/* 4coder development build rule. */ // TOP #include <stdio.h> // include system for windows #include <stdlib.h> // include system for linux (YAY!) #include <stdint.h> #include <assert.h> #include <string.h> #include "4coder_version.h" #define FSTRING_INLINE static #include "internal_4coder_string.cpp" // // reusable // #define IS_64BIT // NOTE(allen): Compiler OS cracking. #if defined(_MSC_VER) # define IS_CL # define snprintf _snprintf # if defined(_WIN32) # define IS_WINDOWS # pragma comment(lib, "Kernel32.lib") # else # error This compiler/platform combo is not supported yet # endif #elif defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__GNUG__) # define IS_GCC # if defined(__gnu_linux__) # define IS_LINUX # else # error This compiler/platform combo is not supported yet # endif #else #error This compiler is not supported yet #endif #if defined(IS_WINDOWS) # define ONLY_WINDOWS(x) x # define ONLY_LINUX(x) (void)0 #elif defined(IS_LINUX) # define ONLY_WINDOWS(x) (void)0 # define ONLY_LINUX(x) x #else # define ONLY_WIN(x) (void)0 # define ONLY_LINUX(x) (void)0 #endif static char cmd[4096]; static int32_t error_state = 0; static int32_t prev_error = 0; #define systemf(...) do{ \ int32_t n = snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), __VA_ARGS__); \ assert(n < sizeof(cmd)); \ prev_error = system(cmd); \ if (prev_error != 0) error_state = 1; \ }while(0) static void init_time_system(); static uint64_t get_time(); static int32_t get_current_directory(char *buffer, int32_t max); static void execute(char *dir, char *str); static void make_folder_if_missing(char *folder); static void clear_folder(char *folder); static void copy_file(char *path, char *file, char *folder, char *newname); static void copy_all(char *source, char *folder); static void zip(char *folder, char *dest); #if defined(IS_WINDOWS) typedef uint32_t DWORD; typedef int32_t LONG; typedef int64_t LONGLONG; typedef char* LPTSTR; typedef char* LPCTSTR; typedef int32_t BOOL; typedef void* LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES; typedef union _LARGE_INTEGER { struct { DWORD LowPart; LONG HighPart; }; struct { DWORD LowPart; LONG HighPart; } u; LONGLONG QuadPart; } LARGE_INTEGER, *PLARGE_INTEGER; #if defined(IS_64BIT) # define WINAPI #endif DWORD WINAPI GetCurrentDirectoryA(_In_ DWORD nBufferLength, _Out_ LPTSTR lpBuffer); BOOL WINAPI QueryPerformanceCounter(_Out_ LARGE_INTEGER *lpPerformanceCount); BOOL WINAPI QueryPerformanceFrequency(_Out_ LARGE_INTEGER *lpFrequency); BOOL WINAPI CreateDirectoryA(_In_ LPCTSTR lpPathName, _In_opt_ LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpSecurityAttributes); BOOL WINAPI CopyFileA(_In_ LPCTSTR lpExistingFileName, _In_ LPCTSTR lpNewFileName, _In_ BOOL bFailIfExists); static uint64_t perf_frequency; static void init_time_system(){ LARGE_INTEGER lint; if (QueryPerformanceFrequency(&lint)){ perf_frequency = lint.QuadPart; } } static uint64_t get_time(){ uint64_t time = 0; LARGE_INTEGER lint; if (QueryPerformanceCounter(&lint)){ time = lint.QuadPart; time = (time * 1000000) / perf_frequency; } return(time); } static int32_t get_current_directory(char *buffer, int32_t max){ int32_t result = GetCurrentDirectoryA(max, buffer); return(result); } static void execute(char *dir, char *str){ if (dir){ systemf("pushd %s & call \"%s\"", dir, str); } else{ systemf("call \"%s\"", str); } } static void slash_fix(char *path){ for (int32_t i = 0; path[i]; ++i){ if (path[i] == '/') path[i] = '\\'; } } static void make_folder_if_missing(char *folder){ char *p = folder; slash_fix(folder); for (; *p; ++p){ if (*p == '\\'){ *p = 0; CreateDirectoryA(folder, 0); *p = '\\'; } } CreateDirectoryA(folder, 0); } static void clear_folder(char *folder){ slash_fix(folder); systemf("del /S /Q /F %s\\* & rmdir /S /Q %s & mkdir %s", folder, folder, folder); } static void copy_file(char *path, char *file, char *folder, char *newname){ char src[256], dst[256]; String b = make_fixed_width_string(src); if (path){ append_sc(&b, path); append_sc(&b, "\\"); } append_sc(&b, file); terminate_with_null(&b); b = make_fixed_width_string(dst); append_sc(&b, folder); append_sc(&b, "\\"); if (newname){ append_sc(&b, newname); } else{ append_sc(&b, file); } terminate_with_null(&b); slash_fix(src); slash_fix(dst); CopyFileA(src, dst, 0); } static void copy_all(char *source, char *folder){ slash_fix(source); slash_fix(folder); systemf("copy %s %s\\*", source, folder); } static void zip(char *folder, char *dest){ char cdir[512]; get_current_directory(cdir, sizeof(cdir)); slash_fix(folder); slash_fix(dest); systemf("pushd %s & %s\\zip %s\\4tech_gobble.zip", folder, cdir, cdir); systemf("copy %s\\4tech_gobble.zip %s & del %s\\4tech_gobble.zip", cdir, dest, cdir); } #elif defined(IS_LINUX) #include <time.h> #include <unistd.h> typedef struct Temp_Dir{ char dir[512]; } Temp_Dir; static Temp_Dir linux_pushd(char *dir){ Temp_Dir temp; char *result = getcwd(temp.dir, sizeof(temp.dir)); int32_t chresult = chdir(dir); if (result == 0 || chresult != 0){ printf("trying pushd %s\n", dir); assert(result != 0); assert(chresult == 0); } return(temp); } static void linux_popd(Temp_Dir temp){ chdir(temp.dir); } static void init_time_system(){ // NOTE(allen): do nothing } static uint64_t get_time(){ struct timespec spec; uint64_t result; clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &spec); result = (spec.tv_sec * (uint64_t)(1000000)) + (spec.tv_nsec / (uint64_t)(1000)); return(result); } static int32_t get_current_directory(char *buffer, int32_t max){ int32_t result = 0; char *d = getcwd(buffer, max); if (d == buffer){ result = strlen(buffer); } return(result); } static void execute(char *dir, char *str){ if (dir){ Temp_Dir temp = linux_pushd(dir); systemf("%s", str); linux_popd(temp); } else{ systemf("%s", str); } } static void slash_fix(char *path){} static void make_folder_if_missing(char *folder){ systemf("mkdir -p %s", folder); } static void clear_folder(char *folder){ systemf("rm -rf %s*", folder); } static void copy_file(char *path, char *file, char *folder, char *newname){ if (!newname){ newname = file; } if (path){ systemf("cp %s/%s %s/%s", path, file, folder, newname); } else{ systemf("cp %s %s/%s", file, folder, newname); } } static void copy_all(char *source, char *folder){ systemf("cp -rf %s %s", source, folder); } static void zip(char *folder, char *file){ systemf("zip -r %s %s", file, folder); } #else #error This OS is not supported yet #endif #define BEGIN_TIME_SECTION() uint64_t start = get_time() #define END_TIME_SECTION(n) uint64_t total = get_time() - start; printf("%-20s: %.2lu.%.6lu\n", (n), total/1000000, total%1000000); // // 4coder specific // #if defined(IS_WINDOWS) #define EXE ".exe" #elif defined(IS_LINUX) #define EXE "" #else #error No EXE format specified for this OS #endif #if defined(IS_WINDOWS) #define PDB ".pdb" #elif defined(IS_LINUX) #define PDB "" #else #error No EXE format specified for this OS #endif #if defined(IS_WINDOWS) #define DLL ".dll" #elif defined(IS_LINUX) #define DLL ".so" #else #error No EXE format specified for this OS #endif #if defined(IS_WINDOWS) #define BAT ".bat" #elif defined(IS_LINUX) #define BAT ".sh" #else #error No EXE format specified for this OS #endif static void swap_ptr(char **A, char **B){ char *a = *A; char *b = *B; *A = b; *B = a; } enum{ OPTS = 0x1, INCLUDES = 0x2, LIBS = 0x4, ICON = 0x8, SHARED_CODE = 0x10, DEBUG_INFO = 0x20, SUPER = 0x40, INTERNAL = 0x80, OPTIMIZATION = 0x100, KEEP_ASSERT = 0x200 }; #define BUILD_LINE_MAX 4096 typedef struct Build_Line{ char build_optionsA[BUILD_LINE_MAX]; char build_optionsB[BUILD_LINE_MAX]; char *build_options; char *build_options_prev; int32_t build_max; } Build_Line; static void init_build_line(Build_Line *line){ line->build_options = line->build_optionsA; line->build_options_prev = line->build_optionsB; line->build_optionsA[0] = 0; line->build_optionsB[0] = 0; line->build_max = BUILD_LINE_MAX; } #if defined(IS_CL) #define build_ap(line, str, ...) do{ \ snprintf(line.build_options, \ line.build_max, "%s "str, \ line.build_options_prev, __VA_ARGS__); \ swap_ptr(&line.build_options, \ &line.build_options_prev); \ }while(0) #elif defined(IS_GCC) #define build_ap(line, str, ...) do{ \ snprintf(line.build_options, \ line.build_max, "%s "str, \ line.build_options_prev, ##__VA_ARGS__);\ swap_ptr(&line.build_options, \ &line.build_options_prev); \ }while(0) #endif #define CL_OPTS \ "/W4 /wd4310 /wd4100 /wd4201 /wd4505 /wd4996 " \ "/wd4127 /wd4510 /wd4512 /wd4610 /wd4390 /WX " \ "/GR- /EHa- /nologo /FC" #define CL_INCLUDES \ "/I..\\foreign /I..\\foreign\\freetype2" #define CL_LIBS \ "user32.lib winmm.lib gdi32.lib opengl32.lib " \ "..\\foreign\\freetype.lib" #define CL_ICON \ "..\\res\\icon.res" static void build_cl(uint32_t flags, char *code_path, char *code_file, char *out_path, char *out_file, char *exports){ slash_fix(out_path); slash_fix(code_path); Build_Line line; init_build_line(&line); if (flags & OPTS){ build_ap(line, CL_OPTS); } if (flags & INCLUDES){ build_ap(line, CL_INCLUDES); } if (flags & LIBS){ build_ap(line, CL_LIBS); } if (flags & ICON){ build_ap(line, CL_ICON); } if (flags & DEBUG_INFO){ build_ap(line, "/Zi"); } if (flags & OPTIMIZATION){ build_ap(line, "/O2"); } if (flags & SHARED_CODE){ build_ap(line, "/LD"); } if (flags & SUPER){ build_ap(line, "/DFRED_SUPER"); } if (flags & INTERNAL){ build_ap(line, "/DFRED_INTERNAL"); } if (flags & KEEP_ASSERT){ build_ap(line, "/DFRED_KEEP_ASSERT"); } swap_ptr(&line.build_options, &line.build_options_prev); char link_options[1024]; if (flags & SHARED_CODE){ assert(exports); snprintf(link_options, sizeof(link_options), "/OPT:REF %s", exports); } else{ snprintf(link_options, sizeof(link_options), "/NODEFAULTLIB:library"); } systemf("pushd %s & cl %s %s\\%s /Fe%s /link /DEBUG /INCREMENTAL:NO %s", out_path, line.build_options, code_path, code_file, out_file, link_options); } #define GCC_OPTS \ "-Wno-write-strings -D_GNU_SOURCE -fPIC " \ "-fno-threadsafe-statics -pthread" #define GCC_INCLUDES \ "-I../foreign" #define GCC_LIBS \ "-L/usr/local/lib -lX11 -lpthread -lm -lrt " \ "-lGL -ldl -lXfixes -lfreetype -lfontconfig" static void build_gcc(uint32_t flags, char *code_path, char *code_file, char *out_path, char *out_file, char *exports){ Build_Line line; init_build_line(&line); if (flags & OPTS){ build_ap(line, GCC_OPTS); } if (flags & INCLUDES){ // TODO(allen): Abstract this out. #if defined(IS_LINUX) int32_t size = 0; char freetype_include[512]; FILE *file = popen("pkg-config --cflags freetype2", "r"); if (file != 0){ fgets(freetype_include, sizeof(freetype_include), file); size = strlen(freetype_include); freetype_include[size-1] = 0; pclose(file); } build_ap(line, GCC_INCLUDES" %s", freetype_include); #endif } if (flags & DEBUG_INFO){ build_ap(line, "-g -O0"); } if (flags & OPTIMIZATION){ build_ap(line, "-O3"); } if (flags & SHARED_CODE){ build_ap(line, "-shared"); } if (flags & SUPER){ build_ap(line, "-DFRED_SUPER"); } if (flags & INTERNAL){ build_ap(line, "-DFRED_INTERNAL"); } if (flags & KEEP_ASSERT){ build_ap(line, "-DFRED_KEEP_ASSERT"); } build_ap(line, "%s/%s", code_path, code_file); if (flags & LIBS){ build_ap(line, GCC_LIBS); } swap_ptr(&line.build_options, &line.build_options_prev); // TODO(allen): Abstract this out. #if defined(IS_LINUX) Temp_Dir temp = linux_pushd(out_path); systemf("g++ %s -o %s", line.build_options, out_file); linux_popd(temp); #endif } static void build(uint32_t flags, char *code_path, char *code_file, char *out_path, char *out_file, char *exports){ #if defined(IS_CL) build_cl(flags, code_path, code_file, out_path, out_file, exports); #elif defined(IS_GCC) build_gcc(flags, code_path, code_file, out_path, out_file, exports); #else #error The build rule for this compiler is not ready #endif } static void buildsuper(char *code_path, char *out_path, char *filename){ #if defined(IS_CL) slash_fix(filename); slash_fix(out_path); slash_fix(code_path); systemf("pushd %s & call \"%s\\buildsuper.bat\" %s", out_path, code_path, filename); #elif defined(IS_GCC) Temp_Dir temp = linux_pushd(out_path); systemf("\"%s/buildsuper.sh\" %s", code_path, filename); linux_popd(temp); #else #error The build rule for this compiler is not ready #endif } #define META_DIR "../meta" #define BUILD_DIR "../build" #if defined(IS_WINDOWS) #define PLAT_LAYER "win32_4ed.cpp" #elif defined(IS_LINUX) #define PLAT_LAYER "linux_4ed.cpp" #else #error No platform layer defined for this OS. #endif static void fsm_generator(char *cdir){ { BEGIN_TIME_SECTION(); build(OPTS | DEBUG_INFO, cdir, "fsm_table_generator.cpp", META_DIR, "fsmgen", 0); END_TIME_SECTION("build fsm generator"); } if (prev_error == 0){ BEGIN_TIME_SECTION(); execute(cdir, META_DIR"/fsmgen"); END_TIME_SECTION("run fsm generator"); } } static void metagen(char *cdir){ { BEGIN_TIME_SECTION(); build(OPTS | DEBUG_INFO, cdir, "4ed_metagen.cpp", META_DIR, "metagen", 0); END_TIME_SECTION("build metagen"); } if (prev_error == 0){ BEGIN_TIME_SECTION(); execute(cdir, META_DIR"/metagen"); END_TIME_SECTION("run metagen"); } } static void do_buildsuper(char *cdir){ BEGIN_TIME_SECTION(); //buildsuper(cdir, BUILD_DIR, "../code/4coder_default_bindings.cpp"); #if defined(IS_WINDOWS) buildsuper(cdir, BUILD_DIR, "../code/internal_4coder_tests.cpp"); #else buildsuper(cdir, BUILD_DIR, "../code/power/4coder_experiments.cpp"); #endif //buildsuper(cdir, BUILD_DIR, "../code/power/4coder_casey.cpp"); //buildsuper(cdir, BUILD_DIR, "../4vim/4coder_chronal.cpp"); END_TIME_SECTION("build custom"); } static void build_main(char *cdir, uint32_t flags){ { BEGIN_TIME_SECTION(); build(OPTS | INCLUDES | SHARED_CODE | flags, cdir, "4ed_app_target.cpp", BUILD_DIR, "4ed_app"DLL, "/EXPORT:app_get_functions"); END_TIME_SECTION("build 4ed_app"); } { BEGIN_TIME_SECTION(); build(OPTS | INCLUDES | LIBS | ICON | flags, cdir, PLAT_LAYER, BUILD_DIR, "4ed", 0); END_TIME_SECTION("build 4ed"); } } static void standard_build(char *cdir, uint32_t flags){ fsm_generator(cdir); metagen(cdir); do_buildsuper(cdir); build_main(cdir, flags); } #define PACK_DIR "../distributions" #define PACK_DATA_DIR "../data/dist_files" #define PACK_ALPHA_PAR_DIR "../current_dist" #define PACK_SUPER_PAR_DIR "../current_dist_super" #define PACK_POWER_PAR_DIR "../current_dist_power" #define PACK_ALPHA_DIR PACK_ALPHA_PAR_DIR"/4coder" #define PACK_SUPER_DIR PACK_SUPER_PAR_DIR"/4coder" #define PACK_POWER_DIR PACK_POWER_PAR_DIR"/power" static void get_4coder_dist_name(String *zip_file, int32_t OS_specific, char *tier, char *ext){ zip_file->size = 0; append_sc(zip_file, PACK_DIR"/"); append_sc(zip_file, tier); append_sc(zip_file, "/4coder-"); if (OS_specific){ #if defined(IS_WINDOWS) append_sc(zip_file, "win-"); #elif defined(IS_LINUX) && defined(IS_64BIT) append_sc(zip_file, "linux-64-"); #else #error No OS string for zips on this OS #endif } append_sc (zip_file, "alpha"); append_sc (zip_file, "-"); append_int_to_str (zip_file, MAJOR); append_sc (zip_file, "-"); append_int_to_str (zip_file, MINOR); append_sc (zip_file, "-"); append_int_to_str (zip_file, PATCH); if (!match_cc(tier, "alpha")){ append_sc (zip_file, "-"); append_sc (zip_file, tier); } append_sc (zip_file, "."); append_sc (zip_file, ext); terminate_with_null(zip_file); } static void package(char *cdir){ char str_space[1024]; String str = make_fixed_width_string(str_space), str2 = {0}; // NOTE(allen): meta fsm_generator(cdir); metagen(cdir); // NOTE(allen): alpha build_main(cdir, OPTIMIZATION | KEEP_ASSERT | DEBUG_INFO); clear_folder(PACK_ALPHA_PAR_DIR); make_folder_if_missing(PACK_ALPHA_DIR"/3rdparty"); make_folder_if_missing(PACK_DIR"/alpha"); copy_file(BUILD_DIR, "4ed"EXE, PACK_ALPHA_DIR, 0); ONLY_WINDOWS(copy_file(BUILD_DIR, "4ed"PDB, PACK_ALPHA_DIR, 0)); copy_file(BUILD_DIR, "4ed_app"DLL, PACK_ALPHA_DIR, 0); ONLY_WINDOWS(copy_file(BUILD_DIR, "4ed_app"PDB, PACK_ALPHA_DIR, 0)); copy_all (PACK_DATA_DIR"/*", PACK_ALPHA_DIR); copy_file(0, "README.txt", PACK_ALPHA_DIR, 0); copy_file(0, "TODO.txt", PACK_ALPHA_DIR, 0); get_4coder_dist_name(&str, 1, "alpha", "zip"); zip(PACK_ALPHA_DIR, str.str); // NOTE(allen): super build_main(cdir, OPTIMIZATION | KEEP_ASSERT | DEBUG_INFO | SUPER); clear_folder(PACK_SUPER_PAR_DIR); make_folder_if_missing(PACK_SUPER_DIR"/3rdparty"); make_folder_if_missing(PACK_DIR"/super"); make_folder_if_missing(PACK_DIR"/super-docs"); copy_file(BUILD_DIR, "4ed"EXE, PACK_SUPER_DIR, 0); ONLY_WINDOWS(copy_file(BUILD_DIR, "4ed"PDB, PACK_SUPER_DIR, 0)); copy_file(BUILD_DIR, "4ed_app"DLL, PACK_SUPER_DIR, 0); ONLY_WINDOWS(copy_file(BUILD_DIR, "4ed_app"PDB, PACK_SUPER_DIR, 0)); copy_all (PACK_DATA_DIR"/*", PACK_SUPER_DIR); copy_file(0, "README.txt", PACK_SUPER_DIR, 0); copy_file(0, "TODO.txt", PACK_SUPER_DIR, 0); copy_all ("4coder_*.h", PACK_SUPER_DIR); copy_all ("4coder_*.cpp", PACK_SUPER_DIR); copy_all ("4cpp_*.h", PACK_SUPER_DIR); copy_all ("4cpp_*.c", PACK_SUPER_DIR); copy_file(0, "buildsuper"BAT, PACK_SUPER_DIR, 0); get_4coder_dist_name(&str, 0, "API", "html"); str2 = front_of_directory(str); copy_file(0, "4coder_API.html", PACK_DIR"/super-docs", str2.str); get_4coder_dist_name(&str, 1, "super", "zip"); zip(PACK_SUPER_DIR, str.str); // NOTE(allen): power clear_folder(PACK_POWER_PAR_DIR); make_folder_if_missing(PACK_POWER_DIR); make_folder_if_missing(PACK_DIR"/power"); copy_all("power/*", PACK_POWER_DIR); get_4coder_dist_name(&str, 0, "power", "zip"); zip(PACK_POWER_DIR, str.str); } #if defined(DEV_BUILD) int main(int argc, char **argv){ init_time_system(); char cdir[256]; BEGIN_TIME_SECTION(); int32_t n = get_current_directory(cdir, sizeof(cdir)); assert(n < sizeof(cdir)); END_TIME_SECTION("current directory"); standard_build(cdir, DEBUG_INFO | SUPER | INTERNAL); return(error_state); } #elif defined(PACKAGE) int main(int argc, char **argv){ init_time_system(); char cdir[256]; BEGIN_TIME_SECTION(); int32_t n = get_current_directory(cdir, sizeof(cdir)); assert(n < sizeof(cdir)); END_TIME_SECTION("current directory"); package(cdir); return(error_state); } #else #error No build type specified #endif // BOTTOM