/* 4coder_table.h - Preversioning no warranty implied; use at your own risk This software is in the public domain. Where that dedication is not recognized, you are granted a perpetual, irrevocable license to copy, distribute, and modify this file as you see fit. */ // TOP #if !defined(FCODER_TABLE_H) #define FCODER_TABLE_H // 4tech_standard_preamble.h #if !defined(FTECH_INTEGERS) #define FTECH_INTEGERS #include <stdint.h> typedef int8_t i8_4tech; typedef int16_t i16_4tech; typedef int32_t i32_4tech; typedef int64_t i64_4tech; typedef uint8_t u8_4tech; typedef uint16_t u16_4tech; typedef uint32_t u32_4tech; typedef uint64_t u64_4tech; typedef u64_4tech umem_4tech; typedef float f32_4tech; typedef double f64_4tech; typedef int8_t b8_4tech; typedef int32_t b32_4tech; #endif #if !defined(Assert) # define Assert(n) do{ if (!(n)) *(int*)0 = 0xA11E; }while(0) #endif // standard preamble end #define TableHashEmpty 0 #define TableHashDeleted 1 #define TableHashMin 0x10000000 #include <string.h> typedef u32_4tech Hash_Function(void *item, void *arg); typedef i32_4tech Compare_Function(void *key, void *item, void *arg); struct Table{ u32_4tech *hash_array; char *data_array; i32_4tech count, max; i32_4tech item_size; }; static i32_4tech table_required_mem_size(i32_4tech table_size, i32_4tech item_size){ i32_4tech hash_size = ((table_size * sizeof(u32_4tech)) + 7) & ~7; i32_4tech mem_size = hash_size + table_size * item_size; return(mem_size); } static void table_init_memory(Table *table, void *memory, i32_4tech table_size, i32_4tech item_size){ i32_4tech hash_size = table_size * sizeof(u32_4tech); hash_size = (hash_size + 7) & ~7; table->hash_array = (u32_4tech*)memory; table->data_array = (char*)(table->hash_array) + hash_size; table->count = 0; table->max = table_size; table->item_size = item_size; } static i32_4tech table_at_capacity(Table *table){ i32_4tech result = true; if (table->count * 8 < table->max * 7){ result = false; } return(result); } static i32_4tech table_add(Table *table, void *item, void *arg, Hash_Function *hash_func, Compare_Function *comp_func){ Assert(table->count * 8 < table->max * 7); u32_4tech hash = (hash_func(item, arg) | TableHashMin); i32_4tech i = hash % table->max; i32_4tech start = i; u32_4tech *inspect = table->hash_array + i; while (*inspect >= TableHashMin){ if (*inspect == hash){ if (comp_func(item, table->data_array + i*table->item_size, arg) == 0){ return(1); } } ++i; ++inspect; if (i == table->max){ i = 0; inspect = table->hash_array; } Assert(i != start); } *inspect = hash; memcpy(table->data_array + i*table->item_size, item, table->item_size); ++table->count; return(0); } static i32_4tech table_find_pos(Table *table, void *search_key, void *arg, i32_4tech *pos, i32_4tech *index, Hash_Function *hash_func, Compare_Function *comp_func){ Assert((table->count - 1) * 8 < table->max * 7); u32_4tech hash = (hash_func(search_key, arg) | TableHashMin); i32_4tech i = hash % table->max; i32_4tech start = i; u32_4tech *inspect = table->hash_array + i; while (*inspect != TableHashEmpty){ if (*inspect == hash){ if (comp_func(search_key, table->data_array + i*table->item_size, arg) == 0){ if (pos) *pos = i*table->item_size; if (index) *index = i; return(1); } } ++i; ++inspect; if (i == table->max){ i = 0; inspect = table->hash_array; } if (i == start) break; } return(0); } inline void* table_find_item(Table *table, void *search_key, void *arg, Hash_Function *hash_func, Compare_Function *comp_func){ void *result = 0; i32_4tech pos; if (table_find_pos(table, search_key, arg, &pos, 0, hash_func, comp_func)){ result = table->data_array + pos; } return(result); } inline void table_remove_index(Table *table, i32_4tech index){ table->hash_array[index] = TableHashDeleted; --table->count; } inline i32_4tech table_remove_match(Table *table, void *search_key, void *arg, Hash_Function *hash_func, Compare_Function *comp_func){ i32_4tech result = false; i32_4tech index; if (table_find_pos(table, search_key, arg, 0, &index, hash_func, comp_func)){ table_remove_index(table, index); result = true; } return(result); } inline void table_clear(Table *table){ table->count = 0; memset(table->hash_array, 0, table->max*sizeof(*table->hash_array)); } static void table_rehash(Table *src, Table *dst, void *arg, Hash_Function *hash_func, Compare_Function *comp_func){ Assert((dst->count + src->count - 1) * 7 < dst->max * 8); Assert(dst->item_size == src->item_size); i32_4tech count = src->count; i32_4tech item_size = src->item_size; u32_4tech *hash_item = src->hash_array; char *data_item = src->data_array; for (i32_4tech i = 0, c = 0; c < count; ++i, ++hash_item, data_item += item_size){ if (*hash_item >= TableHashMin){ ++c; table_add(dst, data_item, arg, hash_func, comp_func); } } } static u32_4tech tbl_string_hash(void *item, void *arg){ String *string = (String*)item; u32_4tech x = 5381; (void)arg; char *str = string->str; i32_4tech len = string->size; i32_4tech i = 0; while (i < len){ char c = str[i++]; x = ((x << 5) + x) + c; } return(x); } static i32_4tech tbl_string_compare(void *a, void *b, void *arg){ String *stra = (String*)a; String *strb = (String*)b; i32_4tech result = !match_ss(*stra, *strb); return(result); } struct Offset_String{ i32_4tech offset; i32_4tech size; }; static u32_4tech tbl_offset_string_hash(void *item, void *arg){ Offset_String *string = (Offset_String*)item; u32_4tech x = 5381; char *str = ((char*)arg) + string->offset; i32_4tech len = string->size; i32_4tech i = 0; while (i < len){ char c = str[i++]; x = ((x << 5) + x) + c; } return(x); } static i32_4tech tbl_offset_string_compare(void *a, void *b, void *arg){ Offset_String *ostra = (Offset_String*)a; Offset_String *ostrb = (Offset_String*)b; String stra = make_string((char*)arg + ostra->offset, ostra->size); String strb = make_string((char*)arg + ostrb->offset, ostrb->size); i32_4tech result = !match_ss(stra, strb); return(result); } struct String_Space{ char *space; i32_4tech pos; i32_4tech new_pos; i32_4tech max; }; static Offset_String strspace_append(String_Space *space, char *str, i32_4tech len){ Offset_String result = {}; if (space->new_pos + len <= space->max){ result.offset = space->new_pos; result.size = len; memcpy(space->space + space->new_pos, str, len); space->new_pos = space->pos + len; } return(result); } static void strspace_keep_prev(String_Space *space){ space->pos = space->new_pos; } static void strspace_discard_prev(String_Space *space){ space->new_pos = space->pos; } #endif // BOTTOM