/* * Mr. 4th Dimention - Allen Webster * * 03.10.2019 * * System API definition program. * */ // TOP function API_Definition* begin_api(Arena *arena, char *name){ API_Definition *api = push_array_zero(arena, API_Definition, 1); api->name = SCu8(name); return(api); } function API_Call* api_call_with_location(Arena *arena, API_Definition *api, String_Const_u8 name, String_Const_u8 type, String_Const_u8 location){ API_Call *call = push_array_zero(arena, API_Call, 1); sll_queue_push(api->first_call, api->last_call, call); api->call_count += 1; call->name = name; call->return_type = type; call->location_string = location; return(call); } function API_Call* api_call_with_location(Arena *arena, API_Definition *api, char *name, char *type, char *location){ return(api_call_with_location(arena, api, SCu8(name), SCu8(type), SCu8(location))); } function API_Type* api_type_structure_with_location(Arena *arena, API_Definition *api, API_Type_Structure_Kind kind, String_Const_u8 name, List_String_Const_u8 member_list, String_Const_u8 definition, String_Const_u8 location){ API_Type *type = push_array_zero(arena, API_Type, 1); sll_queue_push(api->first_type, api->last_type, type); api->type_count += 1; type->kind = APITypeKind_Structure; type->name = name; type->location_string = location; type->struct_type.kind = kind; type->struct_type.member_names = member_list; type->struct_type.definition_string = definition; return(type); } function API_Type* api_type_structure_with_location(Arena *arena, API_Definition *api, API_Type_Structure_Kind kind, char *name, List_String_Const_u8 member_list, char *definition, char *location){ return(api_type_structure_with_location(arena, api, kind, name, member_list, definition, location)); } #define api_call(arena, api, name, type) \ api_call_with_location((arena), (api), (name), (type), file_name_line_number) function API_Param* api_param(Arena *arena, API_Call *call, char *type_name, char *name){ API_Param *param = push_array_zero(arena, API_Param, 1); sll_queue_push(call->params.first, call->params.last, param); call->params.count += 1; param->type_name = SCu8(type_name); param->name = SCu8(name); return(param); } function void api_set_param_list(API_Call *call, API_Param_List list){ call->params = list; } function API_Definition* api_get_api(API_Definition_List *list, String_Const_u8 name){ API_Definition *result = 0; for (API_Definition *node = list->first; node != 0; node = node->next){ if (string_match(name, node->name)){ result = node; break; } } return(result); } function API_Definition* api_get_api(Arena *arena, API_Definition_List *list, String_Const_u8 name){ API_Definition *result = api_get_api(list, name); if (result == 0){ result = push_array_zero(arena, API_Definition, 1); sll_queue_push(list->first, list->last, result); list->count += 1; result->name = name; } return(result); } function API_Call* api_get_call(API_Definition *api, String_Const_u8 name){ API_Call *result = 0; for (API_Call *call = api->first_call; call != 0; call = call->next){ if (string_match(name, call->name)){ result = call; break; } } return(result); } function b32 api_call_match_sigs(API_Call *a, API_Call *b){ b32 result = false; if (a->params.count == b->params.count && string_match(a->return_type, b->return_type)){ result = true; for (API_Param *a_param = a->params.first, *b_param = b->params.first; a_param != 0 && b_param != 0; a_param = a_param->next, b_param = b_param->next){ if (!string_match(a_param->name, b_param->name) || !string_match(a_param->type_name, b_param->type_name)){ result = false; break; } } } return(result); } function API_Type* api_get_type(API_Definition *api, String_Const_u8 name){ API_Type *result = 0; for (API_Type *type = api->first_type; type != 0; type = type->next){ if (string_match(type->name, name)){ result = type; break; } } return(result); } function b32 api_type_match(API_Type *a, API_Type *b){ b32 result = false; if (a->kind == b->kind && string_match(a->name, b->name)){ switch (a->kind){ case APITypeKind_Structure: { if (a->kind == b->kind && string_list_match(a->struct_type.member_names, b->struct_type.member_names) && string_match(a->struct_type.definition_string, b->struct_type.definition_string)){ result = true; } }break; case APITypeKind_Enum: { if (a->enum_type.val_count == b->enum_type.val_count && string_match(a->enum_type.type_name, b->enum_type.type_name)){ result = true; for (API_Enum_Value *a_node = a->enum_type.first_val, *b_node = b->enum_type.first_val; a_node != 0 && b_node != 0; a_node = a_node->next, b_node = b_node->next){ if (!string_match(a_node->name, b_node->name) || !string_match(a_node->val, b_node->val)){ result = false; break; } } } }break; case APITypeKind_Typedef: { if (string_match(a->typedef_type.name, b->typedef_type.name) && string_match(a->typedef_type.definition_text, b->typedef_type.definition_text)){ result = false; } }break; } } return(result); } //////////////////////////////// #if !defined(SKIP_STDIO) #include <stdio.h> #include "4coder_stringf.cpp" function String_Const_u8 api_get_callable_name(Arena *arena, String_Const_u8 api_name, String_Const_u8 name, API_Generation_Flag flags){ String_Const_u8 result = {}; if (HasFlag(flags, APIGeneration_NoAPINameOnCallables)){ result = push_u8_stringf(arena, "%.*s", string_expand(name)); } else{ result = push_u8_stringf(arena, "%.*s_%.*s", string_expand(api_name), string_expand(name)); } return(result); } //////////////////////////////// function void generate_api_master_list(Arena *scratch, API_Definition *api, API_Generation_Flag flags, FILE *out){ for (API_Call *call = api->first_call; call != 0; call = call->next){ fprintf(out, "api(%.*s) function %.*s %.*s(", string_expand(api->name), string_expand(call->return_type), string_expand(call->name)); if (call->params.count == 0){ fprintf(out, "void"); } else{ for (API_Param *param = call->params.first; param != 0; param = param->next){ fprintf(out, "%.*s %.*s", string_expand(param->type_name), string_expand(param->name)); if (param->next != 0){ fprintf(out, ", "); } } } fprintf(out, ");\n"); } } function void generate_header(Arena *scratch, API_Definition *api, API_Generation_Flag flags, FILE *out){ for (API_Call *call = api->first_call; call != 0; call = call->next){ fprintf(out, "#define %.*s_%.*s_sig() %.*s %.*s_%.*s(", string_expand(api->name), string_expand(call->name), string_expand(call->return_type), string_expand(api->name), string_expand(call->name)); if (call->params.count == 0){ fprintf(out, "void"); } else{ for (API_Param *param = call->params.first; param != 0; param = param->next){ fprintf(out, "%.*s %.*s", string_expand(param->type_name), string_expand(param->name)); if (param->next != 0){ fprintf(out, ", "); } } } fprintf(out, ")\n"); } for (API_Call *call = api->first_call; call != 0; call = call->next){ fprintf(out, "typedef %.*s %.*s_%.*s_type(", string_expand(call->return_type), string_expand(api->name), string_expand(call->name)); if (call->params.count == 0){ fprintf(out, "void"); } else{ for (API_Param *param = call->params.first; param != 0; param = param->next){ fprintf(out, "%.*s %.*s", string_expand(param->type_name), string_expand(param->name)); if (param->next != 0){ fprintf(out, ", "); } } } fprintf(out, ");\n"); } fprintf(out, "struct API_VTable_%.*s{\n", string_expand(api->name)); for (API_Call *call = api->first_call; call != 0; call = call->next){ fprintf(out, "%.*s_%.*s_type *", string_expand(api->name), string_expand(call->name)); fprintf(out, "%.*s", string_expand(call->name)); fprintf(out, ";\n"); } fprintf(out, "};\n"); fprintf(out, "#if defined(STATIC_LINK_API)\n"); for (API_Call *call = api->first_call; call != 0; call = call->next){ String_Const_u8 callable_name = api_get_callable_name(scratch, api->name, call->name, flags); fprintf(out, "internal %.*s %.*s(", string_expand(call->return_type), string_expand(callable_name)); if (call->params.count == 0){ fprintf(out, "void"); } else{ for (API_Param *param = call->params.first; param != 0; param = param->next){ fprintf(out, "%.*s %.*s", string_expand(param->type_name), string_expand(param->name)); if (param->next != 0){ fprintf(out, ", "); } } } fprintf(out, ");\n"); } fprintf(out, "#undef STATIC_LINK_API\n"); fprintf(out, "#elif defined(DYNAMIC_LINK_API)\n"); for (API_Call *call = api->first_call; call != 0; call = call->next){ String_Const_u8 callable_name = api_get_callable_name(scratch, api->name, call->name, flags); fprintf(out, "global %.*s_%.*s_type *%.*s = 0;\n", string_expand(api->name), string_expand(call->name), string_expand(callable_name)); } fprintf(out, "#undef DYNAMIC_LINK_API\n"); fprintf(out, "#endif\n"); } function void generate_cpp(Arena *scratch, API_Definition *api, API_Generation_Flag flags, FILE *out){ fprintf(out, "function void\n"); fprintf(out, "%.*s_api_fill_vtable(API_VTable_%.*s *vtable){\n", string_expand(api->name), string_expand(api->name)); for (API_Call *call = api->first_call; call != 0; call = call->next){ String_Const_u8 callable_name = api_get_callable_name(scratch, api->name, call->name, flags); fprintf(out, "vtable->%.*s = %.*s;\n", string_expand(call->name), string_expand(callable_name)); } fprintf(out, "}\n"); fprintf(out, "#if defined(DYNAMIC_LINK_API)\n"); fprintf(out, "function void\n"); fprintf(out, "%.*s_api_read_vtable(API_VTable_%.*s *vtable){\n", string_expand(api->name), string_expand(api->name)); for (API_Call *call = api->first_call; call != 0; call = call->next){ String_Const_u8 callable_name = api_get_callable_name(scratch, api->name, call->name, flags); fprintf(out, "%.*s = vtable->%.*s;\n", string_expand(callable_name), string_expand(call->name)); } fprintf(out, "}\n"); fprintf(out, "#undef DYNAMIC_LINK_API\n"); fprintf(out, "#endif\n"); } function void generate_constructor(Arena *scratch, API_Definition *api, API_Generation_Flag flags, FILE *out){ fprintf(out, "function API_Definition*\n"); fprintf(out, "%.*s_api_construct(Arena *arena){\n", string_expand(api->name)); fprintf(out, "API_Definition *result = begin_api(arena, \"%.*s\");\n", string_expand(api->name)); for (API_Call *call = api->first_call; call != 0; call = call->next){ fprintf(out, "{\n"); fprintf(out, "API_Call *call = api_call_with_location(arena, result, " "string_u8_litexpr(\"%.*s\"), " "string_u8_litexpr(\"%.*s\"), " "string_u8_litexpr(\"\"));\n", string_expand(call->name), string_expand(call->return_type)); if (call->params.count == 0){ fprintf(out, "(void)call;\n"); } else{ for (API_Param *param = call->params.first; param != 0; param = param->next){ fprintf(out, "api_param(arena, call, \"%.*s\", \"%.*s\");\n", string_expand(param->type_name), string_expand(param->name)); } } fprintf(out, "}\n"); } fprintf(out, "return(result);\n"); fprintf(out, "}\n"); } //////////////////////////////// function b32 api_definition_generate_api_includes(Arena *arena, API_Definition *api, Generated_Group group, API_Generation_Flag flags){ // NOTE(allen): Arrange output files String_Const_u8 path_to_self = string_u8_litexpr(__FILE__); path_to_self = string_remove_last_folder(path_to_self); String_Const_u8 fname_ml = {}; String_Const_u8 fname_h = {}; String_Const_u8 fname_cpp = {}; String_Const_u8 fname_con = {}; String_Const_u8 root = {}; switch (group){ case GeneratedGroup_Core: { root = string_u8_litexpr("generated/"); }break; case GeneratedGroup_Custom: { root = string_u8_litexpr("custom/generated/"); }break; } fname_ml = push_u8_stringf(arena, "%.*s%.*s%.*s_api_master_list.h", string_expand(path_to_self), string_expand(root), string_expand(api->name)); fname_h = push_u8_stringf(arena, "%.*s%.*s%.*s_api.h", string_expand(path_to_self), string_expand(root), string_expand(api->name)); fname_cpp = push_u8_stringf(arena, "%.*s%.*s%.*s_api.cpp", string_expand(path_to_self), string_expand(root), string_expand(api->name)); fname_con = push_u8_stringf(arena, "%.*s%.*s%.*s_api_constructor.cpp", string_expand(path_to_self), string_expand(root), string_expand(api->name)); FILE *out_file_ml = fopen((char*)fname_ml.str, "wb"); if (out_file_ml == 0){ printf("could not open output file: '%s'\n", fname_ml.str); return(false); } FILE *out_file_h = fopen((char*)fname_h.str, "wb"); if (out_file_h == 0){ printf("could not open output file: '%s'\n", fname_h.str); return(false); } FILE *out_file_cpp = fopen((char*)fname_cpp.str, "wb"); if (out_file_cpp == 0){ printf("could not open output file: '%s'\n", fname_cpp.str); return(false); } FILE *out_file_con = fopen((char*)fname_con.str, "wb"); if (out_file_cpp == 0){ printf("could not open output file: '%s'\n", fname_con.str); return(false); } printf("%s:1:\n", fname_ml.str); printf("%s:1:\n", fname_h.str); printf("%s:1:\n", fname_cpp.str); printf("%s:1:\n", fname_con.str); //////////////////////////////// // NOTE(allen): Generate output generate_api_master_list(arena, api, flags, out_file_ml); generate_header(arena, api, flags, out_file_h); generate_cpp(arena, api, flags, out_file_cpp); generate_constructor(arena, api, flags, out_file_con); //////////////////////////////// fclose(out_file_ml); fclose(out_file_h); fclose(out_file_cpp); return(true); } //////////////////////////////// function void api_definition_error(Arena *arena, List_String_Const_u8 *list, char *e1, API_Call *c1, char *e2, API_Call *c2){ Assert(e1 != 0); Assert(c1 != 0); string_list_pushf(arena, list, "%.*s error: %s '%.*s'", string_expand(c1->location_string), e1, string_expand(c1->name)); if (e2 != 0){ string_list_pushf(arena, list, " %s", e2); if (c2 != 0){ string_list_pushf(arena, list, " '%.*s'", string_expand(c2->name)); } } string_list_push(arena, list, string_u8_litexpr("\n")); if (c2 != 0){ string_list_push(arena, list, c2->location_string); string_list_pushf(arena, list, " note: see declaration of '%.*s'\n", string_expand(c2->name)); } } function void api_definition_error(Arena *arena, List_String_Const_u8 *list, char *e1, API_Call *c1, char *e2){ api_definition_error(arena, list, e1, c1, e2, 0); } function void api_definition_error(Arena *arena, List_String_Const_u8 *list, char *e1, API_Call *c1){ api_definition_error(arena, list, e1, c1, 0, 0); } function void api_definition_error(Arena *arena, List_String_Const_u8 *list, char *e1, API_Definition *api1, char *e2){ Assert(e1 != 0); Assert(api1 != 0); string_list_pushf(arena, list, "error: %s '%.*s'", e1, string_expand(api1->name)); if (e2 != 0){ string_list_pushf(arena, list, " %s", e2); } string_list_push(arena, list, string_u8_litexpr("\n")); } function void api_definition_error(Arena *arena, List_String_Const_u8 *list, char *e1, API_Definition *api1){ api_definition_error(arena, list, e1, api1, 0); } function void api_definition_check(Arena *arena, API_Definition *correct, API_Definition *remote, API_Check_Flag flags, List_String_Const_u8 *error_list){ b32 report_missing = HasFlag(flags, APICheck_ReportMissingAPI); b32 report_extra = HasFlag(flags, APICheck_ReportExtraAPI); b32 report_mismatch = HasFlag(flags, APICheck_ReportMismatchAPI); b32 iterate_correct = (report_missing || report_mismatch); if (iterate_correct){ for (API_Call *call = correct->first_call; call != 0; call = call->next){ API_Call *remote_call = api_get_call(remote, call->name); if (remote_call == 0 && report_missing){ api_definition_error(arena, error_list, "no remote call for", call); } if (remote_call != 0 && !api_call_match_sigs(call, remote_call) && report_mismatch){ api_definition_error(arena, error_list, "remote call", remote_call, "does not match signature for", call); } } } b32 iterate_remote = (report_extra); if (iterate_remote){ for (API_Call *call = remote->first_call; call != 0; call = call->next){ API_Call *correct_call = api_get_call(correct, call->name); if (correct_call == 0 && report_extra){ api_definition_error(arena, error_list, "remote call", call, "does not exist in api master"); } } } } function void api_list_check(Arena *arena, API_Definition_List *correct, API_Definition_List *remote, API_Check_Flag flags, List_String_Const_u8 *error_list){ b32 report_missing = HasFlag(flags, APICheck_ReportMissingAPI); b32 report_extra = HasFlag(flags, APICheck_ReportExtraAPI); b32 iterate_correct = (report_missing); if (iterate_correct){ for (API_Definition *api = correct->first; api != 0; api = api->next){ API_Definition *remote_api = api_get_api(remote, api->name); if (remote_api == 0 && report_missing){ api_definition_error(arena, error_list, "no remote api for", api); } } } b32 iterate_remote = (report_extra); if (iterate_remote){ for (API_Definition *api = remote->first; api != 0; api = api->next){ API_Definition *correct_api = api_get_api(correct, api->name); if (correct_api == 0 && report_extra){ api_definition_error(arena, error_list, "remote api", api, "does not have a master"); } } } for (API_Definition *api = correct->first; api != 0; api = api->next){ API_Definition *remote_api = api_get_api(remote, api->name); if (remote_api != 0){ api_definition_check(arena, api, remote_api, flags, error_list); } } } #endif // BOTTOM