/* 4coder_experiments.cpp - Supplies extension bindings to the defaults with experimental new features. */ // TOP #include "4coder_default_include.cpp" #include "4coder_miblo_numbers.cpp" #define NO_BINDING #include "4coder_default_bindings.cpp" #include <string.h> static float get_line_y(Application_Links *app, View_Summary *view, i32 line){ Full_Cursor cursor = {}; view_compute_cursor(app, view, seek_line_char(line, 1), &cursor); float y = cursor.wrapped_y; if (view->unwrapped_lines){ y = cursor.unwrapped_y; } return(y); } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(kill_rect) CUSTOM_DOC("Delete characters in a rectangular region. Range testing is done by unwrapped-xy coordinates.") { View_Summary view = get_active_view(app, AccessOpen); Buffer_Summary buffer = get_buffer(app, view.buffer_id, AccessOpen); i32_Rect rect = get_line_x_rect(&view); b32 unwrapped = view.unwrapped_lines; for (i32 line = rect.y1; line >= rect.y0; --line){ i32 start = 0; i32 end = 0; b32 success = 1; Full_Cursor cursor = {}; float y = get_line_y(app, &view, line); if (success){ success = view_compute_cursor(app, &view, seek_xy((float)rect.x0, y, 0, unwrapped), &cursor); } start = cursor.pos; if (success){ success = view_compute_cursor(app, &view, seek_xy((float)rect.x1, y, 0, unwrapped), &cursor); } end = cursor.pos; if (success){ buffer_replace_range(app, &buffer, start, end, 0, 0); } } } static void pad_buffer_line(Application_Links *app, Partition *part, Buffer_Summary *buffer, i32 line, char padchar, i32 target){ Partial_Cursor start = {}; Partial_Cursor end = {}; if (buffer_compute_cursor(app, buffer, seek_line_char(line, 1), &start)){ if (buffer_compute_cursor(app, buffer, seek_line_char(line, 65536), &end)){ if (start.line == line){ if (end.character-1 < target){ Temp_Memory temp = begin_temp_memory(part); i32 size = target - (end.character-1); char *str = push_array(part, char, size); memset(str, ' ', size); buffer_replace_range(app, buffer, end.pos, end.pos, str, size); end_temp_memory(temp); } } } } } /* NOTE(allen): Things I learned from this experiment. First of all the batch edits aren't too bad, but I think there could be a single system that I run that through that knows how to build the batch edit from slightly higher level information. For instance the idea in point 2. Secondly I definitely believe I need some sort of "mini-buffer" concept where a view sends commands so that things like pasting still work. Then the contents of the "mini-buffer" can be used to complete the edits at all cursor points. This doesn't answer all questions, because somehow backspace still wants to work for multi-lines even when the "mini-buffer" is emtpy. Such a system would also make it possible to send paste commands and cursor navigation to interactive bars. Thirdly any system like this will probably not want to operate through the co-routine system, because that makes sending these commands to the "mini-buffer" much more difficult. Fourthly I desperately need some way to do multi-highlighting multi-cursor showing but it is unclear to me how to do that conveniently. Since this won't exist inside a coroutine what does such an API even look like??? It's clear to me now that I may need to start pushing for the view routine before I am even able to support the GUI. Because that will set up the system to allow me to think about the problem in more ways. Finally I have decided not to pursue this direction any more, it just seems like the wrong way to do it, so I'll stop without doing multi-cursor for now. */ CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(multi_line_edit) CUSTOM_DOC("Begin multi-line mode. In multi-line mode characters are inserted at every line between the mark and cursor. All characters are inserted at the same character offset into the line. This mode uses line_char coordinates.") { Partition *part = &global_part; View_Summary view = get_active_view(app, AccessOpen); Buffer_Summary buffer = get_buffer(app, view.buffer_id, AccessOpen); Buffer_Rect rect = get_rect(&view); i32 start_line = view.cursor.line; i32 pos = view.cursor.character-1; for (i32 i = rect.line0; i <= rect.line1; ++i){ pad_buffer_line(app, &global_part, &buffer, i, ' ', pos); } i32 line_count = rect.line1 - rect.line0 + 1; for (;;){ User_Input in = get_user_input(app, EventOnAnyKey, EventOnEsc|EventOnMouseLeftButton|EventOnMouseRightButton); if (in.abort) break; if (in.key.character && key_is_unmodified(&in.key)){ char str = (char)in.key.character; Temp_Memory temp = begin_temp_memory(part); Buffer_Edit *edit = push_array(part, Buffer_Edit, line_count); Buffer_Edit *edits = edit; for (i32 i = rect.line0; i <= rect.line1; ++i){ Partial_Cursor cursor = {}; if (buffer_compute_cursor(app, &buffer, seek_line_char(i, pos+1), &cursor)){ edit->str_start = 0; edit->len = 1; edit->start = cursor.pos; edit->end = cursor.pos; ++edit; } } i32 edit_count = (int)(edit - edits); buffer_batch_edit(app, &buffer, &str, 1, edits, edit_count, BatchEdit_Normal); end_temp_memory(temp); ++pos; view_set_cursor(app, &view, seek_line_char(start_line, pos+1), true); } else if (in.key.keycode == key_back){ if (pos > 0){ Temp_Memory temp = begin_temp_memory(part); Buffer_Edit *edit = push_array(part, Buffer_Edit, line_count); Buffer_Edit *edits = edit; for (i32 i = rect.line0; i <= rect.line1; ++i){ Partial_Cursor cursor = {}; if (buffer_compute_cursor(app, &buffer, seek_line_char(i, pos+1), &cursor)){ edit->str_start = 0; edit->len = 0; edit->start = cursor.pos-1; edit->end = cursor.pos; ++edit; } } i32 edit_count = (int)(edit - edits); buffer_batch_edit(app, &buffer, 0, 0, edits, edit_count, BatchEdit_Normal); end_temp_memory(temp); --pos; } } else{ break; } } } // NOTE(allen): An experimental mutli-pasting thing CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(multi_paste){ u32 access = AccessOpen; i32 count = clipboard_count(app, 0); if (count > 0){ View_Summary view = get_active_view(app, access); Managed_Scope scope = view_get_managed_scope(app, view.view_id); u64 rewrite = 0; managed_variable_get(app, scope, view_rewrite_loc, &rewrite); if (rewrite == RewritePaste){ managed_variable_set(app, scope, view_next_rewrite_loc, RewritePaste); u64 prev_paste_index = 0; managed_variable_get(app, scope, view_paste_index_loc, &prev_paste_index); i32 paste_index = (i32)prev_paste_index + 1; managed_variable_set(app, scope, view_paste_index_loc, paste_index); i32 len = clipboard_index(app, 0, paste_index, 0, 0); if (len + 1 <= app->memory_size){ char *str = (char*)app->memory; str[0] = '\n'; clipboard_index(app, 0, paste_index, str + 1, len); Buffer_Summary buffer = get_buffer(app, view.buffer_id, access); Range range = get_view_range(&view); buffer_replace_range(app, &buffer, range.max, range.max, str, len + 1); view_set_mark(app, &view, seek_pos(range.max + 1)); view_set_cursor(app, &view, seek_pos(range.max + len + 1), true); // TODO(allen): Send this to all views. Theme_Color paste; paste.tag = Stag_Paste; get_theme_colors(app, &paste, 1); view_post_fade(app, &view, 0.667f, range.max + 1, range.max + len + 1, paste.color); } } else{ exec_command(app, paste); } } } static Range multi_paste_range(Application_Links *app, View_Summary *view, Range range, i32 paste_count, b32 old_to_new){ Range finish_range = range; if (paste_count >= 1){ Buffer_Summary buffer = get_buffer(app, view->buffer_id, AccessOpen); if (buffer.exists){ i32 total_size = 0; for (i32 paste_index = 0; paste_index < paste_count; ++paste_index){ total_size += 1 + clipboard_index(app, 0, paste_index, 0, 0); } total_size -= 1; if (total_size <= app->memory_size){ char *str = (char*)app->memory; i32 position = 0; i32 first = paste_count - 1; i32 one_past_last = -1; i32 step = -1; if (!old_to_new){ first = 0; one_past_last = paste_count; step = 1; } for (i32 paste_index = first; paste_index != one_past_last; paste_index += step){ if (paste_index != first){ str[position] = '\n'; ++position; } i32 len = clipboard_index(app, 0, paste_index, str + position, total_size - position); position += len; } i32 pos = range.min; buffer_replace_range(app, &buffer, range.min, range.max, str, total_size); finish_range.min = pos; finish_range.max = pos + total_size; view_set_mark(app, view, seek_pos(finish_range.min)); view_set_cursor(app, view, seek_pos(finish_range.max), true); // TODO(allen): Send this to all views. Theme_Color paste; paste.tag = Stag_Paste; get_theme_colors(app, &paste, 1); view_post_fade(app, view, 0.667f, finish_range.min, finish_range.max, paste.color); } } } return(finish_range); } static void multi_paste_interactive_up_down(Application_Links *app, i32 paste_count, i32 clip_count){ View_Summary view = get_active_view(app, AccessOpen); Range range = {}; range.min = range.max = view.cursor.pos; b32 old_to_new = true; range = multi_paste_range(app, &view, range, paste_count, old_to_new); Query_Bar bar = {}; bar.prompt = make_lit_string("Up and Down to condense and expand paste stages; R to reverse order; Return to finish; Escape to abort."); if (start_query_bar(app, &bar, 0) == 0) return; User_Input in = {}; for (;;){ in = get_user_input(app, EventOnAnyKey, EventOnEsc); if (in.abort) break; b32 did_modify = false; if (in.key.keycode == key_up){ if (paste_count > 1){ --paste_count; did_modify = true; } } else if (in.key.keycode == key_down){ if (paste_count < clip_count){ ++paste_count; did_modify = true; } } else if (in.key.keycode == 'r' || in.key.keycode == 'R'){ old_to_new = !old_to_new; did_modify = true; } else if (in.key.keycode == '\n'){ break; } if (did_modify){ range = multi_paste_range(app, &view, range, paste_count, old_to_new); } } if (in.abort){ Buffer_Summary buffer = get_buffer(app, view.buffer_id, AccessOpen); buffer_replace_range(app, &buffer, range.min, range.max, 0, 0); } } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(multi_paste_interactive){ i32 clip_count = clipboard_count(app, 0); if (clip_count > 0){ multi_paste_interactive_up_down(app, 1, clip_count); } } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(multi_paste_interactive_quick){ i32 clip_count = clipboard_count(app, 0); if (clip_count > 0){ char string_space[256]; Query_Bar bar = {}; bar.prompt = make_lit_string("How Many Slots To Paste: "); bar.string = make_fixed_width_string(string_space); query_user_number(app, &bar); i32 initial_paste_count = str_to_int_s(bar.string); if (initial_paste_count > clip_count){ initial_paste_count = clip_count; } if (initial_paste_count < 1){ initial_paste_count = 1; } end_query_bar(app, &bar, 0); multi_paste_interactive_up_down(app, initial_paste_count, clip_count); } } // NOTE(allen): Some basic code manipulation ideas. CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(rename_parameter) CUSTOM_DOC("If the cursor is found to be on the name of a function parameter in the signature of a function definition, all occurences within the scope of the function will be replaced with a new provided string.") { u32 access = AccessOpen; View_Summary view = get_active_view(app, access); Buffer_Summary buffer = get_buffer(app, view.buffer_id, access); Partition *part = &global_part; Temp_Memory temp = begin_temp_memory(part); Cpp_Get_Token_Result result; if (buffer_get_token_index(app, &buffer, view.cursor.pos, &result)){ if (!result.in_whitespace_after_token){ static const i32 stream_space_size = 512; Cpp_Token stream_space[stream_space_size]; Stream_Tokens_DEP stream = {}; if (init_stream_tokens(&stream, app, &buffer, result.token_index, stream_space, stream_space_size)){ i32 token_index = result.token_index; Cpp_Token token = stream.tokens[token_index]; if (token.type == CPP_TOKEN_IDENTIFIER){ char old_lexeme_base[128]; String old_lexeme = make_fixed_width_string(old_lexeme_base); if (token.size < sizeof(old_lexeme_base)){ Cpp_Token original_token = token; old_lexeme.size = token.size; buffer_read_range(app, &buffer, token.start, token.start+token.size, old_lexeme.str); i32 proc_body_found = 0; b32 still_looping = 0; ++token_index; do{ for (; token_index < stream.end; ++token_index){ Cpp_Token *token_ptr = stream.tokens + token_index; switch (token_ptr->type){ case CPP_TOKEN_BRACE_OPEN: { proc_body_found = 1; goto doublebreak; }break; case CPP_TOKEN_BRACE_CLOSE: case CPP_TOKEN_PARENTHESE_OPEN: { goto doublebreak; }break; } } still_looping = forward_stream_tokens(&stream); }while(still_looping); doublebreak:; if (proc_body_found){ Query_Bar with; char with_space[1024]; with.prompt = make_lit_string("New Name: "); with.string = make_fixed_width_string(with_space); if (!query_user_string(app, &with)) return; String replace_string = with.string; Buffer_Edit *edits = push_array(part, Buffer_Edit, 0); i32 edit_max = (part_remaining(part))/sizeof(Buffer_Edit); i32 edit_count = 0; if (edit_max >= 1){ Buffer_Edit edit; edit.str_start = 0; edit.len = replace_string.size; edit.start = original_token.start; edit.end = original_token.start + original_token.size; edits[edit_count] = edit; ++edit_count; } i32 nesting_level = 0; i32 closed_correctly = 0; ++token_index; still_looping = 0; do{ for (; token_index < stream.end; ++token_index){ Cpp_Token *token_ptr = stream.tokens + token_index; switch (token_ptr->type){ case CPP_TOKEN_IDENTIFIER: { if (token_ptr->size == old_lexeme.size){ char other_lexeme_base[128]; String other_lexeme = make_fixed_width_string(other_lexeme_base); other_lexeme.size = old_lexeme.size; buffer_read_range(app, &buffer, token_ptr->start, token_ptr->start+token_ptr->size, other_lexeme.str); if (match(old_lexeme, other_lexeme)){ Buffer_Edit edit; edit.str_start = 0; edit.len = replace_string.size; edit.start = token_ptr->start; edit.end = token_ptr->start + token_ptr->size; if (edit_count < edit_max){ edits[edit_count] = edit; ++edit_count; } else{ goto doublebreak2; } } } }break; case CPP_TOKEN_BRACE_OPEN: { ++nesting_level; }break; case CPP_TOKEN_BRACE_CLOSE: { if (nesting_level == 0){ closed_correctly = 1; goto doublebreak2; } else{ --nesting_level; } }break; } } still_looping = forward_stream_tokens(&stream); }while(still_looping); doublebreak2:; if (closed_correctly){ buffer_batch_edit(app, &buffer, replace_string.str, replace_string.size, edits, edit_count, BatchEdit_Normal); } } } } } } } end_temp_memory(temp); } typedef u32 Write_Explicit_Enum_Values_Mode; enum{ WriteExplicitEnumValues_Integers, WriteExplicitEnumValues_Flags, }; static void write_explicit_enum_values_parameters(Application_Links *app, Write_Explicit_Enum_Values_Mode mode){ u32 access = AccessOpen; View_Summary view = get_active_view(app, access); Buffer_Summary buffer = get_buffer(app, view.buffer_id, access); Partition *part = &global_part; Temp_Memory temp = begin_temp_memory(part); Cpp_Get_Token_Result result; if (buffer_get_token_index(app, &buffer, view.cursor.pos, &result)){ if (!result.in_whitespace_after_token){ Cpp_Token stream_space[32]; Stream_Tokens_DEP stream = {}; if (init_stream_tokens(&stream, app, &buffer, result.token_index, stream_space, 32)){ i32 token_index = result.token_index; Cpp_Token token = stream.tokens[token_index]; if (token.type == CPP_TOKEN_BRACE_OPEN){ ++token_index; i32 seeker_index = token_index; Stream_Tokens_DEP seek_stream = begin_temp_stream_token(&stream); b32 closed_correctly = false; b32 still_looping = false; do{ for (; seeker_index < stream.end; ++seeker_index){ Cpp_Token *token_seeker = stream.tokens + seeker_index; switch (token_seeker->type){ case CPP_TOKEN_BRACE_CLOSE: closed_correctly = true; goto finished_seek; case CPP_TOKEN_BRACE_OPEN: goto finished_seek; } } still_looping = forward_stream_tokens(&stream); }while(still_looping); finished_seek:; end_temp_stream_token(&stream, seek_stream); if (closed_correctly){ i32 count_estimate = 1 + (seeker_index - token_index)/2; i32 edit_count = 0; Buffer_Edit *edits = push_array(part, Buffer_Edit, count_estimate); char *string_base = push_array(part, char, 0); String string = make_string(string_base, 0, part_remaining(part)); closed_correctly = false; still_looping = false; u32 value = 0; if (mode == WriteExplicitEnumValues_Flags){ value = 1; } do{ for (;token_index < stream.end; ++token_index){ Cpp_Token *token_ptr = stream.tokens + token_index; switch (token_ptr->type){ case CPP_TOKEN_IDENTIFIER: { i32 edit_start = token_ptr->start + token_ptr->size; i32 edit_stop = edit_start; i32 edit_is_good = 0; ++token_index; do{ for (; token_index < stream.end; ++token_index){ token_ptr = stream.tokens + token_index; switch (token_ptr->type){ case CPP_TOKEN_COMMA: { edit_stop = token_ptr->start; edit_is_good = 1; goto good_edit; }break; case CPP_TOKEN_BRACE_CLOSE: { edit_stop = token_ptr->start; closed_correctly = 1; edit_is_good = 1; goto good_edit; }break; } } still_looping = forward_stream_tokens(&stream); }while(still_looping); good_edit:; if (edit_is_good){ i32 str_pos = string.size; append(&string, " = "); append_int_to_str(&string, value); if (closed_correctly){ append(&string, "\n"); } if (mode == WriteExplicitEnumValues_Integers){ ++value; } else if (mode == WriteExplicitEnumValues_Flags){ if (value < (1 << 31)){ value <<= 1; } } i32 str_size = string.size - str_pos; Buffer_Edit edit; edit.str_start = str_pos; edit.len = str_size; edit.start = edit_start; edit.end = edit_stop; Assert(edit_count < count_estimate); edits[edit_count] = edit; ++edit_count; } if (!edit_is_good || closed_correctly){ goto finished; } }break; case CPP_TOKEN_BRACE_CLOSE: { closed_correctly = 1; goto finished; }break; } } still_looping = forward_stream_tokens(&stream); }while(still_looping); finished:; if (closed_correctly){ buffer_batch_edit(app, &buffer, string_base, string.size, edits, edit_count, BatchEdit_Normal); } } } } } } end_temp_memory(temp); } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(write_explicit_enum_values) CUSTOM_DOC("If the cursor is found to be on the '{' of an enum definition, the values of the enum will be filled in sequentially starting from zero. Existing values are overwritten.") { write_explicit_enum_values_parameters(app, WriteExplicitEnumValues_Integers); } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(write_explicit_enum_flags) CUSTOM_DOC("If the cursor is found to be on the '{' of an enum definition, the values of the enum will be filled in to give each a unique power of 2 value, starting from 1. Existing values are overwritten.") { write_explicit_enum_values_parameters(app, WriteExplicitEnumValues_Flags); } // // Rename All // struct Replace_Target{ Buffer_ID buffer_id; i32 start_pos; }; static void replace_all_occurrences_parameters(Application_Links *app, Heap *heap, Partition *part, String target_string, String new_string){ if (target_string.size <= 0) return; global_history_edit_group_begin(app); for (b32 got_all_occurrences = false; !got_all_occurrences;){ // Initialize a generic search all buffers Search_Set set = {}; Search_Iter iter = {}; initialize_generic_search_all_buffers(app, heap, &target_string, 1, SearchFlag_MatchSubstring, 0, 0, &set, &iter); // Visit all locations and create replacement list Temp_Memory temp = begin_temp_memory(part); Replace_Target *targets = push_array(part, Replace_Target, 0); i32 target_count = 0; got_all_occurrences = true; for (Search_Match match = search_next_match(app, &set, &iter); match.found_match; match = search_next_match(app, &set, &iter)){ Replace_Target *new_target = push_array(part, Replace_Target, 1); if (new_target != 0){ new_target->buffer_id = match.buffer.buffer_id; new_target->start_pos = match.start; ++target_count; } else{ if (!has_substr(new_string, target_string)){ got_all_occurrences = false; } else{ print_message(app, literal("Could not replace all occurrences, ran out of memory\n")); } break; } } // Use replacement list to do replacements i32 shift_per_replacement = new_string.size - target_string.size; i32 current_offset = 0; i32 current_buffer_id = 0; Replace_Target *target = targets; for (i32 i = 0; i < target_count; ++i, ++target){ if (target->buffer_id != current_buffer_id){ current_buffer_id = target->buffer_id; current_offset = 0; } Buffer_Summary buffer = get_buffer(app, target->buffer_id, AccessOpen); i32 pos = target->start_pos + current_offset; buffer_replace_range(app, &buffer, pos, pos + target_string.size, new_string.str, new_string.size); current_offset += shift_per_replacement; } end_temp_memory(temp); } global_history_edit_group_end(app); } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(replace_all_occurrences) CUSTOM_DOC("Queries the user for two strings, and replaces all occurrences of the first string with the second string in all open buffers.") { Query_Bar replace; char replace_space[1024]; replace.prompt = make_lit_string("Replace (In All Buffers): "); replace.string = make_fixed_width_string(replace_space); Query_Bar with; char with_space[1024]; with.prompt = make_lit_string("With: "); with.string = make_fixed_width_string(with_space); if (!query_user_string(app, &replace)) return; if (replace.string.size == 0) return; if (!query_user_string(app, &with)) return; String r = replace.string; String w = with.string; replace_all_occurrences_parameters(app, &global_heap, &global_part, r, w); } extern "C" i32 get_bindings(void *data, i32 size){ Bind_Helper context_ = begin_bind_helper(data, size); Bind_Helper *context = &context_; set_hook(context, hook_buffer_viewer_update, default_view_adjust); set_start_hook(context, default_start); set_open_file_hook(context, default_file_settings); set_new_file_hook(context, default_new_file); set_save_file_hook(context, default_file_save); set_end_file_hook(context, end_file_close_jump_list); set_input_filter(context, default_suppress_mouse_filter); set_command_caller(context, default_command_caller); set_render_caller(context, default_render_caller); set_scroll_rule(context, smooth_scroll_rule); set_buffer_name_resolver(context, default_buffer_name_resolution); set_modify_color_table_hook(context, default_modify_color_table); set_get_view_buffer_region_hook(context, default_view_buffer_region); default_keys(context); // NOTE(allen|a4.0.6): Command maps can be opened more than // once so that you can extend existing maps very easily. // You can also use the helper "restart_map" instead of // begin_map to clear everything that was in the map and // bind new things instead. begin_map(context, mapid_file); bind(context, key_back, MDFR_ALT|MDFR_CTRL, kill_rect); bind(context, ' ', MDFR_ALT|MDFR_CTRL, multi_line_edit); bind(context, key_page_up, MDFR_ALT, miblo_increment_time_stamp); bind(context, key_page_down, MDFR_ALT, miblo_decrement_time_stamp); bind(context, key_home, MDFR_ALT, miblo_increment_time_stamp_minute); bind(context, key_end, MDFR_ALT, miblo_decrement_time_stamp_minute); bind(context, 'b', MDFR_CTRL, multi_paste_interactive_quick); bind(context, 'A', MDFR_CTRL, replace_all_occurrences); end_map(context); begin_map(context, default_code_map); bind(context, key_insert, MDFR_CTRL, write_explicit_enum_values); bind(context, key_insert, MDFR_CTRL|MDFR_SHIFT, write_explicit_enum_flags); bind(context, 'p', MDFR_ALT, rename_parameter); end_map(context); return(end_bind_helper(context)); } // BOTTOM