/* * Mr. 4th Dimention - Allen Webster * * 28.06.2017 * * Mac C++ layer for 4coder * */ // TOP #define IS_PLAT_LAYER #include "4coder_base_types.h" #include "4coder_API/4coder_version.h" #include "4coder_lib/4coder_utf8.h" #if defined(FRED_SUPER) # include "4coder_lib/4coder_arena.h" # include "4coder_lib/4coder_arena.cpp" # define FSTRING_IMPLEMENTATION # include "4coder_lib/4coder_string.h" # include "4coder_API/4coder_keycodes.h" # include "4coder_API/4coder_style.h" # include "4coder_API/4coder_types.h" #else # include "4coder_default_bindings.cpp" #endif #include "osx_objective_c_to_cpp_links.h" #include "4ed_math.h" #include <string.h> #include "4ed_font.h" #include "4ed_system.h" #include "4ed_render_target.h" #include "4ed_render_format.h" #include "4ed.h" #include "4ed_linked_node_macros.h" #include "4ed_file_track.h" #include "4ed_system_shared.h" #include "unix_4ed_headers.h" #include <sys/syslimits.h> #undef external #undef internal #include <mach/mach.h> #define external extern "C" #define internal static #include <mach-o/dyld.h> #include <stdlib.h> //////////////////////////////// #include "4ed_shared_thread_constants.h" #include "unix_threading_wrapper.h" #include "mac_semaphore_wrapper.h" // TODO(allen): Make an intrinsics header that uses the cracked OS to define a single set of intrinsic names. #define InterlockedCompareExchange(dest, ex, comp) \ __sync_val_compare_and_swap((dest), (comp), (ex)) //////////////////////////////// #define SLASH '/' #define DLL "so" global System_Functions sysfunc; #include "4ed_shared_library_constants.h" #include "unix_library_wrapper.h" #include "4ed_standard_libraries.cpp" #include "4ed_coroutine.cpp" #include "4ed_font.cpp" //////////////////////////////// struct OSX_Vars{ Application_Step_Input input; String clipboard_contents; b32 keep_running; b32 has_prev_time; u64 prev_time_u; File_Track_System track; void *track_table; u32 track_table_size; u32 track_node_size; }; //////////////////////////////// OSX_Objective_C_Vars osx_objc; OSX_Vars osxvars; global Render_Target target; global Application_Memory memory_vars; global Plat_Settings plat_settings; global Libraries libraries; global App_Functions app; global Custom_API custom_api; global Coroutine_System_Auto_Alloc coroutines; //////////////////////////////// #include "mac_error_box.cpp" //////////////////////////////// internal Sys_Get_4ed_Path_Sig(system_get_4ed_path){ Partition *scratch = &shared_vars.scratch; Temp_Memory temp = begin_temp_memory(scratch); char *temp_buffer = push_array(scratch, char, capacity); i32 size = 0; u32 buf_size = capacity; i32 status = _NSGetExecutablePath(temp_buffer, &buf_size); buf_size = str_size(temp_buffer); if (status == 0){ ssize_t ln_len = readlink(temp_buffer, out, capacity); if (ln_len != -1){ out[ln_len] = 0; String str = make_string_cap(out, ln_len, capacity); remove_last_folder(&str); terminate_with_null(&str); size = str.size; } else{ memcpy(out, temp_buffer, buf_size); String str = make_string_cap(out, buf_size, capacity); remove_last_folder(&str); terminate_with_null(&str); size = str.size; } } end_temp_memory(temp); return(size); } //#include "mac_fd_check.cpp" #include "unix_4ed_functions.cpp" internal Sys_Now_Time_Sig(system_now_time){ f64 t = osx_timer_seconds(); u64 result = (u64)(t*1000000.f); return(result); } //////////////////////////////// void osx_log(char *m, i32 l){ system_log(m, l); } //////////////////////////////// internal void system_schedule_step(void){ osx_schedule_step(); } //////////////////////////////// #include "4ed_work_queues.cpp" //////////////////////////////// internal Sys_Show_Mouse_Cursor_Sig(system_show_mouse_cursor){ switch (show){ case MouseCursorShow_Never: { osx_show_cursor(-1, 0); }break; case MouseCursorShow_Always: { osx_show_cursor(1, 0); }break; } } internal Sys_Set_Fullscreen_Sig(system_set_fullscreen){ osx_objc.do_toggle = (osx_objc.full_screen != full_screen); return(true); } internal Sys_Is_Fullscreen_Sig(system_is_fullscreen){ b32 result = (osx_objc.full_screen != osx_objc.do_toggle); return(result); } #include "4ed_coroutine_functions.cpp" #include "4ed_system_shared.cpp" // File Change Listeners internal b32 handle_track_out_of_memory(i32 val){ b32 result = false; switch (val){ case FileTrack_OutOfTableMemory: { u32 new_table_size = osxvars.track_table_size*2; void *new_table = system_memory_allocate(new_table_size); move_track_system(&osxvars.track, &shared_vars.scratch, new_table, new_table_size); system_memory_free(osxvars.track_table, osxvars.track_table_size); osxvars.track_table_size = new_table_size; osxvars.track_table = new_table; }break; case FileTrack_OutOfListenerMemory: { osxvars.track_node_size *= 2; void *node_expansion = system_memory_allocate(osxvars.track_node_size); expand_track_system_listeners(&osxvars.track, &shared_vars.scratch, node_expansion, osxvars.track_node_size); }break; default: result = true; break; } return(result); } internal Sys_Add_Listener_Sig(system_add_listener){ b32 result = false; for (;;){ i32 track_result = add_listener(&osxvars.track, &shared_vars.scratch, (u8*)filename); if (handle_track_out_of_memory(track_result)){ if (track_result == FileTrack_Good){ result = true; } break; } } return(result); } internal Sys_Remove_Listener_Sig(system_remove_listener){ b32 result = false; i32 track_result = remove_listener(&osxvars.track, &shared_vars.scratch, (u8*)filename); if (track_result == FileTrack_Good){ result = true; } return(result); } internal Sys_Get_File_Change_Sig(system_get_file_change){ b32 result = false; i32 size = 0; i32 get_result = get_change_event(&osxvars.track, &shared_vars.scratch, (u8*)buffer, max, &size); *required_size = size; *mem_too_small = false; if (get_result == FileTrack_Good){ result = true; } else if (get_result == FileTrack_MemoryTooSmall){ *mem_too_small = true; result = true; } return(result); } // // Clipboard // internal Sys_Post_Clipboard_Sig(system_post_clipboard){ char *string = str.str; if (!terminate_with_null(&str)){ if (osx_objc.clipboard_space_max <= str.size + 1){ if (osx_objc.clipboard_space != 0){ system_memory_free(osx_objc.clipboard_space, osx_objc.clipboard_space_max); } osx_objc.clipboard_space_max = l_round_up_u32(str.size*2 + 1, KB(4096)); osx_objc.clipboard_space = (char*)system_memory_allocate(osx_objc.clipboard_space_max); } memcpy(osx_objc.clipboard_space, str.str, str.size); osx_objc.clipboard_space[str.size] = 0; string = osx_objc.clipboard_space; } osx_post_to_clipboard(string); } // // CLI // // HACK(allen): ALMOST an exact duplicate from the Linux version. Just epoll doesn't port. deduplicate or switch to NSTask. global i32 cli_count = 0; internal Sys_CLI_Call_Sig(system_cli_call, path, script_name, cli_out){ i32 pipe_fds[2]; if (pipe(pipe_fds) == -1){ return 0; } i32 child_pid = fork(); if (child_pid == -1){ return 0; } enum { PIPE_FD_READ, PIPE_FD_WRITE }; // child if (child_pid == 0){ close(pipe_fds[PIPE_FD_READ]); dup2(pipe_fds[PIPE_FD_WRITE], STDOUT_FILENO); dup2(pipe_fds[PIPE_FD_WRITE], STDERR_FILENO); if (chdir(path) == -1){ exit(1); } char* argv[] = { "sh", "-c", script_name, 0 }; if (execv("/bin/sh", argv) == -1){ } exit(1); } else{ close(pipe_fds[PIPE_FD_WRITE]); *(pid_t*)&cli_out->proc = child_pid; *(int*)&cli_out->out_read = pipe_fds[PIPE_FD_READ]; *(int*)&cli_out->out_write = pipe_fds[PIPE_FD_WRITE]; ++cli_count; } return(true); } internal Sys_CLI_Begin_Update_Sig(system_cli_begin_update){ // NOTE(inso): I don't think anything needs to be done here. } internal Sys_CLI_Update_Step_Sig(system_cli_update_step){ i32 pipe_read_fd = *(i32*)&cli->out_read; fd_set fds; FD_ZERO(&fds); FD_SET(pipe_read_fd, &fds); struct timeval tv = {}; size_t space_left = max; char* ptr = dest; while (space_left > 0 && select(pipe_read_fd + 1, &fds, NULL, NULL, &tv) == 1){ ssize_t num = read(pipe_read_fd, ptr, space_left); if (num == -1){ } else if (num == 0){ // NOTE(inso): EOF break; } else { ptr += num; space_left -= num; } } *amount = (ptr - dest); return((ptr - dest) > 0); } internal Sys_CLI_End_Update_Sig(system_cli_end_update){ pid_t pid = *(pid_t*)&cli->proc; b32 close_me = false; int status; if (pid && waitpid(pid, &status, WNOHANG) > 0){ close_me = true; cli->exit = WEXITSTATUS(status); close(*(int*)&cli->out_read); close(*(int*)&cli->out_write); --cli_count; } return(close_me); } #include "4ed_font_provider_freetype.h" global u32 system_font_method = SystemFontMethod_FilePath; #include "4ed_font_provider_freetype.cpp" internal Sys_Font_Path(name, parameters){ b32 italic = (parameters != 0 && parameters->italics); b32 bold = (parameters != 0 && parameters->bold); i32 pt_size = 12; if (parameters != 0){ pt_size = parameters->pt_size; } OSX_Font_Match match = osx_get_font_match(name, pt_size, italic, bold); Font_Path path = {}; Partition *part = &shared_vars.font_scratch; path.temp = begin_temp_memory(part); if (match.path != 0){ i32 len = str_size(match.path); char *buffer = push_array(part, char, len + 1); if (buffer == 0){ sysshared_partition_grow(part, l_round_up_i32(len + 1, KB(4))); buffer = push_array(part, char, len + 1); } if (buffer != 0){ push_align(part, 8); memcpy(buffer, match.path, len + 1); path.len = len; path.name = buffer; } } return(path); } Sys_Font_Data_Not_Used; internal void osx_get_loadable_fonts(Partition *part, Font_Setup_List *list){ OSX_Loadable_Fonts fonts = osx_list_loadable_fonts(); for (i32 i = 0; i < fonts.count; ++i){ char *name = fonts.names[i]; char *path = fonts.paths[i]; if (name == 0 || path == 0){ continue; } Temp_Memory reset= begin_temp_memory(part); Font_Setup *setup = push_array(part, Font_Setup, 1); if (setup != 0){ memset(setup, 0, sizeof(*setup)); i32 len = str_size(path); if (len < sizeof(setup->stub.name)){ i32 name_len = str_size(name); if (name_len < sizeof(setup->name)){ setup->stub.load_from_path = true; memcpy(setup->stub.name, path, len + 1); setup->stub.len = len; setup->has_display_name = true; setup->len = name_len; memcpy(setup->name, name, name_len + 1); sll_push(list->first, list->last, setup); } else{ end_temp_memory(reset); } } else{ end_temp_memory(reset); } } } free(fonts.names); } #include <OpenGL/OpenGL.h> #include <OpenGL/gl.h> #include "opengl/4ed_opengl_render.cpp" //////////////////////////////// #include "4ed_link_system_functions.cpp" #include "4ed_shared_init_logic.cpp" external void* osx_allocate(umem size){ void *result = system_memory_allocate(size); return(result); } external void osx_free(void *ptr, umem size){ system_memory_free(ptr, size); } external void osx_resize(int width, int height){ if (width > 0 && height > 0){ osx_objc.width = width; osx_objc.height = height; target.width = width; target.height = height; osx_schedule_step(); } } internal void osx_push_key(Key_Code code, Key_Code chr, Key_Code chr_nocaps, b8 *mods){ i32 count = osxvars.input.keys.count; if (count < KEY_INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE){ Key_Event_Data *data = osxvars.input.keys.keys; data[count].keycode = code; data[count].character = chr; data[count].character_no_caps_lock = chr_nocaps; memcpy(data[count].modifiers, mods, sizeof(*mods)*MDFR_INDEX_COUNT); osxvars.input.keys.count = count + 1; } } internal void osx_mods_struct_to_array(OSX_Keyboard_Modifiers flags, b8 *mods){ mods[MDFR_SHIFT_INDEX] = ((flags.shift) != 0); mods[MDFR_CONTROL_INDEX] = ((flags.control) != 0); mods[MDFR_ALT_INDEX] = ((flags.option) != 0); mods[MDFR_COMMAND_INDEX] = ((flags.command) != 0); mods[MDFR_CAPS_INDEX] = ((flags.caps) != 0); } external void osx_character_input(u32 code, OSX_Keyboard_Modifiers modifier_flags){ Key_Code c = 0; switch (code){ // TODO(allen): Find the canonical list of these things. case 0x007F: c = key_back; break; case 0xF700: c = key_up; break; case 0xF701: c = key_down; break; case 0xF702: c = key_left; break; case 0xF703: c = key_right; break; case 0xF728: c = key_del; break; case 0xF729: c = key_home; break; case 0xF72B: c = key_end; break; case 0xF72C: c = key_page_up; break; case 0xF72D: c = key_page_down; break; case 0x001B: c = key_esc; break; case 0xF704: c = key_f1; break; case 0xF705: c = key_f2; break; case 0xF706: c = key_f3; break; case 0xF707: c = key_f4; break; case 0xF708: c = key_f5; break; case 0xF709: c = key_f6; break; case 0xF70A: c = key_f7; break; case 0xF70B: c = key_f8; break; case 0xF70C: c = key_f9; break; case 0xF70D: c = key_f10; break; case 0xF70E: c = key_f11; break; case 0xF70F: c = key_f12; break; case 0xF710: c = key_f13; break; case 0xF711: c = key_f14; break; case 0xF712: c = key_f15; break; case 0xF713: c = key_f16; break; } b8 mods[MDFR_INDEX_COUNT] = {}; osx_mods_struct_to_array(modifier_flags, mods); if (c != 0){ osx_push_key(c, 0, 0, mods); } else if (code != 0){ if (code < 0xE000 || code > 0xF8FF){ if (code == '\r'){ code = '\n'; } Key_Code chr = code; Key_Code nocaps = code; if (modifier_flags.caps){ if ('a' <= nocaps && nocaps <= 'z'){ chr += 'A' - 'a'; } else if ('A' <= nocaps && nocaps <= 'Z'){ chr += 'a' - 'A'; } } osx_push_key(code, chr, nocaps, mods); } else{ fprintf(stdout, "unhandled private code %x\n", code); } } else{ osx_push_key(0, 0, 0, mods); } osx_schedule_step(); } external void osx_mouse(i32 mx, i32 my, u32 type){ i32 new_x = mx; i32 new_y = osx_objc.height - my; if (new_x != osxvars.input.mouse.x || new_y != osxvars.input.mouse.y){ osxvars.input.mouse.x = new_x; osxvars.input.mouse.y = new_y; osx_schedule_step(); } if (type == MouseType_Press){ osxvars.input.mouse.press_l = true; osxvars.input.mouse.l = true; osx_schedule_step(); } if (type == MouseType_Release){ osxvars.input.mouse.release_l = true; osxvars.input.mouse.l = false; osx_schedule_step(); } } external void osx_mouse_wheel(float dx, float dy){ osxvars.input.mouse.wheel = - (int32_t)(dy); osx_schedule_step(); } external void osx_try_to_close(void){ osxvars.keep_running = false; osx_schedule_step(); } external void osx_step(void){ Application_Step_Result result = {}; // NOTE(allen): Prepare the Frame Input osxvars.input.dt = 1.f/60.f; if (osxvars.has_prev_time){ u64 time_u = system_now_time(); u64 time_elapsed_u = time_u - osxvars.prev_time_u; osxvars.input.dt = time_elapsed_u/1000000.f; osxvars.prev_time_u = time_u; } else{ osxvars.has_prev_time = true; osxvars.prev_time_u = system_now_time(); } // TODO(allen): CROSS REFERENCE WITH WINDOWS SPECIAL CODE "TIC898989" Application_Step_Input frame_input = osxvars.input; frame_input.trying_to_kill = !osxvars.keep_running; OSX_Keyboard_Modifiers mods = osx_get_modifiers(); osx_mods_struct_to_array(mods, frame_input.keys.modifiers); osxvars.input.first_step = false; memset(&osxvars.input.keys, 0, sizeof(osxvars.input.keys)); osxvars.input.mouse.press_l = false; osxvars.input.mouse.release_l = false; osxvars.input.mouse.press_r = false; osxvars.input.mouse.release_r = false; osxvars.input.mouse.wheel = 0; // NOTE(allen): Frame Clipboard Input if (osx_objc.has_clipboard_item){ frame_input.clipboard = make_string(osx_objc.clipboard_data, (i32)osx_objc.clipboard_size); } else{ frame_input.clipboard = null_string; } // HACK(allen): Got this all messed up with respect to how everyone else (other OS layers) work osx_objc.do_toggle = false; osx_objc.full_screen = osx_is_fullscreen(); // HACK(allen): THIS SHIT IS FUCKED (happens on linux too) b32 keep_running = osxvars.keep_running; // NOTE(allen): Application Core Update target.buffer.pos = 0; if (app.step != 0){ result = app.step(&sysfunc, &target, &memory_vars, &frame_input); } else{ //LOG("app.step == 0 -- skipping\n"); } // NOTE(allen): Finish the Loop if (result.perform_kill){ osx_close_app(); } else if (!keep_running && !osxvars.keep_running){ osxvars.keep_running = true; } // NOTE(allen): Switch to New Title if (result.has_new_title){ osx_change_title(result.title_string); } // NOTE(allen): Switch to New Cursor osx_show_cursor(0, result.mouse_cursor_type); // NOTE(allen): Render osx_begin_render(); gl_render(&target, &shared_vars.pixel_scratch); osx_end_render(); // NOTE(allen): Toggle Full Screen if (osx_objc.do_toggle){ osx_toggle_fullscreen(); } // NOTE(allen): Schedule Another Step if Needed if (result.animating || cli_count > 0){ osx_schedule_step(); } } external void osx_init(){ // // System Linkage // link_system_code(); // // Memory init // memset(&target, 0, sizeof(target)); memset(&memory_vars, 0, sizeof(memory_vars)); memset(&plat_settings, 0, sizeof(plat_settings)); memset(&libraries, 0, sizeof(libraries)); memset(&app, 0, sizeof(app)); memset(&custom_api, 0, sizeof(custom_api)); memory_init(); osxvars.keep_running = true; osxvars.input.first_step = true; // // HACK(allen): // Previously zipped stuff is here, it should be zipped in the new pattern now. // init_shared_vars(); osxvars.track_table_size = KB(16); osxvars.track_table = system_memory_allocate(osxvars.track_table_size); osxvars.track_node_size = KB(16); void *track_nodes = system_memory_allocate(osxvars.track_node_size); i32 track_result = init_track_system(&osxvars.track, &shared_vars.scratch, osxvars.track_table, osxvars.track_table_size, track_nodes, osxvars.track_node_size); if (track_result != FileTrack_Good){ exit(1); } // // Load Core Code // load_app_code(); // // Read command line // read_command_line(osx_objc.argc, osx_objc.argv); // // Load Custom Code // #if defined(FRED_SUPER) load_custom_code(); #else custom_api.get_bindings = get_bindings; #endif // // Threads // work_system_init(); // // Coroutines // coroutines_init(); // // Font System Init // Partition *scratch = &shared_vars.scratch; Temp_Memory temp = begin_temp_memory(scratch); Font_Setup_List font_setup = system_font_get_local_stubs(scratch); osx_get_loadable_fonts(scratch, &font_setup); system_font_init(&sysfunc.font, plat_settings.font_size, plat_settings.use_hinting, font_setup); end_temp_memory(temp); // // App Init // char cwd[4096]; u32 size = sysfunc.get_current_path(cwd, sizeof(cwd)); if (size == 0 || size >= sizeof(cwd)){ system_error_box("Could not get current directory at launch."); } String curdir = make_string(cwd, size); terminate_with_null(&curdir); replace_char(&curdir, '\\', '/'); String clipboard_string = {}; if (osx_objc.has_clipboard_item){ clipboard_string = make_string(osx_objc.clipboard_data, osx_objc.clipboard_size); } //LOG("Initializing application variables\n"); app.init(&sysfunc, &target, &memory_vars, clipboard_string, curdir, custom_api); } #include "mac_4ed_file_track.cpp" // BOTTOM