/* 4coder_jump_sticky.cpp - Commands and helpers for parsing jump locations from compiler errors, sticking markers on jump locations, and jumping to them. */ // TOP global Marker_List_Node *marker_list_first = 0; global Marker_List_Node *marker_list_last = 0; //////////////////////////////// internal i32 binary_search(i64 *array, i32 stride, i32 count, i64 x){ u8 *raw = (u8*)array; i32 i = 0; i32 first = 0; i32 last = count; if (first < last){ for (;;){ i = (first + last)/2; i64 k = *(i64*)(raw + stride*i); if (k < x){ first = i; } else if (k > x){ last = i; } else{ // NOTE(allen): array[i] == x break; } if (first + 1 >= last){ i = first; break; } } } return(i); } internal Sticky_Jump_Array parse_buffer_to_jump_array(Application_Links *app, Arena *arena, Buffer_ID buffer){ Sticky_Jump_Node *jump_first = 0;; Sticky_Jump_Node *jump_last = 0; i32 jump_count = 0; for (i32 line = 1;; line += 1){ b32 output_jump = false; i32 colon_index = 0; b32 is_sub_error = false; Buffer_ID out_buffer_id = 0; i64 out_pos = 0; { Scratch_Block line_auto_closer(arena); if (is_valid_line(app, buffer, line)){ String_Const_u8 line_str = push_buffer_line(app, arena, buffer, line); Parsed_Jump parsed_jump = parse_jump_location(line_str); if (parsed_jump.success){ Buffer_ID jump_buffer = {}; if (open_file(app, &jump_buffer, parsed_jump.location.file, false, true)){ if (buffer_exists(app, jump_buffer)){ Buffer_Cursor cursor = buffer_compute_cursor(app, jump_buffer, seek_jump(parsed_jump)); if (cursor.line > 0){ out_buffer_id = jump_buffer; out_pos = cursor.pos; output_jump = true; } } } } } else{ break; } } if (output_jump){ Sticky_Jump_Node *jump = push_array(arena, Sticky_Jump_Node, 1); sll_queue_push(jump_first, jump_last, jump); jump_count += 1; jump->jump.list_line = line; jump->jump.list_colon_index = colon_index; jump->jump.is_sub_error = is_sub_error; jump->jump.jump_buffer_id = out_buffer_id; jump->jump.jump_pos = out_pos; } } Sticky_Jump_Array result = {}; result.count = jump_count; result.jumps = push_array(arena, Sticky_Jump, result.count); i32 index = 0; for (Sticky_Jump_Node *node = jump_first; node != 0; node = node->next){ result.jumps[index] = node->jump; index += 1; } return(result); } internal void init_marker_list(Application_Links *app, Heap *heap, Buffer_ID buffer, Marker_List *list){ Arena *scratch = context_get_arena(app); Temp_Memory temp = begin_temp(scratch); Sticky_Jump_Array jumps = parse_buffer_to_jump_array(app, scratch, buffer); Range_Array buffer_ranges = get_ranges_of_duplicate_keys(scratch, &jumps.jumps->jump_buffer_id, sizeof(*jumps.jumps), jumps.count); Sort_Pair_i32 *range_index_buffer_id_pairs = push_array(scratch, Sort_Pair_i32, buffer_ranges.count); for (i32 i = 0; i < buffer_ranges.count; i += 1){ range_index_buffer_id_pairs[i].index = i; range_index_buffer_id_pairs[i].key = jumps.jumps[buffer_ranges.ranges[i].first].jump_buffer_id; } sort_pairs_by_key(range_index_buffer_id_pairs, buffer_ranges.count); Range_Array scoped_buffer_ranges = get_ranges_of_duplicate_keys(scratch, &range_index_buffer_id_pairs->key, sizeof(*range_index_buffer_id_pairs), buffer_ranges.count); Sticky_Jump_Stored *stored = push_array(scratch, Sticky_Jump_Stored, jumps.count); Managed_Scope scope_array[2] = {}; scope_array[0] = buffer_get_managed_scope(app, buffer); for (i32 i = 0; i < scoped_buffer_ranges.count; i += 1){ Range buffer_range_indices = scoped_buffer_ranges.ranges[i]; u32 total_jump_count = 0; for (i32 j = buffer_range_indices.first; j < buffer_range_indices.one_past_last; j += 1){ i32 range_index = range_index_buffer_id_pairs[j].index; Range range = buffer_ranges.ranges[range_index]; total_jump_count += range_size(range); } Temp_Memory marker_temp = begin_temp(scratch); Marker *markers = push_array(scratch, Marker, total_jump_count); Buffer_ID target_buffer_id = 0; u32 marker_index = 0; for (i32 j = buffer_range_indices.first; j < buffer_range_indices.one_past_last; j += 1){ i32 range_index = range_index_buffer_id_pairs[j].index; Range range = buffer_ranges.ranges[range_index]; if (target_buffer_id == 0){ target_buffer_id = jumps.jumps[range.first].jump_buffer_id; } for (i32 k = range.first; k < range.one_past_last; k += 1){ markers[marker_index].pos = jumps.jumps[k].jump_pos; markers[marker_index].lean_right = false; stored[k].list_line = jumps.jumps[k].list_line; stored[k].list_colon_index = jumps.jumps[k].list_colon_index; stored[k].is_sub_error = jumps.jumps[k].is_sub_error; stored[k].jump_buffer_id = jumps.jumps[k].jump_buffer_id; stored[k].index_into_marker_array = marker_index; marker_index += 1; } } scope_array[1] = buffer_get_managed_scope(app, target_buffer_id); Managed_Scope scope = get_managed_scope_with_multiple_dependencies(app, scope_array, ArrayCount(scope_array)); Managed_Object marker_handle = alloc_buffer_markers_on_buffer(app, target_buffer_id, total_jump_count, &scope); managed_object_store_data(app, marker_handle, 0, total_jump_count, markers); end_temp(marker_temp); Assert(managed_object_get_item_size(app, marker_handle) == sizeof(Marker)); Assert(managed_object_get_item_count(app, marker_handle) == total_jump_count); Assert(managed_object_get_type(app, marker_handle) == ManagedObjectType_Markers); managed_variable_set(app, scope, sticky_jump_marker_handle, marker_handle); } Managed_Object stored_jump_array = alloc_managed_memory_in_scope(app, scope_array[0], sizeof(Sticky_Jump_Stored), jumps.count); managed_object_store_data(app, stored_jump_array, 0, jumps.count, stored); list->jump_array = stored_jump_array; list->jump_count = jumps.count; list->previous_size = (i32)buffer_get_size(app, buffer); list->buffer_id = buffer; end_temp(temp); } internal void delete_marker_list(Marker_List_Node *node){ zdll_remove(marker_list_first, marker_list_last, node); } internal void delete_marker_list(Marker_List *list){ delete_marker_list(CastFromMember(Marker_List_Node, list, list)); } internal Marker_List* make_new_marker_list_for_buffer(Heap *heap, i32 buffer_id){ Marker_List_Node *new_node = heap_array(heap, Marker_List_Node, 1); zdll_push_back(marker_list_first, marker_list_last, new_node); new_node->buffer_id = buffer_id; memset(&new_node->list, 0, sizeof(new_node->list)); Marker_List *result = &new_node->list; return(result); } internal Marker_List* get_marker_list_for_buffer(Buffer_ID buffer_id){ for (Marker_List_Node *node = marker_list_first; node != 0; node = node->next){ if (buffer_id == node->buffer_id){ return(&node->list); } } return(0); } internal Marker_List* get_or_make_list_for_buffer(Application_Links *app, Heap *heap, Buffer_ID buffer_id){ Marker_List *result = get_marker_list_for_buffer(buffer_id); if (result != 0){ i32 buffer_size = (i32)buffer_get_size(app, buffer_id); // TODO(allen): // TODO(allen): // TODO(allen): // TODO(allen): // TODO(allen): When buffers get an "edit sequence number" use that instead. if (result->previous_size != buffer_size){ delete_marker_list(result); result = 0; } } if (result == 0){ result = make_new_marker_list_for_buffer(heap, buffer_id); init_marker_list(app, heap, buffer_id, result); if (result->jump_count == 0){ delete_marker_list(result); result = 0; } } return(result); } internal b32 get_stored_jump_from_list(Application_Links *app, Marker_List *list, i32 index, Sticky_Jump_Stored *stored_out){ Sticky_Jump_Stored stored = {}; if (list != 0){ if (managed_object_load_data(app, list->jump_array, index, 1, &stored)){ *stored_out = stored; return(true); } } return(false); } internal Sticky_Jump_Stored* get_all_stored_jumps_from_list(Application_Links *app, Arena *arena, Marker_List *list){ Sticky_Jump_Stored *stored = 0; if (list != 0){ Temp_Memory restore_point = begin_temp(arena); stored = push_array(arena, Sticky_Jump_Stored, list->jump_count); if (stored != 0){ if (!managed_object_load_data(app, list->jump_array, 0, list->jump_count, stored)){ stored = 0; end_temp(restore_point); } } } return(stored); } internal b32 get_jump_from_list(Application_Links *app, Marker_List *list, i32 index, ID_Pos_Jump_Location *location){ b32 result = false; Sticky_Jump_Stored stored = {}; if (get_stored_jump_from_list(app, list, index, &stored)){ Buffer_ID target_buffer_id = stored.jump_buffer_id; Managed_Scope scope_array[2] = {}; scope_array[0] = buffer_get_managed_scope(app, list->buffer_id); scope_array[1] = buffer_get_managed_scope(app, target_buffer_id); Managed_Scope scope = get_managed_scope_with_multiple_dependencies(app, scope_array, ArrayCount(scope_array)); Managed_Object marker_array = 0; if (managed_variable_get(app, scope, sticky_jump_marker_handle, &marker_array)){ Marker marker = {}; managed_object_load_data(app, marker_array, stored.index_into_marker_array, 1, &marker); location->buffer_id = target_buffer_id; location->pos = marker.pos; result = true; } } return(result); } internal i64 get_line_from_list(Application_Links *app, Marker_List *list, i32 index){ i64 result = 0; if (list != 0){ Sticky_Jump_Stored stored = {}; if (get_stored_jump_from_list(app, list, index, &stored)){ result = stored.list_line; } } return(result); } internal b32 get_is_sub_error_from_list(Application_Links *app, Marker_List *list, i32 index){ b32 result = false; if (list != 0){ Sticky_Jump_Stored stored = {}; if (get_stored_jump_from_list(app, list, index, &stored)){ result = stored.is_sub_error; } } return(result); } internal i32 get_index_nearest_from_list(Application_Links *app, Marker_List *list, i64 line){ i32 result = -1; if (list != 0){ Arena *scratch = context_get_arena(app); Temp_Memory temp = begin_temp(scratch); Sticky_Jump_Stored *stored = get_all_stored_jumps_from_list(app, scratch, list); if (stored != 0){ result = binary_search((i64*)&stored->list_line, sizeof(*stored), list->jump_count, line); } end_temp(temp); } return(result); } internal i32 get_index_exact_from_list(Application_Links *app, Marker_List *list, i64 line){ i32 result = -1; if (list != 0){ Arena *scratch = context_get_arena(app); Temp_Memory temp = begin_temp(scratch); Sticky_Jump_Stored *stored = get_all_stored_jumps_from_list(app, scratch, list); if (stored != 0){ i32 index = binary_search((i64*)&stored->list_line, sizeof(*stored), list->jump_count, line); if (stored[index].list_line == line){ result = index; } } end_temp(temp); } return(result); } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(goto_jump_at_cursor) CUSTOM_DOC("If the cursor is found to be on a jump location, parses the jump location and brings up the file and position in another view and changes the active panel to the view containing the jump.") { Heap *heap = &global_heap; View_ID view = get_active_view(app, AccessProtected); Buffer_ID buffer = view_get_buffer(app, view, AccessProtected); Marker_List *list = get_or_make_list_for_buffer(app, heap, buffer); i64 pos = view_get_cursor_pos(app, view); Buffer_Cursor cursor = buffer_compute_cursor(app, buffer, seek_pos(pos)); i32 list_index = get_index_exact_from_list(app, list, cursor.line); if (list_index >= 0){ ID_Pos_Jump_Location location = {}; if (get_jump_from_list(app, list, list_index, &location)){ if (get_jump_buffer(app, &buffer, &location)){ change_active_panel(app); View_ID target_view = get_active_view(app, AccessAll); switch_to_existing_view(app, target_view, buffer); jump_to_location(app, target_view, buffer, location); } } } } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(goto_jump_at_cursor_same_panel) CUSTOM_DOC("If the cursor is found to be on a jump location, parses the jump location and brings up the file and position in this view, losing the compilation output or jump list.") { Heap *heap = &global_heap; View_ID view = get_active_view(app, AccessProtected); Buffer_ID buffer = view_get_buffer(app, view, AccessProtected); Marker_List *list = get_or_make_list_for_buffer(app, heap, buffer); i64 pos = view_get_cursor_pos(app, view); Buffer_Cursor cursor = buffer_compute_cursor(app, buffer, seek_pos(pos)); i32 list_index = get_index_exact_from_list(app, list, cursor.line); if (list_index >= 0){ ID_Pos_Jump_Location location = {}; if (get_jump_from_list(app, list, list_index, &location)){ if (get_jump_buffer(app, &buffer, &location)){ jump_to_location(app, view, buffer, location); } } } } internal void goto_jump_in_order(Application_Links *app, Marker_List *list, View_ID jump_view, ID_Pos_Jump_Location location){ Buffer_ID buffer = {}; if (get_jump_buffer(app, &buffer, &location)){ View_ID target_view = get_active_view(app, AccessAll); if (target_view == jump_view){ change_active_panel(app); target_view = get_active_view(app, AccessAll); } switch_to_existing_view(app, target_view, buffer); jump_to_location(app, target_view, buffer, location); prev_location = location; } } internal b32 jump_is_repeat(ID_Pos_Jump_Location prev, ID_Pos_Jump_Location location){ return(prev.buffer_id == location.buffer_id && prev.pos == location.pos); } internal void goto_next_filtered_jump(Application_Links *app, Marker_List *list, View_ID jump_view, i32 list_index, i32 direction, b32 skip_repeats, b32 skip_sub_errors){ Assert(direction == 1 || direction == -1); if (list != 0){ for (;list_index >= 0 && list_index < list->jump_count;){ ID_Pos_Jump_Location location = {}; if (get_jump_from_list(app, list, list_index, &location)){ b32 skip_this = false; if (skip_repeats && jump_is_repeat(prev_location, location)){ skip_this = true; } else if (skip_sub_errors && get_is_sub_error_from_list(app, list, list_index)){ skip_this = true; } if (!skip_this){ goto_jump_in_order(app, list, jump_view, location); i64 updated_line = get_line_from_list(app, list, list_index); view_set_cursor(app, jump_view, seek_line_col(updated_line, 1), true); break; } } list_index += direction; } } } internal Locked_Jump_State get_locked_jump_state(Application_Links *app, Heap *heap){ Locked_Jump_State result = {}; result.view = get_view_for_locked_jump_buffer(app); if (result.view != 0){ Buffer_ID buffer = view_get_buffer(app, result.view, AccessAll); result.list = get_or_make_list_for_buffer(app, heap, buffer); i64 cursor_position = view_get_cursor_pos(app, result.view); Buffer_Cursor cursor = buffer_compute_cursor(app, buffer, seek_pos(cursor_position)); result.list_index = get_index_nearest_from_list(app, result.list, cursor.line); } return(result); } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(goto_next_jump) CUSTOM_DOC("If a buffer containing jump locations has been locked in, goes to the next jump in the buffer, skipping sub jump locations.") { Heap *heap = &global_heap; Locked_Jump_State jump_state = get_locked_jump_state(app, heap); if (jump_state.view != 0){ i64 cursor_position = view_get_cursor_pos(app, jump_state.view); Buffer_Cursor cursor = view_compute_cursor(app, jump_state.view, seek_pos(cursor_position)); i64 line = get_line_from_list(app, jump_state.list, jump_state.list_index); if (line <= cursor.line){ jump_state.list_index += 1; } goto_next_filtered_jump(app, jump_state.list, jump_state.view, jump_state.list_index, 1, true, true); } } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(goto_prev_jump) CUSTOM_DOC("If a buffer containing jump locations has been locked in, goes to the previous jump in the buffer, skipping sub jump locations."){ Heap *heap = &global_heap; Locked_Jump_State jump_state = get_locked_jump_state(app, heap); if (jump_state.view != 0){ if (jump_state.list_index > 0){ --jump_state.list_index; } goto_next_filtered_jump(app, jump_state.list, jump_state.view, jump_state.list_index, -1, true, true); } } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(goto_next_jump_no_skips) CUSTOM_DOC("If a buffer containing jump locations has been locked in, goes to the next jump in the buffer, and does not skip sub jump locations.") { Heap *heap = &global_heap; Locked_Jump_State jump_state = get_locked_jump_state(app, heap); if (jump_state.view != 0){ i64 cursor_position = view_get_cursor_pos(app, jump_state.view); Buffer_Cursor cursor = view_compute_cursor(app, jump_state.view, seek_pos(cursor_position)); i64 line = get_line_from_list(app, jump_state.list, jump_state.list_index); if (line <= cursor.line){ ++jump_state.list_index; } goto_next_filtered_jump(app, jump_state.list, jump_state.view, jump_state.list_index, 1, true, false); } } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(goto_prev_jump_no_skips) CUSTOM_DOC("If a buffer containing jump locations has been locked in, goes to the previous jump in the buffer, and does not skip sub jump locations.") { Heap *heap = &global_heap; Locked_Jump_State jump_state = get_locked_jump_state(app, heap); if (jump_state.view != 0){ if (jump_state.list_index > 0){ --jump_state.list_index; } goto_next_filtered_jump(app, jump_state.list, jump_state.view, jump_state.list_index, -1, true, false); } } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(goto_first_jump) CUSTOM_DOC("If a buffer containing jump locations has been locked in, goes to the first jump in the buffer.") { Heap *heap = &global_heap; Locked_Jump_State jump_state = get_locked_jump_state(app, heap); if (jump_state.view != 0){ i32 list_index = 0; ID_Pos_Jump_Location location = {}; if (get_jump_from_list(app, jump_state.list, list_index, &location)){ goto_jump_in_order(app, jump_state.list, jump_state.view, location); i64 updated_line = get_line_from_list(app, jump_state.list, list_index); view_set_cursor(app, jump_state.view, seek_line_col(updated_line, 1), true); } } } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(goto_first_jump_same_panel_sticky) CUSTOM_DOC("If a buffer containing jump locations has been locked in, goes to the first jump in the buffer and views the buffer in the panel where the jump list was.") { Heap *heap = &global_heap; Locked_Jump_State jump_state = get_locked_jump_state(app, heap); if (jump_state.view != 0){ i32 list_index = 0; ID_Pos_Jump_Location location = {}; if (get_jump_from_list(app, jump_state.list, list_index, &location)){ Buffer_ID buffer = {}; if (get_jump_buffer(app, &buffer, &location)){ jump_to_location(app, jump_state.view, buffer, location); } } } } // // Insert Newline or Tigger Jump on Read Only Buffer // CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(newline_or_goto_position) CUSTOM_DOC("If the buffer in the active view is writable, inserts a character, otherwise performs goto_jump_at_cursor.") { View_ID view = get_active_view(app, AccessProtected); Buffer_ID buffer = view_get_buffer(app, view, AccessOpen); if (buffer != 0){ write_character(app); } else{ buffer = view_get_buffer(app, view, AccessProtected); if (buffer != 0){ goto_jump_at_cursor(app); lock_jump_buffer(app, buffer); } } } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(newline_or_goto_position_same_panel) CUSTOM_DOC("If the buffer in the active view is writable, inserts a character, otherwise performs goto_jump_at_cursor_same_panel.") { View_ID view = get_active_view(app, AccessProtected); Buffer_ID buffer = view_get_buffer(app, view, AccessOpen); if (buffer != 0){ write_character(app); } else{ buffer = view_get_buffer(app, view, AccessProtected); if (buffer != 0){ goto_jump_at_cursor_same_panel(app); lock_jump_buffer(app, buffer); } } } // // End File Hook // OPEN_FILE_HOOK_SIG(default_end_file); OPEN_FILE_HOOK_SIG(end_file_close_jump_list){ Marker_List *list = get_marker_list_for_buffer(buffer_id); if (list != 0){ delete_marker_list(list); } default_end_file(app, buffer_id); return(0); } // BOTTOM