Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into linux-update
This commit is contained in:
@ -256,18 +256,6 @@ App_Init_Sig(app_init){
text_layout_init(tctx, &models->text_layouts);
// NOTE(allen): clipboard setup
models->working_set.clipboard_max_size = ArrayCount(models->working_set.clipboards);
models->working_set.clipboard_size = 0;
models->working_set.clipboard_current = 0;
models->working_set.clipboard_rolling = 0;
// TODO(allen): do(better clipboard allocation)
if (clipboard.str != 0){
String_Const_u8 *dest = working_set_next_clipboard_string(&models->heap, &models->working_set, clipboard.size);
block_copy(dest->str, clipboard.str, clipboard.size);
// NOTE(allen): style setup
Scratch_Block scratch(tctx);
@ -335,7 +323,7 @@ App_Step_Sig(app_step){
Models *models = (Models*)base_ptr;
Mutex_Lock file_order_lock(models->working_set.mutex);
Scratch_Block scratch(tctx, Scratch_Share);
Scratch_Block scratch(tctx);
models->next_animate_delay = max_u32;
models->animate_next_frame = false;
@ -346,13 +334,8 @@ App_Step_Sig(app_step){
models->input = input;
// NOTE(allen): OS clipboard event handling
String_Const_u8 clipboard = input->clipboard;
if (clipboard.str != 0){
String_Const_u8 *dest = working_set_next_clipboard_string(&models->heap, &models->working_set, clipboard.size);
dest->size = eol_convert_in((char*)dest->str, (char*)clipboard.str, (i32)clipboard.size);
if (input->clipboard_changed){
co_send_core_event(tctx, models, CoreCode_NewClipboardContents, *dest);
if (input->clipboard.str != 0){
co_send_core_event(tctx, models, CoreCode_NewClipboardContents, input->clipboard);
// NOTE(allen): reorganizing panels on screen
@ -387,7 +370,6 @@ App_Step_Sig(app_step){
if (system_cli_update_step(cli, dest, max, &amount)){
if (file != 0 && amount > 0){
amount = eol_in_place_convert_in(dest, amount);
output_file_append(tctx, models, file, SCu8(dest, amount));
edited_file = true;
@ -32,12 +32,12 @@ struct Plat_Settings{
#define App_Read_Command_Line_Sig(name) \
void *name(Thread_Context *tctx,\
String_Const_u8 current_directory,\
Plat_Settings *plat_settings,\
char ***files, \
i32 **file_count,\
i32 argc, \
char **argv)
String_Const_u8 current_directory,\
Plat_Settings *plat_settings,\
char ***files, \
i32 **file_count,\
i32 argc, \
char **argv)
typedef App_Read_Command_Line_Sig(App_Read_Command_Line);
@ -48,11 +48,10 @@ struct Custom_API{
#define App_Init_Sig(name) \
void name(Thread_Context *tctx, \
Render_Target *target, \
void *base_ptr, \
String_Const_u8 clipboard,\
String_Const_u8 current_directory,\
Custom_API api)
Render_Target *target, \
void *base_ptr, \
String_Const_u8 current_directory,\
Custom_API api)
typedef App_Init_Sig(App_Init);
@ -73,15 +72,14 @@ struct Application_Step_Input{
Mouse_State mouse;
Input_List events;
String_Const_u8 clipboard;
b32 clipboard_changed;
b32 trying_to_kill;
#define App_Step_Sig(name) Application_Step_Result \
name(Thread_Context *tctx, \
Render_Target *target, \
void *base_ptr, \
Application_Step_Input *input)
Render_Target *target, \
void *base_ptr, \
Application_Step_Input *input)
typedef App_Step_Sig(App_Step);
@ -206,35 +206,6 @@ child_process_get_state(Application_Links *app, Child_Process_ID child_process_i
return(child_process_get_state(&models->child_processes, child_process_id));
api(custom) function b32
clipboard_post(Application_Links *app, i32 clipboard_id, String_Const_u8 string)
Models *models = (Models*)app->cmd_context;
String_Const_u8 *dest = working_set_next_clipboard_string(&models->heap, &models->working_set, (i32)string.size);
block_copy(dest->str, string.str, string.size);
api(custom) function i32
clipboard_count(Application_Links *app, i32 clipboard_id)
Models *models = (Models*)app->cmd_context;
api(custom) function String_Const_u8
push_clipboard_index(Application_Links *app, Arena *arena, i32 clipboard_id, i32 item_index)
Models *models = (Models*)app->cmd_context;
String_Const_u8 *str = working_set_clipboard_index(&models->working_set, item_index);
String_Const_u8 result = {};
if (str != 0){
result = push_string_copy(arena, *str);
api(custom) function b32
enqueue_virtual_event(Application_Links *app, Input_Event *event){
Models *models = (Models*)app->cmd_context;
@ -2767,6 +2738,40 @@ set_window_title(Application_Links *app, String_Const_u8 title)
models->title_space[copy_size] = 0;
api(custom) function void
acquire_global_frame_mutex(Application_Links *app){
Thread_Context *tctx = app->tctx;
Thread_Context_Extra_Info *tctx_info = (Thread_Context_Extra_Info*)tctx->user_data;
if (tctx_info != 0 && tctx_info->coroutine != 0){
Coroutine *coroutine = (Coroutine*)tctx_info->coroutine;
Assert(coroutine != 0);
Co_Out *out = (Co_Out*)coroutine->out;
out->request = CoRequest_AcquireGlobalFrameMutex;
api(custom) function void
release_global_frame_mutex(Application_Links *app){
Thread_Context *tctx = app->tctx;
Thread_Context_Extra_Info *tctx_info = (Thread_Context_Extra_Info*)tctx->user_data;
if (tctx_info != 0 && tctx_info->coroutine != 0){
Coroutine *coroutine = (Coroutine*)tctx_info->coroutine;
Assert(coroutine != 0);
Co_Out *out = (Co_Out*)coroutine->out;
out->request = CoRequest_ReleaseGlobalFrameMutex;
api(custom) function Vec2_f32
draw_string_oriented(Application_Links *app, Face_ID font_id, ARGB_Color color,
String_Const_u8 str, Vec2_f32 point, u32 flags, Vec2_f32 delta)
@ -1,196 +1,196 @@
* Mr. 4th Dimention - Allen Webster
* 06.05.2016 (
* Global app level settings definition
// TOP
#if !defined(FRED_APP_MODELS_H)
struct App_Settings{
char *init_files[8];
i32 init_files_count;
i32 init_files_max;
char **custom_flags;
i32 custom_flags_count;
i32 initial_line;
b32 lctrl_lalt_is_altgr;
i32 font_size;
b32 use_hinting;
enum App_State{
// never below this
struct Model_View_Command_Function{
Model_View_Command_Function *next;
Custom_Command_Function *custom_func;
View_ID view_id;
struct Model_Input_Event_Node{
Model_Input_Event_Node *next;
Input_Event event;
struct Models{
Arena arena_;
Arena *arena;
Heap heap;
App_Settings settings;
App_State state;
Face_ID global_face_id;
Coroutine_Group coroutines;
Child_Process_Container child_processes;
Custom_API config_api;
Tick_Function *tick;
Render_Caller_Function *render_caller;
Delta_Rule_Function *delta_rule;
u64 delta_rule_memory_size;
Hook_Function *buffer_viewer_update;
Custom_Command_Function *view_event_handler;
Buffer_Name_Resolver_Function *buffer_name_resolver;
Buffer_Hook_Function *begin_buffer;
Buffer_Hook_Function *end_buffer;
Buffer_Hook_Function *new_file;
Buffer_Hook_Function *save_file;
Buffer_Edit_Range_Function *buffer_edit_range;
Buffer_Region_Function *buffer_region;
Layout_Function *layout_func;
Color_Table color_table_;
Model_View_Command_Function *free_view_cmd_funcs;
Model_View_Command_Function *first_view_cmd_func;
Model_View_Command_Function *last_view_cmd_func;
Arena *virtual_event_arena;
Model_Input_Event_Node *free_virtual_event;
Model_Input_Event_Node *first_virtual_event;
Model_Input_Event_Node *last_virtual_event;
Layout layout;
Working_Set working_set;
Live_Views view_set;
Global_History global_history;
Text_Layout_Container text_layouts;
Font_Set font_set;
Managed_ID_Set managed_id_set;
Dynamic_Workspace dynamic_workspace;
Lifetime_Allocator lifetime_allocator;
Editing_File *message_buffer;
Editing_File *scratch_buffer;
Editing_File *log_buffer;
Editing_File *keyboard_buffer;
Hot_Directory hot_directory;
b8 keep_playing;
b8 hard_exit;
b32 has_new_title;
char *title_space;
i32 title_capacity;
Panel *resizing_intermediate_panel;
Plat_Handle period_wakeup_timer;
i32 frame_counter;
u32 next_animate_delay;
b32 animate_next_frame;
Profile_Global_List profile_list;
// Last frame state
Vec2_i32 prev_p;
Panel *prev_mouse_panel;
b32 animated_last_frame;
u64 last_render_usecond_stamp;
// Event Context
Application_Step_Input *input;
i64 current_input_sequence_number;
User_Input current_input;
b8 current_input_unhandled;
b8 in_render_mode;
Render_Target *target;
typedef i32 Dynamic_Workspace_Type;
DynamicWorkspace_Global = 0,
DynamicWorkspace_Unassociated = 1,
DynamicWorkspace_Buffer = 2,
DynamicWorkspace_View = 3,
DynamicWorkspace_Intersected = 4,
enum Input_Types{
struct Consumption_Record{
b32 consumed;
char consumer[32];
struct File_Init{
String_Const_u8 name;
Editing_File **ptr;
b32 read_only;
enum Command_Line_Action{
enum Command_Line_Mode{
* Mr. 4th Dimention - Allen Webster
* 06.05.2016 (
* Global app level settings definition
// TOP
#if !defined(FRED_APP_MODELS_H)
struct App_Settings{
char *init_files[8];
i32 init_files_count;
i32 init_files_max;
char **custom_flags;
i32 custom_flags_count;
i32 initial_line;
b32 lctrl_lalt_is_altgr;
i32 font_size;
b32 use_hinting;
enum App_State{
// never below this
struct Model_View_Command_Function{
Model_View_Command_Function *next;
Custom_Command_Function *custom_func;
View_ID view_id;
struct Model_Input_Event_Node{
Model_Input_Event_Node *next;
Input_Event event;
struct Models{
Arena arena_;
Arena *arena;
Heap heap;
App_Settings settings;
App_State state;
Face_ID global_face_id;
Coroutine_Group coroutines;
Child_Process_Container child_processes;
Custom_API config_api;
Tick_Function *tick;
Render_Caller_Function *render_caller;
Delta_Rule_Function *delta_rule;
u64 delta_rule_memory_size;
Hook_Function *buffer_viewer_update;
Custom_Command_Function *view_event_handler;
Buffer_Name_Resolver_Function *buffer_name_resolver;
Buffer_Hook_Function *begin_buffer;
Buffer_Hook_Function *end_buffer;
Buffer_Hook_Function *new_file;
Buffer_Hook_Function *save_file;
Buffer_Edit_Range_Function *buffer_edit_range;
Buffer_Region_Function *buffer_region;
Layout_Function *layout_func;
Color_Table color_table_;
Model_View_Command_Function *free_view_cmd_funcs;
Model_View_Command_Function *first_view_cmd_func;
Model_View_Command_Function *last_view_cmd_func;
Arena *virtual_event_arena;
Model_Input_Event_Node *free_virtual_event;
Model_Input_Event_Node *first_virtual_event;
Model_Input_Event_Node *last_virtual_event;
Layout layout;
Working_Set working_set;
Live_Views view_set;
Global_History global_history;
Text_Layout_Container text_layouts;
Font_Set font_set;
Managed_ID_Set managed_id_set;
Dynamic_Workspace dynamic_workspace;
Lifetime_Allocator lifetime_allocator;
Editing_File *message_buffer;
Editing_File *scratch_buffer;
Editing_File *log_buffer;
Editing_File *keyboard_buffer;
Hot_Directory hot_directory;
b8 keep_playing;
b8 hard_exit;
b32 has_new_title;
char *title_space;
i32 title_capacity;
Panel *resizing_intermediate_panel;
Plat_Handle period_wakeup_timer;
i32 frame_counter;
u32 next_animate_delay;
b32 animate_next_frame;
Profile_Global_List profile_list;
// Last frame state
Vec2_i32 prev_p;
Panel *prev_mouse_panel;
b32 animated_last_frame;
u64 last_render_usecond_stamp;
// Event Context
Application_Step_Input *input;
i64 current_input_sequence_number;
User_Input current_input;
b8 current_input_unhandled;
b8 in_render_mode;
Render_Target *target;
typedef i32 Dynamic_Workspace_Type;
DynamicWorkspace_Global = 0,
DynamicWorkspace_Unassociated = 1,
DynamicWorkspace_Buffer = 2,
DynamicWorkspace_View = 3,
DynamicWorkspace_Intersected = 4,
enum Input_Types{
struct Consumption_Record{
b32 consumed;
char consumer[32];
struct File_Init{
String_Const_u8 name;
Editing_File **ptr;
b32 read_only;
enum Command_Line_Action{
enum Command_Line_Mode{
@ -172,96 +172,6 @@ buffer_update_cursors_lean_r(Cursor_With_Index *sorted_positions, i32 count,
internal i32
eol_convert_in(char *dest, char *src, i32 size){
i32 i = 0;
i32 j = 0;
i32 k = 0;
for (; j < size && src[j] != '\r'; ++j);
block_copy(dest, src, j);
if (j < size){
k = 1;
for (i = j; i < size; ++i){
if (src[i] == '\r'){
block_copy(dest + j - k, src + j, i - j);
j = i+1;
block_copy(dest + j - k, src + j, i - j);
j = i - k;
internal i32
eol_in_place_convert_in(char *data, i32 size){
i32 i = 0;
i32 j = 0;
i32 k = 0;
for (; j < size && data[j] != '\r'; ++j);
if (j < size){
k = 1;
for (i = j; i < size; ++i){
if (data[i] == '\r'){
block_copy(data + j - k, data + j, i - j);
j = i+1;
block_copy(data + j - k, data + j, i - j);
j = i - k;
// TODO(allen): iterative memory check?
internal b32
eol_convert_out(char *dest, i64 max, char *src, i64 size, i64 *size_out){
i64 j = 0;
for (i64 i = 0; i < size; ++i, ++j){
if (src[i] == '\n'){
dest[j] = '\r';
dest[j] = '\n';
dest[j] = src[i];
*size_out = j;
// TODO(allen): iterative memory check?
internal i32
eol_in_place_convert_out(char *data, i32 size, i32 max, i32 *size_out){
i32 result = 1;
i32 i = 0;
for (; i < size; ++i){
if (data[i] == '\n'){
block_copy(data + i + 1, data + i, size - i);
data[i] = '\r';
*size_out = size;
internal b32
buffer_good(Gap_Buffer *buffer){
return(buffer->data != 0);
@ -442,8 +442,8 @@ file_relative_xy_of_pos(Thread_Context *tctx, Models *models, Editing_File *file
function Rect_f32
file_padded_box_of_pos(Thread_Context *tctx, Models *models, Editing_File *file,
Layout_Function *layout_func, f32 width, Face *face,
i64 base_line, i64 pos){
Layout_Function *layout_func, f32 width, Face *face,
i64 base_line, i64 pos){
i64 line_number = buffer_get_line_index(&file->state.buffer, pos) + 1;
Layout_Item_List line = file_get_line_layout(tctx, models, file, layout_func, width, face, line_number);
Rect_f32 result = layout_padded_box_of_pos(line, pos);
@ -1,254 +0,0 @@
* Mr. 4th Dimention - Allen Webster
* 20.08.2016
* File tracking shared.
// TOP
struct File_Index{
u32 id[4];
typedef u32 rptr32;
#define to_ptr(b,p) ((void*)((char*)b + p))
#define to_rptr32(b,p) ((rptr32)((char*)(p) - (char*)(b)))
struct File_Track_Entry{
File_Index hash;
u32 opaque[4];
global_const File_Track_Entry null_file_track_entry = {};
struct File_Track_Tables{
i32 size;
u32 tracked_count;
u32 max;
rptr32 file_table;
struct DLL_Node {
DLL_Node *next;
DLL_Node *prev;
internal File_Index
File_Index a = {};
internal i32
file_hash_is_zero(File_Index a){
return (([0] == 0) &&
([1] == 0) &&
([2] == 0) &&
([3] == 0));
internal i32
file_hash_is_deleted(File_Index a){
return (([0] == 0xFFFFFFFF) &&
([1] == 0xFFFFFFFF) &&
([2] == 0xFFFFFFFF) &&
([3] == 0xFFFFFFFF));
internal i32
file_index_eq(File_Index a, File_Index b){
return (([0] ==[0]) &&
([1] ==[1]) &&
([2] ==[2]) &&
([3] ==[3]));
internal void
insert_node(DLL_Node *pos, DLL_Node *node){
node->prev = pos;
node->next = pos->next;
pos->next = node;
node->next->prev = node;
internal void
remove_node(DLL_Node *node){
node->next->prev = node->prev;
node->prev->next = node->next;
internal void
init_sentinel_node(DLL_Node *node){
node->next = node;
node->prev = node;
internal DLL_Node*
allocate_node(DLL_Node *sentinel){
DLL_Node *result = 0;
if (sentinel->next != sentinel){
result = sentinel->next;
#define FILE_ENTRY_COST (sizeof(File_Track_Entry))
internal i32
tracking_system_has_space(File_Track_Tables *tables, i32 new_count){
u32 count = tables->tracked_count;
u32 max = tables->max;
i32 result = ((count + new_count)*8 < max*7);
internal i32
entry_is_available(File_Track_Entry *entry){
i32 result = 0;
if (entry){
result =
file_hash_is_zero(entry->hash) ||
return (result);
internal File_Track_Entry*
tracking_system_lookup_entry(File_Track_Tables *tables, File_Index key){
u32 hash =[0];
u32 max = tables->max;
u32 index = (hash) % max;
u32 start = index;
File_Track_Entry *entries = (File_Track_Entry*)to_ptr(tables, tables->file_table);
File_Track_Entry* result = 0;
for (;;){
File_Track_Entry *entry = entries + index;
if (file_index_eq(entry->hash, key)){
result = entry;
else if (file_hash_is_zero(entry->hash)){
if (result == 0){
result = entry;
else if (file_hash_is_deleted(entry->hash)){
if (result == 0){
result = entry;
if (index == max) index = 0;
if (index == start) break;
internal File_Track_Entry*
get_file_entry(File_Track_Tables *tables, File_Index index){
File_Track_Entry *entry = 0;
File_Track_Entry *result = tracking_system_lookup_entry(tables, index);
if (result && file_index_eq(index, result->hash)){
entry = result;
internal void
internal_free_slot(File_Track_Tables *tables, File_Track_Entry *entry){
*entry = null_file_track_entry;
entry->[0] = 0xFFFFFFFF;
entry->[1] = 0xFFFFFFFF;
entry->[2] = 0xFFFFFFFF;
entry->[3] = 0xFFFFFFFF;
internal i32
enough_memory_to_init_table(i32 table_memory_size){
i32 result = (sizeof(File_Track_Tables) + FILE_ENTRY_COST*8 <= table_memory_size);
internal void
init_table_memory(File_Track_Tables *tables, i32 table_memory_size){
tables->size = table_memory_size;
tables->tracked_count = 0;
i32 max_number_of_entries = (table_memory_size - sizeof(*tables)) / FILE_ENTRY_COST;
tables->file_table = sizeof(*tables);
tables->max = max_number_of_entries;
internal File_Track_Result
move_table_memory(File_Track_Tables *original_tables,
void *mem, i32 size){
File_Track_Result result = FileTrack_Good;
if (original_tables->size < size){
File_Track_Tables *tables = (File_Track_Tables*)mem;
// NOTE(allen): Initialize main data tables
tables->size = size;
i32 likely_entry_size = FILE_ENTRY_COST;
i32 max_number_of_entries = (size - sizeof(*tables)) / likely_entry_size;
tables->file_table = sizeof(*tables);
tables->max = max_number_of_entries;
if (tables->max > original_tables->max){
u32 original_max = original_tables->max;
// NOTE(allen): Rehash the tracking table
File_Track_Entry *entries = (File_Track_Entry*)
to_ptr(original_tables, original_tables->file_table);
for (u32 index = 0; index < original_max; ++index){
File_Track_Entry *entry = entries + index;
if (!entry_is_available(entry)){
File_Index hash = entry->hash;
File_Track_Entry *lookup =
tracking_system_lookup_entry(tables, hash);
*lookup = *entry;
tables->tracked_count = original_tables->tracked_count;
result = FileTrack_MemoryTooSmall;
result = FileTrack_MemoryTooSmall;
@ -117,9 +117,23 @@ define_api(Arena *arena){
api_param(arena, call, "u64", "microseconds");
API_Call *call = api_call(arena, api, "get_clipboard", "String_Const_u8");
api_param(arena, call, "Arena*", "arena");
api_param(arena, call, "i32", "index");
API_Call *call = api_call(arena, api, "post_clipboard", "void");
api_param(arena, call, "String_Const_u8", "str");
api_param(arena, call, "i32", "index");
API_Call *call = api_call(arena, api, "set_clipboard_catch_all", "void");
api_param(arena, call, "b32", "enabled");
api_call(arena, api, "get_clipboard_catch_all", "b32");
@ -174,7 +188,7 @@ define_api(Arena *arena){
api_call(arena, api, "thread_get_id", "i32");
api_call(arena, api, "thread_get_id", "i32");
@ -188,7 +202,7 @@ api_call(arena, api, "thread_get_id", "i32");
api_call(arena, api, "mutex_make", "System_Mutex");
api_call(arena, api, "mutex_make", "System_Mutex");
@ -207,8 +221,8 @@ api_call(arena, api, "mutex_make", "System_Mutex");
api_call(arena, api, "condition_variable_make",
api_call(arena, api, "condition_variable_make",
@ -262,7 +276,7 @@ api_call(arena, api, "condition_variable_make",
api_call(arena, api, "is_fullscreen", "b32");
api_call(arena, api, "is_fullscreen", "b32");
@ -511,7 +511,7 @@ view_current_context(View *view){
internal Coroutine*
co_handle_request(Models *models, Coroutine *co, Co_Out *out){
co_handle_request(Thread_Context *tctx, Models *models, Coroutine *co, Co_Out *out){
Coroutine *result = 0;
switch (out->request){
case CoRequest_NewFontFace:
@ -531,6 +531,18 @@ co_handle_request(Models *models, Coroutine *co, Co_Out *out){
in.success = font_set_modify_face(&models->font_set, face_id, description);
result = coroutine_run(&models->coroutines, co, &in, out);
case CoRequest_AcquireGlobalFrameMutex:
result = coroutine_run(&models->coroutines, co, 0, out);
case CoRequest_ReleaseGlobalFrameMutex:
result = coroutine_run(&models->coroutines, co, 0, out);
@ -539,7 +551,7 @@ internal Coroutine*
co_run(Thread_Context *tctx, Models *models, Coroutine *co, Co_In *in, Co_Out *out){
Coroutine *result = coroutine_run(&models->coroutines, co, in, out);
for (;result != 0 && out->request != CoRequest_None;){
result = co_handle_request(models, result, out);
result = co_handle_request(tctx, models, result, out);
@ -29,6 +29,8 @@ enum{
CoRequest_None = 0,
CoRequest_NewFontFace = 1,
CoRequest_ModifyFace = 2,
CoRequest_AcquireGlobalFrameMutex = 3,
CoRequest_ReleaseGlobalFrameMutex = 4,
struct Co_Out{
@ -206,7 +206,19 @@ get_file_from_identifier(Working_Set *working_set, Buffer_Identifier buffer){
#if 0
// TODO(allen): Bring the clipboard fully to the custom side.
internal void
working_set_clipboard_clear(Heap *heap, Working_Set *working){
String_Const_u8 *str = working->clipboards;
for (i32 i = 0; i < working->clipboard_size; i += 1, str += 1){
heap_free(heap, str->str);
working->clipboard_size = 0;
working->clipboard_current = 0;
internal String_Const_u8*
working_set_next_clipboard_string(Heap *heap, Working_Set *working, u64 str_size){
i32 clipboard_current = working->clipboard_current;
@ -225,7 +237,6 @@ working_set_next_clipboard_string(Heap *heap, Working_Set *working, u64 str_size
String_Const_u8 *result = &working->clipboards[clipboard_current];
working->clipboard_current = clipboard_current;
working->clipboard_rolling = clipboard_current;
if (result->str != 0){
heap_free(heap, result->str);
@ -247,28 +258,7 @@ working_set_clipboard_index(Working_Set *working, i32 index){
internal String_Const_u8*
working_set_clipboard_head(Working_Set *working){
String_Const_u8 *result = 0;
if (working->clipboard_size > 0){
working->clipboard_rolling = 0;
result = working_set_clipboard_index(working, working->clipboard_rolling);
internal String_Const_u8*
working_set_clipboard_roll_down(Working_Set *working){
String_Const_u8 *result = 0;
if (working->clipboard_size > 0){
i32 clipboard_index = working->clipboard_rolling;
working->clipboard_rolling = clipboard_index;
result = working_set_clipboard_index(working, working->clipboard_rolling);
@ -34,15 +34,6 @@ struct Working_Set{
Node has_external_mod_sentinel;
System_Mutex mutex;
System_Thread file_change_thread;
// TODO(allen): do(update clipboard system to exist fully in the custom layer)
// NOTE(allen): These members have nothing to do with the working set or
// the mutex that gaurds the other members.
String_Const_u8 clipboards[64];
i32 clipboard_size;
i32 clipboard_max_size;
i32 clipboard_current;
i32 clipboard_rolling;
@ -512,8 +512,19 @@ buildsuper(Arena *arena, char *cdir, char *file, u32 arch){
Temp_Dir temp = fm_pushdir(fm_str(arena, BUILD_DIR));
char *build_script_postfix = "";
if (This_OS == Platform_Mac){
build_script_postfix = "-mac";
switch (This_OS){
case Platform_Windows:
build_script_postfix = "-win";
case Platform_Linux:
build_script_postfix = "-linux";
case Platform_Mac:
build_script_postfix = "-mac";
char *build_script = fm_str(arena, "custom/bin/buildsuper_", arch_names[arch], build_script_postfix, BAT);
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ SET fake=%1
SET maj=%2
SET min=%3
SET vr=%fake%-%maj%-%min%
SET vr=%fake%.%maj%.%min%
SET fv=%fake%-%maj%-%min%
SET flags=--fix-permissions --userversion=%vr%
@ -92,21 +92,17 @@ async_task_thread(void *thread_ptr){
thread->node = node;
thread->task = node->task;
thread->cancel_signal = false;
thread->join_signal = false;
node->func(&ctx, node->data);
if (thread->join_signal){
node->thread = 0;
thread->node = 0;
thread->task = 0;
thread->cancel_signal = false;
thread->join_signal = false;
async_free_node(async_system, node);
@ -179,19 +175,42 @@ async_task_is_running(Async_System *async_system, Async_Task task){
function b32
async_task_is_running_or_pending(Async_System *async_system, Async_Task task){
async_task_is_running_or_pending__inner(Async_System *async_system, Async_Task task){
Async_Node *node = async_get_pending_node(async_system, task);
if (node != 0){
if (node == 0){
node = async_get_running_node(async_system, task);
return(node != 0);
// TODO(allen): ensure that the job is canceled before this returns.
function b32
async_task_is_running_or_pending(Async_System *async_system, Async_Task task){
b32 result = async_task_is_running_or_pending__inner(async_system, task);
function void
async_task_cancel(Async_System *async_system, Async_Task task){
async_task_wait__inner(Application_Links *app, Async_System *async_system, Async_Task task){
for (;async_task_is_running_or_pending__inner(async_system, task);){
system_condition_variable_wait(async_system->join_cv, async_system->mutex);
function void
async_task_wait(Application_Links *app, Async_System *async_system, Async_Task task){
if (async_task_is_running_or_pending__inner(async_system, task)){
async_task_wait__inner(app, async_system, task);
function void
async_task_cancel(Application_Links *app, Async_System *async_system, Async_Task task){
Async_Node *node = async_get_pending_node(async_system, task);
if (node != 0){
@ -204,6 +223,7 @@ async_task_cancel(Async_System *async_system, Async_Task task){
if (node != 0){
b32 *cancel_signal = &node->thread->cancel_signal;
atomic_write_b32(cancel_signal, true);
async_task_wait__inner(app, async_system, task);
@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ struct Async_Thread{
struct Async_Node *node;
Async_Task task;
b32 cancel_signal;
b32 join_signal;
struct Async_Node{
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ make_batch_from_indentations(Application_Links *app, Arena *arena, Buffer_ID buf
if (indent_info.is_blank && HasFlag(flags, Indent_ClearLine)){
correct_indentation = 0;
if (correct_indentation == -1){
if (correct_indentation <= -1){
correct_indentation = indent_info.indent_pos;
@ -166,8 +166,14 @@ get_indentation_array(Application_Links *app, Arena *arena, Buffer_ID buffer, Ra
i64 *shifted_indentations = indentations - lines.first;
block_fill_u64(indentations, sizeof(*indentations)*count, (u64)(-1));
#if 0
Managed_Scope scope = buffer_get_managed_scope(app, buffer);
Token_Array *tokens = scope_attachment(app, scope, attachment_tokens, Token_Array);
Token_Array token_array = get_token_array_from_buffer(app, buffer);
Token_Array *tokens = &token_array;
i64 anchor_line = clamp_bot(1, lines.first - 1);
Token *anchor_token = find_anchor_token(app, buffer, tokens, anchor_line);
if (anchor_token != 0 &&
@ -268,10 +274,10 @@ get_indentation_array(Application_Links *app, Arena *arena, Buffer_ID buffer, Ra
//ignore_unfinished_statement = true;
if (in_unfinished_statement && !ignore_unfinished_statement){
this_indent += indent_width;
if (in_unfinished_statement && !ignore_unfinished_statement){
this_indent += indent_width;
#define EMIT(N) \
@ -342,11 +348,11 @@ actual_indent = N; )
internal b32
auto_indent_buffer(Application_Links *app, Buffer_ID buffer, Range_i64 pos, Indent_Flag flags, i32 tab_width, i32 indent_width){
ProfileScope(app, "auto indent buffer");
Managed_Scope scope = buffer_get_managed_scope(app, buffer);
Token_Array *tokens = scope_attachment(app, scope, attachment_tokens, Token_Array);
Token_Array token_array = get_token_array_from_buffer(app, buffer);
Token_Array *tokens = &token_array;
b32 result = false;
if (tokens != 0 && tokens->tokens != 0){
if (tokens->tokens != 0){
result = true;
Scratch_Block scratch(app);
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
4coder_base_commands.cpp - Base commands such as inserting characters, and
4coder_base_commands.cpp - Base commands such as inserting characters, and
moving the cursor, which work even without the default 4coder framework.
@ -584,37 +584,73 @@ CUSTOM_DOC("Converts all ascii text in the range between the cursor and the mark
view_set_cursor_and_preferred_x(app, view, seek_pos(range.max));
function void
clean_all_lines_buffer(Application_Links *app, Buffer_ID buffer){
ProfileScope(app, "clean all lines");
Scratch_Block scratch(app);
Batch_Edit *batch_first = 0;
Batch_Edit *batch_last = 0;
i64 line_count = buffer_get_line_count(app, buffer);
for (i64 line_number = 1; line_number <= line_count; line_number += 1){
i64 line_start = get_line_side_pos(app, buffer, line_number, Side_Min);
i64 line_end = get_line_side_pos(app, buffer, line_number, Side_Max);
u8 prev = buffer_get_char(app, buffer, line_end - 1);
b32 has_cr_character = false;
b32 has_tail_whitespace = false;
if (prev == '\r'){
has_cr_character = true;
if (line_end - 2 >= line_start){
prev = buffer_get_char(app, buffer, line_end - 2);
has_tail_whitespace = character_is_whitespace(prev);
has_tail_whitespace = character_is_whitespace(prev);
if (has_tail_whitespace){
String_Const_u8 line = push_buffer_range(app, scratch, buffer,
Ii64(line_start, line_end));
if (line.size > 0){
i64 end_offset = line.size;
i64 i = line.size - 1;
if (has_cr_character){
end_offset -= 1;
i -= 1;
i64 start_offset = 0;
for (; i >= 0; i -= 1){
if (!character_is_whitespace(line.str[i])){
start_offset = i + 1;
if (start_offset > 0){
i64 start = start_offset + line_start;
i64 end = end_offset + line_start;
Batch_Edit *batch = push_array(scratch, Batch_Edit, 1);
sll_queue_push(batch_first, batch_last, batch);
batch->edit.text = SCu8();
batch->edit.range = Ii64(start, end);
if (batch_first != 0){
buffer_batch_edit(app, buffer, batch_first);
CUSTOM_DOC("Removes trailing whitespace from all lines in the current buffer.")
ProfileScope(app, "clean all lines");
View_ID view = get_active_view(app, Access_ReadWriteVisible);
Buffer_ID buffer = view_get_buffer(app, view, Access_ReadWriteVisible);
Scratch_Block scratch(app);
Batch_Edit *batch_first = 0;
Batch_Edit *batch_last = 0;
String_Const_u8 text = push_whole_buffer(app, scratch, buffer);
u64 whitespace_start = 0;
for (u64 i = 0; i < text.size; i += 1){
u8 v = string_get_character(text, i);
if (v == '\n' || i + 1 == text.size){
if (whitespace_start < i){
Batch_Edit *batch = push_array(scratch, Batch_Edit, 1);
sll_queue_push(batch_first, batch_last, batch);
batch->edit.text = SCu8();
batch->edit.range = Ii64(whitespace_start, i);
whitespace_start = i + 1;
else if (!character_is_whitespace(v)){
whitespace_start = i + 1;
buffer_batch_edit(app, buffer, batch_first);
clean_all_lines_buffer(app, buffer);
@ -679,6 +715,26 @@ CUSTOM_DOC("Toggles the visibility of the FPS performance meter")
show_fps_hud = !show_fps_hud;
CUSTOM_DOC("Set face size of the face used by the current buffer.")
View_ID view = get_active_view(app, Access_Always);
Buffer_ID buffer = view_get_buffer(app, view, Access_Always);
Face_ID face_id = get_face_id(app, buffer);
Face_Description description = get_face_description(app, face_id);
Query_Bar_Group group(app);
u8 string_space[256];
Query_Bar bar = {};
bar.prompt = string_u8_litexpr("Face Size: ");
bar.string = SCu8(string_space, (u64)0);
bar.string_capacity = sizeof(string_space);
if (query_user_number(app, &bar, description.parameters.pt_size)){
description.parameters.pt_size = (u32)string_to_integer(bar.string, 10);
try_modify_face(app, face_id, &description);
CUSTOM_DOC("Increase the size of the face used by the current buffer.")
@ -701,6 +757,37 @@ CUSTOM_DOC("Decrease the size of the face used by the current buffer.")
try_modify_face(app, face_id, &description);
CUSTOM_DOC("Set face size of the face used by the current buffer; if any other buffers are using the same face a new face is created so that only this buffer is effected")
View_ID view = get_active_view(app, Access_Always);
Buffer_ID buffer = view_get_buffer(app, view, Access_Always);
Face_ID face_id = get_face_id(app, buffer);
b32 is_shared = false;
for (Buffer_ID buf_it = get_buffer_next(app, 0, Access_Always);
buf_it != 0;
buf_it = get_buffer_next(app, buf_it, Access_Always)){
if (buf_it == buffer){
Face_ID buf_it_face_id = get_face_id(app, buf_it);
if (buf_it_face_id == face_id){
is_shared = true;
if (is_shared){
Face_Description description = get_face_description(app, face_id);
face_id = try_create_new_face(app, &description);
if (face_id != 0){
buffer_set_face(app, buffer, face_id);
CUSTOM_DOC("Reads the state of the mouse wheel and uses it to either increase or decrease the face size.")
@ -158,10 +158,10 @@ make_data(void *memory, u64 size){
global_const Data zero_data = {};
#define data_initr(m,s) {(m), (s)}
#define data_initr_struct(s) {(s), sizeof(*(s))}
#define data_initr_array(a) {(a), sizeof(a)}
#define data_initr_string(s) {(s), sizeof(s) - 1}
#define data_initr(m,s) {(u8*)(m), (s)}
#define data_initr_struct(s) {(u8*)(s), sizeof(*(s))}
#define data_initr_array(a) {(u8*)(a), sizeof(a)}
#define data_initr_string(s) {(u8*)(s), sizeof(s) - 1}
@ -269,6 +269,23 @@ block_fill_u64(void *a, u64 size, u64 val){
#define block_match_struct(a,b) block_match((a), (b), sizeof(*(a)))
#define block_match_array(a,b) block_match((a), (b), sizeof(a))
function void
block_range_copy__inner(void *dst, void *src, Range_u64 range, i64 shift){
block_copy((u8*)dst + range.first + shift, (u8*)src + range.first, range.max - range.min);
function void
block_range_copy__inner(void *dst, void *src, Range_u64 range, i64 shift, u64 item_size){
range.first *= item_size;
range.one_past_last *= item_size;
shift *= item_size;
block_range_copy__inner(dst, src, range, shift);
#define block_range_copy(d,s,r,h) block_range_copy__inner((d),(s),Iu64(r),(i64)(h))
#define block_range_copy_sized(d,s,r,h,i) block_range_copy__inner((d),(s),Iu64(r),(i64)(h),(i))
#define block_range_copy_typed(d,s,r,h) block_range_copy_sized((d),(s),(r),(h),sizeof(*(d)))
function void
block_copy_array_shift__inner(void *dst, void *src, u64 it_size, Range_i64 range, i64 shift){
u8 *dptr = (u8*)dst;
@ -1540,6 +1557,20 @@ unlerp(u64 a, u64 x, u64 b){
function Range_f32
unlerp(f32 a, Range_f32 x, f32 b){
x.min = unlerp(a, x.min, b);
x.max = unlerp(a, x.max, b);
function Range_f32
lerp(f32 a, Range_f32 x, f32 b){
x.min = lerp(a, x.min, b);
x.max = lerp(a, x.max, b);
function f32
lerp(Range_f32 range, f32 t){
return(lerp(range.min, t, range.max));
@ -1779,6 +1810,11 @@ If32(){
function Range_u64
Iu64(Range_i32 r){
return(Iu64(r.min, r.max));
global Range_i32 Ii32_neg_inf = {max_i32, min_i32};
global Range_i64 Ii64_neg_inf = {max_i64, min_i64};
global Range_u64 Iu64_neg_inf = {max_u64, 0};
@ -2333,6 +2369,14 @@ rect_dim(Rect_i32 r){
Vec2_i32 v = {r.x1 - r.x0, r.y1 - r.y0};
function Range_i32
rect_x(Rect_i32 r){
return(Ii32(r.x0, r.x1));
function Range_i32
rect_y(Rect_i32 r){
return(Ii32(r.y0, r.y1));
function i32
rect_width(Rect_i32 r){
return(r.x1 - r.x0);
@ -2346,6 +2390,14 @@ rect_dim(Rect_f32 r){
Vec2_f32 v = {r.x1 - r.x0, r.y1 - r.y0};
function Range_f32
rect_x(Rect_f32 r){
return(If32(r.x0, r.x1));
function Range_f32
rect_y(Rect_f32 r){
return(If32(r.y0, r.y1));
function f32
rect_width(Rect_f32 r){
return(r.x1 - r.x0);
@ -4759,7 +4811,7 @@ string_find_first(String_Const_char str, String_Const_char needle, String_Match_
if (needle.size > 0){
i = str.size;
if (str.size >= needle.size){
i = 0;
i = 0;
char c = character_to_upper(needle.str[0]);
u64 one_past_last = str.size - needle.size + 1;
for (;i < one_past_last; i += 1){
@ -4783,7 +4835,7 @@ string_find_first(String_Const_u8 str, String_Const_u8 needle, String_Match_Rule
if (needle.size > 0){
i = str.size;
if (str.size >= needle.size){
i = 0;
i = 0;
u8 c = character_to_upper(needle.str[0]);
u64 one_past_last = str.size - needle.size + 1;
for (;i < one_past_last; i += 1){
@ -4807,7 +4859,7 @@ string_find_first(String_Const_u16 str, String_Const_u16 needle, String_Match_Ru
if (needle.size > 0){
i = str.size;
if (str.size >= needle.size){
i = 0;
i = 0;
u16 c = character_to_upper(needle.str[0]);
u64 one_past_last = str.size - needle.size + 1;
for (;i < one_past_last; i += 1){
@ -4831,7 +4883,7 @@ string_find_first(String_Const_u32 str, String_Const_u32 needle, String_Match_Ru
if (needle.size > 0){
i = str.size;
if (str.size >= needle.size){
i = 0;
i = 0;
u32 c = character_to_upper(needle.str[0]);
u64 one_past_last = str.size - needle.size + 1;
for (;i < one_past_last; i += 1){
@ -4883,6 +4935,16 @@ string_find_first_insensitive(String_Const_u32 str, String_Const_u32 needle){
return(string_find_first(str, needle, StringMatch_CaseInsensitive));
function b32
string_has_substr(String_Const_u8 str, String_Const_u8 needle, String_Match_Rule rule){
return(string_find_first(str, needle, rule) < str.size);
function b32
string_has_substr(String_Const_u8 str, String_Const_u8 needle){
return(string_find_first(str, needle, StringMatch_Exact) < str.size);
function i32
string_compare(String_Const_char a, String_Const_char b){
i32 result = 0;
@ -7043,7 +7105,7 @@ string_from_integer(Arena *arena, u64 x, u32 radix){
function b32
string_is_integer(String_Const_u8 string, u32 radix){
b32 is_integer = false;
if (radix <= 16){
if (string.size > 0 && radix <= 16){
is_integer = true;
for (u64 i = 0; i < string.size; i += 1){
if (string.str[i] < 128){
@ -320,6 +320,11 @@ global_const f32 epsilon_f32 = 5.96046448e-8f;
global_const f32 pi_f32 = 3.14159265359f;
global_const f32 half_pi_f32 = 1.5707963267f;
global_const f64 max_f64 = 1.79769313486231e+308;
global_const f64 min_f64 = -max_f64;
global_const f64 smallest_positive_f64 = 4.94065645841247e-324;
global_const f64 epsilon_f64 = 1.11022302462515650e-16;
#define clamp_signed_to_i8(x) (i8)(clamp((i64)i8_min, (i64)(x), (i64)i8_max))
#define clamp_signed_to_i16(x) (i16)(clamp((i64)i16_min, (i64)(x), (i64)i16_max))
#define clamp_signed_to_i32(x) (i32)(clamp((i64)i32_min, (i64)(x), (i64)i32_max))
@ -522,8 +527,8 @@ union SNode{
#define zdll_remove_back_NP_(f,l,next,prev) ((f==l)?(f=l=0):(l->prev->next=0,l=l->prev))
#define zdll_remove_NP_(f,l,n,next,prev) \
((l==n)?(zdll_remove_back_NP_(f,l,next,prev)) \
:(f==n)?(zdll_remove_back_NP_(l,f,prev,next)) \
: (dll_remove_NP_(n,n,next,prev)))
:(f==n)?(zdll_remove_back_NP_(l,f,prev,next)) \
: (dll_remove_NP_(n,n,next,prev)))
#define zdll_push_back(f,l,n) zdll_push_back_NP_((f),(l),(n),next,prev)
#define zdll_push_front(f,l,n) zdll_push_back_NP_((l),(f),(n),prev,next)
@ -804,19 +809,19 @@ typedef u32 ARGB_Color;
struct i8_Array{
i8 *vals;
i32 coint;
i32 count;
struct i16_Array{
i16 *vals;
i32 coint;
i32 count;
struct i32_Array{
i32 *vals;
i32 coint;
i32 count;
struct i64_Array{
i64 *vals;
i32 coint;
i32 count;
struct u8_Array{
@ -4,18 +4,106 @@
// TOP
CUSTOM_DOC("In response to a new clipboard contents events, saves the new clip onto the clipboard history")
User_Input in = get_current_input(app);
if (in.event.kind == InputEventKind_Core &&
in.event.core.code == CoreCode_NewClipboardContents){
clipboard_post_internal_only(0, in.event.core.string);
function b32
clipboard_post_buffer_range(Application_Links *app, i32 clipboard_index, Buffer_ID buffer, Range_i64 range){
b32 success = false;
Scratch_Block scratch(app);
String_Const_u8 string = push_buffer_range(app, scratch, buffer, range);
if (string.size > 0){
clipboard_post(app, clipboard_index, string);
clipboard_post(clipboard_index, string);
success = true;
function void
clipboard_update_history_from_system(Application_Links *app, i32 clipboard_id){
Scratch_Block scratch(app);
String_Const_u8 string = system_get_clipboard(scratch, clipboard_id);
if (string.str != 0){
clipboard_post_internal_only(clipboard_id, string);
global List_String_Const_u8 clipboard_collection_list = {};
function void
clipboard_collection_render(Application_Links *app, Frame_Info frame_info, View_ID view){
Scratch_Block scratch(app);
Rect_f32 region = draw_background_and_margin(app, view);
Vec2_f32 mid_p = (region.p1 + region.p0)*0.5f;
Fancy_Block message = {};
Fancy_Line *line = push_fancy_line(scratch, &message);
push_fancy_string(scratch, line, fcolor_id(defcolor_pop2),
string_u8_litexpr("Collecting all clipboard events "));
push_fancy_string(scratch, line, fcolor_id(defcolor_pop1),
string_u8_litexpr("press [escape] to stop"));
for (Node_String_Const_u8 *node = clipboard_collection_list.first;
node != 0;
node = node->next){
line = push_fancy_line(scratch, &message);
push_fancy_string(scratch, line, fcolor_id(defcolor_text_default), node->string);
Face_ID face_id = get_face_id(app, 0);
Vec2_f32 dim = get_fancy_block_dim(app, face_id, &message);
Vec2_f32 half_dim = dim*0.5f;
draw_fancy_block(app, face_id, fcolor_zero(), &message, mid_p - half_dim);
CUSTOM_DOC("Allows the user to copy multiple strings from other applications before switching to 4coder and pasting them all.")
local_persist b32 in_clipboard_collection_mode = false;
if (!in_clipboard_collection_mode){
in_clipboard_collection_mode = true;
Scratch_Block scratch(app);
View_ID view = get_this_ctx_view(app, Access_Always);
View_Context ctx = view_current_context(app, view);
ctx.render_caller = clipboard_collection_render;
ctx.hides_buffer = true;
View_Context_Block ctx_block(app, view, &ctx);
for (;;){
User_Input in = get_next_input(app, EventPropertyGroup_Any, EventProperty_Escape);
if (in.abort){
if (in.event.kind == InputEventKind_KeyStroke && in.event.key.code == KeyCode_Escape){
if (in.event.kind == InputEventKind_Core &&
in.event.core.code == CoreCode_NewClipboardContents){
String_Const_u8 stable_clip = clipboard_post_internal_only(0, in.event.core.string);
string_list_push(scratch, &clipboard_collection_list, stable_clip);
in_clipboard_collection_mode = false;
CUSTOM_DOC("Copy the text in the range from the cursor to the mark onto the clipboard.")
@ -39,7 +127,8 @@ CUSTOM_DOC("Cut the text in the range from the cursor to the mark onto the clipb
CUSTOM_DOC("At the cursor, insert the text at the top of the clipboard.")
i32 count = clipboard_count(app, 0);
clipboard_update_history_from_system(app, 0);
i32 count = clipboard_count(0);
if (count > 0){
View_ID view = get_active_view(app, Access_ReadWriteVisible);
if_view_has_highlighted_range_delete_range(app, view);
@ -53,7 +142,7 @@ CUSTOM_DOC("At the cursor, insert the text at the top of the clipboard.")
Scratch_Block scratch(app);
String_Const_u8 string = push_clipboard_index(app, scratch, 0, *paste_index);
String_Const_u8 string = push_clipboard_index(scratch, 0, *paste_index);
if (string.size > 0){
Buffer_ID buffer = view_get_buffer(app, view, Access_ReadWriteVisible);
@ -74,7 +163,7 @@ CUSTOM_DOC("If the previous command was paste or paste_next, replaces the paste
Scratch_Block scratch(app);
i32 count = clipboard_count(app, 0);
i32 count = clipboard_count(0);
if (count > 0){
View_ID view = get_active_view(app, Access_ReadWriteVisible);
Managed_Scope scope = view_get_managed_scope(app, view);
@ -90,7 +179,7 @@ CUSTOM_DOC("If the previous command was paste or paste_next, replaces the paste
i32 paste_index = (*paste_index_ptr) + 1;
*paste_index_ptr = paste_index;
String_Const_u8 string = push_clipboard_index(app, scratch, 0, paste_index);
String_Const_u8 string = push_clipboard_index(scratch, 0, paste_index);
Buffer_ID buffer = view_get_buffer(app, view, Access_ReadWriteVisible);
@ -124,12 +213,18 @@ CUSTOM_DOC("Paste the next item on the clipboard and run auto-indent on the newl
CUSTOM_DOC("Clears the history of the clipboard")
Scratch_Block scratch(app);
i32 count = clipboard_count(app, 0);
i32 count = clipboard_count(0);
if (count > 0){
View_ID view = get_active_view(app, Access_ReadWriteVisible);
Managed_Scope scope = view_get_managed_scope(app, view);
@ -143,7 +238,7 @@ CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(multi_paste){
i32 paste_index = (*paste_index_ptr) + 1;
*paste_index_ptr = paste_index;
String_Const_u8 string = push_clipboard_index(app, scratch, 0, paste_index);
String_Const_u8 string = push_clipboard_index(scratch, 0, paste_index);
String_Const_u8 insert_string = push_u8_stringf(scratch, "\n%.*s", string_expand(string));
@ -174,7 +269,7 @@ multi_paste_range(Application_Links *app, View_ID view, Range_i64 range, i32 pas
i64 total_size = 0;
for (i32 paste_index = 0; paste_index < paste_count; ++paste_index){
Temp_Memory temp = begin_temp(scratch);
String_Const_u8 string = push_clipboard_index(app, scratch, 0, paste_index);
String_Const_u8 string = push_clipboard_index(scratch, 0, paste_index);
total_size += string.size + 1;
@ -195,7 +290,7 @@ multi_paste_range(Application_Links *app, View_ID view, Range_i64 range, i32 pas
if (paste_index != first){
string_list_push(scratch, &list, SCu8("\n", 1));
String_Const_u8 string = push_clipboard_index(app, scratch, 0, paste_index);
String_Const_u8 string = push_clipboard_index(scratch, 0, paste_index);
if (string.size > 0){
string_list_push(scratch, &list, string);
@ -266,15 +361,19 @@ multi_paste_interactive_up_down(Application_Links *app, i32 paste_count, i32 cli
i32 clip_count = clipboard_count(app, 0);
CUSTOM_DOC("Paste multiple lines from the clipboard history, controlled with arrow keys")
i32 clip_count = clipboard_count(0);
if (clip_count > 0){
multi_paste_interactive_up_down(app, 1, clip_count);
i32 clip_count = clipboard_count(app, 0);
CUSTOM_DOC("Paste multiple lines from the clipboard history, controlled by inputing the number of lines to paste")
i32 clip_count = clipboard_count(0);
if (clip_count > 0){
u8 string_space[256];
Query_Bar_Group group(app);
@ -292,5 +391,26 @@ CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(multi_paste_interactive_quick){
function void
clipboard_clear(Application_Links *app, i32 clipboard_id){
function b32
clipboard_post(Application_Links *app, i32 clipboard_id, String_Const_u8 string){
return(clipboard_post(clipboard_id, string));
function i32
clipboard_count(Application_Links *app, i32 clipboard_id){
function String_Const_u8
push_clipboard_index(Application_Links *app, Arena *arena, i32 clipboard_id, i32 item_index){
return(push_clipboard_index(arena, clipboard_id, item_index));
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
4coder_clipboard.cpp - Copy paste commands and clipboard related setup.
// TOP
struct Clipboard{
Arena arena;
Heap heap;
String_Const_u8 *clips;
u32 clip_index;
u32 clip_capacity;
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ CUSTOM_DOC("At the cursor, insert a '// NOTE' comment, includes user name if it
CUSTOM_DOC("At the cursor, insert a block comment.")
write_string(app, string_u8_litexpr("/* */"));
place_begin_and_end_on_own_lines(app, "/* ", " */");
@ -1143,7 +1143,7 @@ function i32
typed_array_get_count(Config *parsed, Config_Compound *compound, Config_RValue_Type type){
i32 count = 0;
for (i32 i = 0;; ++i){
Config_Iteration_Step_Result result = typed_array_iteration_step(parsed, compound, type, i);
Config_Iteration_Step_Result result = typed_array_iteration_step(parsed, compound, type, i);
if (result.step == Iteration_Skip){
@ -1242,6 +1242,8 @@ config_init_default(Config_Data *config){
config->automatically_save_changes_on_build = true;
config->automatically_load_project = false;
config->virtual_whitespace_regular_indent = 4;
config->indent_with_tabs = false;
config->indent_width = 4;
@ -1307,6 +1309,8 @@ config_parse__data(Application_Links *app, Arena *arena, String_Const_u8 file_na
config_bool_var(parsed, "automatically_save_changes_on_build", 0, &config->automatically_save_changes_on_build);
config_bool_var(parsed, "automatically_load_project", 0, &config->automatically_load_project);
config_int_var(parsed, "virtual_whitespace_regular_indent", 0, &config->virtual_whitespace_regular_indent);
config_bool_var(parsed, "indent_with_tabs", 0, &config->indent_with_tabs);
config_int_var(parsed, "indent_width", 0, &config->indent_width);
@ -1550,6 +1554,7 @@ load_config_and_apply(Application_Links *app, Arena *out_arena, Config_Data *con
config_feedback_bool(scratch, &list, "show_line_number_margins", config->show_line_number_margins);
config_feedback_bool(scratch, &list, "enable_virtual_whitespace", config->enable_virtual_whitespace);
config_feedback_int(scratch, &list, "virtual_whitespace_regular_indent", config->virtual_whitespace_regular_indent);
config_feedback_bool(scratch, &list, "enable_code_wrapping", config->enable_code_wrapping);
config_feedback_bool(scratch, &list, "automatically_indent_text_on_save", config->automatically_indent_text_on_save);
config_feedback_bool(scratch, &list, "automatically_save_changes_on_build", config->automatically_save_changes_on_build);
@ -1634,15 +1639,31 @@ CUSTOM_DOC("Parse the current buffer as a theme file and add the theme to the th
String_Const_u8 error_text = config_stringize_errors(app, scratch, config);
print_message(app, error_text);
String_Const_u8 name = string_front_of_path(file_name);
if (string_match(string_postfix(name, 7), string_u8_litexpr(".4coder"))){
name = string_chop(name, 7);
u64 problem_score = 0;
if (color_table.count < defcolor_line_numbers_text){
problem_score = defcolor_line_numbers_text - color_table.count;
for (u32 i = 0; i < color_table.count; i += 1){
if (color_table.arrays[i].count == 0){
problem_score += 1;
save_theme(color_table, name);
Color_Table_Node *node = global_theme_list.last;
if (node != 0 && string_match(node->name, name)){
active_color_table = node->table;
if (error_text.size > 0 || problem_score >= 10){
String_Const_u8 string = push_u8_stringf(scratch, "There appears to be a problem parsing %.*s; no theme change applied\n", string_expand(file_name));
print_message(app, string);
String_Const_u8 name = string_front_of_path(file_name);
if (string_match(string_postfix(name, 7), string_u8_litexpr(".4coder"))){
name = string_chop(name, 7);
save_theme(color_table, name);
Color_Table_Node *node = global_theme_list.last;
if (node != 0 && string_match(node->name, name)){
active_color_table = node->table;
@ -208,6 +208,8 @@ struct Config_Data{
b8 automatically_save_changes_on_build;
b8 automatically_load_project;
i32 virtual_whitespace_regular_indent;
b8 indent_with_tabs;
i32 indent_width;
@ -18,13 +18,7 @@ custom_layer_init(Application_Links *app){
Thread_Context *tctx = get_thread_context(app);
// NOTE(allen): setup for default framework
async_task_handler_init(app, &global_async_system);
Profile_Global_List *list = get_core_profile_list(app);
ProfileThreadName(tctx, list, string_u8_litexpr("main"));
// NOTE(allen): default hooks and command maps
@ -496,28 +496,21 @@ CUSTOM_DOC("Clear the theme list")
function void
default_4coder_initialize(Application_Links *app, String_Const_u8_Array file_names,
i32 override_font_size, b32 override_hinting){
Thread_Context *tctx = get_thread_context(app);
heap_init(&global_heap, tctx->allocator);
#define M \
"Welcome to " VERSION "\n" \
"If you're new to 4coder there is a built in tutorial\n" \
"Use the key combination [ X Alt ] (on mac [ X Control ])\n" \
"Type in 'hms_demo_tutorial' and press enter\n" \
"\n" \
"Direct bug reports and feature requests to\n" \
"\n" \
"Other questions and discussion can be directed to or\n" \
"\n" \
"The change log can be found in CHANGES.txt\n" \
print_message(app, string_u8_litexpr(M));
"Welcome to " VERSION "\n" \
"If you're new to 4coder there is a built in tutorial\n" \
"Use the key combination [ X Alt ] (on mac [ X Control ])\n" \
"Type in 'hms_demo_tutorial' and press enter\n" \
"\n" \
"Direct bug reports and feature requests to\n" \
"\n" \
"Other questions and discussion can be directed to or\n" \
"\n" \
"The change log can be found in CHANGES.txt\n" \
print_message(app, string_u8_litexpr(M));
#undef M
#if 0
load_folder_of_themes_into_live_set(app, &global_part, "themes");
global_config_arena = reserve_arena(app);
load_config_and_apply(app, global_config_arena, &global_config, override_font_size, override_hinting);
// open command line files
@ -534,8 +527,6 @@ default_4coder_initialize(Application_Links *app, String_Const_u8_Array file_nam
create_buffer(app, input_name, 0);
fade_range_arena = make_arena_system(KB(8));
function void
@ -791,5 +782,128 @@ paint_fade_ranges(Application_Links *app, Text_Layout_ID layout, Buffer_ID buffe
function void
clipboard_init_empty(Clipboard *clipboard, u32 history_depth){
history_depth = clamp_bot(1, history_depth);
heap_init(&clipboard->heap, &clipboard->arena);
clipboard->clip_index = 0;
clipboard->clip_capacity = history_depth;
clipboard->clips = push_array_zero(&clipboard->arena, String_Const_u8, history_depth);
function void
clipboard_init(Base_Allocator *allocator, u32 history_depth, Clipboard *clipboard_out){
u64 memsize = sizeof(String_Const_u8)*history_depth;
memsize = round_up_u64(memsize, KB(4));
clipboard_out->arena = make_arena(allocator, memsize, 8);
clipboard_init_empty(clipboard_out, history_depth);
function void
clipboard_clear(Clipboard *clipboard){
clipboard_init_empty(clipboard, clipboard->clip_capacity);
function String_Const_u8
clipboard_post_internal_only(Clipboard *clipboard, String_Const_u8 string){
u32 rolled_index = clipboard->clip_index%clipboard->clip_capacity;
clipboard->clip_index += 1;
String_Const_u8 *slot = &clipboard->clips[rolled_index];
if (slot->str != 0){
if (slot->size < string.size ||
(slot->size - string.size) > KB(1)){
heap_free(&clipboard->heap, slot->str);
goto alloc_new;
u8 *new_buf = (u8*)heap_allocate(&clipboard->heap, string.size);
slot->str = new_buf;
block_copy(slot->str, string.str, string.size);
slot->size = string.size;
function u32
clipboard_count(Clipboard *clipboard){
u32 result = clipboard->clip_index;
result = clamp_top(result, clipboard->clip_capacity);
function String_Const_u8
get_clipboard_index(Clipboard *clipboard, u32 item_index){
String_Const_u8 result = {};
u32 top = Min(clipboard->clip_index, clipboard->clip_capacity);
if (top > 0){
item_index = item_index%top;
i32 array_index = ((clipboard->clip_index - 1) - item_index)%top;
result = clipboard->clips[array_index];
function String_Const_u8
push_clipboard_index(Arena *arena, Clipboard *clipboard, i32 item_index){
String_Const_u8 result = get_clipboard_index(clipboard, item_index);
result = push_string_copy(arena, result);
function void
clipboard_clear(i32 clipboard_id){
function String_Const_u8
clipboard_post_internal_only(i32 clipboard_id, String_Const_u8 string){
return(clipboard_post_internal_only(&clipboard0, string));
function b32
clipboard_post(i32 clipboard_id, String_Const_u8 string){
clipboard_post_internal_only(clipboard_id, string);
system_post_clipboard(string, clipboard_id);
function i32
clipboard_count(i32 clipboard_id){
function String_Const_u8
push_clipboard_index(Arena *arena, i32 clipboard_id, i32 item_index){
return(push_clipboard_index(arena, &clipboard0, item_index));
function void
initialize_managed_id_metadata(Application_Links *app);
function void
default_framework_init(Application_Links *app){
Thread_Context *tctx = get_thread_context(app);
async_task_handler_init(app, &global_async_system);
clipboard_init(get_base_allocator_system(), /*history_depth*/ 64, &clipboard0);
Profile_Global_List *list = get_core_profile_list(app);
ProfileThreadName(tctx, list, string_u8_litexpr("main"));
heap_init(&global_heap, tctx->allocator);
global_config_arena = reserve_arena(app);
fade_range_arena = make_arena_system(KB(8));
@ -98,5 +98,9 @@ global Fade_Range_List view_fade_ranges = {};
global Arena fade_range_arena = {};
global Fade_Range *free_fade_ranges = 0;
global Clipboard clipboard0 = {};
@ -150,26 +150,19 @@ CUSTOM_DOC("Input consumption loop for default view behavior")
function void
default_tick(Application_Links *app, Frame_Info frame_info){
code_index_update_tick(Application_Links *app){
Scratch_Block scratch(app);
for (Buffer_Modified_Node *node = global_buffer_modified_set.first;
node != 0;
node = node->next){
Temp_Memory_Block temp(scratch);
Buffer_ID buffer_id = node->buffer;
Managed_Scope scope = buffer_get_managed_scope(app, buffer_id);
String_Const_u8 contents = push_whole_buffer(app, scratch, buffer_id);
Token_Array *tokens_ptr = scope_attachment(app, scope, attachment_tokens, Token_Array);
if (tokens_ptr == 0){
Token_Array tokens = get_token_array_from_buffer(app, buffer_id);
if (tokens.count == 0){
if (tokens_ptr->count == 0){
Token_Array tokens = *tokens_ptr;
Arena arena = make_arena_system(KB(16));
Code_Index_File *index = push_array_zero(&arena, Code_Index_File, 1);
@ -178,7 +171,8 @@ default_tick(Application_Links *app, Frame_Info frame_info){
Generic_Parse_State state = {};
generic_parse_init(app, &arena, contents, &tokens, &state);
// TODO(allen): Actually determine this in a fair way.
// Maybe switch to an enum.
// Maybe switch to an enum?
// Actually probably a pointer to a struct that defines the language.
state.do_cpp_parse = true;
generic_parse_full_input_breaks(index, &state, max_i32);
@ -189,7 +183,11 @@ default_tick(Application_Links *app, Frame_Info frame_info){
function void
default_tick(Application_Links *app, Frame_Info frame_info){
if (tick_all_fade_ranges(frame_info.animation_dt)){
animate_in_n_milliseconds(app, 0);
@ -288,6 +286,13 @@ default_render_buffer(Application_Links *app, View_ID view_id, Face_ID face_id,
b32 is_active_view = (active_view == view_id);
Rect_f32 prev_clip = draw_set_clip(app, rect);
Range_i64 visible_range = text_layout_get_visible_range(app, text_layout_id);
// NOTE(allen): Cursor shape
Face_Metrics metrics = get_face_metrics(app, face_id);
f32 cursor_roundness = (metrics.normal_advance*0.5f)*0.9f;
f32 mark_thickness = 2.f;
// NOTE(allen): Token colorizing
Token_Array token_array = get_token_array_from_buffer(app, buffer);
if (token_array.tokens != 0){
@ -304,7 +309,6 @@ default_render_buffer(Application_Links *app, View_ID view_id, Face_ID face_id,
Range_i64 visible_range = text_layout_get_visible_range(app, text_layout_id);
paint_text_color_fcolor(app, text_layout_id, visible_range, fcolor_id(defcolor_text_default));
@ -349,10 +353,17 @@ default_render_buffer(Application_Links *app, View_ID view_id, Face_ID face_id,
// NOTE(allen): Cursor shape
Face_Metrics metrics = get_face_metrics(app, face_id);
f32 cursor_roundness = (metrics.normal_advance*0.5f)*0.9f;
f32 mark_thickness = 2.f;
// NOTE(allen): Whitespace highlight
b64 show_whitespace = false;
view_get_setting(app, view_id, ViewSetting_ShowWhitespace, &show_whitespace);
if (show_whitespace){
if (token_array.tokens == 0){
draw_whitespace_highlight(app, buffer, text_layout_id, cursor_roundness);
draw_whitespace_highlight(app, text_layout_id, &token_array, cursor_roundness);
// NOTE(allen): Cursor
switch (fcoder_mode){
@ -375,6 +386,24 @@ default_render_buffer(Application_Links *app, View_ID view_id, Face_ID face_id,
draw_set_clip(app, prev_clip);
function Rect_f32
default_draw_query_bars(Application_Links *app, Rect_f32 region, View_ID view_id, Face_ID face_id){
Face_Metrics face_metrics = get_face_metrics(app, face_id);
f32 line_height = face_metrics.line_height;
Query_Bar *space[32];
Query_Bar_Ptr_Array query_bars = {};
query_bars.ptrs = space;
if (get_active_query_bars(app, view_id, ArrayCount(space), &query_bars)){
for (i32 i = 0; i < query_bars.count; i += 1){
Rect_f32_Pair pair = layout_query_bar_on_top(region, line_height, 1);
draw_query_bar(app, query_bars.ptrs[i], face_id, pair.min);
region = pair.max;
function void
default_render_caller(Application_Links *app, Frame_Info frame_info, View_ID view_id){
ProfileScope(app, "default render caller");
@ -411,18 +440,7 @@ default_render_caller(Application_Links *app, Frame_Info frame_info, View_ID vie
// NOTE(allen): query bars
Query_Bar *space[32];
Query_Bar_Ptr_Array query_bars = {};
query_bars.ptrs = space;
if (get_active_query_bars(app, view_id, ArrayCount(space), &query_bars)){
for (i32 i = 0; i < query_bars.count; i += 1){
Rect_f32_Pair pair = layout_query_bar_on_top(region, line_height, 1);
draw_query_bar(app, query_bars.ptrs[i], face_id, pair.min);
region = pair.max;
region = default_draw_query_bars(app, region, view_id, face_id);
// NOTE(allen): FPS hud
if (show_fps_hud){
@ -600,13 +618,12 @@ parse_async__inner(Async_Context *actx, Buffer_ID buffer_id,
if (!canceled){
Thread_Context *tctx = get_thread_context(app);
code_index_set_file(buffer_id, arena, index);
buffer_clear_layout_cache(app, buffer_id);
@ -617,16 +634,15 @@ function void
do_full_lex_async__inner(Async_Context *actx, Buffer_ID buffer_id){
Application_Links *app = actx->app;
ProfileScope(app, "async lex");
Thread_Context *tctx = get_thread_context(app);
Scratch_Block scratch(tctx);
Scratch_Block scratch(app);
String_Const_u8 contents = {};
ProfileBlock(app, "async lex contents (before mutex)");
ProfileBlock(app, "async lex contents (after mutex)");
contents = push_whole_buffer(app, scratch, buffer_id);
i32 limit_factor = 10000;
@ -649,13 +665,12 @@ do_full_lex_async__inner(Async_Context *actx, Buffer_ID buffer_id){
if (!canceled){
ProfileBlock(app, "async lex save results (before mutex)");
ProfileBlock(app, "async lex save results (after mutex)");
Managed_Scope scope = buffer_get_managed_scope(app, buffer_id);
if (scope != 0){
Base_Allocator *allocator = managed_scope_allocator(app, scope);
Token_Array *tokens_ptr = scope_attachment(app, scope, attachment_tokens,
Token_Array *tokens_ptr = scope_attachment(app, scope, attachment_tokens, Token_Array);
base_free(allocator, tokens_ptr->tokens);
Token_Array tokens = {};
tokens.tokens = base_array(allocator, Token, list.total_count);
@ -665,7 +680,7 @@ do_full_lex_async__inner(Async_Context *actx, Buffer_ID buffer_id){
block_copy_struct(tokens_ptr, &tokens);
@ -677,132 +692,6 @@ do_full_lex_async(Async_Context *actx, Data data){
#if 0
function void
do_full_lex_and_parse_async__inner(Async_Context *actx, Buffer_ID buffer_id){
Application_Links *app = actx->app;
ProfileScope(app, "async lex");
Thread_Context *tctx = get_thread_context(app);
Scratch_Block scratch(tctx);
String_Const_u8 contents = {};
ProfileBlock(app, "async lex contents (before mutex)");
ProfileBlock(app, "async lex contents (after mutex)");
Managed_Scope scope = buffer_get_managed_scope(app, buffer_id);
if (scope != 0){
Base_Allocator *allocator = managed_scope_allocator(app, scope);
Token_Array *tokens_ptr = scope_attachment(app, scope, attachment_tokens,
base_free(allocator, tokens_ptr->tokens);
contents = push_whole_buffer(app, scratch, buffer_id);
i32 limit_factor = 10000;
Token_List list = {};
b32 canceled = false;
Lex_State_Cpp state = {};
lex_full_input_cpp_init(&state, contents);
for (;;){
ProfileBlock(app, "async lex block");
if (lex_full_input_cpp_breaks(scratch, &list, &state, limit_factor)){
if (async_check_canceled(actx)){
canceled = true;
Token_Array tokens = {};
if (!canceled){
ProfileBlock(app, "async lex save results (before mutex)");
ProfileBlock(app, "async lex save results (after mutex)");
Managed_Scope scope = buffer_get_managed_scope(app, buffer_id);
if (scope != 0){
Base_Allocator *allocator = managed_scope_allocator(app, scope);
Token_Array *tokens_ptr = scope_attachment(app, scope, attachment_tokens,
base_free(allocator, tokens_ptr->tokens);
tokens.tokens = base_array(allocator, Token, list.total_count);
tokens.count = list.total_count;
tokens.max = list.total_count;
token_fill_memory_from_list(tokens.tokens, &list);
block_copy_struct(tokens_ptr, &tokens);
if (tokens.count > 0){
parse_async__inner(actx, buffer_id, contents, &tokens, limit_factor);
function void
do_full_lex_and_parse_async(Async_Context *actx, Data data){
if (data.size == sizeof(Buffer_ID)){
Buffer_ID buffer = *(Buffer_ID*);
do_full_lex_and_parse_async__inner(actx, buffer);
#if 0
function void
do_parse_async__inner(Async_Context *actx, Buffer_ID buffer_id){
Application_Links *app = actx->app;
ProfileScope(app, "async lex");
Thread_Context *tctx = get_thread_context(app);
Scratch_Block scratch(tctx);
String_Const_u8 contents = {};
Token_Array tokens = {};
ProfileBlock(app, "async parse contents (before mutex)");
ProfileBlock(app, "async parse contents (after mutex)");
Managed_Scope scope = buffer_get_managed_scope(app, buffer_id);
if (scope != 0){
Token_Array *tokens_ptr = scope_attachment(app, scope, attachment_tokens,
tokens.count = tokens_ptr->count;
tokens.tokens = push_array_write(scratch, Token, tokens.count, tokens_ptr->tokens);
if (tokens.count > 0){
contents = push_whole_buffer(app, scratch, buffer_id);
i32 limit_factor = 10000;
if (tokens.count > 0){
parse_async__inner(actx, buffer_id, contents, &tokens, limit_factor);
function void
do_parse_async(Async_Context *actx, Data data){
if (data.size == sizeof(Buffer_ID)){
Buffer_ID buffer = *(Buffer_ID*);
do_parse_async__inner(actx, buffer);
ProfileScope(app, "begin buffer");
@ -816,7 +705,7 @@ BUFFER_HOOK_SIG(default_begin_buffer){
for (i32 i = 0; i < extensions.count; ++i){
if (string_match(ext, extensions.strings[i])){
if (string_match(ext, string_u8_litexpr("cpp")) ||
if (string_match(ext, string_u8_litexpr("cpp")) ||
string_match(ext, string_u8_litexpr("h")) ||
string_match(ext, string_u8_litexpr("c")) ||
string_match(ext, string_u8_litexpr("hpp")) ||
@ -824,7 +713,7 @@ BUFFER_HOOK_SIG(default_begin_buffer){
treat_as_code = true;
#if 0
#if 0
treat_as_code = true;
if (string_match(ext, string_u8_litexpr("cs"))){
@ -848,7 +737,7 @@ BUFFER_HOOK_SIG(default_begin_buffer){
parse_context_id = parse_context_language_rust;
if (string_match(ext, string_u8_litexpr("cpp")) ||
if (string_match(ext, string_u8_litexpr("cpp")) ||
string_match(ext, string_u8_litexpr("h")) ||
string_match(ext, string_u8_litexpr("c")) ||
string_match(ext, string_u8_litexpr("hpp")) ||
@ -892,11 +781,9 @@ BUFFER_HOOK_SIG(default_begin_buffer){
// NOTE(allen): Decide buffer settings
b32 wrap_lines = true;
b32 use_virtual_whitespace = false;
b32 use_lexer = false;
if (treat_as_code){
wrap_lines = global_config.enable_code_wrapping;
use_virtual_whitespace = global_config.enable_virtual_whitespace;
use_lexer = true;
@ -916,16 +803,16 @@ BUFFER_HOOK_SIG(default_begin_buffer){
*wrap_lines_ptr = wrap_lines;
if (use_virtual_whitespace){
if (use_lexer){
buffer_set_layout(app, buffer_id, layout_virt_indent_index_generic);
buffer_set_layout(app, buffer_id, layout_virt_indent_literal_generic);
if (use_lexer){
buffer_set_layout(app, buffer_id, layout_virt_indent_index_generic);
buffer_set_layout(app, buffer_id, layout_generic);
if (treat_as_code){
buffer_set_layout(app, buffer_id, layout_virt_indent_literal_generic);
buffer_set_layout(app, buffer_id, layout_generic);
// no meaning for return
@ -944,17 +831,20 @@ BUFFER_HOOK_SIG(default_new_file){
u8 c[2] = {};
u64 c_size = 1;
u8 ch = file_name.str[i];
if (ch == '.'){
c[0] = '_';
else if (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z'){
if ('A' <= ch && ch <= 'Z'){
c_size = 2;
c[0] = '_';
c[1] = ch;
else if (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z'){
else if ('0' <= ch && ch <= '9'){
c[0] = ch;
else if ('a' <= ch && ch <= 'z'){
c[0] = ch - ('a' - 'A');
c[0] = '_';
String_Const_u8 part = push_string_copy(scratch, SCu8(c, c_size));
string_list_push(scratch, &guard_list, part);
@ -977,8 +867,10 @@ BUFFER_HOOK_SIG(default_new_file){
// buffer_id
ProfileScope(app, "default file save");
b32 is_virtual = global_config.enable_virtual_whitespace;
if (global_config.automatically_indent_text_on_save && is_virtual){
if (global_config.automatically_indent_text_on_save && is_virtual){
clean_all_lines_buffer(app, buffer_id);
auto_indent_buffer(app, buffer_id, buffer_range(app, buffer_id));
@ -1027,7 +919,7 @@ BUFFER_EDIT_RANGE_SIG(default_buffer_edit_range){
b32 do_full_relex = false;
if (async_task_is_running_or_pending(&global_async_system, *lex_task_ptr)){
async_task_cancel(&global_async_system, *lex_task_ptr);
async_task_cancel(app, &global_async_system, *lex_task_ptr);
do_full_relex = true;
*lex_task_ptr = 0;
@ -1113,7 +1005,7 @@ BUFFER_HOOK_SIG(default_end_buffer){
Managed_Scope scope = buffer_get_managed_scope(app, buffer_id);
Async_Task *lex_task_ptr = scope_attachment(app, scope, buffer_lex_task, Async_Task);
if (lex_task_ptr != 0){
async_task_cancel(&global_async_system, *lex_task_ptr);
async_task_cancel(app, &global_async_system, *lex_task_ptr);
@ -7,6 +7,10 @@
#include "4coder_base_types.h"
#include "4coder_version.h"
#include "4coder_table.h"
@ -33,6 +37,7 @@
#include "4coder_insertion.h"
#include "4coder_command_map.h"
#include "4coder_lister_base.h"
#include "4coder_clipboard.h"
#include "4coder_default_framework.h"
#include "4coder_config.h"
#include "4coder_auto_indent.h"
@ -74,12 +79,14 @@
#include "4coder_async_tasks.cpp"
#include "4coder_string_match.cpp"
#include "4coder_buffer_seek_constructors.cpp"
#include "4coder_token.cpp"
#include "generated/lexer_cpp.cpp"
#include "4coder_command_map.cpp"
#include "generated/lexer_cpp.cpp"
#include "4coder_default_map.cpp"
#include "4coder_mac_map.cpp"
#include "4coder_default_framework_variables.cpp"
#include "4coder_default_colors.cpp"
#include "4coder_helper.cpp"
@ -91,6 +98,7 @@
#include "4coder_font_helper.cpp"
#include "4coder_config.cpp"
#include "4coder_default_framework.cpp"
#include "4coder_clipboard.cpp"
#include "4coder_lister_base.cpp"
#include "4coder_base_commands.cpp"
#include "4coder_insertion.cpp"
@ -103,7 +111,6 @@
#include "4coder_jump_lister.cpp"
#include "4coder_code_index_listers.cpp"
#include "4coder_log_parser.cpp"
#include "4coder_clipboard.cpp"
#include "4coder_keyboard_macro.cpp"
#include "4coder_cli_command.cpp"
#include "4coder_build_commands.cpp"
@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ setup_default_mapping(Mapping *mapping, i64 global_id, i64 file_id, i64 code_id)
BindCore(default_startup, CoreCode_Startup);
BindCore(default_try_exit, CoreCode_TryExit);
BindCore(clipboard_record_clip, CoreCode_NewClipboardContents);
Bind(keyboard_macro_start_recording , KeyCode_U, KeyCode_Control);
Bind(keyboard_macro_finish_recording, KeyCode_U, KeyCode_Control, KeyCode_Shift);
Bind(keyboard_macro_replay, KeyCode_U, KeyCode_Alt);
@ -35,7 +36,7 @@ setup_default_mapping(Mapping *mapping, i64 global_id, i64 file_id, i64 code_id)
Bind(execute_previous_cli, KeyCode_Z, KeyCode_Alt, KeyCode_Shift);
Bind(command_lister, KeyCode_X, KeyCode_Alt);
Bind(project_command_lister, KeyCode_X, KeyCode_Alt, KeyCode_Shift);
Bind(list_all_functions_current_buffer, KeyCode_I, KeyCode_Control, KeyCode_Shift);
Bind(list_all_functions_current_buffer_lister, KeyCode_I, KeyCode_Control, KeyCode_Shift);
Bind(project_fkey_command, KeyCode_F1);
Bind(project_fkey_command, KeyCode_F2);
Bind(project_fkey_command, KeyCode_F3);
@ -261,25 +261,45 @@ layout_fps_hud_on_bottom(Rect_f32 rect, f32 line_height){
function Rect_f32
draw_background_and_margin(Application_Links *app, View_ID view, ARGB_Color margin, ARGB_Color back){
draw_background_and_margin(Application_Links *app, View_ID view, ARGB_Color margin, ARGB_Color back, f32 width){
Rect_f32 view_rect = view_get_screen_rect(app, view);
Rect_f32 inner = rect_inner(view_rect, 3.f);
Rect_f32 inner = rect_inner(view_rect, width);
draw_rectangle(app, inner, 0.f, back);
draw_margin(app, view_rect, inner, margin);
if (width > 0.f){
draw_margin(app, view_rect, inner, margin);
function Rect_f32
draw_background_and_margin(Application_Links *app, View_ID view, ARGB_Color margin, ARGB_Color back){
return(draw_background_and_margin(app, view, margin, back, 3.f));
function Rect_f32
draw_background_and_margin(Application_Links *app, View_ID view, FColor margin, FColor back, f32 width){
ARGB_Color margin_argb = fcolor_resolve(margin);
ARGB_Color back_argb = fcolor_resolve(back);
return(draw_background_and_margin(app, view, margin_argb, back_argb, width));
function Rect_f32
draw_background_and_margin(Application_Links *app, View_ID view, FColor margin, FColor back){
ARGB_Color margin_argb = fcolor_resolve(margin);
ARGB_Color back_argb = fcolor_resolve(back);
return(draw_background_and_margin(app, view, margin_argb, back_argb));
return(draw_background_and_margin(app, view, margin_argb, back_argb, 3.f));
function Rect_f32
draw_background_and_margin(Application_Links *app, View_ID view, b32 is_active_view, f32 width){
FColor margin_color = get_panel_margin_color(is_active_view?UIHighlight_Active:UIHighlight_None);
return(draw_background_and_margin(app, view, margin_color, fcolor_id(defcolor_back), width));
function Rect_f32
draw_background_and_margin(Application_Links *app, View_ID view, b32 is_active_view){
FColor margin_color = get_panel_margin_color(is_active_view?UIHighlight_Active:UIHighlight_None);
return(draw_background_and_margin(app, view, margin_color, fcolor_id(defcolor_back)));
return(draw_background_and_margin(app, view, margin_color, fcolor_id(defcolor_back), 3.f));
function Rect_f32
@ -456,7 +476,7 @@ get_token_color_cpp(Token token){
color = defcolor_preproc;
case TokenBaseKind_Keyword:
color = defcolor_keyword;
case TokenBaseKind_Comment:
@ -520,6 +540,51 @@ draw_cpp_token_colors(Application_Links *app, Text_Layout_ID text_layout_id, Tok
function void
draw_whitespace_highlight(Application_Links *app, Text_Layout_ID text_layout_id, Token_Array *array, f32 roundness){
Range_i64 visible_range = text_layout_get_visible_range(app, text_layout_id);
i64 first_index = token_index_from_pos(array, visible_range.first);
Token_Iterator_Array it = token_iterator_index(0, array, first_index);
for (;;){
Token *token = token_it_read(&it);
if (token->pos >= visible_range.one_past_last){
if (token->kind == TokenBaseKind_Whitespace){
Range_i64 range = Ii64(token);
draw_character_block(app, text_layout_id, range, roundness,
if (!token_it_inc_all(&it)){
function void
draw_whitespace_highlight(Application_Links *app, Buffer_ID buffer, Text_Layout_ID text_layout_id, f32 roundness){
Range_i64 visible_range = text_layout_get_visible_range(app, text_layout_id);
for (i64 i = visible_range.first; i < visible_range.one_past_last;){
u8 c = buffer_get_char(app, buffer, i);
if (character_is_whitespace(c)){
i64 s = i;
i += 1;
for (; i < visible_range.one_past_last; i += 1){
c = buffer_get_char(app, buffer, i);
if (!character_is_whitespace(c)){
Range_i64 range = Ii64(s, i);
draw_character_block(app, text_layout_id, range, roundness,
i += 1;
function void
draw_comment_highlights(Application_Links *app, Buffer_ID buffer, Text_Layout_ID text_layout_id,
Token_Array *array, Comment_Highlight_Pair *pairs, i32 pair_count){
@ -274,7 +274,7 @@ CUSTOM_DOC("Creates a jump list of lines of the current buffer that appear to de
CUSTOM_DOC("Creates a lister of locations that look like function definitions and declarations in the buffer.")
Heap *heap = &global_heap;
@ -286,8 +286,7 @@ CUSTOM_DOC("Creates a lister of locations that look like function definitions an
buffer = view_get_buffer(app, view, Access_Always);
Marker_List *list = get_or_make_list_for_buffer(app, heap, buffer);
if (list != 0){
Jump_Lister_Result jump = get_jump_index_from_user(app, list,
Jump_Lister_Result jump = get_jump_index_from_user(app, list, "Function:");
jump_to_jump_lister_result(app, view, list, &jump);
@ -299,7 +298,7 @@ CUSTOM_DOC("Creates a jump list of lines from all buffers that appear to define
list_all_functions(app, 0);
CUSTOM_DOC("Creates a lister of locations that look like function definitions and declarations all buffers.")
Heap *heap = &global_heap;
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ get_layout_reflex(Layout_Item_List *list, Buffer_ID buffer, f32 width, Face_ID f
function Rect_f32
layout_reflex_get_rect(Application_Links *app, Layout_Reflex *reflex, i64 pos, b32 *unresolved_dependence){
Rect_f32 rect = {};
pos = clamp_bot(0, pos);
if (range_contains(reflex->list->input_index_range, pos)){
if (range_contains(reflex->list->manifested_index_range, pos)){
rect = layout_box_of_pos(*reflex->list, pos);
@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ setup_mac_mapping(Mapping *mapping, i64 global_id, i64 file_id, i64 code_id){
BindCore(default_startup, CoreCode_Startup);
BindCore(default_try_exit, CoreCode_TryExit);
BindCore(clipboard_record_clip, CoreCode_NewClipboardContents);
Bind(keyboard_macro_start_recording , KeyCode_U, KeyCode_Command);
Bind(keyboard_macro_finish_recording, KeyCode_U, KeyCode_Command, KeyCode_Shift);
Bind(keyboard_macro_replay, KeyCode_U, KeyCode_Control);
@ -507,7 +507,8 @@ project_deep_copy__pattern_array(Arena *arena, Project_File_Pattern_Array *src_a
for (Node_String_Const_u8 *node = src->absolutes.first;
node != 0;
node = node->next){
string_list_push(arena, &dst->absolutes, node->string);
String_Const_u8 string = push_string_copy(arena, node->string);
string_list_push(arena, &dst->absolutes, string);
@ -10,45 +10,45 @@
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdio.h>
static String_Const_char
static String_Const_u8
push_stringfv(Arena *arena, char *format, va_list args){
va_list args2;
va_copy(args2, args);
i32 size = vsnprintf(0, 0, format, args);
String_Const_char result = string_const_char_push(arena, size + 1);
vsnprintf(result.str, (size_t)result.size, format, args2);
String_Const_u8 result = string_const_u8_push(arena, size + 1);
vsnprintf((char*)result.str, (size_t)result.size, format, args2);
result.size -= 1;
result.str[result.size] = 0;
static String_Const_char
static String_Const_u8
push_stringf(Arena *arena, char *format, ...){
va_list args;
va_start(args, format);
String_Const_char result = push_stringfv(arena, format, args);
String_Const_u8 result = push_stringfv(arena, format, args);
static String_Const_u8
static String_Const_u8
push_u8_stringfv(Arena *arena, char *format, va_list args){
return(SCu8(push_stringfv(arena, format, args)));
return(push_stringfv(arena, format, args));
static String_Const_u8
push_u8_stringf(Arena *arena, char *format, ...){
va_list args;
va_start(args, format);
String_Const_u8 result = SCu8(push_stringfv(arena, format, args));
String_Const_u8 result = push_stringfv(arena, format, args);
static void
string_list_pushfv(Arena *arena, List_String_Const_char *list, char *format, va_list args){
String_Const_char string = push_stringfv(arena, format, args);
String_Const_u8 string = push_stringfv(arena, format, args);
if (arena->alignment < sizeof(u64)){
push_align(arena, sizeof(u64));
string_list_push(arena, list, string);
string_list_push(arena, list, SCchar(string));
static void
string_list_pushf(Arena *arena, List_String_Const_char *list, char *format, ...){
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
#define MAJOR 4
#define MINOR 1
#define PATCH 2
#define PATCH 3
// string
#define VN__(a,b,c) #a "." #b "." #c
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ if [ -z "$SOURCE" ]; then
SOURCE="$(readlink -f "$CODE_HOME/4coder_default_bindings.cpp")"
opts="-Wno-write-strings -Wno-null-dereference -Wno-comment -Wno-switch -Wno-writable-strings -g"
opts="-Wno-write-strings -Wno-null-dereference -Wno-comment -Wno-switch -Wno-writable-strings -g -DOS_LINUX=1 -DOS_WINDOWS=0 -DOS_MAC=1"
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ if [ -z "$SOURCE" ]; then
# NOTE(yuval): Removed -Wno-writable-strings as it is the same as -Wno-write-strings
opts="-Wno-write-strings -Wno-null-dereference -Wno-comment -Wno-switch -Wno-missing-declarations -Wno-logical-op-parentheses -g"
opts="-Wno-write-strings -Wno-null-dereference -Wno-comment -Wno-switch -Wno-missing-declarations -Wno-logical-op-parentheses -g -DOS_MAC=1 -DOS_WINDOWS=0 -DOS_LINUX=0"
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ REM 1. preprocess the build target
REM 2. build the metadata generator
REM 3. run the metadata generator on the result from (1)
REM 4. build the build target
REM 5. cleanup after the metadata generator
REM 5. cleanup after the metadata generator
REM All output files are generated in the current directory when the script is run
set location=%cd%
@ -31,9 +31,13 @@ set release=/O2 /Zi
set mode=%debug%
if "%2" == "release" (set mode=%release%)
set binname=%3
if "%binname%" == "" set binname="custom_4coder"
set opts=/W4 /wd4310 /wd4100 /wd4201 /wd4505 /wd4996 /wd4127 /wd4510 /wd4512 /wd4610 /wd4457 /WX
set opts=%opts% /GR- /nologo /FC
set opts=%opts% -I%custom_root%
set opts=%opts% /D OS_WINDOWS=1 /D OS_LINUX=0 /D OS_MAC=0
set opts=%opts% %mode%
set preproc_file=4coder_command_metadata.i
@ -46,7 +50,7 @@ call cl %opts% %meta_opts% %target%
call cl %opts% "%custom_root%\4coder_metadata_generator.cpp" /Femetadata_generator
metadata_generator -R "%custom_root%" "%cd%\%preproc_file%"
call cl %opts% %target% /Fecustom_4coder %build_dll%
call cl %opts% %target% /Fe%binname% %build_dll%
REM file spammation preventation
del metadata_generator*
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ done
PHYS_DIR=`pwd -P`
opts="-Wno-write-strings -Wno-null-dereference -Wno-comment -Wno-switch -Wno-writable-strings -g"
opts="-Wno-write-strings -Wno-null-dereference -Wno-comment -Wno-switch -Wno-writable-strings -g -DOS_LINUX=1 -DOS_WINDOWS=0 -DOS_MAC=1"
cd "$REAL_PWD"
@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
# If any command errors, stop the script
set -e
# Store the real CWD
ME="$(realpath "$0")"
LOCATION="$(dirname "$ME")"
CODE_HOME="$(dirname "$LOCATION")"
# Find the most reasonable candidate build file
if [ -z "$SOURCE" ]; then
SOURCE="$(readlink -f "$CODE_HOME/4coder_default_bindings.cpp")"
# NOTE(yuval): Removed -Wno-writable-strings as it is the same as -Wno-write-strings
opts="-Wno-write-strings -Wno-null-dereference -Wno-comment -Wno-switch -Wno-missing-declarations -Wno-logical-op-parentheses -g"
clang++ -I"$CODE_HOME" $meta_macros $arch $opts $debug -std=gnu++0x "$SOURCE" -E -o $preproc_file
clang++ -I"$CODE_HOME" $opts $debug -std=gnu++0x "$CODE_HOME/4coder_metadata_generator.cpp" -o "$CODE_HOME/metadata_generator"
"$CODE_HOME/metadata_generator" -R "$CODE_HOME" "$PWD/$preproc_file"
clang++ -I"$CODE_HOME" $arch $opts $debug -std=c++11 "$SOURCE" -shared -o -fPIC
rm "$CODE_HOME/metadata_generator"
rm $preproc_file
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ REM 1. preprocess the build target
REM 2. build the metadata generator
REM 3. run the metadata generator on the result from (1)
REM 4. build the build target
REM 5. cleanup after the metadata generator
REM 5. cleanup after the metadata generator
REM All output files are generated in the current directory when the script is run
set location=%cd%
@ -31,9 +31,13 @@ set release=/O2 /Zi
set mode=%debug%
if "%2" == "release" (set mode=%release%)
set binname=%3
if "%binname%" == "" set binname="custom_4coder"
set opts=/W4 /wd4310 /wd4100 /wd4201 /wd4505 /wd4996 /wd4127 /wd4510 /wd4512 /wd4610 /wd4457 /WX
set opts=%opts% /GR- /nologo /FC
set opts=%opts% -I%custom_root%
set opts=%opts% /D OS_WINDOWS=1 /D OS_LINUX=0 /D OS_MAC=0
set opts=%opts% %mode%
set preproc_file=4coder_command_metadata.i
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
#define command_id(c) (fcoder_metacmd_ID_##c)
#define command_metadata(c) (&fcoder_metacmd_table[command_id(c)])
#define command_metadata_by_id(id) (&fcoder_metacmd_table[id])
#define command_one_past_last_id 231
#define command_one_past_last_id 238
#define PROC_LINKS(x,y) x
@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(auto_indent_whole_file);
@ -24,10 +25,12 @@ CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(change_active_panel_backwards);
@ -136,6 +139,8 @@ CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(move_up_10);
@ -192,6 +197,8 @@ CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(set_eol_mode_from_contents);
@ -252,238 +259,245 @@ char *source_name;
i32 source_name_len;
i32 line_number;
static Command_Metadata fcoder_metacmd_table[231] = {
{ PROC_LINKS(allow_mouse, 0), false, "allow_mouse", 11, "Shows the mouse and causes all mouse input to be processed normally.", 68, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_default_framework.cpp", 47, 409 },
{ PROC_LINKS(auto_indent_line_at_cursor, 0), false, "auto_indent_line_at_cursor", 26, "Auto-indents the line on which the cursor sits.", 47, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_auto_indent.cpp", 41, 407 },
{ PROC_LINKS(auto_indent_range, 0), false, "auto_indent_range", 17, "Auto-indents the range between the cursor and the mark.", 55, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_auto_indent.cpp", 41, 417 },
{ PROC_LINKS(auto_indent_whole_file, 0), false, "auto_indent_whole_file", 22, "Audo-indents the entire current buffer.", 39, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_auto_indent.cpp", 41, 398 },
{ PROC_LINKS(backspace_alpha_numeric_boundary, 0), false, "backspace_alpha_numeric_boundary", 32, "Delete characters between the cursor position and the first alphanumeric boundary to the left.", 94, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 165 },
{ PROC_LINKS(backspace_char, 0), false, "backspace_char", 14, "Deletes the character to the left of the cursor.", 48, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 96 },
{ PROC_LINKS(basic_change_active_panel, 0), false, "basic_change_active_panel", 25, "Change the currently active panel, moving to the panel with the next highest view_id. Will not skipe the build panel if it is open.", 132, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 622 },
{ PROC_LINKS(build_in_build_panel, 0), false, "build_in_build_panel", 20, "Looks for a build.bat,, or makefile in the current and parent directories. Runs the first that it finds and prints the output to *compilation*. Puts the *compilation* buffer in a panel at the footer of the current view.", 230, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_build_commands.cpp", 44, 159 },
{ PROC_LINKS(build_search, 0), false, "build_search", 12, "Looks for a build.bat,, or makefile in the current and parent directories. Runs the first that it finds and prints the output to *compilation*.", 153, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_build_commands.cpp", 44, 122 },
{ PROC_LINKS(center_view, 0), false, "center_view", 11, "Centers the view vertically on the line on which the cursor sits.", 65, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 208 },
{ PROC_LINKS(change_active_panel, 0), false, "change_active_panel", 19, "Change the currently active panel, moving to the panel with the next highest view_id.", 85, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_default_framework.cpp", 47, 284 },
{ PROC_LINKS(change_active_panel_backwards, 0), false, "change_active_panel_backwards", 29, "Change the currently active panel, moving to the panel with the next lowest view_id.", 84, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_default_framework.cpp", 47, 290 },
{ PROC_LINKS(change_to_build_panel, 0), false, "change_to_build_panel", 21, "If the special build panel is open, makes the build panel the active panel.", 75, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_build_commands.cpp", 44, 180 },
{ PROC_LINKS(clean_all_lines, 0), false, "clean_all_lines", 15, "Removes trailing whitespace from all lines in the current buffer.", 65, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 587 },
{ PROC_LINKS(clear_all_themes, 0), false, "clear_all_themes", 16, "Clear the theme list", 20, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_default_framework.cpp", 47, 480 },
{ PROC_LINKS(click_set_cursor, 0), false, "click_set_cursor", 16, "Sets the cursor position to the mouse position.", 47, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 244 },
{ PROC_LINKS(click_set_cursor_and_mark, 0), false, "click_set_cursor_and_mark", 25, "Sets the cursor position and mark to the mouse position.", 56, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 234 },
{ PROC_LINKS(click_set_cursor_if_lbutton, 0), false, "click_set_cursor_if_lbutton", 27, "If the mouse left button is pressed, sets the cursor position to the mouse position.", 84, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 254 },
{ PROC_LINKS(click_set_mark, 0), false, "click_set_mark", 14, "Sets the mark position to the mouse position.", 45, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 266 },
{ PROC_LINKS(close_all_code, 0), false, "close_all_code", 14, "Closes any buffer with a filename ending with an extension configured to be recognized as a code file type.", 107, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_project_commands.cpp", 46, 842 },
{ PROC_LINKS(close_build_panel, 0), false, "close_build_panel", 17, "If the special build panel is open, closes it.", 46, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_build_commands.cpp", 44, 174 },
{ PROC_LINKS(close_panel, 0), false, "close_panel", 11, "Closes the currently active panel if it is not the only panel open.", 67, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 630 },
{ PROC_LINKS(command_documentation, 0), true, "command_documentation", 21, "Prompts the user to select a command then loads a doc buffer for that item", 74, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_docs.cpp", 34, 190 },
{ PROC_LINKS(command_lister, 0), true, "command_lister", 14, "Opens an interactive list of all registered commands.", 53, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_lists.cpp", 35, 761 },
{ PROC_LINKS(comment_line, 0), false, "comment_line", 12, "Insert '//' at the beginning of the line after leading whitespace.", 66, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_combined_write_commands.cpp", 53, 125 },
{ PROC_LINKS(comment_line_toggle, 0), false, "comment_line_toggle", 19, "Turns uncommented lines into commented lines and vice versa for comments starting with '//'.", 92, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_combined_write_commands.cpp", 53, 149 },
{ PROC_LINKS(copy, 0), false, "copy", 4, "Copy the text in the range from the cursor to the mark onto the clipboard.", 74, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_clipboard.cpp", 39, 19 },
{ PROC_LINKS(cursor_mark_swap, 0), false, "cursor_mark_swap", 16, "Swaps the position of the cursor and the mark.", 46, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 135 },
{ PROC_LINKS(custom_api_documentation, 0), true, "custom_api_documentation", 24, "Prompts the user to select a Custom API item then loads a doc buffer for that item", 82, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_docs.cpp", 34, 175 },
{ PROC_LINKS(cut, 0), false, "cut", 3, "Cut the text in the range from the cursor to the mark onto the clipboard.", 73, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_clipboard.cpp", 39, 28 },
{ PROC_LINKS(decrease_face_size, 0), false, "decrease_face_size", 18, "Decrease the size of the face used by the current buffer.", 57, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 693 },
{ PROC_LINKS(default_file_externally_modified, 0), false, "default_file_externally_modified", 32, "Notes the external modification of attached files by printing a message.", 72, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 1804 },
{ PROC_LINKS(default_startup, 0), false, "default_startup", 15, "Default command for responding to a startup event", 49, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_default_hooks.cpp", 43, 7 },
{ PROC_LINKS(default_try_exit, 0), false, "default_try_exit", 16, "Default command for responding to a try-exit event", 50, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_default_hooks.cpp", 43, 23 },
{ PROC_LINKS(default_view_input_handler, 0), false, "default_view_input_handler", 26, "Input consumption loop for default view behavior", 48, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_default_hooks.cpp", 43, 51 },
{ PROC_LINKS(delete_alpha_numeric_boundary, 0), false, "delete_alpha_numeric_boundary", 29, "Delete characters between the cursor position and the first alphanumeric boundary to the right.", 95, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 173 },
{ PROC_LINKS(delete_char, 0), false, "delete_char", 11, "Deletes the character to the right of the cursor.", 49, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 79 },
{ PROC_LINKS(delete_current_scope, 0), false, "delete_current_scope", 20, "Deletes the braces surrounding the currently selected scope. Leaves the contents within the scope.", 99, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_scope_commands.cpp", 44, 112 },
{ PROC_LINKS(delete_file_query, 0), false, "delete_file_query", 17, "Deletes the file of the current buffer if 4coder has the appropriate access rights. Will ask the user for confirmation first.", 125, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 1230 },
{ PROC_LINKS(delete_line, 0), false, "delete_line", 11, "Delete the line the on which the cursor sits.", 45, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 1402 },
{ PROC_LINKS(delete_range, 0), false, "delete_range", 12, "Deletes the text in the range between the cursor and the mark.", 62, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 145 },
{ PROC_LINKS(duplicate_line, 0), false, "duplicate_line", 14, "Create a copy of the line on which the cursor sits.", 51, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 1388 },
{ PROC_LINKS(execute_any_cli, 0), false, "execute_any_cli", 15, "Queries for an output buffer name and system command, runs the system command as a CLI and prints the output to the specified buffer.", 133, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_cli_command.cpp", 41, 22 },
{ PROC_LINKS(execute_previous_cli, 0), false, "execute_previous_cli", 20, "If the command execute_any_cli has already been used, this will execute a CLI reusing the most recent buffer name and command.", 126, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_cli_command.cpp", 41, 7 },
{ PROC_LINKS(exit_4coder, 0), false, "exit_4coder", 11, "Attempts to close 4coder.", 25, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 749 },
{ PROC_LINKS(goto_beginning_of_file, 0), false, "goto_beginning_of_file", 22, "Sets the cursor to the beginning of the file.", 45, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_helper.cpp", 36, 2184 },
{ PROC_LINKS(goto_end_of_file, 0), false, "goto_end_of_file", 16, "Sets the cursor to the end of the file.", 39, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_helper.cpp", 36, 2192 },
{ PROC_LINKS(goto_first_jump, 0), false, "goto_first_jump", 15, "If a buffer containing jump locations has been locked in, goes to the first jump in the buffer.", 95, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_jump_sticky.cpp", 41, 525 },
{ PROC_LINKS(goto_first_jump_same_panel_sticky, 0), false, "goto_first_jump_same_panel_sticky", 33, "If a buffer containing jump locations has been locked in, goes to the first jump in the buffer and views the buffer in the panel where the jump list was.", 153, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_jump_sticky.cpp", 41, 542 },
{ PROC_LINKS(goto_jump_at_cursor, 0), false, "goto_jump_at_cursor", 19, "If the cursor is found to be on a jump location, parses the jump location and brings up the file and position in another view and changes the active panel to the view containing the jump.", 187, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_jump_sticky.cpp", 41, 348 },
{ PROC_LINKS(goto_jump_at_cursor_same_panel, 0), false, "goto_jump_at_cursor_same_panel", 30, "If the cursor is found to be on a jump location, parses the jump location and brings up the file and position in this view, losing the compilation output or jump list.", 167, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_jump_sticky.cpp", 41, 375 },
{ PROC_LINKS(goto_line, 0), false, "goto_line", 9, "Queries the user for a number, and jumps the cursor to the corresponding line.", 78, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 757 },
{ PROC_LINKS(goto_next_jump, 0), false, "goto_next_jump", 14, "If a buffer containing jump locations has been locked in, goes to the next jump in the buffer, skipping sub jump locations.", 123, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_jump_sticky.cpp", 41, 464 },
{ PROC_LINKS(goto_next_jump_no_skips, 0), false, "goto_next_jump_no_skips", 23, "If a buffer containing jump locations has been locked in, goes to the next jump in the buffer, and does not skip sub jump locations.", 132, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_jump_sticky.cpp", 41, 494 },
{ PROC_LINKS(goto_prev_jump, 0), false, "goto_prev_jump", 14, "If a buffer containing jump locations has been locked in, goes to the previous jump in the buffer, skipping sub jump locations.", 127, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_jump_sticky.cpp", 41, 481 },
{ PROC_LINKS(goto_prev_jump_no_skips, 0), false, "goto_prev_jump_no_skips", 23, "If a buffer containing jump locations has been locked in, goes to the previous jump in the buffer, and does not skip sub jump locations.", 136, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_jump_sticky.cpp", 41, 511 },
{ PROC_LINKS(hide_filebar, 0), false, "hide_filebar", 12, "Sets the current view to hide it's filebar.", 43, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 660 },
{ PROC_LINKS(hide_scrollbar, 0), false, "hide_scrollbar", 14, "Sets the current view to hide it's scrollbar.", 45, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 646 },
{ PROC_LINKS(hms_demo_tutorial, 0), false, "hms_demo_tutorial", 17, "Tutorial for built in 4coder bindings and features.", 51, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_tutorial.cpp", 38, 869 },
{ PROC_LINKS(if0_off, 0), false, "if0_off", 7, "Surround the range between the cursor and mark with an '#if 0' and an '#endif'", 78, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_combined_write_commands.cpp", 53, 70 },
{ PROC_LINKS(if_read_only_goto_position, 0), false, "if_read_only_goto_position", 26, "If the buffer in the active view is writable, inserts a character, otherwise performs goto_jump_at_cursor.", 106, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_jump_sticky.cpp", 41, 564 },
{ PROC_LINKS(if_read_only_goto_position_same_panel, 0), false, "if_read_only_goto_position_same_panel", 37, "If the buffer in the active view is writable, inserts a character, otherwise performs goto_jump_at_cursor_same_panel.", 117, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_jump_sticky.cpp", 41, 581 },
{ PROC_LINKS(increase_face_size, 0), false, "increase_face_size", 18, "Increase the size of the face used by the current buffer.", 57, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 682 },
{ PROC_LINKS(interactive_kill_buffer, 0), true, "interactive_kill_buffer", 23, "Interactively kill an open buffer.", 34, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_lists.cpp", 35, 520 },
{ PROC_LINKS(interactive_new, 0), true, "interactive_new", 15, "Interactively creates a new file.", 33, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_lists.cpp", 35, 661 },
{ PROC_LINKS(interactive_open, 0), true, "interactive_open", 16, "Interactively opens a file.", 27, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_lists.cpp", 35, 715 },
{ PROC_LINKS(interactive_open_or_new, 0), true, "interactive_open_or_new", 23, "Interactively open a file out of the file system.", 49, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_lists.cpp", 35, 612 },
{ PROC_LINKS(interactive_switch_buffer, 0), true, "interactive_switch_buffer", 25, "Interactively switch to an open buffer.", 39, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_lists.cpp", 35, 510 },
{ PROC_LINKS(jump_to_definition, 0), true, "jump_to_definition", 18, "List all definitions in the code index and jump to one chosen by the user.", 74, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_code_index_listers.cpp", 48, 12 },
{ PROC_LINKS(keyboard_macro_finish_recording, 0), false, "keyboard_macro_finish_recording", 31, "Stop macro recording, do nothing if macro recording is not already started", 74, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_keyboard_macro.cpp", 44, 54 },
{ PROC_LINKS(keyboard_macro_replay, 0), false, "keyboard_macro_replay", 21, "Replay the most recently recorded keyboard macro", 48, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_keyboard_macro.cpp", 44, 77 },
{ PROC_LINKS(keyboard_macro_start_recording, 0), false, "keyboard_macro_start_recording", 30, "Start macro recording, do nothing if macro recording is already started", 71, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_keyboard_macro.cpp", 44, 41 },
{ PROC_LINKS(kill_buffer, 0), false, "kill_buffer", 11, "Kills the current buffer.", 25, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 1548 },
{ PROC_LINKS(kill_tutorial, 0), false, "kill_tutorial", 13, "If there is an active tutorial, kill it.", 40, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_tutorial.cpp", 38, 9 },
{ PROC_LINKS(left_adjust_view, 0), false, "left_adjust_view", 16, "Sets the left size of the view near the x position of the cursor.", 65, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 222 },
{ PROC_LINKS(list_all_functions_all_buffers, 0), false, "list_all_functions_all_buffers", 30, "Creates a jump list of lines from all buffers that appear to define or declare functions.", 89, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_function_list.cpp", 43, 296 },
{ PROC_LINKS(list_all_functions_all_buffers_lister, 0), false, "list_all_functions_all_buffers_lister", 37, "Creates a lister of locations that look like function definitions and declarations all buffers.", 95, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_function_list.cpp", 43, 302 },
{ PROC_LINKS(list_all_functions_current_buffer, 0), false, "list_all_functions_current_buffer", 33, "Creates a jump list of lines of the current buffer that appear to define or declare functions.", 94, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_function_list.cpp", 43, 267 },
{ PROC_LINKS(list_all_functions_current_buffer_lister, 0), false, "list_all_functions_current_buffer_lister", 40, "Creates a lister of locations that look like function definitions and declarations in the buffer.", 97, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_function_list.cpp", 43, 277 },
{ PROC_LINKS(list_all_locations, 0), false, "list_all_locations", 18, "Queries the user for a string and lists all exact case-sensitive matches found in all open buffers.", 99, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_search.cpp", 36, 165 },
{ PROC_LINKS(list_all_locations_case_insensitive, 0), false, "list_all_locations_case_insensitive", 35, "Queries the user for a string and lists all exact case-insensitive matches found in all open buffers.", 101, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_search.cpp", 36, 177 },
{ PROC_LINKS(list_all_locations_of_identifier, 0), false, "list_all_locations_of_identifier", 32, "Reads a token or word under the cursor and lists all exact case-sensitive mathces in all open buffers.", 102, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_search.cpp", 36, 189 },
{ PROC_LINKS(list_all_locations_of_identifier_case_insensitive, 0), false, "list_all_locations_of_identifier_case_insensitive", 49, "Reads a token or word under the cursor and lists all exact case-insensitive mathces in all open buffers.", 104, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_search.cpp", 36, 195 },
{ PROC_LINKS(list_all_locations_of_selection, 0), false, "list_all_locations_of_selection", 31, "Reads the string in the selected range and lists all exact case-sensitive mathces in all open buffers.", 102, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_search.cpp", 36, 201 },
{ PROC_LINKS(list_all_locations_of_selection_case_insensitive, 0), false, "list_all_locations_of_selection_case_insensitive", 48, "Reads the string in the selected range and lists all exact case-insensitive mathces in all open buffers.", 104, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_search.cpp", 36, 207 },
{ PROC_LINKS(list_all_locations_of_type_definition, 0), false, "list_all_locations_of_type_definition", 37, "Queries user for string, lists all locations of strings that appear to define a type whose name matches the input string.", 121, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_search.cpp", 36, 213 },
{ PROC_LINKS(list_all_locations_of_type_definition_of_identifier, 0), false, "list_all_locations_of_type_definition_of_identifier", 51, "Reads a token or word under the cursor and lists all locations of strings that appear to define a type whose name matches it.", 125, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_search.cpp", 36, 221 },
{ PROC_LINKS(list_all_substring_locations, 0), false, "list_all_substring_locations", 28, "Queries the user for a string and lists all case-sensitive substring matches found in all open buffers.", 103, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_search.cpp", 36, 171 },
{ PROC_LINKS(list_all_substring_locations_case_insensitive, 0), false, "list_all_substring_locations_case_insensitive", 45, "Queries the user for a string and lists all case-insensitive substring matches found in all open buffers.", 105, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_search.cpp", 36, 183 },
{ PROC_LINKS(load_project, 0), false, "load_project", 12, "Looks for a project.4coder file in the current directory and tries to load it. Looks in parent directories until a project file is found or there are no more parents.", 167, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_project_commands.cpp", 46, 862 },
{ PROC_LINKS(load_theme_current_buffer, 0), false, "load_theme_current_buffer", 25, "Parse the current buffer as a theme file and add the theme to the theme list. If the buffer has a .4coder postfix in it's name, it is removed when the name is saved.", 165, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_config.cpp", 36, 1622 },
{ PROC_LINKS(load_themes_default_folder, 0), false, "load_themes_default_folder", 26, "Loads all the theme files in the default theme folder.", 54, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_default_framework.cpp", 47, 457 },
{ PROC_LINKS(load_themes_hot_directory, 0), false, "load_themes_hot_directory", 25, "Loads all the theme files in the current hot directory.", 55, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_default_framework.cpp", 47, 469 },
{ PROC_LINKS(make_directory_query, 0), false, "make_directory_query", 20, "Queries the user for a name and creates a new directory with the given name.", 76, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 1342 },
{ PROC_LINKS(miblo_decrement_basic, 0), false, "miblo_decrement_basic", 21, "Decrement an integer under the cursor by one.", 45, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_miblo_numbers.cpp", 43, 44 },
{ PROC_LINKS(miblo_decrement_time_stamp, 0), false, "miblo_decrement_time_stamp", 26, "Decrement a time stamp under the cursor by one second. (format [m]m:ss or h:mm:ss", 81, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_miblo_numbers.cpp", 43, 237 },
{ PROC_LINKS(miblo_decrement_time_stamp_minute, 0), false, "miblo_decrement_time_stamp_minute", 33, "Decrement a time stamp under the cursor by one minute. (format [m]m:ss or h:mm:ss", 81, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_miblo_numbers.cpp", 43, 249 },
{ PROC_LINKS(miblo_increment_basic, 0), false, "miblo_increment_basic", 21, "Increment an integer under the cursor by one.", 45, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_miblo_numbers.cpp", 43, 29 },
{ PROC_LINKS(miblo_increment_time_stamp, 0), false, "miblo_increment_time_stamp", 26, "Increment a time stamp under the cursor by one second. (format [m]m:ss or h:mm:ss", 81, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_miblo_numbers.cpp", 43, 231 },
{ PROC_LINKS(miblo_increment_time_stamp_minute, 0), false, "miblo_increment_time_stamp_minute", 33, "Increment a time stamp under the cursor by one minute. (format [m]m:ss or h:mm:ss", 81, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_miblo_numbers.cpp", 43, 243 },
{ PROC_LINKS(mouse_wheel_change_face_size, 0), false, "mouse_wheel_change_face_size", 28, "Reads the state of the mouse wheel and uses it to either increase or decrease the face size.", 92, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 704 },
{ PROC_LINKS(mouse_wheel_scroll, 0), false, "mouse_wheel_scroll", 18, "Reads the scroll wheel value from the mouse state and scrolls accordingly.", 74, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 276 },
{ PROC_LINKS(move_down, 0), false, "move_down", 9, "Moves the cursor down one line.", 31, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 347 },
{ PROC_LINKS(move_down_10, 0), false, "move_down_10", 12, "Moves the cursor down ten lines.", 32, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 359 },
{ PROC_LINKS(move_down_textual, 0), false, "move_down_textual", 17, "Moves down to the next line of actual text, regardless of line wrapping.", 72, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 365 },
{ PROC_LINKS(move_down_to_blank_line, 0), false, "move_down_to_blank_line", 23, "Seeks the cursor down to the next blank line.", 45, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 418 },
{ PROC_LINKS(move_down_to_blank_line_end, 0), false, "move_down_to_blank_line_end", 27, "Seeks the cursor down to the next blank line and places it at the end of the line.", 82, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 442 },
{ PROC_LINKS(move_down_to_blank_line_skip_whitespace, 0), false, "move_down_to_blank_line_skip_whitespace", 39, "Seeks the cursor down to the next blank line and places it at the end of the line.", 82, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 430 },
{ PROC_LINKS(move_left, 0), false, "move_left", 9, "Moves the cursor one character to the left.", 43, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 448 },
{ PROC_LINKS(move_left_alpha_numeric_boundary, 0), false, "move_left_alpha_numeric_boundary", 32, "Seek left for boundary between alphanumeric characters and non-alphanumeric characters.", 87, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 525 },
{ PROC_LINKS(move_left_alpha_numeric_or_camel_boundary, 0), false, "move_left_alpha_numeric_or_camel_boundary", 41, "Seek left for boundary between alphanumeric characters or camel case word and non-alphanumeric characters.", 106, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 539 },
{ PROC_LINKS(move_left_token_boundary, 0), false, "move_left_token_boundary", 24, "Seek left for the next beginning of a token.", 44, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 497 },
{ PROC_LINKS(move_left_whitespace_boundary, 0), false, "move_left_whitespace_boundary", 29, "Seek left for the next boundary between whitespace and non-whitespace.", 70, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 482 },
{ PROC_LINKS(move_left_whitespace_or_token_boundary, 0), false, "move_left_whitespace_or_token_boundary", 38, "Seek left for the next end of a token or boundary between whitespace and non-whitespace.", 88, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 511 },
{ PROC_LINKS(move_line_down, 0), false, "move_line_down", 14, "Swaps the line under the cursor with the line below it, and moves the cursor down with it.", 90, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 1382 },
{ PROC_LINKS(move_line_up, 0), false, "move_line_up", 12, "Swaps the line under the cursor with the line above it, and moves the cursor up with it.", 88, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 1376 },
{ PROC_LINKS(move_right, 0), false, "move_right", 10, "Moves the cursor one character to the right.", 44, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 456 },
{ PROC_LINKS(move_right_alpha_numeric_boundary, 0), false, "move_right_alpha_numeric_boundary", 33, "Seek right for boundary between alphanumeric characters and non-alphanumeric characters.", 88, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 518 },
{ PROC_LINKS(move_right_alpha_numeric_or_camel_boundary, 0), false, "move_right_alpha_numeric_or_camel_boundary", 42, "Seek right for boundary between alphanumeric characters or camel case word and non-alphanumeric characters.", 107, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 532 },
{ PROC_LINKS(move_right_token_boundary, 0), false, "move_right_token_boundary", 25, "Seek right for the next end of a token.", 39, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 490 },
{ PROC_LINKS(move_right_whitespace_boundary, 0), false, "move_right_whitespace_boundary", 30, "Seek right for the next boundary between whitespace and non-whitespace.", 71, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 474 },
{ PROC_LINKS(move_right_whitespace_or_token_boundary, 0), false, "move_right_whitespace_or_token_boundary", 39, "Seek right for the next end of a token or boundary between whitespace and non-whitespace.", 89, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 504 },
{ PROC_LINKS(move_up, 0), false, "move_up", 7, "Moves the cursor up one line.", 29, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 341 },
{ PROC_LINKS(move_up_10, 0), false, "move_up_10", 10, "Moves the cursor up ten lines.", 30, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 353 },
{ PROC_LINKS(move_up_to_blank_line, 0), false, "move_up_to_blank_line", 21, "Seeks the cursor up to the next blank line.", 43, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 412 },
{ PROC_LINKS(move_up_to_blank_line_end, 0), false, "move_up_to_blank_line_end", 25, "Seeks the cursor up to the next blank line and places it at the end of the line.", 80, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 436 },
{ PROC_LINKS(move_up_to_blank_line_skip_whitespace, 0), false, "move_up_to_blank_line_skip_whitespace", 37, "Seeks the cursor up to the next blank line and places it at the end of the line.", 80, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 424 },
{ PROC_LINKS(open_all_code, 0), false, "open_all_code", 13, "Open all code in the current directory. File types are determined by extensions. An extension is considered code based on the extensions specified in 4coder.config.", 164, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_project_commands.cpp", 46, 848 },
{ PROC_LINKS(open_all_code_recursive, 0), false, "open_all_code_recursive", 23, "Works as open_all_code but also runs in all subdirectories.", 59, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_project_commands.cpp", 46, 854 },
{ PROC_LINKS(open_file_in_quotes, 0), false, "open_file_in_quotes", 19, "Reads a filename from surrounding '\"' characters and attempts to open the corresponding file.", 94, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 1467 },
{ PROC_LINKS(open_in_other, 0), false, "open_in_other", 13, "Interactively opens a file in the other panel.", 46, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 1798 },
{ PROC_LINKS(open_long_braces, 0), false, "open_long_braces", 16, "At the cursor, insert a '{' and '}' separated by a blank line.", 62, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_combined_write_commands.cpp", 53, 46 },
{ PROC_LINKS(open_long_braces_break, 0), false, "open_long_braces_break", 22, "At the cursor, insert a '{' and '}break;' separated by a blank line.", 68, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_combined_write_commands.cpp", 53, 62 },
{ PROC_LINKS(open_long_braces_semicolon, 0), false, "open_long_braces_semicolon", 26, "At the cursor, insert a '{' and '};' separated by a blank line.", 63, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_combined_write_commands.cpp", 53, 54 },
{ PROC_LINKS(open_matching_file_cpp, 0), false, "open_matching_file_cpp", 22, "If the current file is a *.cpp or *.h, attempts to open the corresponding *.h or *.cpp file in the other view.", 110, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 1499 },
{ PROC_LINKS(open_panel_hsplit, 0), false, "open_panel_hsplit", 17, "Create a new panel by horizontally splitting the active panel.", 62, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_default_framework.cpp", 47, 310 },
{ PROC_LINKS(open_panel_vsplit, 0), false, "open_panel_vsplit", 17, "Create a new panel by vertically splitting the active panel.", 60, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_default_framework.cpp", 47, 300 },
{ PROC_LINKS(page_down, 0), false, "page_down", 9, "Scrolls the view down one view height and moves the cursor down one view height.", 80, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 383 },
{ PROC_LINKS(page_up, 0), false, "page_up", 7, "Scrolls the view up one view height and moves the cursor up one view height.", 76, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 375 },
{ PROC_LINKS(paste, 0), false, "paste", 5, "At the cursor, insert the text at the top of the clipboard.", 59, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_clipboard.cpp", 39, 39 },
{ PROC_LINKS(paste_and_indent, 0), false, "paste_and_indent", 16, "Paste from the top of clipboard and run auto-indent on the newly pasted text.", 77, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_clipboard.cpp", 39, 113 },
{ PROC_LINKS(paste_next, 0), false, "paste_next", 10, "If the previous command was paste or paste_next, replaces the paste range with the next text down on the clipboard, otherwise operates as the paste command.", 156, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_clipboard.cpp", 39, 72 },
{ PROC_LINKS(paste_next_and_indent, 0), false, "paste_next_and_indent", 21, "Paste the next item on the clipboard and run auto-indent on the newly pasted text.", 82, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_clipboard.cpp", 39, 120 },
{ PROC_LINKS(place_in_scope, 0), false, "place_in_scope", 14, "Wraps the code contained in the range between cursor and mark with a new curly brace scope.", 91, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_scope_commands.cpp", 44, 106 },
{ PROC_LINKS(profile_clear, 0), false, "profile_clear", 13, "Clear all profiling information from 4coder's self profiler.", 60, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_profile.cpp", 37, 226 },
{ PROC_LINKS(profile_disable, 0), false, "profile_disable", 15, "Prevent 4coder's self profiler from gathering new profiling information.", 72, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_profile.cpp", 37, 219 },
{ PROC_LINKS(profile_enable, 0), false, "profile_enable", 14, "Allow 4coder's self profiler to gather new profiling information.", 65, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_profile.cpp", 37, 212 },
{ PROC_LINKS(profile_inspect, 0), true, "profile_inspect", 15, "Inspect all currently collected profiling information in 4coder's self profiler.", 80, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_profile_inspect.cpp", 45, 886 },
{ PROC_LINKS(project_command_lister, 0), false, "project_command_lister", 22, "Open a lister of all commands in the currently loaded project.", 62, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_project_commands.cpp", 46, 1289 },
{ PROC_LINKS(project_fkey_command, 0), false, "project_fkey_command", 20, "Run an 'fkey command' configured in a project.4coder file. Determines the index of the 'fkey command' by which function key or numeric key was pressed to trigger the command.", 175, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_project_commands.cpp", 46, 870 },
{ PROC_LINKS(project_go_to_root_directory, 0), false, "project_go_to_root_directory", 28, "Changes 4coder's hot directory to the root directory of the currently loaded project. With no loaded project nothing hapepns.", 125, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_project_commands.cpp", 46, 896 },
{ PROC_LINKS(query_replace, 0), false, "query_replace", 13, "Queries the user for two strings, and incrementally replaces every occurence of the first string with the second string.", 120, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 1158 },
{ PROC_LINKS(query_replace_identifier, 0), false, "query_replace_identifier", 24, "Queries the user for a string, and incrementally replace every occurence of the word or token found at the cursor with the specified string.", 140, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 1179 },
{ PROC_LINKS(query_replace_selection, 0), false, "query_replace_selection", 23, "Queries the user for a string, and incrementally replace every occurence of the string found in the selected range with the specified string.", 141, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 1195 },
{ PROC_LINKS(redo, 0), false, "redo", 4, "Advances forwards through the undo history of the current buffer.", 65, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 1637 },
{ PROC_LINKS(redo_all_buffers, 0), false, "redo_all_buffers", 16, "Advances forward through the undo history in the buffer containing the most recent regular edit.", 96, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 1722 },
{ PROC_LINKS(rename_file_query, 0), false, "rename_file_query", 17, "Queries the user for a new name and renames the file of the current buffer, altering the buffer's name too.", 107, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 1307 },
{ PROC_LINKS(reopen, 0), false, "reopen", 6, "Reopen the current buffer from the hard drive.", 46, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 1566 },
{ PROC_LINKS(replace_in_all_buffers, 0), false, "replace_in_all_buffers", 22, "Queries the user for a needle and string. Replaces all occurences of needle with string in all editable buffers.", 112, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 1068 },
{ PROC_LINKS(replace_in_buffer, 0), false, "replace_in_buffer", 17, "Queries the user for a needle and string. Replaces all occurences of needle with string in the active buffer.", 109, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 1059 },
{ PROC_LINKS(replace_in_range, 0), false, "replace_in_range", 16, "Queries the user for a needle and string. Replaces all occurences of needle with string in the range between cursor and the mark in the active buffer.", 150, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 1050 },
{ PROC_LINKS(reverse_search, 0), false, "reverse_search", 14, "Begins an incremental search up through the current buffer for a user specified string.", 87, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 991 },
{ PROC_LINKS(reverse_search_identifier, 0), false, "reverse_search_identifier", 25, "Begins an incremental search up through the current buffer for the word or token under the cursor.", 98, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 1003 },
{ PROC_LINKS(save, 0), false, "save", 4, "Saves the current buffer.", 25, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 1556 },
{ PROC_LINKS(save_all_dirty_buffers, 0), false, "save_all_dirty_buffers", 22, "Saves all buffers marked dirty (showing the '*' indicator).", 59, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_default_framework.cpp", 47, 382 },
{ PROC_LINKS(save_to_query, 0), false, "save_to_query", 13, "Queries the user for a file name and saves the contents of the current buffer, altering the buffer's name too.", 110, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 1274 },
{ PROC_LINKS(search, 0), false, "search", 6, "Begins an incremental search down through the current buffer for a user specified string.", 89, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 985 },
{ PROC_LINKS(search_identifier, 0), false, "search_identifier", 17, "Begins an incremental search down through the current buffer for the word or token under the cursor.", 100, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 997 },
{ PROC_LINKS(seek_beginning_of_line, 0), false, "seek_beginning_of_line", 22, "Seeks the cursor to the beginning of the visual line.", 53, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_helper.cpp", 36, 2172 },
{ PROC_LINKS(seek_beginning_of_textual_line, 0), false, "seek_beginning_of_textual_line", 30, "Seeks the cursor to the beginning of the line across all text.", 62, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_helper.cpp", 36, 2160 },
{ PROC_LINKS(seek_end_of_line, 0), false, "seek_end_of_line", 16, "Seeks the cursor to the end of the visual line.", 47, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_helper.cpp", 36, 2178 },
{ PROC_LINKS(seek_end_of_textual_line, 0), false, "seek_end_of_textual_line", 24, "Seeks the cursor to the end of the line across all text.", 56, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_helper.cpp", 36, 2166 },
{ PROC_LINKS(select_all, 0), false, "select_all", 10, "Puts the cursor at the top of the file, and the mark at the bottom of the file.", 79, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 548 },
{ PROC_LINKS(select_next_scope_absolute, 0), false, "select_next_scope_absolute", 26, "Finds the first scope started by '{' after the cursor and puts the cursor and mark on the '{' and '}'.", 102, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_scope_commands.cpp", 44, 57 },
{ PROC_LINKS(select_next_scope_after_current, 0), false, "select_next_scope_after_current", 31, "If a scope is selected, find first scope that starts after the selected scope. Otherwise find the first scope that starts after the cursor.", 139, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_scope_commands.cpp", 44, 66 },
{ PROC_LINKS(select_prev_scope_absolute, 0), false, "select_prev_scope_absolute", 26, "Finds the first scope started by '{' before the cursor and puts the cursor and mark on the '{' and '}'.", 103, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_scope_commands.cpp", 44, 82 },
{ PROC_LINKS(select_prev_top_most_scope, 0), false, "select_prev_top_most_scope", 26, "Finds the first scope that starts before the cursor, then finds the top most scope that contains that scope.", 108, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_scope_commands.cpp", 44, 99 },
{ PROC_LINKS(select_surrounding_scope, 0), false, "select_surrounding_scope", 24, "Finds the scope enclosed by '{' '}' surrounding the cursor and puts the cursor and mark on the '{' and '}'.", 107, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_scope_commands.cpp", 44, 27 },
{ PROC_LINKS(select_surrounding_scope_maximal, 0), false, "select_surrounding_scope_maximal", 32, "Selects the top-most scope that surrounds the cursor.", 53, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_scope_commands.cpp", 44, 39 },
{ PROC_LINKS(set_eol_mode_from_contents, 0), false, "set_eol_mode_from_contents", 26, "Sets the buffer's line ending mode to match the contents of the buffer.", 71, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_eol.cpp", 33, 125 },
{ PROC_LINKS(set_eol_mode_to_binary, 0), false, "set_eol_mode_to_binary", 22, "Puts the buffer in bin line ending mode.", 40, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_eol.cpp", 33, 112 },
{ PROC_LINKS(set_eol_mode_to_crlf, 0), false, "set_eol_mode_to_crlf", 20, "Puts the buffer in crlf line ending mode.", 41, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_eol.cpp", 33, 86 },
{ PROC_LINKS(set_eol_mode_to_lf, 0), false, "set_eol_mode_to_lf", 18, "Puts the buffer in lf line ending mode.", 39, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_eol.cpp", 33, 99 },
{ PROC_LINKS(set_mark, 0), false, "set_mark", 8, "Sets the mark to the current position of the cursor.", 52, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 126 },
{ PROC_LINKS(set_mode_to_notepad_like, 0), false, "set_mode_to_notepad_like", 24, "Sets the edit mode to Notepad like.", 35, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_default_framework.cpp", 47, 427 },
{ PROC_LINKS(set_mode_to_original, 0), false, "set_mode_to_original", 20, "Sets the edit mode to 4coder original.", 38, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_default_framework.cpp", 47, 421 },
{ PROC_LINKS(setup_build_bat, 0), false, "setup_build_bat", 15, "Queries the user for several configuration options and initializes a new build batch script.", 92, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_project_commands.cpp", 46, 1237 },
{ PROC_LINKS(setup_build_bat_and_sh, 0), false, "setup_build_bat_and_sh", 22, "Queries the user for several configuration options and initializes a new build batch script.", 92, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_project_commands.cpp", 46, 1249 },
{ PROC_LINKS(setup_build_sh, 0), false, "setup_build_sh", 14, "Queries the user for several configuration options and initializes a new build shell script.", 92, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_project_commands.cpp", 46, 1243 },
{ PROC_LINKS(setup_new_project, 0), false, "setup_new_project", 17, "Queries the user for several configuration options and initializes a new 4coder project with build scripts for every OS.", 120, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_project_commands.cpp", 46, 1230 },
{ PROC_LINKS(show_filebar, 0), false, "show_filebar", 12, "Sets the current view to show it's filebar.", 43, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 653 },
{ PROC_LINKS(show_scrollbar, 0), false, "show_scrollbar", 14, "Sets the current view to show it's scrollbar.", 45, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 639 },
{ PROC_LINKS(show_the_log_graph, 0), true, "show_the_log_graph", 18, "Parses *log* and displays the 'log graph' UI", 44, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_log_parser.cpp", 40, 994 },
{ PROC_LINKS(snipe_backward_whitespace_or_token_boundary, 0), false, "snipe_backward_whitespace_or_token_boundary", 43, "Delete a single, whole token on or to the left of the cursor and post it to the clipboard.", 90, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 190 },
{ PROC_LINKS(snipe_forward_whitespace_or_token_boundary, 0), false, "snipe_forward_whitespace_or_token_boundary", 42, "Delete a single, whole token on or to the right of the cursor and post it to the clipboard.", 91, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 198 },
{ PROC_LINKS(snippet_lister, 0), true, "snippet_lister", 14, "Opens a snippet lister for inserting whole pre-written snippets of text.", 72, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_combined_write_commands.cpp", 53, 237 },
{ PROC_LINKS(suppress_mouse, 0), false, "suppress_mouse", 14, "Hides the mouse and causes all mosue input (clicks, position, wheel) to be ignored.", 83, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_default_framework.cpp", 47, 403 },
{ PROC_LINKS(swap_panels, 0), false, "swap_panels", 11, "Swaps the active panel with it's sibling.", 41, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 1524 },
{ PROC_LINKS(test_double_backspace, 0), false, "test_double_backspace", 21, "Made for testing purposes (I should have deleted this if you are reading it let me know)", 88, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 115 },
{ PROC_LINKS(theme_lister, 0), true, "theme_lister", 12, "Opens an interactive list of all registered themes.", 51, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_lists.cpp", 35, 785 },
{ PROC_LINKS(to_lowercase, 0), false, "to_lowercase", 12, "Converts all ascii text in the range between the cursor and the mark to lowercase.", 82, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 574 },
{ PROC_LINKS(to_uppercase, 0), false, "to_uppercase", 12, "Converts all ascii text in the range between the cursor and the mark to uppercase.", 82, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 561 },
{ PROC_LINKS(toggle_filebar, 0), false, "toggle_filebar", 14, "Toggles the visibility status of the current view's filebar.", 60, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 667 },
{ PROC_LINKS(toggle_fps_meter, 0), false, "toggle_fps_meter", 16, "Toggles the visibility of the FPS performance meter", 51, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 676 },
{ PROC_LINKS(toggle_fullscreen, 0), false, "toggle_fullscreen", 17, "Toggle fullscreen mode on or off. The change(s) do not take effect until the next frame.", 89, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_default_framework.cpp", 47, 451 },
{ PROC_LINKS(toggle_highlight_enclosing_scopes, 0), false, "toggle_highlight_enclosing_scopes", 33, "In code files scopes surrounding the cursor are highlighted with distinguishing colors.", 87, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_default_framework.cpp", 47, 439 },
{ PROC_LINKS(toggle_highlight_line_at_cursor, 0), false, "toggle_highlight_line_at_cursor", 31, "Toggles the line highlight at the cursor.", 41, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_default_framework.cpp", 47, 433 },
{ PROC_LINKS(toggle_line_numbers, 0), false, "toggle_line_numbers", 19, "Toggles the left margin line numbers.", 37, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 730 },
{ PROC_LINKS(toggle_line_wrap, 0), false, "toggle_line_wrap", 16, "Toggles the line wrap setting on this buffer.", 45, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 736 },
{ PROC_LINKS(toggle_mouse, 0), false, "toggle_mouse", 12, "Toggles the mouse suppression mode, see suppress_mouse and allow_mouse.", 71, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_default_framework.cpp", 47, 415 },
{ PROC_LINKS(toggle_paren_matching_helper, 0), false, "toggle_paren_matching_helper", 28, "In code files matching parentheses pairs are colored with distinguishing colors.", 80, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_default_framework.cpp", 47, 445 },
{ PROC_LINKS(toggle_show_whitespace, 0), false, "toggle_show_whitespace", 22, "Toggles the current buffer's whitespace visibility status.", 58, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 721 },
{ PROC_LINKS(toggle_virtual_whitespace, 0), false, "toggle_virtual_whitespace", 25, "Toggles the current buffer's virtual whitespace status.", 55, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_code_index.cpp", 40, 1170 },
{ PROC_LINKS(tutorial_maximize, 0), false, "tutorial_maximize", 17, "Expand the tutorial window", 26, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_tutorial.cpp", 38, 20 },
{ PROC_LINKS(tutorial_minimize, 0), false, "tutorial_minimize", 17, "Shrink the tutorial window", 26, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_tutorial.cpp", 38, 34 },
{ PROC_LINKS(uncomment_line, 0), false, "uncomment_line", 14, "If present, delete '//' at the beginning of the line after leading whitespace.", 78, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_combined_write_commands.cpp", 53, 137 },
{ PROC_LINKS(undo, 0), false, "undo", 4, "Advances backwards through the undo history of the current buffer.", 66, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 1624 },
{ PROC_LINKS(undo_all_buffers, 0), false, "undo_all_buffers", 16, "Advances backward through the undo history in the buffer containing the most recent regular edit.", 97, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 1651 },
{ PROC_LINKS(view_buffer_other_panel, 0), false, "view_buffer_other_panel", 23, "Set the other non-active panel to view the buffer that the active panel views, and switch to that panel.", 104, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 1512 },
{ PROC_LINKS(view_jump_list_with_lister, 0), false, "view_jump_list_with_lister", 26, "When executed on a buffer with jumps, creates a persistent lister for all the jumps", 83, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_jump_lister.cpp", 41, 59 },
{ PROC_LINKS(word_complete, 0), false, "word_complete", 13, "Iteratively tries completing the word to the left of the cursor with other words in open buffers that have the same prefix string.", 130, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_search.cpp", 36, 395 },
{ PROC_LINKS(word_complete_drop_down, 0), false, "word_complete_drop_down", 23, "Word complete with drop down menu.", 34, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_search.cpp", 36, 642 },
{ PROC_LINKS(write_block, 0), false, "write_block", 11, "At the cursor, insert a block comment.", 38, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_combined_write_commands.cpp", 53, 94 },
{ PROC_LINKS(write_hack, 0), false, "write_hack", 10, "At the cursor, insert a '// HACK' comment, includes user name if it was specified in config.4coder.", 99, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_combined_write_commands.cpp", 53, 82 },
{ PROC_LINKS(write_note, 0), false, "write_note", 10, "At the cursor, insert a '// NOTE' comment, includes user name if it was specified in config.4coder.", 99, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_combined_write_commands.cpp", 53, 88 },
{ PROC_LINKS(write_space, 0), false, "write_space", 11, "Inserts a space.", 16, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 67 },
{ PROC_LINKS(write_text_and_auto_indent, 0), false, "write_text_and_auto_indent", 26, "Inserts text and auto-indents the line on which the cursor sits if any of the text contains 'layout punctuation' such as ;:{}()[]# and new lines.", 145, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_auto_indent.cpp", 41, 427 },
{ PROC_LINKS(write_text_input, 0), false, "write_text_input", 16, "Inserts whatever text was used to trigger this command.", 55, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 59 },
{ PROC_LINKS(write_todo, 0), false, "write_todo", 10, "At the cursor, insert a '// TODO' comment, includes user name if it was specified in config.4coder.", 99, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_combined_write_commands.cpp", 53, 76 },
{ PROC_LINKS(write_underscore, 0), false, "write_underscore", 16, "Inserts an underscore.", 22, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 73 },
{ PROC_LINKS(write_zero_struct, 0), false, "write_zero_struct", 17, "At the cursor, insert a ' = {};'.", 33, "c:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_combined_write_commands.cpp", 53, 100 },
static Command_Metadata fcoder_metacmd_table[238] = {
{ PROC_LINKS(allow_mouse, 0), false, "allow_mouse", 11, "Shows the mouse and causes all mouse input to be processed normally.", 68, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_default_framework.cpp", 47, 409 },
{ PROC_LINKS(auto_indent_line_at_cursor, 0), false, "auto_indent_line_at_cursor", 26, "Auto-indents the line on which the cursor sits.", 47, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_auto_indent.cpp", 41, 413 },
{ PROC_LINKS(auto_indent_range, 0), false, "auto_indent_range", 17, "Auto-indents the range between the cursor and the mark.", 55, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_auto_indent.cpp", 41, 423 },
{ PROC_LINKS(auto_indent_whole_file, 0), false, "auto_indent_whole_file", 22, "Audo-indents the entire current buffer.", 39, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_auto_indent.cpp", 41, 404 },
{ PROC_LINKS(backspace_alpha_numeric_boundary, 0), false, "backspace_alpha_numeric_boundary", 32, "Delete characters between the cursor position and the first alphanumeric boundary to the left.", 94, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 165 },
{ PROC_LINKS(backspace_char, 0), false, "backspace_char", 14, "Deletes the character to the left of the cursor.", 48, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 96 },
{ PROC_LINKS(basic_change_active_panel, 0), false, "basic_change_active_panel", 25, "Change the currently active panel, moving to the panel with the next highest view_id. Will not skipe the build panel if it is open.", 132, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 658 },
{ PROC_LINKS(begin_clipboard_collection_mode, 0), true, "begin_clipboard_collection_mode", 31, "Allows the user to copy multiple strings from other applications before switching to 4coder and pasting them all.", 113, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_clipboard.cpp", 39, 68 },
{ PROC_LINKS(build_in_build_panel, 0), false, "build_in_build_panel", 20, "Looks for a build.bat,, or makefile in the current and parent directories. Runs the first that it finds and prints the output to *compilation*. Puts the *compilation* buffer in a panel at the footer of the current view.", 230, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_build_commands.cpp", 44, 159 },
{ PROC_LINKS(build_search, 0), false, "build_search", 12, "Looks for a build.bat,, or makefile in the current and parent directories. Runs the first that it finds and prints the output to *compilation*.", 153, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_build_commands.cpp", 44, 122 },
{ PROC_LINKS(center_view, 0), false, "center_view", 11, "Centers the view vertically on the line on which the cursor sits.", 65, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 208 },
{ PROC_LINKS(change_active_panel, 0), false, "change_active_panel", 19, "Change the currently active panel, moving to the panel with the next highest view_id.", 85, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_default_framework.cpp", 47, 284 },
{ PROC_LINKS(change_active_panel_backwards, 0), false, "change_active_panel_backwards", 29, "Change the currently active panel, moving to the panel with the next lowest view_id.", 84, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_default_framework.cpp", 47, 290 },
{ PROC_LINKS(change_to_build_panel, 0), false, "change_to_build_panel", 21, "If the special build panel is open, makes the build panel the active panel.", 75, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_build_commands.cpp", 44, 180 },
{ PROC_LINKS(clean_all_lines, 0), false, "clean_all_lines", 15, "Removes trailing whitespace from all lines in the current buffer.", 65, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 647 },
{ PROC_LINKS(clear_all_themes, 0), false, "clear_all_themes", 16, "Clear the theme list", 20, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_default_framework.cpp", 47, 480 },
{ PROC_LINKS(clear_clipboard, 0), false, "clear_clipboard", 15, "Clears the history of the clipboard", 35, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_clipboard.cpp", 39, 216 },
{ PROC_LINKS(click_set_cursor, 0), false, "click_set_cursor", 16, "Sets the cursor position to the mouse position.", 47, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 244 },
{ PROC_LINKS(click_set_cursor_and_mark, 0), false, "click_set_cursor_and_mark", 25, "Sets the cursor position and mark to the mouse position.", 56, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 234 },
{ PROC_LINKS(click_set_cursor_if_lbutton, 0), false, "click_set_cursor_if_lbutton", 27, "If the mouse left button is pressed, sets the cursor position to the mouse position.", 84, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 254 },
{ PROC_LINKS(click_set_mark, 0), false, "click_set_mark", 14, "Sets the mark position to the mouse position.", 45, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 266 },
{ PROC_LINKS(clipboard_record_clip, 0), false, "clipboard_record_clip", 21, "In response to a new clipboard contents events, saves the new clip onto the clipboard history", 93, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_clipboard.cpp", 39, 7 },
{ PROC_LINKS(close_all_code, 0), false, "close_all_code", 14, "Closes any buffer with a filename ending with an extension configured to be recognized as a code file type.", 107, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_project_commands.cpp", 46, 843 },
{ PROC_LINKS(close_build_panel, 0), false, "close_build_panel", 17, "If the special build panel is open, closes it.", 46, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_build_commands.cpp", 44, 174 },
{ PROC_LINKS(close_panel, 0), false, "close_panel", 11, "Closes the currently active panel if it is not the only panel open.", 67, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 666 },
{ PROC_LINKS(command_documentation, 0), true, "command_documentation", 21, "Prompts the user to select a command then loads a doc buffer for that item", 74, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_docs.cpp", 34, 190 },
{ PROC_LINKS(command_lister, 0), true, "command_lister", 14, "Opens an interactive list of all registered commands.", 53, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_lists.cpp", 35, 761 },
{ PROC_LINKS(comment_line, 0), false, "comment_line", 12, "Insert '//' at the beginning of the line after leading whitespace.", 66, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_combined_write_commands.cpp", 53, 125 },
{ PROC_LINKS(comment_line_toggle, 0), false, "comment_line_toggle", 19, "Turns uncommented lines into commented lines and vice versa for comments starting with '//'.", 92, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_combined_write_commands.cpp", 53, 149 },
{ PROC_LINKS(copy, 0), false, "copy", 4, "Copy the text in the range from the cursor to the mark onto the clipboard.", 74, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_clipboard.cpp", 39, 107 },
{ PROC_LINKS(cursor_mark_swap, 0), false, "cursor_mark_swap", 16, "Swaps the position of the cursor and the mark.", 46, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 135 },
{ PROC_LINKS(custom_api_documentation, 0), true, "custom_api_documentation", 24, "Prompts the user to select a Custom API item then loads a doc buffer for that item", 82, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_docs.cpp", 34, 175 },
{ PROC_LINKS(cut, 0), false, "cut", 3, "Cut the text in the range from the cursor to the mark onto the clipboard.", 73, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_clipboard.cpp", 39, 116 },
{ PROC_LINKS(decrease_face_size, 0), false, "decrease_face_size", 18, "Decrease the size of the face used by the current buffer.", 57, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 749 },
{ PROC_LINKS(default_file_externally_modified, 0), false, "default_file_externally_modified", 32, "Notes the external modification of attached files by printing a message.", 72, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 1891 },
{ PROC_LINKS(default_startup, 0), false, "default_startup", 15, "Default command for responding to a startup event", 49, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_default_hooks.cpp", 43, 7 },
{ PROC_LINKS(default_try_exit, 0), false, "default_try_exit", 16, "Default command for responding to a try-exit event", 50, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_default_hooks.cpp", 43, 23 },
{ PROC_LINKS(default_view_input_handler, 0), false, "default_view_input_handler", 26, "Input consumption loop for default view behavior", 48, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_default_hooks.cpp", 43, 51 },
{ PROC_LINKS(delete_alpha_numeric_boundary, 0), false, "delete_alpha_numeric_boundary", 29, "Delete characters between the cursor position and the first alphanumeric boundary to the right.", 95, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 173 },
{ PROC_LINKS(delete_char, 0), false, "delete_char", 11, "Deletes the character to the right of the cursor.", 49, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 79 },
{ PROC_LINKS(delete_current_scope, 0), false, "delete_current_scope", 20, "Deletes the braces surrounding the currently selected scope. Leaves the contents within the scope.", 99, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_scope_commands.cpp", 44, 112 },
{ PROC_LINKS(delete_file_query, 0), false, "delete_file_query", 17, "Deletes the file of the current buffer if 4coder has the appropriate access rights. Will ask the user for confirmation first.", 125, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 1317 },
{ PROC_LINKS(delete_line, 0), false, "delete_line", 11, "Delete the line the on which the cursor sits.", 45, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 1489 },
{ PROC_LINKS(delete_range, 0), false, "delete_range", 12, "Deletes the text in the range between the cursor and the mark.", 62, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 145 },
{ PROC_LINKS(duplicate_line, 0), false, "duplicate_line", 14, "Create a copy of the line on which the cursor sits.", 51, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 1475 },
{ PROC_LINKS(execute_any_cli, 0), false, "execute_any_cli", 15, "Queries for an output buffer name and system command, runs the system command as a CLI and prints the output to the specified buffer.", 133, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_cli_command.cpp", 41, 22 },
{ PROC_LINKS(execute_previous_cli, 0), false, "execute_previous_cli", 20, "If the command execute_any_cli has already been used, this will execute a CLI reusing the most recent buffer name and command.", 126, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_cli_command.cpp", 41, 7 },
{ PROC_LINKS(exit_4coder, 0), false, "exit_4coder", 11, "Attempts to close 4coder.", 25, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 836 },
{ PROC_LINKS(goto_beginning_of_file, 0), false, "goto_beginning_of_file", 22, "Sets the cursor to the beginning of the file.", 45, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_helper.cpp", 36, 2201 },
{ PROC_LINKS(goto_end_of_file, 0), false, "goto_end_of_file", 16, "Sets the cursor to the end of the file.", 39, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_helper.cpp", 36, 2209 },
{ PROC_LINKS(goto_first_jump, 0), false, "goto_first_jump", 15, "If a buffer containing jump locations has been locked in, goes to the first jump in the buffer.", 95, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_jump_sticky.cpp", 41, 525 },
{ PROC_LINKS(goto_first_jump_same_panel_sticky, 0), false, "goto_first_jump_same_panel_sticky", 33, "If a buffer containing jump locations has been locked in, goes to the first jump in the buffer and views the buffer in the panel where the jump list was.", 153, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_jump_sticky.cpp", 41, 542 },
{ PROC_LINKS(goto_jump_at_cursor, 0), false, "goto_jump_at_cursor", 19, "If the cursor is found to be on a jump location, parses the jump location and brings up the file and position in another view and changes the active panel to the view containing the jump.", 187, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_jump_sticky.cpp", 41, 348 },
{ PROC_LINKS(goto_jump_at_cursor_same_panel, 0), false, "goto_jump_at_cursor_same_panel", 30, "If the cursor is found to be on a jump location, parses the jump location and brings up the file and position in this view, losing the compilation output or jump list.", 167, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_jump_sticky.cpp", 41, 375 },
{ PROC_LINKS(goto_line, 0), false, "goto_line", 9, "Queries the user for a number, and jumps the cursor to the corresponding line.", 78, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 844 },
{ PROC_LINKS(goto_next_jump, 0), false, "goto_next_jump", 14, "If a buffer containing jump locations has been locked in, goes to the next jump in the buffer, skipping sub jump locations.", 123, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_jump_sticky.cpp", 41, 464 },
{ PROC_LINKS(goto_next_jump_no_skips, 0), false, "goto_next_jump_no_skips", 23, "If a buffer containing jump locations has been locked in, goes to the next jump in the buffer, and does not skip sub jump locations.", 132, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_jump_sticky.cpp", 41, 494 },
{ PROC_LINKS(goto_prev_jump, 0), false, "goto_prev_jump", 14, "If a buffer containing jump locations has been locked in, goes to the previous jump in the buffer, skipping sub jump locations.", 127, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_jump_sticky.cpp", 41, 481 },
{ PROC_LINKS(goto_prev_jump_no_skips, 0), false, "goto_prev_jump_no_skips", 23, "If a buffer containing jump locations has been locked in, goes to the previous jump in the buffer, and does not skip sub jump locations.", 136, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_jump_sticky.cpp", 41, 511 },
{ PROC_LINKS(hide_filebar, 0), false, "hide_filebar", 12, "Sets the current view to hide it's filebar.", 43, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 696 },
{ PROC_LINKS(hide_scrollbar, 0), false, "hide_scrollbar", 14, "Sets the current view to hide it's scrollbar.", 45, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 682 },
{ PROC_LINKS(hms_demo_tutorial, 0), false, "hms_demo_tutorial", 17, "Tutorial for built in 4coder bindings and features.", 51, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_tutorial.cpp", 38, 869 },
{ PROC_LINKS(if0_off, 0), false, "if0_off", 7, "Surround the range between the cursor and mark with an '#if 0' and an '#endif'", 78, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_combined_write_commands.cpp", 53, 70 },
{ PROC_LINKS(if_read_only_goto_position, 0), false, "if_read_only_goto_position", 26, "If the buffer in the active view is writable, inserts a character, otherwise performs goto_jump_at_cursor.", 106, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_jump_sticky.cpp", 41, 564 },
{ PROC_LINKS(if_read_only_goto_position_same_panel, 0), false, "if_read_only_goto_position_same_panel", 37, "If the buffer in the active view is writable, inserts a character, otherwise performs goto_jump_at_cursor_same_panel.", 117, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_jump_sticky.cpp", 41, 581 },
{ PROC_LINKS(increase_face_size, 0), false, "increase_face_size", 18, "Increase the size of the face used by the current buffer.", 57, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 738 },
{ PROC_LINKS(interactive_kill_buffer, 0), true, "interactive_kill_buffer", 23, "Interactively kill an open buffer.", 34, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_lists.cpp", 35, 520 },
{ PROC_LINKS(interactive_new, 0), true, "interactive_new", 15, "Interactively creates a new file.", 33, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_lists.cpp", 35, 661 },
{ PROC_LINKS(interactive_open, 0), true, "interactive_open", 16, "Interactively opens a file.", 27, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_lists.cpp", 35, 715 },
{ PROC_LINKS(interactive_open_or_new, 0), true, "interactive_open_or_new", 23, "Interactively open a file out of the file system.", 49, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_lists.cpp", 35, 612 },
{ PROC_LINKS(interactive_switch_buffer, 0), true, "interactive_switch_buffer", 25, "Interactively switch to an open buffer.", 39, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_lists.cpp", 35, 510 },
{ PROC_LINKS(jump_to_definition, 0), true, "jump_to_definition", 18, "List all definitions in the code index and jump to one chosen by the user.", 74, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_code_index_listers.cpp", 48, 12 },
{ PROC_LINKS(keyboard_macro_finish_recording, 0), false, "keyboard_macro_finish_recording", 31, "Stop macro recording, do nothing if macro recording is not already started", 74, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_keyboard_macro.cpp", 44, 54 },
{ PROC_LINKS(keyboard_macro_replay, 0), false, "keyboard_macro_replay", 21, "Replay the most recently recorded keyboard macro", 48, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_keyboard_macro.cpp", 44, 77 },
{ PROC_LINKS(keyboard_macro_start_recording, 0), false, "keyboard_macro_start_recording", 30, "Start macro recording, do nothing if macro recording is already started", 71, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_keyboard_macro.cpp", 44, 41 },
{ PROC_LINKS(kill_buffer, 0), false, "kill_buffer", 11, "Kills the current buffer.", 25, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 1635 },
{ PROC_LINKS(kill_tutorial, 0), false, "kill_tutorial", 13, "If there is an active tutorial, kill it.", 40, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_tutorial.cpp", 38, 9 },
{ PROC_LINKS(left_adjust_view, 0), false, "left_adjust_view", 16, "Sets the left size of the view near the x position of the cursor.", 65, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 222 },
{ PROC_LINKS(list_all_functions_all_buffers, 0), false, "list_all_functions_all_buffers", 30, "Creates a jump list of lines from all buffers that appear to define or declare functions.", 89, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_function_list.cpp", 43, 295 },
{ PROC_LINKS(list_all_functions_all_buffers_lister, 0), true, "list_all_functions_all_buffers_lister", 37, "Creates a lister of locations that look like function definitions and declarations all buffers.", 95, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_function_list.cpp", 43, 301 },
{ PROC_LINKS(list_all_functions_current_buffer, 0), false, "list_all_functions_current_buffer", 33, "Creates a jump list of lines of the current buffer that appear to define or declare functions.", 94, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_function_list.cpp", 43, 267 },
{ PROC_LINKS(list_all_functions_current_buffer_lister, 0), true, "list_all_functions_current_buffer_lister", 40, "Creates a lister of locations that look like function definitions and declarations in the buffer.", 97, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_function_list.cpp", 43, 277 },
{ PROC_LINKS(list_all_locations, 0), false, "list_all_locations", 18, "Queries the user for a string and lists all exact case-sensitive matches found in all open buffers.", 99, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_search.cpp", 36, 165 },
{ PROC_LINKS(list_all_locations_case_insensitive, 0), false, "list_all_locations_case_insensitive", 35, "Queries the user for a string and lists all exact case-insensitive matches found in all open buffers.", 101, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_search.cpp", 36, 177 },
{ PROC_LINKS(list_all_locations_of_identifier, 0), false, "list_all_locations_of_identifier", 32, "Reads a token or word under the cursor and lists all exact case-sensitive mathces in all open buffers.", 102, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_search.cpp", 36, 189 },
{ PROC_LINKS(list_all_locations_of_identifier_case_insensitive, 0), false, "list_all_locations_of_identifier_case_insensitive", 49, "Reads a token or word under the cursor and lists all exact case-insensitive mathces in all open buffers.", 104, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_search.cpp", 36, 195 },
{ PROC_LINKS(list_all_locations_of_selection, 0), false, "list_all_locations_of_selection", 31, "Reads the string in the selected range and lists all exact case-sensitive mathces in all open buffers.", 102, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_search.cpp", 36, 201 },
{ PROC_LINKS(list_all_locations_of_selection_case_insensitive, 0), false, "list_all_locations_of_selection_case_insensitive", 48, "Reads the string in the selected range and lists all exact case-insensitive mathces in all open buffers.", 104, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_search.cpp", 36, 207 },
{ PROC_LINKS(list_all_locations_of_type_definition, 0), false, "list_all_locations_of_type_definition", 37, "Queries user for string, lists all locations of strings that appear to define a type whose name matches the input string.", 121, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_search.cpp", 36, 213 },
{ PROC_LINKS(list_all_locations_of_type_definition_of_identifier, 0), false, "list_all_locations_of_type_definition_of_identifier", 51, "Reads a token or word under the cursor and lists all locations of strings that appear to define a type whose name matches it.", 125, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_search.cpp", 36, 221 },
{ PROC_LINKS(list_all_substring_locations, 0), false, "list_all_substring_locations", 28, "Queries the user for a string and lists all case-sensitive substring matches found in all open buffers.", 103, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_search.cpp", 36, 171 },
{ PROC_LINKS(list_all_substring_locations_case_insensitive, 0), false, "list_all_substring_locations_case_insensitive", 45, "Queries the user for a string and lists all case-insensitive substring matches found in all open buffers.", 105, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_search.cpp", 36, 183 },
{ PROC_LINKS(load_project, 0), false, "load_project", 12, "Looks for a project.4coder file in the current directory and tries to load it. Looks in parent directories until a project file is found or there are no more parents.", 167, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_project_commands.cpp", 46, 863 },
{ PROC_LINKS(load_theme_current_buffer, 0), false, "load_theme_current_buffer", 25, "Parse the current buffer as a theme file and add the theme to the theme list. If the buffer has a .4coder postfix in it's name, it is removed when the name is saved.", 165, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_config.cpp", 36, 1627 },
{ PROC_LINKS(load_themes_default_folder, 0), false, "load_themes_default_folder", 26, "Loads all the theme files in the default theme folder.", 54, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_default_framework.cpp", 47, 457 },
{ PROC_LINKS(load_themes_hot_directory, 0), false, "load_themes_hot_directory", 25, "Loads all the theme files in the current hot directory.", 55, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_default_framework.cpp", 47, 469 },
{ PROC_LINKS(make_directory_query, 0), false, "make_directory_query", 20, "Queries the user for a name and creates a new directory with the given name.", 76, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 1429 },
{ PROC_LINKS(miblo_decrement_basic, 0), false, "miblo_decrement_basic", 21, "Decrement an integer under the cursor by one.", 45, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_miblo_numbers.cpp", 43, 44 },
{ PROC_LINKS(miblo_decrement_time_stamp, 0), false, "miblo_decrement_time_stamp", 26, "Decrement a time stamp under the cursor by one second. (format [m]m:ss or h:mm:ss", 81, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_miblo_numbers.cpp", 43, 237 },
{ PROC_LINKS(miblo_decrement_time_stamp_minute, 0), false, "miblo_decrement_time_stamp_minute", 33, "Decrement a time stamp under the cursor by one minute. (format [m]m:ss or h:mm:ss", 81, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_miblo_numbers.cpp", 43, 249 },
{ PROC_LINKS(miblo_increment_basic, 0), false, "miblo_increment_basic", 21, "Increment an integer under the cursor by one.", 45, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_miblo_numbers.cpp", 43, 29 },
{ PROC_LINKS(miblo_increment_time_stamp, 0), false, "miblo_increment_time_stamp", 26, "Increment a time stamp under the cursor by one second. (format [m]m:ss or h:mm:ss", 81, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_miblo_numbers.cpp", 43, 231 },
{ PROC_LINKS(miblo_increment_time_stamp_minute, 0), false, "miblo_increment_time_stamp_minute", 33, "Increment a time stamp under the cursor by one minute. (format [m]m:ss or h:mm:ss", 81, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_miblo_numbers.cpp", 43, 243 },
{ PROC_LINKS(mouse_wheel_change_face_size, 0), false, "mouse_wheel_change_face_size", 28, "Reads the state of the mouse wheel and uses it to either increase or decrease the face size.", 92, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 791 },
{ PROC_LINKS(mouse_wheel_scroll, 0), false, "mouse_wheel_scroll", 18, "Reads the scroll wheel value from the mouse state and scrolls accordingly.", 74, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 276 },
{ PROC_LINKS(move_down, 0), false, "move_down", 9, "Moves the cursor down one line.", 31, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 347 },
{ PROC_LINKS(move_down_10, 0), false, "move_down_10", 12, "Moves the cursor down ten lines.", 32, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 359 },
{ PROC_LINKS(move_down_textual, 0), false, "move_down_textual", 17, "Moves down to the next line of actual text, regardless of line wrapping.", 72, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 365 },
{ PROC_LINKS(move_down_to_blank_line, 0), false, "move_down_to_blank_line", 23, "Seeks the cursor down to the next blank line.", 45, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 418 },
{ PROC_LINKS(move_down_to_blank_line_end, 0), false, "move_down_to_blank_line_end", 27, "Seeks the cursor down to the next blank line and places it at the end of the line.", 82, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 442 },
{ PROC_LINKS(move_down_to_blank_line_skip_whitespace, 0), false, "move_down_to_blank_line_skip_whitespace", 39, "Seeks the cursor down to the next blank line and places it at the end of the line.", 82, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 430 },
{ PROC_LINKS(move_left, 0), false, "move_left", 9, "Moves the cursor one character to the left.", 43, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 448 },
{ PROC_LINKS(move_left_alpha_numeric_boundary, 0), false, "move_left_alpha_numeric_boundary", 32, "Seek left for boundary between alphanumeric characters and non-alphanumeric characters.", 87, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 525 },
{ PROC_LINKS(move_left_alpha_numeric_or_camel_boundary, 0), false, "move_left_alpha_numeric_or_camel_boundary", 41, "Seek left for boundary between alphanumeric characters or camel case word and non-alphanumeric characters.", 106, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 539 },
{ PROC_LINKS(move_left_token_boundary, 0), false, "move_left_token_boundary", 24, "Seek left for the next beginning of a token.", 44, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 497 },
{ PROC_LINKS(move_left_whitespace_boundary, 0), false, "move_left_whitespace_boundary", 29, "Seek left for the next boundary between whitespace and non-whitespace.", 70, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 482 },
{ PROC_LINKS(move_left_whitespace_or_token_boundary, 0), false, "move_left_whitespace_or_token_boundary", 38, "Seek left for the next end of a token or boundary between whitespace and non-whitespace.", 88, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 511 },
{ PROC_LINKS(move_line_down, 0), false, "move_line_down", 14, "Swaps the line under the cursor with the line below it, and moves the cursor down with it.", 90, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 1469 },
{ PROC_LINKS(move_line_up, 0), false, "move_line_up", 12, "Swaps the line under the cursor with the line above it, and moves the cursor up with it.", 88, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 1463 },
{ PROC_LINKS(move_right, 0), false, "move_right", 10, "Moves the cursor one character to the right.", 44, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 456 },
{ PROC_LINKS(move_right_alpha_numeric_boundary, 0), false, "move_right_alpha_numeric_boundary", 33, "Seek right for boundary between alphanumeric characters and non-alphanumeric characters.", 88, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 518 },
{ PROC_LINKS(move_right_alpha_numeric_or_camel_boundary, 0), false, "move_right_alpha_numeric_or_camel_boundary", 42, "Seek right for boundary between alphanumeric characters or camel case word and non-alphanumeric characters.", 107, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 532 },
{ PROC_LINKS(move_right_token_boundary, 0), false, "move_right_token_boundary", 25, "Seek right for the next end of a token.", 39, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 490 },
{ PROC_LINKS(move_right_whitespace_boundary, 0), false, "move_right_whitespace_boundary", 30, "Seek right for the next boundary between whitespace and non-whitespace.", 71, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 474 },
{ PROC_LINKS(move_right_whitespace_or_token_boundary, 0), false, "move_right_whitespace_or_token_boundary", 39, "Seek right for the next end of a token or boundary between whitespace and non-whitespace.", 89, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 504 },
{ PROC_LINKS(move_up, 0), false, "move_up", 7, "Moves the cursor up one line.", 29, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 341 },
{ PROC_LINKS(move_up_10, 0), false, "move_up_10", 10, "Moves the cursor up ten lines.", 30, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 353 },
{ PROC_LINKS(move_up_to_blank_line, 0), false, "move_up_to_blank_line", 21, "Seeks the cursor up to the next blank line.", 43, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 412 },
{ PROC_LINKS(move_up_to_blank_line_end, 0), false, "move_up_to_blank_line_end", 25, "Seeks the cursor up to the next blank line and places it at the end of the line.", 80, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 436 },
{ PROC_LINKS(move_up_to_blank_line_skip_whitespace, 0), false, "move_up_to_blank_line_skip_whitespace", 37, "Seeks the cursor up to the next blank line and places it at the end of the line.", 80, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 424 },
{ PROC_LINKS(multi_paste_interactive, 0), false, "multi_paste_interactive", 23, "Paste multiple lines from the clipboard history, controlled with arrow keys", 75, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_clipboard.cpp", 39, 364 },
{ PROC_LINKS(multi_paste_interactive_quick, 0), false, "multi_paste_interactive_quick", 29, "Paste multiple lines from the clipboard history, controlled by inputing the number of lines to paste", 100, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_clipboard.cpp", 39, 373 },
{ PROC_LINKS(open_all_code, 0), false, "open_all_code", 13, "Open all code in the current directory. File types are determined by extensions. An extension is considered code based on the extensions specified in 4coder.config.", 164, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_project_commands.cpp", 46, 849 },
{ PROC_LINKS(open_all_code_recursive, 0), false, "open_all_code_recursive", 23, "Works as open_all_code but also runs in all subdirectories.", 59, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_project_commands.cpp", 46, 855 },
{ PROC_LINKS(open_file_in_quotes, 0), false, "open_file_in_quotes", 19, "Reads a filename from surrounding '\"' characters and attempts to open the corresponding file.", 94, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 1554 },
{ PROC_LINKS(open_in_other, 0), false, "open_in_other", 13, "Interactively opens a file in the other panel.", 46, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 1885 },
{ PROC_LINKS(open_long_braces, 0), false, "open_long_braces", 16, "At the cursor, insert a '{' and '}' separated by a blank line.", 62, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_combined_write_commands.cpp", 53, 46 },
{ PROC_LINKS(open_long_braces_break, 0), false, "open_long_braces_break", 22, "At the cursor, insert a '{' and '}break;' separated by a blank line.", 68, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_combined_write_commands.cpp", 53, 62 },
{ PROC_LINKS(open_long_braces_semicolon, 0), false, "open_long_braces_semicolon", 26, "At the cursor, insert a '{' and '};' separated by a blank line.", 63, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_combined_write_commands.cpp", 53, 54 },
{ PROC_LINKS(open_matching_file_cpp, 0), false, "open_matching_file_cpp", 22, "If the current file is a *.cpp or *.h, attempts to open the corresponding *.h or *.cpp file in the other view.", 110, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 1586 },
{ PROC_LINKS(open_panel_hsplit, 0), false, "open_panel_hsplit", 17, "Create a new panel by horizontally splitting the active panel.", 62, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_default_framework.cpp", 47, 310 },
{ PROC_LINKS(open_panel_vsplit, 0), false, "open_panel_vsplit", 17, "Create a new panel by vertically splitting the active panel.", 60, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_default_framework.cpp", 47, 300 },
{ PROC_LINKS(page_down, 0), false, "page_down", 9, "Scrolls the view down one view height and moves the cursor down one view height.", 80, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 383 },
{ PROC_LINKS(page_up, 0), false, "page_up", 7, "Scrolls the view up one view height and moves the cursor up one view height.", 76, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 375 },
{ PROC_LINKS(paste, 0), false, "paste", 5, "At the cursor, insert the text at the top of the clipboard.", 59, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_clipboard.cpp", 39, 127 },
{ PROC_LINKS(paste_and_indent, 0), false, "paste_and_indent", 16, "Paste from the top of clipboard and run auto-indent on the newly pasted text.", 77, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_clipboard.cpp", 39, 202 },
{ PROC_LINKS(paste_next, 0), false, "paste_next", 10, "If the previous command was paste or paste_next, replaces the paste range with the next text down on the clipboard, otherwise operates as the paste command.", 156, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_clipboard.cpp", 39, 161 },
{ PROC_LINKS(paste_next_and_indent, 0), false, "paste_next_and_indent", 21, "Paste the next item on the clipboard and run auto-indent on the newly pasted text.", 82, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_clipboard.cpp", 39, 209 },
{ PROC_LINKS(place_in_scope, 0), false, "place_in_scope", 14, "Wraps the code contained in the range between cursor and mark with a new curly brace scope.", 91, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_scope_commands.cpp", 44, 106 },
{ PROC_LINKS(profile_clear, 0), false, "profile_clear", 13, "Clear all profiling information from 4coder's self profiler.", 60, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_profile.cpp", 37, 226 },
{ PROC_LINKS(profile_disable, 0), false, "profile_disable", 15, "Prevent 4coder's self profiler from gathering new profiling information.", 72, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_profile.cpp", 37, 219 },
{ PROC_LINKS(profile_enable, 0), false, "profile_enable", 14, "Allow 4coder's self profiler to gather new profiling information.", 65, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_profile.cpp", 37, 212 },
{ PROC_LINKS(profile_inspect, 0), true, "profile_inspect", 15, "Inspect all currently collected profiling information in 4coder's self profiler.", 80, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_profile_inspect.cpp", 45, 886 },
{ PROC_LINKS(project_command_lister, 0), false, "project_command_lister", 22, "Open a lister of all commands in the currently loaded project.", 62, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_project_commands.cpp", 46, 1290 },
{ PROC_LINKS(project_fkey_command, 0), false, "project_fkey_command", 20, "Run an 'fkey command' configured in a project.4coder file. Determines the index of the 'fkey command' by which function key or numeric key was pressed to trigger the command.", 175, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_project_commands.cpp", 46, 871 },
{ PROC_LINKS(project_go_to_root_directory, 0), false, "project_go_to_root_directory", 28, "Changes 4coder's hot directory to the root directory of the currently loaded project. With no loaded project nothing hapepns.", 125, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_project_commands.cpp", 46, 897 },
{ PROC_LINKS(query_replace, 0), false, "query_replace", 13, "Queries the user for two strings, and incrementally replaces every occurence of the first string with the second string.", 120, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 1245 },
{ PROC_LINKS(query_replace_identifier, 0), false, "query_replace_identifier", 24, "Queries the user for a string, and incrementally replace every occurence of the word or token found at the cursor with the specified string.", 140, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 1266 },
{ PROC_LINKS(query_replace_selection, 0), false, "query_replace_selection", 23, "Queries the user for a string, and incrementally replace every occurence of the string found in the selected range with the specified string.", 141, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 1282 },
{ PROC_LINKS(redo, 0), false, "redo", 4, "Advances forwards through the undo history of the current buffer.", 65, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 1724 },
{ PROC_LINKS(redo_all_buffers, 0), false, "redo_all_buffers", 16, "Advances forward through the undo history in the buffer containing the most recent regular edit.", 96, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 1809 },
{ PROC_LINKS(rename_file_query, 0), false, "rename_file_query", 17, "Queries the user for a new name and renames the file of the current buffer, altering the buffer's name too.", 107, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 1394 },
{ PROC_LINKS(reopen, 0), false, "reopen", 6, "Reopen the current buffer from the hard drive.", 46, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 1653 },
{ PROC_LINKS(replace_in_all_buffers, 0), false, "replace_in_all_buffers", 22, "Queries the user for a needle and string. Replaces all occurences of needle with string in all editable buffers.", 112, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 1155 },
{ PROC_LINKS(replace_in_buffer, 0), false, "replace_in_buffer", 17, "Queries the user for a needle and string. Replaces all occurences of needle with string in the active buffer.", 109, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 1146 },
{ PROC_LINKS(replace_in_range, 0), false, "replace_in_range", 16, "Queries the user for a needle and string. Replaces all occurences of needle with string in the range between cursor and the mark in the active buffer.", 150, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 1137 },
{ PROC_LINKS(reverse_search, 0), false, "reverse_search", 14, "Begins an incremental search up through the current buffer for a user specified string.", 87, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 1078 },
{ PROC_LINKS(reverse_search_identifier, 0), false, "reverse_search_identifier", 25, "Begins an incremental search up through the current buffer for the word or token under the cursor.", 98, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 1090 },
{ PROC_LINKS(save, 0), false, "save", 4, "Saves the current buffer.", 25, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 1643 },
{ PROC_LINKS(save_all_dirty_buffers, 0), false, "save_all_dirty_buffers", 22, "Saves all buffers marked dirty (showing the '*' indicator).", 59, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_default_framework.cpp", 47, 382 },
{ PROC_LINKS(save_to_query, 0), false, "save_to_query", 13, "Queries the user for a file name and saves the contents of the current buffer, altering the buffer's name too.", 110, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 1361 },
{ PROC_LINKS(search, 0), false, "search", 6, "Begins an incremental search down through the current buffer for a user specified string.", 89, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 1072 },
{ PROC_LINKS(search_identifier, 0), false, "search_identifier", 17, "Begins an incremental search down through the current buffer for the word or token under the cursor.", 100, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 1084 },
{ PROC_LINKS(seek_beginning_of_line, 0), false, "seek_beginning_of_line", 22, "Seeks the cursor to the beginning of the visual line.", 53, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_helper.cpp", 36, 2189 },
{ PROC_LINKS(seek_beginning_of_textual_line, 0), false, "seek_beginning_of_textual_line", 30, "Seeks the cursor to the beginning of the line across all text.", 62, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_helper.cpp", 36, 2177 },
{ PROC_LINKS(seek_end_of_line, 0), false, "seek_end_of_line", 16, "Seeks the cursor to the end of the visual line.", 47, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_helper.cpp", 36, 2195 },
{ PROC_LINKS(seek_end_of_textual_line, 0), false, "seek_end_of_textual_line", 24, "Seeks the cursor to the end of the line across all text.", 56, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_helper.cpp", 36, 2183 },
{ PROC_LINKS(select_all, 0), false, "select_all", 10, "Puts the cursor at the top of the file, and the mark at the bottom of the file.", 79, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 548 },
{ PROC_LINKS(select_next_scope_absolute, 0), false, "select_next_scope_absolute", 26, "Finds the first scope started by '{' after the cursor and puts the cursor and mark on the '{' and '}'.", 102, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_scope_commands.cpp", 44, 57 },
{ PROC_LINKS(select_next_scope_after_current, 0), false, "select_next_scope_after_current", 31, "If a scope is selected, find first scope that starts after the selected scope. Otherwise find the first scope that starts after the cursor.", 139, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_scope_commands.cpp", 44, 66 },
{ PROC_LINKS(select_prev_scope_absolute, 0), false, "select_prev_scope_absolute", 26, "Finds the first scope started by '{' before the cursor and puts the cursor and mark on the '{' and '}'.", 103, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_scope_commands.cpp", 44, 82 },
{ PROC_LINKS(select_prev_top_most_scope, 0), false, "select_prev_top_most_scope", 26, "Finds the first scope that starts before the cursor, then finds the top most scope that contains that scope.", 108, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_scope_commands.cpp", 44, 99 },
{ PROC_LINKS(select_surrounding_scope, 0), false, "select_surrounding_scope", 24, "Finds the scope enclosed by '{' '}' surrounding the cursor and puts the cursor and mark on the '{' and '}'.", 107, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_scope_commands.cpp", 44, 27 },
{ PROC_LINKS(select_surrounding_scope_maximal, 0), false, "select_surrounding_scope_maximal", 32, "Selects the top-most scope that surrounds the cursor.", 53, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_scope_commands.cpp", 44, 39 },
{ PROC_LINKS(set_eol_mode_from_contents, 0), false, "set_eol_mode_from_contents", 26, "Sets the buffer's line ending mode to match the contents of the buffer.", 71, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_eol.cpp", 33, 125 },
{ PROC_LINKS(set_eol_mode_to_binary, 0), false, "set_eol_mode_to_binary", 22, "Puts the buffer in bin line ending mode.", 40, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_eol.cpp", 33, 112 },
{ PROC_LINKS(set_eol_mode_to_crlf, 0), false, "set_eol_mode_to_crlf", 20, "Puts the buffer in crlf line ending mode.", 41, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_eol.cpp", 33, 86 },
{ PROC_LINKS(set_eol_mode_to_lf, 0), false, "set_eol_mode_to_lf", 18, "Puts the buffer in lf line ending mode.", 39, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_eol.cpp", 33, 99 },
{ PROC_LINKS(set_face_size, 0), false, "set_face_size", 13, "Set face size of the face used by the current buffer.", 53, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 718 },
{ PROC_LINKS(set_face_size_this_buffer, 0), false, "set_face_size_this_buffer", 25, "Set face size of the face used by the current buffer; if any other buffers are using the same face a new face is created so that only this buffer is effected", 157, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 760 },
{ PROC_LINKS(set_mark, 0), false, "set_mark", 8, "Sets the mark to the current position of the cursor.", 52, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 126 },
{ PROC_LINKS(set_mode_to_notepad_like, 0), false, "set_mode_to_notepad_like", 24, "Sets the edit mode to Notepad like.", 35, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_default_framework.cpp", 47, 427 },
{ PROC_LINKS(set_mode_to_original, 0), false, "set_mode_to_original", 20, "Sets the edit mode to 4coder original.", 38, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_default_framework.cpp", 47, 421 },
{ PROC_LINKS(setup_build_bat, 0), false, "setup_build_bat", 15, "Queries the user for several configuration options and initializes a new build batch script.", 92, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_project_commands.cpp", 46, 1238 },
{ PROC_LINKS(setup_build_bat_and_sh, 0), false, "setup_build_bat_and_sh", 22, "Queries the user for several configuration options and initializes a new build batch script.", 92, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_project_commands.cpp", 46, 1250 },
{ PROC_LINKS(setup_build_sh, 0), false, "setup_build_sh", 14, "Queries the user for several configuration options and initializes a new build shell script.", 92, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_project_commands.cpp", 46, 1244 },
{ PROC_LINKS(setup_new_project, 0), false, "setup_new_project", 17, "Queries the user for several configuration options and initializes a new 4coder project with build scripts for every OS.", 120, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_project_commands.cpp", 46, 1231 },
{ PROC_LINKS(show_filebar, 0), false, "show_filebar", 12, "Sets the current view to show it's filebar.", 43, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 689 },
{ PROC_LINKS(show_scrollbar, 0), false, "show_scrollbar", 14, "Sets the current view to show it's scrollbar.", 45, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 675 },
{ PROC_LINKS(show_the_log_graph, 0), true, "show_the_log_graph", 18, "Parses *log* and displays the 'log graph' UI", 44, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_log_parser.cpp", 40, 994 },
{ PROC_LINKS(snipe_backward_whitespace_or_token_boundary, 0), false, "snipe_backward_whitespace_or_token_boundary", 43, "Delete a single, whole token on or to the left of the cursor and post it to the clipboard.", 90, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 190 },
{ PROC_LINKS(snipe_forward_whitespace_or_token_boundary, 0), false, "snipe_forward_whitespace_or_token_boundary", 42, "Delete a single, whole token on or to the right of the cursor and post it to the clipboard.", 91, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 198 },
{ PROC_LINKS(snippet_lister, 0), true, "snippet_lister", 14, "Opens a snippet lister for inserting whole pre-written snippets of text.", 72, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_combined_write_commands.cpp", 53, 237 },
{ PROC_LINKS(suppress_mouse, 0), false, "suppress_mouse", 14, "Hides the mouse and causes all mosue input (clicks, position, wheel) to be ignored.", 83, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_default_framework.cpp", 47, 403 },
{ PROC_LINKS(swap_panels, 0), false, "swap_panels", 11, "Swaps the active panel with it's sibling.", 41, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 1611 },
{ PROC_LINKS(test_double_backspace, 0), false, "test_double_backspace", 21, "Made for testing purposes (I should have deleted this if you are reading it let me know)", 88, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 115 },
{ PROC_LINKS(theme_lister, 0), true, "theme_lister", 12, "Opens an interactive list of all registered themes.", 51, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_lists.cpp", 35, 785 },
{ PROC_LINKS(to_lowercase, 0), false, "to_lowercase", 12, "Converts all ascii text in the range between the cursor and the mark to lowercase.", 82, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 574 },
{ PROC_LINKS(to_uppercase, 0), false, "to_uppercase", 12, "Converts all ascii text in the range between the cursor and the mark to uppercase.", 82, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 561 },
{ PROC_LINKS(toggle_filebar, 0), false, "toggle_filebar", 14, "Toggles the visibility status of the current view's filebar.", 60, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 703 },
{ PROC_LINKS(toggle_fps_meter, 0), false, "toggle_fps_meter", 16, "Toggles the visibility of the FPS performance meter", 51, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 712 },
{ PROC_LINKS(toggle_fullscreen, 0), false, "toggle_fullscreen", 17, "Toggle fullscreen mode on or off. The change(s) do not take effect until the next frame.", 89, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_default_framework.cpp", 47, 451 },
{ PROC_LINKS(toggle_highlight_enclosing_scopes, 0), false, "toggle_highlight_enclosing_scopes", 33, "In code files scopes surrounding the cursor are highlighted with distinguishing colors.", 87, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_default_framework.cpp", 47, 439 },
{ PROC_LINKS(toggle_highlight_line_at_cursor, 0), false, "toggle_highlight_line_at_cursor", 31, "Toggles the line highlight at the cursor.", 41, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_default_framework.cpp", 47, 433 },
{ PROC_LINKS(toggle_line_numbers, 0), false, "toggle_line_numbers", 19, "Toggles the left margin line numbers.", 37, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 817 },
{ PROC_LINKS(toggle_line_wrap, 0), false, "toggle_line_wrap", 16, "Toggles the line wrap setting on this buffer.", 45, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 823 },
{ PROC_LINKS(toggle_mouse, 0), false, "toggle_mouse", 12, "Toggles the mouse suppression mode, see suppress_mouse and allow_mouse.", 71, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_default_framework.cpp", 47, 415 },
{ PROC_LINKS(toggle_paren_matching_helper, 0), false, "toggle_paren_matching_helper", 28, "In code files matching parentheses pairs are colored with distinguishing colors.", 80, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_default_framework.cpp", 47, 445 },
{ PROC_LINKS(toggle_show_whitespace, 0), false, "toggle_show_whitespace", 22, "Toggles the current buffer's whitespace visibility status.", 58, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 808 },
{ PROC_LINKS(toggle_virtual_whitespace, 0), false, "toggle_virtual_whitespace", 25, "Toggles virtual whitespace for all files.", 41, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_code_index.cpp", 40, 1175 },
{ PROC_LINKS(tutorial_maximize, 0), false, "tutorial_maximize", 17, "Expand the tutorial window", 26, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_tutorial.cpp", 38, 20 },
{ PROC_LINKS(tutorial_minimize, 0), false, "tutorial_minimize", 17, "Shrink the tutorial window", 26, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_tutorial.cpp", 38, 34 },
{ PROC_LINKS(uncomment_line, 0), false, "uncomment_line", 14, "If present, delete '//' at the beginning of the line after leading whitespace.", 78, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_combined_write_commands.cpp", 53, 137 },
{ PROC_LINKS(undo, 0), false, "undo", 4, "Advances backwards through the undo history of the current buffer.", 66, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 1711 },
{ PROC_LINKS(undo_all_buffers, 0), false, "undo_all_buffers", 16, "Advances backward through the undo history in the buffer containing the most recent regular edit.", 97, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 1738 },
{ PROC_LINKS(view_buffer_other_panel, 0), false, "view_buffer_other_panel", 23, "Set the other non-active panel to view the buffer that the active panel views, and switch to that panel.", 104, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 1599 },
{ PROC_LINKS(view_jump_list_with_lister, 0), false, "view_jump_list_with_lister", 26, "When executed on a buffer with jumps, creates a persistent lister for all the jumps", 83, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_jump_lister.cpp", 41, 59 },
{ PROC_LINKS(word_complete, 0), false, "word_complete", 13, "Iteratively tries completing the word to the left of the cursor with other words in open buffers that have the same prefix string.", 130, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_search.cpp", 36, 395 },
{ PROC_LINKS(word_complete_drop_down, 0), false, "word_complete_drop_down", 23, "Word complete with drop down menu.", 34, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_search.cpp", 36, 642 },
{ PROC_LINKS(write_block, 0), false, "write_block", 11, "At the cursor, insert a block comment.", 38, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_combined_write_commands.cpp", 53, 94 },
{ PROC_LINKS(write_hack, 0), false, "write_hack", 10, "At the cursor, insert a '// HACK' comment, includes user name if it was specified in config.4coder.", 99, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_combined_write_commands.cpp", 53, 82 },
{ PROC_LINKS(write_note, 0), false, "write_note", 10, "At the cursor, insert a '// NOTE' comment, includes user name if it was specified in config.4coder.", 99, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_combined_write_commands.cpp", 53, 88 },
{ PROC_LINKS(write_space, 0), false, "write_space", 11, "Inserts a space.", 16, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 67 },
{ PROC_LINKS(write_text_and_auto_indent, 0), false, "write_text_and_auto_indent", 26, "Inserts text and auto-indents the line on which the cursor sits if any of the text contains 'layout punctuation' such as ;:{}()[]# and new lines.", 145, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_auto_indent.cpp", 41, 433 },
{ PROC_LINKS(write_text_input, 0), false, "write_text_input", 16, "Inserts whatever text was used to trigger this command.", 55, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 59 },
{ PROC_LINKS(write_todo, 0), false, "write_todo", 10, "At the cursor, insert a '// TODO' comment, includes user name if it was specified in config.4coder.", 99, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_combined_write_commands.cpp", 53, 76 },
{ PROC_LINKS(write_underscore, 0), false, "write_underscore", 16, "Inserts an underscore.", 22, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 43, 73 },
{ PROC_LINKS(write_zero_struct, 0), false, "write_zero_struct", 17, "At the cursor, insert a ' = {};'.", 33, "W:\\4ed\\code\\custom\\4coder_combined_write_commands.cpp", 53, 100 },
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_allow_mouse = 0;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_auto_indent_line_at_cursor = 1;
@ -492,228 +506,235 @@ static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_auto_indent_whole_file = 3;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_backspace_alpha_numeric_boundary = 4;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_backspace_char = 5;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_basic_change_active_panel = 6;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_build_in_build_panel = 7;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_build_search = 8;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_center_view = 9;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_change_active_panel = 10;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_change_active_panel_backwards = 11;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_change_to_build_panel = 12;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_clean_all_lines = 13;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_clear_all_themes = 14;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_click_set_cursor = 15;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_click_set_cursor_and_mark = 16;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_click_set_cursor_if_lbutton = 17;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_click_set_mark = 18;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_close_all_code = 19;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_close_build_panel = 20;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_close_panel = 21;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_command_documentation = 22;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_command_lister = 23;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_comment_line = 24;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_comment_line_toggle = 25;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_copy = 26;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_cursor_mark_swap = 27;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_custom_api_documentation = 28;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_cut = 29;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_decrease_face_size = 30;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_default_file_externally_modified = 31;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_default_startup = 32;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_default_try_exit = 33;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_default_view_input_handler = 34;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_delete_alpha_numeric_boundary = 35;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_delete_char = 36;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_delete_current_scope = 37;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_delete_file_query = 38;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_delete_line = 39;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_delete_range = 40;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_duplicate_line = 41;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_execute_any_cli = 42;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_execute_previous_cli = 43;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_exit_4coder = 44;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_goto_beginning_of_file = 45;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_goto_end_of_file = 46;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_goto_first_jump = 47;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_goto_first_jump_same_panel_sticky = 48;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_goto_jump_at_cursor = 49;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_goto_jump_at_cursor_same_panel = 50;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_goto_line = 51;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_goto_next_jump = 52;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_goto_next_jump_no_skips = 53;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_goto_prev_jump = 54;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_goto_prev_jump_no_skips = 55;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_hide_filebar = 56;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_hide_scrollbar = 57;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_hms_demo_tutorial = 58;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_if0_off = 59;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_if_read_only_goto_position = 60;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_if_read_only_goto_position_same_panel = 61;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_increase_face_size = 62;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_interactive_kill_buffer = 63;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_interactive_new = 64;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_interactive_open = 65;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_interactive_open_or_new = 66;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_interactive_switch_buffer = 67;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_jump_to_definition = 68;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_keyboard_macro_finish_recording = 69;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_keyboard_macro_replay = 70;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_keyboard_macro_start_recording = 71;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_kill_buffer = 72;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_kill_tutorial = 73;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_left_adjust_view = 74;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_list_all_functions_all_buffers = 75;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_list_all_functions_all_buffers_lister = 76;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_list_all_functions_current_buffer = 77;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_list_all_functions_current_buffer_lister = 78;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_list_all_locations = 79;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_list_all_locations_case_insensitive = 80;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_list_all_locations_of_identifier = 81;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_list_all_locations_of_identifier_case_insensitive = 82;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_list_all_locations_of_selection = 83;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_list_all_locations_of_selection_case_insensitive = 84;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_list_all_locations_of_type_definition = 85;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_list_all_locations_of_type_definition_of_identifier = 86;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_list_all_substring_locations = 87;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_list_all_substring_locations_case_insensitive = 88;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_load_project = 89;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_load_theme_current_buffer = 90;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_load_themes_default_folder = 91;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_load_themes_hot_directory = 92;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_make_directory_query = 93;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_miblo_decrement_basic = 94;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_miblo_decrement_time_stamp = 95;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_miblo_decrement_time_stamp_minute = 96;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_miblo_increment_basic = 97;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_miblo_increment_time_stamp = 98;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_miblo_increment_time_stamp_minute = 99;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_mouse_wheel_change_face_size = 100;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_mouse_wheel_scroll = 101;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_move_down = 102;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_move_down_10 = 103;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_move_down_textual = 104;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_move_down_to_blank_line = 105;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_move_down_to_blank_line_end = 106;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_move_down_to_blank_line_skip_whitespace = 107;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_move_left = 108;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_move_left_alpha_numeric_boundary = 109;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_move_left_alpha_numeric_or_camel_boundary = 110;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_move_left_token_boundary = 111;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_move_left_whitespace_boundary = 112;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_move_left_whitespace_or_token_boundary = 113;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_move_line_down = 114;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_move_line_up = 115;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_move_right = 116;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_move_right_alpha_numeric_boundary = 117;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_move_right_alpha_numeric_or_camel_boundary = 118;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_move_right_token_boundary = 119;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_move_right_whitespace_boundary = 120;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_move_right_whitespace_or_token_boundary = 121;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_move_up = 122;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_move_up_10 = 123;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_move_up_to_blank_line = 124;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_move_up_to_blank_line_end = 125;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_move_up_to_blank_line_skip_whitespace = 126;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_open_all_code = 127;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_open_all_code_recursive = 128;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_open_file_in_quotes = 129;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_open_in_other = 130;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_open_long_braces = 131;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_open_long_braces_break = 132;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_open_long_braces_semicolon = 133;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_open_matching_file_cpp = 134;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_open_panel_hsplit = 135;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_open_panel_vsplit = 136;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_page_down = 137;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_page_up = 138;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_paste = 139;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_paste_and_indent = 140;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_paste_next = 141;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_paste_next_and_indent = 142;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_place_in_scope = 143;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_profile_clear = 144;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_profile_disable = 145;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_profile_enable = 146;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_profile_inspect = 147;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_project_command_lister = 148;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_project_fkey_command = 149;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_project_go_to_root_directory = 150;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_query_replace = 151;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_query_replace_identifier = 152;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_query_replace_selection = 153;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_redo = 154;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_redo_all_buffers = 155;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_rename_file_query = 156;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_reopen = 157;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_replace_in_all_buffers = 158;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_replace_in_buffer = 159;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_replace_in_range = 160;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_reverse_search = 161;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_reverse_search_identifier = 162;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_save = 163;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_save_all_dirty_buffers = 164;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_save_to_query = 165;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_search = 166;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_search_identifier = 167;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_seek_beginning_of_line = 168;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_seek_beginning_of_textual_line = 169;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_seek_end_of_line = 170;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_seek_end_of_textual_line = 171;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_select_all = 172;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_select_next_scope_absolute = 173;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_select_next_scope_after_current = 174;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_select_prev_scope_absolute = 175;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_select_prev_top_most_scope = 176;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_select_surrounding_scope = 177;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_select_surrounding_scope_maximal = 178;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_set_eol_mode_from_contents = 179;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_set_eol_mode_to_binary = 180;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_set_eol_mode_to_crlf = 181;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_set_eol_mode_to_lf = 182;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_set_mark = 183;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_set_mode_to_notepad_like = 184;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_set_mode_to_original = 185;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_setup_build_bat = 186;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_setup_build_bat_and_sh = 187;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_setup_build_sh = 188;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_setup_new_project = 189;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_show_filebar = 190;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_show_scrollbar = 191;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_show_the_log_graph = 192;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_snipe_backward_whitespace_or_token_boundary = 193;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_snipe_forward_whitespace_or_token_boundary = 194;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_snippet_lister = 195;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_suppress_mouse = 196;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_swap_panels = 197;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_test_double_backspace = 198;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_theme_lister = 199;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_to_lowercase = 200;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_to_uppercase = 201;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_toggle_filebar = 202;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_toggle_fps_meter = 203;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_toggle_fullscreen = 204;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_toggle_highlight_enclosing_scopes = 205;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_toggle_highlight_line_at_cursor = 206;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_toggle_line_numbers = 207;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_toggle_line_wrap = 208;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_toggle_mouse = 209;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_toggle_paren_matching_helper = 210;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_toggle_show_whitespace = 211;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_toggle_virtual_whitespace = 212;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_tutorial_maximize = 213;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_tutorial_minimize = 214;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_uncomment_line = 215;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_undo = 216;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_undo_all_buffers = 217;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_view_buffer_other_panel = 218;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_view_jump_list_with_lister = 219;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_word_complete = 220;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_word_complete_drop_down = 221;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_write_block = 222;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_write_hack = 223;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_write_note = 224;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_write_space = 225;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_write_text_and_auto_indent = 226;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_write_text_input = 227;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_write_todo = 228;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_write_underscore = 229;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_write_zero_struct = 230;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_begin_clipboard_collection_mode = 7;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_build_in_build_panel = 8;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_build_search = 9;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_center_view = 10;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_change_active_panel = 11;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_change_active_panel_backwards = 12;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_change_to_build_panel = 13;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_clean_all_lines = 14;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_clear_all_themes = 15;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_clear_clipboard = 16;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_click_set_cursor = 17;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_click_set_cursor_and_mark = 18;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_click_set_cursor_if_lbutton = 19;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_click_set_mark = 20;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_clipboard_record_clip = 21;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_close_all_code = 22;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_close_build_panel = 23;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_close_panel = 24;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_command_documentation = 25;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_command_lister = 26;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_comment_line = 27;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_comment_line_toggle = 28;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_copy = 29;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_cursor_mark_swap = 30;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_custom_api_documentation = 31;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_cut = 32;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_decrease_face_size = 33;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_default_file_externally_modified = 34;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_default_startup = 35;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_default_try_exit = 36;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_default_view_input_handler = 37;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_delete_alpha_numeric_boundary = 38;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_delete_char = 39;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_delete_current_scope = 40;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_delete_file_query = 41;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_delete_line = 42;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_delete_range = 43;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_duplicate_line = 44;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_execute_any_cli = 45;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_execute_previous_cli = 46;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_exit_4coder = 47;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_goto_beginning_of_file = 48;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_goto_end_of_file = 49;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_goto_first_jump = 50;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_goto_first_jump_same_panel_sticky = 51;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_goto_jump_at_cursor = 52;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_goto_jump_at_cursor_same_panel = 53;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_goto_line = 54;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_goto_next_jump = 55;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_goto_next_jump_no_skips = 56;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_goto_prev_jump = 57;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_goto_prev_jump_no_skips = 58;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_hide_filebar = 59;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_hide_scrollbar = 60;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_hms_demo_tutorial = 61;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_if0_off = 62;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_if_read_only_goto_position = 63;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_if_read_only_goto_position_same_panel = 64;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_increase_face_size = 65;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_interactive_kill_buffer = 66;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_interactive_new = 67;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_interactive_open = 68;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_interactive_open_or_new = 69;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_interactive_switch_buffer = 70;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_jump_to_definition = 71;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_keyboard_macro_finish_recording = 72;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_keyboard_macro_replay = 73;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_keyboard_macro_start_recording = 74;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_kill_buffer = 75;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_kill_tutorial = 76;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_left_adjust_view = 77;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_list_all_functions_all_buffers = 78;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_list_all_functions_all_buffers_lister = 79;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_list_all_functions_current_buffer = 80;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_list_all_functions_current_buffer_lister = 81;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_list_all_locations = 82;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_list_all_locations_case_insensitive = 83;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_list_all_locations_of_identifier = 84;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_list_all_locations_of_identifier_case_insensitive = 85;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_list_all_locations_of_selection = 86;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_list_all_locations_of_selection_case_insensitive = 87;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_list_all_locations_of_type_definition = 88;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_list_all_locations_of_type_definition_of_identifier = 89;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_list_all_substring_locations = 90;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_list_all_substring_locations_case_insensitive = 91;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_load_project = 92;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_load_theme_current_buffer = 93;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_load_themes_default_folder = 94;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_load_themes_hot_directory = 95;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_make_directory_query = 96;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_miblo_decrement_basic = 97;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_miblo_decrement_time_stamp = 98;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_miblo_decrement_time_stamp_minute = 99;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_miblo_increment_basic = 100;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_miblo_increment_time_stamp = 101;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_miblo_increment_time_stamp_minute = 102;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_mouse_wheel_change_face_size = 103;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_mouse_wheel_scroll = 104;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_move_down = 105;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_move_down_10 = 106;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_move_down_textual = 107;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_move_down_to_blank_line = 108;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_move_down_to_blank_line_end = 109;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_move_down_to_blank_line_skip_whitespace = 110;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_move_left = 111;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_move_left_alpha_numeric_boundary = 112;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_move_left_alpha_numeric_or_camel_boundary = 113;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_move_left_token_boundary = 114;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_move_left_whitespace_boundary = 115;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_move_left_whitespace_or_token_boundary = 116;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_move_line_down = 117;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_move_line_up = 118;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_move_right = 119;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_move_right_alpha_numeric_boundary = 120;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_move_right_alpha_numeric_or_camel_boundary = 121;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_move_right_token_boundary = 122;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_move_right_whitespace_boundary = 123;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_move_right_whitespace_or_token_boundary = 124;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_move_up = 125;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_move_up_10 = 126;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_move_up_to_blank_line = 127;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_move_up_to_blank_line_end = 128;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_move_up_to_blank_line_skip_whitespace = 129;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_multi_paste_interactive = 130;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_multi_paste_interactive_quick = 131;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_open_all_code = 132;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_open_all_code_recursive = 133;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_open_file_in_quotes = 134;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_open_in_other = 135;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_open_long_braces = 136;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_open_long_braces_break = 137;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_open_long_braces_semicolon = 138;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_open_matching_file_cpp = 139;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_open_panel_hsplit = 140;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_open_panel_vsplit = 141;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_page_down = 142;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_page_up = 143;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_paste = 144;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_paste_and_indent = 145;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_paste_next = 146;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_paste_next_and_indent = 147;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_place_in_scope = 148;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_profile_clear = 149;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_profile_disable = 150;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_profile_enable = 151;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_profile_inspect = 152;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_project_command_lister = 153;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_project_fkey_command = 154;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_project_go_to_root_directory = 155;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_query_replace = 156;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_query_replace_identifier = 157;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_query_replace_selection = 158;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_redo = 159;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_redo_all_buffers = 160;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_rename_file_query = 161;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_reopen = 162;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_replace_in_all_buffers = 163;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_replace_in_buffer = 164;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_replace_in_range = 165;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_reverse_search = 166;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_reverse_search_identifier = 167;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_save = 168;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_save_all_dirty_buffers = 169;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_save_to_query = 170;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_search = 171;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_search_identifier = 172;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_seek_beginning_of_line = 173;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_seek_beginning_of_textual_line = 174;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_seek_end_of_line = 175;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_seek_end_of_textual_line = 176;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_select_all = 177;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_select_next_scope_absolute = 178;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_select_next_scope_after_current = 179;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_select_prev_scope_absolute = 180;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_select_prev_top_most_scope = 181;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_select_surrounding_scope = 182;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_select_surrounding_scope_maximal = 183;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_set_eol_mode_from_contents = 184;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_set_eol_mode_to_binary = 185;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_set_eol_mode_to_crlf = 186;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_set_eol_mode_to_lf = 187;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_set_face_size = 188;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_set_face_size_this_buffer = 189;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_set_mark = 190;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_set_mode_to_notepad_like = 191;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_set_mode_to_original = 192;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_setup_build_bat = 193;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_setup_build_bat_and_sh = 194;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_setup_build_sh = 195;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_setup_new_project = 196;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_show_filebar = 197;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_show_scrollbar = 198;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_show_the_log_graph = 199;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_snipe_backward_whitespace_or_token_boundary = 200;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_snipe_forward_whitespace_or_token_boundary = 201;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_snippet_lister = 202;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_suppress_mouse = 203;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_swap_panels = 204;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_test_double_backspace = 205;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_theme_lister = 206;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_to_lowercase = 207;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_to_uppercase = 208;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_toggle_filebar = 209;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_toggle_fps_meter = 210;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_toggle_fullscreen = 211;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_toggle_highlight_enclosing_scopes = 212;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_toggle_highlight_line_at_cursor = 213;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_toggle_line_numbers = 214;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_toggle_line_wrap = 215;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_toggle_mouse = 216;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_toggle_paren_matching_helper = 217;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_toggle_show_whitespace = 218;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_toggle_virtual_whitespace = 219;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_tutorial_maximize = 220;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_tutorial_minimize = 221;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_uncomment_line = 222;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_undo = 223;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_undo_all_buffers = 224;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_view_buffer_other_panel = 225;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_view_jump_list_with_lister = 226;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_word_complete = 227;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_word_complete_drop_down = 228;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_write_block = 229;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_write_hack = 230;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_write_note = 231;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_write_space = 232;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_write_text_and_auto_indent = 233;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_write_text_input = 234;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_write_todo = 235;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_write_underscore = 236;
static i32 fcoder_metacmd_ID_write_zero_struct = 237;
@ -8,9 +8,6 @@ vtable->child_process_set_target_buffer = child_process_set_target_buffer;
vtable->buffer_get_attached_child_process = buffer_get_attached_child_process;
vtable->child_process_get_attached_buffer = child_process_get_attached_buffer;
vtable->child_process_get_state = child_process_get_state;
vtable->clipboard_post = clipboard_post;
vtable->clipboard_count = clipboard_count;
vtable->push_clipboard_index = push_clipboard_index;
vtable->enqueue_virtual_event = enqueue_virtual_event;
vtable->get_buffer_count = get_buffer_count;
vtable->get_buffer_next = get_buffer_next;
@ -157,6 +154,8 @@ vtable->set_hot_directory = set_hot_directory;
vtable->send_exit_signal = send_exit_signal;
vtable->hard_exit = hard_exit;
vtable->set_window_title = set_window_title;
vtable->acquire_global_frame_mutex = acquire_global_frame_mutex;
vtable->release_global_frame_mutex = release_global_frame_mutex;
vtable->draw_string_oriented = draw_string_oriented;
vtable->get_string_advance = get_string_advance;
vtable->draw_rectangle = draw_rectangle;
@ -189,9 +188,6 @@ child_process_set_target_buffer = vtable->child_process_set_target_buffer;
buffer_get_attached_child_process = vtable->buffer_get_attached_child_process;
child_process_get_attached_buffer = vtable->child_process_get_attached_buffer;
child_process_get_state = vtable->child_process_get_state;
clipboard_post = vtable->clipboard_post;
clipboard_count = vtable->clipboard_count;
push_clipboard_index = vtable->push_clipboard_index;
enqueue_virtual_event = vtable->enqueue_virtual_event;
get_buffer_count = vtable->get_buffer_count;
get_buffer_next = vtable->get_buffer_next;
@ -338,6 +334,8 @@ set_hot_directory = vtable->set_hot_directory;
send_exit_signal = vtable->send_exit_signal;
hard_exit = vtable->hard_exit;
set_window_title = vtable->set_window_title;
acquire_global_frame_mutex = vtable->acquire_global_frame_mutex;
release_global_frame_mutex = vtable->release_global_frame_mutex;
draw_string_oriented = vtable->draw_string_oriented;
get_string_advance = vtable->get_string_advance;
draw_rectangle = vtable->draw_rectangle;
@ -6,9 +6,6 @@
#define custom_buffer_get_attached_child_process_sig() Child_Process_ID custom_buffer_get_attached_child_process(Application_Links* app, Buffer_ID buffer_id)
#define custom_child_process_get_attached_buffer_sig() Buffer_ID custom_child_process_get_attached_buffer(Application_Links* app, Child_Process_ID child_process_id)
#define custom_child_process_get_state_sig() Process_State custom_child_process_get_state(Application_Links* app, Child_Process_ID child_process_id)
#define custom_clipboard_post_sig() b32 custom_clipboard_post(Application_Links* app, i32 clipboard_id, String_Const_u8 string)
#define custom_clipboard_count_sig() i32 custom_clipboard_count(Application_Links* app, i32 clipboard_id)
#define custom_push_clipboard_index_sig() String_Const_u8 custom_push_clipboard_index(Application_Links* app, Arena* arena, i32 clipboard_id, i32 item_index)
#define custom_enqueue_virtual_event_sig() b32 custom_enqueue_virtual_event(Application_Links* app, Input_Event* event)
#define custom_get_buffer_count_sig() i32 custom_get_buffer_count(Application_Links* app)
#define custom_get_buffer_next_sig() Buffer_ID custom_get_buffer_next(Application_Links* app, Buffer_ID buffer_id, Access_Flag access)
@ -155,6 +152,8 @@
#define custom_send_exit_signal_sig() void custom_send_exit_signal(Application_Links* app)
#define custom_hard_exit_sig() void custom_hard_exit(Application_Links* app)
#define custom_set_window_title_sig() void custom_set_window_title(Application_Links* app, String_Const_u8 title)
#define custom_acquire_global_frame_mutex_sig() void custom_acquire_global_frame_mutex(Application_Links* app)
#define custom_release_global_frame_mutex_sig() void custom_release_global_frame_mutex(Application_Links* app)
#define custom_draw_string_oriented_sig() Vec2_f32 custom_draw_string_oriented(Application_Links* app, Face_ID font_id, ARGB_Color color, String_Const_u8 str, Vec2_f32 point, u32 flags, Vec2_f32 delta)
#define custom_get_string_advance_sig() f32 custom_get_string_advance(Application_Links* app, Face_ID font_id, String_Const_u8 str)
#define custom_draw_rectangle_sig() void custom_draw_rectangle(Application_Links* app, Rect_f32 rect, f32 roundness, ARGB_Color color)
@ -183,9 +182,6 @@ typedef b32 custom_child_process_set_target_buffer_type(Application_Links* app,
typedef Child_Process_ID custom_buffer_get_attached_child_process_type(Application_Links* app, Buffer_ID buffer_id);
typedef Buffer_ID custom_child_process_get_attached_buffer_type(Application_Links* app, Child_Process_ID child_process_id);
typedef Process_State custom_child_process_get_state_type(Application_Links* app, Child_Process_ID child_process_id);
typedef b32 custom_clipboard_post_type(Application_Links* app, i32 clipboard_id, String_Const_u8 string);
typedef i32 custom_clipboard_count_type(Application_Links* app, i32 clipboard_id);
typedef String_Const_u8 custom_push_clipboard_index_type(Application_Links* app, Arena* arena, i32 clipboard_id, i32 item_index);
typedef b32 custom_enqueue_virtual_event_type(Application_Links* app, Input_Event* event);
typedef i32 custom_get_buffer_count_type(Application_Links* app);
typedef Buffer_ID custom_get_buffer_next_type(Application_Links* app, Buffer_ID buffer_id, Access_Flag access);
@ -332,6 +328,8 @@ typedef void custom_set_hot_directory_type(Application_Links* app, String_Const_
typedef void custom_send_exit_signal_type(Application_Links* app);
typedef void custom_hard_exit_type(Application_Links* app);
typedef void custom_set_window_title_type(Application_Links* app, String_Const_u8 title);
typedef void custom_acquire_global_frame_mutex_type(Application_Links* app);
typedef void custom_release_global_frame_mutex_type(Application_Links* app);
typedef Vec2_f32 custom_draw_string_oriented_type(Application_Links* app, Face_ID font_id, ARGB_Color color, String_Const_u8 str, Vec2_f32 point, u32 flags, Vec2_f32 delta);
typedef f32 custom_get_string_advance_type(Application_Links* app, Face_ID font_id, String_Const_u8 str);
typedef void custom_draw_rectangle_type(Application_Links* app, Rect_f32 rect, f32 roundness, ARGB_Color color);
@ -361,9 +359,6 @@ custom_child_process_set_target_buffer_type *child_process_set_target_buffer;
custom_buffer_get_attached_child_process_type *buffer_get_attached_child_process;
custom_child_process_get_attached_buffer_type *child_process_get_attached_buffer;
custom_child_process_get_state_type *child_process_get_state;
custom_clipboard_post_type *clipboard_post;
custom_clipboard_count_type *clipboard_count;
custom_push_clipboard_index_type *push_clipboard_index;
custom_enqueue_virtual_event_type *enqueue_virtual_event;
custom_get_buffer_count_type *get_buffer_count;
custom_get_buffer_next_type *get_buffer_next;
@ -510,6 +505,8 @@ custom_set_hot_directory_type *set_hot_directory;
custom_send_exit_signal_type *send_exit_signal;
custom_hard_exit_type *hard_exit;
custom_set_window_title_type *set_window_title;
custom_acquire_global_frame_mutex_type *acquire_global_frame_mutex;
custom_release_global_frame_mutex_type *release_global_frame_mutex;
custom_draw_string_oriented_type *draw_string_oriented;
custom_get_string_advance_type *get_string_advance;
custom_draw_rectangle_type *draw_rectangle;
@ -540,9 +537,6 @@ internal b32 child_process_set_target_buffer(Application_Links* app, Child_Proce
internal Child_Process_ID buffer_get_attached_child_process(Application_Links* app, Buffer_ID buffer_id);
internal Buffer_ID child_process_get_attached_buffer(Application_Links* app, Child_Process_ID child_process_id);
internal Process_State child_process_get_state(Application_Links* app, Child_Process_ID child_process_id);
internal b32 clipboard_post(Application_Links* app, i32 clipboard_id, String_Const_u8 string);
internal i32 clipboard_count(Application_Links* app, i32 clipboard_id);
internal String_Const_u8 push_clipboard_index(Application_Links* app, Arena* arena, i32 clipboard_id, i32 item_index);
internal b32 enqueue_virtual_event(Application_Links* app, Input_Event* event);
internal i32 get_buffer_count(Application_Links* app);
internal Buffer_ID get_buffer_next(Application_Links* app, Buffer_ID buffer_id, Access_Flag access);
@ -689,6 +683,8 @@ internal void set_hot_directory(Application_Links* app, String_Const_u8 string);
internal void send_exit_signal(Application_Links* app);
internal void hard_exit(Application_Links* app);
internal void set_window_title(Application_Links* app, String_Const_u8 title);
internal void acquire_global_frame_mutex(Application_Links* app);
internal void release_global_frame_mutex(Application_Links* app);
internal Vec2_f32 draw_string_oriented(Application_Links* app, Face_ID font_id, ARGB_Color color, String_Const_u8 str, Vec2_f32 point, u32 flags, Vec2_f32 delta);
internal f32 get_string_advance(Application_Links* app, Face_ID font_id, String_Const_u8 str);
internal void draw_rectangle(Application_Links* app, Rect_f32 rect, f32 roundness, ARGB_Color color);
@ -719,9 +715,6 @@ global custom_child_process_set_target_buffer_type *child_process_set_target_buf
global custom_buffer_get_attached_child_process_type *buffer_get_attached_child_process = 0;
global custom_child_process_get_attached_buffer_type *child_process_get_attached_buffer = 0;
global custom_child_process_get_state_type *child_process_get_state = 0;
global custom_clipboard_post_type *clipboard_post = 0;
global custom_clipboard_count_type *clipboard_count = 0;
global custom_push_clipboard_index_type *push_clipboard_index = 0;
global custom_enqueue_virtual_event_type *enqueue_virtual_event = 0;
global custom_get_buffer_count_type *get_buffer_count = 0;
global custom_get_buffer_next_type *get_buffer_next = 0;
@ -868,6 +861,8 @@ global custom_set_hot_directory_type *set_hot_directory = 0;
global custom_send_exit_signal_type *send_exit_signal = 0;
global custom_hard_exit_type *hard_exit = 0;
global custom_set_window_title_type *set_window_title = 0;
global custom_acquire_global_frame_mutex_type *acquire_global_frame_mutex = 0;
global custom_release_global_frame_mutex_type *release_global_frame_mutex = 0;
global custom_draw_string_oriented_type *draw_string_oriented = 0;
global custom_get_string_advance_type *get_string_advance = 0;
global custom_draw_rectangle_type *draw_rectangle = 0;
@ -44,7 +44,12 @@ api_param(arena, call, "Application_Links*", "app");
api_param(arena, call, "Child_Process_ID", "child_process_id");
API_Call *call = api_call_with_location(arena, result, string_u8_litexpr("clipboard_post"), string_u8_litexpr("b32"), string_u8_litexpr(""));
API_Call *call = api_call_with_location(arena, result, string_u8_litexpr("clipboard_clear"), string_u8_litexpr("b32"), string_u8_litexpr(""));
api_param(arena, call, "Application_Links*", "app");
api_param(arena, call, "i32", "clipboard_id");
API_Call *call = api_call_with_location(arena, result, string_u8_litexpr("clipboard_post_internal_only"), string_u8_litexpr("b32"), string_u8_litexpr(""));
api_param(arena, call, "Application_Links*", "app");
api_param(arena, call, "i32", "clipboard_id");
api_param(arena, call, "String_Const_u8", "string");
@ -557,14 +562,6 @@ api_param(arena, call, "Buffer_ID", "buffer_id");
api_param(arena, call, "Set_Buffer_Flag", "flags");
API_Call *call = api_call_with_location(arena, result, string_u8_litexpr("view_post_fade"), string_u8_litexpr("b32"), string_u8_litexpr(""));
api_param(arena, call, "Application_Links*", "app");
api_param(arena, call, "View_ID", "view_id");
api_param(arena, call, "f32", "seconds");
api_param(arena, call, "Range_i64", "range");
api_param(arena, call, "ARGB_Color", "color");
API_Call *call = api_call_with_location(arena, result, string_u8_litexpr("view_push_context"), string_u8_litexpr("b32"), string_u8_litexpr(""));
api_param(arena, call, "Application_Links*", "app");
api_param(arena, call, "View_ID", "view_id");
@ -992,6 +989,14 @@ api_param(arena, call, "Range_i64", "range");
api_param(arena, call, "ARGB_Color", "color");
API_Call *call = api_call_with_location(arena, result, string_u8_litexpr("paint_text_color_blend"), string_u8_litexpr("void"), string_u8_litexpr(""));
api_param(arena, call, "Application_Links*", "app");
api_param(arena, call, "Text_Layout_ID", "layout_id");
api_param(arena, call, "Range_i64", "range");
api_param(arena, call, "ARGB_Color", "color");
api_param(arena, call, "f32", "blend");
API_Call *call = api_call_with_location(arena, result, string_u8_litexpr("text_layout_free"), string_u8_litexpr("b32"), string_u8_litexpr(""));
api_param(arena, call, "Application_Links*", "app");
api_param(arena, call, "Text_Layout_ID", "text_layout_id");
@ -6,9 +6,6 @@ api(custom) function b32 child_process_set_target_buffer(Application_Links* app,
api(custom) function Child_Process_ID buffer_get_attached_child_process(Application_Links* app, Buffer_ID buffer_id);
api(custom) function Buffer_ID child_process_get_attached_buffer(Application_Links* app, Child_Process_ID child_process_id);
api(custom) function Process_State child_process_get_state(Application_Links* app, Child_Process_ID child_process_id);
api(custom) function b32 clipboard_post(Application_Links* app, i32 clipboard_id, String_Const_u8 string);
api(custom) function i32 clipboard_count(Application_Links* app, i32 clipboard_id);
api(custom) function String_Const_u8 push_clipboard_index(Application_Links* app, Arena* arena, i32 clipboard_id, i32 item_index);
api(custom) function b32 enqueue_virtual_event(Application_Links* app, Input_Event* event);
api(custom) function i32 get_buffer_count(Application_Links* app);
api(custom) function Buffer_ID get_buffer_next(Application_Links* app, Buffer_ID buffer_id, Access_Flag access);
@ -155,6 +152,8 @@ api(custom) function void set_hot_directory(Application_Links* app, String_Const
api(custom) function void send_exit_signal(Application_Links* app);
api(custom) function void hard_exit(Application_Links* app);
api(custom) function void set_window_title(Application_Links* app, String_Const_u8 title);
api(custom) function void acquire_global_frame_mutex(Application_Links* app);
api(custom) function void release_global_frame_mutex(Application_Links* app);
api(custom) function Vec2_f32 draw_string_oriented(Application_Links* app, Face_ID font_id, ARGB_Color color, String_Const_u8 str, Vec2_f32 point, u32 flags, Vec2_f32 delta);
api(custom) function f32 get_string_advance(Application_Links* app, Face_ID font_id, String_Const_u8 str);
api(custom) function void draw_rectangle(Application_Links* app, Rect_f32 rect, f32 roundness, ARGB_Color color);
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -18,7 +18,10 @@ vtable->wake_up_timer_release = system_wake_up_timer_release;
vtable->wake_up_timer_set = system_wake_up_timer_set;
vtable->signal_step = system_signal_step;
vtable->sleep = system_sleep;
vtable->get_clipboard = system_get_clipboard;
vtable->post_clipboard = system_post_clipboard;
vtable->set_clipboard_catch_all = system_set_clipboard_catch_all;
vtable->get_clipboard_catch_all = system_get_clipboard_catch_all;
vtable->cli_call = system_cli_call;
vtable->cli_begin_update = system_cli_begin_update;
vtable->cli_update_step = system_cli_update_step;
@ -69,7 +72,10 @@ system_wake_up_timer_release = vtable->wake_up_timer_release;
system_wake_up_timer_set = vtable->wake_up_timer_set;
system_signal_step = vtable->signal_step;
system_sleep = vtable->sleep;
system_get_clipboard = vtable->get_clipboard;
system_post_clipboard = vtable->post_clipboard;
system_set_clipboard_catch_all = vtable->set_clipboard_catch_all;
system_get_clipboard_catch_all = vtable->get_clipboard_catch_all;
system_cli_call = vtable->cli_call;
system_cli_begin_update = vtable->cli_begin_update;
system_cli_update_step = vtable->cli_update_step;
@ -16,7 +16,10 @@
#define system_wake_up_timer_set_sig() void system_wake_up_timer_set(Plat_Handle handle, u32 time_milliseconds)
#define system_signal_step_sig() void system_signal_step(u32 code)
#define system_sleep_sig() void system_sleep(u64 microseconds)
#define system_post_clipboard_sig() void system_post_clipboard(String_Const_u8 str)
#define system_get_clipboard_sig() String_Const_u8 system_get_clipboard(Arena* arena, i32 index)
#define system_post_clipboard_sig() void system_post_clipboard(String_Const_u8 str, i32 index)
#define system_set_clipboard_catch_all_sig() void system_set_clipboard_catch_all(b32 enabled)
#define system_get_clipboard_catch_all_sig() b32 system_get_clipboard_catch_all(void)
#define system_cli_call_sig() b32 system_cli_call(Arena* scratch, char* path, char* script, CLI_Handles* cli_out)
#define system_cli_begin_update_sig() void system_cli_begin_update(CLI_Handles* cli)
#define system_cli_update_step_sig() b32 system_cli_update_step(CLI_Handles* cli, char* dest, u32 max, u32* amount)
@ -63,7 +66,10 @@ typedef void system_wake_up_timer_release_type(Plat_Handle handle);
typedef void system_wake_up_timer_set_type(Plat_Handle handle, u32 time_milliseconds);
typedef void system_signal_step_type(u32 code);
typedef void system_sleep_type(u64 microseconds);
typedef void system_post_clipboard_type(String_Const_u8 str);
typedef String_Const_u8 system_get_clipboard_type(Arena* arena, i32 index);
typedef void system_post_clipboard_type(String_Const_u8 str, i32 index);
typedef void system_set_clipboard_catch_all_type(b32 enabled);
typedef b32 system_get_clipboard_catch_all_type(void);
typedef b32 system_cli_call_type(Arena* scratch, char* path, char* script, CLI_Handles* cli_out);
typedef void system_cli_begin_update_type(CLI_Handles* cli);
typedef b32 system_cli_update_step_type(CLI_Handles* cli, char* dest, u32 max, u32* amount);
@ -93,53 +99,56 @@ typedef b32 system_set_fullscreen_type(b32 full_screen);
typedef b32 system_is_fullscreen_type(void);
typedef Input_Modifier_Set system_get_keyboard_modifiers_type(Arena* arena);
struct API_VTable_system{
system_get_path_type *get_path;
system_get_canonical_type *get_canonical;
system_get_file_list_type *get_file_list;
system_quick_file_attributes_type *quick_file_attributes;
system_load_handle_type *load_handle;
system_load_attributes_type *load_attributes;
system_load_file_type *load_file;
system_load_close_type *load_close;
system_save_file_type *save_file;
system_load_library_type *load_library;
system_release_library_type *release_library;
system_get_proc_type *get_proc;
system_now_time_type *now_time;
system_wake_up_timer_create_type *wake_up_timer_create;
system_wake_up_timer_release_type *wake_up_timer_release;
system_wake_up_timer_set_type *wake_up_timer_set;
system_signal_step_type *signal_step;
system_sleep_type *sleep;
system_post_clipboard_type *post_clipboard;
system_cli_call_type *cli_call;
system_cli_begin_update_type *cli_begin_update;
system_cli_update_step_type *cli_update_step;
system_cli_end_update_type *cli_end_update;
system_open_color_picker_type *open_color_picker;
system_get_screen_scale_factor_type *get_screen_scale_factor;
system_thread_launch_type *thread_launch;
system_thread_join_type *thread_join;
system_thread_free_type *thread_free;
system_thread_get_id_type *thread_get_id;
system_acquire_global_frame_mutex_type *acquire_global_frame_mutex;
system_release_global_frame_mutex_type *release_global_frame_mutex;
system_mutex_make_type *mutex_make;
system_mutex_acquire_type *mutex_acquire;
system_mutex_release_type *mutex_release;
system_mutex_free_type *mutex_free;
system_condition_variable_make_type *condition_variable_make;
system_condition_variable_wait_type *condition_variable_wait;
system_condition_variable_signal_type *condition_variable_signal;
system_condition_variable_free_type *condition_variable_free;
system_memory_allocate_type *memory_allocate;
system_memory_set_protection_type *memory_set_protection;
system_memory_free_type *memory_free;
system_memory_annotation_type *memory_annotation;
system_show_mouse_cursor_type *show_mouse_cursor;
system_set_fullscreen_type *set_fullscreen;
system_is_fullscreen_type *is_fullscreen;
system_get_keyboard_modifiers_type *get_keyboard_modifiers;
system_get_path_type *get_path;
system_get_canonical_type *get_canonical;
system_get_file_list_type *get_file_list;
system_quick_file_attributes_type *quick_file_attributes;
system_load_handle_type *load_handle;
system_load_attributes_type *load_attributes;
system_load_file_type *load_file;
system_load_close_type *load_close;
system_save_file_type *save_file;
system_load_library_type *load_library;
system_release_library_type *release_library;
system_get_proc_type *get_proc;
system_now_time_type *now_time;
system_wake_up_timer_create_type *wake_up_timer_create;
system_wake_up_timer_release_type *wake_up_timer_release;
system_wake_up_timer_set_type *wake_up_timer_set;
system_signal_step_type *signal_step;
system_sleep_type *sleep;
system_get_clipboard_type *get_clipboard;
system_post_clipboard_type *post_clipboard;
system_set_clipboard_catch_all_type *set_clipboard_catch_all;
system_get_clipboard_catch_all_type *get_clipboard_catch_all;
system_cli_call_type *cli_call;
system_cli_begin_update_type *cli_begin_update;
system_cli_update_step_type *cli_update_step;
system_cli_end_update_type *cli_end_update;
system_open_color_picker_type *open_color_picker;
system_get_screen_scale_factor_type *get_screen_scale_factor;
system_thread_launch_type *thread_launch;
system_thread_join_type *thread_join;
system_thread_free_type *thread_free;
system_thread_get_id_type *thread_get_id;
system_acquire_global_frame_mutex_type *acquire_global_frame_mutex;
system_release_global_frame_mutex_type *release_global_frame_mutex;
system_mutex_make_type *mutex_make;
system_mutex_acquire_type *mutex_acquire;
system_mutex_release_type *mutex_release;
system_mutex_free_type *mutex_free;
system_condition_variable_make_type *condition_variable_make;
system_condition_variable_wait_type *condition_variable_wait;
system_condition_variable_signal_type *condition_variable_signal;
system_condition_variable_free_type *condition_variable_free;
system_memory_allocate_type *memory_allocate;
system_memory_set_protection_type *memory_set_protection;
system_memory_free_type *memory_free;
system_memory_annotation_type *memory_annotation;
system_show_mouse_cursor_type *show_mouse_cursor;
system_set_fullscreen_type *set_fullscreen;
system_is_fullscreen_type *is_fullscreen;
system_get_keyboard_modifiers_type *get_keyboard_modifiers;
#if defined(STATIC_LINK_API)
internal String_Const_u8 system_get_path(Arena* arena, System_Path_Code path_code);
@ -160,7 +169,10 @@ internal void system_wake_up_timer_release(Plat_Handle handle);
internal void system_wake_up_timer_set(Plat_Handle handle, u32 time_milliseconds);
internal void system_signal_step(u32 code);
internal void system_sleep(u64 microseconds);
internal void system_post_clipboard(String_Const_u8 str);
internal String_Const_u8 system_get_clipboard(Arena* arena, i32 index);
internal void system_post_clipboard(String_Const_u8 str, i32 index);
internal void system_set_clipboard_catch_all(b32 enabled);
internal b32 system_get_clipboard_catch_all(void);
internal b32 system_cli_call(Arena* scratch, char* path, char* script, CLI_Handles* cli_out);
internal void system_cli_begin_update(CLI_Handles* cli);
internal b32 system_cli_update_step(CLI_Handles* cli, char* dest, u32 max, u32* amount);
@ -209,7 +221,10 @@ global system_wake_up_timer_release_type *system_wake_up_timer_release = 0;
global system_wake_up_timer_set_type *system_wake_up_timer_set = 0;
global system_signal_step_type *system_signal_step = 0;
global system_sleep_type *system_sleep = 0;
global system_get_clipboard_type *system_get_clipboard = 0;
global system_post_clipboard_type *system_post_clipboard = 0;
global system_set_clipboard_catch_all_type *system_set_clipboard_catch_all = 0;
global system_get_clipboard_catch_all_type *system_get_clipboard_catch_all = 0;
global system_cli_call_type *system_cli_call = 0;
global system_cli_begin_update_type *system_cli_begin_update = 0;
global system_cli_update_step_type *system_cli_update_step = 0;
@ -88,8 +88,22 @@ API_Call *call = api_call_with_location(arena, result, string_u8_litexpr("sleep"
api_param(arena, call, "u64", "microseconds");
API_Call *call = api_call_with_location(arena, result, string_u8_litexpr("get_clipboard"), string_u8_litexpr("String_Const_u8"), string_u8_litexpr(""));
api_param(arena, call, "Arena*", "arena");
api_param(arena, call, "i32", "index");
API_Call *call = api_call_with_location(arena, result, string_u8_litexpr("post_clipboard"), string_u8_litexpr("void"), string_u8_litexpr(""));
api_param(arena, call, "String_Const_u8", "str");
api_param(arena, call, "i32", "index");
API_Call *call = api_call_with_location(arena, result, string_u8_litexpr("set_clipboard_catch_all"), string_u8_litexpr("void"), string_u8_litexpr(""));
api_param(arena, call, "b32", "enabled");
API_Call *call = api_call_with_location(arena, result, string_u8_litexpr("get_clipboard_catch_all"), string_u8_litexpr("b32"), string_u8_litexpr(""));
API_Call *call = api_call_with_location(arena, result, string_u8_litexpr("cli_call"), string_u8_litexpr("b32"), string_u8_litexpr(""));
@ -16,7 +16,10 @@ api(system) function void wake_up_timer_release(Plat_Handle handle);
api(system) function void wake_up_timer_set(Plat_Handle handle, u32 time_milliseconds);
api(system) function void signal_step(u32 code);
api(system) function void sleep(u64 microseconds);
api(system) function void post_clipboard(String_Const_u8 str);
api(system) function String_Const_u8 get_clipboard(Arena* arena, i32 index);
api(system) function void post_clipboard(String_Const_u8 str, i32 index);
api(system) function void set_clipboard_catch_all(b32 enabled);
api(system) function b32 get_clipboard_catch_all(void);
api(system) function b32 cli_call(Arena* scratch, char* path, char* script, CLI_Handles* cli_out);
api(system) function void cli_begin_update(CLI_Handles* cli);
api(system) function b32 cli_update_step(CLI_Handles* cli, char* dest, u32 max, u32* amount);
@ -3531,12 +3531,12 @@ gen_SLOW_action_list__cont_flow(Arena *scratch, Token_Kind_Set tokens, Flag_Set
fprintf(out, "token_list_push(arena, list, &token);\n");
fprintf(out, "emit_counter += 1;\n");
fprintf(out, "state.emit_ptr = state.ptr;\n");
if (context != ActionContext_EndOfFile){
fprintf(out, "if (emit_counter == max){\n");
fprintf(out, "goto end;\n");
fprintf(out, "}\n");
fprintf(out, "state.emit_ptr = state.ptr;\n");
fprintf(out, "}\n");
@ -171,8 +171,8 @@ doc_custom_api__global(Arena *arena, API_Definition *api_def, Doc_Cluster *clust
if (begin_doc_call(arena, cluster, api_def, "clipboard_post", &func)){
doc_function_brief(arena, &func, "Post a string to 4coder internal clipboard and the system clipboard");
if (begin_doc_call(arena, cluster, api_def, "clipboard_post_internal_only", &func)){
doc_function_brief(arena, &func, "Post a string to 4coder's internal list clipboard history; the string is not posted to the system's clipboard with this call");
// params
Doc_Block *params = doc_function_begin_params(arena, &func);
@ -9,44 +9,44 @@
String_Const_u8 result = {};
switch (path_code){
case SystemPath_CurrentDirectory:
char *working_dir = getcwd(NULL, 0);
u64 working_dir_length = cstring_length(working_dir);
// TODO(yuval): Maybe use push_string_copy instead
u8 *out = push_array(arena, u8, working_dir_length);
block_copy(out, working_dir, working_dir_length);
result = SCu8(out, working_dir_length);
} break;
case SystemPath_Binary:
local_persist b32 has_stashed_4ed_path = false;
if (!has_stashed_4ed_path){
local_const u32 binary_path_capacity = PATH_MAX;
u8 *memory = (u8*)system_memory_allocate(binary_path_capacity, file_name_line_number_lit_u8);
pid_t pid = getpid();
i32 size = proc_pidpath(pid, memory, binary_path_capacity);
Assert(size < binary_path_capacity);
mac_vars.binary_path = SCu8(memory, size);
mac_vars.binary_path = string_remove_last_folder(mac_vars.binary_path);
mac_vars.binary_path.str[mac_vars.binary_path.size] = 0;
has_stashed_4ed_path = true;
result = push_string_copy(arena, mac_vars.binary_path);
} break;
@ -54,14 +54,14 @@ function
NSString *path_ns_str =
[[NSString alloc] length:name.size encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
NSString *standardized_path_ns_str = [path_ns_str stringByStandardizingPath];
String_Const_u8 standardized_path = SCu8((u8*)[standardized_path_ns_str UTF8String],[standardized_path_ns_str lengthOfBytesUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]);
String_Const_u8 result = push_string_copy(arena, standardized_path);
[path_ns_str release];
@ -72,107 +72,107 @@ mac_get_file_attributes(struct stat file_stat) {
File_Attributes result;
result.size = file_stat.st_size;
result.last_write_time = file_stat.st_mtimespec.tv_sec;
result.flags = 0;
if (S_ISDIR(file_stat.st_mode)) {
result.flags |= FileAttribute_IsDirectory;
function inline File_Attributes
mac_file_attributes_from_path(char *path) {
File_Attributes result = {};
struct stat file_stat;
if (stat(path, &file_stat) == 0){
result = mac_get_file_attributes(file_stat);
function inline File_Attributes
mac_file_attributes_from_fd(i32 fd) {
File_Attributes result = {};
struct stat file_stat;
if (fstat(fd, &file_stat) == 0){
result = mac_get_file_attributes(file_stat);
File_List result = {};
u8 *c_directory = push_array(arena, u8, directory.size + 1);
block_copy(c_directory, directory.str, directory.size);
c_directory[directory.size] = 0;
DIR *dir = opendir((char*)c_directory);
if (dir){
File_Info* first = 0;
File_Info* last = 0;
i32 count = 0;
for (struct dirent *entry = readdir(dir);
entry = readdir(dir)){
char *c_file_name = entry->d_name;
String_Const_u8 file_name = SCu8(c_file_name);
if (string_match(file_name, string_u8_litexpr(".")) || string_match(file_name, string_u8_litexpr(".."))){
File_Info *info = push_array(arena, File_Info, 1);
sll_queue_push(first, last, info);
count += 1;
info->file_name = push_string_copy(arena, file_name);
// NOTE(yuval): Get file attributes
Temp_Memory temp = begin_temp(arena);
b32 append_slash = false;
u64 file_path_size = directory.size + file_name.size;
if (string_get_character(directory, directory.size - 1) != '/'){
append_slash = true;
file_path_size += 1;
char *file_path = push_array(arena, char, file_path_size + 1);
char *file_path_at = file_path;
block_copy(file_path_at, directory.str, directory.size);
file_path_at += directory.size;
if (append_slash){
*file_path_at = '/';
file_path_at += 1;
block_copy(file_path_at, file_name.str, file_name.size);
file_path_at += file_name.size;
*file_path_at = 0;
info->attributes = mac_file_attributes_from_path(file_path);
result.infos = push_array(arena, File_Info*, count);
result.count = count;
i32 index = 0;
for (File_Info *node = first;
node != 0;
@ -181,22 +181,22 @@ system_get_file_list_sig(){
index += 1;
Temp_Memory temp = begin_temp(scratch);
char *c_file_name = push_array(scratch, char, file_name.size + 1);
block_copy(c_file_name, file_name.str, file_name.size);
c_file_name[file_name.size] = 0;
File_Attributes result = mac_file_attributes_from_path(c_file_name);
@ -215,13 +215,13 @@ mac_to_fd(Plat_Handle handle){
b32 result = false;
i32 fd = open(file_name, O_RDONLY);
if ((fd != -1) && (fd != 0)) {
*out = mac_to_plat_handle(fd);
result = true;
@ -229,14 +229,14 @@ function
i32 fd = mac_to_fd(handle);
File_Attributes result = mac_file_attributes_from_fd(fd);
i32 fd = mac_to_fd(handle);
ssize_t bytes_read = read(fd, buffer, size);
if (bytes_read == -1){
@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ system_load_file_sig(){
buffer += bytes_read;
} while (size > 0);
b32 result = (size == 0);
@ -257,20 +257,20 @@ system_load_file_sig(){
b32 result = true;
i32 fd = mac_to_fd(handle);
if (close(fd) == -1){
// NOTE(yuval): An error occured while close the file descriptor
result = false;
File_Attributes result = {};
i32 fd = open(file_name, O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC | O_CREAT, 00640);
if (fd != -1) {
@ -285,14 +285,14 @@ system_save_file_sig(){
data.str += bytes_written;
} while (data.size > 0);
if (data.size == 0) {
result = mac_file_attributes_from_fd(fd);
@ -313,27 +313,27 @@ mac_to_dl_handle(System_Library system_lib){
b32 result = false;
void *lib = 0;
// NOTE(yuval): Open library handle
Temp_Memory temp = begin_temp(scratch);
char *c_file_name = push_array(scratch, char, file_name.size + 1);
block_copy(c_file_name, file_name.str, file_name.size);
c_file_name[file_name.size] = 0;
lib = dlopen(c_file_name, RTLD_LAZY | RTLD_GLOBAL);
if (lib){
*out = mac_to_system_library(lib);
result = true;
@ -341,7 +341,7 @@ function
void *lib = mac_to_dl_handle(handle);
i32 rc = dlclose(lib);
b32 result = (rc == 0);
@ -350,7 +350,7 @@ function
void *lib = mac_to_dl_handle(handle);
Void_Func *result = (Void_Func*)dlsym(lib, proc_name);
@ -359,12 +359,12 @@ system_get_proc_sig(){
u64 now = mach_absolute_time();
// NOTE(yuval): Now time nanoseconds conversion
f64 now_nano = (f64)((f64)now *
((f64)mac_vars.timebase_info.numer /
// NOTE(yuval): Conversion to useconds
u64 result = (u64)(now_nano * 1.0E-3);
@ -374,9 +374,9 @@ function
Mac_Object *object = mac_alloc_object(MacObjectKind_Timer);
dll_insert(&mac_vars.timer_objects, &object->node);
object->timer = nil;
Plat_Handle result = mac_to_plat_handle(object);
@ -412,7 +412,7 @@ system_signal_step_sig(){
userInfo:nil repeats:NO];
mac_vars.step_requested = true;
@ -433,7 +433,7 @@ system_sleep_sig(){
u64 abs_sleep_time = (u64)((f64)nanoseconds *
((f64)mac_vars.timebase_info.denom /
u64 now = mach_absolute_time();
mach_wait_until(now + abs_sleep_time);
@ -448,7 +448,7 @@ system_post_clipboard_sig(){
} else{
mac_vars.clip_post.str = push_array(arena, u8, str.size + 1);
if (mac_vars.clip_post.str != 0){
block_copy(mac_vars.clip_post.str, str.str, str.size);
@ -464,50 +464,50 @@ system_post_clipboard_sig(){
b32 result = false;
int pipe_fds[2];
if (pipe(pipe_fds) == -1){
perror("system_cli_call: pipe");
pid_t child_pid = fork();
if (child_pid == -1){
perror("system_cli_call: fork");
if (child_pid == 0){
// NOTE(yuval): Child Process
if (chdir(path) == -1){
perror("system_cli_call: chdir");
char* argv[] = {"sh", "-c", script, 0};
if (execv("/bin/sh", argv) == -1){
perror("system_cli_call: execv");
} else{
// NOTE(yuval): Parent Process
*(pid_t*)&cli_out->proc = child_pid;
*(int*)&cli_out->out_read = pipe_fds[PIPE_FD_READ];
*(int*)&cli_out->out_write = pipe_fds[PIPE_FD_WRITE];
mac_vars.running_cli += 1;
@ -519,16 +519,16 @@ system_cli_begin_update_sig(){
int pipe_read_fd = *(int*)&cli->out_read;
fd_set fds;
FD_SET(pipe_read_fd, &fds);
struct timeval tv = {};
size_t space_left = max;
char* ptr = dest;
while (space_left > 0 && (select(pipe_read_fd + 1, &fds, NULL, NULL, &tv) == 1)){
ssize_t num = read(pipe_read_fd, ptr, space_left);
if (num == -1){
@ -541,9 +541,9 @@ system_cli_update_step_sig(){
space_left -= num;
*amount = (ptr - dest);
b32 result = ((ptr - dest) > 0);
@ -551,21 +551,21 @@ system_cli_update_step_sig(){
b32 close_me = false;
pid_t pid = *(pid_t*)&cli->proc;
int status;
if (pid && (waitpid(pid, &status, WNOHANG) > 0)){
cli->exit = WEXITSTATUS(status);
mac_vars.running_cli -= 1;
close_me = true;
@ -589,16 +589,16 @@ mac_thread_wrapper(void *ptr){
Mac_Object *object = (Mac_Object*)ptr;
Thread_Function *proc = object->thread.proc;
void *object_ptr = object->thread.ptr;
mac_vars.waiting_for_launch = false;
@ -607,18 +607,18 @@ system_thread_launch_sig(){
Mac_Object *object = mac_alloc_object(MacObjectKind_Thread);
object->thread.proc = proc;
object->thread.ptr = ptr;
mac_vars.waiting_for_launch = true;
pthread_create(&object->thread.thread, 0, mac_thread_wrapper, object);
while (mac_vars.waiting_for_launch){
pthread_cond_wait(&mac_vars.thread_launch_cv, &mac_vars.thread_launch_mutex);
System_Thread result = mac_to_plat_handle(object);
@ -650,7 +650,7 @@ function
Mac_Object *object = mac_alloc_object(MacObjectKind_Mutex);
System_Mutex result = mac_to_plat_handle(object);
@ -682,14 +682,16 @@ system_mutex_free_sig(){
if (tctx->kind == ThreadKind_AsyncTasks){
if (tctx->kind == ThreadKind_AsyncTasks ||
tctx->kind == ThreadKind_MainCoroutine){
if (tctx->kind == ThreadKind_AsyncTasks){
if (tctx->kind == ThreadKind_AsyncTasks ||
tctx->kind == ThreadKind_MainCoroutine){
@ -698,7 +700,7 @@ function
Mac_Object *object = mac_alloc_object(MacObjectKind_CV);
pthread_cond_init(&object->cv, 0);
System_Condition_Variable result = mac_to_plat_handle(object);
@ -754,19 +756,19 @@ mac_memory_allocate_extended(void *base, u64 size, String_Const_u8 location){
u64 adjusted_size = size + ALLOCATION_SIZE_ADJUSTMENT;
void *memory = mmap(base, adjusted_size, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0);
Assert(memory != MAP_FAILED);
Memory_Annotation_Tracker_Node *node = (Memory_Annotation_Tracker_Node*)memory;
zdll_push_back(memory_tracker.first, memory_tracker.last, node);
memory_tracker.count += 1;
node->location = location;
node->size = size;
void* result = (node + 1);
@ -775,14 +777,14 @@ function void
mac_memory_free_extended(void *ptr){
Memory_Annotation_Tracker_Node *node = (Memory_Annotation_Tracker_Node*)ptr;
node -= 1;
zdll_remove(memory_tracker.first, memory_tracker.last, node);
memory_tracker.count -= 1;
munmap(node, node->size + ALLOCATION_SIZE_ADJUSTMENT);
@ -795,35 +797,35 @@ system_memory_allocate_sig(){
b32 result = true;
int protect = 0;
switch (flags & 0x7){
case 0:
protect = PROT_NONE;
} break;
case MemProtect_Read:
protect = PROT_READ;
} break;
case MemProtect_Write:
case MemProtect_Read | MemProtect_Write:
} break;
case MemProtect_Execute:
protect = PROT_EXEC;
} break;
case MemProtect_Execute | MemProtect_Read:
protect = PROT_READ | PROT_EXEC;
} break;
// NOTE(inso): some W^X protection things might be unhappy about this one
case MemProtect_Execute | MemProtect_Write:
case MemProtect_Execute | MemProtect_Write | MemProtect_Read:
@ -831,14 +833,14 @@ system_memory_set_protection_sig(){
} break;
Memory_Annotation_Tracker_Node *node = (Memory_Annotation_Tracker_Node*)ptr;
node -= 1;
if(mprotect(node, size, protect) == -1){
result = false;
@ -850,7 +852,7 @@ system_memory_free_sig(){
Memory_Annotation result = {};
for (Memory_Annotation_Tracker_Node *node = memory_tracker.first;
@ -859,15 +861,15 @@ system_memory_annotation_sig(){
Memory_Annotation_Node *r_node = push_array(arena, Memory_Annotation_Node, 1);
sll_queue_push(result.first, result.last, r_node);
result.count += 1;
r_node->location = node->location;
r_node->address = node + 1;
r_node->size = node->size;
@ -882,7 +884,7 @@ function
// NOTE(yuval): Read comment in system_set_fullscreen_sig in win32_4ed.cpp
mac_vars.do_toggle = (mac_vars.full_screen != full_screen);
b32 success = true;
@ -165,10 +165,10 @@ struct Win32_Vars{
String_Const_u8 binary_path;
Arena *clipboard_arena;
String_Const_u8 clipboard_contents;
b32 next_clipboard_is_self;
b8 clip_catch_all;
b8 next_clipboard_is_self;
DWORD clipboard_sequence;
Plat_Handle clip_wakeup_timer;
Arena clip_post_arena;
String_Const_u8 clip_post;
@ -351,6 +351,51 @@ system_get_keyboard_modifiers_sig(){
// Clipboard
internal String_Const_u8
win32_read_clipboard_contents(Thread_Context *tctx, Arena *arena){
Scratch_Block scratch(tctx);
String_Const_u8 result = {};
b32 has_text = false;
b32 has_unicode = IsClipboardFormatAvailable(CF_UNICODETEXT);
if (!has_unicode){
has_text = IsClipboardFormatAvailable(CF_TEXT);
b32 can_read = has_unicode || has_text;
if (can_read){
if (OpenClipboard(win32vars.window_handle)){
if (has_unicode){
HANDLE clip_data = GetClipboardData(CF_UNICODETEXT);
if (clip_data != 0){
u16 *clip_16_ptr = (u16*)GlobalLock(clip_data);
if (clip_16_ptr != 0){
String_Const_u16 clip_16 = SCu16(clip_16_ptr);
result = string_u8_from_string_u16(arena, clip_16, StringFill_NullTerminate).string;
HANDLE clip_data = GetClipboardData(CF_TEXT);
if (clip_data != 0){
char *clip_ascii_ptr = (char*)GlobalLock(clip_data);
if (clip_ascii_ptr != 0){
String_Const_char clip_ascii = SCchar(clip_ascii_ptr);
result = string_u8_from_string_char(arena, clip_ascii, StringFill_NullTerminate).string;
internal void
win32_post_clipboard(Arena *scratch, char *text, i32 len){
if (OpenClipboard(win32vars.window_handle)){
@ -370,6 +415,27 @@ win32_post_clipboard(Arena *scratch, char *text, i32 len){
String_Const_u8 result = {};
DWORD new_number = GetClipboardSequenceNumber();
if (new_number != win32vars.clipboard_sequence){
win32vars.clipboard_sequence = new_number;
if (win32vars.next_clipboard_is_self){
win32vars.next_clipboard_is_self = false;
for (i32 R = 0; R < 8; ++R){
result = win32_read_clipboard_contents(win32vars.tctx, arena);
if (result.str == 0){
Arena *arena = &win32vars.clip_post_arena;
@ -390,60 +456,15 @@ system_post_clipboard_sig(){
internal b32
win32_read_clipboard_contents(Arena *scratch){
Temp_Memory temp = begin_temp(scratch);
b32 result = false;
b32 has_text = false;
b32 has_unicode = IsClipboardFormatAvailable(CF_UNICODETEXT);
if (!has_unicode){
has_text = IsClipboardFormatAvailable(CF_TEXT);
b32 can_read = has_unicode || has_text;
if (can_read){
if (OpenClipboard(win32vars.window_handle)){
result = true;
String_u8 contents = {};
Arena *clip_arena = win32vars.clipboard_arena;
if (has_unicode){
HANDLE clip_data = GetClipboardData(CF_UNICODETEXT);
if (clip_data != 0){
u16 *clip_16_ptr = (u16*)GlobalLock(clip_data);
if (clip_16_ptr != 0){
String_Const_u16 clip_16 = SCu16(clip_16_ptr);
contents = string_u8_from_string_u16(clip_arena, clip_16, StringFill_NullTerminate);
HANDLE clip_data = GetClipboardData(CF_TEXT);
if (clip_data != 0){
char *clip_ascii_ptr = (char*)GlobalLock(clip_data);
if (clip_ascii_ptr != 0){
String_Const_char clip_ascii = SCchar(clip_ascii_ptr);
contents = string_u8_from_string_char(clip_arena, clip_ascii, StringFill_NullTerminate);
win32vars.clipboard_contents = contents.string;
win32vars.clip_catch_all = enabled?true:false;
// Command Line Exectuion
@ -899,16 +920,24 @@ system_mutex_release_sig(){
global i32 global_frame_mutex_state_ticker = 0;
if (tctx->kind == ThreadKind_AsyncTasks){
if (tctx->kind == ThreadKind_AsyncTasks ||
tctx->kind == ThreadKind_Main){
Assert(global_frame_mutex_state_ticker == 0);
global_frame_mutex_state_ticker = 1;
if (tctx->kind == ThreadKind_AsyncTasks){
if (tctx->kind == ThreadKind_AsyncTasks ||
tctx->kind == ThreadKind_Main){
Assert(global_frame_mutex_state_ticker == 1);
global_frame_mutex_state_ticker = 0;
@ -1200,9 +1229,11 @@ win32_proc(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam){
win32vars.got_useful_event = true;
LogEventLit(win32vars.log_string(M), scratch, 0, 0, system_thread_get_id(),
"new clipboard contents");
if (win32vars.clip_catch_all){
win32vars.got_useful_event = true;
LogEventLit(win32vars.log_string(M), scratch, 0, 0, system_thread_get_id(),
"new clipboard contents");
case WM_CLOSE:
@ -1417,9 +1448,9 @@ win32_gl_create_window(HWND *wnd_out, HGLRC *context_out, DWORD style, RECT rect
@ -1652,24 +1683,17 @@ WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdS
win32_output_error_string(scratch, ErrorString_UseLog);
win32vars.clipboard_arena = reserve_arena(win32vars.tctx);
win32vars.clip_wakeup_timer = system_wake_up_timer_create();
win32vars.clipboard_sequence = GetClipboardSequenceNumber();
if (win32vars.clipboard_sequence == 0){
Scratch_Block scratch(win32vars.tctx, Scratch_Share);
win32_post_clipboard(scratch, "", 0);
win32vars.clipboard_sequence = GetClipboardSequenceNumber();
win32vars.next_clipboard_is_self = 0;
if (win32vars.clipboard_sequence == 0){
OutputDebugStringA("Failure while initializing clipboard\n");
Scratch_Block scratch(win32vars.tctx, Scratch_Share);
@ -1696,7 +1720,7 @@ WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdS
Scratch_Block scratch(win32vars.tctx, Scratch_Share);
String_Const_u8 curdir = system_get_path(scratch, SystemPath_CurrentDirectory);
curdir = string_mod_replace_character(curdir, '\\', '/');
app.init(win32vars.tctx, &target, base_ptr, win32vars.clipboard_contents, curdir, custom);
app.init(win32vars.tctx, &target, base_ptr, curdir, custom);
@ -1716,7 +1740,7 @@ WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdS
ShowWindow(win32vars.window_handle, SW_SHOW);
win32vars.global_frame_mutex = system_mutex_make();
u64 timer_start = system_now_time();
MSG msg;
@ -1737,7 +1761,7 @@ WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdS
// NOTE(allen): while we're doing this (and possibly sleeping)
// we can let async processes get there time in.
b32 get_more_messages = true;
@ -1814,7 +1838,7 @@ WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdS
}while (get_more_messages);
// NOTE(allen): Mouse Out of Window Detection
@ -1835,6 +1859,7 @@ WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdS
Win32_Input_Chunk input_chunk = win32vars.input_chunk;
Scratch_Block scratch(win32vars.tctx);
Application_Step_Input input = {};
input.first_step = win32vars.first;
@ -1864,39 +1889,15 @@ WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdS
// NOTE(allen): Frame Clipboard Input
input.clipboard_changed = false;
if (win32vars.clipboard_sequence != 0){
DWORD new_number = GetClipboardSequenceNumber();
if (new_number != win32vars.clipboard_sequence){
if (win32vars.next_clipboard_is_self){
win32vars.next_clipboard_is_self = false;
for (i32 R = 0; R < 4; ++R){
Scratch_Block scratch(win32vars.tctx, Scratch_Share);
if (win32_read_clipboard_contents(scratch)){
input.clipboard_changed = true;
win32vars.clipboard_sequence = new_number;
if (win32vars.clip_catch_all){
input.clipboard = system_get_clipboard(scratch, 0);
input.clipboard = win32vars.clipboard_contents;
win32vars.clip_post.size = 0;
// NOTE(allen): Application Core Update
Application_Step_Result result = {};
if (app.step != 0){
result = app.step(win32vars.tctx, &target, base_ptr, &input);
//LOG("app.step == 0 -- skipping\n");
Application_Step_Result result = app.step(win32vars.tctx, &target, base_ptr, &input);
// NOTE(allen): Finish the Loop
if (result.perform_kill){
@ -1905,13 +1906,11 @@ WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdS
// NOTE(allen): Post New Clipboard Content
if (win32vars.clip_post.size > 0){
Scratch_Block scratch(win32vars.tctx, Scratch_Share);
win32_post_clipboard(scratch, (char*)win32vars.clip_post.str, (i32)win32vars.clip_post.size);
// NOTE(allen): Switch to New Title
if (result.has_new_title){
Scratch_Block scratch(win32vars.tctx, Scratch_Share);
SetWindowText_utf8(scratch, win32vars.window_handle, (u8*)result.title_string);
@ -1959,9 +1958,12 @@ WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdS
if (result.animating){
else if (win32vars.clip_catch_all){
system_wake_up_timer_set(win32vars.clip_wakeup_timer, 250);
// NOTE(allen): sleep a bit to cool off :)
u64 timer_end = system_now_time();
u64 end_target = timer_start + frame_useconds;
@ -1975,7 +1977,7 @@ WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdS
timer_start = system_now_time();
win32vars.first = false;
@ -1,8 +1,23 @@
+ MAJOR: The clipboard history is now a fully custom layer implemented system. Users maintaining a customization layer should try to update their call sites to the old clipboard API. #define FCODER_TRANSITION_TO 4001004 to disable the transitional function wrappers when you are ready to make the transition.
+ buildsuper scripts now all come with '-win' '-linux' '-mac' postfixes and pass their OS identifier macro on the build line
+ clipboard is only read when the requests to, or when the collect-all mode is started via the command 'begin_clipboard_collection_mode'
+ 'clear_clipboard' command
+ in config.4coder the variable virtual_whitespace_regular_indent determines the number of space-widths to use as the regular indentation in a virtual whitespace layout
+ show whitespace mode implemented in 'default_render_buffer'
+ `set_face_size` and `set_face_size_this_buffer` commands
+ Fix: tabs are measured with the correct amount of width for the user's settings
+ Fix: virtual whitespace toggling works when the config initially diabled virtual whitespace
+ Fix: never miss the most recent post to the clipboard on windows
+ Fix: command `load_theme_current_buffer` gaurds against destroying the active color palette when bad files are loaded
+ Fix: project deep copy routine copies strings in the whitelist and blacklist pattern arrays
+ Unkillable buffer setting
+ UI elements in listers and buttons can have different highlight backgrounds
+ command 'load_theme_current_buffer' for loading the current file as a theme and setting it as the theme
+ command 'write_block' for writing a block comment uses mark and cursor range to insert block comment ends
+ Fix: search and replace never exits early
+ Fix: optimized builds of the custom layer display the dirty * on the file bar correclty
+ Fix: can merge "backwards" strings in the history correctly
@ -12,6 +27,14 @@
+ Fix: the margin colors for panels are determined by the margins in theme files
+ Fix: when a file is deleted outside of 4coder, the '!' dirty status is added to the buffer
+ Fix: on mac file changes outside of 4coder are detected and do not stall the UI
+ Fix: in virtual whitespace layouts blank lines correctly mark carriage return characters before newline characters
+ Fix: auto-indentation leaves the carriage return in CRLF line endings in place and does not count them as indentation
+ Fix: lexer emit pointer advances correctly when the output buffer becomes full
+ Fix: when include gaurds are inserted into new header files, the generated name isn't killed by numbers or underscores
+ Fix: base library function string_is_integer returns false on empty string
+ Fix: preprocessor directives after incomplete statements are aligned to zero by auto-indent
+ Fix: command 'list_all_functions_current_buffer_lister' and command 'list_all_functions_all_buffers_lister' are marked as UI commands and thus do not infinite loop when they set the buffer
+ Improvement: optimization in clean_all_lines command, handles CRLF line endings
+ Cursor color changes when recording macro if the theme provides a second cursor color
@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ show_line_number_margins = false;
// Code Wrapping
treat_as_code = "";
enable_virtual_whitespace = true;
virtual_whitespace_regular_indent = 4;
enable_code_wrapping = true;
// This only applies to code files in code-wrapping mode.
@ -15,32 +15,32 @@ patterns = {
blacklist_patterns = {
load_paths_only = {
load_paths_custom = {
load_paths = {
{ load_paths_only, .os = "win" },
{ load_paths_only, .os = "linux"},
{ load_paths_only, .os = "mac" },
{ load_paths_custom, .os = "win" },
{ load_paths_custom, .os = "linux"},
{ load_paths_custom, .os = "mac" },
build_super_x64_win32 = "custom\\bin\\buildsuper_x64.bat";
build_super_x86_win32 = "custom\\bin\\buildsuper_x86.bat";
build_super_x64_unix = "custom/bin/";
build_super_x86_unix = "custom/bin/";
build_super_x64_win32 = "custom\\bin\\buildsuper_x64-win.bat";
build_super_x86_win32 = "custom\\bin\\buildsuper_x86-win.bat";
build_super_x64_linux = "custom/bin/";
build_super_x86_linux = "custom/bin/";
build_super_x64_mac = "custom/bin/";
command_list = {
{ .name = "build super x64",
.out = "*compilation*", .footer_panel = true, .save_dirty_files = true,
.cmd = { {build_super_x64_win32, .os ="win" },
{build_super_x64_unix , .os ="linux"},
{build_super_x64_unix , .os ="mac" }, }, },
{build_super_x64_linux , .os ="linux"},
{build_super_x64_mac , .os ="mac" }, }, },
{ .name = "build super x86",
.out = "*compilation*", .footer_panel = true, .save_dirty_files = true,
.cmd = { {build_super_x86_win32, .os ="win" },
{build_super_x86_unix, .os ="linux" },
{build_super_x86_unix, .os ="mac" }, }, },
{build_super_x86_linux, .os ="linux" }, }, },
{ .name = "build C++ lexer generator",
.out = "*compilation*", .footer_panel = true, .save_dirty_files = true,
Reference in New Issue