/* * Helpers for the API transition from 4.0.30 to 4.0.31 * * In order to keep your layer on the old API you don't have to do anything, this provides wrappers * idential to the 4.0.30 API. * In order to transition your entire layer over to the 4.0.31 API define 'REMOVE_TRANSITION_HELPER_31' and fix errors. * Or you can do it step by step by removing a few wrappers at a time. * This transition helper will be removed in a future version so it is recommended to get off sooner or laster. * * Tips on transitioning: * * Wrather than just try to inline this code everywhere, you can simplify things quite a lot by storing references * to buffers and views and Buffer_ID and View_ID instead of Buffer_Summary and View_Summary. * Just get the summaries when you need information in those structures. * * You will make your code simpler if you stick to String as much as possible, but whenever you want to you can switch * to any string type you have to String by calling make_string(char_ptr, length) or make_string_slowly(null_terminated_c_str). * To pull the char ptr and length out of a String named "string": string.str and str.size. * If you need a null terminated string from a String use get_null_terminated in 4coder_helper.cpp * */ // TOP #if !defined(REMOVE_TRANSITION_HELPER_31) typedef b32 bool32; static b32 get_buffer_summary(Application_Links *app, Buffer_ID buffer_id, Access_Flag access, Buffer_Summary *buffer){ b32 result = false; if (buffer_exists(app, buffer_id)){ Access_Flag buffer_access_flags = 0; buffer_get_access_flags(app, buffer_id, &buffer_access_flags); if ((buffer_access_flags & ~access) == 0){ result = true; buffer->exists = true; buffer->ready = buffer_ready(app, buffer_id); buffer->buffer_id = buffer_id; buffer_get_size(app, buffer_id, &buffer->size); buffer_get_line_count(app, buffer_id, &buffer->line_count); String file_name = make_fixed_width_string(buffer->file_name); buffer_get_file_name(app, buffer_id, &file_name, 0); buffer->file_name_len = file_name.size; String buffer_name = make_fixed_width_string(buffer->buffer_name); buffer_get_unique_buffer_name(app, buffer_id, &buffer_name, 0); buffer->buffer_name_len = buffer_name.size; buffer_get_dirty_state(app, buffer_id, &buffer->dirty); buffer_get_setting(app, buffer_id, BufferSetting_Lex, &buffer->is_lexed); buffer->tokens_are_ready = buffer_tokens_are_ready(app, buffer_id); buffer_get_setting(app, buffer_id, BufferSetting_MapID, &buffer->map_id); buffer_get_setting(app, buffer_id, BufferSetting_WrapLine, &buffer->unwrapped_lines); buffer->unwrapped_lines = !buffer->unwrapped_lines; buffer->lock_flags = buffer_access_flags; } } return(result); } static b32 exec_system_command(Application_Links *app, View_Summary *view, Buffer_Identifier buffer_id, char *path, int32_t path_len, char *command, i32 command_len, Command_Line_Interface_Flag flags){ b32 result = false; String path_string = make_string(path, path_len); String command_string = make_string(command, command_len); Child_Process_ID child_process_id = 0; if (create_child_process(app, path_string, command_string, &child_process_id)){ result = true; Buffer_ID buffer_attach_id = 0; if (buffer_id.name != 0 && buffer_id.name_len > 0){ String buffer_name = make_string(buffer_id.name, buffer_id.name_len); if (!get_buffer_by_name(app, buffer_name, AccessAll, &buffer_attach_id)){ if (create_buffer(app, buffer_name, BufferCreate_AlwaysNew|BufferCreate_NeverAttachToFile, &buffer_attach_id)){ buffer_set_setting(app, buffer_attach_id, BufferSetting_ReadOnly, true); buffer_set_setting(app, buffer_attach_id, BufferSetting_Unimportant, true); } } } else if (buffer_id.id != 0){ buffer_attach_id = buffer_id.id; } if (buffer_attach_id != 0){ Child_Process_Set_Target_Flags set_buffer_flags = 0; if (!HasFlag(flags, CLI_OverlapWithConflict)){ set_buffer_flags |= ChildProcessSet_FailIfBufferAlreadyAttachedToAProcess; } if (HasFlag(flags, CLI_CursorAtEnd)){ set_buffer_flags |= ChildProcessSet_CursorAtEnd; } if (child_process_set_target_buffer(app, child_process_id, buffer_attach_id, set_buffer_flags)){ Buffer_Summary buffer = {}; get_buffer_summary(app, buffer_attach_id, AccessAll, &buffer); buffer_replace_range(app, buffer_attach_id, 0, buffer.size, make_lit_string("")); if (HasFlag(flags, CLI_SendEndSignal)){ buffer_send_end_signal(app, buffer_attach_id); } if (view != 0){ view_set_buffer(app, view->view_id, buffer_attach_id, 0); get_view_summary(app, view->view_id, AccessAll, view); } } } } return(result); } static b32 clipboard_post(Application_Links *app, i32 clipboard_id, char *str, i32 len){ return(clipboard_post(app, clipboard_id, make_string(str, len))); } static i32 clipboard_count(Application_Links *app, i32 clipboard_id){ i32 count = 0; clipboard_count(app, clipboard_id, &count); return(count); } static i32 clipboard_index(Application_Links *app, i32 clipboard_id, i32 item_index, char *out, i32 len){ i32 required_size = 0; String string = make_string_cap(out, 0, len); clipboard_index(app, clipboard_id, item_index, &string, &required_size); return(required_size); } static Buffer_Summary get_buffer_first(Application_Links *app, Access_Flag access){ Buffer_ID buffer_id = 0; Buffer_Summary buffer = {}; if (get_buffer_first(app, access, &buffer_id)){ get_buffer_summary(app, buffer_id, access, &buffer); } return(buffer); } static void get_buffer_next(Application_Links *app, Buffer_Summary *buffer, Access_Flag access){ if (buffer != 0 && buffer->exists){ Buffer_ID buffer_id = 0; if (get_buffer_next(app, buffer->buffer_id, access, &buffer_id)){ get_buffer_summary(app, buffer_id, access, buffer); } else{ memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(*buffer)); } } } static Buffer_Summary get_buffer(Application_Links *app, Buffer_ID buffer_id, Access_Flag access){ Buffer_Summary buffer = {}; get_buffer_summary(app, buffer_id, access, &buffer); return(buffer); } static Buffer_Summary get_buffer_by_name(Application_Links *app, char *name, i32 len, Access_Flag access){ Buffer_ID id = 0; Buffer_Summary buffer = {}; if (get_buffer_by_name(app, make_string(name, len), access, &id)){ get_buffer_summary(app, id, access, &buffer); } return(buffer); } static Buffer_Summary get_buffer_by_file_name(Application_Links *app, char *name, i32 len, Access_Flag access){ Buffer_ID id = 0; Buffer_Summary buffer = {}; if (get_buffer_by_file_name(app, make_string(name, len), access, &id)){ get_buffer_summary(app, id, access, &buffer); } return(buffer); } static b32 buffer_read_range(Application_Links *app, Buffer_Summary *buffer, i32 start, i32 one_past_last, char *out){ b32 result = false; if (buffer != 0 && buffer->exists){ result = buffer_read_range(app, buffer->buffer_id, start, one_past_last, out); get_buffer_summary(app, buffer->buffer_id, AccessAll, buffer); } return(result); } static b32 buffer_replace_range(Application_Links *app, Buffer_Summary *buffer, i32 start, i32 one_past_last, char *str, i32 len){ b32 result = false; if (buffer != 0 && buffer->exists){ result = buffer_replace_range(app, buffer->buffer_id, start, one_past_last, make_string(str, len)); get_buffer_summary(app, buffer->buffer_id, AccessAll, buffer); } return(result); } static b32 buffer_compute_cursor(Application_Links *app, Buffer_Summary *buffer, Buffer_Seek seek, Partial_Cursor *cursor_out){ b32 result = false; if (buffer != 0 && buffer->exists){ result = buffer_compute_cursor(app, buffer->buffer_id, seek, cursor_out); get_buffer_summary(app, buffer->buffer_id, AccessAll, buffer); } return(result); } static b32 buffer_batch_edit(Application_Links *app, Buffer_Summary *buffer, char *str, i32 str_len, Buffer_Edit *edits, i32 edit_count, Buffer_Batch_Edit_Type type){ b32 result = false; if (buffer != 0 && buffer->exists){ result = buffer_batch_edit(app, buffer->buffer_id, str, str_len, edits, edit_count, type); get_buffer_summary(app, buffer->buffer_id, AccessAll, buffer); } return(result); } static b32 buffer_get_setting(Application_Links *app, Buffer_Summary *buffer, Buffer_Setting_ID setting, i32 *value_out){ b32 result = false; if (buffer != 0 && buffer->exists){ result = buffer_get_setting(app, buffer->buffer_id, setting, value_out); get_buffer_summary(app, buffer->buffer_id, AccessAll, buffer); } return(result); } static b32 buffer_set_setting(Application_Links *app, Buffer_Summary *buffer, Buffer_Setting_ID setting, i32 value){ b32 result = false; if (buffer != 0 && buffer->exists){ result = buffer_set_setting(app, buffer->buffer_id, setting, value); get_buffer_summary(app, buffer->buffer_id, AccessAll, buffer); } return(result); } static Managed_Scope buffer_get_managed_scope(Application_Links *app, Buffer_ID buffer_id){ Managed_Scope scope = 0; buffer_get_managed_scope(app, buffer_id, &scope); return(scope); } static i32 buffer_token_count(Application_Links *app, Buffer_Summary *buffer){ i32 count = 0; if (buffer != 0 && buffer->exists){ buffer_token_count(app, buffer->buffer_id, &count); } return(count); } static b32 buffer_read_tokens(Application_Links *app, Buffer_Summary *buffer, i32 start_token, i32 end_token, Cpp_Token *tokens_out){ b32 result = false; if (buffer != 0 && buffer->exists){ result = buffer_read_tokens(app, buffer->buffer_id, start_token, end_token, tokens_out); get_buffer_summary(app, buffer->buffer_id, AccessAll, buffer); } return(result); } static b32 buffer_get_token_range(Application_Links *app, Buffer_Summary *buffer, Cpp_Token **first_token_out, Cpp_Token **one_past_last_token_out){ b32 result = false; if (buffer != 0 && buffer->exists){ result = buffer_get_token_range(app, buffer->buffer_id, first_token_out, one_past_last_token_out); get_buffer_summary(app, buffer->buffer_id, AccessAll, buffer); } return(result); } static b32 buffer_get_token_index(Application_Links *app, Buffer_Summary *buffer, i32 pos, Cpp_Get_Token_Result *get_result){ b32 result = false; if (buffer != 0 && buffer->exists){ result = buffer_get_token_index(app, buffer->buffer_id, pos, get_result); get_buffer_summary(app, buffer->buffer_id, AccessAll, buffer); } return(result); } static b32 buffer_send_end_signal(Application_Links *app, Buffer_Summary *buffer){ b32 result = false; if (buffer != 0 && buffer->exists){ result = buffer_send_end_signal(app, buffer->buffer_id); get_buffer_summary(app, buffer->buffer_id, AccessAll, buffer); } return(result); } static Buffer_Summary create_buffer(Application_Links *app, char *filename, i32 filename_len, Buffer_Create_Flag flags){ Buffer_Summary buffer = {}; Buffer_ID buffer_id = 0; if (create_buffer(app, make_string(filename, filename_len), flags, &buffer_id)){ get_buffer_summary(app, buffer_id, AccessAll, &buffer); } return(buffer); } static b32 save_buffer(Application_Links *app, Buffer_Summary *buffer, char *file_name, i32 file_name_len, u32 flags){ b32 result = false; if (buffer != 0 && buffer->exists){ result = buffer_save(app, buffer->buffer_id, make_string(file_name, file_name_len), flags); get_buffer_summary(app, buffer->buffer_id, AccessAll, buffer); } return(result); } static Buffer_Kill_Result kill_buffer(Application_Links *app, Buffer_Identifier buffer, Buffer_Kill_Flag flags){ Buffer_Kill_Result result = 0; if (buffer.id != 0){ buffer_kill(app, buffer.id, flags, &result); } else if (buffer.name != 0){ Buffer_ID id = 0; if (get_buffer_by_name(app, make_string(buffer.name, buffer.name_len), AccessAll, &id)){ buffer_kill(app, id, flags, &result); } } return(result); } static Buffer_Reopen_Result reopen_buffer(Application_Links *app, Buffer_Summary *buffer, Buffer_Reopen_Flag flags){ Buffer_Kill_Result result = 0; if (buffer != 0 && buffer->exists){ buffer_reopen(app, buffer->buffer_id, flags, &result); } return(result); } static View_Summary get_view_first(Application_Links *app, Access_Flag access){ View_Summary view = {}; View_ID view_id = 0; if (get_view_next(app, 0, access, &view_id)){ get_view_summary(app, view_id, access, &view); } return(view); } static void get_view_next(Application_Links *app, View_Summary *view, Access_Flag access){ if (view != 0 && view->exists){ View_ID view_id = 0; if (get_view_next(app, view->view_id, access, &view_id)){ get_view_summary(app, view_id, access, view); } else{ memset(view, 0, sizeof(*view)); } } } static View_Summary get_view(Application_Links *app, View_ID view_id, Access_Flag access){ View_Summary view = {}; get_view_summary(app, view_id, access, &view); return(view); } static View_Summary get_active_view(Application_Links *app, Access_Flag access){ View_Summary view = {}; View_ID id = 0; if (get_active_view(app, access, &id)){ get_view_summary(app, id, access, &view); } return(view); } static View_Summary open_view(Application_Links *app, View_Summary *view_location, View_Split_Position position){ View_Summary view = {}; if (view_location != 0 && view_location->exists){ Panel_ID panel_id = 0; if (view_get_panel(app, view_location->view_id, &panel_id)){ b32 vertical = (position == ViewSplit_Left || position == ViewSplit_Right); if (panel_split(app, panel_id, vertical?PanelSplit_LeftAndRight:PanelSplit_TopAndBottom)){ Panel_ID new_panel_id = 0; Panel_Child child = (position == ViewSplit_Left || position == ViewSplit_Top)?PanelChild_Min:PanelChild_Max; if (panel_get_child(app, panel_id, child, &new_panel_id)){ View_ID new_view_id = 0; if (panel_get_view(app, new_panel_id, &new_view_id)){ get_view_summary(app, new_view_id, AccessAll, &view); get_view_summary(app, view_location->view_id, AccessAll, view_location); } } } } } return(view); } static b32 close_view(Application_Links *app, View_Summary *view){ b32 result = false; if (view != 0 && view->exists){ result = view_close(app, view->view_id); } return(result); } static b32 set_active_view(Application_Links *app, View_Summary *view){ b32 result = false; if (view != 0 && view->exists){ result = view_set_active(app, view->view_id); } return(result); } static b32 view_get_setting(Application_Links *app, View_Summary *view, View_Setting_ID setting, i32 *value_out){ b32 result = false; if (view != 0 && view->exists){ result = view_get_setting(app, view->view_id, setting, value_out); get_view_summary(app, view->view_id, AccessAll, view); } return(result); } static b32 view_set_setting(Application_Links *app, View_Summary *view, View_Setting_ID setting, i32 value){ b32 result = false; if (view != 0 && view->exists){ result = view_set_setting(app, view->view_id, setting, value); get_view_summary(app, view->view_id, AccessAll, view); } return(result); } static Managed_Scope view_get_managed_scope(Application_Links *app, View_ID view_id){ Managed_Scope scope = 0; view_get_managed_scope(app, view_id, &scope); return(scope); } typedef i32 View_Split_Kind; enum{ ViewSplitKind_Ratio, ViewSplitKind_FixedPixels, }; static b32 view_set_split(Application_Links *app, View_Summary *view, View_Split_Kind kind, float t){ b32 result = false; if (view != 0 && view->exists){ Panel_ID panel_id = 0; if (view_get_panel(app, view->view_id, &panel_id)){ Panel_ID parent_panel_id = 0; if (panel_get_parent(app, panel_id, &parent_panel_id)){ Panel_ID min_child_id = 0; if (panel_get_child(app, parent_panel_id, PanelChild_Min, &min_child_id)){ b32 panel_is_min = (min_child_id == panel_id); Panel_Split_Kind panel_kind = 0; if (kind == ViewSplitKind_Ratio){ panel_kind = panel_is_min?PanelSplitKind_Ratio_Min:PanelSplitKind_Ratio_Max; } else{ panel_kind = panel_is_min?PanelSplitKind_FixedPixels_Min:PanelSplitKind_FixedPixels_Max; } result = panel_set_split(app, parent_panel_id, panel_kind, t); get_view_summary(app, view->view_id, AccessAll, view); } } } } return(result); } static b32 view_compute_cursor(Application_Links *app, View_Summary *view, Buffer_Seek seek, Full_Cursor *cursor_out){ b32 result = false; if (view != 0 && view->exists){ result = view_compute_cursor(app, view->view_id, seek, cursor_out); get_view_summary(app, view->view_id, AccessAll, view); } return(result); } static b32 view_set_cursor(Application_Links *app, View_Summary *view, Buffer_Seek seek, b32 set_preferred_x){ b32 result = false; if (view != 0 && view->exists){ result = view_set_cursor(app, view->view_id, seek, set_preferred_x); get_view_summary(app, view->view_id, AccessAll, view); } return(result); } static b32 view_set_scroll(Application_Links *app, View_Summary *view, GUI_Scroll_Vars scroll){ b32 result = false; if (view != 0 && view->exists){ result = view_set_scroll(app, view->view_id, scroll); get_view_summary(app, view->view_id, AccessAll, view); } return(result); } static b32 view_set_mark(Application_Links *app, View_Summary *view, Buffer_Seek seek){ b32 result = false; if (view != 0 && view->exists){ result = view_set_mark(app, view->view_id, seek); get_view_summary(app, view->view_id, AccessAll, view); } return(result); } static b32 view_set_buffer(Application_Links *app, View_Summary *view, Buffer_ID buffer_id, Set_Buffer_Flag flags){ b32 result = false; if (view != 0 && view->exists){ result = view_set_buffer(app, view->view_id, buffer_id, flags); get_view_summary(app, view->view_id, AccessAll, view); } return(result); } static b32 view_post_fade(Application_Links *app, View_Summary *view, float seconds, i32 start, i32 end, int_color color){ b32 result = false; if (view != 0 && view->exists){ result = view_post_fade(app, view->view_id, seconds, start, end, color); get_view_summary(app, view->view_id, AccessAll, view); } return(result); } static b32 view_begin_ui_mode(Application_Links *app, View_Summary *view){ b32 result = false; if (view != 0 && view->exists){ result = view_begin_ui_mode(app, view->view_id); get_view_summary(app, view->view_id, AccessAll, view); } return(result); } static b32 view_end_ui_mode(Application_Links *app, View_Summary *view){ b32 result = false; if (view != 0 && view->exists){ result = view_end_ui_mode(app, view->view_id); get_view_summary(app, view->view_id, AccessAll, view); } return(result); } static b32 view_set_highlight(Application_Links *app, View_ID view_id, i32 start, i32 end, b32 turn_on){ // NOTE(allen): this feature is completely removed, transition to using highlighted markers instead return(false); } static b32 buffer_set_face(Application_Links *app, Buffer_Summary *buffer, Face_ID id){ b32 result = false; if (buffer != 0 && buffer->exists){ result = buffer_set_face(app, buffer->buffer_id, id); get_buffer_summary(app, buffer->buffer_id, AccessAll, buffer); } return(result); } static Face_ID get_face_id(Application_Links *app, Buffer_Summary *buffer){ Face_ID result = 0; if (buffer != 0 && buffer->exists){ get_face_id(app, buffer->buffer_id, &result); } else{ get_face_id(app, 0, &result); } return(result); } static void print_message(Application_Links *app, char *str, i32 len){ print_message(app, make_string(str, len)); } #if 0 static void create_theme(Application_Links *app, Theme *theme, char *name, i32 len){ create_theme(app, theme, make_string(name, len)); } static void change_theme(Application_Links *app, char *name, i32 len){ change_theme(app, make_string(name, len)); } #endif static i32 directory_get_hot(Application_Links *app, char *out, i32 capacity){ i32 required_size = 0; String string = make_string_cap(out, 0, capacity); get_hot_directory(app, &string, &required_size); return(required_size); } static b32 directory_set_hot(Application_Links *app, char *str, i32 len){ return(set_hot_directory(app, make_string(str, len))); } static File_List get_file_list(Application_Links *app, char *dir, i32 len){ File_List list = {}; get_file_list(app, make_string(dir, len), &list); return(list); } static b32 file_exists(Application_Links *app, char *file_name, i32 len){ File_Attributes attributes = {}; file_get_attributes(app, make_string(file_name, len), &attributes); return(attributes.last_write_time > 0); } static b32 directory_cd(Application_Links *app, char *dir, i32 *len, i32 capacity, char *rel_path, i32 rel_len){ String directory = make_string_cap(dir, *len, capacity); String relative_path = make_string(rel_path, rel_len); b32 result = directory_cd(app, &directory, relative_path); *len = directory.size; return(result); } static i32 get_4ed_path(Application_Links *app, char *out, i32 capacity){ i32 required_size = 0; String string = make_string_cap(out, 0, capacity); get_4ed_path(app, &string, &required_size); return(required_size); } static void set_window_title(Application_Links *app, char *title){ String title_string = make_string_slowly(title); set_window_title(app, title_string); } static Process_State get_process_state(Application_Links *app, Buffer_ID buffer_id){ Process_State state = {}; Child_Process_ID child_process_id = 0; if (buffer_get_attached_child_process(app, buffer_id, &child_process_id)){ child_process_get_state(app, child_process_id, &state); } return(state); } //////////////////////////////// #endif // BOTTOM