/* 4coder_default_hooks.cpp - Sets up the hooks for the default framework. */ // TOP #include "languages/4coder_language_cpp.h" #include "languages/4coder_language_rust.h" #include "languages/4coder_language_cs.h" #include "languages/4coder_language_java.h" CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(set_bindings_choose); CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(set_bindings_default); CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(set_bindings_mac_default); static Named_Mapping named_maps_values[] = { {make_lit_string("mac-default") , set_bindings_mac_default }, {make_lit_string("choose") , set_bindings_choose }, {make_lit_string("default") , set_bindings_default }, }; START_HOOK_SIG(default_start){ named_maps = named_maps_values; named_map_count = ArrayCount(named_maps_values); default_4coder_initialize(app); default_4coder_side_by_side_panels(app, files, file_count); if (global_config.automatically_load_project){ load_project(app); } // no meaning for return return(0); } // NOTE(allen|a4.0.9): All command calls can now go through this hook // If this hook is not implemented a default behavior of calling the // command is used. It is important to note that paste_next does not // work without this hook. // NOTE(allen|a4.0.10): As of this version the word_complete command // also relies on this particular command caller hook. COMMAND_CALLER_HOOK(default_command_caller){ View_Summary view = get_active_view(app, AccessAll); Managed_Scope scope = view_get_managed_scope(app, view.view_id); managed_variable_set(app, scope, view_next_rewrite_loc, 0); if (fcoder_mode == FCoderMode_NotepadLike){ for (View_Summary view_it = get_view_first(app, AccessAll); view_it.exists; get_view_next(app, &view_it, AccessAll)){ Managed_Scope scope_it = view_get_managed_scope(app, view_it.view_id); managed_variable_set(app, scope_it, view_snap_mark_to_cursor, true); } } //// exec_command(app, cmd); //// uint64_t next_rewrite = 0; managed_variable_get(app, scope, view_next_rewrite_loc, &next_rewrite); managed_variable_set(app, scope, view_rewrite_loc, next_rewrite); if (fcoder_mode == FCoderMode_NotepadLike){ for (View_Summary view_it = get_view_first(app, AccessAll); view_it.exists; get_view_next(app, &view_it, AccessAll)){ Managed_Scope scope_it = view_get_managed_scope(app, view_it.view_id); uint64_t val = 0; if (managed_variable_get(app, scope_it, view_snap_mark_to_cursor, &val)){ if (val != 0){ view_set_mark(app, &view_it, seek_pos(view_it.cursor.pos)); } } } } return(0); } struct Highlight_Record{ int32_t first; int32_t one_past_last; int_color color; }; static void sort_highlight_record(Highlight_Record *records, int32_t first, int32_t one_past_last){ if (first + 1 < one_past_last){ int32_t pivot_index = one_past_last - 1; int_color pivot_color = records[pivot_index].color; int32_t j = first; for (int32_t i = first; i < pivot_index; i += 1){ int_color color = records[i].color; if (color < pivot_color){ Swap(Highlight_Record, records[i], records[j]); j += 1; } } Swap(Highlight_Record, records[pivot_index], records[j]); pivot_index = j; sort_highlight_record(records, first, pivot_index); sort_highlight_record(records, pivot_index + 1, one_past_last); } } static Range_Array get_enclosure_ranges(Application_Links *app, Partition *part, Buffer_Summary *buffer, int32_t pos, uint32_t flags){ Range_Array array = {}; array.ranges = push_array(part, Range, 0); for (;;){ Range range = {}; if (find_scope_range(app, buffer, pos, &range, flags)){ Range *r = push_array(part, Range, 1); *r = range; pos = range.first; } else{ break; } } array.count = (int32_t)(push_array(part, Range, 0) - array.ranges); return(array); } static void mark_enclosures(Application_Links *app, Partition *scratch, Managed_Scope render_scope, Buffer_Summary *buffer, int32_t pos, uint32_t flags, Marker_Visual_Type type, int_color *back_colors, int_color *fore_colors, int32_t color_count){ Temp_Memory temp = begin_temp_memory(scratch); Range_Array ranges = get_enclosure_ranges(app, scratch, buffer, pos, flags); if (ranges.count > 0){ int32_t marker_count = ranges.count*2; Marker *markers = push_array(scratch, Marker, marker_count); Marker *marker = markers; Range *range = ranges.ranges; for (int32_t i = 0; i < ranges.count; i += 1, range += 1, marker += 2){ marker[0].pos = range->first; marker[1].pos = range->one_past_last - 1; } Managed_Object o = alloc_buffer_markers_on_buffer(app, buffer->buffer_id, marker_count, &render_scope); managed_object_store_data(app, o, 0, marker_count, markers); Marker_Visual_Take_Rule take_rule = {}; take_rule.take_count_per_step = 2; take_rule.step_stride_in_marker_count = 8; int32_t first_color_index = (ranges.count - 1)%color_count; for (int32_t i = 0, color_index = first_color_index; i < color_count; i += 1){ Marker_Visual visual = create_marker_visual(app, o); int_color back = SymbolicColor_Transparent; int_color fore = SymbolicColor_Default; if (back_colors != 0){ back = back_colors[color_index]; } if (fore_colors != 0){ fore = fore_colors[color_index]; } marker_visual_set_effect(app, visual, type, back, fore, 0); take_rule.first_index = i*2; marker_visual_set_take_rule(app, visual, take_rule); color_index = color_index - 1; if (color_index < 0){ color_index += color_count; } } } end_temp_memory(temp); } RENDER_CALLER_SIG(default_render_caller){ View_Summary view = get_view(app, view_id, AccessAll); Buffer_Summary buffer = get_buffer(app, view.buffer_id, AccessAll); View_Summary active_view = get_active_view(app, AccessAll); bool32 is_active_view = (active_view.view_id == view_id); static Managed_Scope render_scope = 0; if (render_scope == 0){ render_scope = create_user_managed_scope(app); } Partition *scratch = &global_part; // NOTE(allen): Scan for TODOs and NOTEs { Theme_Color colors[2]; colors[0].tag = Stag_Text_Cycle_2; colors[1].tag = Stag_Text_Cycle_1; get_theme_colors(app, colors, 2); Temp_Memory temp = begin_temp_memory(scratch); int32_t text_size = on_screen_range.one_past_last - on_screen_range.first; char *text = push_array(scratch, char, text_size); buffer_read_range(app, &buffer, on_screen_range.first, on_screen_range.one_past_last, text); Highlight_Record *records = push_array(scratch, Highlight_Record, 0); String tail = make_string(text, text_size); for (int32_t i = 0; i < text_size; tail.str += 1, tail.size -= 1, i += 1){ if (match_part(tail, make_lit_string("NOTE"))){ Highlight_Record *record = push_array(scratch, Highlight_Record, 1); record->first = i + on_screen_range.first; record->one_past_last = record->first + 4; record->color = colors[0].color; tail.str += 3; tail.size -= 3; i += 3; } else if (match_part(tail, make_lit_string("TODO"))){ Highlight_Record *record = push_array(scratch, Highlight_Record, 1); record->first = i + on_screen_range.first; record->one_past_last = record->first + 4; record->color = colors[1].color; tail.str += 3; tail.size -= 3; i += 3; } } int32_t record_count = (int32_t)(push_array(scratch, Highlight_Record, 0) - records); push_array(scratch, Highlight_Record, 1); if (record_count > 0){ sort_highlight_record(records, 0, record_count); Temp_Memory marker_temp = begin_temp_memory(scratch); Marker *markers = push_array(scratch, Marker, 0); int_color current_color = records[0].color; { Marker *marker = push_array(scratch, Marker, 2); marker[0].pos = records[0].first; marker[1].pos = records[0].one_past_last; } for (int32_t i = 1; i <= record_count; i += 1){ bool32 do_emit = i == record_count || (records[i].color != current_color); if (do_emit){ int32_t marker_count = (int32_t)(push_array(scratch, Marker, 0) - markers); Managed_Object o = alloc_buffer_markers_on_buffer(app, buffer.buffer_id, marker_count, &render_scope); managed_object_store_data(app, o, 0, marker_count, markers); Marker_Visual v = create_marker_visual(app, o); marker_visual_set_effect(app, v, VisualType_CharacterHighlightRanges, SymbolicColor_Transparent, current_color, 0); marker_visual_set_priority(app, v, VisualPriority_Lowest); end_temp_memory(marker_temp); current_color = records[i].color; } Marker *marker = push_array(scratch, Marker, 2); marker[0].pos = records[i].first; marker[1].pos = records[i].one_past_last; } } end_temp_memory(temp); } // NOTE(allen): Cursor and mark Managed_Object cursor_and_mark = alloc_buffer_markers_on_buffer(app, buffer.buffer_id, 2, &render_scope); Marker cm_markers[2] = {}; cm_markers[0].pos = view.cursor.pos; cm_markers[1].pos = view.mark.pos; managed_object_store_data(app, cursor_and_mark, 0, 2, cm_markers); bool32 cursor_is_hidden_in_this_view = (cursor_is_hidden && is_active_view); if (!cursor_is_hidden_in_this_view){ switch (fcoder_mode){ case FCoderMode_Original: { Theme_Color colors[2] = {}; colors[0].tag = Stag_Cursor; colors[1].tag = Stag_Mark; get_theme_colors(app, colors, 2); int_color cursor_color = SymbolicColorFromPalette(Stag_Cursor); int_color mark_color = SymbolicColorFromPalette(Stag_Mark); int_color text_color = is_active_view? SymbolicColorFromPalette(Stag_At_Cursor):SymbolicColorFromPalette(Stag_Default); Marker_Visual_Take_Rule take_rule = {}; take_rule.first_index = 0; take_rule.take_count_per_step = 1; take_rule.step_stride_in_marker_count = 1; take_rule.maximum_number_of_markers = 1; Marker_Visual visual = create_marker_visual(app, cursor_and_mark); Marker_Visual_Type type = is_active_view?VisualType_CharacterBlocks:VisualType_CharacterWireFrames; marker_visual_set_effect(app, visual, type, cursor_color, text_color, 0); marker_visual_set_take_rule(app, visual, take_rule); marker_visual_set_priority(app, visual, VisualPriority_Highest); visual = create_marker_visual(app, cursor_and_mark); marker_visual_set_effect(app, visual, VisualType_CharacterWireFrames, mark_color, 0, 0); take_rule.first_index = 1; marker_visual_set_take_rule(app, visual, take_rule); marker_visual_set_priority(app, visual, VisualPriority_Highest); }break; case FCoderMode_NotepadLike: { Theme_Color colors[2] = {}; colors[0].tag = Stag_Cursor; colors[1].tag = Stag_Highlight; get_theme_colors(app, colors, 2); int_color cursor_color = SymbolicColorFromPalette(Stag_Cursor); int_color highlight_color = SymbolicColorFromPalette(Stag_Highlight); Marker_Visual_Take_Rule take_rule = {}; take_rule.first_index = 0; take_rule.take_count_per_step = 1; take_rule.step_stride_in_marker_count = 1; take_rule.maximum_number_of_markers = 1; Marker_Visual visual = create_marker_visual(app, cursor_and_mark); marker_visual_set_effect(app, visual, VisualType_CharacterIBars, cursor_color, 0, 0); marker_visual_set_take_rule(app, visual, take_rule); marker_visual_set_priority(app, visual, VisualPriority_Highest); if (view.cursor.pos != view.mark.pos){ visual = create_marker_visual(app, cursor_and_mark); marker_visual_set_effect(app, visual, VisualType_CharacterHighlightRanges, highlight_color, SymbolicColorFromPalette(Stag_At_Highlight), 0); take_rule.maximum_number_of_markers = 2; marker_visual_set_take_rule(app, visual, take_rule); marker_visual_set_priority(app, visual, VisualPriority_Highest); } }break; } } // NOTE(allen): Line highlight setup if (highlight_line_at_cursor && is_active_view){ Theme_Color color = {}; color.tag = Stag_Highlight_Cursor_Line; get_theme_colors(app, &color, 1); uint32_t line_color = color.color; Marker_Visual visual = create_marker_visual(app, cursor_and_mark); marker_visual_set_effect(app, visual, VisualType_LineHighlights, line_color, 0, 0); Marker_Visual_Take_Rule take_rule = {}; take_rule.first_index = 0; take_rule.take_count_per_step = 1; take_rule.step_stride_in_marker_count = 1; take_rule.maximum_number_of_markers = 1; marker_visual_set_take_rule(app, visual, take_rule); marker_visual_set_priority(app, visual, VisualPriority_Highest); } // NOTE(allen): Token highlight setup bool32 do_token_highlight = false; if (do_token_highlight){ Theme_Color color = {}; color.tag = Stag_Cursor; get_theme_colors(app, &color, 1); uint32_t token_color = (0x50 << 24) | (color.color&0xFFFFFF); uint32_t token_flags = BoundaryToken|BoundaryWhitespace; int32_t pos0 = view.cursor.pos; int32_t pos1 = buffer_boundary_seek(app, &buffer, pos0, DirLeft , token_flags); int32_t pos2 = buffer_boundary_seek(app, &buffer, pos1, DirRight, token_flags); Managed_Object token_highlight = alloc_buffer_markers_on_buffer(app, buffer.buffer_id, 2, &render_scope); Marker range_markers[2] = {}; range_markers[0].pos = pos1; range_markers[1].pos = pos2; managed_object_store_data(app, token_highlight, 0, 2, range_markers); Marker_Visual visual = create_marker_visual(app, token_highlight); marker_visual_set_effect(app, visual, VisualType_CharacterHighlightRanges, token_color, SymbolicColorFromPalette(Stag_At_Highlight), 0); } // NOTE(allen): Matching enclosure highlight setup static const int32_t color_count = 4; if (do_matching_enclosure_highlight){ Theme_Color theme_colors[color_count]; int_color colors[color_count]; for (int32_t i = 0; i < 4; i += 1){ theme_colors[i].tag = Stag_Back_Cycle_1 + i; } get_theme_colors(app, theme_colors, color_count); for (int32_t i = 0; i < 4; i += 1){ colors[i] = theme_colors[i].color; } mark_enclosures(app, scratch, render_scope, &buffer, view.cursor.pos, FindScope_Brace, VisualType_LineHighlightRanges, colors, 0, color_count); } if (do_matching_paren_highlight){ Theme_Color theme_colors[color_count]; int_color colors[color_count]; for (int32_t i = 0; i < 4; i += 1){ theme_colors[i].tag = Stag_Text_Cycle_1 + i; } get_theme_colors(app, theme_colors, color_count); for (int32_t i = 0; i < 4; i += 1){ colors[i] = theme_colors[i].color; } int32_t pos = view.cursor.pos; if (buffer_get_char(app, &buffer, pos) == '('){ pos += 1; } else if (pos > 0){ if (buffer_get_char(app, &buffer, pos - 1) == ')'){ pos -= 1; } } mark_enclosures(app, scratch, render_scope, &buffer, pos, FindScope_Paren, VisualType_CharacterBlocks, 0, colors, color_count); } do_core_render(app); managed_scope_clear_self_all_dependent_scopes(app, render_scope); } HOOK_SIG(default_exit){ // If this returns zero it cancels the exit. if (allow_immediate_close_without_checking_for_changes){ return(1); } bool32 has_unsaved_changes = false; for (Buffer_Summary buffer = get_buffer_first(app, AccessAll); buffer.exists; get_buffer_next(app, &buffer, AccessAll)){ if (buffer.dirty == DirtyState_UnsavedChanges){ has_unsaved_changes = true; break; } } if (has_unsaved_changes){ View_Summary view = get_active_view(app, AccessAll); do_gui_sure_to_close_4coder(app, &view); return(0); } return(1); } HOOK_SIG(default_view_adjust){ int32_t count = 0; int32_t new_wrap_width = 0; for (View_Summary view = get_view_first(app, AccessAll); view.exists; get_view_next(app, &view, AccessAll)){ new_wrap_width += view.view_region.x1 - view.view_region.x0; ++count; } new_wrap_width /= count; new_wrap_width = (int32_t)(new_wrap_width * .9f); int32_t new_min_base_width = (int32_t)(new_wrap_width * .77f); if (global_config.automatically_adjust_wrapping){ adjust_all_buffer_wrap_widths(app, new_wrap_width, new_min_base_width); global_config.default_wrap_width = new_wrap_width; global_config.default_min_base_width = new_min_base_width; } // no meaning for return return(0); } BUFFER_NAME_RESOLVER_SIG(default_buffer_name_resolution){ if (conflict_count > 1){ // List of unresolved conflicts Partition *part = &global_part; Temp_Memory temp = begin_temp_memory(part); int32_t *unresolved = push_array(part, int32_t, conflict_count); if (unresolved == 0) return; int32_t unresolved_count = conflict_count; for (int32_t i = 0; i < conflict_count; ++i){ unresolved[i] = i; } // Resolution Loop int32_t x = 0; for (;;){ // Resolution Pass ++x; for (int32_t i = 0; i < unresolved_count; ++i){ int32_t conflict_index = unresolved[i]; Buffer_Name_Conflict_Entry *conflict = &conflicts[conflict_index]; int32_t len = conflict->base_name_len; if (len < 0){ len = 0; } if (len > conflict->unique_name_capacity){ len = conflict->unique_name_capacity; } conflict->unique_name_len_in_out = len; memcpy(conflict->unique_name_in_out, conflict->base_name, len); if (conflict->file_name != 0){ char uniqueifier_space[256]; String uniqueifier = make_fixed_width_string(uniqueifier_space); String s_file_name = make_string(conflict->file_name, conflict->file_name_len); s_file_name = path_of_directory(s_file_name); if (s_file_name.size > 0){ s_file_name.size -= 1; char *end = s_file_name.str + s_file_name.size; bool32 past_the_end = false; for (int32_t j = 0; j < x; ++j){ s_file_name = path_of_directory(s_file_name); if (j + 1 < x){ s_file_name.size -= 1; } if (s_file_name.size <= 0){ if (j + 1 < x){ past_the_end = true; } s_file_name.size = 0; break; } } char *start = s_file_name.str + s_file_name.size; append(&uniqueifier, make_string(start, (int32_t)(end - start))); if (past_the_end){ append(&uniqueifier, "~"); append_int_to_str(&uniqueifier, i); } } else{ append_int_to_str(&uniqueifier, i); } String builder = make_string_cap(conflict->unique_name_in_out, conflict->unique_name_len_in_out, conflict->unique_name_capacity); append(&builder, " <"); append(&builder, uniqueifier); append(&builder, ">"); conflict->unique_name_len_in_out = builder.size; } } // Conflict Check Pass bool32 has_conflicts = false; for (int32_t i = 0; i < unresolved_count; ++i){ int32_t conflict_index = unresolved[i]; Buffer_Name_Conflict_Entry *conflict = &conflicts[conflict_index]; String conflict_name = make_string(conflict->unique_name_in_out, conflict->unique_name_len_in_out); bool32 hit_conflict = false; if (conflict->file_name != 0){ for (int32_t j = 0; j < unresolved_count; ++j){ if (i == j) continue; int32_t conflict_j_index = unresolved[j]; Buffer_Name_Conflict_Entry *conflict_j = &conflicts[conflict_j_index]; if (match(conflict_name, make_string(conflict_j->unique_name_in_out, conflict_j->unique_name_len_in_out))){ hit_conflict = true; break; } } } if (hit_conflict){ has_conflicts = true; } else{ --unresolved_count; unresolved[i] = unresolved[unresolved_count]; --i; } } if (!has_conflicts){ break; } } end_temp_memory(temp); } } OPEN_FILE_HOOK_SIG(default_file_settings){ // NOTE(allen|a4.0.8): The get_parameter_buffer was eliminated // and instead the buffer is passed as an explicit parameter through // the function call. That is where buffer_id comes from here. Buffer_Summary buffer = get_buffer(app, buffer_id, AccessAll); Assert(buffer.exists); bool32 treat_as_code = false; bool32 treat_as_todo = false; bool32 lex_without_strings = false; CString_Array extensions = get_code_extensions(&global_config.code_exts); Parse_Context_ID parse_context_id = 0; if (buffer.file_name != 0 && buffer.size < (16 << 20)){ String name = make_string(buffer.file_name, buffer.file_name_len); String ext = file_extension(name); for (int32_t i = 0; i < extensions.count; ++i){ if (match(ext, extensions.strings[i])){ treat_as_code = true; if (match(ext, "cs")){ if (parse_context_language_cs == 0){ init_language_cs(app); } parse_context_id = parse_context_language_cs; } if (match(ext, "java")){ if (parse_context_language_java == 0){ init_language_java(app); } parse_context_id = parse_context_language_java; } if (match(ext, "rs")){ if (parse_context_language_rust == 0){ init_language_rust(app); } parse_context_id = parse_context_language_rust; lex_without_strings = true; } if (match(ext, "cpp") || match(ext, "h") || match(ext, "c") || match(ext, "hpp") || match(ext, "cc")){ if (parse_context_language_cpp == 0){ init_language_cpp(app); } parse_context_id = parse_context_language_cpp; } // TODO(NAME): Real GLSL highlighting if (match(ext, "glsl")){ if (parse_context_language_cpp == 0){ init_language_cpp(app); } parse_context_id = parse_context_language_cpp; } // TODO(NAME): Real Objective-C highlighting if (match(ext, "m")){ if (parse_context_language_cpp == 0){ init_language_cpp(app); } parse_context_id = parse_context_language_cpp; } break; } } if (!treat_as_code){ treat_as_todo = match_insensitive(front_of_directory(name), "todo.txt"); } } int32_t map_id = (treat_as_code)?((int32_t)default_code_map):((int32_t)mapid_file); int32_t map_id_query = 0; buffer_set_setting(app, &buffer, BufferSetting_MapID, default_lister_ui_map); buffer_get_setting(app, &buffer, BufferSetting_MapID, &map_id_query); Assert(map_id_query == default_lister_ui_map); buffer_set_setting(app, &buffer, BufferSetting_WrapPosition, global_config.default_wrap_width); buffer_set_setting(app, &buffer, BufferSetting_MinimumBaseWrapPosition, global_config.default_min_base_width); buffer_set_setting(app, &buffer, BufferSetting_MapID, map_id); buffer_get_setting(app, &buffer, BufferSetting_MapID, &map_id_query); Assert(map_id_query == map_id); buffer_set_setting(app, &buffer, BufferSetting_ParserContext, parse_context_id); // NOTE(allen): Decide buffer settings bool32 wrap_lines = true; bool32 use_virtual_whitespace = false; bool32 use_lexer = false; if (treat_as_todo){ lex_without_strings = true; wrap_lines = true; use_virtual_whitespace = true; use_lexer = true; } else if (treat_as_code){ wrap_lines = global_config.enable_code_wrapping; use_virtual_whitespace = global_config.enable_virtual_whitespace; use_lexer = true; } if (match(make_string(buffer.buffer_name, buffer.buffer_name_len), "*compilation*")){ wrap_lines = false; } //if (buffer.size >= (192 << 10)){ if (buffer.size >= (128 << 10)){ wrap_lines = false; use_virtual_whitespace = false; } // NOTE(allen|a4.0.12): There is a little bit of grossness going on here. // If we set BufferSetting_Lex to true, it will launch a lexing job. // If a lexing job is active when we set BufferSetting_VirtualWhitespace, the call can fail. // Unfortunantely without tokens virtual whitespace doesn't really make sense. // So for now I have it automatically turning on lexing when virtual whitespace is turned on. // Cleaning some of that up is a goal for future versions. buffer_set_setting(app, &buffer, BufferSetting_LexWithoutStrings, lex_without_strings); buffer_set_setting(app, &buffer, BufferSetting_WrapLine, wrap_lines); buffer_set_setting(app, &buffer, BufferSetting_VirtualWhitespace, use_virtual_whitespace); buffer_set_setting(app, &buffer, BufferSetting_Lex, use_lexer); // no meaning for return return(0); } OPEN_FILE_HOOK_SIG(default_new_file){ #if 0 Buffer_Summary buffer = get_buffer(app, buffer_id, AccessOpen); char str[] = "/*\nNew File\n*/\n\n\n"; buffer_replace_range(app, &buffer, 0, 0, str, sizeof(str)-1); #endif // no meaning for return return(0); } OPEN_FILE_HOOK_SIG(default_file_save){ Buffer_Summary buffer = get_buffer(app, buffer_id, AccessAll); Assert(buffer.exists); int32_t is_virtual = 0; if (global_config.automatically_indent_text_on_save && buffer_get_setting(app, &buffer, BufferSetting_VirtualWhitespace, &is_virtual)){ if (is_virtual){ buffer_auto_indent(app, &global_part, &buffer, 0, buffer.size, DEF_TAB_WIDTH, DEFAULT_INDENT_FLAGS | AutoIndent_FullTokens); } } // no meaning for return return(0); } OPEN_FILE_HOOK_SIG(default_file_edit){ Buffer_Summary buffer = get_buffer(app, buffer_id, AccessAll); Assert(buffer.exists); if (buffer.buffer_name_len > 0 && buffer.buffer_name[0] != '*'){ char space[256]; String str = make_fixed_width_string(space); append(&str, "edit finished: "); append(&str, make_string(buffer.file_name, buffer.file_name_len)); append(&str, "\n"); print_message(app, str.str, str.size); } // no meaning for return return(0); } OPEN_FILE_HOOK_SIG(default_end_file){ Buffer_Summary buffer = get_buffer(app, buffer_id, AccessAll); Assert(buffer.exists); char space[1024]; String str = make_fixed_width_string(space); append(&str, "Ending file: "); append(&str, make_string(buffer.buffer_name, buffer.buffer_name_len)); append(&str, "\n"); print_message(app, str.str, str.size); // no meaning for return return(0); } // NOTE(allen|a4.0.9): The input filter allows you to modify the input // to a frame before 4coder starts processing it at all. // // Right now it only has access to the mouse state, but it will be // extended to have access to the key presses soon. INPUT_FILTER_SIG(default_suppress_mouse_filter){ if (suppressing_mouse){ *mouse = null_mouse_state; mouse->x = -100; mouse->y = -100; } } // NOTE(allen|a4): scroll rule information // // The parameters: // target_x, target_y // This is where the view would like to be for the purpose of // following the cursor, doing mouse wheel work, etc. // // scroll_x, scroll_y // These are pointers to where the scrolling actually is. If you bind // the scroll rule it is you have to update these in some way to move // the actual location of the scrolling. // // view_id // This corresponds to which view is computing it's new scrolling position. // This id DOES correspond to the views that View_Summary contains. // This will always be between 1 and 16 (0 is a null id). // See below for an example of having state that carries across scroll udpates. // // is_new_target // If the target of the view is different from the last target in either x or y // this is true, otherwise it is false. // // The return: // Should be true if and only if scroll_x or scroll_y are changed. // // Don't try to use the app pointer in a scroll rule, you're asking for trouble. // // If you don't bind scroll_rule, nothing bad will happen, yo will get default // 4coder scrolling behavior. // struct Scroll_Velocity{ float x, y; }; Scroll_Velocity scroll_velocity_[16] = {}; Scroll_Velocity *scroll_velocity = scroll_velocity_ - 1; static int32_t smooth_camera_step(float target, float *current, float *vel, float S, float T){ int32_t result = 0; float curr = *current; float v = *vel; if (curr != target){ if (curr > target - .1f && curr < target + .1f){ curr = target; v = 1.f; } else{ float L = curr + T*(target - curr); int32_t sign = (target > curr) - (target < curr); float V = curr + sign*v; if (sign > 0) curr = (LV)?(L):(V); if (curr == V){ v *= S; } } *current = curr; *vel = v; result = 1; } return(result); } SCROLL_RULE_SIG(smooth_scroll_rule){ Scroll_Velocity *velocity = scroll_velocity + view_id; int32_t result = 0; if (velocity->x == 0.f){ velocity->x = 1.f; velocity->y = 1.f; } if (smooth_camera_step(target_y, scroll_y, &velocity->y, 80.f, 1.f/2.f)){ result = 1; } if (smooth_camera_step(target_x, scroll_x, &velocity->x, 80.f, 1.f/2.f)){ result = 1; } return(result); } static void set_all_default_hooks(Bind_Helper *context){ set_hook(context, hook_exit, default_exit); set_hook(context, hook_view_size_change, default_view_adjust); set_start_hook(context, default_start); set_open_file_hook(context, default_file_settings); set_new_file_hook(context, default_new_file); set_save_file_hook(context, default_file_save); set_file_edit_finished_hook(context, default_file_edit); set_end_file_hook(context, end_file_close_jump_list); set_command_caller(context, default_command_caller); set_render_caller(context, default_render_caller); set_input_filter(context, default_suppress_mouse_filter); set_scroll_rule(context, smooth_scroll_rule); set_buffer_name_resolver(context, default_buffer_name_resolution); } // BOTTOM