/* * Mr. 4th Dimention - Allen Webster * * 12.12.2014 * * Win32 layer for 4coder * */ // TOP #define IS_PLAT_LAYER // // Program setup // #define UNICODE #define FPS 60 #define frame_useconds (1000000 / FPS) #include "4coder_base_types.h" #include "4coder_table.h" #include "4coder_API/4coder_version.h" #include #include "4coder_lib/4coder_utf8.h" #if defined(FRED_SUPER) # include "4coder_lib/4coder_heap.h" # include "4coder_lib/4coder_heap.cpp" # include "4coder_base_types.cpp" # include "4coder_stringf.cpp" # include "4coder_hash_functions.cpp" # include "4coder_table.cpp" # include "4coder_log.cpp" # include "4coder_API/4coder_keycodes.h" # include "4coder_API/4coder_default_colors.h" # include "4coder_API/4coder_types.h" #else # include "4coder_default_bindings.cpp" #endif #include "4ed_font_interface.h" #include "4ed_font_set.h" #include "4ed_system.h" #include "4ed_render_target.h" #include "4ed.h" #include #include "win32_gl.h" #define GL_TEXTURE_MAX_LEVEL 0x813D ////////////////////////////// enum{ ErrorString_UseLog = 0, ErrorString_UseErrorBox = 1, }; internal void win32_output_error_string(Arena *scratch, i32 error_string_type); ////////////////////////////// #include "win32_utf8.h" #include "4ed_system_shared.h" #define WM_4coder_ANIMATE (WM_USER + 0) struct Control_Keys{ b8 l_ctrl; b8 r_ctrl; b8 l_alt; b8 r_alt; }; global Control_Keys null_control_keys = {}; struct Win32_Input_Chunk_Transient{ Key_Input_Data key_data; b8 mouse_l_press; b8 mouse_l_release; b8 mouse_r_press; b8 mouse_r_release; b8 out_of_window; i8 mouse_wheel; b8 trying_to_kill; }; global Win32_Input_Chunk_Transient null_input_chunk_transient = {}; struct Win32_Input_Chunk_Persistent{ Vec2_i32 mouse; Control_Keys controls; b8 mouse_l; b8 mouse_r; b8 control_keys[MDFR_INDEX_COUNT]; }; struct Win32_Input_Chunk{ Win32_Input_Chunk_Transient trans; Win32_Input_Chunk_Persistent pers; }; //////////////////////////////// #define SLASH '\\' #define DLL "dll" global System_Functions sysfunc; #include "4ed_shared_library_constants.h" #include "win32_library_wrapper.h" #include "4ed_standard_libraries.cpp" #include "4ed_font_face.cpp" #include "4ed_mem.cpp" #include "4coder_hash_functions.cpp" #include "4ed_system_allocator.cpp" #include "4ed_font_set.cpp" //////////////////////////////// typedef i32 Win32_Object_Kind; enum{ Win32ObjectKind_ERROR = 0, Win32ObjectKind_Timer = 1, Win32ObjectKind_Thread = 2, Win32ObjectKind_Mutex = 3, Win32ObjectKind_CV = 4, }; struct Win32_Object{ Node node; Win32_Object_Kind kind; union{ struct{ UINT_PTR id; } timer; struct{ HANDLE thread; Thread_Function *proc; void *ptr; } thread; CRITICAL_SECTION mutex; CONDITION_VARIABLE cv; }; }; struct Win32_Vars{ Arena arena; Win32_Input_Chunk input_chunk; b8 lctrl_lalt_is_altgr; b8 got_useful_event; b8 full_screen; b8 do_toggle; WINDOWPLACEMENT bordered_win_pos; b32 send_exit_signal; HCURSOR cursor_ibeam; HCURSOR cursor_arrow; HCURSOR cursor_leftright; HCURSOR cursor_updown; i32 cursor_show; i32 prev_cursor_show; String_Const_u8 binary_path; u8 *clip_buffer; u32 clip_max; String_Const_u8 clipboard_contents; b32 next_clipboard_is_self; DWORD clipboard_sequence; Arena clip_post_arena; String_Const_u8 clip_post; HWND window_handle; i32 dpi_x; i32 dpi_y; f64 count_per_usecond; b32 first; i32 running_cli; Node free_win32_objects; Node timer_objects; UINT_PTR timer_counter; CRITICAL_SECTION thread_launch_mutex; CONDITION_VARIABLE thread_launch_cv; b32 waiting_for_launch; Log_Function *log_string; }; //////////////////////////////// global Win32_Vars win32vars; global Render_Target target; global Application_Memory memory_vars; global Plat_Settings plat_settings; global Libraries libraries; global App_Functions app; global Custom_API custom_api; //////////////////////////////// internal void system_error_box(Arena *scratch, char *msg, b32 shutdown = true){ //LOGF("error box: %s\n", msg); MessageBox_utf8(scratch, 0, (u8*)msg, (u8*)"Error", 0); if (shutdown){ exit(1); } } //////////////////////////////// internal void win32_output_error_string(Arena *scratch, b32 use_error_box){ DWORD error = GetLastError(); char *str = 0; char *str_ptr = (char*)&str; if (FormatMessageA(FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, 0, error, 0, str_ptr, 0, 0)){ if (use_error_box){ system_error_box(scratch, str, false); } } } //////////////////////////////// internal HANDLE handle_type(Plat_Handle h){ HANDLE result; block_copy(&result, &h, sizeof(result)); return(result); } internal Plat_Handle handle_type(HANDLE h){ Plat_Handle result = {}; block_copy(&result, &h, sizeof(h)); return(result); } internal void* handle_type_ptr(Plat_Handle h){ void *result; block_copy(&result, &h, sizeof(result)); return(result); } internal Plat_Handle handle_type_ptr(void *ptr){ Plat_Handle result = {}; block_copy(&result, &ptr, sizeof(ptr)); return(result); } //////////////////////////////// #include "win32_4ed_functions.cpp" //////////////////////////////// internal void system_schedule_step(u32 code){ PostMessage(win32vars.window_handle, WM_4coder_ANIMATE, code, 0); } //////////////////////////////// internal void win32_toggle_fullscreen(){ HWND win = win32vars.window_handle; DWORD style = GetWindowLongW(win, GWL_STYLE); b32 is_full = ((style & WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW) == 0); if (!is_full){ MONITORINFO info = {sizeof(MONITORINFO)}; if (GetWindowPlacement(win, &win32vars.bordered_win_pos) && GetMonitorInfo(MonitorFromWindow(win, MONITOR_DEFAULTTOPRIMARY), &info)){ SetWindowLongW(win, GWL_STYLE, style & ~WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW); i32 x = info.rcMonitor.left; i32 y = info.rcMonitor.top; i32 w = info.rcMonitor.right - info.rcMonitor.left; i32 h = info.rcMonitor.bottom - info.rcMonitor.top; SetWindowPos(win, HWND_TOP, x, y, w, h, SWP_NOOWNERZORDER | SWP_FRAMECHANGED | SWP_SHOWWINDOW); win32vars.full_screen = true; } } else{ SetWindowLongW(win, GWL_STYLE, style | WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW); SetWindowPlacement(win, &win32vars.bordered_win_pos); SetWindowPos(win, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOOWNERZORDER | SWP_FRAMECHANGED); win32vars.full_screen = false; } } // TODO(allen): add a "shown but auto-hides on timer" setting here. internal Sys_Show_Mouse_Cursor_Sig(system_show_mouse_cursor){ win32vars.cursor_show = show; } internal Sys_Set_Fullscreen_Sig(system_set_fullscreen){ // NOTE(allen): If the new value of full_screen does not match the current value, // set toggle to true. win32vars.do_toggle = (win32vars.full_screen != full_screen); b32 success = true; return(success); } internal Sys_Is_Fullscreen_Sig(system_is_fullscreen){ // NOTE(allen): Report the fullscreen status as it would be set at the beginning of the next frame. // That is, take into account all fullscreen toggle requests that have come in already this frame. // Read: "full_screen XOR do_toggle" b32 result = (win32vars.full_screen != win32vars.do_toggle); return(result); } #include "4ed_system_shared.cpp" // // Clipboard // internal void win32_post_clipboard(Arena *scratch, char *text, i32 len){ if (OpenClipboard(win32vars.window_handle)){ if (!EmptyClipboard()){ win32_output_error_string(scratch, ErrorString_UseLog); } HANDLE memory_handle = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE, len + 1); if (memory_handle){ char *dest = (char*)GlobalLock(memory_handle); memmove(dest, text, len); dest[len] = 0; GlobalUnlock(memory_handle); SetClipboardData(CF_TEXT, memory_handle); win32vars.next_clipboard_is_self = true; } CloseClipboard(); } } internal Sys_Post_Clipboard_Sig(system_post_clipboard){ Arena *arena = &win32vars.clip_post_arena; if (arena->base_allocator == 0){ *arena = make_arena_system(&sysfunc); } else{ linalloc_clear(arena); } win32vars.clip_post.str = push_array(arena, u8, str.size + 1); if (win32vars.clip_post.str != 0){ block_copy(win32vars.clip_post.str, str.str, str.size); win32vars.clip_post.str[str.size] = 0; win32vars.clip_post.size = str.size; } else{ //LOGF("Failed to allocate buffer for clipboard post (%d)\n", (i32)str.size + 1); } } internal b32 win32_read_clipboard_contents(Arena *scratch){ Temp_Memory temp = begin_temp(scratch); b32 result = false; b32 has_text = false; b32 has_unicode = IsClipboardFormatAvailable(CF_UNICODETEXT); if (!has_unicode){ has_text = IsClipboardFormatAvailable(CF_TEXT); } b32 can_read = has_unicode || has_text; if (can_read){ if (OpenClipboard(win32vars.window_handle)){ result = true; HANDLE clip_data = 0; i32 contents_length = 0; if (has_unicode){ clip_data = GetClipboardData(CF_UNICODETEXT); if (clip_data != 0){ u16 *clip_16 = (u16*)GlobalLock(clip_data); if (clip_16 != 0){ u32 clip_16_len = 0; for(;clip_16[clip_16_len];++clip_16_len); b32 error = false; u32 clip_8_len = (u32)utf16_to_utf8_minimal_checking(win32vars.clip_buffer, win32vars.clip_max-1, clip_16, clip_16_len, &error); for (;clip_8_len >= win32vars.clip_max && !error;){ system_memory_free(win32vars.clip_buffer, win32vars.clip_max); win32vars.clip_max = round_up_u32(clip_8_len + 1, KB(4)); win32vars.clip_buffer = (u8*)system_memory_allocate(win32vars.clip_max); clip_8_len = (u32)utf16_to_utf8_minimal_checking(win32vars.clip_buffer, win32vars.clip_max - 1, clip_16, clip_16_len, &error); } if (clip_8_len < win32vars.clip_max && !error){ win32vars.clip_buffer[clip_8_len] = 0; contents_length = clip_8_len + 1; } } } } else{ clip_data = GetClipboardData(CF_TEXT); if (clip_data != 0){ char *clip_ascii = (char*)GlobalLock(clip_data); if (clip_ascii != 0){ u32 clip_ascii_len = 0; for(;clip_ascii[clip_ascii_len];++clip_ascii_len); if (clip_ascii_len >= win32vars.clip_max){ system_memory_free(win32vars.clip_buffer, win32vars.clip_max); win32vars.clip_max = round_up_u32(clip_ascii_len + 1, KB(4)); win32vars.clip_buffer = (u8*)system_memory_allocate(win32vars.clip_max); } memcpy(win32vars.clip_buffer, clip_ascii, clip_ascii_len + 1); contents_length = clip_ascii_len + 1; } } } if (contents_length > 0){ win32vars.clipboard_contents = SCu8(win32vars.clip_buffer, contents_length - 1); } GlobalUnlock(clip_data); CloseClipboard(); } } end_temp(temp); return(result); } // // Command Line Exectuion // internal Sys_CLI_Call_Sig(system_cli_call, scratch, path, script_name, cli_out){ Assert(sizeof(Plat_Handle) >= sizeof(HANDLE)); char cmd[] = "c:\\windows\\system32\\cmd.exe"; char *env_variables = 0; Temp_Memory temp = begin_temp(scratch); String_Const_u8 s = push_u8_stringf(scratch, "/C %s", script_name); b32 success = false; *(HANDLE*)&cli_out->proc = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; *(HANDLE*)&cli_out->out_read = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; *(HANDLE*)&cli_out->out_write = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; *(HANDLE*)&cli_out->in_read = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; *(HANDLE*)&cli_out->in_write = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES security_atrb = {}; security_atrb.nLength = sizeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES); security_atrb.bInheritHandle = TRUE; HANDLE out_read = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; HANDLE out_write = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; if (CreatePipe(&out_read, &out_write, &security_atrb, 0)){ if (SetHandleInformation(out_read, HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, 0)){ STARTUPINFO startup = {}; startup.cb = sizeof(STARTUPINFO); startup.dwFlags = STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW | STARTF_USESTDHANDLES; HANDLE in_read = CreateFileA("nul", GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ|FILE_SHARE_WRITE|FILE_SHARE_DELETE, &security_atrb, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, 0); startup.hStdInput = in_read; startup.hStdOutput = out_write; startup.hStdError = out_write; startup.wShowWindow = SW_HIDE; PROCESS_INFORMATION info = {}; if (CreateProcess_utf8(scratch, (u8*)cmd, s.str, 0, 0, TRUE, 0, env_variables, (u8*)path, &startup, &info)){ success = true; CloseHandle(info.hThread); *(HANDLE*)&cli_out->proc = info.hProcess; *(HANDLE*)&cli_out->out_read = out_read; *(HANDLE*)&cli_out->out_write = out_write; ++win32vars.running_cli; } else{ CloseHandle(out_read); CloseHandle(out_write); CloseHandle(in_read); } } else{ // TODO(allen): failed SetHandleInformation CloseHandle(out_read); CloseHandle(out_write); } } else{ // TODO(allen): failed CreatePipe } end_temp(temp); return(success); } struct CLI_Loop_Control{ u32 remaining_amount; }; internal Sys_CLI_Begin_Update_Sig(system_cli_begin_update){ Assert(sizeof(cli->scratch_space) >= sizeof(CLI_Loop_Control)); CLI_Loop_Control *loop = (CLI_Loop_Control*)cli->scratch_space; loop->remaining_amount = 0; } internal Sys_CLI_Update_Step_Sig(system_cli_update_step){ HANDLE handle = *(HANDLE*)&cli->out_read; CLI_Loop_Control *loop = (CLI_Loop_Control*)cli->scratch_space; b32 has_more = 0; DWORD remaining = loop->remaining_amount; u32 pos = 0; DWORD read_amount = 0; for (;;){ if (remaining == 0){ if (!PeekNamedPipe(handle, 0, 0, 0, &remaining, 0)) break; if (remaining == 0) break; } if (remaining + pos < max){ has_more = 1; ReadFile(handle, dest + pos, remaining, &read_amount, 0); Assert(remaining == read_amount); pos += remaining; remaining = 0; } else{ has_more = 1; ReadFile(handle, dest + pos, max - pos, &read_amount, 0); Assert(max - pos == read_amount); loop->remaining_amount = remaining - (max - pos); pos = max; break; } } *amount = pos; return(has_more); } internal Sys_CLI_End_Update_Sig(system_cli_end_update){ b32 close_me = false; HANDLE proc = *(HANDLE*)&cli->proc; DWORD result = 0; if (WaitForSingleObject(proc, 0) == WAIT_OBJECT_0){ if (GetExitCodeProcess(proc, &result) == 0){ cli->exit = -1; } else{ cli->exit = (i32)result; } close_me = true; CloseHandle(*(HANDLE*)&cli->proc); CloseHandle(*(HANDLE*)&cli->out_read); CloseHandle(*(HANDLE*)&cli->out_write); if (*(HANDLE*)&cli->in_read != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE){ CloseHandle(*(HANDLE*)&cli->in_read); } if (*(HANDLE*)&cli->in_write != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE){ CloseHandle(*(HANDLE*)&cli->in_write); } --win32vars.running_cli; } return(close_me); } #include "4ed_font_provider_freetype.h" #include "4ed_font_provider_freetype.cpp" #include #include "opengl/4ed_opengl_render.cpp" // // Helpers // global Key_Code keycode_lookup_table[255]; internal void win32_keycode_init(void){ keycode_lookup_table[VK_BACK] = key_back; keycode_lookup_table[VK_DELETE] = key_del; keycode_lookup_table[VK_UP] = key_up; keycode_lookup_table[VK_DOWN] = key_down; keycode_lookup_table[VK_LEFT] = key_left; keycode_lookup_table[VK_RIGHT] = key_right; keycode_lookup_table[VK_INSERT] = key_insert; keycode_lookup_table[VK_HOME] = key_home; keycode_lookup_table[VK_END] = key_end; keycode_lookup_table[VK_PRIOR] = key_page_up; keycode_lookup_table[VK_NEXT] = key_page_down; keycode_lookup_table[VK_ESCAPE] = key_esc; keycode_lookup_table[VK_CONTROL] = key_ctrl; keycode_lookup_table[VK_LCONTROL] = key_ctrl; keycode_lookup_table[VK_RCONTROL] = key_ctrl; keycode_lookup_table[VK_MENU] = key_alt; keycode_lookup_table[VK_LMENU] = key_alt; keycode_lookup_table[VK_RMENU] = key_alt; keycode_lookup_table[VK_SHIFT] = key_shift; keycode_lookup_table[VK_LSHIFT] = key_shift; keycode_lookup_table[VK_RSHIFT] = key_shift; keycode_lookup_table[VK_PAUSE] = key_pause; keycode_lookup_table[VK_CAPITAL] = key_caps; keycode_lookup_table[VK_NUMLOCK] = key_num_lock; keycode_lookup_table[VK_SCROLL] = key_scroll_lock; keycode_lookup_table[VK_APPS] = key_menu; keycode_lookup_table[VK_F1] = key_f1; keycode_lookup_table[VK_F2] = key_f2; keycode_lookup_table[VK_F3] = key_f3; keycode_lookup_table[VK_F4] = key_f4; keycode_lookup_table[VK_F5] = key_f5; keycode_lookup_table[VK_F6] = key_f6; keycode_lookup_table[VK_F7] = key_f7; keycode_lookup_table[VK_F8] = key_f8; keycode_lookup_table[VK_F9] = key_f9; keycode_lookup_table[VK_F10] = key_f10; keycode_lookup_table[VK_F11] = key_f11; keycode_lookup_table[VK_F12] = key_f12; keycode_lookup_table[VK_F13] = key_f13; keycode_lookup_table[VK_F14] = key_f14; keycode_lookup_table[VK_F15] = key_f15; keycode_lookup_table[VK_F16] = key_f16; } internal void win32_resize(i32 width, i32 height){ if (width > 0 && height > 0){ target.width = width; target.height = height; } } #if 0 internal void win32_init_gl(HDC hdc){ //LOG("trying to load wgl extensions...\n"); #define GLInitFail(s) system_error_box(FNLN "\nOpenGL init fail - " s ) // Init First Context WNDCLASSA wglclass = {}; wglclass.lpfnWndProc = DefWindowProcA; wglclass.hInstance = GetModuleHandle(0); wglclass.lpszClassName = "4ed-wgl-loader"; if (RegisterClassA(&wglclass) == 0){ GLInitFail("RegisterClassA"); } HWND hwglwnd = CreateWindowExA(0, wglclass.lpszClassName, "", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, wglclass.hInstance, 0); if (hwglwnd == 0){ GLInitFail("CreateWindowExA"); } HDC hwgldc = GetDC(hwglwnd); PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR format = {}; format.nSize = sizeof(format); format.nVersion = 1; //format.dwFlags = PFD_SUPPORT_OPENGL | PFD_DRAW_TO_WINDOW | PFD_DOUBLEBUFFER; format.dwFlags = PFD_SUPPORT_OPENGL | PFD_DRAW_TO_WINDOW; format.iPixelType = PFD_TYPE_RGBA; format.cColorBits = 32; format.cAlphaBits = 8; format.cDepthBits = 24; format.iLayerType = PFD_MAIN_PLANE; i32 suggested_format_index = ChoosePixelFormat(hwgldc, &format); if (suggested_format_index == 0){ win32_output_error_string(ErrorString_UseErrorBox); GLInitFail("ChoosePixelFormat"); } DescribePixelFormat(hwgldc, suggested_format_index, sizeof(format), &format); if (!SetPixelFormat(hwgldc, suggested_format_index, &format)){ win32_output_error_string(ErrorString_UseErrorBox); GLInitFail("SetPixelFormat"); } HGLRC wglcontext = wglCreateContext(hwgldc); if (wglcontext == 0){ win32_output_error_string(ErrorString_UseErrorBox); GLInitFail("wglCreateContext"); } if (!wglMakeCurrent(hwgldc, wglcontext)){ win32_output_error_string(ErrorString_UseErrorBox); GLInitFail("wglMakeCurrent"); } // Load wgl Extensions #define LoadWGL(f, s) f = (f##_Function*)wglGetProcAddress(#f); b32 got_##f = GLFuncGood(f); \ if (!got_##f) { if (s) { GLInitFail(#f " missing"); } else { f = 0; } } LoadWGL(wglCreateContextAttribsARB, true); LoadWGL(wglChoosePixelFormatARB, true); LoadWGL(wglGetExtensionsStringEXT, true); //LOG("got wgl functions\n"); char *extensions_c = wglGetExtensionsStringEXT(); String extensions = make_string_slowly(extensions_c); if (has_substr(extensions, make_lit_string("WGL_EXT_swap_interval"))){ LoadWGL(wglSwapIntervalEXT, false); if (wglSwapIntervalEXT != 0){ //LOG("got wglSwapIntervalEXT\n"); } } // Init the Second Context int pixel_attrib_list[] = { WGL_DRAW_TO_WINDOW_ARB, TRUE, WGL_ACCELERATION_ARB, WGL_FULL_ACCELERATION_ARB, WGL_SUPPORT_OPENGL_ARB, TRUE, //WGL_DOUBLE_BUFFER_ARB, TRUE, WGL_DOUBLE_BUFFER_ARB, FALSE, WGL_PIXEL_TYPE_ARB, WGL_TYPE_RGBA_ARB, 0, }; u32 ignore = 0; if (!wglChoosePixelFormatARB(hdc, pixel_attrib_list, 0, 1, &suggested_format_index, &ignore)){ GLInitFail("wglChoosePixelFormatARB"); } DescribePixelFormat(hdc, suggested_format_index, sizeof(format), &format); if (!SetPixelFormat(hdc, suggested_format_index, &format)){ GLInitFail("SetPixelFormat"); } i32 context_attrib_list[] = { WGL_CONTEXT_MAJOR_VERSION_ARB, 2, WGL_CONTEXT_MINOR_VERSION_ARB, 1, WGL_CONTEXT_FLAGS_ARB, 0, WGL_CONTEXT_PROFILE_MASK_ARB, WGL_CONTEXT_CORE_PROFILE_BIT_ARB, 0 }; HGLRC context = wglCreateContextAttribsARB(hdc, 0, context_attrib_list); if (context == 0){ GLInitFail("wglCreateContextAttribsARB"); } wglMakeCurrent(hdc, context); if (wglSwapIntervalEXT != 0){ //LOGF("setting swap interval %d\n", 1); wglSwapIntervalEXT(1); } ReleaseDC(hwglwnd, hwgldc); DestroyWindow(hwglwnd); wglDeleteContext(wglcontext); //LOG("successfully enabled opengl\n"); } #endif internal void Win32SetCursorFromUpdate(Application_Mouse_Cursor cursor){ switch (cursor){ case APP_MOUSE_CURSOR_ARROW: { SetCursor(win32vars.cursor_arrow); }break; case APP_MOUSE_CURSOR_IBEAM: { SetCursor(win32vars.cursor_ibeam); }break; case APP_MOUSE_CURSOR_LEFTRIGHT: { SetCursor(win32vars.cursor_leftright); }break; case APP_MOUSE_CURSOR_UPDOWN: { SetCursor(win32vars.cursor_updown); }break; } } internal Win32_Object* win32_alloc_object(Win32_Object_Kind kind){ Win32_Object *result = 0; if (win32vars.free_win32_objects.next != &win32vars.free_win32_objects){ result = CastFromMember(Win32_Object, node, win32vars.free_win32_objects.next); } if (result == 0){ i32 count = 512; Win32_Object *objects = (Win32_Object*)system_memory_allocate(count*sizeof(Win32_Object)); objects[0].node.prev = &win32vars.free_win32_objects; win32vars.free_win32_objects.next = &objects[0].node; for (i32 i = 1; i < count; i += 1){ objects[i - 1].node.next = &objects[i].node; objects[i].node.prev = &objects[i - 1].node; } objects[count - 1].node.next = &win32vars.free_win32_objects; win32vars.free_win32_objects.prev = &objects[count - 1].node; result = CastFromMember(Win32_Object, node, win32vars.free_win32_objects.next); } Assert(result != 0); dll_remove(&result->node); block_zero_struct(result); result->kind = kind; return(result); } internal void win32_free_object(Win32_Object *object){ if (object->node.next != 0){ dll_remove(&object->node); } dll_insert(&win32vars.free_win32_objects, &object->node); } //////////////////////////////// internal Sys_Now_Time_Sig(system_now_time){ u64 result = 0; LARGE_INTEGER t; if (QueryPerformanceCounter(&t)){ result = (u64)(t.QuadPart/win32vars.count_per_usecond); } return(result); } internal Sys_Wake_Up_Timer_Create_Sig(system_wake_up_timer_create){ Win32_Object *object = win32_alloc_object(Win32ObjectKind_Timer); dll_insert(&win32vars.timer_objects, &object->node); object->timer.id = ++win32vars.timer_counter; return(handle_type(object)); } internal Sys_Wake_Up_Timer_Release_Sig(system_wake_up_timer_release){ Win32_Object *object = (Win32_Object*)handle_type_ptr(handle); if (object->kind == Win32ObjectKind_Timer){ KillTimer(win32vars.window_handle, object->timer.id); win32_free_object(object); } } internal Sys_Wake_Up_Timer_Set_Sig(system_wake_up_timer_set){ Win32_Object *object = (Win32_Object*)handle_type_ptr(handle); if (object->kind == Win32ObjectKind_Timer){ object->timer.id = SetTimer(win32vars.window_handle, object->timer.id, time_milliseconds, 0); } } internal Sys_Signal_Step_Sig(system_signal_step){ system_schedule_step(code); } internal Sys_Sleep_Sig(system_sleep){ u32 milliseconds = (u32)(microseconds/Thousand(1)); Sleep(milliseconds); } //////////////////////////////// internal DWORD win32_thread_wrapper(void *ptr){ Win32_Object *object = (Win32_Object*)ptr; Thread_Function *proc = object->thread.proc; void *object_ptr = object->thread.ptr; win32vars.waiting_for_launch = false; WakeConditionVariable(&win32vars.thread_launch_cv); proc(object_ptr); return(0); } internal Sys_Thread_Launch_Sig(system_thread_launch){ Win32_Object *object = win32_alloc_object(Win32ObjectKind_Thread); object->thread.proc = proc; object->thread.ptr = ptr; EnterCriticalSection(&win32vars.thread_launch_mutex); win32vars.waiting_for_launch = true; object->thread.thread = CreateThread(0, 0, win32_thread_wrapper, object, 0, 0); for (;win32vars.waiting_for_launch;){ SleepConditionVariableCS(&win32vars.thread_launch_cv, &win32vars.thread_launch_mutex, INFINITE); } LeaveCriticalSection(&win32vars.thread_launch_mutex); return(handle_type(object)); } internal Sys_Thread_Join_Sig(system_thread_join){ Win32_Object *object = (Win32_Object*)handle_type_ptr(thread); if (object->kind == Win32ObjectKind_Thread){ WaitForSingleObject(object->thread.thread, INFINITE); } } internal Sys_Thread_Free_Sig(system_thread_free){ Win32_Object *object = (Win32_Object*)handle_type_ptr(thread); if (object->kind == Win32ObjectKind_Thread){ CloseHandle(object->thread.thread); win32_free_object(object); } } internal Sys_Thread_Get_ID_Sig(system_thread_get_id){ DWORD result = GetCurrentThreadId(); return((i32)result); } internal Sys_Mutex_Make_Sig(system_mutex_make){ Win32_Object *object = win32_alloc_object(Win32ObjectKind_Mutex); InitializeCriticalSection(&object->mutex); return(handle_type(object)); } internal Sys_Mutex_Acquire_Sig(system_mutex_acquire){ Win32_Object *object = (Win32_Object*)handle_type_ptr(mutex); if (object->kind == Win32ObjectKind_Mutex){ EnterCriticalSection(&object->mutex); } } internal Sys_Mutex_Release_Sig(system_mutex_release){ Win32_Object *object = (Win32_Object*)handle_type_ptr(mutex); if (object->kind == Win32ObjectKind_Mutex){ LeaveCriticalSection(&object->mutex); } } internal Sys_Mutex_Free_Sig(system_mutex_free){ Win32_Object *object = (Win32_Object*)handle_type_ptr(mutex); if (object->kind == Win32ObjectKind_Mutex){ DeleteCriticalSection(&object->mutex); win32_free_object(object); } } internal Sys_Condition_Variable_Make_Sig(system_condition_variable_make){ Win32_Object *object = win32_alloc_object(Win32ObjectKind_CV); InitializeConditionVariable(&object->cv); return(handle_type(object)); } internal Sys_Condition_Variable_Wait_Sig(system_condition_variable_wait){ Win32_Object *object_cv = (Win32_Object*)handle_type_ptr(cv); Win32_Object *object_mutex = (Win32_Object*)handle_type_ptr(mutex); if (object_cv->kind == Win32ObjectKind_CV && object_mutex->kind == Win32ObjectKind_Mutex){ SleepConditionVariableCS(&object_cv->cv, &object_mutex->mutex, INFINITE); } } internal Sys_Condition_Variable_Signal_Sig(system_condition_variable_signal){ Win32_Object *object = (Win32_Object*)handle_type_ptr(cv); if (object->kind == Win32ObjectKind_CV){ WakeConditionVariable(&object->cv); } } internal Sys_Condition_Variable_Free_Sig(system_condition_variable_free){ Win32_Object *object = (Win32_Object*)handle_type_ptr(cv); if (object->kind == Win32ObjectKind_CV){ win32_free_object(object); } } //////////////////////////////// internal LRESULT win32_proc(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam){ LRESULT result = 0; Arena *scratch = &win32vars.arena; switch (uMsg){ case WM_MENUCHAR:break; case WM_SYSKEYDOWN: case WM_SYSKEYUP: case WM_KEYDOWN: case WM_KEYUP: { b8 release = HasFlag(lParam, bit_32); b8 down = !release; b8 is_right = HasFlag(lParam, bit_25); switch (wParam){ case VK_CONTROL:case VK_LCONTROL:case VK_RCONTROL: case VK_MENU:case VK_LMENU:case VK_RMENU: case VK_SHIFT:case VK_LSHIFT:case VK_RSHIFT: { Control_Keys *controls = &win32vars.input_chunk.pers.controls; b8 *control_keys = win32vars.input_chunk.pers.control_keys; if (wParam != 255){ switch (wParam){ case VK_SHIFT: { control_keys[MDFR_SHIFT_INDEX] = down; }break; case VK_CONTROL: { if (is_right){ controls->r_ctrl = down; } else{ controls->l_ctrl = down; } }break; case VK_MENU: { if (is_right){ controls->r_alt = down; } else{ controls->l_alt = down; } }break; } b8 ctrl = (controls->r_ctrl || (controls->l_ctrl && !controls->r_alt)); b8 alt = (controls->l_alt || (controls->r_alt && !controls->l_ctrl)); if (win32vars.lctrl_lalt_is_altgr && controls->l_alt && controls->l_ctrl){ ctrl = false; alt = false; } control_keys[MDFR_CONTROL_INDEX] = ctrl; control_keys[MDFR_ALT_INDEX] = alt; } }break; } if (down){ Key_Code key = keycode_lookup_table[(u8)wParam]; if (key != 0){ i32 *count = &win32vars.input_chunk.trans.key_data.count; Key_Event_Data *data = win32vars.input_chunk.trans.key_data.keys; b8 *control_keys = win32vars.input_chunk.pers.control_keys; i32 control_keys_size = sizeof(win32vars.input_chunk.pers.control_keys); if (*count < KEY_INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE){ data[*count].character = 0; data[*count].character_no_caps_lock = 0; data[*count].keycode = key; memcpy(data[*count].modifiers, control_keys, control_keys_size); ++(*count); } win32vars.got_useful_event = true; } } }break; case WM_CHAR: case WM_SYSCHAR: case WM_UNICHAR: { u16 character = (u16)wParam; if (character == '\r'){ character = '\n'; } else if (character == '\t'){ // Do nothing } else if (character < 32 || character == 127){ break; } u16 character_no_caps_lock = character; i32 *count = &win32vars.input_chunk.trans.key_data.count; Key_Event_Data *data = win32vars.input_chunk.trans.key_data.keys; b8 *control_keys = win32vars.input_chunk.pers.control_keys; i32 control_keys_size = sizeof(win32vars.input_chunk.pers.control_keys); BYTE state[256]; GetKeyboardState(state); if (state[VK_CAPITAL]){ if (character_no_caps_lock >= 'a' && character_no_caps_lock <= 'z'){ character_no_caps_lock -= (u8)('a' - 'A'); } else if (character_no_caps_lock >= 'A' && character_no_caps_lock <= 'Z'){ character_no_caps_lock += (u8)('a' - 'A'); } } if (*count < KEY_INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE){ data[*count].character = character; data[*count].character_no_caps_lock = character_no_caps_lock; data[*count].keycode = character_no_caps_lock; memcpy(data[*count].modifiers, control_keys, control_keys_size); ++(*count); } win32vars.got_useful_event = true; }break; case WM_MOUSEMOVE: { Vec2_i32 new_m = V2i32(LOWORD(lParam), HIWORD(lParam)); if (new_m != win32vars.input_chunk.pers.mouse){ win32vars.input_chunk.pers.mouse = new_m; win32vars.got_useful_event = true; } }break; case WM_MOUSEWHEEL: { win32vars.got_useful_event = true; i32 rotation = GET_WHEEL_DELTA_WPARAM(wParam); if (rotation > 0){ win32vars.input_chunk.trans.mouse_wheel = -100; } else{ win32vars.input_chunk.trans.mouse_wheel = 100; } }break; case WM_LBUTTONDOWN: { win32vars.got_useful_event = true; win32vars.input_chunk.trans.mouse_l_press = 1; win32vars.input_chunk.pers.mouse_l = 1; }break; case WM_RBUTTONDOWN: { win32vars.got_useful_event = true; win32vars.input_chunk.trans.mouse_r_press = 1; win32vars.input_chunk.pers.mouse_r = 1; }break; case WM_LBUTTONUP: { win32vars.got_useful_event = true; win32vars.input_chunk.trans.mouse_l_release = 1; win32vars.input_chunk.pers.mouse_l = 0; }break; case WM_RBUTTONUP: { win32vars.got_useful_event = true; win32vars.input_chunk.trans.mouse_r_release = 1; win32vars.input_chunk.pers.mouse_r = 0; }break; case WM_KILLFOCUS: case WM_SETFOCUS: { win32vars.got_useful_event = true; win32vars.input_chunk.pers.mouse_l = 0; win32vars.input_chunk.pers.mouse_r = 0; for (i32 i = 0; i < MDFR_INDEX_COUNT; ++i){ win32vars.input_chunk.pers.control_keys[i] = 0; } win32vars.input_chunk.pers.controls = null_control_keys; }break; case WM_SIZE: { win32vars.got_useful_event = true; i32 new_width = LOWORD(lParam); i32 new_height = HIWORD(lParam); win32_resize(new_width, new_height); }break; case WM_DISPLAYCHANGE: { win32vars.got_useful_event = true; LONG_PTR style = GetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, GWL_STYLE); if (!(style & WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW)){ MONITORINFO monitor_info = {sizeof(MONITORINFO)}; if(GetMonitorInfo(MonitorFromWindow(hwnd, MONITOR_DEFAULTTOPRIMARY), &monitor_info)) { SetWindowPos(hwnd, HWND_TOP, monitor_info.rcMonitor.left, monitor_info.rcMonitor.top, monitor_info.rcMonitor.right - monitor_info.rcMonitor.left, monitor_info.rcMonitor.bottom - monitor_info.rcMonitor.top, SWP_NOOWNERZORDER | SWP_FRAMECHANGED); } } }break; case WM_PAINT: { win32vars.got_useful_event = true; PAINTSTRUCT ps; HDC hdc = BeginPaint(hwnd, &ps); // NOTE(allen): Do nothing? EndPaint(hwnd, &ps); }break; case WM_CLIPBOARDUPDATE: { win32vars.got_useful_event = true; LogEventLit(win32vars.log_string(M), scratch, 0, 0, system_thread_get_id(), "new clipboard contents"); }break; case WM_CLOSE: case WM_DESTROY: { win32vars.got_useful_event = true; win32vars.input_chunk.trans.trying_to_kill = true; }break; case WM_TIMER: { UINT_PTR timer_id = (UINT_PTR)wParam; KillTimer(win32vars.window_handle, timer_id); win32vars.got_useful_event = true; }break; case WM_4coder_ANIMATE: { win32vars.got_useful_event = true; }break; default: { result = DefWindowProc(hwnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam); }break; } return(result); } //////////////////////////////// internal b32 win32_wgl_good(Void_Func *f){ return(f != 0 && f != (Void_Func*)1 && f != (Void_Func*)2 && f != (Void_Func*)3 && f != (Void_Func*)-1); } typedef HGLRC (wglCreateContextAttribsARB_Function)(HDC,HGLRC,i32*); typedef BOOL (wglChoosePixelFormatARB_Function)(HDC,i32*,f32*,u32,i32*,u32*); typedef char* (wglGetExtensionsStringEXT_Function)(); typedef VOID (wglSwapIntervalEXT_Function)(i32); global wglCreateContextAttribsARB_Function *wglCreateContextAttribsARB = 0; global wglChoosePixelFormatARB_Function *wglChoosePixelFormatARB = 0; global wglGetExtensionsStringEXT_Function *wglGetExtensionsStringEXT = 0; global wglSwapIntervalEXT_Function *wglSwapIntervalEXT = 0; // TODO(allen): This requires all windows to be handled on a single thread. // We would need a platform side thread context to get around this which would // probably mean thread local storage would have to get involved. global HWND win32_current_gl_window = 0; internal b32 win32_gl_create_window(HWND *wnd_out, HGLRC *context_out, DWORD style, RECT rect){ HINSTANCE this_instance = GetModuleHandle(0); local_persist b32 srgb_support = false; local_persist b32 register_success = true; local_persist b32 first_call = true; if (first_call){ first_call = false; // NOTE(allen): Create the GL bootstrap window WNDCLASSW wglclass = {}; wglclass.lpfnWndProc = DefWindowProcW; wglclass.hInstance = this_instance; wglclass.lpszClassName = L"wgl-loader"; if (RegisterClassW(&wglclass) == 0){ register_success = false; goto fail_register; } HWND wglwindow = CreateWindowW(wglclass.lpszClassName, L"", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, this_instance, 0); if (wglwindow == 0){ register_success = false; goto fail_register; } // NOTE(allen): Create the GL bootstrap context HDC wgldc = GetDC(wglwindow); PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR format = {}; format.nSize = sizeof(format); format.nVersion = 1; format.dwFlags = PFD_SUPPORT_OPENGL | PFD_DRAW_TO_WINDOW | PFD_DOUBLEBUFFER; format.iPixelType = PFD_TYPE_RGBA; format.cColorBits = 32; format.cAlphaBits = 8; format.cDepthBits = 24; format.iLayerType = PFD_MAIN_PLANE; i32 suggested_format_index = ChoosePixelFormat(wgldc, &format); if (!SetPixelFormat(wgldc, suggested_format_index, &format)){ register_success = false; goto fail_register; } HGLRC wglcontext = wglCreateContext(wgldc); if (wglcontext == 0){ register_success = false; goto fail_register; } if (!wglMakeCurrent(wgldc, wglcontext)){ register_success = false; goto fail_register; } // NOTE(allen): Load wgl extensions #define LoadWGL(f,l) Stmnt((f) = (f##_Function*)wglGetProcAddress(#f); \ (l) = (l) && win32_wgl_good((Void_Func*)(f));) b32 load_success = true; LoadWGL(wglCreateContextAttribsARB, load_success); LoadWGL(wglChoosePixelFormatARB, load_success); LoadWGL(wglGetExtensionsStringEXT, load_success); if (!load_success){ register_success = false; goto fail_register; } char *extensions_c = wglGetExtensionsStringEXT(); String_Const_u8 extensions = SCu8((u8*)extensions_c); { String_Const_u8 s = string_skip_whitespace(extensions); for (;s.size > 0;){ umem end = string_find_first_whitespace(s); String_Const_u8 m = string_prefix(s, end); if (string_match(m, string_u8_litexpr("WGL_EXT_framebuffer_sRGB")) || string_match(m, string_u8_litexpr("WGL_ARB_framebuffer_sRGB"))){ srgb_support = true; } else if (string_match(m, string_u8_litexpr("WGL_EXT_swap_interval"))){ b32 wgl_swap_interval_ext = true; LoadWGL(wglSwapIntervalEXT, wgl_swap_interval_ext); if (!wgl_swap_interval_ext){ wglSwapIntervalEXT = 0; } } s = string_skip_whitespace(string_skip(s, end)); } } // NOTE(allen): Load gl functions #define GL_FUNC(f,R,P) LoadWGL(f,load_success); #include "opengl/4ed_opengl_funcs.h" if (!load_success){ register_success = false; goto fail_register; } // NOTE(allen): Cleanup the GL bootstrap resources ReleaseDC(wglwindow, wgldc); DestroyWindow(wglwindow); wglDeleteContext(wglcontext); // NOTE(allen): Register the graphics window class WNDCLASSW wndclass = {}; wndclass.style = CS_HREDRAW|CS_VREDRAW|CS_DBLCLKS; wndclass.lpfnWndProc = win32_proc; wndclass.hInstance = this_instance; wndclass.lpszClassName = L"GRAPHICS-WINDOW-NAME"; if (RegisterClassW(&wndclass) == 0){ register_success = false; goto fail_register; } } fail_register:; b32 result = false; if (register_success){ // NOTE(allen): Create the graphics window HWND wnd = CreateWindowExW(0, L"GRAPHICS-WINDOW-NAME", L"GRAPHICS", style, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, rect.right - rect.left, rect.bottom - rect.top, 0, 0, this_instance, 0); *wnd_out = 0; *context_out = 0; if (wnd != 0){ HDC dc = GetDC(wnd); PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR format = {}; i32 pixel_attrib_list[] = { /* 0*/WGL_DRAW_TO_WINDOW_ARB, TRUE, /* 2*/WGL_ACCELERATION_ARB, WGL_FULL_ACCELERATION_ARB, /* 4*/WGL_SUPPORT_OPENGL_ARB, TRUE, /* 6*/WGL_DOUBLE_BUFFER_ARB, false, /* 8*/WGL_PIXEL_TYPE_ARB, WGL_TYPE_RGBA_ARB, /*10*/WGL_FRAMEBUFFER_SRGB_CAPABLE_ARB, GL_TRUE, /*12*/0, }; if (!srgb_support){ pixel_attrib_list[10] = 0; } i32 suggested_format_index = 0; u32 ignore = 0; if (!wglChoosePixelFormatARB(dc, pixel_attrib_list, 0, 1, &suggested_format_index, &ignore)){ goto fail_window_init; } DescribePixelFormat(dc, suggested_format_index, sizeof(format), &format); if (!SetPixelFormat(dc, suggested_format_index, &format)){ goto fail_window_init; } #if 1 i32 context_attrib_list[] = { /*0*/WGL_CONTEXT_MAJOR_VERSION_ARB, 3, /*2*/WGL_CONTEXT_MINOR_VERSION_ARB, 2, /*4*/WGL_CONTEXT_FLAGS_ARB, WGL_CONTEXT_FORWARD_COMPATIBLE_BIT_ARB #if GL_DEBUG_MODE |WGL_CONTEXT_DEBUG_BIT_ARB #endif , /*6*/WGL_CONTEXT_PROFILE_MASK_ARB, WGL_CONTEXT_CORE_PROFILE_BIT_ARB, /*8*/0 }; #else i32 context_attrib_list[] = { WGL_CONTEXT_MAJOR_VERSION_ARB, 2, WGL_CONTEXT_MINOR_VERSION_ARB, 1, WGL_CONTEXT_FLAGS_ARB, 0, WGL_CONTEXT_PROFILE_MASK_ARB, WGL_CONTEXT_CORE_PROFILE_BIT_ARB, 0 }; #endif HGLRC context = wglCreateContextAttribsARB(dc, 0, context_attrib_list); if (context == 0){ goto fail_window_init; } wglMakeCurrent(dc, context); win32_current_gl_window = wnd; if (wglSwapIntervalEXT != 0){ wglSwapIntervalEXT(1); } *wnd_out = wnd; *context_out = context; result = true; if (false){ fail_window_init:; DWORD error = GetLastError(); ReleaseDC(wnd, dc); DestroyWindow(wnd); SetLastError(error); } } } return(result); } //////////////////////////////// #include "4ed_link_system_functions.cpp" #include "4ed_shared_init_logic.cpp" int CALL_CONVENTION WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow){ i32 argc = __argc; char **argv = __argv; // // System Linkage // sysfunc.font_make_face = ft__font_make_face; sysfunc.get_texture = gl__get_texture; sysfunc.fill_texture = gl__fill_texture; link_system_code(); // // Memory init // memset(&win32vars, 0, sizeof(win32vars)); memset(&target, 0, sizeof(target)); memset(&memory_vars, 0, sizeof(memory_vars)); memset(&plat_settings, 0, sizeof(plat_settings)); win32vars.arena = make_arena_system(&sysfunc); memset(&libraries, 0, sizeof(libraries)); memset(&app, 0, sizeof(app)); memset(&custom_api, 0, sizeof(custom_api)); memory_init(&win32vars.arena); win32vars.cursor_show = MouseCursorShow_Always; win32vars.prev_cursor_show = MouseCursorShow_Always; dll_init_sentinel(&win32vars.free_win32_objects); dll_init_sentinel(&win32vars.timer_objects); InitializeCriticalSection(&win32vars.thread_launch_mutex); InitializeConditionVariable(&win32vars.thread_launch_cv); // // HACK(allen): // Previously zipped stuff is here, it should be zipped in the new pattern now. // init_shared_vars(); load_app_code(&win32vars.arena); win32vars.log_string = app.get_logger(&sysfunc); read_command_line(&win32vars.arena, argc, argv); // // Load Custom Code // #if defined(FRED_SUPER) load_custom_code(&win32vars.arena); #else custom_api.get_bindings = get_bindings; #endif // // Window and GL Initialization // RECT window_rect = {}; if (plat_settings.set_window_size){ window_rect.right = plat_settings.window_w; window_rect.bottom = plat_settings.window_h; } else{ window_rect.right = 800; window_rect.bottom = 600; } if (!AdjustWindowRect(&window_rect, WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, false)){ //LOG("Could not get adjusted window.\n"); } i32 window_style = WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW; if (!plat_settings.fullscreen_window && plat_settings.maximize_window){ window_style |= WS_MAXIMIZE; } HGLRC window_opengl_context = 0; if (!win32_gl_create_window(&win32vars.window_handle, &window_opengl_context, window_style, window_rect)){ exit(1); } GetClientRect(win32vars.window_handle, &window_rect); win32_resize(window_rect.right - window_rect.left, window_rect.bottom - window_rect.top); // // Misc System Initializations // if (!AddClipboardFormatListener(win32vars.window_handle)){ win32_output_error_string(&win32vars.arena, ErrorString_UseLog); } win32vars.clip_max = KB(16); win32vars.clip_buffer = (u8*)system_memory_allocate(win32vars.clip_max); win32vars.clipboard_sequence = GetClipboardSequenceNumber(); if (win32vars.clipboard_sequence == 0){ win32_post_clipboard(&win32vars.arena, "", 0); win32vars.clipboard_sequence = GetClipboardSequenceNumber(); win32vars.next_clipboard_is_self = 0; if (win32vars.clipboard_sequence == 0){ OutputDebugStringA("Failure while initializing clipboard\n"); } } else{ win32_read_clipboard_contents(&win32vars.arena); } win32_keycode_init(); win32vars.cursor_ibeam = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_IBEAM); win32vars.cursor_arrow = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW); win32vars.cursor_leftright = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_SIZEWE); win32vars.cursor_updown = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_SIZENS); LARGE_INTEGER f; if (QueryPerformanceFrequency(&f)){ win32vars.count_per_usecond = (f32)f.QuadPart / 1000000.f; } else{ // NOTE(allen): Just guess. win32vars.count_per_usecond = 1.f; } Assert(win32vars.count_per_usecond > 0.f); // // App init // { Temp_Memory temp = begin_temp(&win32vars.arena); String_Const_u8 curdir = sysfunc.get_current_path(&win32vars.arena); curdir = string_mod_replace_character(curdir, '\\', '/'); app.init(&sysfunc, &target, &memory_vars, win32vars.clipboard_contents, curdir, custom_api); end_temp(temp); } // // Main loop // b32 keep_running = true; win32vars.first = true; timeBeginPeriod(1); if (plat_settings.fullscreen_window){ win32_toggle_fullscreen(); } SetForegroundWindow(win32vars.window_handle); SetActiveWindow(win32vars.window_handle); ShowWindow(win32vars.window_handle, SW_SHOW); //LOG("Beginning main loop\n"); u64 timer_start = system_now_time(); MSG msg; for (;keep_running;){ // TODO(allen): Find a good way to wait on a pipe // without interfering with the reading process. // NOTE(allen): Looks like we can ReadFile with a // size of zero in an IOCP for this effect. if (!win32vars.first){ if (win32vars.running_cli == 0){ win32vars.got_useful_event = false; } b32 get_more_messages = true; do{ if (win32vars.got_useful_event == 0){ get_more_messages = GetMessage(&msg, 0, 0, 0); } else{ get_more_messages = PeekMessage(&msg, 0, 0, 0, 1); } if (get_more_messages){ if (msg.message == WM_QUIT){ keep_running = false; }else{ b32 treat_normally = true; if (msg.message == WM_KEYDOWN || msg.message == WM_SYSKEYDOWN){ switch (msg.wParam){ case VK_CONTROL:case VK_LCONTROL:case VK_RCONTROL: case VK_MENU:case VK_LMENU:case VK_RMENU: case VK_SHIFT:case VK_LSHIFT:case VK_RSHIFT:break; default: treat_normally = false; break; } } if (treat_normally){ TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); } else{ Control_Keys *controls = &win32vars.input_chunk.pers.controls; b8 ctrl = (controls->r_ctrl || (controls->l_ctrl && !controls->r_alt)); b8 alt = (controls->l_alt || (controls->r_alt && !controls->l_ctrl)); if (win32vars.lctrl_lalt_is_altgr){ if (controls->l_alt && controls->l_ctrl){ ctrl = 0; alt = 0; } } BYTE ctrl_state = 0, alt_state = 0; BYTE state[256]; if (ctrl || alt){ GetKeyboardState(state); if (ctrl){ ctrl_state = state[VK_CONTROL]; state[VK_CONTROL] = 0; } if (alt){ alt_state = state[VK_MENU]; state[VK_MENU] = 0; } SetKeyboardState(state); TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); if (ctrl){ state[VK_CONTROL] = ctrl_state; } if (alt){ state[VK_MENU] = alt_state; } SetKeyboardState(state); } else{ TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); } } } } }while (get_more_messages); } // NOTE(allen): Mouse Out of Window Detection POINT mouse_point; if (GetCursorPos(&mouse_point) && ScreenToClient(win32vars.window_handle, &mouse_point)){ i32_Rect screen; screen.x0 = 0; screen.y0 = 0; screen.x1 = target.width; screen.y1 = target.height; i32 mx = mouse_point.x; i32 my = mouse_point.y; b32 is_hit = false; if (mx >= screen.x0 && mx < screen.x1 && my >= screen.y0 && my < screen.y1){ is_hit = true; } if (!is_hit){ win32vars.input_chunk.trans.out_of_window = true; } win32vars.input_chunk.pers.mouse = V2i32(mouse_point.x, mouse_point.y); } else{ win32vars.input_chunk.trans.out_of_window = true; } // NOTE(allen): Prepare the Frame Input // TODO(allen): CROSS REFERENCE WITH LINUX SPECIAL CODE "TIC898989" Win32_Input_Chunk input_chunk = win32vars.input_chunk; win32vars.input_chunk.trans = null_input_chunk_transient; input_chunk.pers.control_keys[MDFR_CAPS_INDEX] = GetKeyState(VK_CAPITAL) & 0x1; Application_Step_Input input = {}; input.first_step = win32vars.first; input.dt = frame_useconds/1000000.f; input.keys = input_chunk.trans.key_data; memcpy(input.keys.modifiers, input_chunk.pers.control_keys, sizeof(input.keys.modifiers)); input.mouse.out_of_window = input_chunk.trans.out_of_window; input.mouse.l = input_chunk.pers.mouse_l; input.mouse.press_l = input_chunk.trans.mouse_l_press; input.mouse.release_l = input_chunk.trans.mouse_l_release; input.mouse.r = input_chunk.pers.mouse_r; input.mouse.press_r = input_chunk.trans.mouse_r_press; input.mouse.release_r = input_chunk.trans.mouse_r_release; input.mouse.wheel = input_chunk.trans.mouse_wheel; input.mouse.p = input_chunk.pers.mouse; input.trying_to_kill = input_chunk.trans.trying_to_kill; // TODO(allen): Not really appropriate to round trip this all the way to the OS layer, redo this system. // NOTE(allen): Ask the Core About Exiting if We Have an Exit Signal if (win32vars.send_exit_signal){ input.trying_to_kill = true; win32vars.send_exit_signal = false; } // NOTE(allen): Frame Clipboard Input block_zero_struct(&win32vars.clipboard_contents); input.clipboard_changed = false; if (win32vars.clipboard_sequence != 0){ DWORD new_number = GetClipboardSequenceNumber(); if (new_number != win32vars.clipboard_sequence){ if (win32vars.next_clipboard_is_self){ win32vars.next_clipboard_is_self = false; } else{ for (i32 R = 0; R < 4; ++R){ if (win32_read_clipboard_contents(&win32vars.arena)){ input.clipboard_changed = true; break; } } } win32vars.clipboard_sequence = new_number; } } input.clipboard = win32vars.clipboard_contents; win32vars.clip_post.size = 0; // NOTE(allen): Application Core Update Application_Step_Result result = {}; if (app.step != 0){ result = app.step(&sysfunc, &target, &memory_vars, &input); } else{ //LOG("app.step == 0 -- skipping\n"); } // NOTE(allen): Finish the Loop if (result.perform_kill){ keep_running = false; } // NOTE(allen): Post New Clipboard Content if (win32vars.clip_post.size > 0){ win32_post_clipboard(&win32vars.arena, (char*)win32vars.clip_post.str, (i32)win32vars.clip_post.size); } // NOTE(allen): Switch to New Title if (result.has_new_title){ SetWindowText_utf8(&win32vars.arena, win32vars.window_handle, (u8*)result.title_string); } // NOTE(allen): Switch to New Cursor Win32SetCursorFromUpdate(result.mouse_cursor_type); if (win32vars.cursor_show != win32vars.prev_cursor_show){ win32vars.prev_cursor_show = win32vars.cursor_show; switch (win32vars.cursor_show){ case MouseCursorShow_Never: { i32 counter = 0; do{ counter = ShowCursor(false); }while(counter >= 0); }break; case MouseCursorShow_Always: { i32 counter = 0; do{ counter = ShowCursor(true); }while(counter <= 0); }break; // TODO(allen): MouseCursorShow_HideWhenStill } } // NOTE(allen): update lctrl_lalt_is_altgr status win32vars.lctrl_lalt_is_altgr = (b8)result.lctrl_lalt_is_altgr; // NOTE(allen): render HDC hdc = GetDC(win32vars.window_handle); gl_render(&target, &shared_vars.pixel_scratch); SwapBuffers(hdc); ReleaseDC(win32vars.window_handle, hdc); // NOTE(allen): toggle full screen if (win32vars.do_toggle){ win32_toggle_fullscreen(); win32vars.do_toggle = false; } // NOTE(allen): schedule another step if needed if (result.animating){ system_schedule_step(0); } // NOTE(allen): sleep a bit to cool off :) u64 timer_end = system_now_time(); u64 end_target = timer_start + frame_useconds; for (;timer_end < end_target;){ DWORD samount = (DWORD)((end_target - timer_end)/1000); if (samount > 0){ Sleep(samount); } timer_end = system_now_time(); } timer_start = system_now_time(); win32vars.first = false; } return(0); } #include "win32_utf8.cpp" #if 0 // NOTE(allen): In case I want to switch back to a console application at some point. int main(int argc, char **argv){ HINSTANCE hInstance = GetModuleHandle(0); } #endif // BOTTOM