
4coder version \VERSION

\SECTION{Built in Bindings}
\ITEM \STYLE{code} "default" \END The default 4coder bindings - typically good for Windows and Linux
\ITEM \STYLE{code} "mac-default" \END Default 4coder bindings on a Mac keyboard

\SECTION{4coder Long Command}
Long name commands that can be typed in after using the "long command" command for infrequently triggered commands.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} "load project" \END Load a project.4coder file, ditching any previously loaded project
\ITEM \STYLE{code} "open all code" \END Open all code files in the current directory, extensions set in config.4coder, default to C/C++ extensions
\ITEM \STYLE{code} "open all code recursive" \END Like \STYLE{code} "open all code" \END but recurses through folders
\ITEM \STYLE{code} "dos lines" \END Switch the buffer to 'dos' line ending mode CRLF
\ITEM \STYLE{code} "nix lines" \END Switch the buffer to 'nix' line ending mode LF
\ITEM \STYLE{code} "remap" \END Change to one of the built in command bindings
\ITEM \STYLE{code} "new project" \END Setup a new project.4coder and accompanying build scripts
\ITEM \STYLE{code} "delete file" \END Delete the file attached to the current buffer and close the buffer
\ITEM \STYLE{code} "rename file" \END Rename the file attached to the current buffer and reopen the buffer
\ITEM \STYLE{code} "mkdir" \END Make a new directory in 4coder's hot directory
\SECTION{Map: default}
The following bindings apply in all situations.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <ctrl p> \END Create a new panel by vertically splitting the active panel.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <ctrl _> \END Create a new panel by horizontally splitting the active panel.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <ctrl P> \END Closes the currently active panel if it is not the only panel open.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <ctrl ,> \END Change the currently active panel, moving to the panel with the next highest view_id.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <ctrl <> \END Change the currently active panel, moving to the panel with the next lowest view_id.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <ctrl n> \END Interactively creates a new file.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <ctrl o> \END Interactively opens or creates a new file.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <alt o> \END Reads a filename from surrounding '"' characters and attempts to open the corresponding file, displaying it in the other view.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <ctrl k> \END Interactively kill an open buffer.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <ctrl i> \END Interactively switch to an open buffer.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <ctrl h> \END Changes 4coder's hot directory to the root directory of the currently loaded project. With no loaded project nothing hapepns.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <ctrl H> \END If a project file has already been loaded, reloads the same file.  Useful for when the project configuration is changed.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <ctrl S> \END Saves all buffers marked dirty (showing the '*' indicator).
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <alt c> \END Opens the 4coder colors and fonts selector menu.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <alt d> \END Opens a debug view for internal use.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <alt .> \END If the special build panel is open, makes the build panel the active panel.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <alt ,> \END If the special build panel is open, closes it.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <alt n> \END If a buffer containing jump locations has been locked in, goes to the next jump in the buffer, and does not skip sub jump locations.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <alt N> \END If a buffer containing jump locations has been locked in, goes to the previous jump in the buffer, and does not skip sub jump locations.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <alt M> \END If a buffer containing jump locations has been locked in, goes to the first jump in the buffer.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <alt m> \END Looks for a build.bat, build.sh, or makefile in the current and parent directories.  Runs the first that it finds and prints the output to *compilation*.  Puts the *compilation* buffer in a panel at the footer of the current view.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <alt z> \END Queries for an output buffer name and system command, runs the system command as a CLI and prints the output to the specified buffer.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <alt Z> \END If the command execute_any_cli has already been used, this will execute a CLI reusing the most recent buffer name and command.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <alt x> \END Execute a 'long form' command.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <alt s> \END Sets the current view to show it's scrollbar.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <alt w> \END Sets the current view to hide it's scrollbar.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <alt b> \END Toggles the visibility status of the current view's filebar.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <alt @> \END Toggles the mouse suppression mode, see suppress_mouse and allow_mouse.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <ctrl page up> \END Toggle fullscreen mode on or off.  The change(s) do not take effect until the next frame.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <alt E> \END Attempts to close 4coder.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <ctrl +> \END Increase the size of the face used by the current buffer.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <ctrl -> \END Decrease the size of the face used by the current buffer.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <f1> \END Run an 'fkey command' configured in a project.4coder file.  Determines the index of the 'fkey command' by which function key or numeric key was pressed to trigger the command.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <f2> \END Run an 'fkey command' configured in a project.4coder file.  Determines the index of the 'fkey command' by which function key or numeric key was pressed to trigger the command.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <f3> \END Run an 'fkey command' configured in a project.4coder file.  Determines the index of the 'fkey command' by which function key or numeric key was pressed to trigger the command.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <f4> \END Run an 'fkey command' configured in a project.4coder file.  Determines the index of the 'fkey command' by which function key or numeric key was pressed to trigger the command.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <f5> \END Run an 'fkey command' configured in a project.4coder file.  Determines the index of the 'fkey command' by which function key or numeric key was pressed to trigger the command.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <f6> \END Run an 'fkey command' configured in a project.4coder file.  Determines the index of the 'fkey command' by which function key or numeric key was pressed to trigger the command.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <f7> \END Run an 'fkey command' configured in a project.4coder file.  Determines the index of the 'fkey command' by which function key or numeric key was pressed to trigger the command.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <f8> \END Run an 'fkey command' configured in a project.4coder file.  Determines the index of the 'fkey command' by which function key or numeric key was pressed to trigger the command.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <f9> \END Run an 'fkey command' configured in a project.4coder file.  Determines the index of the 'fkey command' by which function key or numeric key was pressed to trigger the command.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <f10> \END Run an 'fkey command' configured in a project.4coder file.  Determines the index of the 'fkey command' by which function key or numeric key was pressed to trigger the command.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <f11> \END Run an 'fkey command' configured in a project.4coder file.  Determines the index of the 'fkey command' by which function key or numeric key was pressed to trigger the command.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <f12> \END Run an 'fkey command' configured in a project.4coder file.  Determines the index of the 'fkey command' by which function key or numeric key was pressed to trigger the command.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <f13> \END Run an 'fkey command' configured in a project.4coder file.  Determines the index of the 'fkey command' by which function key or numeric key was pressed to trigger the command.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <f14> \END Run an 'fkey command' configured in a project.4coder file.  Determines the index of the 'fkey command' by which function key or numeric key was pressed to trigger the command.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <f15> \END Run an 'fkey command' configured in a project.4coder file.  Determines the index of the 'fkey command' by which function key or numeric key was pressed to trigger the command.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <f16> \END Run an 'fkey command' configured in a project.4coder file.  Determines the index of the 'fkey command' by which function key or numeric key was pressed to trigger the command.
The following bindings apply in general text files and most apply in code files, but some are overriden by other commands specific to code files.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <any character> \END Inserts whatever character was used to trigger this command.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <left click> \END Sets the cursor position to the mouse position.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <left release> \END Sets the mark position to the mouse position.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <right click> \END Sets the mark position to the mouse position.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <left> \END Moves the cursor one character to the left.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <right> \END Moves the cursor one character to the right.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <delete> \END Deletes the character to the right of the cursor.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <shift delete> \END Deletes the character to the right of the cursor.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <backspace> \END Deletes the character to the left of the cursor.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <shift backspace> \END Deletes the character to the left of the cursor.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <up> \END Moves the cursor up one line.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <down> \END Moves the cursor down one line.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <end> \END Seeks the cursor to the end of the visual line.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <home> \END Seeks the cursor to the beginning of the visual line.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <page up> \END Scrolls the view up one view height and moves the cursor up one view height.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <page down> \END Scrolls the view down one view height and moves the cursor down one view height.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <ctrl right> \END Seek right for the next boundary between whitespace and non-whitespace.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <ctrl left> \END Seek left for the next boundary between whitespace and non-whitespace.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <ctrl up> \END Seeks the cursor up to the next blank line and places it at the end of the line.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <ctrl down> \END Seeks the cursor down to the next blank line and places it at the end of the line.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <alt up> \END Swaps the line under the cursor with the line above it, and moves the cursor up with it.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <alt down> \END Swaps the line under the cursor with the line below it, and moves the cursor down with it.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <ctrl backspace> \END Delete characters between the cursor position and the first alphanumeric boundary to the left.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <ctrl delete> \END Delete characters between the cursor position and the first alphanumeric boundary to the right.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <alt backspace> \END Delete a single, whole token on or to the left of the cursor and post it to the clipboard.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <alt delete> \END Delete a single, whole token on or to the right of the cursor and post it to the clipboard.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <ctrl space> \END Sets the mark to the current position of the cursor.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <ctrl a> \END Queries the user for two strings, and replaces all occurences of the first string in the range between the cursor and the mark with the second string.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <ctrl c> \END Copy the text in the range from the cursor to the mark onto the clipboard.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <ctrl d> \END Deletes the text in the range between the cursor and the mark.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <ctrl D> \END Delete the line the on which the cursor sits.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <ctrl e> \END Centers the view vertically on the line on which the cursor sits.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <ctrl E> \END Sets the left size of the view near the x position of the cursor.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <ctrl f> \END Begins an incremental search down through the current buffer for a user specified string.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <ctrl F> \END Queries the user for a string and lists all exact case-sensitive matches found in all open buffers.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <alt F> \END Queries the user for a string and lists all case-insensitive substring matches found in all open buffers.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <ctrl g> \END Queries the user for a number, and jumps the cursor to the corresponding line.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <ctrl G> \END Reads the string in the selected range and lists all exact case-sensitive mathces in all open buffers.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <ctrl j> \END Converts all ascii text in the range between the cursor and the mark to lowercase.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <ctrl K> \END Kills the current buffer.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <ctrl l> \END Toggles the current buffer's line wrapping status.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <ctrl L> \END Create a copy of the line on which the cursor sits.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <ctrl m> \END Swaps the position of the cursor and the mark.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <ctrl O> \END Reopen the current buffer from the hard drive.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <ctrl q> \END Queries the user for two strings, and incrementally replaces every occurence of the first string with the second string.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <ctrl Q> \END Queries the user for a string, and incrementally replace every occurence of the word or token found at the cursor with the specified string.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <alt q> \END Queries the user for a string, and incrementally replace every occurence of the string found in the selected range with the specified string.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <ctrl r> \END Begins an incremental search up through the current buffer for a user specified string.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <ctrl s> \END Saves the current buffer.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <ctrl t> \END Begins an incremental search down through the current buffer for the word or token under the cursor.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <ctrl T> \END Reads a token or word under the cursor and lists all exact case-sensitive mathces in all open buffers.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <ctrl u> \END Converts all ascii text in the range between the cursor and the mark to uppercase.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <ctrl v> \END Paste from the top of clipboard and run auto-indent on the newly pasted text.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <alt v> \END Toggles the current buffer's virtual whitespace status.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <ctrl V> \END Paste the next item on the clipboard and run auto-indent on the newly pasted text.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <ctrl x> \END Cut the text in the range from the cursor to the mark onto the clipboard.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <ctrl y> \END Advances forewards through the undo history.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <ctrl z> \END Advances backwards through the undo history.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <ctrl 1> \END Set the other non-active panel to view the buffer that the active panel views, and switch to that panel.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <ctrl 2> \END Set the other non-active panel to view the buffer that the active panel views, and switch to that panel.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <ctrl ?> \END Toggles the current buffer's whitespace visibility status.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <ctrl ~> \END Removes trailing whitespace from all lines in the current buffer.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <return> \END If the buffer in the active view is writable, inserts a character, otherwise performs goto_jump_at_cursor.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <shift return> \END If the buffer in the active view is writable, inserts a character, otherwise performs goto_jump_at_cursor_same_panel.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <shift space> \END Inserts whatever character was used to trigger this command.
The following commands only apply in files where the lexer (syntax highlighting) is turned on.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <ctrl right> \END Seek right for boundary between alphanumeric characters or camel case word and non-alphanumeric characters.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <ctrl left> \END Seek left for boundary between alphanumeric characters or camel case word and non-alphanumeric characters.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <return> \END Inserts a character and auto-indents the line on which the cursor sits.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <shift return> \END Inserts a character and auto-indents the line on which the cursor sits.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <}> \END Inserts a character and auto-indents the line on which the cursor sits.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <)> \END Inserts a character and auto-indents the line on which the cursor sits.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <]> \END Inserts a character and auto-indents the line on which the cursor sits.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <;> \END Inserts a character and auto-indents the line on which the cursor sits.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <#> \END Inserts a character and auto-indents the line on which the cursor sits.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <tab> \END Iteratively tries completing the word to the left of the cursor with other words in open buffers that have the same prefix string.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <ctrl tab> \END Auto-indents the range between the cursor and the mark.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <shift tab> \END Auto-indents the line on which the cursor sits.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <alt h> \END At the cursor, insert a '// HACK' comment, includes user name if it was specified in config.4coder.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <alt r> \END At the cursor, insert a block comment.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <alt t> \END At the cursor, insert a '// TODO' comment, includes user name if it was specified in config.4coder.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <alt y> \END At the cursor, insert a '// NOTE' comment, includes user name if it was specified in config.4coder.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <alt D> \END Queries user for string, lists all locations of strings that appear to define a type whose name matches the input string.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <alt T> \END Reads a token or word under the cursor and lists all locations of strings that appear to define a type whose name matches it.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <ctrl [> \END At the cursor, insert a '{' and '}' separated by a blank line.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <ctrl {> \END At the cursor, insert a '{' and '};' separated by a blank line.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <ctrl }> \END At the cursor, insert a '{' and '}break;' separated by a blank line.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <alt [> \END Finds the scope enclosed by '{' '}' surrounding the cursor and puts the cursor and mark on the '{' and '}'.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <alt ]> \END Finds the first scope started by '{' before the cursor and puts the cursor and mark on the '{' and '}'.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <alt '> \END Finds the first scope started by '{' after the cursor and puts the cursor and mark on the '{' and '}'.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <alt /> \END Wraps the code contained in the range between cursor and mark with a new curly brace scope.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <alt -> \END Deletes the braces surrounding the currently selected scope.  Leaves the contents within the scope.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <alt j> \END If a scope is currently selected, and a statement or block statement is present below the current scope, the statement is moved into the scope.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <alt i> \END Surround the range between the cursor and mark with an '#if 0' and an '#endif'
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <alt 1> \END Reads a filename from surrounding '"' characters and attempts to open the corresponding file.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <alt 2> \END If the current file is a *.cpp or *.h, attempts to open the corresponding *.h or *.cpp file in the other view.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <ctrl 0> \END At the cursor, insert a ' = {0};'.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <ctrl I> \END Creates a jump list of lines of the current buffer that appear to define or declare functions.
\SECTION{Map: mac-default}
The following bindings apply in all situations.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <cmnd p> \END Create a new panel by vertically splitting the active panel.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <cmnd _> \END Create a new panel by horizontally splitting the active panel.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <cmnd P> \END Closes the currently active panel if it is not the only panel open.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <cmnd ,> \END Change the currently active panel, moving to the panel with the next highest view_id.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <cmnd <> \END Change the currently active panel, moving to the panel with the next lowest view_id.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <cmnd n> \END Interactively creates a new file.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <cmnd o> \END Interactively opens or creates a new file.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <ctrl o> \END Reads a filename from surrounding '"' characters and attempts to open the corresponding file, displaying it in the other view.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <cmnd k> \END Interactively kill an open buffer.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <cmnd i> \END Interactively switch to an open buffer.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <cmnd h> \END Changes 4coder's hot directory to the root directory of the currently loaded project. With no loaded project nothing hapepns.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <cmnd H> \END If a project file has already been loaded, reloads the same file.  Useful for when the project configuration is changed.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <cmnd S> \END Saves all buffers marked dirty (showing the '*' indicator).
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <ctrl c> \END Opens the 4coder colors and fonts selector menu.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <ctrl d> \END Opens a debug view for internal use.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <ctrl .> \END If the special build panel is open, makes the build panel the active panel.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <ctrl ,> \END If the special build panel is open, closes it.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <ctrl n> \END If a buffer containing jump locations has been locked in, goes to the next jump in the buffer, skipping sub jump locations.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <ctrl N> \END If a buffer containing jump locations has been locked in, goes to the previous jump in the buffer, skipping sub jump locations.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <ctrl M> \END If a buffer containing jump locations has been locked in, goes to the first jump in the buffer.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <ctrl m> \END Looks for a build.bat, build.sh, or makefile in the current and parent directories.  Runs the first that it finds and prints the output to *compilation*.  Puts the *compilation* buffer in a panel at the footer of the current view.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <ctrl z> \END Queries for an output buffer name and system command, runs the system command as a CLI and prints the output to the specified buffer.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <ctrl Z> \END If the command execute_any_cli has already been used, this will execute a CLI reusing the most recent buffer name and command.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <ctrl x> \END Execute a 'long form' command.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <ctrl s> \END Sets the current view to show it's scrollbar.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <ctrl w> \END Sets the current view to hide it's scrollbar.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <ctrl b> \END Toggles the visibility status of the current view's filebar.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <ctrl @> \END Toggles the mouse suppression mode, see suppress_mouse and allow_mouse.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <cmnd page up> \END Toggle fullscreen mode on or off.  The change(s) do not take effect until the next frame.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <ctrl E> \END Attempts to close 4coder.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <ctrl +> \END Increase the size of the face used by the current buffer.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <ctrl -> \END Decrease the size of the face used by the current buffer.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <f1> \END Run an 'fkey command' configured in a project.4coder file.  Determines the index of the 'fkey command' by which function key or numeric key was pressed to trigger the command.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <f2> \END Run an 'fkey command' configured in a project.4coder file.  Determines the index of the 'fkey command' by which function key or numeric key was pressed to trigger the command.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <f3> \END Run an 'fkey command' configured in a project.4coder file.  Determines the index of the 'fkey command' by which function key or numeric key was pressed to trigger the command.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <f4> \END Run an 'fkey command' configured in a project.4coder file.  Determines the index of the 'fkey command' by which function key or numeric key was pressed to trigger the command.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <f5> \END Run an 'fkey command' configured in a project.4coder file.  Determines the index of the 'fkey command' by which function key or numeric key was pressed to trigger the command.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <f6> \END Run an 'fkey command' configured in a project.4coder file.  Determines the index of the 'fkey command' by which function key or numeric key was pressed to trigger the command.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <f7> \END Run an 'fkey command' configured in a project.4coder file.  Determines the index of the 'fkey command' by which function key or numeric key was pressed to trigger the command.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <f8> \END Run an 'fkey command' configured in a project.4coder file.  Determines the index of the 'fkey command' by which function key or numeric key was pressed to trigger the command.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <f9> \END Run an 'fkey command' configured in a project.4coder file.  Determines the index of the 'fkey command' by which function key or numeric key was pressed to trigger the command.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <f10> \END Run an 'fkey command' configured in a project.4coder file.  Determines the index of the 'fkey command' by which function key or numeric key was pressed to trigger the command.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <f11> \END Run an 'fkey command' configured in a project.4coder file.  Determines the index of the 'fkey command' by which function key or numeric key was pressed to trigger the command.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <f12> \END Run an 'fkey command' configured in a project.4coder file.  Determines the index of the 'fkey command' by which function key or numeric key was pressed to trigger the command.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <f13> \END Run an 'fkey command' configured in a project.4coder file.  Determines the index of the 'fkey command' by which function key or numeric key was pressed to trigger the command.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <f14> \END Run an 'fkey command' configured in a project.4coder file.  Determines the index of the 'fkey command' by which function key or numeric key was pressed to trigger the command.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <f15> \END Run an 'fkey command' configured in a project.4coder file.  Determines the index of the 'fkey command' by which function key or numeric key was pressed to trigger the command.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <f16> \END Run an 'fkey command' configured in a project.4coder file.  Determines the index of the 'fkey command' by which function key or numeric key was pressed to trigger the command.
The following bindings apply in general text files and most apply in code files, but some are overriden by other commands specific to code files.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <any character> \END Inserts whatever character was used to trigger this command.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <alt any character> \END Inserts whatever character was used to trigger this command.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <left click> \END Sets the cursor position to the mouse position.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <left release> \END Sets the mark position to the mouse position.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <right click> \END Sets the mark position to the mouse position.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <left> \END Moves the cursor one character to the left.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <right> \END Moves the cursor one character to the right.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <delete> \END Deletes the character to the right of the cursor.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <shift delete> \END Deletes the character to the right of the cursor.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <backspace> \END Deletes the character to the left of the cursor.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <shift backspace> \END Deletes the character to the left of the cursor.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <up> \END Moves the cursor up one line.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <down> \END Moves the cursor down one line.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <end> \END Seeks the cursor to the end of the visual line.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <home> \END Seeks the cursor to the beginning of the visual line.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <page up> \END Scrolls the view up one view height and moves the cursor up one view height.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <page down> \END Scrolls the view down one view height and moves the cursor down one view height.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <cmnd right> \END Seek right for the next boundary between whitespace and non-whitespace.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <cmnd left> \END Seek left for the next boundary between whitespace and non-whitespace.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <cmnd up> \END Seeks the cursor up to the next blank line and places it at the end of the line.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <cmnd down> \END Seeks the cursor down to the next blank line and places it at the end of the line.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <cmnd backspace> \END Delete characters between the cursor position and the first alphanumeric boundary to the left.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <cmnd delete> \END Delete characters between the cursor position and the first alphanumeric boundary to the right.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <ctrl backspace> \END Delete a single, whole token on or to the left of the cursor and post it to the clipboard.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <ctrl delete> \END Delete a single, whole token on or to the right of the cursor and post it to the clipboard.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <cmnd /> \END Sets the mark to the current position of the cursor.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <cmnd a> \END Queries the user for two strings, and replaces all occurences of the first string in the range between the cursor and the mark with the second string.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <cmnd c> \END Copy the text in the range from the cursor to the mark onto the clipboard.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <cmnd d> \END Deletes the text in the range between the cursor and the mark.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <cmnd D> \END Delete the line the on which the cursor sits.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <cmnd e> \END Centers the view vertically on the line on which the cursor sits.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <cmnd E> \END Sets the left size of the view near the x position of the cursor.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <cmnd f> \END Begins an incremental search down through the current buffer for a user specified string.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <cmnd F> \END Queries the user for a string and lists all exact case-sensitive matches found in all open buffers.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <ctrl F> \END Queries the user for a string and lists all case-insensitive substring matches found in all open buffers.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <cmnd g> \END Queries the user for a number, and jumps the cursor to the corresponding line.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <cmnd G> \END Reads the string in the selected range and lists all exact case-sensitive mathces in all open buffers.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <cmnd j> \END Converts all ascii text in the range between the cursor and the mark to lowercase.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <cmnd K> \END Kills the current buffer.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <cmnd l> \END Toggles the current buffer's line wrapping status.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <cmnd L> \END Create a copy of the line on which the cursor sits.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <cmnd m> \END Swaps the position of the cursor and the mark.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <cmnd O> \END Reopen the current buffer from the hard drive.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <cmnd q> \END Queries the user for two strings, and incrementally replaces every occurence of the first string with the second string.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <cmnd Q> \END Queries the user for a string, and incrementally replace every occurence of the word or token found at the cursor with the specified string.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <cmnd r> \END Begins an incremental search up through the current buffer for a user specified string.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <cmnd s> \END Saves the current buffer.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <cmnd t> \END Begins an incremental search down through the current buffer for the word or token under the cursor.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <cmnd T> \END Reads a token or word under the cursor and lists all exact case-sensitive mathces in all open buffers.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <cmnd u> \END Converts all ascii text in the range between the cursor and the mark to uppercase.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <cmnd v> \END Paste from the top of clipboard and run auto-indent on the newly pasted text.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <ctrl v> \END Toggles the current buffer's virtual whitespace status.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <cmnd V> \END Paste the next item on the clipboard and run auto-indent on the newly pasted text.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <cmnd x> \END Cut the text in the range from the cursor to the mark onto the clipboard.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <cmnd y> \END Advances forewards through the undo history.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <cmnd z> \END Advances backwards through the undo history.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <cmnd 1> \END Set the other non-active panel to view the buffer that the active panel views, and switch to that panel.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <cmnd 2> \END Set the other non-active panel to view the buffer that the active panel views, and switch to that panel.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <cmnd ?> \END Toggles the current buffer's whitespace visibility status.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <cmnd ~> \END Removes trailing whitespace from all lines in the current buffer.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <return> \END If the buffer in the active view is writable, inserts a character, otherwise performs goto_jump_at_cursor.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <shift return> \END If the buffer in the active view is writable, inserts a character, otherwise performs goto_jump_at_cursor_same_panel.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <shift space> \END Inserts whatever character was used to trigger this command.
The following commands only apply in files where the lexer (syntax highlighting) is turned on.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <cmnd right> \END Seek right for boundary between alphanumeric characters or camel case word and non-alphanumeric characters.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <cmnd left> \END Seek left for boundary between alphanumeric characters or camel case word and non-alphanumeric characters.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <return> \END Inserts a character and auto-indents the line on which the cursor sits.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <shift return> \END Inserts a character and auto-indents the line on which the cursor sits.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <}> \END Inserts a character and auto-indents the line on which the cursor sits.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <)> \END Inserts a character and auto-indents the line on which the cursor sits.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <]> \END Inserts a character and auto-indents the line on which the cursor sits.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <;> \END Inserts a character and auto-indents the line on which the cursor sits.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <#> \END Inserts a character and auto-indents the line on which the cursor sits.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <tab> \END Iteratively tries completing the word to the left of the cursor with other words in open buffers that have the same prefix string.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <cmnd tab> \END Auto-indents the range between the cursor and the mark.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <shift tab> \END Auto-indents the line on which the cursor sits.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <ctrl h> \END At the cursor, insert a '// HACK' comment, includes user name if it was specified in config.4coder.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <ctrl r> \END At the cursor, insert a block comment.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <ctrl t> \END At the cursor, insert a '// TODO' comment, includes user name if it was specified in config.4coder.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <ctrl y> \END At the cursor, insert a '// NOTE' comment, includes user name if it was specified in config.4coder.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <ctrl D> \END Queries user for string, lists all locations of strings that appear to define a type whose name matches the input string.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <ctrl T> \END Reads a token or word under the cursor and lists all locations of strings that appear to define a type whose name matches it.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <cmnd [> \END At the cursor, insert a '{' and '}' separated by a blank line.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <cmnd {> \END At the cursor, insert a '{' and '};' separated by a blank line.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <cmnd }> \END At the cursor, insert a '{' and '}break;' separated by a blank line.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <ctrl [> \END Finds the scope enclosed by '{' '}' surrounding the cursor and puts the cursor and mark on the '{' and '}'.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <ctrl ]> \END Finds the first scope started by '{' before the cursor and puts the cursor and mark on the '{' and '}'.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <ctrl '> \END Finds the first scope started by '{' after the cursor and puts the cursor and mark on the '{' and '}'.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <ctrl /> \END Wraps the code contained in the range between cursor and mark with a new curly brace scope.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <ctrl -> \END Deletes the braces surrounding the currently selected scope.  Leaves the contents within the scope.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <ctrl j> \END If a scope is currently selected, and a statement or block statement is present below the current scope, the statement is moved into the scope.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <ctrl i> \END Surround the range between the cursor and mark with an '#if 0' and an '#endif'
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <ctrl 1> \END Reads a filename from surrounding '"' characters and attempts to open the corresponding file.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <ctrl 2> \END If the current file is a *.cpp or *.h, attempts to open the corresponding *.h or *.cpp file in the other view.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <cmnd 0> \END At the cursor, insert a ' = {0};'.
\ITEM \STYLE{code} <cmnd I> \END Creates a jump list of lines of the current buffer that appear to define or declare functions.