start linux keyboard stuff

This commit is contained in:
Alex Baines 2020-02-03 21:18:46 +00:00
parent 21625b646b
commit 1e7da9c06c
2 changed files with 182 additions and 17 deletions

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@ -82,6 +82,7 @@
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <sys/timerfd.h>
#include <sys/syscall.h>
#define Cursor XCursor
#undef function
@ -90,6 +91,7 @@
#include <X11/cursorfont.h>
#include <X11/Xatom.h>
#include <X11/extensions/Xfixes.h>
#include <X11/keysym.h>
#define function static
#undef Cursor
@ -113,6 +115,29 @@
struct Linux_Input_Chunk_Transient {
Input_List event_list;
b8 mouse_l_press;
b8 mouse_l_release;
b8 mouse_r_press;
b8 mouse_r_release;
b8 out_of_window;
i8 mouse_wheel;
b8 trying_to_kill;
struct Linux_Input_Chunk_Persistent {
Vec2_i32 mouse;
Input_Modifier_Set_Fixed modifiers;
b8 mouse_l;
b8 mouse_r;
struct Linux_Input_Chunk {
Linux_Input_Chunk_Transient trans;
Linux_Input_Chunk_Persistent pers;
struct Linux_Vars {
Thread_Context tctx;
Arena *frame_arena;
@ -125,7 +150,7 @@ struct Linux_Vars {
XIM xim;
XIC xic;
Application_Step_Input input;
Linux_Input_Chunk input;
int epoll;
int step_timer_fd;
@ -280,7 +305,7 @@ linux_system_get_file_list_filter(const struct dirent *dirent) {
internal int
linux_u64_from_timespec(const struct timespec timespec) {
return timespec.tv_nsec + 1000000000 * timespec.tv_sec;
return timespec.tv_nsec + UINT64_C(1000000000) * timespec.tv_sec;
internal File_Attribute_Flag
@ -841,10 +866,102 @@ linux_x11_init(int argc, char** argv, Plat_Settings* settings) {
XSelectInput(linuxvars.dpy,, event_mask);
global Key_Code keycode_lookup_table[255];
internal void
linux_keycode_init(Display* dpy){
struct SymCode { KeySym sym; Key_Code code; };
SymCode sym_table[100];
SymCode* p = sym_table;
for(Key_Code k = KeyCode_A; k <= KeyCode_Z; ++k) {
*p++ = { XK_a + (k - KeyCode_A), k };
for(Key_Code k = KeyCode_0; k <= KeyCode_9; ++k) {
*p++ = { XK_0 + (k - KeyCode_0), k };
*p++ = { XK_space, KeyCode_Space };
*p++ = { XK_grave, KeyCode_Tick };
*p++ = { XK_minus, KeyCode_Minus };
*p++ = { XK_equal, KeyCode_Equal };
*p++ = { XK_bracketleft, KeyCode_LeftBracket };
*p++ = { XK_bracketright, KeyCode_RightBracket };
*p++ = { XK_bracketright, KeyCode_RightBracket };
*p++ = { XK_semicolon, KeyCode_Semicolon };
*p++ = { XK_apostrophe, KeyCode_Quote };
*p++ = { XK_comma, KeyCode_Comma };
*p++ = { XK_period, KeyCode_Period };
*p++ = { XK_slash, KeyCode_ForwardSlash };
*p++ = { XK_backslash, KeyCode_BackwardSlash };
*p++ = { XK_Tab, KeyCode_Tab };
*p++ = { XK_Escape, KeyCode_Escape };
*p++ = { XK_Pause, KeyCode_Pause };
*p++ = { XK_Up, KeyCode_Up };
*p++ = { XK_Down, KeyCode_Down };
*p++ = { XK_Left, KeyCode_Left };
*p++ = { XK_Right, KeyCode_Right };
*p++ = { XK_BackSpace, KeyCode_Backspace };
*p++ = { XK_Return, KeyCode_Return };
*p++ = { XK_Delete, KeyCode_Delete };
*p++ = { XK_Insert, KeyCode_Insert };
*p++ = { XK_Home, KeyCode_Home };
*p++ = { XK_End, KeyCode_End };
*p++ = { XK_Page_Up, KeyCode_PageUp };
*p++ = { XK_Page_Down, KeyCode_PageDown };
*p++ = { XK_Caps_Lock, KeyCode_CapsLock };
*p++ = { XK_Num_Lock, KeyCode_NumLock };
*p++ = { XK_Scroll_Lock, KeyCode_ScrollLock };
*p++ = { XK_Menu, KeyCode_Menu };
*p++ = { XK_Shift_L, KeyCode_Shift };
*p++ = { XK_Shift_R, KeyCode_Shift };
*p++ = { XK_Control_L, KeyCode_Control };
*p++ = { XK_Control_R, KeyCode_Control };
*p++ = { XK_Alt_L, KeyCode_Alt };
*p++ = { XK_Alt_R, KeyCode_Alt };
*p++ = { XK_Super_L, KeyCode_Command };
*p++ = { XK_Super_R, KeyCode_Command };
for(Key_Code k = KeyCode_F1; k <= KeyCode_F16; ++k) {
*p++ = { XK_F1 + (k - KeyCode_F1), k };
const int table_size = p - sym_table;
Assert(table_size < ArrayCount(sym_table));
int key_min, key_max, syms_per_code;
XDisplayKeycodes(dpy, &key_min, &key_max);
int key_count = (key_max - key_min) + 1;
KeySym* syms = XGetKeyboardMapping(dpy, key_min, key_count, &syms_per_code);
if (syms == 0){
int key = key_min;
for(int i = 0; i < key_count * syms_per_code; ++i){
for(int j = 0; j < table_size; ++j){
if (sym_table[j].sym == syms[i]){
keycode_lookup_table[key + (i/syms_per_code)] = sym_table[j].code;
internal b32
linux_handle_x11_events() {
static XEvent prev_event = {};
b32 should_step = false;
while (XPending(linuxvars.dpy)) {
XEvent event;
XNextEvent(linuxvars.dpy, &event);
@ -854,6 +971,58 @@ linux_handle_x11_events() {
switch(event.type) {
case KeyPress: {
should_step = true;
b32 is_hold = (prev_event.type == KeyRelease &&
prev_event.xkey.time == event.xkey.time &&
prev_event.xkey.keycode == event.xkey.keycode);
Input_Modifier_Set_Fixed* mods = &linuxvars.input.pers.modifiers;
int state = event.xkey.state;
set_modifier(mods, KeyCode_Shift, state & ShiftMask);
set_modifier(mods, KeyCode_Control, state & ControlMask);
set_modifier(mods, KeyCode_CapsLock, state & LockMask);
set_modifier(mods, KeyCode_Alt, state & Mod1Mask);
event.xkey.state &= ~(ControlMask);
Status status;
KeySym keysym = NoSymbol;
u8 buff[32] = {};
Xutf8LookupString(linuxvars.xic, &event.xkey, (char*)buff, sizeof(buff) - 1, &keysym, &status);
if (status == XBufferOverflow){
//TODO(inso): handle properly
// don't push modifiers
if (keysym >= XK_Shift_L && keysym <= XK_Hyper_R){
if (keysym == XK_ISO_Left_Tab){
//text = '\t';
add_modifier(mods, KeyCode_Shift);
// TODO: use keycode_lookup_table, push the key and text.
} break;
case MappingNotify: {
if (event.xmapping.request == MappingModifier || event.xmapping.request == MappingKeyboard){
} break;
@ -1043,6 +1212,7 @@ main(int argc, char **argv){
linux_x11_init(argc, argv, &plat_settings);
// TODO(inso): move to x11 init?
XCursor xcursors[APP_MOUSE_CURSOR_COUNT] = {
@ -1127,15 +1297,14 @@ main(int argc, char **argv){
XConvertSelection(linuxvars.dpy, linuxvars.atom_CLIPBOARD, linuxvars.atom_UTF8_STRING, linuxvars.atom_CLIPBOARD,, CurrentTime);
Application_Step_Input frame_input = {};
if (linuxvars.received_new_clipboard){
linuxvars.input.clipboard = linuxvars.clipboard_contents;
frame_input.clipboard = linuxvars.clipboard_contents;
linuxvars.received_new_clipboard = false;
} else {
linuxvars.input.clipboard = {};
Application_Step_Input frame_input = linuxvars.input;
// TODO:
// TODO: fill the rest of it
frame_input.trying_to_kill = !keep_running;
// NOTE(allen): Application Core Update
@ -1165,7 +1334,7 @@ main(int argc, char **argv){
// NOTE(allen): Switch to New Cursor
if (result.mouse_cursor_type != linuxvars.cursor && !linuxvars.input.mouse.l){
if (result.mouse_cursor_type != linuxvars.cursor && !linuxvars.input.pers.mouse_l){
XCursor c = xcursors[result.mouse_cursor_type];
if (linuxvars.cursor_show){
XDefineCursor(linuxvars.dpy,, c);

View File

@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ system_wake_up_timer_set(Plat_Handle handle, u32 time_milliseconds){
struct itimerspec it = {};
it.it_value.tv_sec = time_milliseconds / 1000;
it.it_value.tv_nsec = (time_milliseconds % 1000) * 1000000UL;
it.it_value.tv_nsec = (time_milliseconds % 1000) * UINT64_C(1000000);
struct epoll_event ev; = EPOLLIN | EPOLLET | EPOLLONESHOT;
@ -449,13 +449,9 @@ system_thread_free(System_Thread thread){
internal i32
pthread_t tid = pthread_self();
// WELP hope it doesn't collide
i32 shorter_id = ((u64)tid >> 32) ^ ((u32)tid & bitmask_32);
return shorter_id;
pid_t id = syscall(__NR_gettid);
LINUX_FN_DEBUG("%d", id);
return id;
internal void