command 'begin_clipboard_collection_mode'
+ 'clear_clipboard' command
+ in config.4coder the variable virtual_whitespace_regular_indent determines the number of space-widths to use as the regular indentation in a virtual whitespace layout
2020-02-08 01:37:10 +00:00
+ show whitespace mode implemented in 'default_render_buffer'
2020-02-08 02:04:22 +00:00
+ `set_face_size` and `set_face_size_this_buffer` commands
+ `HookID_WholeScreenRenderCaller` hook runs once per frame after all views render
2020-03-10 17:26:59 +00:00
+ Bindings use exact matches for modifiers, instead of most recent sub-set matches
+ Extended key codes list
2020-02-08 00:50:35 +00:00
+ Fix: tabs are measured with the correct amount of width for the user's settings
+ Fix: virtual whitespace toggling works when the config initially diabled virtual whitespace
+ Fix: never miss the most recent post to the clipboard on windows
2020-02-08 01:37:10 +00:00
+ Fix: command `load_theme_current_buffer` gaurds against destroying the active color palette when bad files are loaded
2020-02-08 02:22:14 +00:00
+ Fix: project deep copy routine copies strings in the whitelist and blacklist pattern arrays
2020-03-04 01:37:55 +00:00
+ Fix: footer panel manipulation functions check if the view exists
2020-02-08 00:50:35 +00:00
2020-01-23 21:39:47 +00:00
+ Unkillable buffer setting
+ UI elements in listers and buttons can have different highlight backgrounds
+ command 'load_theme_current_buffer' for loading the current file as a theme and setting it as the theme
2020-02-06 05:44:03 +00:00
+ command 'write_block' for writing a block comment uses mark and cursor range to insert block comment ends
2020-01-23 21:39:47 +00:00
+ Fix: search and replace never exits early
+ Fix: optimized builds of the custom layer display the dirty * on the file bar correclty
+ Fix: can merge "backwards" strings in the history correctly
+ Fix: the helper user_list_definition_array matches both LF and CRLF line endings
+ Fix: line number background and text colors in the built in theme files
+ Fix: a drive letter by itself is recognized as an existing path
+ Fix: the margin colors for panels are determined by the margins in theme files
+ Fix: when a file is deleted outside of 4coder, the '!' dirty status is added to the buffer
+ Fix: on mac file changes outside of 4coder are detected and do not stall the UI
2020-02-02 05:14:13 +00:00
+ Fix: in virtual whitespace layouts blank lines correctly mark carriage return characters before newline characters
+ Fix: auto-indentation leaves the carriage return in CRLF line endings in place and does not count them as indentation
+ Fix: lexer emit pointer advances correctly when the output buffer becomes full
2020-02-06 05:44:03 +00:00
+ Fix: when include gaurds are inserted into new header files, the generated name isn't killed by numbers or underscores
+ Fix: base library function string_is_integer returns false on empty string
+ Fix: preprocessor directives after incomplete statements are aligned to zero by auto-indent
+ Fix: command 'list_all_functions_current_buffer_lister' and command 'list_all_functions_all_buffers_lister' are marked as UI commands and thus do not infinite loop when they set the buffer
2020-02-02 05:14:13 +00:00
+ Improvement: optimization in clean_all_lines command, handles CRLF line endings
2020-01-23 21:39:47 +00:00
+ Cursor color changes when recording macro if the theme provides a second cursor color
+ Default custom layer now has a feature for supporting fade ranges as used in pasting and undoing
+ Ability to "partially" paint text with a blend factor to create blends
+ In file lister, typing a slash with a name for a folder that does not exist asks the user if they would like to create a folder
+ Fix: parser in code index recognizes functions with more than one parameter
+ Fix: trying to create a face with a font file that doesn't exist doesn't crash
+ Fix: escaping command documentation lister doesn't crash
+ Fix: lexer generator switched to new macro names Max and Min
+ Fix: implementation for getting previous view iterates from null to the last view in order (instead of the first)
+ Fix: auto-indent when a file with virtual whitespace is saved
+ Fix: can create up to sixteen panels, and doesn't crash when trying to create more
+ Fix: faster text range highlighting
+ Fix: side by side editing a single buffer doesn't scroll the lower view down when insterting lines in the higher view
+ Fix: indentation after paren group is correct
Changes not documented
Initial beta version
New in alpha 4.0.30:
-Mouse events (clicking, scroll wheel, mouse move) can now be bound with modifier keys
-New and changed commands:
<ctrl scroll_wheel> change font size
<ctrl ;> toggle line comment (C++ type comments)
<ctrl I> open a lister for all functions in all buffers (heuristic parse can have false positives)
-Bug fix: Fixed occasional crash when rendering a new buffer
-Bug fix: High CPU usage in lister from perpetual animation mode
-Bug fix: Panel resizing by mouse
-Bug fix: Crashes from entering incomplete/nonsense file paths in file open/new listers
-Bug fix: Various bugs in the notepad like mode
-Bug fix: Crashes in file and buffer listers with a lot of items
-Bug fix: Lexing scientific notation floats with + signs
-Bug fix: Really long wrapped line using up entire render scratch buffer
-Bug fix: Line highlights when scrolled to the right so the beginning of the line is off screen
-Bug fix: Mismatch between lister state and hot directory leading to confusing file open/new behavior
2018-10-06 18:08:15 +00:00
New in alpha 4.0.29:
-New UI api supporting customizable UIs
-Managed memory API
-Managed variables API
-Highlighting and marking API, supporting customizable line higlights, range highlights, cursors and marks
-In config.4coder "use_line_highlight" enables the highlight at the cursor in the active view
-In config.4coder "use_scope_highlight" enables background highlighting to distinguish scopes in code files
2020-03-04 01:37:55 +00:00
-In config.4coder "use_paren_helper" enalbes distinct coloring for matching parentheses
2018-10-06 18:08:15 +00:00
-In config.4coder "use_comment_keyword" enables special coloring for the strings 'TODO' and 'NOTE' anywhere they occur, in code or text
-In config.4coder "mode" sets the editing mode
"4coder" the default 4coder mode
"notepad-like" edit with an i-bar, and highlight range, like notepad, notepad++, sublime text, etc.
-Listers now sort exact matches to the top over partial matches
-New and changed commands
<alt x> opens a lister of all built in 4coder commands
<alt X> opens a lister of commands in the currently loaded project
<ctrl j> opens a lister of code snippets
2018-06-16 21:22:27 +00:00
New in alpha 4.0.28:
-In config.4coder "eanble_virtual_whitespace" is now separate from "enable_code_wrapping"
-In project.4coder .os = "all" now matches for all operating systems
-In project.4coder .os = "default" matches if no other match is available
-When doing isearch <ctrl backspace> clears the entire query
-When doing isearch <ctrl enter> sets the search field to the previous search string
-Bug fix: Fixed issues with string escape sequences in the parser for *.4coder files
-Bug fix: On windows network directories can now be browsed and their files can be loaded
-Bug fix: Linux keyboard handling has been upgraded to allow certain custom layouts to work
-Bug fix: Fixed replace_all_occurences in 4coder_experiments.cpp
-Bug fix: "buildsuper" scripts now runs metadata_generator on the result of the preprocessor
ensuring it only tries to link to commands that will actually be defined
2018-06-02 23:02:14 +00:00
New in alpha 4.0.27:
-Project system upgraded to "version(1)"
Wildcard patterns for file loading
Load all files from multiple paths
Maintain a list of common command line commands for the project
-New commands:
<alt x> + 'toggle fullscreen' toggle fullscreen mode
<alt x> + 'new bat' create a batch script for building a particular source file
<alt x> + 'new sh' create a shell script for building a particular source file
<alt x> + 'new scripts' create a batch and shell script for building a particular source file
-Upgrade to config.4coder:
"default_font_size" set a font size to use (overriden by command line)
"default_font_hinting" default setting for hinting (overriden by command line)
"use_scroll_bars" the default setting for panel scroll bars
"use_file_bars" the default setting for panel file bars
2018-05-28 01:00:13 +00:00
New in alpha 4.0.26:
Routine bug fixing...
-Fixed various text input crash bugs
-Fixed load large file crash bug
-Fixed crash in 'list_all_locations_of_type_definition_of_identifier'
-Fixed sticky jump crash
-Fixed line move/delete bugs on last line of file
-Fixed <end> to work on indefinitely long lines
-Fixed jump behavior quirks with parsing and cursor movement
-Fixed rare bug causing copy from other applications to fail on Windows
-Fixed auto indent commands to do a better job picking an anchor for parsing
Testing system now in place (windows only):
Flag -R <file-name> creates an 'input recording' file of the 4coder session
Flag -T <file-name> overrides user input and drives input by the input recorded in the specified file
New in alpha 4.0.25:
-Support for unbounded paste sizes
-Window title now reflects the open project file
-Buffer names resolve with more path information instead of just a counter
-Support for Rust error format and improved autoindenting for Rust
-Work around for bug in make on Windows
-New commands:
<ctrl 1> show the current buffer in the other panel (side by side)
<ctrl 2> show the current buffer in the other panel (swap with other buffer)
<alt D> list all type definition locations of a particular string ~ if only one jump to it instead
<alt T> list all type definition locations of the token under the cursor ~ if only one jump to it instead
-The indenter no longer does anything to multi-line strings such as raw strings.
-The customization API now has the ability to set the window's title.
-The customization API has a hook for resolving buffer name conflicts.
New in alpha 4.0.24:
-Fonts can now be loaded from the system API or from the fonts folder
-Fonts can now be resized at run time, hinting can be toggled at run time
-Fonts can now be rendered with any combination of the styles: bold, italic, underline
(That is provided the font supports the style.)
-Now font faces can have different sizes simultaneously, or have the different hinting or styling configurations.
-Lots of new built in commands including:
<ctrl D> delete the line under the cursor
<ctrl L> duplicate the line under the cursor
<alt up> move the line under the cursor up
<alt down> move the line under the cursor down
<alt [> select surrounding scope in code file
<alt ]> select the next scope up in code file
<alt '> select the next scope down in code file
<alt -> if a scope is selected, delete it's braces
<alt j> if a scope is selected, absorb the statement below it into the scope
<alt x> + 'delete file' close the current buffer and delete it's physical file
<alt x> + 'rename file' rename the current buffer's physical file and reopen the buffer with the new file name
<alt x> + 'mkdir' create a new directory
-The customization API is extended for more explicit font face control.
-The customization API comes with a parser and generator for generating metadata on built in and custom commands.
New in alpha 4.0.22 and 4.0.23:
-The rendering layer is cleaned up and faster
-4coder can now ship with multiple built in command bindings
New built in binding "mac-default": For the mac version of 4coder - similar to most Mac applications
-Fullscreen now works on Windows without the '-S' flag
-Set up a single 4coder project for Windows/Linux/Mac in one command: <alt x> -> "new project"
New in alpha 4.0.21:
-Color schemes are now loaded in theme files from the "themes" folder
-After loading a project <alt h> sets the hot directory to the project directory
-The flag -L enables a logging system that will collect information in case more information is needed while debugging a problem
-All command line flags after the special flag --custom are now passed to the custom API start hook
-The start hook now gets the list of file names that were specified on the command line
All of the files specified on the command line are loaded before the start hook runs
-It is now possible to set the hot directory from the custom API
-On windows the buildsuper scripts are improved to look for vcvarsall.bat in lots of common locations
New in alpha 4.0.20:
-Option for LAlt + LCtrl = AltGr on Windows is now in config.4coder
-The 4cpp lexer now has a customizable keyword table, *experimental* expansion of language support to:
Rust, C#, Java
Arbitrary keyword customization available in custom code (super users)
New in alpha 4.0.19:
-Lexer now handles string literal prefixes and is more optimized
-Fixes for lingering unicode bugs
-Power users have an experimental new jump to error that keeps correct positions through edits (coming to all tiers soon)
New in alpha 4.0.18:
-Support for rendering unicode characters
-<ctrl t> isearch alpha-numeric word under cursor
-<ctrl Q> query replace alpha-numeric word under cursor
-<alt b> toggle file bar
New in alpha 4.0.17:\n"
-New support for extended ascii input.
-Extended ascii encoded in buffers as utf8.
-The custom layer now has a 'markers' API for tracking buffer positions across changes.
New in alpha 4.0.16:
-<alt 2> If the current file is a C++ code file, this opens the matching header.
If the current file is a C++ header, this opens the matching code file.
-Option to automatically save changes on build in the config file.
This works for builds triggered by <alt m>.
-Option in project files to have certain fkey commands save changes.
New in alpha 4.0.15:
-<ctrl I> find all functions in the current buffer and list them in a jump buffer
-option to set user name in config.4coder
The user name is used in <alt t> and <alt y> comment writing commands
New in alpha 4.0.14:
-Option to have wrap widths automatically adjust based on average view width
-The 'config.4coder' file can now be placed with the 4ed executable file
-New options in 'config.4coder' to specify the font and color theme
-New built in project configuration system
-New on-save hooks allows custom behavior in the custom layer whenever a file is saved
-When using code wrapping, any saved file is automatically indented in the text format, this option can be turned off in config.4coder
New in alpha 4.0.12 and 4.0.13:
-Text files wrap lines at whitespace when possible
-New code wrapping feature is on by default
-Introduced a 'config.4coder' for setting several wrapping options:
enable_code_wrapping: set to false if you want the text like behavior
default_wrap_width: the wrap width to set in new files
-<ctrl 2> decrease the current buffer's wrap width
-<ctrl 3> increase the current buffer's wrap width
-In the customization layer new settings for the buffer are exposed dealing with wrapping
-In the customization layer there is a call for setting what keys the GUI should use
New in alpha 4.0.11:
-The commands for going to next error, previous error, etc now work
on any buffer with jump locations including *search*
-4coder now supports proper, borderless, fullscreen with the flag -F
and fullscreen can be toggled with <control pageup>.
(This sometimes causes artifacts on the Windows task bar)
-<alt E> to exit
-hook on exit for the customization system
-tokens now exposed in customization system
-mouse release events in customization system
New in alpha 4.0.10:
-<ctrl F> list all locations of a string across all open buffers
-Build now finds build.sh and Makefile on Linux
-<alt n> goes to the next error if the *compilation* buffer is open
-<alt N> goes to the previous error
-<alt M> goes to the first error
-<alt .> switch to the compilation buffer
-<alt ,> close the panel viewing the compilation buffer
-New documentation for the 4coder string library included in 4coder_API.html
-Low level allocation calls available in custom API
-Each panel can change font independently.
Per-buffer fonts are exposed in the custom API.
New in alpha 4.0.9:
-A scratch buffer is now opened with 4coder automatically
-A new mouse suppression mode toggled by <F2>
-Hinting is disabled by default, a -h flag on the command line enables it
-New 4coder_API.html documentation file provided for the custom layer API
-Experimental new work-flow for building and jumping to errors
This system is only for MSVC in the 'power' version as of 4.0.9
New in alpha 4.0.8:
-Eliminated the parameter stack
New in alpha 4.0.7:
-Right click sets the mark
-Clicks now have key codes so they can have events bound in customizations
-<alt d> opens a debug view, see more in README.txt
New in alpha 4.0.6:
-Tied the view scrolling and the list arrow navigation together
-Scroll bars are now toggleable with <alt s> for show and <alt w> for hide
New in alpha 4.0.5:
-New indent rule
-app->buffer_compute_cursor in the customization API
-f keys are available in the customization system now
New in alpha 4.0.3 and 4.0.4:
-Scroll bar on files and file lists
-Arrow navigation in lists
-A new minimal theme editor
New in alpha 4.0.2:
-The file count limit is over 8 million now
-File equality is handled better so renamings (such as 'subst') are safe now
-This buffer will report events including errors that happen in 4coder
-Super users can post their own messages here with app->print_message
-<ctrl e> centers view on cursor; cmdid_center_view in customization API
-Set font size on command line with -f N, N = 16 by default