Long Term
        [] Project FKey Remapper
        [] Project Mode Lister
        [] Turbo-Word-Complete Lister
        [] Renderer Modularity
        [] Software Renderer
        [] Undo Upgrade
        [] Meta Buffer
        [] Multi Cursor
        [] Commands in Input Bar
        [] Declarative system for keyword direct coloring
        [] Reload all out of sync files
        [] Jump to Command Definition (useful for 4coder customization developers only)
        [] Recover scroll bars
        [] Cold scroll
        [] Remote Desktop Doesn't Work -> Need Renderer Modularity & Software Renderer
        [] Graphics problem (fonts not rendering) -> need more info
        [] Jim's file is blank even though it tries to load a real file (wtf)
        [] Texture binding changes too often problem
        [] saving to removable media -> need more info
        [] crash on obj file (san-miguel-low-poly.obj) -> need more info
        [] Can we prevent creation of Buffer_Render_Items that are off the top?
        [] Mac german keyboard layout
        [] Linux animate bug? (Lister lag)
        [] SSHFS segfault on linux

Change Log
            [x] Fill Key_Input_Data's modifiers field
            [x] Optimize lookup in file track data structures
            [x] Comment line/Uncomment line
            [x] Crash when freeing marker object without visuals
            [x] High CPU usage in listers (endless animation bug)
            [x] Panel resizing doesn't work
            [x] On windows file lister: /foo/bar.txt
            [?] Press Tab in Open File Lister With Text "C:"/Tab when no valid completions in open file lister
            [x] Notepad like mode clicking to new view doesn't snap the mark
            [x] Notepad like mode replacing text with cursor at end of selection in middle of long file
            [x] Renaming a file to a case-insensitively-equivalent name on windows deletes the file
            [x] Start from windows start menu and open file
            [?] opening large projects
            [x] Make lots of new files
            [x] Modifiers on scroll wheels not working?
            [x] Lexing Scientific Notation " 3.402823466e+38F "
            [x] really long single line wrapped (300,000?)
            [x] scope coloring when scrolled to the right problem
            [x] Open file when lister hot directory doesn't match lister current directory
            Repro Needed
                [?] pasting long comment at top of code files doesn't always parse right away???
        [x] Lister API
        [x] Managed Cooperative Memory API
        [x] Visible Markers
            [x] Line Highlight
            [x] Cursor Block
            [x] Cursor Bar
            [x] Wire Cursor Block
            [x] Highlight Range
        [x] Quit UI events
        [x] Cool Listers
            [x] Command Lister
            [x] Convert Jump List to Lister
            [x] Function Lister
            [x] Snippet Lister
            [x] Project Command Lister
        [x] Exact Matches Sort to Top Always ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS
        [x] If no results put message explaining that fact (search buffer)
        [x] Separate distinct buffer groups by newline
        [x] Finalize visualizations API
            [x] Add and remove visualizations, allow more than one on a single markers object
            [x] Iterate visualizations
            [x] Take rule
            [x] Priority
            [x] View key
        [x] Better range handling (range contained inside range)
        [x] Range of line highlights
        [x] text color in marker highlights
        [x] symbolic colors
        [x] When clearing all dependent scopes, don't delete them, just clear them
        [x] I-Bar and Highlight Mode
            [x] Cursor navigation commands
            [x] Insert character
            [x] Paste
            [x] Backspace and delete
            [x] config options
            [x] toggle commands
        [x] Highlight target in Query Replace
        [x] Color Pallette Expansion For Keywords
        [x] TODO Bright red
        [x] NOTE Bright green
        [x] New Features with Visible Markers
            [x] Customizable Highlight Line at Cursor All the Time
            [x] Customizable Highlight Token at Cursor All the Time
            [] Paren/Brace Matching (with color pallette expansion)
                [x] Get ranges to mark and mark them
                [x] Works on parentheses
                [x] Optional modes: Off, Mark Delimters, Cover Ranges
                [x] Colors pulled from color pallette
        [x] Cleanup names in Marker_Visuals API
        [x] set_command_input
        [x] buffer_get_managed_scope
        [x] view_get_managed_scope
        [x] view_start_ui_mode
        [x] view_end_ui_mode
        [x] view_set_ui
        [x] view_get_ui_copy
        [x] create_user_managed_scope
        [x] destroy_user_managed_scope
        [x] get_global_managed_scope
        [x] get_managed_scope_with_multiple_dependencies
        [x] managed_scope_clear_contents
        [x] clear_managed_scope_and_all_dependent_scopes
        [x] managed_variable_create
        [x] managed_variable_get_id
        [x] managed_variable_create_or_get_id
        [x] managed_variable_set
        [x] managed_variable_get
        [x] alloc_managed_memory_in_scope
        [x] alloc_buffer_markers_on_buffer
        [x] create_marker_visuals
        [x] marker_visuals_set_look
        [x] marker_visuals_set_take_rule
        [x] marker_visuals_set_priority
        [x] marker_visuals_set_view_key
        [x] destroy_marker_visuals
        [x] buffer_markers_get_attached_visuals_count
        [x] buffer_markers_get_attached_visuals
        [x] managed_object_get_item_size
        [x] managed_object_get_item_count
        [x] managed_object_get_type
        [x] managed_object_get_containing_scope
        [x] managed_object_free
        [x] managed_object_store_data
        [x] managed_object_load_data
        [x] get_theme_count
        [x] get_theme_name
        [x] change_theme_by_index
        [x] Buffer_Kill_Result
        [x] Range_Array
        [x] Managed_Object_Type
        [x] Managed_Scope
        [x] Managed_Variable_ID
        [x] Managed_Object
        [x] Marker_Visuals
        [x] Marker_Visuals_Type
        [x] Marker_Visuals_Symbolic_Color
        [x] Marker_Visuals_Text_Style
        [x] Marker_Visuals_Take_Rule
        [x] Marker_Visuals_Priority_Level
        [x] UI_Item_Type
        [x] UI_Activation_Level
        [x] UI_Coordinate_System
        [x] UI_Item
        [x] UI_Item_Node
        [x] UI_List
        [x] UI_Control
        [x] string_interpret_escapes