// TOP #define NO_BINDING #include "4coder_default_bindings.cpp" #include <string.h> CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(kill_rect){ unsigned int access = AccessOpen; View_Summary view = app->get_active_view(app, access); Buffer_Summary buffer = app->get_buffer(app, view.buffer_id, access); Buffer_Rect rect = get_rect(&view); for (int line = rect.line1; line >= rect.line0; --line){ int start = 0; int end = 0; int success = true; Full_Cursor cursor = {0}; success = success && app->view_compute_cursor(app, &view, seek_line_char(line, rect.char0), &cursor); start = cursor.pos; success = success && app->view_compute_cursor(app, &view, seek_line_char(line, rect.char1), &cursor); end = cursor.pos; if (success){ app->buffer_replace_range(app, &buffer, start, end, 0, 0); } } } // TODO(allen): Both of these brace related commands would work better // if the API exposed access to the tokens in a code file. CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(mark_matching_brace){ unsigned int access = AccessProtected; View_Summary view = app->get_active_view(app, access); Buffer_Summary buffer = app->get_buffer(app, view.buffer_id, access); int start_pos = view.cursor.pos; // NOTE(allen): The user provides the memory that the chunk uses, // this chunk will then be filled at each step of the text stream loop. // This way you can look for something that should be nearby without // having to copy the whole file in at once. Stream_Chunk chunk; char chunk_space[(1 << 10)]; int result = 0; int found_result = 0; int i = start_pos; int still_looping = 1; int nesting_counter = 0; char at_cursor = 0; if (init_stream_chunk(&chunk, app, &buffer, i, chunk_space, sizeof(chunk_space))){ // NOTE(allen): This is important! The data array is a pointer that is adjusted // so that indexing it with "i" will put it with the chunk that is actually loaded. // If i goes below chunk.start or above chunk.end _that_ is an invalid access. at_cursor = chunk.data[i]; if (at_cursor == '{'){ do{ for (++i; i < chunk.end; ++i){ at_cursor = chunk.data[i]; if (at_cursor == '{'){ ++nesting_counter; } else if (at_cursor == '}'){ if (nesting_counter == 0){ found_result = 1; result = i; goto finished; } else{ --nesting_counter; } } } still_looping = forward_stream_chunk(&chunk); } while (still_looping); } else if (at_cursor == '}'){ do{ for (--i; i >= chunk.start; --i){ at_cursor = chunk.data[i]; if (at_cursor == '}'){ ++nesting_counter; } else if (at_cursor == '{'){ if (nesting_counter == 0){ found_result = 1; result = i; goto finished; } else{ --nesting_counter; } } } still_looping = backward_stream_chunk(&chunk); } while (still_looping); } } finished: if (found_result){ app->view_set_mark(app, &view, seek_pos(result)); } } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(cursor_to_surrounding_scope){ unsigned int access = AccessProtected; View_Summary view = app->get_active_view(app, access); Buffer_Summary buffer = app->get_buffer(app, view.buffer_id, access); int start_pos = view.cursor.pos - 1; Stream_Chunk chunk; char chunk_space[(1 << 10)]; int result = 0; int found_result = 0; int i = start_pos; int still_looping = 1; int nesting_counter = 0; char at_cursor = 0; if (init_stream_chunk(&chunk, app, &buffer, i, chunk_space, sizeof(chunk_space))){ do{ for (; i >= chunk.start; --i){ at_cursor = chunk.data[i]; if (at_cursor == '}'){ ++nesting_counter; } else if (at_cursor == '{'){ if (nesting_counter == 0){ found_result = 1; result = i; goto finished; } else{ --nesting_counter; } } } still_looping = backward_stream_chunk(&chunk); } while(still_looping); } finished: if (found_result){ app->view_set_cursor(app, &view, seek_pos(result), 0); } } // NOTE(allen): Incomplete #if 0 CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(complete_word){ app->print_message(app, literal("complete_word\n")); View_Summary view = app->get_active_view(app); Buffer_Summary buffer = app->get_buffer(app, view.buffer_id); int start = 0; int end = 0; end = view.cursor.pos; push_parameter(app, par_flags, BoundryAlphanumeric); exec_command(app, cmdid_seek_left); app->refresh_view(app, &view); start = view.cursor.pos; String complete_string; int size = (end - start); char complete_space[256]; if (size < sizeof(complete_space) - 1){ complete_string = make_fixed_width_string(complete_space); app->buffer_read_range(app, &buffer, start, end, complete_space); complete_string.size = size; complete_string.str[size] = 0; // TODO(allen): Complete this when the heavy duty coroutine stuff // and the hash table are available. app->print_message(app, complete_string.str, complete_string.size); } } #endif // TODO(allen): Query theme settings #if 0 CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(save_theme_settings){ FILE *file = fopen(".4coder_settings", "rb"); char theme_name[128]; char font_name[128]; fscanf(file, "%*128s %*128s", theme_name, font_name); if (file){ replace_char(theme_name, '#', ' '); replace_char(font_name, '#', ' '); fclose(file); app->change_theme(app, theme_name, strlen(theme_name)); app->change_font(app, font_name, strlen(font_name)); } } #endif #if 0 void experiment_extension(Bind_Helper *context){ bind(context, 'k', MDFR_ALT, kill_rect); bind(context, '/', MDFR_ALT, mark_matching_brace); bind(context, '\'', MDFR_ALT, cursor_to_surrounding_scope); } #endif #include <stdio.h> #define SETTINGS_FILE ".4coder_settings" HOOK_SIG(experimental_start_hook){ my_start(app); char theme_name[128]; char font_name[128]; FILE *file = fopen(SETTINGS_FILE, "rb"); if (!file){ char module_path[512]; int len; len = app->get_4ed_path(app, module_path, 448); memcpy(module_path+len, SETTINGS_FILE, sizeof(SETTINGS_FILE)); file = fopen(module_path, "rb"); } if (file){ fscanf(file, "%127s\n%127s", theme_name, font_name); replace_char(theme_name, '#', ' '); replace_char(font_name, '#', ' '); fclose(file); app->change_theme(app, theme_name, (int)strlen(theme_name)); app->change_font(app, font_name, (int)strlen(font_name)); } return(0); } extern "C" int get_bindings(void *data, int size){ Bind_Helper context_ = begin_bind_helper(data, size); Bind_Helper *context = &context_; set_hook(context, hook_start, experimental_start_hook); set_open_file_hook(context, my_file_settings); set_scroll_rule(context, smooth_scroll_rule); default_keys(context); // NOTE(allen|4.0.6): Command maps can be opened more than // once so that you can extend existing maps very easily. // You can also use the helper "restart_map" instead of // begin_map to clear everything that was in the map and // bind new things instead. begin_map(context, mapid_file); bind(context, 'k', MDFR_ALT, kill_rect); end_map(context); begin_map(context, my_code_map); bind(context, '/', MDFR_ALT, mark_matching_brace); bind(context, '\'', MDFR_ALT, cursor_to_surrounding_scope); end_map(context); int result = end_bind_helper(context); return(result); } // BOTTOM