#ifndef FCODER_CUSTOM_H #define FCODER_CUSTOM_H #include #include "4coder_version.h" #include "4coder_keycodes.h" #include "4coder_style.h" #include "4coder_rect.h" #include "4coder_mem.h" #include "4coder_buffer_types.h" #include "4coder_gui.h" #define MDFR_NONE 0x0 #define MDFR_CTRL 0x1 #define MDFR_ALT 0x2 #define MDFR_SHIFT 0x4 #ifndef FRED_STRING_STRUCT #define FRED_STRING_STRUCT typedef struct String{ char *str; int size; int memory_size; } String; typedef struct Offset_String{ int offset; int size; } Offset_String; #endif typedef unsigned char Code; typedef enum{ MDFR_SHIFT_INDEX, MDFR_CONTROL_INDEX, MDFR_ALT_INDEX, MDFR_CAPS_INDEX, MDFR_HOLD_INDEX, // always last MDFR_INDEX_COUNT } Key_Control; typedef struct Key_Event_Data{ Code keycode; Code character; Code character_no_caps_lock; char modifiers[MDFR_INDEX_COUNT]; } Key_Event_Data; typedef struct Mouse_State{ char l, r; char press_l, press_r; char release_l, release_r; char wheel; char out_of_window; int x, y; } Mouse_State; typedef union Range{ struct{ int min, max; }; struct{ int start, end; }; } Range; inline Key_Event_Data key_event_data_zero(){ Key_Event_Data data={0}; return(data); } inline Mouse_State mouse_state_zero(){ Mouse_State data={0}; return(data); } inline Range make_range(int p1, int p2){ Range range; if (p1 < p2){ range.min = p1; range.max = p2; } else{ range.min = p2; range.max = p1; } return(range); } typedef struct File_Info{ String filename; int folder; } File_Info; typedef struct File_List{ // Ignore this, it's for internal stuff. void *block; // The list of files and folders. File_Info *infos; int count; // Ignore this, it's for internal stuff. int block_size; } File_List; // NOTE(allen|a4.0.8): This is used to identify which buffer // an operation should work on when you might want to // identify it by id or by name. typedef struct Buffer_Identifier{ char *name; int name_len; int id; } Buffer_Identifier; typedef uint64_t Command_ID; enum{ cmdid_null, cmdid_center_view, cmdid_left_adjust_view, cmdid_page_up, cmdid_page_down, cmdid_word_complete, cmdid_undo, cmdid_redo, cmdid_history_backward, cmdid_history_forward, cmdid_to_uppercase, cmdid_to_lowercase, cmdid_toggle_line_wrap, cmdid_toggle_show_whitespace, cmdid_clean_all_lines, cmdid_eol_dosify, cmdid_eol_nixify, cmdid_interactive_new, cmdid_interactive_open, cmdid_reopen, cmdid_save, cmdid_save_as, cmdid_interactive_switch_buffer, cmdid_interactive_kill_buffer, cmdid_kill_buffer, cmdid_open_color_tweaker, cmdid_open_config, cmdid_open_menu, cmdid_open_debug, cmdid_open_panel_vsplit, cmdid_open_panel_hsplit, cmdid_close_panel, cmdid_change_active_panel, // cmdid_count }; // These are regular hooks, any of them can be set to any function // that matches the HOOK_SIG pattern. enum Hook_ID{ hook_start, hook_file_out_of_sync, // never below this hook_type_count }; // These are for special hooks, each must bind to specialized signatures // that do not necessarily have access to the app pointer. enum Special_Hook_ID{ _hook_scroll_rule = hook_type_count, _hook_new_file, _hook_open_file, _hook_command_caller, _hook_input_filter, }; // None of the members of *_Summary structs nor any of the data pointed // to by the members should be modified, I would have made them all // const... but that causes a lot problems for C++ reasons. struct Buffer_Summary{ int exists; int ready; int buffer_id; unsigned int lock_flags; int size; int file_name_len; int buffer_name_len; char *file_name; char *buffer_name; int buffer_cursor_pos; int is_lexed; int map_id; }; inline Buffer_Summary buffer_summary_zero(){ Buffer_Summary summary={0}; return(summary); } struct View_Summary{ int exists; int view_id; int buffer_id; unsigned int lock_flags; Full_Cursor cursor; Full_Cursor mark; float preferred_x; float line_height; int unwrapped_lines; int show_whitespace; i32_Rect file_region; GUI_Scroll_Vars scroll_vars; }; inline View_Summary view_summary_zero(){ View_Summary summary={0}; return(summary); } struct User_Input{ int type; int abort; union{ Key_Event_Data key; Mouse_State mouse; }; unsigned long long command; }; #define CommandEqual(c1,c2) ((unsigned long long)(c1) == (unsigned long long)(c2)) struct Query_Bar{ String prompt; String string; }; struct Event_Message{ int type; }; struct Theme_Color{ Style_Tag tag; unsigned int color; }; // Flags and enum values // TODO(allen): auto generate this and the docs for it enum User_Input_Type_ID{ UserInputNone, UserInputKey, UserInputMouse }; enum Event_Message_Type_ID{ EventMessage_NoMessage, EventMessage_OpenView, EventMessage_Frame, EventMessage_CloseView }; enum Buffer_Setting_ID{ BufferSetting_Null, BufferSetting_Lex, BufferSetting_WrapLine, BufferSetting_MapID, }; enum View_Setting_ID{ ViewSetting_Null, ViewSetting_ShowScrollbar, }; enum Buffer_Kill_Flag{ BufferKill_Background = 0x1, BufferKill_AlwaysKill = 0x2, }; enum Buffer_Create_Flag{ BufferCreate_Background = 0x1, BufferCreate_AlwaysNew = 0x2, }; enum Access_Flag{ AccessOpen = 0x0, AccessProtected = 0x1, AccessHidden = 0x2, AccessAll = 0xFF }; enum Seek_Boundry_Flag{ BoundryWhitespace = 0x1, BoundryToken = 0x2, BoundryAlphanumeric = 0x4, BoundryCamelCase = 0x8 }; enum Command_Line_Input_Flag{ CLI_OverlapWithConflict = 0x1, CLI_AlwaysBindToView = 0x2, CLI_CursorAtEnd = 0x4, }; enum Auto_Indent_Flag{ AutoIndent_ClearLine = 0x1, AutoIndent_UseTab = 0x2 }; enum Set_Buffer_Flag{ SetBuffer_KeepOriginalGUI = 0x1 }; enum Input_Type_Flag{ EventOnAnyKey = 0x1, EventOnEsc = 0x2, EventOnLeftButton = 0x4, EventOnRightButton = 0x8, EventOnWheel = 0x10, EventOnButton = (EventOnLeftButton | EventOnRightButton | EventOnWheel), // NOTE(allen): These don't work so much, so let's pretend they're not here for now. EventOnMouseMove = 0x20, EventOnMouse = (EventOnButton | EventOnMouseMove), EventAll = 0xFF }; #define VIEW_ROUTINE_SIG(name) void name(struct Application_Links *app, int view_id) #define GET_BINDING_DATA(name) int name(void *data, int size) #define CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(name) void name(struct Application_Links *app) #define HOOK_SIG(name) int name(struct Application_Links *app) #define OPEN_FILE_HOOK_SIG(name) int name(struct Application_Links *app, int buffer_id) #define SCROLL_RULE_SIG(name) int name(float target_x, float target_y, float *scroll_x, float *scroll_y, int view_id, int is_new_target, float dt) #define INPUT_FILTER_SIG(name) void name(Mouse_State *mouse) typedef VIEW_ROUTINE_SIG(View_Routine_Function); typedef CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(Custom_Command_Function); typedef GET_BINDING_DATA(Get_Binding_Data_Function); typedef HOOK_SIG(Hook_Function); typedef OPEN_FILE_HOOK_SIG(Open_File_Hook_Function); typedef SCROLL_RULE_SIG(Scroll_Rule_Function); typedef INPUT_FILTER_SIG(Input_Filter_Function); union Generic_Command{ Command_ID cmdid; Custom_Command_Function *command; }; #define COMMAND_CALLER_HOOK(name) int name(struct Application_Links *app, Generic_Command cmd) typedef COMMAND_CALLER_HOOK(Command_Caller_Hook_Function); struct Application_Links; #include "4coder_custom_api.h" #define _GET_VERSION_SIG(n) int n(int maj, int min, int patch) typedef _GET_VERSION_SIG(_Get_Version_Function); extern "C" _GET_VERSION_SIG(get_alpha_4coder_version){ int result = (maj == MAJOR && min == MINOR && patch == PATCH); return(result); } struct Custom_API{ View_Routine_Function *view_routine; Get_Binding_Data_Function *get_bindings; _Get_Version_Function *get_alpha_4coder_version; }; // NOTE(allen): definitions for the buffer that communicates to 4ed.exe enum Binding_Unit_Type{ unit_header, unit_map_begin, unit_binding, unit_callback, unit_inherit, unit_hook }; enum Map_ID{ mapid_global = (1 << 24), mapid_file, // NOTE(allen): mapid_nomap will remain empty even if you attempt to fill it // it is for setting a map's parent to nothing, in cases where you don't want // to inherit from global (which is the default). mapid_nomap }; struct Binding_Unit{ Binding_Unit_Type type; union{ struct{ int total_size; int user_map_count; int error; } header; struct{ int mapid; int replace; int bind_count; } map_begin; struct{ int mapid; } map_inherit; struct{ short code; unsigned char modifiers; int command_id; } binding; struct{ short code; unsigned char modifiers; Custom_Command_Function *func; } callback; struct{ int hook_id; void *func; } hook; }; }; #endif