/* 4coder_string.h - Version 1.0.114 no warranty implied; use at your own risk This software is in the public domain. Where that dedication is not recognized, you are granted a perpetual, irrevocable license to copy, distribute, and modify this file as you see fit. To include implementation: #define FSTRING_IMPLEMENTATION To use in C mode: #define FSTRING_C */ // TOP // 4tech_standard_preamble.h #if !defined(FTECH_INTEGERS) #define FTECH_INTEGERS #include <stdint.h> typedef int8_t i8_4tech; typedef int16_t i16_4tech; typedef int32_t i32_4tech; typedef int64_t i64_4tech; typedef uint8_t u8_4tech; typedef uint16_t u16_4tech; typedef uint32_t u32_4tech; typedef uint64_t u64_4tech; #if defined(FTECH_32_BIT) typedef u32_4tech umem_4tech; #else typedef u64_4tech umem_4tech; #endif typedef float f32_4tech; typedef double f64_4tech; typedef int8_t b8_4tech; typedef int32_t b32_4tech; #endif #if !defined(Assert) # define Assert(n) do{ if (!(n)) *(int*)0 = 0xA11E; }while(0) #endif // standard preamble end #if !defined(FSTRING_LINK) # define FSTRING_LINK static #endif #if !defined(FSTRING_INLINE) # if defined(FSTRING_C) # define FSTRING_INLINE static # else # define FSTRING_INLINE inline # endif #endif #if !defined(FSTRING_GUARD) #define literal(s) (s), (sizeof(s)-1) typedef struct String{ char *str; i32_4tech size; i32_4tech memory_size; } String; static String null_string = {0}; #endif #if !defined(FCODER_STRING_H) #define FCODER_STRING_H FSTRING_INLINE b32_4tech char_is_slash(char c); FSTRING_INLINE b32_4tech char_is_upper(char c); FSTRING_INLINE b32_4tech char_is_upper_utf8(char c); FSTRING_INLINE b32_4tech char_is_lower(char c); FSTRING_INLINE b32_4tech char_is_lower_utf8(u8_4tech c); FSTRING_INLINE char char_to_upper(char c); FSTRING_INLINE char char_to_lower(char c); FSTRING_INLINE b32_4tech char_is_whitespace(char c); FSTRING_INLINE b32_4tech char_is_alpha_numeric(char c); FSTRING_INLINE b32_4tech char_is_alpha_numeric_utf8(u8_4tech c); FSTRING_INLINE b32_4tech char_is_alpha_numeric_true(char c); FSTRING_INLINE b32_4tech char_is_alpha_numeric_true_utf8(u8_4tech c); FSTRING_INLINE b32_4tech char_is_alpha(char c); FSTRING_INLINE b32_4tech char_is_alpha_utf8(u8_4tech c); FSTRING_INLINE b32_4tech char_is_alpha_true(char c); FSTRING_INLINE b32_4tech char_is_alpha_true_utf8(u8_4tech c); FSTRING_INLINE b32_4tech char_is_hex(char c); FSTRING_INLINE b32_4tech char_is_hex_utf8(u8_4tech c); FSTRING_INLINE b32_4tech char_is_numeric(char c); FSTRING_INLINE b32_4tech char_is_numeric_utf8(u8_4tech c); FSTRING_INLINE String make_string_cap(void *str, i32_4tech size, i32_4tech mem_size); FSTRING_INLINE String make_string(void *str, i32_4tech size); #ifndef make_lit_string # define make_lit_string(s) (make_string_cap((char*)(s), sizeof(s)-1, sizeof(s))) #endif #ifndef lit # define lit(s) make_lit_string(s) #endif #ifndef make_fixed_width_string # define make_fixed_width_string(s) (make_string_cap((char*)(s), 0, sizeof(s))) #endif #ifndef expand_str # define expand_str(s) ((s).str), ((s).size) #endif FSTRING_LINK i32_4tech str_size(char *str); FSTRING_INLINE String make_string_slowly(void *str); FSTRING_INLINE String substr_tail(String str, i32_4tech start); FSTRING_INLINE String substr(String str, i32_4tech start, i32_4tech size); FSTRING_LINK String skip_whitespace(String str); FSTRING_LINK String skip_whitespace_measure(String str, i32_4tech *skip_length); FSTRING_LINK String chop_whitespace(String str); FSTRING_LINK String skip_chop_whitespace(String str); FSTRING_LINK String skip_chop_whitespace_measure(String str, i32_4tech *skip_length); FSTRING_INLINE String tailstr(String str); FSTRING_LINK b32_4tech match_cc(char *a, char *b); FSTRING_LINK b32_4tech match_sc(String a, char *b); FSTRING_INLINE b32_4tech match_cs(char *a, String b); FSTRING_LINK b32_4tech match_ss(String a, String b); FSTRING_LINK b32_4tech match_part_ccl(char *a, char *b, i32_4tech *len); FSTRING_LINK b32_4tech match_part_scl(String a, char *b, i32_4tech *len); FSTRING_INLINE b32_4tech match_part_cc(char *a, char *b); FSTRING_INLINE b32_4tech match_part_sc(String a, char *b); FSTRING_LINK b32_4tech match_part_cs(char *a, String b); FSTRING_LINK b32_4tech match_part_ss(String a, String b); FSTRING_LINK b32_4tech match_insensitive_cc(char *a, char *b); FSTRING_LINK b32_4tech match_insensitive_sc(String a, char *b); FSTRING_INLINE b32_4tech match_insensitive_cs(char *a, String b); FSTRING_LINK b32_4tech match_insensitive_ss(String a, String b); FSTRING_LINK b32_4tech match_part_insensitive_ccl(char *a, char *b, i32_4tech *len); FSTRING_LINK b32_4tech match_part_insensitive_scl(String a, char *b, i32_4tech *len); FSTRING_INLINE b32_4tech match_part_insensitive_cc(char *a, char *b); FSTRING_INLINE b32_4tech match_part_insensitive_sc(String a, char *b); FSTRING_LINK b32_4tech match_part_insensitive_cs(char *a, String b); FSTRING_LINK b32_4tech match_part_insensitive_ss(String a, String b); FSTRING_LINK i32_4tech compare_cc(char *a, char *b); FSTRING_LINK i32_4tech compare_sc(String a, char *b); FSTRING_INLINE i32_4tech compare_cs(char *a, String b); FSTRING_LINK i32_4tech compare_ss(String a, String b); FSTRING_LINK i32_4tech find_c_char(char *str, i32_4tech start, char character); FSTRING_LINK i32_4tech find_s_char(String str, i32_4tech start, char character); FSTRING_LINK i32_4tech rfind_s_char(String str, i32_4tech start, char character); FSTRING_LINK i32_4tech find_c_chars(char *str, i32_4tech start, char *characters); FSTRING_LINK i32_4tech find_s_chars(String str, i32_4tech start, char *characters); FSTRING_LINK i32_4tech find_substr_c(char *str, i32_4tech start, String seek); FSTRING_LINK i32_4tech find_substr_s(String str, i32_4tech start, String seek); FSTRING_LINK i32_4tech rfind_substr_s(String str, i32_4tech start, String seek); FSTRING_LINK i32_4tech find_substr_insensitive_c(char *str, i32_4tech start, String seek); FSTRING_LINK i32_4tech find_substr_insensitive_s(String str, i32_4tech start, String seek); FSTRING_INLINE b32_4tech has_substr_c(char *s, String seek); FSTRING_INLINE b32_4tech has_substr_s(String s, String seek); FSTRING_INLINE b32_4tech has_substr_insensitive_c(char *s, String seek); FSTRING_INLINE b32_4tech has_substr_insensitive_s(String s, String seek); FSTRING_LINK i32_4tech copy_fast_unsafe_cc(char *dest, char *src); FSTRING_LINK i32_4tech copy_fast_unsafe_cs(char *dest, String src); FSTRING_LINK b32_4tech copy_checked_ss(String *dest, String src); FSTRING_LINK b32_4tech copy_checked_cs(char *dest, i32_4tech dest_cap, String src); FSTRING_LINK b32_4tech copy_partial_sc(String *dest, char *src); FSTRING_LINK b32_4tech copy_partial_ss(String *dest, String src); FSTRING_LINK b32_4tech copy_partial_cs(char *dest, i32_4tech dest_cap, String src); FSTRING_INLINE i32_4tech copy_cc(char *dest, char *src); FSTRING_INLINE void copy_ss(String *dest, String src); FSTRING_INLINE void copy_sc(String *dest, char *src); FSTRING_LINK b32_4tech append_checked_ss(String *dest, String src); FSTRING_LINK b32_4tech append_partial_sc(String *dest, char *src); FSTRING_LINK b32_4tech append_partial_ss(String *dest, String src); FSTRING_LINK b32_4tech append_s_char(String *dest, char c); FSTRING_INLINE b32_4tech append_ss(String *dest, String src); FSTRING_INLINE b32_4tech append_sc(String *dest, char *src); FSTRING_LINK b32_4tech terminate_with_null(String *str); FSTRING_LINK b32_4tech append_padding(String *dest, char c, i32_4tech target_size); FSTRING_LINK void string_interpret_escapes(String src, char *dst); FSTRING_LINK void replace_char(String *str, char replace, char with); FSTRING_LINK void replace_str_ss(String *str, String replace, String with); FSTRING_LINK void replace_str_sc(String *str, String replace, char *with); FSTRING_LINK void replace_str_cs(String *str, char *replace, String with); FSTRING_LINK void replace_str_cc(String *str, char *replace, char *with); FSTRING_LINK void to_lower_cc(char *src, char *dst); FSTRING_LINK void to_lower_ss(String *dst, String src); FSTRING_LINK void to_lower_s(String *str); FSTRING_LINK void to_upper_cc(char *src, char *dst); FSTRING_LINK void to_upper_ss(String *dst, String src); FSTRING_LINK void to_upper_s(String *str); FSTRING_LINK void to_camel_cc(char *src, char *dst); FSTRING_LINK i32_4tech int_to_str_size(i32_4tech x); FSTRING_LINK b32_4tech int_to_str(String *dest, i32_4tech x); FSTRING_LINK b32_4tech append_int_to_str(String *dest, i32_4tech x); FSTRING_LINK i32_4tech u64_to_str_size(uint64_t x); FSTRING_LINK b32_4tech u64_to_str(String *dest, uint64_t x); FSTRING_LINK b32_4tech append_u64_to_str(String *dest, uint64_t x); FSTRING_LINK i32_4tech float_to_str_size(float x); FSTRING_LINK b32_4tech append_float_to_str(String *dest, float x); FSTRING_LINK b32_4tech float_to_str(String *dest, float x); FSTRING_LINK i32_4tech str_is_int_c(char *str); FSTRING_LINK b32_4tech str_is_int_s(String str); FSTRING_LINK i32_4tech str_to_int_c(char *str); FSTRING_LINK i32_4tech str_to_int_s(String str); FSTRING_LINK i32_4tech hexchar_to_int(char c); FSTRING_LINK char int_to_hexchar(i32_4tech x); FSTRING_LINK u32_4tech hexstr_to_int(String str); FSTRING_LINK b32_4tech color_to_hexstr(String *s, u32_4tech color); FSTRING_LINK b32_4tech hexstr_to_color(String s, u32_4tech *out); FSTRING_LINK i32_4tech reverse_seek_slash_pos(String str, i32_4tech pos); FSTRING_INLINE i32_4tech reverse_seek_slash(String str); FSTRING_INLINE String front_of_directory(String dir); FSTRING_INLINE String path_of_directory(String dir); FSTRING_LINK b32_4tech set_last_folder_sc(String *dir, char *folder_name, char slash); FSTRING_LINK b32_4tech set_last_folder_ss(String *dir, String folder_name, char slash); FSTRING_LINK String file_extension(String str); FSTRING_LINK b32_4tech remove_extension(String *str); FSTRING_LINK b32_4tech remove_last_folder(String *str); FSTRING_LINK b32_4tech string_set_match_table(void *str_set, i32_4tech item_size, i32_4tech count, String str, i32_4tech *match_index); FSTRING_LINK b32_4tech string_set_match(String *str_set, i32_4tech count, String str, i32_4tech *match_index); FSTRING_LINK String get_first_double_line(String source); FSTRING_LINK String get_next_double_line(String source, String line); FSTRING_LINK String get_next_word(String source, String prev_word); FSTRING_LINK String get_first_word(String source); #endif #if !defined(FSTRING_C) && !defined(FSTRING_GUARD) FSTRING_INLINE String make_string(void *str, i32_4tech size, i32_4tech mem_size){return(make_string_cap(str,size,mem_size));} FSTRING_INLINE String substr(String str, i32_4tech start){return(substr_tail(str,start));} FSTRING_LINK String skip_whitespace(String str, i32_4tech *skip_length){return(skip_whitespace_measure(str,skip_length));} FSTRING_LINK String skip_chop_whitespace(String str, i32_4tech *skip_length){return(skip_chop_whitespace_measure(str,skip_length));} FSTRING_LINK b32_4tech match(char *a, char *b){return(match_cc(a,b));} FSTRING_LINK b32_4tech match(String a, char *b){return(match_sc(a,b));} FSTRING_INLINE b32_4tech match(char *a, String b){return(match_cs(a,b));} FSTRING_LINK b32_4tech match(String a, String b){return(match_ss(a,b));} FSTRING_LINK b32_4tech match_part(char *a, char *b, i32_4tech *len){return(match_part_ccl(a,b,len));} FSTRING_LINK b32_4tech match_part(String a, char *b, i32_4tech *len){return(match_part_scl(a,b,len));} FSTRING_INLINE b32_4tech match_part(char *a, char *b){return(match_part_cc(a,b));} FSTRING_INLINE b32_4tech match_part(String a, char *b){return(match_part_sc(a,b));} FSTRING_LINK b32_4tech match_part(char *a, String b){return(match_part_cs(a,b));} FSTRING_LINK b32_4tech match_part(String a, String b){return(match_part_ss(a,b));} FSTRING_LINK b32_4tech match_insensitive(char *a, char *b){return(match_insensitive_cc(a,b));} FSTRING_LINK b32_4tech match_insensitive(String a, char *b){return(match_insensitive_sc(a,b));} FSTRING_INLINE b32_4tech match_insensitive(char *a, String b){return(match_insensitive_cs(a,b));} FSTRING_LINK b32_4tech match_insensitive(String a, String b){return(match_insensitive_ss(a,b));} FSTRING_LINK b32_4tech match_part_insensitive(char *a, char *b, i32_4tech *len){return(match_part_insensitive_ccl(a,b,len));} FSTRING_LINK b32_4tech match_part_insensitive(String a, char *b, i32_4tech *len){return(match_part_insensitive_scl(a,b,len));} FSTRING_INLINE b32_4tech match_part_insensitive(char *a, char *b){return(match_part_insensitive_cc(a,b));} FSTRING_INLINE b32_4tech match_part_insensitive(String a, char *b){return(match_part_insensitive_sc(a,b));} FSTRING_LINK b32_4tech match_part_insensitive(char *a, String b){return(match_part_insensitive_cs(a,b));} FSTRING_LINK b32_4tech match_part_insensitive(String a, String b){return(match_part_insensitive_ss(a,b));} FSTRING_LINK i32_4tech compare(char *a, char *b){return(compare_cc(a,b));} FSTRING_LINK i32_4tech compare(String a, char *b){return(compare_sc(a,b));} FSTRING_INLINE i32_4tech compare(char *a, String b){return(compare_cs(a,b));} FSTRING_LINK i32_4tech compare(String a, String b){return(compare_ss(a,b));} FSTRING_LINK i32_4tech find(char *str, i32_4tech start, char character){return(find_c_char(str,start,character));} FSTRING_LINK i32_4tech find(String str, i32_4tech start, char character){return(find_s_char(str,start,character));} FSTRING_LINK i32_4tech rfind(String str, i32_4tech start, char character){return(rfind_s_char(str,start,character));} FSTRING_LINK i32_4tech find(char *str, i32_4tech start, char *characters){return(find_c_chars(str,start,characters));} FSTRING_LINK i32_4tech find(String str, i32_4tech start, char *characters){return(find_s_chars(str,start,characters));} FSTRING_LINK i32_4tech find_substr(char *str, i32_4tech start, String seek){return(find_substr_c(str,start,seek));} FSTRING_LINK i32_4tech find_substr(String str, i32_4tech start, String seek){return(find_substr_s(str,start,seek));} FSTRING_LINK i32_4tech rfind_substr(String str, i32_4tech start, String seek){return(rfind_substr_s(str,start,seek));} FSTRING_LINK i32_4tech find_substr_insensitive(char *str, i32_4tech start, String seek){return(find_substr_insensitive_c(str,start,seek));} FSTRING_LINK i32_4tech find_substr_insensitive(String str, i32_4tech start, String seek){return(find_substr_insensitive_s(str,start,seek));} FSTRING_INLINE b32_4tech has_substr(char *s, String seek){return(has_substr_c(s,seek));} FSTRING_INLINE b32_4tech has_substr(String s, String seek){return(has_substr_s(s,seek));} FSTRING_INLINE b32_4tech has_substr_insensitive(char *s, String seek){return(has_substr_insensitive_c(s,seek));} FSTRING_INLINE b32_4tech has_substr_insensitive(String s, String seek){return(has_substr_insensitive_s(s,seek));} FSTRING_LINK i32_4tech copy_fast_unsafe(char *dest, char *src){return(copy_fast_unsafe_cc(dest,src));} FSTRING_LINK i32_4tech copy_fast_unsafe(char *dest, String src){return(copy_fast_unsafe_cs(dest,src));} FSTRING_LINK b32_4tech copy_checked(String *dest, String src){return(copy_checked_ss(dest,src));} FSTRING_LINK b32_4tech copy_checked(char *dest, i32_4tech dest_cap, String src){return(copy_checked_cs(dest,dest_cap,src));} FSTRING_LINK b32_4tech copy_partial(String *dest, char *src){return(copy_partial_sc(dest,src));} FSTRING_LINK b32_4tech copy_partial(String *dest, String src){return(copy_partial_ss(dest,src));} FSTRING_LINK b32_4tech copy_partial(char *dest, i32_4tech dest_cap, String src){return(copy_partial_cs(dest,dest_cap,src));} FSTRING_INLINE i32_4tech copy(char *dest, char *src){return(copy_cc(dest,src));} FSTRING_INLINE void copy(String *dest, String src){return(copy_ss(dest,src));} FSTRING_INLINE void copy(String *dest, char *src){return(copy_sc(dest,src));} FSTRING_LINK b32_4tech append_checked(String *dest, String src){return(append_checked_ss(dest,src));} FSTRING_LINK b32_4tech append_partial(String *dest, char *src){return(append_partial_sc(dest,src));} FSTRING_LINK b32_4tech append_partial(String *dest, String src){return(append_partial_ss(dest,src));} FSTRING_LINK b32_4tech append(String *dest, char c){return(append_s_char(dest,c));} FSTRING_INLINE b32_4tech append(String *dest, String src){return(append_ss(dest,src));} FSTRING_INLINE b32_4tech append(String *dest, char *src){return(append_sc(dest,src));} FSTRING_LINK void replace_str(String *str, String replace, String with){return(replace_str_ss(str,replace,with));} FSTRING_LINK void replace_str(String *str, String replace, char *with){return(replace_str_sc(str,replace,with));} FSTRING_LINK void replace_str(String *str, char *replace, String with){return(replace_str_cs(str,replace,with));} FSTRING_LINK void replace_str(String *str, char *replace, char *with){return(replace_str_cc(str,replace,with));} FSTRING_LINK void to_lower(char *src, char *dst){return(to_lower_cc(src,dst));} FSTRING_LINK void to_lower(String *dst, String src){return(to_lower_ss(dst,src));} FSTRING_LINK void to_lower(String *str){return(to_lower_s(str));} FSTRING_LINK void to_upper(char *src, char *dst){return(to_upper_cc(src,dst));} FSTRING_LINK void to_upper(String *dst, String src){return(to_upper_ss(dst,src));} FSTRING_LINK void to_upper(String *str){return(to_upper_s(str));} FSTRING_LINK void to_camel(char *src, char *dst){return(to_camel_cc(src,dst));} FSTRING_LINK i32_4tech str_is_int(char *str){return(str_is_int_c(str));} FSTRING_LINK b32_4tech str_is_int(String str){return(str_is_int_s(str));} FSTRING_LINK i32_4tech str_to_int(char *str){return(str_to_int_c(str));} FSTRING_LINK i32_4tech str_to_int(String str){return(str_to_int_s(str));} FSTRING_LINK i32_4tech reverse_seek_slash(String str, i32_4tech pos){return(reverse_seek_slash_pos(str,pos));} FSTRING_LINK b32_4tech set_last_folder(String *dir, char *folder_name, char slash){return(set_last_folder_sc(dir,folder_name,slash));} FSTRING_LINK b32_4tech set_last_folder(String *dir, String folder_name, char slash){return(set_last_folder_ss(dir,folder_name,slash));} FSTRING_LINK b32_4tech string_set_match(void *str_set, i32_4tech item_size, i32_4tech count, String str, i32_4tech *match_index){return(string_set_match_table(str_set,item_size,count,str,match_index));} #endif // // Character Helpers // #if !defined(FSTRING_GUARD) FSTRING_INLINE b32_4tech char_is_slash(char c) { return (c == '\\' || c == '/'); } #endif #if !defined(FSTRING_GUARD) FSTRING_INLINE b32_4tech char_is_upper(char c) { return (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z'); } #endif #if !defined(FSTRING_GUARD) FSTRING_INLINE b32_4tech char_is_upper_utf8(char c) { return ((c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || (unsigned char)c >= 128); } #endif #if !defined(FSTRING_GUARD) FSTRING_INLINE b32_4tech char_is_lower(char c) { return (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z'); } #endif #if !defined(FSTRING_GUARD) FSTRING_INLINE b32_4tech char_is_lower_utf8(u8_4tech c) { return ((c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (unsigned char)c >= 128); } #endif #if !defined(FSTRING_GUARD) FSTRING_INLINE char char_to_upper(char c) { return (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') ? c + (char)('A' - 'a') : c; } #endif #if !defined(FSTRING_GUARD) FSTRING_INLINE char char_to_lower(char c) { return (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') ? c - (char)('A' - 'a') : c; } #endif #if !defined(FSTRING_GUARD) FSTRING_INLINE b32_4tech char_is_whitespace(char c) { return (c == ' ' || c == '\n' || c == '\r' || c == '\t'); } #endif #if !defined(FSTRING_GUARD) FSTRING_INLINE b32_4tech char_is_alpha_numeric(char c) { return ((c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || (c >= '0' && c <= '9') || c == '_'); } #endif #if !defined(FSTRING_GUARD) FSTRING_INLINE b32_4tech char_is_alpha_numeric_utf8(u8_4tech c) { return ((c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || (c >= '0' && c <= '9') || c == '_' || (unsigned char)c >= 128); } #endif #if !defined(FSTRING_GUARD) FSTRING_INLINE b32_4tech char_is_alpha_numeric_true(char c) { return ((c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || (c >= '0' && c <= '9')); } #endif #if !defined(FSTRING_GUARD) FSTRING_INLINE b32_4tech char_is_alpha_numeric_true_utf8(u8_4tech c) { return ((c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || (c >= '0' && c <= '9') || (unsigned char)c >= 128); } #endif #if !defined(FSTRING_GUARD) FSTRING_INLINE b32_4tech char_is_alpha(char c) { return ((c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || c == '_'); } #endif #if !defined(FSTRING_GUARD) FSTRING_INLINE b32_4tech char_is_alpha_utf8(u8_4tech c) { return ((c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || c == '_' || (unsigned char)c >= 128); } #endif #if !defined(FSTRING_GUARD) FSTRING_INLINE b32_4tech char_is_alpha_true(char c) { return ((c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z')); } #endif #if !defined(FSTRING_GUARD) FSTRING_INLINE b32_4tech char_is_alpha_true_utf8(u8_4tech c) { return ((c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || (unsigned char)c >= 128); } #endif #if !defined(FSTRING_GUARD) FSTRING_INLINE b32_4tech char_is_hex(char c) { return ((c >= '0' && c <= '9') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F') || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f')); } #endif #if !defined(FSTRING_GUARD) FSTRING_INLINE b32_4tech char_is_hex_utf8(u8_4tech c) { return ((c >= '0' && c <= '9') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F') || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') || (unsigned char)c >= 128); } #endif #if !defined(FSTRING_GUARD) FSTRING_INLINE b32_4tech char_is_numeric(char c) { return (c >= '0' && c <= '9'); } #endif #if !defined(FSTRING_GUARD) FSTRING_INLINE b32_4tech char_is_numeric_utf8(u8_4tech c) { return ((c >= '0' && c <= '9') || (unsigned char)c >= 128); } #endif // // String Making Functions // #if !defined(FSTRING_GUARD) FSTRING_INLINE String make_string_cap(void *str, i32_4tech size, i32_4tech mem_size){ String result; result.str = (char*)str; result.size = size; result.memory_size = mem_size; return(result); } #endif #if !defined(FSTRING_GUARD) FSTRING_INLINE String make_string(void *str, i32_4tech size){ String result; result.str = (char*)str; result.size = size; result.memory_size = size; return(result); } #endif #if defined(FSTRING_IMPLEMENTATION) FSTRING_LINK i32_4tech str_size(char *str) { i32_4tech i = 0; if (str != 0){ for (;str[i];++i); } return(i); } #endif #if !defined(FSTRING_GUARD) FSTRING_INLINE String make_string_slowly(void *str) { String result; result.str = (char*)str; result.size = str_size((char*)str); result.memory_size = result.size + 1; return(result); } #endif #if !defined(FSTRING_GUARD) FSTRING_INLINE String substr_tail(String str, i32_4tech start) { String result; result.str = str.str + start; result.size = str.size - start; result.memory_size = 0; return(result); } #endif #if !defined(FSTRING_GUARD) FSTRING_INLINE String substr(String str, i32_4tech start, i32_4tech size) { String result; result.str = str.str + start; result.size = size; if (start + size > str.size){ result.size = str.size - start; } result.memory_size = 0; return(result); } #endif #if defined(FSTRING_IMPLEMENTATION) FSTRING_LINK String skip_whitespace(String str) { String result = {0}; i32_4tech i = 0; for (; i < str.size && char_is_whitespace(str.str[i]); ++i); result = substr(str, i, str.size - i); return(result); } #endif #if defined(FSTRING_IMPLEMENTATION) FSTRING_LINK String skip_whitespace_measure(String str, i32_4tech *skip_length) { String result = {0}; i32_4tech i = 0; for (; i < str.size && char_is_whitespace(str.str[i]); ++i); result = substr(str, i, str.size - i); *skip_length = i; return(result); } #endif #if defined(FSTRING_IMPLEMENTATION) FSTRING_LINK String chop_whitespace(String str) { String result = {0}; i32_4tech i = str.size; for (; i > 0 && char_is_whitespace(str.str[i-1]); --i); result = substr(str, 0, i); return(result); } #endif #if defined(FSTRING_IMPLEMENTATION) FSTRING_LINK String skip_chop_whitespace(String str) { str = skip_whitespace(str); str = chop_whitespace(str); return(str); } #endif #if defined(FSTRING_IMPLEMENTATION) FSTRING_LINK String skip_chop_whitespace_measure(String str, i32_4tech *skip_length) { str = skip_whitespace_measure(str, skip_length); str = chop_whitespace(str); return(str); } #endif #if !defined(FSTRING_GUARD) FSTRING_INLINE String tailstr(String str) { String result; result.str = str.str + str.size; result.memory_size = str.memory_size - str.size; result.size = 0; return(result); } #endif // // String Comparison // #if defined(FSTRING_IMPLEMENTATION) FSTRING_LINK b32_4tech match_cc(char *a, char *b){ for (i32_4tech i = 0;; ++i){ if (a[i] != b[i]){ return 0; } if (a[i] == 0){ return 1; } } } #endif #if defined(FSTRING_IMPLEMENTATION) FSTRING_LINK b32_4tech match_sc(String a, char *b){ i32_4tech i = 0; for (; i < a.size; ++i){ if (a.str[i] != b[i]){ return 0; } } if (b[i] != 0){ return 0; } return 1; } #endif #if !defined(FSTRING_GUARD) FSTRING_INLINE b32_4tech match_cs(char *a, String b){ return(match_sc(b,a)); } #endif #if defined(FSTRING_IMPLEMENTATION) FSTRING_LINK b32_4tech match_ss(String a, String b){ if (a.size != b.size){ return 0; } for (i32_4tech i = 0; i < b.size; ++i){ if (a.str[i] != b.str[i]){ return 0; } } return 1; } #endif #if defined(FSTRING_IMPLEMENTATION) FSTRING_LINK b32_4tech match_part_ccl(char *a, char *b, i32_4tech *len){ if (a == 0){ a = ""; } if (b == 0){ b = ""; } i32_4tech i; for (i = 0; b[i] != 0; ++i){ if (a[i] != b[i]){ return(0); } } *len = i; return(1); } #endif #if defined(FSTRING_IMPLEMENTATION) FSTRING_LINK b32_4tech match_part_scl(String a, char *b, i32_4tech *len){ if (b == 0){ b = ""; } i32_4tech i; for (i = 0; b[i] != 0; ++i){ if (i == a.size || a.str[i] != b[i]){ return(0); } } *len = i; return(1); } #endif #if !defined(FSTRING_GUARD) FSTRING_INLINE b32_4tech match_part_cc(char *a, char *b){ i32_4tech x; return match_part_ccl(a,b,&x); } #endif #if !defined(FSTRING_GUARD) FSTRING_INLINE b32_4tech match_part_sc(String a, char *b){ i32_4tech x; return match_part_scl(a,b,&x); } #endif #if defined(FSTRING_IMPLEMENTATION) FSTRING_LINK b32_4tech match_part_cs(char *a, String b){ for (i32_4tech i = 0; i != b.size; ++i){ if (a[i] != b.str[i]){ return 0; } } return 1; } #endif #if defined(FSTRING_IMPLEMENTATION) FSTRING_LINK b32_4tech match_part_ss(String a, String b){ if (a.size < b.size){ return(0); } for (i32_4tech i = 0; i < b.size; ++i){ if (a.str[i] != b.str[i]){ return(0); } } return(1); } #endif #if defined(FSTRING_IMPLEMENTATION) FSTRING_LINK b32_4tech match_insensitive_cc(char *a, char *b){ for (i32_4tech i = 0;; ++i){ if (char_to_upper(a[i]) != char_to_upper(b[i])){ return 0; } if (a[i] == 0){ return 1; } } } #endif #if defined(FSTRING_IMPLEMENTATION) FSTRING_LINK b32_4tech match_insensitive_sc(String a, char *b){ i32_4tech i = 0; for (; i < a.size; ++i){ if (char_to_upper(a.str[i]) != char_to_upper(b[i])){ return 0; } } if (b[i] != 0){ return 0; } return 1; } #endif #if !defined(FSTRING_GUARD) FSTRING_INLINE b32_4tech match_insensitive_cs(char *a, String b){ return match_insensitive_sc(b,a); } #endif #if defined(FSTRING_IMPLEMENTATION) FSTRING_LINK b32_4tech match_insensitive_ss(String a, String b){ if (a.size != b.size){ return 0; } for (i32_4tech i = 0; i < b.size; ++i){ if (char_to_upper(a.str[i]) != char_to_upper(b.str[i])){ return 0; } } return 1; } #endif #if defined(FSTRING_IMPLEMENTATION) FSTRING_LINK b32_4tech match_part_insensitive_ccl(char *a, char *b, i32_4tech *len){ i32_4tech i; for (i = 0; b[i] != 0; ++i){ if (char_to_upper(a[i]) != char_to_upper(b[i])){ return 0; } } *len = i; return 1; } #endif #if defined(FSTRING_IMPLEMENTATION) FSTRING_LINK b32_4tech match_part_insensitive_scl(String a, char *b, i32_4tech *len){ i32_4tech i; for (i = 0; b[i] != 0; ++i){ if (char_to_upper(a.str[i]) != char_to_upper(b[i]) || i == a.size){ return 0; } } *len = i; return 1; } #endif #if !defined(FSTRING_GUARD) FSTRING_INLINE b32_4tech match_part_insensitive_cc(char *a, char *b){ i32_4tech x; return match_part_insensitive_ccl(a,b,&x); } #endif #if !defined(FSTRING_GUARD) FSTRING_INLINE b32_4tech match_part_insensitive_sc(String a, char *b){ i32_4tech x; return match_part_insensitive_scl(a,b,&x); } #endif #if defined(FSTRING_IMPLEMENTATION) FSTRING_LINK b32_4tech match_part_insensitive_cs(char *a, String b){ for (i32_4tech i = 0; i != b.size; ++i){ if (char_to_upper(a[i]) != char_to_upper(b.str[i])){ return(0); } } return(1); } #endif #if defined(FSTRING_IMPLEMENTATION) FSTRING_LINK b32_4tech match_part_insensitive_ss(String a, String b){ if (a.size < b.size){ return(0); } for (i32_4tech i = 0; i < b.size; ++i){ if (char_to_upper(a.str[i]) != char_to_upper(b.str[i])){ return(0); } } return(1); } #endif #if defined(FSTRING_IMPLEMENTATION) FSTRING_LINK i32_4tech compare_cc(char *a, char *b){ i32_4tech i = 0, r = 0; while (a[i] == b[i] && a[i] != 0){ ++i; } r = (a[i] > b[i]) - (a[i] < b[i]); return(r); } #endif #if defined(FSTRING_IMPLEMENTATION) FSTRING_LINK i32_4tech compare_sc(String a, char *b){ i32_4tech i = 0, r = 0; while (i < a.size && a.str[i] == b[i]){ ++i; } if (i < a.size){ r = (a.str[i] > b[i]) - (a.str[i] < b[i]); } else{ if (b[i] == 0){ r = 0; } else{ r = -1; } } return(r); } #endif #if !defined(FSTRING_GUARD) FSTRING_INLINE i32_4tech compare_cs(char *a, String b){ i32_4tech r = -compare_sc(b,a); return(r); } #endif #if defined(FSTRING_IMPLEMENTATION) FSTRING_LINK i32_4tech compare_ss(String a, String b){ i32_4tech i = 0, r = 0; i32_4tech m = a.size; if (b.size < m){ m = b.size; } while (i < m && a.str[i] == b.str[i]){ ++i; } if (i < m){ r = (a.str[i] > b.str[i]) - (b.str[i] > a.str[i]); } else{ r = (a.size > b.size) - (b.size > a.size); } return(r); } #endif // // Finding Characters and Substrings // #if defined(FSTRING_IMPLEMENTATION) FSTRING_LINK i32_4tech find_c_char(char *str, i32_4tech start, char character){ i32_4tech i = start; while (str[i] != character && str[i] != 0) ++i; return(i); } #endif #if defined(FSTRING_IMPLEMENTATION) FSTRING_LINK i32_4tech find_s_char(String str, i32_4tech start, char character){ i32_4tech i = start; while (i < str.size && str.str[i] != character) ++i; return(i); } #endif #if defined(FSTRING_IMPLEMENTATION) FSTRING_LINK i32_4tech rfind_s_char(String str, i32_4tech start, char character){ i32_4tech i = start; while (i >= 0 && str.str[i] != character) --i; return(i); } #endif #if defined(FSTRING_IMPLEMENTATION) FSTRING_LINK i32_4tech find_c_chars(char *str, i32_4tech start, char *characters){ i32_4tech i = start, j; while (str[i] != 0){ for (j = 0; characters[j]; ++j){ if (str[i] == characters[j]){ return(i); } } ++i; } return(i); } #endif #if defined(FSTRING_IMPLEMENTATION) FSTRING_LINK i32_4tech find_s_chars(String str, i32_4tech start, char *characters){ i32_4tech i = start, j; while (i < str.size){ for (j = 0; characters[j]; ++j){ if (str.str[i] == characters[j]){ return(i); } } ++i; } return(i); } #endif #if defined(FSTRING_IMPLEMENTATION) FSTRING_LINK i32_4tech find_substr_c(char *str, i32_4tech start, String seek){ i32_4tech i, j, k; b32_4tech hit; if (seek.size == 0){ i = str_size(str); return(i); } for (i = start; str[i]; ++i){ if (str[i] == seek.str[0]){ hit = 1; for (j = 1, k = i+1; j < seek.size; ++j, ++k){ if (str[k] != seek.str[j]){ hit = 0; break; } } if (hit){ return(i); } } } return(i); } #endif #if defined(FSTRING_IMPLEMENTATION) FSTRING_LINK i32_4tech find_substr_s(String str, i32_4tech start, String seek){ i32_4tech stop_at, i, j, k; b32_4tech hit; if (seek.size == 0){ return str.size; } stop_at = str.size - seek.size + 1; for (i = start; i < stop_at; ++i){ if (str.str[i] == seek.str[0]){ hit = 1; for (j = 1, k = i+1; j < seek.size; ++j, ++k){ if (str.str[k] != seek.str[j]){ hit = 0; break; } } if (hit){ return i; } } } return(str.size); } #endif #if defined(FSTRING_IMPLEMENTATION) FSTRING_LINK i32_4tech rfind_substr_s(String str, i32_4tech start, String seek){ i32_4tech i, j, k; b32_4tech hit; if (seek.size == 0){ return -1; } if (start + seek.size > str.size){ start = str.size - seek.size; } for (i = start; i >= 0; --i){ if (str.str[i] == seek.str[0]){ hit = 1; for (j = 1, k = i+1; j < seek.size; ++j, ++k){ if (str.str[k] != seek.str[j]){ hit = 0; break; } } if (hit){ return i; } } } return -1; } #endif #if defined(FSTRING_IMPLEMENTATION) FSTRING_LINK i32_4tech find_substr_insensitive_c(char *str, i32_4tech start, String seek){ i32_4tech i, j, k; b32_4tech hit; char a_upper, b_upper; char first_test_char; if (seek.size == 0){ return str_size(str); } first_test_char = char_to_upper(seek.str[0]); for (i = start; str[i]; ++i){ a_upper = char_to_upper(str[i]); if (a_upper == first_test_char){ hit = 1; for (j = 1, k = i+1; j < seek.size; ++j, ++k){ a_upper = char_to_upper(str[k]); b_upper = char_to_upper(seek.str[j]); if (a_upper != b_upper){ hit = 0; break; } } if (hit){ return i; } } } return i; } #endif #if defined(FSTRING_IMPLEMENTATION) FSTRING_LINK i32_4tech find_substr_insensitive_s(String str, i32_4tech start, String seek){ i32_4tech i, j, k; i32_4tech stop_at; b32_4tech hit; char a_upper, b_upper; char first_test_char; if (seek.size == 0){ return str.size; } stop_at = str.size - seek.size + 1; first_test_char = char_to_upper(seek.str[0]); for (i = start; i < stop_at; ++i){ a_upper = char_to_upper(str.str[i]); if (a_upper == first_test_char){ hit = 1; for (j = 1, k = i+1; j < seek.size; ++j, ++k){ a_upper = char_to_upper(str.str[k]); b_upper = char_to_upper(seek.str[j]); if (a_upper != b_upper){ hit = 0; break; } } if (hit){ return i; } } } return str.size; } #endif #if !defined(FSTRING_GUARD) FSTRING_INLINE b32_4tech has_substr_c(char *s, String seek){ return (s[find_substr_c(s, 0, seek)] != 0); } #endif #if !defined(FSTRING_GUARD) FSTRING_INLINE b32_4tech has_substr_s(String s, String seek){ return (find_substr_s(s, 0, seek) < s.size); } #endif #if !defined(FSTRING_GUARD) FSTRING_INLINE b32_4tech has_substr_insensitive_c(char *s, String seek){ return (s[find_substr_insensitive_c(s, 0, seek)] != 0); } #endif #if !defined(FSTRING_GUARD) FSTRING_INLINE b32_4tech has_substr_insensitive_s(String s, String seek){ return (find_substr_insensitive_s(s, 0, seek) < s.size); } #endif // // String Copies and Appends // #if defined(FSTRING_IMPLEMENTATION) FSTRING_LINK i32_4tech copy_fast_unsafe_cc(char *dest, char *src){ char *start = dest; while (*src != 0){ *dest = *src; ++dest; ++src; } return (i32_4tech)(dest - start); } #endif #if defined(FSTRING_IMPLEMENTATION) FSTRING_LINK i32_4tech copy_fast_unsafe_cs(char *dest, String src){ i32_4tech i = 0; while (i != src.size){ dest[i] = src.str[i]; ++i; } return(src.size); } #endif #if defined(FSTRING_IMPLEMENTATION) FSTRING_LINK b32_4tech copy_checked_ss(String *dest, String src){ char *dest_str; i32_4tech i; if (dest->memory_size < src.size){ return 0; } dest_str = dest->str; for (i = 0; i < src.size; ++i){ dest_str[i] = src.str[i]; } dest->size = src.size; return 1; } #endif #if defined(FSTRING_IMPLEMENTATION) FSTRING_LINK b32_4tech copy_checked_cs(char *dest, i32_4tech dest_cap, String src){ i32_4tech i; if (dest_cap < src.size){ return 0; } for (i = 0; i < src.size; ++i){ dest[i] = src.str[i]; } return 1; } #endif #if defined(FSTRING_IMPLEMENTATION) FSTRING_LINK b32_4tech copy_partial_sc(String *dest, char *src){ i32_4tech i = 0; i32_4tech memory_size = dest->memory_size; char *dest_str = dest->str; while (src[i] != 0){ if (i >= memory_size){ return 0; } dest_str[i] = src[i]; ++i; } dest->size = i; return 1; } #endif #if defined(FSTRING_IMPLEMENTATION) FSTRING_LINK b32_4tech copy_partial_ss(String *dest, String src){ char *dest_str = dest->str; i32_4tech memory_size = dest->memory_size; b32_4tech result = 0; if (memory_size >= src.size){ result = 1; memory_size = src.size; } for (i32_4tech i = 0; i < memory_size; ++i){ dest_str[i] = src.str[i]; } dest->size = memory_size; return(result); } #endif #if defined(FSTRING_IMPLEMENTATION) FSTRING_LINK b32_4tech copy_partial_cs(char *dest, i32_4tech dest_cap, String src){ b32_4tech result = 0; i32_4tech copy_size = dest_cap; i32_4tech i; if (dest_cap >= src.size){ result = 1; copy_size = src.size; } for (i = 0; i < copy_size; ++i){ dest[i] = src.str[i]; } return(result); } #endif #if !defined(FSTRING_GUARD) FSTRING_INLINE i32_4tech copy_cc(char *dest, char *src){ return copy_fast_unsafe_cc(dest, src); } #endif #if !defined(FSTRING_GUARD) FSTRING_INLINE void copy_ss(String *dest, String src){ copy_checked_ss(dest, src); } #endif #if !defined(FSTRING_GUARD) FSTRING_INLINE void copy_sc(String *dest, char *src){ copy_partial_sc(dest, src); } #endif #if defined(FSTRING_IMPLEMENTATION) FSTRING_LINK b32_4tech append_checked_ss(String *dest, String src){ String end; end = tailstr(*dest); b32_4tech result = copy_checked_ss(&end, src); // NOTE(allen): This depends on end.size still being 0 if // the check failed and no coppy occurred. dest->size += end.size; return result; } #endif #if defined(FSTRING_IMPLEMENTATION) FSTRING_LINK b32_4tech append_partial_sc(String *dest, char *src){ String end = tailstr(*dest); b32_4tech result = copy_partial_sc(&end, src); dest->size += end.size; return result; } #endif #if defined(FSTRING_IMPLEMENTATION) FSTRING_LINK b32_4tech append_partial_ss(String *dest, String src){ String end = tailstr(*dest); b32_4tech result = copy_partial_ss(&end, src); dest->size += end.size; return result; } #endif #if defined(FSTRING_IMPLEMENTATION) FSTRING_LINK b32_4tech append_s_char(String *dest, char c){ b32_4tech result = 0; if (dest->size < dest->memory_size){ dest->str[dest->size++] = c; result = 1; } return result; } #endif #if !defined(FSTRING_GUARD) FSTRING_INLINE b32_4tech append_ss(String *dest, String src){ return append_partial_ss(dest, src); } #endif #if !defined(FSTRING_GUARD) FSTRING_INLINE b32_4tech append_sc(String *dest, char *src){ return append_partial_sc(dest, src); } #endif #if defined(FSTRING_IMPLEMENTATION) FSTRING_LINK b32_4tech terminate_with_null(String *str){ b32_4tech result = 0; if (str->size < str->memory_size){ str->str[str->size] = 0; result = 1; } return(result); } #endif #if defined(FSTRING_IMPLEMENTATION) FSTRING_LINK b32_4tech append_padding(String *dest, char c, i32_4tech target_size){ b32_4tech result = 1; i32_4tech offset = target_size - dest->size; i32_4tech r = 0; if (offset > 0){ for (r = 0; r < offset; ++r){ if (append_s_char(dest, c) == 0){ result = 0; break; } } } return(result); } #endif // // Other Edits // #if defined(FSTRING_IMPLEMENTATION) FSTRING_LINK void string_interpret_escapes(String src, char *dst){ i32_4tech mode = 0; i32_4tech j = 0; for (i32_4tech i = 0; i < src.size; ++i){ switch (mode){ case 0: { if (src.str[i] == '\\'){ mode = 1; } else{ dst[j++] = src.str[i]; } }break; case 1: { char c = src.str[i]; switch (c){ case '\\':{dst[j++] = '\\';} break; case 'n': {dst[j++] = '\n';} break; case 't': {dst[j++] = '\t';} break; case '"': {dst[j++] = '"'; } break; case '0': {dst[j++] = '\0';} break; default: {dst[j++] = '\\'; dst[j++] = c;}break; } mode = 0; }break; } } dst[j] = 0; } #endif #if defined(FSTRING_IMPLEMENTATION) FSTRING_LINK void replace_char(String *str, char replace, char with){ char *s = str->str; i32_4tech i = 0; for (i = 0; i < str->size; ++i, ++s){ if (*s == replace) *s = with; } } #endif #if !defined(FSTRING_GUARD) void block_move(void *a_ptr, void *b_ptr, i32_4tech s){ u8_4tech *a = (u8_4tech*)a_ptr; u8_4tech *b = (u8_4tech*)b_ptr; if (a < b){ for (i32_4tech i = 0; i < s; ++i, ++a, ++b){ *a = *b; } } else if (a > b){ a = a + s - 1; b = b + s - 1; for (i32_4tech i = 0; i < s; ++i, --a, --b){ *a = *b; } } } void replace_range_str(String *str, i32_4tech first, i32_4tech one_past_last, String with){ i32_4tech shift = with.size - (one_past_last - first); i32_4tech new_size = str->size + shift; if (new_size <= str->memory_size){ if (shift != 0){ char *tail = str->str + one_past_last; char *new_tail_pos = tail + shift; block_move(new_tail_pos, tail, str->size - one_past_last); } block_move(str->str + first, with.str, with.size); str->size += shift; } } #endif #if defined(FSTRING_IMPLEMENTATION) FSTRING_LINK void replace_str_ss(String *str, String replace, String with){ i32_4tech i = 0; for (;;){ i = find_substr_s(*str, i, replace); if (i >= str->size){ break; } replace_range_str(str, i, i + replace.size, with); i += with.size; } } #endif #if defined(FSTRING_IMPLEMENTATION) FSTRING_LINK void replace_str_sc(String *str, String replace, char *with){ String w = make_string_slowly(with); replace_str_ss(str, replace, w); } #endif #if defined(FSTRING_IMPLEMENTATION) FSTRING_LINK void replace_str_cs(String *str, char *replace, String with){ String r = make_string_slowly(replace); replace_str_ss(str, r, with); } #endif #if defined(FSTRING_IMPLEMENTATION) FSTRING_LINK void replace_str_cc(String *str, char *replace, char *with){ String r = make_string_slowly(replace); String w = make_string_slowly(with); replace_str_ss(str, r, w); } #endif #if defined(FSTRING_IMPLEMENTATION) FSTRING_LINK void to_lower_cc(char *src, char *dst){ for (; *src != 0; ++src){ *dst++ = char_to_lower(*src); } *dst++ = 0; } #endif #if defined(FSTRING_IMPLEMENTATION) FSTRING_LINK void to_lower_ss(String *dst, String src){ i32_4tech i = 0; i32_4tech size = src.size; char *c = src.str; char *d = dst->str; if (dst->memory_size >= size){ for (; i < size; ++i){ *d++ = char_to_lower(*c++); } dst->size = size; } } #endif #if defined(FSTRING_IMPLEMENTATION) FSTRING_LINK void to_lower_s(String *str){ i32_4tech i = 0; i32_4tech size = str->size; char *c = str->str; for (; i < size; ++c, ++i){ *c = char_to_lower(*c); } } #endif #if defined(FSTRING_IMPLEMENTATION) FSTRING_LINK void to_upper_cc(char *src, char *dst){ for (; *src != 0; ++src){ *dst++ = char_to_upper(*src); } *dst++ = 0; } #endif #if defined(FSTRING_IMPLEMENTATION) FSTRING_LINK void to_upper_ss(String *dst, String src){ i32_4tech i = 0; i32_4tech size = src.size; char *c = src.str; char *d = dst->str; if (dst->memory_size >= size){ for (; i < size; ++i){ *d++ = char_to_upper(*c++); } dst->size = size; } } #endif #if defined(FSTRING_IMPLEMENTATION) FSTRING_LINK void to_upper_s(String *str){ i32_4tech i = 0; i32_4tech size = str->size; char *c = str->str; for (; i < size; ++c, ++i){ *c = char_to_upper(*c); } } #endif #if defined(FSTRING_IMPLEMENTATION) FSTRING_LINK void to_camel_cc(char *src, char *dst){ char *c, ch; i32_4tech is_first = 1; for (c = src; *c != 0; ++c){ ch = *c; if (char_is_alpha_numeric_true(ch)){ if (is_first){ is_first = 0; ch = char_to_upper(ch); } else{ ch = char_to_lower(ch); } } else{ is_first = 1; } *dst++ = ch; } *dst = 0; } #endif // // String <-> Number Conversions // #if defined(FSTRING_IMPLEMENTATION) FSTRING_LINK i32_4tech int_to_str_size(i32_4tech x){ i32_4tech size = 1; if (x < 0){ size = 2; } x /= 10; while (x != 0){ x /= 10; ++size; } return(size); } #endif #if defined(FSTRING_IMPLEMENTATION) FSTRING_LINK b32_4tech int_to_str(String *dest, i32_4tech x){ b32_4tech result = 1; char *str = dest->str; i32_4tech memory_size = dest->memory_size; i32_4tech size, i, j; b32_4tech negative; if (x == 0){ str[0] = '0'; dest->size = 1; } else{ size = 0; negative = 0; if (x < 0){ negative = 1; x = -x; str[size++] = '-'; } while (x != 0){ if (size == memory_size){ result = 0; break; } i = x % 10; x /= 10; str[size++] = (char)('0' + i); } if (result){ // NOTE(allen): Start i = 0 if not negative, start i = 1 if is negative because - should not be flipped if it is negative :) for (i = negative, j = size-1; i < j; ++i, --j){ char temp = str[i]; str[i] = str[j]; str[j] = temp; } dest->size = size; } else{ dest->size = 0; } } return(result); } #endif #if defined(FSTRING_IMPLEMENTATION) FSTRING_LINK b32_4tech append_int_to_str(String *dest, i32_4tech x){ String last_part = tailstr(*dest); b32_4tech result = int_to_str(&last_part, x); if (result){ dest->size += last_part.size; } return(result); } #endif #if defined(FSTRING_IMPLEMENTATION) FSTRING_LINK i32_4tech u64_to_str_size(uint64_t x){ i32_4tech size = 1; x /= 10; while (x != 0){ x /= 10; ++size; } return(size); } #endif #if defined(FSTRING_IMPLEMENTATION) FSTRING_LINK b32_4tech u64_to_str(String *dest, uint64_t x){ b32_4tech result = 1; char *str = dest->str; i32_4tech memory_size = dest->memory_size; i32_4tech size, i, j; if (x == 0){ str[0] = '0'; dest->size = 1; } else{ size = 0; while (x != 0){ if (size == memory_size){ result = 0; break; } i = x % 10; x /= 10; str[size++] = (char)('0' + i); } if (result){ for (i = 0, j = size-1; i < j; ++i, --j){ char temp = str[i]; str[i] = str[j]; str[j] = temp; } dest->size = size; } else{ dest->size = 0; } } return(result); } #endif #if defined(FSTRING_IMPLEMENTATION) FSTRING_LINK b32_4tech append_u64_to_str(String *dest, uint64_t x){ String last_part = tailstr(*dest); b32_4tech result = u64_to_str(&last_part, x); if (result){ dest->size += last_part.size; } return(result); } #endif #if !defined(FSTRING_GUARD) typedef struct Float_To_Str_Variables{ b32_4tech negative; i32_4tech int_part; i32_4tech dec_part; } Float_To_Str_Variables; static Float_To_Str_Variables get_float_vars(float x){ Float_To_Str_Variables vars = {0}; if (x < 0){ vars.negative = 1; x = -x; } vars.int_part = (i32_4tech)(x); vars.dec_part = (i32_4tech)((x - vars.int_part) * 1000); return(vars); } #endif #if defined(FSTRING_IMPLEMENTATION) FSTRING_LINK i32_4tech float_to_str_size(float x){ Float_To_Str_Variables vars = get_float_vars(x); i32_4tech size = vars.negative + int_to_str_size(vars.int_part) + 1 + int_to_str_size(vars.dec_part); return(size); } #endif #if defined(FSTRING_IMPLEMENTATION) FSTRING_LINK b32_4tech append_float_to_str(String *dest, float x){ b32_4tech result = 1; Float_To_Str_Variables vars = get_float_vars(x); if (vars.negative){ append_s_char(dest, '-'); } append_int_to_str(dest, vars.int_part); append_s_char(dest, '.'); append_int_to_str(dest, vars.dec_part); return(result); } #endif #if defined(FSTRING_IMPLEMENTATION) FSTRING_LINK b32_4tech float_to_str(String *dest, float x){ b32_4tech result = 1; dest->size = 0; append_float_to_str(dest, x); return(result); } #endif #if defined(FSTRING_IMPLEMENTATION) FSTRING_LINK i32_4tech str_is_int_c(char *str){ b32_4tech result = 1; for (; *str; ++str){ if (!char_is_numeric(*str)){ result = 0; break; } } return(result); } #endif #if defined(FSTRING_IMPLEMENTATION) FSTRING_LINK b32_4tech str_is_int_s(String str){ b32_4tech result = 1; for (i32_4tech i = 0; i < str.size; ++i){ if (!char_is_numeric(str.str[i])){ result = 0; break; } } return(result); } #endif #if defined(FSTRING_IMPLEMENTATION) FSTRING_LINK i32_4tech str_to_int_c(char *str){ i32_4tech x = 0; for (; *str; ++str){ if (*str >= '0' && *str <= '9'){ x *= 10; x += *str - '0'; } else{ x = 0; break; } } return(x); } #endif #if defined(FSTRING_IMPLEMENTATION) FSTRING_LINK i32_4tech str_to_int_s(String str){ i32_4tech x, i; if (str.size == 0){ x = 0; } else{ x = str.str[0] - '0'; for (i = 1; i < str.size; ++i){ x *= 10; x += str.str[i] - '0'; } } return(x); } #endif #if defined(FSTRING_IMPLEMENTATION) FSTRING_LINK i32_4tech hexchar_to_int(char c){ i32_4tech x = 0; if (c >= '0' && c <= '9'){ x = c-'0'; } else if (c > 'F'){ x = c+(10-'a'); } else{ x = c+(10-'A'); } return(x); } #endif #if defined(FSTRING_IMPLEMENTATION) FSTRING_LINK char int_to_hexchar(i32_4tech x){ return (x<10)?((char)x+'0'):((char)x+'a'-10); } #endif #if defined(FSTRING_IMPLEMENTATION) FSTRING_LINK u32_4tech hexstr_to_int(String str){ u32_4tech x; i32_4tech i; if (str.size == 0){ x = 0; } else{ x = hexchar_to_int(str.str[0]); for (i = 1; i < str.size; ++i){ x *= 0x10; x += hexchar_to_int(str.str[i]); } } return(x); } #endif #if defined(FSTRING_IMPLEMENTATION) FSTRING_LINK b32_4tech color_to_hexstr(String *s, u32_4tech color){ b32_4tech result = 0; i32_4tech i; if (s->memory_size == 7 || s->memory_size == 8){ result = 1; s->size = 6; s->str[6] = 0; color = color & 0x00FFFFFF; for (i = 5; i >= 0; --i){ s->str[i] = int_to_hexchar(color & 0xF); color >>= 4; } } else if (s->memory_size > 8){ result = 1; s->size = 8; s->str[8] = 0; for (i = 7; i >= 0; --i){ s->str[i] = int_to_hexchar(color & 0xF); color >>= 4; } } return(result); } #endif #if defined(FSTRING_IMPLEMENTATION) FSTRING_LINK b32_4tech hexstr_to_color(String s, u32_4tech *out){ b32_4tech result = 0; u32_4tech color = 0; if (s.size == 6){ result = 1; color = (u32_4tech)hexstr_to_int(s); color |= (0xFF << 24); *out = color; } else if (s.size == 8){ result = 1; color = (u32_4tech)hexstr_to_int(s); *out = color; } return(result); } #endif // // Directory String Management // #if defined(FSTRING_IMPLEMENTATION) FSTRING_LINK i32_4tech reverse_seek_slash_pos(String str, i32_4tech pos){ i32_4tech i = str.size - 1 - pos; while (i >= 0 && !char_is_slash(str.str[i])){ --i; } return i; } #endif #if !defined(FSTRING_GUARD) FSTRING_INLINE i32_4tech reverse_seek_slash(String str){ return(reverse_seek_slash_pos(str, 0)); } #endif #if !defined(FSTRING_GUARD) FSTRING_INLINE String front_of_directory(String dir){ return substr_tail(dir, reverse_seek_slash(dir) + 1); } #endif #if !defined(FSTRING_GUARD) FSTRING_INLINE String path_of_directory(String dir){ return substr(dir, 0, reverse_seek_slash(dir) + 1); } #endif #if defined(FSTRING_IMPLEMENTATION) FSTRING_LINK b32_4tech set_last_folder_sc(String *dir, char *folder_name, char slash){ b32_4tech result = 0; i32_4tech size = reverse_seek_slash(*dir) + 1; dir->size = size; if (append_sc(dir, folder_name)){ if (append_s_char(dir, slash)){ result = 1; } } if (!result){ dir->size = size; } return(result); } #endif #if defined(FSTRING_IMPLEMENTATION) FSTRING_LINK b32_4tech set_last_folder_ss(String *dir, String folder_name, char slash){ b32_4tech result = 0; i32_4tech size = reverse_seek_slash(*dir) + 1; dir->size = size; if (append_ss(dir, folder_name)){ if (append_s_char(dir, slash)){ result = 1; } } if (!result){ dir->size = size; } return(result); } #endif #if defined(FSTRING_IMPLEMENTATION) FSTRING_LINK String file_extension(String str){ i32_4tech i; for (i = str.size - 1; i >= 0; --i){ if (str.str[i] == '.') break; } ++i; return(make_string(str.str+i, str.size-i)); } #endif #if defined(FSTRING_IMPLEMENTATION) FSTRING_LINK b32_4tech remove_extension(String *str){ b32_4tech result = 0; i32_4tech i; for (i = str->size - 1; i >= 0; --i){ if (str->str[i] == '.') break; } if (i >= 0){ result = 1; str->size = i + 1; } return(result); } #endif #if defined(FSTRING_IMPLEMENTATION) FSTRING_LINK b32_4tech remove_last_folder(String *str){ b32_4tech result = 0; i32_4tech end = reverse_seek_slash_pos(*str, 1); if (end >= 0){ result = 1; str->size = end + 1; } return(result); } #endif #if defined(FSTRING_IMPLEMENTATION) FSTRING_LINK b32_4tech string_set_match_table(void *str_set, i32_4tech item_size, i32_4tech count, String str, i32_4tech *match_index){ b32_4tech result = 0; i32_4tech i = 0; uint8_t *ptr = (uint8_t*)str_set; for (; i < count; ++i, ptr += item_size){ if (match_ss(*(String*)ptr, str)){ *match_index = i; result = 1; break; } } return(result); } #endif #if defined(FSTRING_IMPLEMENTATION) FSTRING_LINK b32_4tech string_set_match(String *str_set, i32_4tech count, String str, i32_4tech *match_index){ b32_4tech result = string_set_match_table(str_set, sizeof(String), count, str, match_index); return(result); } #endif #if defined(FSTRING_IMPLEMENTATION) FSTRING_LINK String get_first_double_line(String source){ String line = {0}; i32_4tech pos0 = find_substr_s(source, 0, make_lit_string("\n\n")); i32_4tech pos1 = find_substr_s(source, 0, make_lit_string("\r\n\r\n")); if (pos1 < pos0){ pos0 = pos1; } line = substr(source, 0, pos0); return(line); } #endif #if defined(FSTRING_IMPLEMENTATION) FSTRING_LINK String get_next_double_line(String source, String line){ String next = {0}; i32_4tech pos = (i32_4tech)(line.str - source.str) + line.size; i32_4tech start = 0, pos0 = 0, pos1 = 0; if (pos < source.size){ //Assert(source.str[pos] == '\n' || source.str[pos] == '\r'); start = pos + 1; if (start < source.size){ pos0 = find_substr_s(source, start, make_lit_string("\n\n")); pos1 = find_substr_s(source, start, make_lit_string("\r\n\r\n")); if (pos1 < pos0){ pos0 = pos1; } next = substr(source, start, pos0 - start); } } return(next); } #endif #if defined(FSTRING_IMPLEMENTATION) FSTRING_LINK String get_next_word(String source, String prev_word){ String word = {0}; i32_4tech pos0 = (i32_4tech)(prev_word.str - source.str) + prev_word.size; i32_4tech pos1 = 0; char c = 0; for (; pos0 < source.size; ++pos0){ c = source.str[pos0]; if (!(char_is_whitespace(c) || c == '(' || c == ')')){ break; } } if (pos0 < source.size){ for (pos1 = pos0; pos1 < source.size; ++pos1){ c = source.str[pos1]; if (char_is_whitespace(c) || c == '(' || c == ')'){ break; } } word = substr(source, pos0, pos1 - pos0); } return(word); } #endif #if defined(FSTRING_IMPLEMENTATION) FSTRING_LINK String get_first_word(String source){ String start_str = make_string(source.str, 0); String word = get_next_word(source, start_str); return(word); } #endif // TODO(allen): eliminate this. #ifndef FSTRING_EXPERIMENTAL #define FSTRING_EXPERIMENTAL // NOTE(allen): experimental section, things below here are // not promoted to public API level yet. typedef struct Absolutes{ String a[8]; i32_4tech count; } Absolutes; static void get_absolutes(String name, Absolutes *absolutes, b32_4tech implicit_first, b32_4tech implicit_last){ if (name.size != 0){ i32_4tech count = 0; i32_4tech max = (sizeof(absolutes->a)/sizeof(*absolutes->a)) - 1; if (implicit_last) --max; String str; str.str = name.str; str.size = 0; str.memory_size = 0; b32_4tech prev_was_wild = 0; if (implicit_first){ absolutes->a[count++] = str; prev_was_wild = 1; } i32_4tech i; for (i = 0; i < name.size; ++i){ if (name.str[i] == '*' && count < max){ if (!prev_was_wild){ str.memory_size = str.size; absolutes->a[count++] = str; str.size = 0; } str.str = name.str + i + 1; prev_was_wild = 1; } else{ ++str.size; prev_was_wild = 0; } } str.memory_size = str.size; absolutes->a[count++] = str; if (implicit_last){ str.size = 0; str.memory_size = 0; absolutes->a[count++] = str; } absolutes->count = count; } else{ absolutes->count = 0; } } static b32_4tech wildcard_match_c(Absolutes *absolutes, char *x, i32_4tech case_sensitive){ b32_4tech r = 1; if (absolutes->count > 0){ String *a = absolutes->a; b32_4tech (*match_func)(char*, String); b32_4tech (*match_part_func)(char*, String); if (case_sensitive){ match_func = match_cs; match_part_func = match_part_cs; } else{ match_func = match_insensitive_cs; match_part_func = match_part_insensitive_cs; } if (absolutes->count == 1){ r = match_func(x, *a); } else{ if (!match_part_func(x, *a)){ r = 0; } else{ String *max = a + absolutes->count - 1; x += a->size; ++a; while (a < max){ if (*x == 0){ r = 0; break; } if (match_part_func(x, *a)){ x += a->size; ++a; } else{ ++x; } } if (r && a->size > 0){ r = 0; while (*x != 0){ if (match_part_func(x, *a) && *(x + a->size) == 0){ r = 1; break; } else{ ++x; } } } } } } return(r); } static b32_4tech wildcard_match_s(Absolutes *absolutes, String x, i32_4tech case_sensitive){ terminate_with_null(&x); return(wildcard_match_c(absolutes, x.str, case_sensitive)); } #endif #if defined(FSTRING_IMPLEMENTATION) #undef FSTRING_IMPLEMENTATION #define FSTRING_IMPL_GUARD #endif #if !defined(FSTRING_GUARD) #define FSTRING_GUARD #endif // BOTTOM