/*** *_open.c - open a stream, with string mode * * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * *Purpose: * defines _openfile() - opens a stream, with string arguments for mode * *******************************************************************************/ #include <cruntime.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <file2.h> #include <share.h> #include <io.h> #include <dbgint.h> #include <internal.h> #include <tchar.h> #include <sys\stat.h> #define CMASK 0644 /* rw-r--r-- */ #define P_CMASK 0666 /* different for Posix */ /*** *FILE *_openfile(filename, mode, shflag, stream) - open a file with string * mode and file sharing flag. * *Purpose: * parse the string, looking for exactly one of {rwa}, at most one '+', * at most one of {tb}, at most one of {cn}, at most one of {SR}, at most * one 'T', and at most one 'D'. pass the result on as an int containing * flags of what was found. open a file with proper mode if permissions * allow. buffer not allocated until first i/o call is issued. intended * for use inside library only * *Entry: * char *filename - file to open * char *mode - mode to use (see above) * int shflag - file sharing flag * FILE *stream - stream to use for file * *Exit: * set stream's fields, and causes system file management by system calls * returns stream or NULL if fails * *Exceptions: * *******************************************************************************/ FILE * __cdecl __topenfile ( const _TSCHAR *filename, const _TSCHAR *mode, int shflag, FILE *str ) { int modeflag = 0; int streamflag = _commode; int commodeset = 0; int scanset = 0; int whileflag; int filedes; FILE *stream; BOOL encodingFlag = FALSE; _ASSERTE(filename != NULL); _ASSERTE(mode != NULL); _ASSERTE(str != NULL); /* Parse the user's specification string as set flags in (1) modeflag - system call flags word (2) streamflag - stream handle flags word. */ /* Skip leading spaces */ while (*mode == _T(' ')) { ++mode; } /* First mode character must be 'r', 'w', or 'a'. */ switch (*mode) { case _T('r'): modeflag = _O_RDONLY; streamflag |= _IOREAD; break; case _T('w'): modeflag = _O_WRONLY | _O_CREAT | _O_TRUNC; streamflag |= _IOWRT; break; case _T('a'): modeflag = _O_WRONLY | _O_CREAT | _O_APPEND; streamflag |= _IOWRT; break; default: _VALIDATE_RETURN(("Invalid file open mode",0), EINVAL, NULL); } /* There can be up to three more optional mode characters: (1) A single '+' character, (2) One of 't' and 'b' and (3) One of 'c' and 'n'. */ whileflag=1; while(*++mode && whileflag) switch(*mode) { case _T(' '): /* skip spaces */ break; case _T('+'): if (modeflag & _O_RDWR) whileflag=0; else { modeflag |= _O_RDWR; modeflag &= ~(_O_RDONLY | _O_WRONLY); streamflag |= _IORW; streamflag &= ~(_IOREAD | _IOWRT); } break; case _T('b'): if (modeflag & (_O_TEXT | _O_BINARY)) whileflag=0; else modeflag |= _O_BINARY; break; case _T('t'): if (modeflag & (_O_TEXT | _O_BINARY)) whileflag=0; else modeflag |= _O_TEXT; break; case _T('c'): if (commodeset) whileflag=0; else { commodeset = 1; streamflag |= _IOCOMMIT; } break; case _T('n'): if (commodeset) whileflag=0; else { commodeset = 1; streamflag &= ~_IOCOMMIT; } break; case _T('S'): if (scanset) whileflag=0; else { scanset = 1; modeflag |= _O_SEQUENTIAL; } break; case _T('R'): if (scanset) whileflag=0; else { scanset = 1; modeflag |= _O_RANDOM; } break; case _T('T'): if (modeflag & _O_SHORT_LIVED) whileflag=0; else modeflag |= _O_SHORT_LIVED; break; case _T('D'): if (modeflag & _O_TEMPORARY) whileflag=0; else modeflag |= _O_TEMPORARY; break; case _T('N'): modeflag |= _O_NOINHERIT; break; case _T(','): encodingFlag = TRUE; whileflag = 0; break; default: _VALIDATE_RETURN(("Invalid file open mode",0), EINVAL, NULL); } if (encodingFlag) { static const _TSCHAR ccsField[] = _T("ccs"); static const _TSCHAR utf8encoding[] = _T("UTF-8"); static const _TSCHAR utf16encoding[] = _T("UTF-16LE"); static const _TSCHAR unicodeencoding[] = _T("UNICODE"); /* Skip spaces */ while (*mode == _T(' ')) { ++mode; } /* * The length that we want to compare is numbers of elements in * csField -1 since this number also contains NULL terminator */ if (_tcsncmp(ccsField, mode, (_countof(ccsField))-1) != 0) _VALIDATE_RETURN(("Invalid file open mode",0), EINVAL, NULL); mode += _countof(ccsField)-1; /* Skip spaces */ while (*mode == _T(' ')) { ++mode; } /* Look for '=' */ if (*mode != _T('=')) { _VALIDATE_RETURN(("Invalid file open mode",0), EINVAL, NULL); } ++mode; /* Skip spaces */ while (*mode == _T(' ')) { ++mode; } if (_tcsnicmp(mode, utf8encoding, _countof(utf8encoding) - 1) == 0){ mode += _countof(utf8encoding)-1; modeflag |= _O_U8TEXT; } else if (_tcsnicmp(mode, utf16encoding, _countof(utf16encoding) - 1) == 0) { mode += _countof(utf16encoding)-1; modeflag |= _O_U16TEXT; } else if (_tcsnicmp(mode, unicodeencoding, _countof(unicodeencoding) - 1) == 0) { mode += _countof(unicodeencoding)-1; modeflag |= _O_WTEXT; } else _VALIDATE_RETURN(("Invalid file open mode",0), EINVAL, NULL); } /* Skip trailing spaces */ while (*mode == _T(' ')) { ++mode; } _VALIDATE_RETURN( (*mode == _T('\0')), EINVAL, NULL); /* Try to open the file. Note that if neither 't' nor 'b' is specified, _sopen will use the default. */ if (_tsopen_s(&filedes, filename, modeflag, shflag, _S_IREAD | _S_IWRITE) != 0) return(NULL); /* Set up the stream data base. */ #ifndef CRTDLL _cflush++; /* force library pre-termination procedure */ #endif /* CRTDLL */ /* Init pointers */ stream = str; stream->_flag = streamflag; stream->_cnt = 0; stream->_tmpfname = stream->_base = stream->_ptr = NULL; stream->_file = filedes; return(stream); }