/* * Mr. 4th Dimention - Allen Webster * * 25.02.2016 * * File editing view for 4coder * */ // TOP // Enriched Text struct Enriched_Text{ String source; }; internal Enriched_Text load_enriched_text(char *directory, char *filename){ Enriched_Text result = {0}; char space[256]; String fname = make_fixed_width_string(space); append(&fname, directory); append(&fname, "/"); append(&fname, filename); terminate_with_null(&fname); result.source = file_dump(fname.str); return(result); } // Document Declaration enum{ Doc_Root, Doc_Section, Doc_Todo, Doc_Enriched_Text, Doc_Element_List, Doc_Full_Elements, Doc_Table_Of_Contents }; struct Alternate_Name{ String macro; String public_name; }; struct Alternate_Names_Array{ Alternate_Name *names; }; enum{ AltName_Standard, AltName_Macro, AltName_Public_Name, }; struct Document_Item{ Document_Item *next; Document_Item *parent; i32 type; union{ struct{ Document_Item *first_child; Document_Item *last_child; String name; String id; i32 show_title; } section; struct{ Meta_Unit *unit; Alternate_Names_Array *alt_names; i32 alt_name_type; } unit_elements; struct{ Enriched_Text *text; } text; }; }; global Document_Item null_document_item = {0}; enum{ ItemType_Document, ItemType_Image, ItemType_GenericFile, // never below this ItemType_COUNT, }; struct Basic_Node{ Basic_Node *next; }; #define NodeGetData(node, T) ((T*) ((node)+1)) struct Basic_List{ Basic_Node *head; Basic_Node *tail; }; struct Abstract_Item{ i32 item_type; char *name; // Document value members Document_Item *root_item; // TODO(allen): make these external // Document building members Document_Item *section_stack[16]; i32 section_top; // Image value members char *source_file; char *extension; float w_h_ratio; float h_w_ratio; Basic_List img_instantiations; }; global Abstract_Item null_abstract_item = {0}; struct Image_Instantiation{ i32 w, h; }; struct Document_System{ Basic_List doc_list; Basic_List img_list; Basic_List file_list; }; internal Document_System create_document_system(){ Document_System system = {0}; return(system); } internal void* push_item_on_list(Basic_List *list, i32 item_size){ i32 mem_size = item_size + sizeof(Basic_Node); void *mem = fm__push(mem_size); Assert(mem != 0); memset(mem, 0, mem_size); Basic_Node *node = (Basic_Node*)mem; if (list->head == 0){ list->head = node; list->tail = node; } else{ list->tail->next = node; list->tail = node; } void *result = (node+1); return(result); } internal Abstract_Item* get_item_by_name(Basic_List list, String name){ Abstract_Item *result = 0; for (Basic_Node *node = list.head; node != 0; node = node->next){ Abstract_Item *item = NodeGetData(node, Abstract_Item); if (match(item->name, name)){ result = item; break; } } return(result); } internal Abstract_Item* get_item_by_name(Basic_List list, char *name){ Abstract_Item *result = 0; for (Basic_Node *node = list.head; node != 0; node = node->next){ Abstract_Item *item = NodeGetData(node, Abstract_Item); if (match(item->name, name)){ result = item; break; } } return(result); } internal Image_Instantiation* get_image_instantiation(Basic_List list, i32 w, i32 h){ Image_Instantiation *result = 0; for (Basic_Node *node = list.head; node != 0; node = node->next){ Image_Instantiation *instantiation = NodeGetData(node, Image_Instantiation); if (instantiation->w == w && instantiation->h == h){ result = instantiation; break; } } return(result); } internal Abstract_Item* create_item(Basic_List *list, char *name){ Abstract_Item *lookup = get_item_by_name(*list, name); Abstract_Item *result = 0; if (lookup == 0){ result = (Abstract_Item*)push_item_on_list(list, sizeof(Abstract_Item)); } return(result); } internal void add_image_instantiation(Basic_List *list, i32 w, i32 h){ Image_Instantiation *instantiation = (Image_Instantiation*)push_item_on_list(list, sizeof(Image_Instantiation)); instantiation->w = w; instantiation->h = h; } internal void set_section_name(Document_Item *item, char *name, i32 show_title){ i32 name_len = str_size(name); item->section.name = make_string_cap(fm_push_array(char, name_len+1), 0, name_len+1); fm_align(); append(&item->section.name, name); item->section.show_title = show_title; } internal void set_section_id(Document_Item *item, char *id){ i32 id_len = str_size(id); item->section.id = make_string_cap(fm_push_array(char, id_len+1), 0, id_len+1); fm_align(); append(&item->section.id, id); } internal void begin_document_description(Abstract_Item *doc, char *title, i32 show_title){ *doc = null_abstract_item; doc->item_type = ItemType_Document; doc->root_item = fm_push_array(Document_Item, 1); *doc->root_item = null_document_item; doc->section_stack[doc->section_top] = doc->root_item; doc->root_item->type = Doc_Root; set_section_name(doc->root_item, title, show_title); } internal Abstract_Item* add_generic_file(Document_System *system, char *source_file, char *extension, char *name){ Abstract_Item *item = create_item(&system->file_list, name); if (item){ item->item_type = ItemType_GenericFile; item->extension = extension; item->source_file = source_file; item->name = name; } return(item); } internal Abstract_Item* add_image_description(Document_System *system, char *source_file, char *extension, char *name){ Abstract_Item *item = create_item(&system->img_list, name); if (item != 0){ item->item_type = ItemType_Image; item->extension = extension; item->source_file = source_file; item->name = name; i32 w = 0, h = 0, comp = 0; i32 stbi_r = stbi_info(source_file, &w, &h, &comp); if (!stbi_r){ fprintf(stderr, "Did not find file %s\n", source_file); item->w_h_ratio = 1.f; item->h_w_ratio = 1.f; } else{ item->w_h_ratio = ((float)w/(float)h); item->h_w_ratio = ((float)h/(float)w); } } return(item); } internal Abstract_Item* begin_document_description(Document_System *system, char *title, char *name, i32 show_title){ Abstract_Item *item = create_item(&system->doc_list, name); if (item){ begin_document_description(item, title, show_title); item->name = name; } return(item); } internal void end_document_description(Abstract_Item *item){ Assert(item->section_top == 0); } internal void append_child(Document_Item *parent, Document_Item *item){ Assert(parent->type == Doc_Root || parent->type == Doc_Section); if (parent->section.last_child == 0){ parent->section.first_child = item; } else{ parent->section.last_child->next = item; } parent->section.last_child = item; item->parent = parent; } internal void begin_section(Abstract_Item *item, char *title, char *id){ Assert(item->section_top+1 < ArrayCount(item->section_stack)); Document_Item *parent = item->section_stack[item->section_top]; Document_Item *section = fm_push_array(Document_Item, 1); *section = null_document_item; item->section_stack[++item->section_top] = section; section->type = Doc_Section; set_section_name(section, title, 1); if (id != 0){ set_section_id(section, id); } append_child(parent, section); } internal void end_section(Abstract_Item *doc){ Assert(doc->section_top > 0); --doc->section_top; } internal void add_todo(Abstract_Item *doc){ Document_Item *parent = doc->section_stack[doc->section_top]; Document_Item *item = fm_push_array(Document_Item, 1); *item = null_document_item; item->type = Doc_Todo; append_child(parent, item); } internal void add_element_list(Abstract_Item *doc, Meta_Unit *unit){ Document_Item *parent = doc->section_stack[doc->section_top]; Document_Item *item = fm_push_array(Document_Item, 1); *item = null_document_item; item->type = Doc_Element_List; item->unit_elements.unit = unit; append_child(parent, item); } internal void add_element_list(Abstract_Item *doc, Meta_Unit *unit, Alternate_Names_Array *alt_names, i32 alt_name_type){ Document_Item *parent = doc->section_stack[doc->section_top]; Document_Item *item = fm_push_array(Document_Item, 1); *item = null_document_item; item->type = Doc_Element_List; item->unit_elements.unit = unit; item->unit_elements.alt_names = alt_names; item->unit_elements.alt_name_type = alt_name_type; append_child(parent, item); } internal void add_full_elements(Abstract_Item *doc, Meta_Unit *unit){ Document_Item *parent = doc->section_stack[doc->section_top]; Document_Item *item = fm_push_array(Document_Item, 1); *item = null_document_item; item->type = Doc_Full_Elements; item->unit_elements.unit = unit; append_child(parent, item); } internal void add_full_elements(Abstract_Item *doc, Meta_Unit *unit, Alternate_Names_Array *alt_names, i32 alt_name_type){ Document_Item *parent = doc->section_stack[doc->section_top]; Document_Item *item = fm_push_array(Document_Item, 1); *item = null_document_item; item->type = Doc_Full_Elements; item->unit_elements.unit = unit; item->unit_elements.alt_names = alt_names; item->unit_elements.alt_name_type = alt_name_type; append_child(parent, item); } internal void add_table_of_contents(Abstract_Item *doc){ Document_Item *parent = doc->section_stack[doc->section_top]; Document_Item *item = fm_push_array(Document_Item, 1); *item = null_document_item; item->type = Doc_Table_Of_Contents; append_child(parent, item); } internal void add_enriched_text(Abstract_Item *doc, Enriched_Text *text){ Assert(doc->section_top+1 < ArrayCount(doc->section_stack)); Document_Item *parent = doc->section_stack[doc->section_top]; Document_Item *item = fm_push_array(Document_Item, 1); *item = null_document_item; item->type = Doc_Enriched_Text; item->text.text = text; append_child(parent, item); } // HTML Document Generation #define HTML_BACK_COLOR "#FAFAFA" #define HTML_TEXT_COLOR "#0D0D0D" #define HTML_CODE_BACK "#DFDFDF" #define HTML_EXAMPLE_BACK "#EFEFDF" #define HTML_POP_COLOR_1 "#309030" #define HTML_POP_BACK_1 "#E0FFD0" #define HTML_VISITED_LINK "#A0C050" #define HTML_POP_COLOR_2 "#005000" #define HTML_CODE_STYLE "font-family: \"Courier New\", Courier, monospace; text-align: left;" #define HTML_CODE_BLOCK_STYLE(back) \ "margin-top: 3mm; margin-bottom: 3mm; font-size: .95em; " \ "background: "back"; padding: 0.25em;" #define HTML_DESCRIPT_SECTION_STYLE HTML_CODE_BLOCK_STYLE(HTML_CODE_BACK) #define HTML_EXAMPLE_CODE_STYLE HTML_CODE_BLOCK_STYLE(HTML_EXAMPLE_BACK) #define HTML_DOC_HEAD_OPEN "
" #define HTML_DOC_ITEM_OPEN "
" struct Section_Counter{ i32 counter[16]; i32 nest_level; }; internal b32 doc_get_link_string(Abstract_Item *doc, char *space, i32 capacity){ String str = make_string_cap(space, 0, capacity); append(&str, doc->name); append(&str, ".html"); b32 result = terminate_with_null(&str); return(result); } internal b32 img_get_link_string(Abstract_Item *img, char *space, i32 capacity, i32 w, i32 h){ String str = make_string_cap(space, 0, capacity); append(&str, img->name); append(&str, "_"); append_int_to_str(&str, w); append(&str, "_"); append_int_to_str(&str, h); append(&str, "."); append(&str, img->extension); b32 result = terminate_with_null(&str); return(result); } internal void append_section_number_reduced(String *out, Section_Counter *section_counter, i32 reduce){ i32 level = section_counter->nest_level-reduce; for (i32 i = 1; i <= level; ++i){ append_int_to_str(out, section_counter->counter[i]); if (i != level){ append(out, "."); } } } internal void append_section_number(String *out, Section_Counter *section_counter){ append_section_number_reduced(out, section_counter, 0); } internal i32 extract_command_body(String *out, String l, i32 *i_in_out, i32 *body_start_out, i32 *body_end_out, String command_name, i32 require_body){ i32 result = 0; i32 i = *i_in_out; for (; i < l.size; ++i){ if (!char_is_whitespace(l.str[i])){ break; } } i32 found_command_body = 0; i32 body_start = 0, body_end = 0; if (l.str[i] == '{'){ body_start = i+1; for (++i; i < l.size; ++i){ if (l.str[i] == '}'){ found_command_body = 1; body_end = i; ++i; break; } } } if (found_command_body){ result = 1; } else{ if (require_body){ #define STR_START "! Doc generator error: missing body for " #define STR_SLOW " !" append(out, STR_START); append(out, command_name); append(out, STR_SLOW); #undef STR fprintf(stderr, "error: missing body for %.*s\n", command_name.size, command_name.str); } } *i_in_out = i; *body_start_out = body_start; *body_end_out = body_end; return(result); } internal void html_render_section_header(String *out, String section_name, String section_id, Section_Counter *section_counter){ if (section_counter->nest_level <= 1){ if (section_id.size > 0){ append(out, "\n

§"); } else{ append(out, "\n

§"); } append_section_number(out, section_counter); append(out, " "); append(out, section_name); append(out, "

"); } else{ if (section_id.size > 0){ append(out, "

§"); } else{ append(out, "

§"); } append_section_number(out, section_counter); append(out, " "); append(out, section_name); append(out, "

"); } } #define HTML_WIDTH 800 internal void write_enriched_text_html(String *out, Enriched_Text *text, Document_System *doc_system, Section_Counter *section_counter){ String source = text->source; append(out, "
"); i32 item_counter = 0; for (String line = get_first_double_line(source); line.str; line = get_next_double_line(source, line)){ String l = skip_chop_whitespace(line); append(out, "

"); i32 start = 0, i = 0; for (; i < l.size; ++i){ char ch = l.str[i]; switch (ch){ case '<': { append(out, substr(l, start, i-start)); append(out, "<"); start = i+1; }break; case '>': { append(out, substr(l, start, i-start)); append(out, ">"); start = i+1; }break; case '\\': { append(out, substr(l, start, i-start)); i32 command_start = i+1; i32 command_end = command_start; for (; command_end < l.size; ++command_end){ if (!char_is_alpha_numeric(l.str[command_end])){ break; } } if (command_end == command_start){ if (command_end < l.size && l.str[command_end] == '\\'){ ++command_end; } } String command_string = substr(l, command_start, command_end - command_start); enum Command_Types{ Cmd_BackSlash, Cmd_Version, Cmd_BeginStyle, Cmd_EndStyle, Cmd_DocLink, Cmd_BeginList, Cmd_EndList, Cmd_BeginItem, Cmd_EndItem, Cmd_BoldFace, Cmd_Section, Cmd_BeginLink, Cmd_EndLink, Cmd_Image, Cmd_Video, // never below this Cmd_COUNT, }; local_persist String enriched_commands[Cmd_COUNT]; enriched_commands[Cmd_BackSlash] = make_lit_string("\\"); enriched_commands[Cmd_Version] = make_lit_string("VERSION"); enriched_commands[Cmd_BeginStyle] = make_lit_string("BEGIN_STYLE"); enriched_commands[Cmd_EndStyle] = make_lit_string("END_STYLE"); enriched_commands[Cmd_DocLink] = make_lit_string("DOC_LINK"); enriched_commands[Cmd_BeginList] = make_lit_string("BEGIN_LIST"); enriched_commands[Cmd_EndList] = make_lit_string("END_LIST"); enriched_commands[Cmd_BeginItem] = make_lit_string("BEGIN_ITEM"); enriched_commands[Cmd_EndItem] = make_lit_string("END_ITEM"); enriched_commands[Cmd_BoldFace] = make_lit_string("BOLD_FACE"); enriched_commands[Cmd_Section] = make_lit_string("SECTION"); enriched_commands[Cmd_BeginLink] = make_lit_string("BEGIN_LINK"); enriched_commands[Cmd_EndLink] = make_lit_string("END_LINK"); enriched_commands[Cmd_Image] = make_lit_string("IMAGE"); enriched_commands[Cmd_Video] = make_lit_string("VIDEO"); i = command_end; i32 match_index = 0; if (string_set_match(enriched_commands, ArrayCount(enriched_commands), command_string, &match_index)){ switch (match_index){ case Cmd_BackSlash: append(out, "\\"); break; case Cmd_Version: append(out, VERSION); break; case Cmd_BeginStyle: { i32 body_start = 0, body_end = 0; i32 has_body = extract_command_body(out, l, &i, &body_start, &body_end, command_string, 1); if (has_body){ String body_text = substr(l, body_start, body_end - body_start); body_text = skip_chop_whitespace(body_text); if (match_sc(body_text, "code")){ append(out, ""); } } }break; case Cmd_EndStyle: { append(out, ""); }break; // TODO(allen): upgrade this bs case Cmd_DocLink: { i32 body_start = 0, body_end = 0; i32 has_body = extract_command_body(out, l, &i, &body_start, &body_end, command_string, 1); if (has_body){ String body_text = substr(l, body_start, body_end - body_start); body_text = skip_chop_whitespace(body_text); append(out, ""); append(out, body_text); append(out, ""); } }break; case Cmd_BeginList: { append(out,"

"); }break; case Cmd_BeginItem: { if (item_counter == 0){ append(out, "
  • "); ++item_counter; } else{ append(out, "
  • "); item_counter = 0; } }break; case Cmd_EndItem: { append(out, "
  • "); }break; case Cmd_Section: { // TODO(allen): undo the duplication of this body extraction code. i32 body_start = 0, body_end = 0; i32 has_body = extract_command_body(out, l, &i, &body_start, &body_end, command_string, 1); if (has_body){ String body_text = substr(l, body_start, body_end - body_start); body_text = skip_chop_whitespace(body_text); html_render_section_header(out, body_text, null_string, section_counter); ++section_counter->counter[section_counter->nest_level]; item_counter = 0; } }break; case Cmd_BeginLink: { i32 body_start = 0, body_end = 0; i32 has_body = extract_command_body(out, l, &i, &body_start, &body_end, command_string, 1); if (has_body){ String body_text = substr(l, body_start, body_end - body_start); body_text = skip_chop_whitespace(body_text); append(out, ""); } }break; case Cmd_EndLink: { append(out, ""); }break; case Cmd_Image: { // TODO(allen): generalize this i32 body_start = 0, body_end = 0; i32 has_body = extract_command_body(out, l, &i, &body_start, &body_end, command_string, 1); if (has_body){ String body_text = substr(l, body_start, body_end - body_start); body_text = skip_chop_whitespace(body_text); i32 pixel_height = 10; i32 pixel_width = HTML_WIDTH; body_start = 0, body_end = 0; has_body = extract_command_body(out, l, &i, &body_start, &body_end, command_string, 0); if (has_body){ String size_parameter = substr(l, body_start, body_end - body_start); if (match_part_sc(size_parameter, "width:")){ String width_string = substr_tail(size_parameter, sizeof("width:")-1); if (str_is_int_s(width_string)){ pixel_width = str_to_int_s(width_string); } } } if (match_part_sc(body_text, "image:")){ String img_name = substr_tail(body_text, sizeof("image:")-1); Abstract_Item *img_lookup = get_item_by_name(doc_system->img_list, img_name); if (img_lookup){ pixel_height = ceil32(pixel_width*img_lookup->h_w_ratio); append(out, ""); } } } }break; case Cmd_Video: { // TODO(allen): generalize this i32 body_start = 0, body_end = 0; i32 has_body = extract_command_body(out, l, &i, &body_start, &body_end, command_string, 1); i32 pixel_width = HTML_WIDTH; i32 pixel_height = (i32)(pixel_width * 0.5625); if (has_body){ String body_text = substr(l, body_start, body_end - body_start); body_text = skip_chop_whitespace(body_text); if (match_part_sc(body_text, "youtube:")){ String youtube_str = substr_tail(body_text, sizeof("youtube:")-1); append(out, ""); } } }break; } } else{ append(out, "! Doc generator error: unrecognized command !"); fprintf(stderr, "error: unrecognized command %.*s\n", command_string.size, command_string.str); } start = i; } } } if (start != i){ append(out, substr(l, start, i-start)); } append(out, "

    "); } append(out, "
    "); } internal void print_item_in_list(String *out, String name, char *id_postfix){ append(out, "
  • "); append(out, name); append(out, "
  • "); } internal void init_used_links(Used_Links *used, i32 count){ used->strs = fm_push_array(String, count); used->count = 0; used->max = count; } internal b32 try_to_use_link(Used_Links *used, String str){ b32 result = true; i32 index = 0; if (string_set_match(used->strs, used->count, str, &index)){ result = false; } else{ Assert(used->count < used->max); used->strs[used->count++] = str; } return(result); } internal void print_struct_html(String *out, Item_Node *member, i32 hide_children){ String name = member->name; String type = member->type; String type_postfix = member->type_postfix; append (out, type); append_s_char (out, ' '); append (out, name); append (out, type_postfix); if (match_ss(type, make_lit_string("struct")) || match_ss(type, make_lit_string("union"))){ if (hide_children){ append(out, " { /* non-public internals */ } ;"); } else{ append(out, " {
    "); for (Item_Node *member_iter = member->first_child; member_iter != 0; member_iter = member_iter->next_sibling){ print_struct_html(out, member_iter, hide_children); } append(out, "
    "); } } else{ append(out, ";
    "); } } internal void print_function_html(String *out, Used_Links *used, String cpp_name, String ret, char *function_call_head, String name, Argument_Breakdown breakdown){ append (out, ret); append_s_char (out, ' '); append (out, function_call_head); append (out, name); if (breakdown.count == 0){ append(out, "()"); } else if (breakdown.count == 1){ append(out, "("); append(out, breakdown.args[0].param_string); append(out, ")"); } else{ append(out, "(
    "); for (i32 j = 0; j < breakdown.count; ++j){ append(out, breakdown.args[j].param_string); if (j < breakdown.count - 1){ append_s_char(out, ','); } append(out, "
    "); } append(out, "
    )"); } } internal void print_macro_html(String *out, String name, Argument_Breakdown breakdown){ append (out, "#define "); append (out, name); if (breakdown.count == 0){ append(out, "()"); } else if (breakdown.count == 1){ append_s_char (out, '('); append (out, breakdown.args[0].param_string); append_s_char (out, ')'); } else{ append (out, "(
    "); for (i32 j = 0; j < breakdown.count; ++j){ append(out, breakdown.args[j].param_string); if (j < breakdown.count - 1){ append_s_char(out, ','); } append(out, "
    "); } append(out, ")
    )"); } } enum Doc_Chunk_Type{ DocChunk_PlainText, DocChunk_CodeExample, DocChunk_Count }; global String doc_chunk_headers[] = { make_lit_string(""), make_lit_string("CODE_EXAMPLE"), }; internal String get_next_doc_chunk(String source, String prev_chunk, Doc_Chunk_Type *type){ String chunk = {0}; String word = {0}; i32 pos = source.size; i32 word_index = 0; Doc_Chunk_Type t = DocChunk_PlainText; i32 start_pos = (i32)(prev_chunk.str - source.str) + prev_chunk.size; String source_tail = substr_tail(source, start_pos); Assert(DocChunk_Count == ArrayCount(doc_chunk_headers)); for (word = get_first_word(source_tail); word.str; word = get_next_word(source_tail, word), ++word_index){ for (i32 i = 1; i < DocChunk_Count; ++i){ if (match_ss(word, doc_chunk_headers[i])){ pos = (i32)(word.str - source.str); t = (Doc_Chunk_Type)i; goto doublebreak; } } } doublebreak:; *type = DocChunk_PlainText; if (word_index == 0){ *type = t; i32 nest_level = 1; i32 i = find_s_char(source, pos, '('); for (++i; i < source.size; ++i){ if (source.str[i] == '('){ ++nest_level; } else if (source.str[i] == ')'){ --nest_level; if (nest_level == 0){ break; } } } pos = i+1; } chunk = substr(source, start_pos, pos - start_pos); i32 is_all_white = 1; for (i32 i = 0; i < chunk.size; ++i){ if (!char_is_whitespace(chunk.str[i])){ is_all_white = 0; break; } } if (is_all_white){ chunk = null_string; } return(chunk); } internal String get_first_doc_chunk(String source, Doc_Chunk_Type *type){ String start_str = make_string(source.str, 0); String chunk = get_next_doc_chunk(source, start_str, type); return(chunk); } internal void print_doc_description(String *out, String src){ Doc_Chunk_Type type; for (String chunk = get_first_doc_chunk(src, &type); chunk.str; chunk = get_next_doc_chunk(src, chunk, &type)){ switch (type){ case DocChunk_PlainText: { for (String line = get_first_double_line(chunk); line.str; line = get_next_double_line(chunk, line)){ append(out, line); append(out, "

    "); } }break; case DocChunk_CodeExample: { i32 start = 0; i32 end = chunk.size-1; while (start < end && chunk.str[start] != '(') ++start; start += 1; while (end > start && chunk.str[end] != ')') --end; append(out, HTML_EXAMPLE_CODE_OPEN); if (start < end){ String code_example = substr(chunk, start, end - start); i32 first_line = 1; for (String line = get_first_line(code_example); line.str; line = get_next_line(code_example, line)){ if (!(first_line && line.size == 0)){ i32 space_i = 0; for (; space_i < line.size; ++space_i){ if (line.str[space_i] == ' '){ append(out, " "); } else{ break; } } String line_tail = substr_tail(line, space_i); append(out, line_tail); append(out, "
    "); } first_line = 0; } } append(out, HTML_EXAMPLE_CODE_CLOSE); }break; } } } internal void print_struct_docs(String *out, Item_Node *member){ for (Item_Node *member_iter = member->first_child; member_iter != 0; member_iter = member_iter->next_sibling){ String type = member_iter->type; if (match_ss(type, make_lit_string("struct")) || match_ss(type, make_lit_string("union"))){ print_struct_docs(out, member_iter); } else{ Documentation doc = {0}; perform_doc_parse(member_iter->doc_string, &doc); append(out, "
    "); append(out, "
    "HTML_DOC_ITEM_HEAD_INL_OPEN); append(out, member_iter->name); append(out, HTML_DOC_ITEM_HEAD_INL_CLOSE"
    "); append(out, "
    "HTML_DOC_ITEM_OPEN); print_doc_description(out, doc.main_doc); append(out, HTML_DOC_ITEM_CLOSE"
    "); append(out, "
    "); } } } internal void print_see_also(String *out, Documentation *doc){ i32 doc_see_count = doc->see_also_count; if (doc_see_count > 0){ append(out, HTML_DOC_HEAD_OPEN"See Also"HTML_DOC_HEAD_CLOSE); for (i32 j = 0; j < doc_see_count; ++j){ String see_also = doc->see_also[j]; append(out, HTML_DOC_ITEM_OPEN""); append(out, see_also); append(out, ""HTML_DOC_ITEM_CLOSE); } } } internal void print_function_docs(String *out, String name, String doc_string){ if (doc_string.size == 0){ append(out, "No documentation generated for this function."); fprintf(stderr, "warning: no documentation string for %.*s\n", name.size, name.str); } Temp temp = fm_begin_temp(); Documentation doc = {0}; perform_doc_parse(doc_string, &doc); i32 doc_param_count = doc.param_count; if (doc_param_count > 0){ append(out, HTML_DOC_HEAD_OPEN"Parameters"HTML_DOC_HEAD_CLOSE); for (i32 j = 0; j < doc_param_count; ++j){ String param_name = doc.param_name[j]; String param_docs = doc.param_docs[j]; // TODO(allen): check that param_name is actually a parameter to this function! append(out, "
    "HTML_DOC_ITEM_HEAD_OPEN); append(out, param_name); append(out, HTML_DOC_ITEM_HEAD_CLOSE"
    "HTML_DOC_ITEM_OPEN); append(out, param_docs); append(out, HTML_DOC_ITEM_CLOSE"
    "); } } String ret_doc = doc.return_doc; if (ret_doc.size != 0){ append(out, HTML_DOC_HEAD_OPEN"Return"HTML_DOC_HEAD_CLOSE HTML_DOC_ITEM_OPEN); append(out, ret_doc); append(out, HTML_DOC_ITEM_CLOSE); } String main_doc = doc.main_doc; if (main_doc.size != 0){ append(out, HTML_DOC_HEAD_OPEN"Description"HTML_DOC_HEAD_CLOSE HTML_DOC_ITEM_OPEN); print_doc_description(out, main_doc); append(out, HTML_DOC_ITEM_CLOSE); } print_see_also(out, &doc); fm_end_temp(temp); } internal void print_item_html(String *out, Used_Links *used, Item_Node *item, char *id_postfix, char *section, i32 I, Alternate_Name *alt_name, i32 alt_name_type){ Temp temp = fm_begin_temp(); String name = item->name; switch (alt_name_type){ case AltName_Macro: { name = alt_name->macro; }break; case AltName_Public_Name: { name = alt_name->public_name; }break; } /* NOTE(allen): Open a div for the whole item. Put a heading in it with the name and section. Open a "descriptive" box for the display of the code interface. */ append(out, "
    "); i32 has_cpp_name = 0; if (item->cpp_name.str != 0){ if (try_to_use_link(used, item->cpp_name)){ append(out, "
    "); has_cpp_name = 1; } } append (out, "

    §"); append (out, section); append_s_char (out, '.'); append_int_to_str (out, I); append (out, ": "); append (out, name); append (out, "

    "); append(out, "
    "); switch (item->t){ case Item_Function: { // NOTE(allen): Code box print_function_html(out, used, item->cpp_name, item->ret, "", name, item->breakdown); // NOTE(allen): Close the code box append(out, "
    "); // NOTE(allen): Descriptive section print_function_docs(out, name, item->doc_string); }break; case Item_Macro: { // NOTE(allen): Code box print_macro_html(out, name, item->breakdown); // NOTE(allen): Close the code box append(out, "
    "); // NOTE(allen): Descriptive section print_function_docs(out, name, item->doc_string); }break; case Item_Typedef: { String type = item->type; // NOTE(allen): Code box append (out, "typedef "); append (out, type); append_s_char (out, ' '); append (out, name); append_s_char (out, ';'); // NOTE(allen): Close the code box append(out, "
    "); // NOTE(allen): Descriptive section String doc_string = item->doc_string; Documentation doc = {0}; perform_doc_parse(doc_string, &doc); String main_doc = doc.main_doc; if (main_doc.size != 0){ append(out, HTML_DOC_HEAD_OPEN"Description"HTML_DOC_HEAD_CLOSE); append(out, HTML_DOC_ITEM_OPEN); print_doc_description(out, main_doc); append(out, HTML_DOC_ITEM_CLOSE); } else{ fprintf(stderr, "warning: no documentation string for %.*s\n", name.size, name.str); } print_see_also(out, &doc); }break; case Item_Enum: { // NOTE(allen): Code box append (out, "enum "); append (out, name); append_s_char (out, ';'); // NOTE(allen): Close the code box append(out, ""); // NOTE(allen): Descriptive section String doc_string = item->doc_string; Documentation doc = {0}; perform_doc_parse(doc_string, &doc); String main_doc = doc.main_doc; if (main_doc.size != 0){ append(out, HTML_DOC_HEAD_OPEN"Description"HTML_DOC_HEAD_CLOSE); append(out, HTML_DOC_ITEM_OPEN); print_doc_description(out, main_doc); append(out, HTML_DOC_ITEM_CLOSE); } else{ fprintf(stderr, "warning: no documentation string for %.*s\n", name.size, name.str); } if (item->first_child){ append(out, HTML_DOC_HEAD_OPEN"Values"HTML_DOC_HEAD_CLOSE); for (Item_Node *member = item->first_child; member; member = member->next_sibling){ Documentation doc = {0}; perform_doc_parse(member->doc_string, &doc); append(out, "
    "); // NOTE(allen): Dafuq is this all? append(out, "
    "HTML_DOC_ITEM_HEAD_INL_OPEN); append(out, member->name); append(out, HTML_DOC_ITEM_HEAD_INL_CLOSE); if (member->value.str){ append(out, " = "); append(out, member->value); } append(out, "
    "); append(out, "
    "HTML_DOC_ITEM_OPEN); print_doc_description(out, doc.main_doc); append(out, HTML_DOC_ITEM_CLOSE"
    "); append(out, "
    "); } } print_see_also(out, &doc); }break; case Item_Struct: case Item_Union: { String doc_string = item->doc_string; i32 hide_members = 0; if (doc_string.size == 0){ hide_members = 1; } else{ for (String word = get_first_word(doc_string); word.str; word = get_next_word(doc_string, word)){ if (match_ss(word, make_lit_string("HIDE_MEMBERS"))){ hide_members = 1; break; } } } // NOTE(allen): Code box print_struct_html(out, item, hide_members); // NOTE(allen): Close the code box append(out, ""); // NOTE(allen): Descriptive section { Documentation doc = {0}; perform_doc_parse(doc_string, &doc); String main_doc = doc.main_doc; if (main_doc.size != 0){ append(out, HTML_DOC_HEAD_OPEN"Description"HTML_DOC_HEAD_CLOSE); append(out, HTML_DOC_ITEM_OPEN); print_doc_description(out, main_doc); append(out, HTML_DOC_ITEM_CLOSE); } else{ fprintf(stderr, "warning: no documentation string for %.*s\n", name.size, name.str); } if (!hide_members){ if (item->first_child){ append(out, HTML_DOC_HEAD_OPEN"Fields"HTML_DOC_HEAD_CLOSE); print_struct_docs(out, item); } } print_see_also(out, &doc); } }break; } if (has_cpp_name){ append(out, ""); } // NOTE(allen): Close the item box append(out, "
    "); fm_end_temp(temp); } global char* html_css = ""; internal void doc_item_html(String *out, Document_System *doc_system, Used_Links *used_links, Document_Item *item, Section_Counter *section_counter, b32 head){ switch (item->type){ case Doc_Root: { if (head){ append(out, "" "" "" ""); append(out, item->section.name); append(out, ""); append(out, html_css); append(out, "\n" "" "
    "); if (item->section.show_title){ append(out, "

    "); append(out, item->section.name); append(out, "

    "); } } else{ append(out, "
    "); } }break; case Doc_Section: { if (head){ html_render_section_header(out, item->section.name, item->section.id, section_counter); } }break; case Doc_Todo: { if (head){ append(out, "
    Coming Soon
    "); } }break; case Doc_Enriched_Text: { if (head){ write_enriched_text_html(out, item->text.text, doc_system, section_counter); } }break; case Doc_Element_List: { if (head){ append(out, ""); } }break; case Doc_Full_Elements: { if (head){ Meta_Unit *unit = item->unit_elements.unit; Alternate_Names_Array *alt_names = item->unit_elements.alt_names; i32 count = unit->set.count; char section_space[32]; String section_str = make_fixed_width_string(section_space); append_section_number_reduced(§ion_str, section_counter, 1); terminate_with_null(§ion_str); if (alt_names){ i32 I = 1; for (i32 i = 0; i < count; ++i, ++I){ print_item_html(out, used_links, &unit->set.items[i], "_doc", section_str.str, I, &alt_names->names[i], item->unit_elements.alt_name_type); } } else{ i32 I = 1; for (i32 i = 0; i < count; ++i, ++I){ print_item_html(out, used_links, &unit->set.items[i], "_doc", section_str.str, I, 0, 0); } } } }break; case Doc_Table_Of_Contents: { if (head){ append(out, "

    Table of Contents

    "); } }break; } } internal void generate_item_html(String *out, Document_System *doc_system, Used_Links *used_links, Document_Item *item, Section_Counter *section_counter){ doc_item_html(out, doc_system, used_links, item, section_counter, true); if (item->type == Doc_Root || item->type == Doc_Section){ i32 level = ++section_counter->nest_level; section_counter->counter[level] = 1; for (Document_Item *m = item->section.first_child; m != 0; m = m->next){ generate_item_html(out, doc_system, used_links, m, section_counter); } --section_counter->nest_level; ++section_counter->counter[section_counter->nest_level]; } doc_item_html(out, doc_system, used_links, item, section_counter, false); } internal void generate_document_html(String *out, Document_System *doc_system, Abstract_Item *doc){ Assert(doc->root_item != 0); Used_Links used_links = {0}; init_used_links(&used_links, 4000); Section_Counter section_counter = {0}; section_counter.counter[section_counter.nest_level] = 1; generate_item_html(out, doc_system, &used_links, doc->root_item, §ion_counter); } // BOTTOM