/* * Mr. 4th Dimention - Allen Webster * * 12.12.2014 * * Win32 layer for project codename "4ed" * */ // TOP #include <assert.h> #include "4ed_defines.h" #if defined(FRED_SUPER) # define FSTRING_IMPLEMENTATION # define FSTRING_C # include "4coder_string.h" # include "4coder_version.h" # include "4coder_keycodes.h" # include "4coder_style.h" # include "4coder_rect.h" # include "4coder_mem.h" # include "4cpp_lexer.h" // TODO(allen): This is duplicated from 4coder_custom.h // I need to work out a way to avoid this. #define VIEW_ROUTINE_SIG(name) void name(struct Application_Links *app, int32_t view_id) #define GET_BINDING_DATA(name) int32_t name(void *data, int32_t size) #define _GET_VERSION_SIG(n) int32_t n(int32_t maj, int32_t min, int32_t patch) typedef VIEW_ROUTINE_SIG(View_Routine_Function); typedef GET_BINDING_DATA(Get_Binding_Data_Function); typedef _GET_VERSION_SIG(_Get_Version_Function); struct Custom_API{ View_Routine_Function *view_routine; Get_Binding_Data_Function *get_bindings; _Get_Version_Function *get_alpha_4coder_version; }; typedef void Custom_Command_Function; #include "4coder_types.h" struct Application_Links; # include "4coder_custom_api.h" //# include "4coder_custom.h" #else # include "4coder_default_bindings.cpp" # define FSTRING_IMPLEMENTATION # define FSTRING_C # include "4coder_string.h" #endif #include "4ed_math.h" #include "4ed_system.h" #include "4ed_rendering.h" #include "4ed.h" #include <Windows.h> #include <GL/gl.h> #define GL_TEXTURE_MAX_LEVEL 0x813D #include "filetrack/4tech_file_track_win32.c" #include "system_shared.h" #define SUPPORT_DPI 1 #define USE_FT_FONTS 1 #define FPS 60 #define frame_useconds (1000000 / FPS) #define WM_4coder_ANIMATE (WM_USER + 0) // // Win32_Vars structs // struct Thread_Context{ u32 job_id; b32 running; b32 cancel; Work_Queue *queue; u32 id; u32 group_id; u32 windows_id; HANDLE handle; }; struct Thread_Group{ Thread_Context *threads; i32 count; Unbounded_Work_Queue queue; i32 cancel_lock0; i32 cancel_cv0; }; struct Control_Keys{ b8 l_ctrl; b8 r_ctrl; b8 l_alt; b8 r_alt; }; static Control_Keys null_control_keys; struct Win32_Input_Chunk_Transient{ Key_Input_Data key_data; b8 mouse_l_press, mouse_l_release; b8 mouse_r_press, mouse_r_release; b8 out_of_window; i8 mouse_wheel; b8 trying_to_kill; }; static Win32_Input_Chunk_Transient null_input_chunk_transient = {0}; struct Win32_Input_Chunk_Persistent{ i32 mouse_x, mouse_y; b8 mouse_l, mouse_r; Control_Keys controls; b8 control_keys[MDFR_INDEX_COUNT]; }; typedef struct Win32_Input_Chunk{ Win32_Input_Chunk_Transient trans; Win32_Input_Chunk_Persistent pers; } Win32_Input_Chunk; typedef struct Win32_Coroutine{ Coroutine coroutine; Win32_Coroutine *next; i32 done; } Win32_Coroutine; #if FRED_INTERNAL struct Sys_Bubble : public Bubble{ i32 line_number; char *file_name; }; typedef struct Sys_Bubble Sys_Bubble; #endif enum CV_ID{ CANCEL_CV0, CANCEL_CV1, CANCEL_CV2, CANCEL_CV3, CANCEL_CV4, CANCEL_CV5, CANCEL_CV6, CANCEL_CV7, CV_COUNT }; typedef struct Win32_Vars{ System_Functions system; App_Functions app; Custom_API custom_api; HMODULE app_code; HMODULE custom; Plat_Settings settings; Work_Queue queues[THREAD_GROUP_COUNT]; Thread_Group groups[THREAD_GROUP_COUNT]; CRITICAL_SECTION locks[LOCK_COUNT]; CONDITION_VARIABLE condition_vars[CV_COUNT]; Thread_Memory *thread_memory; Win32_Coroutine coroutine_data[18]; Win32_Coroutine *coroutine_free; Win32_Input_Chunk input_chunk; b32 lctrl_lalt_is_altgr; b32 got_useful_event; b32 full_screen; b32 do_toggle; WINDOWPLACEMENT GlobalWindowPosition; b32 send_exit_signal; HCURSOR cursor_ibeam; HCURSOR cursor_arrow; HCURSOR cursor_leftright; HCURSOR cursor_updown; String clipboard_contents; b32 next_clipboard_is_self; DWORD clipboard_sequence; HWND window_handle; Render_Target target; Partition font_part; #if SUPPORT_DPI i32 dpi_x, dpi_y; #endif u64 count_per_usecond; b32 first; i32 running_cli; #if FRED_INTERNAL CRITICAL_SECTION DEBUG_sysmem_lock; Sys_Bubble internal_bubble; #endif } Win32_Vars; globalvar Win32_Vars win32vars; globalvar Application_Memory memory_vars; // // Helpers // internal HANDLE Win32Handle(Plat_Handle h){ HANDLE result; memcpy(&result, &h, sizeof(result)); return(result); } internal Plat_Handle Win32Handle(HANDLE h){ Plat_Handle result = {0}; Assert(sizeof(Plat_Handle) >= sizeof(h)); memcpy(&result, &h, sizeof(h)); return(result); } internal void* Win32Ptr(Plat_Handle h){ void *result; memcpy(&result, &h, sizeof(result)); return(result); } internal Plat_Handle Win32Ptr(void *h){ Plat_Handle result = {0}; memcpy(&result, &h, sizeof(h)); return(result); } // // Memory (not exposed to application, but needed in system_shared.cpp) // internal Sys_Get_Memory_Sig(system_get_memory_){ void *ptr = 0; if (size > 0){ #if FRED_INTERNAL ptr = VirtualAlloc(0, size + sizeof(Sys_Bubble), MEM_COMMIT | MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_READWRITE); Sys_Bubble *bubble = (Sys_Bubble*)ptr; bubble->flags = 0; bubble->line_number = line_number; bubble->file_name = file_name; bubble->size = size; EnterCriticalSection(&win32vars.DEBUG_sysmem_lock); insert_bubble(&win32vars.internal_bubble, bubble); LeaveCriticalSection(&win32vars.DEBUG_sysmem_lock); ptr = bubble + 1; #else ptr = VirtualAlloc(0, size, MEM_COMMIT | MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_READWRITE); #endif } return(ptr); } internal Sys_Free_Memory_Sig(system_free_memory){ if (block){ #if FRED_INTERNAL Sys_Bubble *bubble = ((Sys_Bubble*)block) - 1; EnterCriticalSection(&win32vars.DEBUG_sysmem_lock); remove_bubble(bubble); LeaveCriticalSection(&win32vars.DEBUG_sysmem_lock); VirtualFree(bubble, 0, MEM_RELEASE); #else VirtualFree(block, 0, MEM_RELEASE); #endif } } #define Win32GetMemory(size) system_get_memory_(size, __LINE__, __FILE__) #define Win32FreeMemory(ptr) system_free_memory(ptr) #define Win32ScratchPartition sysshared_scratch_partition #define Win32ScratchPartitionGrow sysshared_partition_grow #define Win32ScratchPartitionDouble sysshared_partition_double #if FRED_INTERNAL internal Bubble* INTERNAL_system_sentinel(){ return (&win32vars.internal_bubble); } internal void INTERNAL_system_debug_message(char *message){ OutputDebugStringA(message); } #endif // // Multithreading // internal Sys_Acquire_Lock_Sig(system_acquire_lock){ EnterCriticalSection(&win32vars.locks[id]); } internal Sys_Release_Lock_Sig(system_release_lock){ LeaveCriticalSection(&win32vars.locks[id]); } internal void system_wait_cv(i32 crit_id, i32 cv_id){ SleepConditionVariableCS(win32vars.condition_vars + cv_id, win32vars.locks + crit_id, INFINITE); } internal void system_signal_cv(i32 crit_id, i32 cv_id){ AllowLocal(crit_id); WakeConditionVariable(win32vars.condition_vars + cv_id); } internal DWORD JobThreadProc(LPVOID lpParameter){ Thread_Context *thread = (Thread_Context*)lpParameter; Work_Queue *queue = win32vars.queues + thread->group_id; Thread_Group *group = win32vars.groups + thread->group_id; i32 thread_index = thread->id - 1; i32 cancel_lock = group->cancel_lock0 + thread_index; i32 cancel_cv = group->cancel_cv0 + thread_index; Thread_Memory *thread_memory = win32vars.thread_memory + thread_index; if (thread_memory->size == 0){ i32 new_size = Kbytes(64); thread_memory->data = Win32GetMemory(new_size); thread_memory->size = new_size; } for (;;){ u32 read_index = queue->read_position; u32 write_index = queue->write_position; if (read_index != write_index){ // NOTE(allen): Previously I was wrapping by the job wrap then // wrapping by the queue wrap. That was super stupid what was that? // Now it just wraps by the queue wrap. u32 next_read_index = (read_index + 1) % QUEUE_WRAP; u32 safe_read_index = InterlockedCompareExchange(&queue->read_position, next_read_index, read_index); if (safe_read_index == read_index){ Full_Job_Data *full_job = queue->jobs + safe_read_index; // NOTE(allen): This is interlocked so that it plays nice // with the cancel job routine, which may try to cancel this job // at the same time that we try to run it i32 safe_running_thread = InterlockedCompareExchange(&full_job->running_thread, thread->id, THREAD_NOT_ASSIGNED); if (safe_running_thread == THREAD_NOT_ASSIGNED){ thread->job_id = full_job->id; thread->running = 1; full_job->job.callback(&win32vars.system, thread, thread_memory, full_job->job.data); PostMessage(win32vars.window_handle, WM_4coder_ANIMATE, 0, 0); //full_job->running_thread = 0; thread->running = 0; system_acquire_lock(cancel_lock); if (thread->cancel){ thread->cancel = 0; system_signal_cv(cancel_lock, cancel_cv); } system_release_lock(cancel_lock); } } } else{ WaitForSingleObject(Win32Handle(queue->semaphore), INFINITE); } } } internal void initialize_unbounded_queue(Unbounded_Work_Queue *source_queue){ i32 max = 512; source_queue->jobs = (Full_Job_Data*)system_get_memory(max*sizeof(Full_Job_Data)); source_queue->count = 0; source_queue->max = max; source_queue->skip = 0; } inline i32 get_work_queue_available_space(i32 write, i32 read){ // NOTE(allen): The only time that queue->write_position == queue->read_position // is allowed is when the queue is empty. Thus if // queue->write_position+1 == queue->read_position the available space is zero. // So these computations both end up leaving one slot unused. The only way I can // think to easily eliminate this is to have read and write wrap at twice the size // of the underlying array but modulo their values into the array then if write // has caught up with read it still will not be equal... but lots of modulos... ehh. i32 available_space = 0; if (write >= read){ available_space = QUEUE_WRAP - (write - read) - 1; } else{ available_space = (read - write) - 1; } return(available_space); } #define UNBOUNDED_SKIP_MAX 128 internal void flush_to_direct_queue(Unbounded_Work_Queue *source_queue, Work_Queue *queue, i32 thread_count){ // NOTE(allen): It is understood that read_position may be changed by other // threads but it will only make more space in the queue if it is changed. // Meanwhile write_position should not ever be changed by anything but the // main thread in this system, so it will not be interlocked. u32 read_position = queue->read_position; u32 write_position = queue->write_position; u32 available_space = get_work_queue_available_space(write_position, read_position); u32 available_jobs = source_queue->count - source_queue->skip; u32 writable_count = Min(available_space, available_jobs); if (writable_count > 0){ u32 count1 = writable_count; if (count1+write_position > QUEUE_WRAP){ count1 = QUEUE_WRAP - write_position; } u32 count2 = writable_count - count1; Full_Job_Data *job_src1 = source_queue->jobs + source_queue->skip; Full_Job_Data *job_src2 = job_src1 + count1; Full_Job_Data *job_dst1 = queue->jobs + write_position; Full_Job_Data *job_dst2 = queue->jobs; Assert((job_src1->id % QUEUE_WRAP) == write_position); memcpy(job_dst1, job_src1, sizeof(Full_Job_Data)*count1); memcpy(job_dst2, job_src2, sizeof(Full_Job_Data)*count2); queue->write_position = (write_position + writable_count) % QUEUE_WRAP; source_queue->skip += writable_count; if (source_queue->skip == source_queue->count){ source_queue->skip = source_queue->count = 0; } else if (source_queue->skip > UNBOUNDED_SKIP_MAX){ u32 left_over = source_queue->count - source_queue->skip; memmove(source_queue->jobs, source_queue->jobs + source_queue->skip, sizeof(Full_Job_Data)*left_over); source_queue->count = left_over; source_queue->skip = 0; } } i32 semaphore_release_count = writable_count; if (semaphore_release_count > thread_count){ semaphore_release_count = thread_count; } // NOTE(allen): platform dependent portion... // TODO(allen): pull out the duplicated part once I see // that this is pretty much the same on linux. for (i32 i = 0; i < semaphore_release_count; ++i){ ReleaseSemaphore(Win32Handle(queue->semaphore), 1, 0); } } internal void flush_thread_group(i32 group_id){ Thread_Group *group = win32vars.groups + group_id; Work_Queue *queue = win32vars.queues + group_id; Unbounded_Work_Queue *source_queue = &group->queue; flush_to_direct_queue(source_queue, queue, group->count); } // Note(allen): post_job puts the job on the unbounded queue. // The unbounded queue is entirely managed by the main thread. // The thread safe queue is bounded in size so the unbounded // queue is periodically flushed into the direct work queue. internal Sys_Post_Job_Sig(system_post_job){ Thread_Group *group = win32vars.groups + group_id; Unbounded_Work_Queue *queue = &group->queue; u32 result = queue->next_job_id++; while (queue->count >= queue->max){ i32 new_max = queue->max*2; Full_Job_Data *new_jobs = (Full_Job_Data*) system_get_memory(new_max*sizeof(Full_Job_Data)); memcpy(new_jobs, queue->jobs, queue->count); system_free_memory(queue->jobs); queue->jobs = new_jobs; queue->max = new_max; } Full_Job_Data full_job; full_job.job = job; full_job.running_thread = THREAD_NOT_ASSIGNED; full_job.id = result; queue->jobs[queue->count++] = full_job; Work_Queue *direct_queue = win32vars.queues + group_id; flush_to_direct_queue(queue, direct_queue, group->count); return(result); } internal Sys_Cancel_Job_Sig(system_cancel_job){ Thread_Group *group = win32vars.groups + group_id; Unbounded_Work_Queue *source_queue = &group->queue; b32 handled_in_unbounded = false; if (source_queue->skip < source_queue->count){ Full_Job_Data *first_job = source_queue->jobs + source_queue->skip; if (first_job->id <= job_id){ u32 index = source_queue->skip + (job_id - first_job->id); Full_Job_Data *job = source_queue->jobs + index; job->running_thread = 0; handled_in_unbounded = true; } } if (!handled_in_unbounded){ Work_Queue *queue = win32vars.queues + group_id; Full_Job_Data *job = queue->jobs + (job_id % QUEUE_WRAP); Assert(job->id == job_id); u32 thread_id = InterlockedCompareExchange(&job->running_thread, 0, THREAD_NOT_ASSIGNED); if (thread_id != THREAD_NOT_ASSIGNED && thread_id != 0){ i32 thread_index = thread_id - 1; i32 cancel_lock = group->cancel_lock0 + thread_index; i32 cancel_cv = group->cancel_cv0 + thread_index; Thread_Context *thread = group->threads + thread_index; system_acquire_lock(cancel_lock); thread->cancel = 1; system_release_lock(FRAME_LOCK); do{ system_wait_cv(cancel_lock, cancel_cv); }while (thread->cancel == 1); system_acquire_lock(FRAME_LOCK); system_release_lock(cancel_lock); } } } internal Sys_Check_Cancel_Sig(system_check_cancel){ b32 result = 0; Thread_Group *group = win32vars.groups + thread->group_id; i32 thread_index = thread->id - 1; i32 cancel_lock = group->cancel_lock0 + thread_index; system_acquire_lock(cancel_lock); if (thread->cancel){ result = 1; } system_release_lock(cancel_lock); return(result); } internal Sys_Grow_Thread_Memory_Sig(system_grow_thread_memory){ void *old_data; i32 old_size, new_size; system_acquire_lock(CANCEL_LOCK0 + memory->id - 1); old_data = memory->data; old_size = memory->size; new_size = LargeRoundUp(memory->size*2, Kbytes(4)); memory->data = system_get_memory(new_size); memory->size = new_size; if (old_data){ memcpy(memory->data, old_data, old_size); system_free_memory(old_data); } system_release_lock(CANCEL_LOCK0 + memory->id - 1); } #if FRED_INTERNAL internal void INTERNAL_get_thread_states(Thread_Group_ID id, bool8 *running, i32 *pending){ Thread_Group *group = win32vars.groups + id; Unbounded_Work_Queue *source_queue = &group->queue; Work_Queue *queue = win32vars.queues + id; u32 write = queue->write_position; u32 read = queue->read_position; if (write < read) write += QUEUE_WRAP; *pending = (i32)(write - read) + source_queue->count - source_queue->skip; for (i32 i = 0; i < group->count; ++i){ running[i] = (group->threads[i].running != 0); } } #endif // // Coroutines // internal Win32_Coroutine* Win32AllocCoroutine(){ Win32_Coroutine *result = win32vars.coroutine_free; Assert(result != 0); win32vars.coroutine_free = result->next; return(result); } internal void Win32FreeCoroutine(Win32_Coroutine *data){ data->next = win32vars.coroutine_free; win32vars.coroutine_free = data; } internal void Win32CoroutineMain(void *arg_){ Win32_Coroutine *c = (Win32_Coroutine*)arg_; c->coroutine.func(&c->coroutine); c->done = 1; Win32FreeCoroutine(c); SwitchToFiber(c->coroutine.yield_handle); } internal Sys_Create_Coroutine_Sig(system_create_coroutine){ Win32_Coroutine *c; Coroutine *coroutine; void *fiber; c = Win32AllocCoroutine(); c->done = 0; coroutine = &c->coroutine; fiber = CreateFiber(0, Win32CoroutineMain, coroutine); coroutine->plat_handle = Win32Handle(fiber); coroutine->func = func; return(coroutine); } internal Sys_Launch_Coroutine_Sig(system_launch_coroutine){ Win32_Coroutine *c = (Win32_Coroutine*)coroutine; void *fiber; fiber = Win32Handle(coroutine->plat_handle); coroutine->yield_handle = GetCurrentFiber(); coroutine->in = in; coroutine->out = out; SwitchToFiber(fiber); if (c->done){ DeleteFiber(fiber); Win32FreeCoroutine(c); coroutine = 0; } return(coroutine); } Sys_Resume_Coroutine_Sig(system_resume_coroutine){ Win32_Coroutine *c = (Win32_Coroutine*)coroutine; void *fiber; Assert(c->done == 0); coroutine->yield_handle = GetCurrentFiber(); coroutine->in = in; coroutine->out = out; fiber = Win32Ptr(coroutine->plat_handle); SwitchToFiber(fiber); if (c->done){ DeleteFiber(fiber); Win32FreeCoroutine(c); coroutine = 0; } return(coroutine); } Sys_Yield_Coroutine_Sig(system_yield_coroutine){ SwitchToFiber(coroutine->yield_handle); } // // Files // internal Sys_File_Can_Be_Made_Sig(system_file_can_be_made){ HANDLE file; file = CreateFile((char*)filename, FILE_APPEND_DATA, 0, 0, OPEN_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, 0); if (!file || file == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE){ return 0; } CloseHandle(file); return(1); } internal Sys_Set_File_List_Sig(system_set_file_list){ if (directory.size > 0){ char dir_space[MAX_PATH + 32]; String dir = make_string_cap(dir_space, 0, MAX_PATH + 32); append_ss(&dir, directory); append_ss(&dir, make_lit_string("\\*")); terminate_with_null(&dir); char *c_str_dir = dir.str; WIN32_FIND_DATA find_data; HANDLE search; search = FindFirstFileA(c_str_dir, &find_data); if (search != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE){ i32 count = 0; i32 file_count = 0; BOOL more_files = 1; do{ if (!match_cs(find_data.cFileName, make_lit_string(".")) && !match_cs(find_data.cFileName, make_lit_string(".."))){ ++file_count; i32 size = 0; for(;find_data.cFileName[size];++size); count += size + 1; } more_files = FindNextFile(search, &find_data); }while(more_files); FindClose(search); i32 required_size = count + file_count * sizeof(File_Info); if (file_list->block_size < required_size){ Win32FreeMemory(file_list->block); file_list->block = Win32GetMemory(required_size); file_list->block_size = required_size; } file_list->infos = (File_Info*)file_list->block; char *name = (char*)(file_list->infos + file_count); if (file_list->block){ search = FindFirstFileA(c_str_dir, &find_data); if (search != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE){ File_Info *info = file_list->infos; more_files = 1; do{ if (!match_cs(find_data.cFileName, make_lit_string(".")) && !match_cs(find_data.cFileName, make_lit_string(".."))){ info->folder = (find_data.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) != 0; info->filename = name; i32 i = 0; for(;find_data.cFileName[i];++i) *name++ = find_data.cFileName[i]; info->filename_len = i; *name++ = 0; String fname = make_string_cap(info->filename, info->filename_len, info->filename_len+1); replace_char(&fname, '\\', '/'); ++info; } more_files = FindNextFile(search, &find_data); }while(more_files); FindClose(search); file_list->count = file_count; }else{ Win32FreeMemory(file_list->block); file_list->block = 0; file_list->block_size = 0; } } } } else{ if (directory.str == 0){ Win32FreeMemory(file_list->block); file_list->block = 0; file_list->block_size = 0; } file_list->infos = 0; file_list->count = 0; } } // NOTE(allen): This does not chase down symbolic links because doing so // would require a lot of heavy duty OS calls. I've decided to give up // a little ground on always recognizing files as equivalent in exchange // for the ability to handle them very quickly when nothing strange is // going on. internal int32_t win32_canonical_ascii_name(char *src, i32 len, char *dst, i32 max){ char *wrt = dst; char *wrt_stop = dst + max; char *src_stop = src + len; char c = 0; if (len >= 2 && max > 0){ c = src[0]; if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z'){ c -= 'a' - 'A'; } if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z' && src[1] == ':'){ *(wrt++) = c; if (wrt == wrt_stop) goto fail; *(wrt++) = ':'; if (wrt == wrt_stop) goto fail; src += 2; for (; src < src_stop; ++src){ c = src[0]; if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z'){ c += 'a' - 'A'; } if (c == '/' || c == '\\'){ c = '\\'; if (wrt > dst && wrt[-1] == '\\'){ continue; } else if (src[1] == '.'){ if (src[2] == '\\' || src[2] == '/'){ src += 1; } else if (src[2] == '.' && (src[3] == '\\' || src[3] == '/')){ src += 2; while (wrt > dst && wrt[0] != '\\'){ --wrt; } if (wrt == dst) goto fail; } } } *wrt = c; ++wrt; if (wrt == wrt_stop) goto fail; } } } if (0){ fail:; wrt = dst; } int32_t result = (int32_t)(wrt - dst); return(result); } internal Sys_Get_Canonical_Sig(system_get_canonical){ i32 result = win32_canonical_ascii_name(filename, len, buffer, max); return(result); } internal Sys_Load_Handle_Sig(system_load_handle){ b32 result = 0; HANDLE file = CreateFile(filename, GENERIC_READ, 0, 0, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, 0); if (file != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE){ *(HANDLE*)handle_out = file; result = 1; } return(result); } internal Sys_Load_Size_Sig(system_load_size){ u32 result = 0; HANDLE file = *(HANDLE*)(&handle); DWORD hi = 0; DWORD lo = GetFileSize(file, &hi); if (hi == 0){ result = lo; } return(result); } internal Sys_Load_File_Sig(system_load_file){ b32 result = 0; HANDLE file = *(HANDLE*)(&handle); DWORD read_size = 0; if (ReadFile(file, buffer, size, &read_size, 0)){ if (read_size == size){ result = 1; } } return(result); } internal Sys_Load_Close_Sig(system_load_close){ b32 result = 0; HANDLE file = *(HANDLE*)(&handle); if (CloseHandle(file)){ result = 1; } return(result); } internal Sys_Save_File_Sig(system_save_file){ b32 result = 0; HANDLE file = CreateFile(filename, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, 0, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, 0); if (file != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE){ DWORD written_total = 0; DWORD written_size = 0; result = 1; while (written_total < size){ if (!WriteFile(file, buffer, size, &written_size, 0)){ result = 0; break; } written_total += written_size; } CloseHandle(file); } return(result); } internal Sys_Now_Time_Sig(system_now_time){ u64 result = __rdtsc(); return(result); } b32 Win32DirectoryExists(char *path){ DWORD attrib = GetFileAttributesA(path); return (attrib != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES && (attrib & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)); } internal Sys_Get_Binary_Path_Sig(system_get_binary_path){ i32 result = 0; i32 size = GetModuleFileName(0, out->str, out->memory_size); if (size < out->memory_size-1){ out->size = size; remove_last_folder(out); terminate_with_null(out); result = out->size; } return(result); } /* NOTE(casey): This follows Raymond Chen's prescription for fullscreen toggling, see: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/oldnewthing/archive/2010/04/12/9994016.aspx */ internal void Win32ToggleFullscreen(void){ HWND Window = win32vars.window_handle; LONG_PTR Style = GetWindowLongPtr(Window, GWL_STYLE); if (Style & WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW){ MONITORINFO MonitorInfo = {sizeof(MonitorInfo)}; if(GetWindowPlacement(Window, &win32vars.GlobalWindowPosition) && GetMonitorInfo(MonitorFromWindow(Window, MONITOR_DEFAULTTOPRIMARY), &MonitorInfo)) { SetWindowLongPtr(Window, GWL_STYLE, Style & ~WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW); SetWindowPos(Window, HWND_TOP, MonitorInfo.rcMonitor.left, MonitorInfo.rcMonitor.top, MonitorInfo.rcMonitor.right - MonitorInfo.rcMonitor.left, MonitorInfo.rcMonitor.bottom - MonitorInfo.rcMonitor.top, SWP_NOOWNERZORDER | SWP_FRAMECHANGED); win32vars.full_screen = 1; } } else{ SetWindowLongPtr(Window, GWL_STYLE, Style | WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW); SetWindowPlacement(Window, &win32vars.GlobalWindowPosition); SetWindowPos(Window, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOOWNERZORDER | SWP_FRAMECHANGED); win32vars.full_screen = 0; } } #include "win32_api_impl.cpp" // // Clipboard // internal Sys_Post_Clipboard_Sig(system_post_clipboard){ if (OpenClipboard(win32vars.window_handle)){ EmptyClipboard(); HANDLE memory_handle; memory_handle = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE, str.size+1); if (memory_handle){ char *dest = (char*)GlobalLock(memory_handle); copy_fast_unsafe_cs(dest, str); GlobalUnlock(memory_handle); SetClipboardData(CF_TEXT, memory_handle); win32vars.next_clipboard_is_self = 1; } CloseClipboard(); } } internal b32 Win32ReadClipboardContents(){ b32 result = 0; if (IsClipboardFormatAvailable(CF_TEXT)){ result = 1; if (OpenClipboard(win32vars.window_handle)){ HANDLE clip_data; clip_data = GetClipboardData(CF_TEXT); if (clip_data){ win32vars.clipboard_contents.str = (char*)GlobalLock(clip_data); if (win32vars.clipboard_contents.str){ win32vars.clipboard_contents.size = str_size((char*)win32vars.clipboard_contents.str); GlobalUnlock(clip_data); } } CloseClipboard(); } } return(result); } // // Command Line Exectuion // internal Sys_CLI_Call_Sig(system_cli_call){ char cmd[] = "c:\\windows\\system32\\cmd.exe"; char *env_variables = 0; char command_line[2048]; String s = make_fixed_width_string(command_line); copy_ss(&s, make_lit_string("/C ")); append_partial_sc(&s, script_name); b32 success = terminate_with_null(&s); if (success){ success = 0; SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES sec_attributes = {}; HANDLE out_read; HANDLE out_write; sec_attributes.nLength = sizeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES); sec_attributes.bInheritHandle = TRUE; if (CreatePipe(&out_read, &out_write, &sec_attributes, 0)){ if (SetHandleInformation(out_read, HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, 0)){ STARTUPINFO startup = {}; startup.cb = sizeof(STARTUPINFO); startup.dwFlags = STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW | STARTF_USESTDHANDLES; startup.hStdError = out_write; startup.hStdOutput = out_write; startup.wShowWindow = SW_HIDE; PROCESS_INFORMATION info = {}; Assert(sizeof(Plat_Handle) >= sizeof(HANDLE)); if (CreateProcess(cmd, command_line, 0, 0, TRUE, 0, env_variables, path, &startup, &info)){ success = 1; CloseHandle(info.hThread); *(HANDLE*)&cli_out->proc = info.hProcess; *(HANDLE*)&cli_out->out_read = out_read; *(HANDLE*)&cli_out->out_write = out_write; ++win32vars.running_cli; } else{ CloseHandle(out_read); CloseHandle(out_write); *(HANDLE*)&cli_out->proc = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; *(HANDLE*)&cli_out->out_read = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; *(HANDLE*)&cli_out->out_write = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } } else{ // TODO(allen): failed SetHandleInformation CloseHandle(out_read); CloseHandle(out_write); *(HANDLE*)&cli_out->proc = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; *(HANDLE*)&cli_out->out_read = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; *(HANDLE*)&cli_out->out_write = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } } else{ // TODO(allen): failed CreatePipe } } return success; } struct CLI_Loop_Control{ u32 remaining_amount; }; internal Sys_CLI_Begin_Update_Sig(system_cli_begin_update){ Assert(sizeof(cli->scratch_space) >= sizeof(CLI_Loop_Control)); CLI_Loop_Control *loop = (CLI_Loop_Control*)cli->scratch_space; loop->remaining_amount = 0; } internal Sys_CLI_Update_Step_Sig(system_cli_update_step){ HANDLE handle = *(HANDLE*)&cli->out_read; CLI_Loop_Control *loop = (CLI_Loop_Control*)cli->scratch_space; b32 has_more = 0; DWORD remaining = loop->remaining_amount; u32 pos = 0; DWORD read_amount = 0; for (;;){ if (remaining == 0){ if (!PeekNamedPipe(handle, 0, 0, 0, &remaining, 0)) break; if (remaining == 0) break; } if (remaining + pos < max){ has_more = 1; ReadFile(handle, dest + pos, remaining, &read_amount, 0); TentativeAssert(remaining == read_amount); pos += remaining; remaining = 0; } else{ has_more = 1; ReadFile(handle, dest + pos, max - pos, &read_amount, 0); TentativeAssert(max - pos == read_amount); loop->remaining_amount = remaining - (max - pos); pos = max; break; } } *amount = pos; return(has_more); } internal Sys_CLI_End_Update_Sig(system_cli_end_update){ b32 close_me = 0; HANDLE proc = *(HANDLE*)&cli->proc; DWORD result = 0; if (WaitForSingleObject(proc, 0) == WAIT_OBJECT_0){ if (GetExitCodeProcess(proc, &result) == 0) cli->exit = -1; else cli->exit = (i32)result; close_me = 1; CloseHandle(*(HANDLE*)&cli->proc); CloseHandle(*(HANDLE*)&cli->out_read); CloseHandle(*(HANDLE*)&cli->out_write); --win32vars.running_cli; } return(close_me); } #include "system_shared.cpp" #if USE_FT_FONTS # include "win32_ft_font.cpp" #endif internal f32 size_change(i32 dpi_x, i32 dpi_y){ // TODO(allen): We're just hoping dpi_x == dpi_y for now I guess. f32 size_x = dpi_x / 96.f; f32 size_y = dpi_y / 96.f; f32 size_max = Max(size_x, size_y); return(size_max); } internal Font_Load_Sig(system_draw_font_load){ if (win32vars.font_part.base == 0){ win32vars.font_part = Win32ScratchPartition(Mbytes(8)); } i32 oversample = 2; AllowLocal(oversample); #if SUPPORT_DPI pt_size = ROUND32(pt_size * size_change(win32vars.dpi_x, win32vars.dpi_y)); #endif for (b32 success = 0; success == 0;){ #if USE_WIN32_FONTS success = win32_font_load(&win32vars.font_part, font_out, filename, fontname, pt_size, tab_width, oversample, store_texture); #elif USE_FT_FONTS success = win32_ft_font_load(&win32vars.font_part, font_out, filename, pt_size, tab_width, win32vars.settings.use_hinting); #else success = stb_font_load(&win32vars.font_part, font_out, filename, pt_size, tab_width, oversample, store_texture); #endif // TODO(allen): Make the growable partition something // that can just be passed directly to font load and // let it be grown there. if (!success){ Win32ScratchPartitionDouble(&win32vars.font_part); } } return(1); } // // Linkage to Custom and Application // internal b32 Win32LoadAppCode(){ b32 result = 0; App_Get_Functions *get_funcs = 0; win32vars.app_code = LoadLibraryA("4ed_app.dll"); if (win32vars.app_code){ get_funcs = (App_Get_Functions*) GetProcAddress(win32vars.app_code, "app_get_functions"); } if (get_funcs){ result = 1; win32vars.app = get_funcs(); } return result; } internal void Win32LoadSystemCode(){ win32vars.system.set_file_list = system_set_file_list; win32vars.system.get_canonical = system_get_canonical; win32vars.system.add_listener = system_add_listener; win32vars.system.remove_listener = system_remove_listener; win32vars.system.get_file_change = system_get_file_change; win32vars.system.load_handle = system_load_handle; win32vars.system.load_size = system_load_size; win32vars.system.load_file = system_load_file; win32vars.system.load_close = system_load_close; win32vars.system.save_file = system_save_file; win32vars.system.now_time = system_now_time; win32vars.system.memory_allocate = Memory_Allocate; win32vars.system.memory_set_protection = Memory_Set_Protection; win32vars.system.memory_free = Memory_Free; win32vars.system.file_exists = File_Exists; win32vars.system.directory_cd = Directory_CD; win32vars.system.get_4ed_path = Get_4ed_Path; win32vars.system.show_mouse_cursor = Show_Mouse_Cursor; win32vars.system.toggle_fullscreen = Toggle_Fullscreen; win32vars.system.is_fullscreen = Is_Fullscreen; win32vars.system.send_exit_signal = Send_Exit_Signal; win32vars.system.post_clipboard = system_post_clipboard; win32vars.system.create_coroutine = system_create_coroutine; win32vars.system.launch_coroutine = system_launch_coroutine; win32vars.system.resume_coroutine = system_resume_coroutine; win32vars.system.yield_coroutine = system_yield_coroutine; win32vars.system.cli_call = system_cli_call; win32vars.system.cli_begin_update = system_cli_begin_update; win32vars.system.cli_update_step = system_cli_update_step; win32vars.system.cli_end_update = system_cli_end_update; win32vars.system.post_job = system_post_job; win32vars.system.cancel_job = system_cancel_job; win32vars.system.check_cancel = system_check_cancel; win32vars.system.grow_thread_memory = system_grow_thread_memory; win32vars.system.acquire_lock = system_acquire_lock; win32vars.system.release_lock = system_release_lock; #if FRED_INTERNAL win32vars.system.internal_sentinel = INTERNAL_system_sentinel; win32vars.system.internal_get_thread_states = INTERNAL_get_thread_states; win32vars.system.internal_debug_message = INTERNAL_system_debug_message; #endif win32vars.system.slash = '/'; } internal void Win32LoadRenderCode(){ win32vars.target.push_clip = draw_push_clip; win32vars.target.pop_clip = draw_pop_clip; win32vars.target.push_piece = draw_push_piece; win32vars.target.font_set.font_load = system_draw_font_load; win32vars.target.font_set.release_font = draw_release_font; } // // Helpers // globalvar u8 keycode_lookup_table[255]; internal void Win32KeycodeInit(){ keycode_lookup_table[VK_BACK] = key_back; keycode_lookup_table[VK_DELETE] = key_del; keycode_lookup_table[VK_UP] = key_up; keycode_lookup_table[VK_DOWN] = key_down; keycode_lookup_table[VK_LEFT] = key_left; keycode_lookup_table[VK_RIGHT] = key_right; keycode_lookup_table[VK_INSERT] = key_insert; keycode_lookup_table[VK_HOME] = key_home; keycode_lookup_table[VK_END] = key_end; keycode_lookup_table[VK_PRIOR] = key_page_up; keycode_lookup_table[VK_NEXT] = key_page_down; keycode_lookup_table[VK_ESCAPE] = key_esc; keycode_lookup_table[VK_F1] = key_f1; keycode_lookup_table[VK_F2] = key_f2; keycode_lookup_table[VK_F3] = key_f3; keycode_lookup_table[VK_F4] = key_f4; keycode_lookup_table[VK_F5] = key_f5; keycode_lookup_table[VK_F6] = key_f6; keycode_lookup_table[VK_F7] = key_f7; keycode_lookup_table[VK_F8] = key_f8; keycode_lookup_table[VK_F9] = key_f9; keycode_lookup_table[VK_F10] = key_f10; keycode_lookup_table[VK_F11] = key_f11; keycode_lookup_table[VK_F12] = key_f12; keycode_lookup_table[VK_F13] = key_f13; keycode_lookup_table[VK_F14] = key_f14; keycode_lookup_table[VK_F15] = key_f15; keycode_lookup_table[VK_F16] = key_f16; } internal void Win32RedrawScreen(HDC hdc){ launch_rendering(&win32vars.target); glFlush(); SwapBuffers(hdc); } internal void Win32Resize(i32 width, i32 height){ if (width > 0 && height > 0){ glViewport(0, 0, width, height); glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); glLoadIdentity(); glOrtho(0, width, height, 0, -1, 1); glScissor(0, 0, width, height); win32vars.target.width = width; win32vars.target.height = height; } } internal void Win32SetCursorFromUpdate(Application_Mouse_Cursor cursor){ switch (cursor){ case APP_MOUSE_CURSOR_ARROW: SetCursor(win32vars.cursor_arrow); break; case APP_MOUSE_CURSOR_IBEAM: SetCursor(win32vars.cursor_ibeam); break; case APP_MOUSE_CURSOR_LEFTRIGHT: SetCursor(win32vars.cursor_leftright); break; case APP_MOUSE_CURSOR_UPDOWN: SetCursor(win32vars.cursor_updown); break; } } internal u64 Win32HighResolutionTime(){ u64 result = 0; LARGE_INTEGER t; if (QueryPerformanceCounter(&t)){ result = (u64)t.QuadPart / win32vars.count_per_usecond; } return(result); } internal LRESULT Win32Callback(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam){ LRESULT result = 0; switch (uMsg){ case WM_MENUCHAR: case WM_SYSCHAR:break; case WM_SYSKEYDOWN: case WM_SYSKEYUP: case WM_KEYDOWN: case WM_KEYUP: { switch (wParam){ case VK_CONTROL:case VK_LCONTROL:case VK_RCONTROL: case VK_MENU:case VK_LMENU:case VK_RMENU: case VK_SHIFT:case VK_LSHIFT:case VK_RSHIFT: { Control_Keys *controls = 0; b8 *control_keys = 0; controls = &win32vars.input_chunk.pers.controls; control_keys = win32vars.input_chunk.pers.control_keys; b8 down = ((lParam & Bit_31)?(0):(1)); b8 is_right = ((lParam & Bit_24)?(1):(0)); if (wParam != 255){ switch (wParam){ case VK_SHIFT: { control_keys[MDFR_SHIFT_INDEX] = down; }break; case VK_CONTROL: { if (is_right) controls->r_ctrl = down; else controls->l_ctrl = down; }break; case VK_MENU: { if (is_right) controls->r_alt = down; else controls->l_alt = down; }break; } b8 ctrl, alt; ctrl = (controls->r_ctrl || (controls->l_ctrl && !controls->r_alt)); alt = (controls->l_alt || (controls->r_alt && !controls->l_ctrl)); if (win32vars.lctrl_lalt_is_altgr){ if (controls->l_alt && controls->l_ctrl){ ctrl = 0; alt = 0; } } control_keys[MDFR_CONTROL_INDEX] = ctrl; control_keys[MDFR_ALT_INDEX] = alt; } }break; default: { b8 previous_state = ((lParam & Bit_30)?(1):(0)); b8 current_state = ((lParam & Bit_31)?(0):(1)); win32vars.got_useful_event = 1; if (current_state){ u8 key = keycode_lookup_table[(u8)wParam]; i32 *count = 0; Key_Event_Data *data = 0; b8 *control_keys = 0; i32 control_keys_size = 0; if (!previous_state){ count = &win32vars.input_chunk.trans.key_data.press_count; data = win32vars.input_chunk.trans.key_data.press; } else{ count = &win32vars.input_chunk.trans.key_data.hold_count; data = win32vars.input_chunk.trans.key_data.hold; } control_keys = win32vars.input_chunk.pers.control_keys; control_keys_size = sizeof(win32vars.input_chunk.pers.control_keys); if (*count < KEY_INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE){ if (!key){ UINT vk = (UINT)wParam; UINT scan = (UINT)((lParam >> 16) & 0x7F); BYTE state[256]; BYTE control_state = 0; WORD x1 = 0, x2 = 0, x = 0, junk_x; i32 result1 = 0, result2 = 0, result = 0; GetKeyboardState(state); x1 = 0; result1 = ToAscii(vk, scan, state, &x1, 0); if (result1 < 0){ ToAscii(vk, scan, state, &junk_x, 0); } result1 = (result1 == 1); if (!usable_ascii((char)x1)){ result1 = 0; } control_state = state[VK_CONTROL]; state[VK_CONTROL] = 0; x2 = 0; result2 = ToAscii(vk, scan, state, &x2, 0); if (result2 < 0){ ToAscii(vk, scan, state, &junk_x, 0); } result2 = (result2 == 1); if (!usable_ascii((char)x2)){ result2 = 0; } // TODO(allen): This is becoming a really major issue. // Apparently control + i outputs a '\t' which is VALID ascii // according to this system. So it reports the key as '\t'. // This wasn't an issue before because we were ignoring control // when computing character_no_caps_lock which is what is used // for commands. But that is incorrect for some keyboard layouts // where control+alt is used to signal AltGr for important keys. if (result1 && result2){ char c1 = char_to_upper((char)x1); char cParam = char_to_upper((char)wParam); if ((c1 == '\n' || c1 == '\r') && cParam != VK_RETURN){ result1 = 0; } if (c1 == '\t' && cParam != VK_TAB){ result1 = 0; } } if (result1){ x = x1; state[VK_CONTROL] = control_state; result = 1; } else if (result2){ x = x2; result = 1; } if (result == 1 && x < 128){ key = (u8)x; if (key == '\r') key = '\n'; data[*count].character = key; state[VK_CAPITAL] = 0; x = 0; result = ToAscii(vk, scan, state, &x, 0); if (result < 0){ ToAscii(vk, scan, state, &junk_x, 0); } result = (result == 1); if (!usable_ascii((char)x)){ result = 0; } if (result){ key = (u8)x; if (key == '\r') key = '\n'; data[*count].character_no_caps_lock = key; data[*count].keycode = key; } } if (result != 1 || x >= 128){ data[*count].character = 0; data[*count].character_no_caps_lock = 0; data[*count].keycode = 0; } } else{ data[*count].character = 0; data[*count].character_no_caps_lock = 0; data[*count].keycode = key; } memcpy(data[*count].modifiers, control_keys, control_keys_size); data[*count].modifiers[MDFR_HOLD_INDEX] = previous_state; ++(*count); } } result = DefWindowProc(hwnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam); }break; }/* switch */ }break; case WM_MOUSEMOVE: { i32 new_x = LOWORD(lParam); i32 new_y = HIWORD(lParam); if (new_x != win32vars.input_chunk.pers.mouse_x || new_y != win32vars.input_chunk.pers.mouse_y){ win32vars.input_chunk.pers.mouse_x = new_x; win32vars.input_chunk.pers.mouse_y = new_y; win32vars.got_useful_event = 1; } }break; case WM_MOUSEWHEEL: { win32vars.got_useful_event = 1; i16 rotation = GET_WHEEL_DELTA_WPARAM(wParam); if (rotation > 0){ win32vars.input_chunk.trans.mouse_wheel = 1; } else{ win32vars.input_chunk.trans.mouse_wheel = -1; } }break; case WM_LBUTTONDOWN: { win32vars.got_useful_event = 1; win32vars.input_chunk.trans.mouse_l_press = 1; win32vars.input_chunk.pers.mouse_l = 1; }break; case WM_RBUTTONDOWN: { win32vars.got_useful_event = 1; win32vars.input_chunk.trans.mouse_r_press = 1; win32vars.input_chunk.pers.mouse_r = 1; }break; case WM_LBUTTONUP: { win32vars.got_useful_event = 1; win32vars.input_chunk.trans.mouse_l_release = 1; win32vars.input_chunk.pers.mouse_l = 0; }break; case WM_RBUTTONUP: { win32vars.got_useful_event = 1; win32vars.input_chunk.trans.mouse_r_release = 1; win32vars.input_chunk.pers.mouse_r = 0; }break; case WM_KILLFOCUS: case WM_SETFOCUS: { win32vars.got_useful_event = 1; win32vars.input_chunk.pers.mouse_l = 0; win32vars.input_chunk.pers.mouse_r = 0; for (int32_t i = 0; i < MDFR_INDEX_COUNT; ++i){ win32vars.input_chunk.pers.control_keys[i] = 0; } win32vars.input_chunk.pers.controls = null_control_keys; }break; case WM_SIZE: { win32vars.got_useful_event = 1; if (win32vars.target.handle){ i32 new_width = LOWORD(lParam); i32 new_height = HIWORD(lParam); Win32Resize(new_width, new_height); } }break; case WM_PAINT: { win32vars.got_useful_event = 1; PAINTSTRUCT ps; HDC hdc = BeginPaint(hwnd, &ps); Win32RedrawScreen(hdc); EndPaint(hwnd, &ps); }break; case WM_CLOSE: case WM_DESTROY: { win32vars.got_useful_event = 1; win32vars.input_chunk.trans.trying_to_kill = 1; }break; case WM_4coder_ANIMATE: win32vars.got_useful_event = 1; break; case WM_CANCELMODE: { result = DefWindowProc(hwnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam); }break; default: { result = DefWindowProc(hwnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam); }break; } return(result); } #define GL_DEBUG_OUTPUT_SYNCHRONOUS 0x8242 #define GL_DEBUG_OUTPUT 0x92E0 typedef void GLDEBUGPROC_TYPE(GLenum source, GLenum type, GLuint id, GLenum severity, GLsizei length, const char * message, const GLvoid * userParam); typedef GLDEBUGPROC_TYPE * GLDEBUGPROC; typedef void glDebugMessageControl_type(GLenum source, GLenum type, GLenum severity, GLsizei count, GLuint * ids, GLboolean enabled); typedef void glDebugMessageCallback_type(GLDEBUGPROC callback, void * userParam); internal void OpenGLDebugCallback(GLenum source, GLenum type, GLuint id, GLenum severity, GLsizei length, const char *message, const void *userParam) { OutputDebugStringA(message); OutputDebugStringA("\n"); } int WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow){ i32 argc = __argc; char **argv = __argv; memset(&win32vars, 0, sizeof(win32vars)); win32vars.GlobalWindowPosition.length = sizeof(win32vars.GlobalWindowPosition); // // Threads and Coroutines // // NOTE(allen): These should come before threads are started! // Threads now get memory right away and so they use // the internal_bubble and DEBUG_sysmem_lock #if FRED_INTERNAL win32vars.internal_bubble.next = &win32vars.internal_bubble; win32vars.internal_bubble.prev = &win32vars.internal_bubble; win32vars.internal_bubble.flags = 0; InitializeCriticalSection(&win32vars.DEBUG_sysmem_lock); #endif for (i32 i = 0; i < LOCK_COUNT; ++i){ InitializeCriticalSection(&win32vars.locks[i]); } for (i32 i = 0; i < CV_COUNT; ++i){ InitializeConditionVariable(&win32vars.condition_vars[i]); } Thread_Context background[4]; memset(background, 0, sizeof(background)); win32vars.groups[BACKGROUND_THREADS].threads = background; win32vars.groups[BACKGROUND_THREADS].count = ArrayCount(background); win32vars.groups[BACKGROUND_THREADS].cancel_lock0 = CANCEL_LOCK0; win32vars.groups[BACKGROUND_THREADS].cancel_cv0 = CANCEL_CV0; Thread_Memory thread_memory[ArrayCount(background)]; win32vars.thread_memory = thread_memory; win32vars.queues[BACKGROUND_THREADS].semaphore = Win32Handle(CreateSemaphore(0, 0, win32vars.groups[BACKGROUND_THREADS].count, 0)); u32 creation_flag = 0; for (i32 i = 0; i < win32vars.groups[BACKGROUND_THREADS].count; ++i){ Thread_Context *thread = win32vars.groups[BACKGROUND_THREADS].threads + i; thread->id = i + 1; thread->group_id = BACKGROUND_THREADS; Thread_Memory *memory = win32vars.thread_memory + i; *memory = thread_memory_zero(); memory->id = thread->id; thread->queue = &win32vars.queues[BACKGROUND_THREADS]; thread->handle = CreateThread(0, 0, JobThreadProc, thread, creation_flag, (LPDWORD)&thread->windows_id); } initialize_unbounded_queue(&win32vars.groups[BACKGROUND_THREADS].queue); ConvertThreadToFiber(0); win32vars.coroutine_free = win32vars.coroutine_data; for (i32 i = 0; i+1 < ArrayCount(win32vars.coroutine_data); ++i){ win32vars.coroutine_data[i].next = win32vars.coroutine_data + i + 1; } // // Memory Initialization // LPVOID base; #if FRED_INTERNAL base = (LPVOID)Tbytes(1); #else base = (LPVOID)0; #endif memory_vars.vars_memory_size = Mbytes(2); memory_vars.vars_memory = VirtualAlloc(base, memory_vars.vars_memory_size, MEM_COMMIT | MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_READWRITE); #if FRED_INTERNAL base = (LPVOID)Tbytes(2); #else base = (LPVOID)0; #endif memory_vars.target_memory_size = Mbytes(512); memory_vars.target_memory = VirtualAlloc(base, memory_vars.target_memory_size, MEM_COMMIT | MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_READWRITE); base = (LPVOID)0; memory_vars.user_memory_size = Mbytes(2); memory_vars.user_memory = VirtualAlloc(base, memory_vars.target_memory_size, MEM_COMMIT | MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_READWRITE); if (!memory_vars.vars_memory){ exit(1); } win32vars.target.max = Mbytes(1); win32vars.target.push_buffer = (char*)system_get_memory(win32vars.target.max); // // System and Application Layer Linkage // if (!Win32LoadAppCode()){ exit(1); } Win32LoadSystemCode(); Win32LoadRenderCode(); // // Shared Systems Init // init_shared_vars(); // // Read Command Line // DWORD required = (GetCurrentDirectory(0, 0)*4) + 1; char *current_directory_mem = (char*)system_get_memory(required); DWORD written = GetCurrentDirectory(required, current_directory_mem); String current_directory = make_string_cap(current_directory_mem, written, required); terminate_with_null(¤t_directory); replace_char(¤t_directory, '\\', '/'); Command_Line_Parameters clparams; clparams.argv = argv; clparams.argc = argc; char **files = 0; i32 *file_count = 0; win32vars.app.read_command_line(&win32vars.system, &memory_vars, current_directory, &win32vars.settings, &files, &file_count, clparams); sysshared_filter_real_files(files, file_count); // // Custom Layer Linkage // #if defined(FRED_SUPER) char *custom_file_default = "4coder_custom.dll"; char *custom_file = 0; if (win32vars.settings.custom_dll) custom_file = win32vars.settings.custom_dll; else custom_file = custom_file_default; win32vars.custom = LoadLibraryA(custom_file); if (!win32vars.custom && custom_file != custom_file_default){ if (!win32vars.settings.custom_dll_is_strict){ win32vars.custom = LoadLibraryA(custom_file_default); } } if (win32vars.custom){ win32vars.custom_api.get_alpha_4coder_version = (_Get_Version_Function*) GetProcAddress(win32vars.custom, "get_alpha_4coder_version"); if (win32vars.custom_api.get_alpha_4coder_version == 0 || win32vars.custom_api.get_alpha_4coder_version(MAJOR, MINOR, PATCH) == 0){ MessageBoxA(0,"Error: The application and custom version numbers don't match.\n", "Error",0); exit(1); } win32vars.custom_api.get_bindings = (Get_Binding_Data_Function*) GetProcAddress(win32vars.custom, "get_bindings"); // NOTE(allen): I am temporarily taking the view routine // back out, it will be back soon. #if 0 win32vars.custom_api.view_routine = (View_Routine_Function*) GetProcAddress(win32vars.custom, "view_routine"); #endif } if (win32vars.custom_api.get_bindings == 0){ MessageBoxA(0,"Error: The custom dll is missing.\n", "Error",0); exit(1); } #else win32vars.custom_api.get_bindings = (Get_Binding_Data_Function*)get_bindings; #endif win32vars.custom_api.view_routine = (View_Routine_Function*)0; #if 0 if (win32vars.custom_api.view_routine == 0){ win32vars.custom_api.view_routine = (View_Routine_Function*)view_routine; } #endif // // Window and GL Initialization // WNDCLASS window_class = {}; window_class.style = CS_HREDRAW|CS_VREDRAW; window_class.lpfnWndProc = Win32Callback; window_class.hInstance = hInstance; window_class.lpszClassName = "4coder-win32-wndclass"; window_class.hIcon = LoadIcon(hInstance, "main"); if (!RegisterClass(&window_class)){ exit(1); } RECT window_rect = {}; if (win32vars.settings.set_window_size){ window_rect.right = win32vars.settings.window_w; window_rect.bottom = win32vars.settings.window_h; } else{ window_rect.right = 800; window_rect.bottom = 600; } if (!AdjustWindowRect(&window_rect, WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, false)){ // TODO(allen): non-fatal diagnostics } #define WINDOW_NAME "4coder-window: " VERSION i32 window_x = CW_USEDEFAULT; i32 window_y = CW_USEDEFAULT; if (win32vars.settings.set_window_pos){ window_x = win32vars.settings.window_x; window_y = win32vars.settings.window_y; } i32 window_style = WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW; if (!win32vars.settings.fullscreen_window && win32vars.settings.maximize_window){ window_style |= WS_MAXIMIZE; } win32vars.window_handle = CreateWindowA(window_class.lpszClassName, WINDOW_NAME, window_style, window_x, window_y, window_rect.right - window_rect.left, window_rect.bottom - window_rect.top, 0, 0, hInstance, 0); if (win32vars.window_handle == 0){ exit(1); } HDC hdc = GetDC(win32vars.window_handle); #if SUPPORT_DPI // TODO(allen): not Windows XP compatible, how do I handle that? SetProcessDPIAware(); win32vars.dpi_x = GetDeviceCaps(hdc, LOGPIXELSX); win32vars.dpi_y = GetDeviceCaps(hdc, LOGPIXELSY); #else win32vars.dpi_x = 1; win32vars.dpi_y = 1; #endif GetClientRect(win32vars.window_handle, &window_rect); DWORD pfd_flags = PFD_DRAW_TO_WINDOW | PFD_SUPPORT_OPENGL; // NOTE(allen): This is probably not an issue on linux and // does not need to be ported. if (!win32vars.settings.stream_mode){ pfd_flags |= PFD_DOUBLEBUFFER; } static PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR pfd = { sizeof(PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR), 1, pfd_flags, PFD_TYPE_RGBA, 32, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 16, 0, 0, PFD_MAIN_PLANE, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; { i32 pixel_format; pixel_format = ChoosePixelFormat(hdc, &pfd); SetPixelFormat(hdc, pixel_format, &pfd); win32vars.target.handle = hdc; win32vars.target.context = wglCreateContext(hdc); wglMakeCurrent(hdc, (HGLRC)win32vars.target.context); } ReleaseDC(win32vars.window_handle, hdc); #if FRED_INTERNAL // NOTE(casey): This slows down GL but puts error messages to // the debug console immediately whenever you do something wrong glDebugMessageCallback_type *glDebugMessageCallback = (glDebugMessageCallback_type *)wglGetProcAddress("glDebugMessageCallback"); glDebugMessageControl_type *glDebugMessageControl = (glDebugMessageControl_type *)wglGetProcAddress("glDebugMessageControl"); if(glDebugMessageCallback && glDebugMessageControl) { glDebugMessageCallback(OpenGLDebugCallback, 0); glDebugMessageControl(GL_DONT_CARE, GL_DONT_CARE, GL_DONT_CARE, 0, 0, GL_TRUE); glEnable(GL_DEBUG_OUTPUT); glEnable(GL_DEBUG_OUTPUT_SYNCHRONOUS); } #endif glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); glEnable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST); glEnable(GL_BLEND); glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); Win32Resize(window_rect.right - window_rect.left, window_rect.bottom - window_rect.top); // // Misc System Initializations // win32vars.clipboard_sequence = GetClipboardSequenceNumber(); if (win32vars.clipboard_sequence == 0){ system_post_clipboard(make_lit_string("")); win32vars.clipboard_sequence = GetClipboardSequenceNumber(); win32vars.next_clipboard_is_self = 0; if (win32vars.clipboard_sequence == 0){ OutputDebugStringA("Failure while initializing clipboard\n"); } } else{ Win32ReadClipboardContents(); } Win32KeycodeInit(); win32vars.cursor_ibeam = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_IBEAM); win32vars.cursor_arrow = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW); win32vars.cursor_leftright = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_SIZEWE); win32vars.cursor_updown = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_SIZENS); LARGE_INTEGER f; if (QueryPerformanceFrequency(&f)){ win32vars.count_per_usecond = (u64)f.QuadPart / 1000000; } else{ // NOTE(allen): Just guess. win32vars.count_per_usecond = 1; } // // Main Loop // win32vars.app.init(&win32vars.system, &win32vars.target, &memory_vars, win32vars.clipboard_contents, current_directory, win32vars.custom_api); system_free_memory(current_directory.str); b32 keep_playing = 1; win32vars.first = 1; timeBeginPeriod(1); if (win32vars.settings.fullscreen_window){ Win32ToggleFullscreen(); } SetForegroundWindow(win32vars.window_handle); SetActiveWindow(win32vars.window_handle); ShowWindow(win32vars.window_handle, SW_SHOW); u64 timer_start = Win32HighResolutionTime(); system_acquire_lock(FRAME_LOCK); MSG msg; for (;keep_playing;){ // TODO(allen): Find a good way to wait on a pipe // without interfering with the reading process // Looks like we can ReadFile with a size of zero // in an IOCP for this effect. // NOTE(allen): When we're in stream mode we don't have // double buffering so we need to move ahead and call // the first step right away so it will render into the // window. With double buffering this is not an issue // for reasons I cannot at all comprehend. if (!(win32vars.first && win32vars.settings.stream_mode)){ system_release_lock(FRAME_LOCK); if (win32vars.running_cli == 0){ win32vars.got_useful_event = 0; for (;win32vars.got_useful_event == 0;){ if (GetMessage(&msg, 0, 0, 0)){ if (msg.message == WM_QUIT){ keep_playing = 0; }else{ TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); } } } } while (PeekMessage(&msg, 0, 0, 0, 1)){ if (msg.message == WM_QUIT){ keep_playing = 0; }else{ TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); } } system_acquire_lock(FRAME_LOCK); } POINT mouse_point; if (GetCursorPos(&mouse_point) && ScreenToClient(win32vars.window_handle, &mouse_point)){ i32_Rect screen = i32R(0, 0, win32vars.target.width, win32vars.target.height); if (!hit_check(mouse_point.x, mouse_point.y, screen)){ win32vars.input_chunk.trans.out_of_window = 1; } win32vars.input_chunk.pers.mouse_x = mouse_point.x; win32vars.input_chunk.pers.mouse_y = mouse_point.y; } else{ win32vars.input_chunk.trans.out_of_window = 1; } Win32_Input_Chunk input_chunk = win32vars.input_chunk; win32vars.input_chunk.trans = null_input_chunk_transient; input_chunk.pers.control_keys[MDFR_CAPS_INDEX] = GetKeyState(VK_CAPITAL) & 0x1; win32vars.clipboard_contents = null_string; if (win32vars.clipboard_sequence != 0){ DWORD new_number = GetClipboardSequenceNumber(); if (new_number != win32vars.clipboard_sequence){ win32vars.clipboard_sequence = new_number; if (win32vars.next_clipboard_is_self){ win32vars.next_clipboard_is_self = 0; } else{ Win32ReadClipboardContents(); } } } Application_Step_Input input = {0}; input.first_step = win32vars.first; // NOTE(allen): The expected dt given the frame limit in seconds. input.dt = frame_useconds / 1000000.f; input.keys = input_chunk.trans.key_data; memcpy(input.keys.modifiers, input_chunk.pers.control_keys, sizeof(input_chunk.pers.control_keys)); input.mouse.out_of_window = input_chunk.trans.out_of_window; input.mouse.l = input_chunk.pers.mouse_l; input.mouse.press_l = input_chunk.trans.mouse_l_press; input.mouse.release_l = input_chunk.trans.mouse_l_release; input.mouse.r = input_chunk.pers.mouse_r; input.mouse.press_r = input_chunk.trans.mouse_r_press; input.mouse.release_r = input_chunk.trans.mouse_r_release; input.mouse.wheel = input_chunk.trans.mouse_wheel; input.mouse.x = input_chunk.pers.mouse_x; input.mouse.y = input_chunk.pers.mouse_y; input.clipboard = win32vars.clipboard_contents; Application_Step_Result result = {(Application_Mouse_Cursor)0}; result.mouse_cursor_type = APP_MOUSE_CURSOR_DEFAULT; result.lctrl_lalt_is_altgr = win32vars.lctrl_lalt_is_altgr; result.trying_to_kill = input_chunk.trans.trying_to_kill; result.perform_kill = 0; if (win32vars.send_exit_signal){ result.trying_to_kill = 1; win32vars.send_exit_signal = 0; } win32vars.app.step(&win32vars.system, &win32vars.target, &memory_vars, &input, &result, clparams); if (result.perform_kill){ keep_playing = 0; } if (win32vars.do_toggle){ Win32ToggleFullscreen(); win32vars.do_toggle = 0; } Win32SetCursorFromUpdate(result.mouse_cursor_type); win32vars.lctrl_lalt_is_altgr = result.lctrl_lalt_is_altgr; HDC hdc = GetDC(win32vars.window_handle); Win32RedrawScreen(hdc); ReleaseDC(win32vars.window_handle, hdc); win32vars.first = 0; if (result.animating){ PostMessage(win32vars.window_handle, WM_4coder_ANIMATE, 0, 0); } flush_thread_group(BACKGROUND_THREADS); u64 timer_end = Win32HighResolutionTime(); u64 end_target = timer_start + frame_useconds; system_release_lock(FRAME_LOCK); while (timer_end < end_target){ DWORD samount = (DWORD)((end_target - timer_end) / 1000); if (samount > 0) Sleep(samount); timer_end = Win32HighResolutionTime(); } system_acquire_lock(FRAME_LOCK); timer_start = Win32HighResolutionTime(); } return(0); } #if 0 // NOTE(allen): In case I want to switch back to a console // application at some point. int main(int argc, char **argv){ HINSTANCE hInstance = GetModuleHandle(0); #endif // BOTTOM