/* 4coder_base_commands.cpp - Base commands such as inserting characters, and moving the cursor, which work even without the default 4coder framework. */ // TOP static void write_character_parameter(Application_Links *app, u8 *character, u32 length){ if (length != 0){ View_ID view = 0; get_active_view(app, AccessOpen, &view); if_view_has_highlighted_range_delete_range(app, view); Buffer_ID buffer = 0; view_get_buffer(app, view, AccessOpen, &buffer); i32 pos = 0; view_get_cursor_pos(app, view, &pos); Full_Cursor cursor = {}; view_compute_cursor(app, view, seek_pos(pos), &cursor); // NOTE(allen): setup markers to figure out the new position of cursor after the insert Marker next_cursor_marker = {}; // TODO(allen): should be using character_pos_to_pos_buffer here! next_cursor_marker.pos = character_pos_to_pos_view(app, view, cursor.character_pos); next_cursor_marker.lean_right = true; Managed_Object handle = alloc_buffer_markers_on_buffer(app, buffer, 1, 0); managed_object_store_data(app, handle, 0, 1, &next_cursor_marker); // NOTE(allen): consecutive inserts merge logic History_Record_Index first_index = 0; buffer_history_get_current_state_index(app, buffer, &first_index); b32 do_merge = false; if (character[0] != '\n'){ Record_Info record = get_single_record(app, buffer, first_index); if (record.error == RecordError_NoError && record.kind == RecordKind_Single){ String_Const_u8 string = record.single.string_forward; i32 last_end = record.single.first + (i32)string.size; if (last_end == pos && string.size > 0){ char c = string.str[string.size - 1]; if (c != '\n'){ if (character_is_whitespace(character[0]) && character_is_whitespace(c)){ do_merge = true; } else if (character_is_alpha_numeric(character[0]) && character_is_alpha_numeric(c)){ do_merge = true; } } } } } // NOTE(allen): perform the edit b32 edit_success = buffer_replace_range(app, buffer, make_range(pos), SCu8(character, length)); // NOTE(allen): finish merging records if necessary if (do_merge){ History_Record_Index last_index = 0; buffer_history_get_current_state_index(app, buffer, &last_index); buffer_history_merge_record_range(app, buffer, first_index, last_index, RecordMergeFlag_StateInRange_MoveStateForward); } // NOTE(allen): finish updating the cursor managed_object_load_data(app, handle, 0, 1, &next_cursor_marker); managed_object_free(app, handle); if (edit_success){ view_set_cursor(app, view, seek_pos(next_cursor_marker.pos), true); } } } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(write_character) CUSTOM_DOC("Inserts whatever character was used to trigger this command.") { User_Input in = get_command_input(app); u8 character[4]; u32 length = to_writable_character(in, character); write_character_parameter(app, character, length); } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(write_underscore) CUSTOM_DOC("Inserts an underscore.") { u8 character = '_'; write_character_parameter(app, &character, 1); } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(delete_char) CUSTOM_DOC("Deletes the character to the right of the cursor.") { View_ID view = 0; get_active_view(app, AccessOpen, &view); if (!if_view_has_highlighted_range_delete_range(app, view)){ Buffer_ID buffer = 0; view_get_buffer(app, view, AccessOpen, &buffer); i32 start = 0; view_get_cursor_pos(app, view, &start); i32 buffer_size = 0; buffer_get_size(app, buffer, &buffer_size); if (0 <= start && start < buffer_size){ Full_Cursor cursor = {}; view_compute_cursor(app, view, seek_pos(start), &cursor); view_compute_cursor(app, view, seek_character_pos(cursor.character_pos + 1), &cursor); i32 end = cursor.pos; buffer_replace_range(app, buffer, make_range(start, end), string_u8_litexpr("")); } } } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(backspace_char) CUSTOM_DOC("Deletes the character to the left of the cursor.") { View_ID view = 0; get_active_view(app, AccessOpen, &view); if (!if_view_has_highlighted_range_delete_range(app, view)){ Buffer_ID buffer = 0; view_get_buffer(app, view, AccessOpen, &buffer); i32 end = 0; view_get_cursor_pos(app, view, &end); i32 buffer_size = 0; buffer_get_size(app, buffer, &buffer_size); if (0 < end && end <= buffer_size){ Full_Cursor cursor = {}; view_compute_cursor(app, view, seek_pos(end), &cursor); view_compute_cursor(app, view, seek_character_pos(cursor.character_pos - 1), &cursor); i32 start = cursor.pos; if (buffer_replace_range(app, buffer, make_range(start, end), string_u8_litexpr(""))){ view_set_cursor(app, view, seek_pos(start), true); } } } } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(set_mark) CUSTOM_DOC("Sets the mark to the current position of the cursor.") { View_ID view = 0; get_active_view(app, AccessProtected, &view); i32 pos = 0; view_get_cursor_pos(app, view, &pos); view_set_mark(app, view, seek_pos(pos)); view_set_cursor(app, view, seek_pos(pos), true); } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(cursor_mark_swap) CUSTOM_DOC("Swaps the position of the cursor and the mark.") { View_ID view = 0; get_active_view(app, AccessProtected, &view); i32 cursor = 0; view_get_cursor_pos(app, view, &cursor); i32 mark = 0; view_get_mark_pos(app, view, &mark); view_set_cursor(app, view, seek_pos(mark), true); view_set_mark(app, view, seek_pos(cursor)); } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(delete_range) CUSTOM_DOC("Deletes the text in the range between the cursor and the mark.") { View_ID view = 0; get_active_view(app, AccessOpen, &view); Buffer_ID buffer = 0; view_get_buffer(app, view, AccessOpen, &buffer); Range range = get_view_range(app, view); buffer_replace_range(app, buffer, range, string_u8_litexpr("")); } static void current_view_boundary_delete(Application_Links *app, Scan_Direction direction, Boundary_Function_List funcs){ View_ID view = 0; get_active_view(app, AccessOpen, &view); Buffer_ID buffer = 0; view_get_buffer(app, view, AccessOpen, &buffer); Range range = {}; view_get_cursor_pos(app, view, &range.first); range.one_past_last = scan(app, funcs, buffer, direction, range.first); range = rectify(range); buffer_replace_range(app, buffer, range, string_u8_litexpr("")); } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(backspace_alpha_numeric_boundary) CUSTOM_DOC("Delete characters between the cursor position and the first alphanumeric boundary to the left.") { Scratch_Block scratch(app); current_view_boundary_delete(app, Scan_Backward, push_boundary_list(scratch, boundary_alpha_numeric)); } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(delete_alpha_numeric_boundary) CUSTOM_DOC("Delete characters between the cursor position and the first alphanumeric boundary to the right.") { Scratch_Block scratch(app); current_view_boundary_delete(app, Scan_Forward, push_boundary_list(scratch, boundary_alpha_numeric)); } #define backspace_word backspace_alpha_numeric_boundary #define delete_word delete_alpha_numeric_boundary static void current_view_snipe_delete(Application_Links *app, Scan_Direction direction, Boundary_Function_List funcs){ View_ID view = 0; get_active_view(app, AccessOpen, &view); Buffer_ID buffer = 0; view_get_buffer(app, view, AccessOpen, &buffer); i32 pos = 0; view_get_cursor_pos(app, view, &pos); Range range = get_snipe_range(app, funcs, buffer, pos, direction); buffer_replace_range(app, buffer, range, string_u8_litexpr("")); } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(snipe_backward_whitespace_or_token_boundary) CUSTOM_DOC("Delete a single, whole token on or to the left of the cursor and post it to the clipboard.") { Scratch_Block scratch(app); current_view_snipe_delete(app, Scan_Backward, push_boundary_list(scratch, boundary_token, boundary_non_whitespace)); } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(snipe_forward_whitespace_or_token_boundary) CUSTOM_DOC("Delete a single, whole token on or to the right of the cursor and post it to the clipboard.") { Scratch_Block scratch(app); current_view_snipe_delete(app, Scan_Forward, push_boundary_list(scratch, boundary_token, boundary_non_whitespace)); } #define snipe_token_or_word snipe_backward_whitespace_or_token_boundary #define snipe_token_or_word_right snipe_forward_whitespace_or_token_boundary //////////////////////////////// CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(center_view) CUSTOM_DOC("Centers the view vertically on the line on which the cursor sits.") { View_ID view = 0; get_active_view(app, AccessProtected, &view); Rect_i32 region = {}; view_get_buffer_region(app, view, ®ion); GUI_Scroll_Vars scroll = {}; view_get_scroll_vars(app, view, &scroll); f32 h = (f32)(rect_height(region)); f32 y = get_view_y(app, view); y = y - h*.5f; scroll.target_y = (i32)(y + .5f); view_set_scroll(app, view, scroll); } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(left_adjust_view) CUSTOM_DOC("Sets the left size of the view near the x position of the cursor.") { View_ID view = 0; get_active_view(app, AccessProtected, &view); GUI_Scroll_Vars scroll = {}; view_get_scroll_vars(app, view, &scroll); f32 x = clamp_bot(0.f, get_view_x(app, view) - 30.f); scroll.target_x = (i32)(x + .5f); view_set_scroll(app, view, scroll); } static b32 view_space_from_screen_space_checked(Vec2_i32 p, Rect_i32 file_region, Vec2 scroll_p, Vec2 *p_out){ b32 result = false; if (rect_contains_point(file_region, p)){ *p_out = view_space_from_screen_space(V2(p), V2(file_region.p0), scroll_p); result = true; } else{ *p_out = V2(0.f, 0.f); } return(result); } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(click_set_cursor_and_mark) CUSTOM_DOC("Sets the cursor position and mark to the mouse position.") { View_ID view = 0; get_active_view(app, AccessProtected, &view); Rect_i32 region = {}; view_get_buffer_region(app, view, ®ion); GUI_Scroll_Vars scroll_vars = {}; view_get_scroll_vars(app, view, &scroll_vars); Mouse_State mouse = get_mouse_state(app); Vec2 p = {}; if (view_space_from_screen_space_checked(mouse.p, region, scroll_vars.scroll_p, &p)){ Full_Cursor cursor = {}; view_compute_cursor(app, view, seek_wrapped_xy(p.x, p.y, true), &cursor); view_set_cursor(app, view, seek_pos(cursor.pos), true); view_set_mark(app, view, seek_pos(cursor.pos)); } } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(click_set_cursor) CUSTOM_DOC("Sets the cursor position to the mouse position.") { View_ID view = 0; get_active_view(app, AccessProtected, &view); Rect_i32 region = {}; view_get_buffer_region(app, view, ®ion); GUI_Scroll_Vars scroll_vars = {}; view_get_scroll_vars(app, view, &scroll_vars); Mouse_State mouse = get_mouse_state(app); Vec2 p = {}; if (view_space_from_screen_space_checked(mouse.p, region, scroll_vars.scroll_p, &p)){ view_set_cursor(app, view, seek_wrapped_xy(p.x, p.y, true), true); } no_mark_snap_to_cursor(app, view); } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(click_set_cursor_if_lbutton) CUSTOM_DOC("If the mouse left button is pressed, sets the cursor position to the mouse position.") { View_ID view = 0; get_active_view(app, AccessProtected, &view); Mouse_State mouse = get_mouse_state(app); if (mouse.l){ Rect_i32 region = {}; view_get_buffer_region(app, view, ®ion); GUI_Scroll_Vars scroll_vars = {}; view_get_scroll_vars(app, view, &scroll_vars); Vec2 p = {}; if (view_space_from_screen_space_checked(mouse.p, region, scroll_vars.scroll_p, &p)){ view_set_cursor(app, view, seek_wrapped_xy(p.x, p.y, true), true); } } no_mark_snap_to_cursor(app, view); } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(click_set_mark) CUSTOM_DOC("Sets the mark position to the mouse position.") { View_ID view = 0; get_active_view(app, AccessProtected, &view); Rect_i32 region = {}; view_get_buffer_region(app, view, ®ion); GUI_Scroll_Vars scroll_vars = {}; view_get_scroll_vars(app, view, &scroll_vars); Mouse_State mouse = get_mouse_state(app); Vec2 p = {}; if (view_space_from_screen_space_checked(mouse.p, region, scroll_vars.scroll_p, &p)){ view_set_mark(app, view, seek_wrapped_xy(p.x, p.y, true)); } no_mark_snap_to_cursor(app, view); } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(mouse_wheel_scroll) CUSTOM_DOC("Reads the scroll wheel value from the mouse state and scrolls accordingly.") { View_ID view = 0; get_active_view(app, AccessProtected, &view); Mouse_State mouse = get_mouse_state(app); if (mouse.wheel != 0){ GUI_Scroll_Vars scroll = {}; view_get_scroll_vars(app, view, &scroll); scroll.target_y += mouse.wheel; view_set_scroll(app, view, scroll); } } //////////////////////////////// static void move_vertical(Application_Links *app, f32 line_multiplier){ View_ID view = 0; get_active_view(app, AccessProtected, &view); Buffer_ID buffer = 0; view_get_buffer(app, view, AccessProtected, &buffer); Face_ID face_id = 0; get_face_id(app, buffer, &face_id); Face_Metrics metrics = {}; get_face_metrics(app, face_id, &metrics); f32 delta_y = line_multiplier*metrics.line_height; f32 new_y = get_view_y(app, view) + delta_y; f32 x = 0; view_get_preferred_x(app, view, &x); view_set_cursor(app, view, seek_wrapped_xy(x, new_y, false), false); f32 actual_new_y = get_view_y(app, view); if (actual_new_y < new_y){ Rect_i32 file_region = {}; view_get_buffer_region(app, view, &file_region); i32 height = rect_height(file_region); i32 full_scroll_y = (i32)actual_new_y - height/2; GUI_Scroll_Vars scroll_vars = {}; view_get_scroll_vars(app, view, &scroll_vars); if (scroll_vars.target_y < full_scroll_y){ GUI_Scroll_Vars new_scroll_vars = scroll_vars; new_scroll_vars.target_y += (i32)delta_y; if (new_scroll_vars.target_y > full_scroll_y){ new_scroll_vars.target_y = full_scroll_y; } view_set_scroll(app, view, new_scroll_vars); } } no_mark_snap_to_cursor_if_shift(app, view); } static f32 get_page_jump(Application_Links *app, View_ID view){ Rect_i32 region = {}; view_get_buffer_region(app, view, ®ion); Buffer_ID buffer = 0; view_get_buffer(app, view, AccessProtected, &buffer); Face_ID face_id = 0; get_face_id(app, buffer, &face_id); Face_Metrics metrics = {}; get_face_metrics(app, face_id, &metrics); f32 page_jump = 1.f; if (metrics.line_height > 0.f){ i32 height = rect_height(region); f32 line_count = (f32)(height)/metrics.line_height; i32 line_count_rounded = (i32)line_count; page_jump = (f32)line_count_rounded - 3.f; page_jump = clamp_bot(1.f, page_jump); } return(page_jump); } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(move_up) CUSTOM_DOC("Moves the cursor up one line.") { move_vertical(app, -1.f); } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(move_down) CUSTOM_DOC("Moves the cursor down one line.") { move_vertical(app, 1.f); } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(move_up_10) CUSTOM_DOC("Moves the cursor up ten lines.") { move_vertical(app, -10.f); } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(move_down_10) CUSTOM_DOC("Moves the cursor down ten lines.") { move_vertical(app, 10.f); } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(move_down_textual) CUSTOM_DOC("Moves down to the next line of actual text, regardless of line wrapping.") { View_ID view = 0; if (get_active_view(app, AccessOpen, &view)){ i32 pos = 0; view_get_cursor_pos(app, view, &pos); Full_Cursor cursor = {}; view_compute_cursor(app, view, seek_pos(pos), &cursor); i32 next_line = cursor.line + 1; view_set_cursor(app, view, seek_line_char(next_line, 1), true); } } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(page_up) CUSTOM_DOC("Scrolls the view up one view height and moves the cursor up one view height.") { View_ID view = 0; get_active_view(app, AccessProtected, &view); f32 page_jump = get_page_jump(app, view); move_vertical(app, -page_jump); } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(page_down) CUSTOM_DOC("Scrolls the view down one view height and moves the cursor down one view height.") { View_ID view = 0; get_active_view(app, AccessProtected, &view); f32 page_jump = get_page_jump(app, view); move_vertical(app, page_jump); } internal void seek_blank_line(Application_Links *app, Scan_Direction direction, Position_Within_Line position){ View_ID view = 0; get_active_view(app, AccessProtected, &view); Buffer_ID buffer = 0; view_get_buffer(app, view, AccessProtected, &buffer); i32 pos = 0; view_get_cursor_pos(app, view, &pos); i32 new_pos = get_pos_of_blank_line_grouped(app, buffer, direction, pos); switch (position){ case PositionWithinLine_SkipLeadingWhitespace: { new_pos = get_pos_past_lead_whitespace(app, buffer, new_pos); }break; case PositionWithinLine_End: { new_pos = get_line_side_pos_from_pos(app, buffer, new_pos, Side_Max); }break; } view_set_cursor(app, view, seek_pos(new_pos), true); no_mark_snap_to_cursor_if_shift(app, view); } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(move_up_to_blank_line) CUSTOM_DOC("Seeks the cursor up to the next blank line.") { seek_blank_line(app, Scan_Backward, PositionWithinLine_Start); } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(move_down_to_blank_line) CUSTOM_DOC("Seeks the cursor down to the next blank line.") { seek_blank_line(app, Scan_Forward, PositionWithinLine_Start); } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(move_up_to_blank_line_skip_whitespace) CUSTOM_DOC("Seeks the cursor up to the next blank line and places it at the end of the line.") { seek_blank_line(app, Scan_Backward, PositionWithinLine_SkipLeadingWhitespace); } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(move_down_to_blank_line_skip_whitespace) CUSTOM_DOC("Seeks the cursor down to the next blank line and places it at the end of the line.") { seek_blank_line(app, Scan_Forward, PositionWithinLine_SkipLeadingWhitespace); } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(move_up_to_blank_line_end) CUSTOM_DOC("Seeks the cursor up to the next blank line and places it at the end of the line.") { seek_blank_line(app, Scan_Backward, PositionWithinLine_End); } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(move_down_to_blank_line_end) CUSTOM_DOC("Seeks the cursor down to the next blank line and places it at the end of the line.") { seek_blank_line(app, Scan_Forward, PositionWithinLine_End); } #define seek_whitespace_up move_up_to_blank_line #define seek_whitespace_down move_down_to_blank_line #define seek_whitespace_up_end_line move_up_to_blank_line_skip_whitespace #define seek_whitespace_down_end_line move_down_to_blank_line_skip_whitespace CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(move_left) CUSTOM_DOC("Moves the cursor one character to the left.") { View_ID view = 0; get_active_view(app, AccessProtected, &view); i32 pos = 0; view_get_cursor_pos(app, view, &pos); Full_Cursor cursor = {}; view_compute_cursor(app, view, seek_pos(pos), &cursor); i32 new_pos = clamp_bot(0, cursor.character_pos - 1); view_set_cursor(app, view, seek_character_pos(new_pos), true); no_mark_snap_to_cursor_if_shift(app, view); } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(move_right) CUSTOM_DOC("Moves the cursor one character to the right.") { View_ID view = 0; get_active_view(app, AccessProtected, &view); i32 pos = 0; view_get_cursor_pos(app, view, &pos); Full_Cursor cursor = {}; view_compute_cursor(app, view, seek_pos(pos), &cursor); i32 new_pos = cursor.character_pos + 1; view_set_cursor(app, view, seek_character_pos(new_pos), 1); no_mark_snap_to_cursor_if_shift(app, view); } static void current_view_scan_move(Application_Links *app, Scan_Direction direction, Boundary_Function_List funcs){ View_ID view = 0; get_active_view(app, AccessProtected, &view); Buffer_ID buffer = 0; view_get_buffer(app, view, AccessProtected, &buffer); i32 cursor_pos = 0; view_get_cursor_pos(app, view, &cursor_pos); i32 pos = scan(app, funcs, buffer, direction, cursor_pos); view_set_cursor(app, view, seek_pos(pos), true); no_mark_snap_to_cursor_if_shift(app, view); } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(move_right_whitespace_boundary) CUSTOM_DOC("Seek right for the next boundary between whitespace and non-whitespace.") { Scratch_Block scratch(app); current_view_scan_move(app, Scan_Forward, push_boundary_list(scratch, boundary_non_whitespace)); } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(move_left_whitespace_boundary) CUSTOM_DOC("Seek left for the next boundary between whitespace and non-whitespace.") { Scratch_Block scratch(app); current_view_scan_move(app, Scan_Backward, push_boundary_list(scratch, boundary_non_whitespace)); } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(move_right_token_boundary) CUSTOM_DOC("Seek right for the next end of a token.") { Scratch_Block scratch(app); current_view_scan_move(app, Scan_Forward, push_boundary_list(scratch, boundary_token)); } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(move_left_token_boundary) CUSTOM_DOC("Seek left for the next beginning of a token.") { Scratch_Block scratch(app); current_view_scan_move(app, Scan_Backward, push_boundary_list(scratch, boundary_token)); } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(move_right_whitespace_or_token_boundary) CUSTOM_DOC("Seek right for the next end of a token or boundary between whitespace and non-whitespace.") { Scratch_Block scratch(app); current_view_scan_move(app, Scan_Forward, push_boundary_list(scratch, boundary_token, boundary_non_whitespace)); } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(move_left_whitespace_or_token_boundary) CUSTOM_DOC("Seek left for the next end of a token or boundary between whitespace and non-whitespace.") { Scratch_Block scratch(app); current_view_scan_move(app, Scan_Backward, push_boundary_list(scratch, boundary_token, boundary_non_whitespace)); } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(move_right_alpha_numeric_boundary) CUSTOM_DOC("Seek right for boundary between alphanumeric characters and non-alphanumeric characters.") { Scratch_Block scratch(app); current_view_scan_move(app, Scan_Forward, push_boundary_list(scratch, boundary_alpha_numeric)); } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(move_left_alpha_numeric_boundary) CUSTOM_DOC("Seek left for boundary between alphanumeric characters and non-alphanumeric characters.") { Scratch_Block scratch(app); current_view_scan_move(app, Scan_Backward, push_boundary_list(scratch, boundary_alpha_numeric)); } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(move_right_alpha_numeric_or_camel_boundary) CUSTOM_DOC("Seek right for boundary between alphanumeric characters or camel case word and non-alphanumeric characters.") { Scratch_Block scratch(app); current_view_scan_move(app, Scan_Forward, push_boundary_list(scratch, boundary_alpha_numeric_camel)); } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(move_left_alpha_numeric_or_camel_boundary) CUSTOM_DOC("Seek left for boundary between alphanumeric characters or camel case word and non-alphanumeric characters.") { Scratch_Block scratch(app); current_view_scan_move(app, Scan_Backward, push_boundary_list(scratch, boundary_alpha_numeric_camel)); } #define seek_whitespace_right move_right_whitespace_boundary #define seek_whitespace_left move_left_whitespace_boundary #define seek_token_right move_right_token_boundary #define seek_token_left move_left_token_boundary #define seek_white_or_token_right move_right_whitespace_or_token_boundary #define seek_white_or_token_left move_left_whitespace_or_token_boundary #define seek_alphanumeric_right move_right_alpha_numeric_boundary #define seek_alphanumeric_left move_left_alpha_numeric_boundary #define seek_alphanumeric_or_camel_right move_right_alpha_numeric_or_camel_boundary #define seek_alphanumeric_or_camel_left move_left_alpha_numeric_or_camel_boundary //////////////////////////////// CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(select_all) CUSTOM_DOC("Puts the cursor at the top of the file, and the mark at the bottom of the file.") { View_ID view = 0; get_active_view(app, AccessProtected, &view); Buffer_ID buffer = 0; view_get_buffer(app, view, AccessProtected, &buffer); i32 buffer_size = 0; buffer_get_size(app, buffer, &buffer_size); view_set_cursor(app, view, seek_pos(0), true); view_set_mark(app, view, seek_pos(buffer_size)); no_mark_snap_to_cursor(app, view); } //////////////////////////////// CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(to_uppercase) CUSTOM_DOC("Converts all ascii text in the range between the cursor and the mark to uppercase.") { View_ID view = 0; get_active_view(app, AccessOpen, &view); Buffer_ID buffer = 0; view_get_buffer(app, view, AccessOpen, &buffer); Range range = get_view_range(app, view); Scratch_Block scratch(app); String_Const_u8 string = push_buffer_range(app, scratch, buffer, range); string = string_mod_upper(string); buffer_replace_range(app, buffer, range, string); view_set_cursor(app, view, seek_pos(range.max), true); } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(to_lowercase) CUSTOM_DOC("Converts all ascii text in the range between the cursor and the mark to lowercase.") { View_ID view = 0; get_active_view(app, AccessOpen, &view); Buffer_ID buffer = 0; view_get_buffer(app, view, AccessOpen, &buffer); Range range = get_view_range(app, view); Scratch_Block scratch(app); String_Const_u8 string = push_buffer_range(app, scratch, buffer, range); string = string_mod_lower(string); buffer_replace_range(app, buffer, range, string); view_set_cursor(app, view, seek_pos(range.max), true); } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(clean_all_lines) CUSTOM_DOC("Removes trailing whitespace from all lines in the current buffer.") { View_ID view = 0; get_active_view(app, AccessOpen, &view); Buffer_ID buffer = 0; view_get_buffer(app, view, AccessOpen, &buffer); i32 line_count = 0; buffer_get_line_count(app, buffer, &line_count); Scratch_Block scratch(app); Buffer_Edit *edits = push_array(scratch, Buffer_Edit, line_count); Buffer_Edit *edit = edits; String_Const_u8 text = push_whole_buffer(app, scratch, buffer); umem whitespace_start = 0; for (umem i = 0; i < text.size; i += 1){ u8 v = string_get_character(text, i); if (v == '\n' || i + 1 == text.size){ if (whitespace_start < i){ edit->str_start = 0; edit->len = 0; edit->start = (i32)whitespace_start; edit->end = (i32)i; ++edit; } whitespace_start = i + 1; } else if (!character_is_whitespace(v)){ whitespace_start = i + 1; } } i32 edit_count = (i32)(edit - edits); buffer_batch_edit(app, buffer, 0, edits, edit_count); } //////////////////////////////// CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(basic_change_active_panel) CUSTOM_DOC("Change the currently active panel, moving to the panel with the next highest view_id. Will not skipe the build panel if it is open.") { View_ID view = 0; get_active_view(app, AccessAll, &view); get_next_view_looped_all_panels(app, view, AccessAll); view_set_active(app, view); } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(close_panel) CUSTOM_DOC("Closes the currently active panel if it is not the only panel open.") { View_ID view = 0; get_active_view(app, AccessAll, &view); view_close(app, view); } //////////////////////////////// CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(show_scrollbar) CUSTOM_DOC("Sets the current view to show it's scrollbar.") { View_ID view = 0; get_active_view(app, AccessAll, &view); view_set_setting(app, view, ViewSetting_ShowScrollbar, true); } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(hide_scrollbar) CUSTOM_DOC("Sets the current view to hide it's scrollbar.") { View_ID view = 0; get_active_view(app, AccessAll, &view); view_set_setting(app, view, ViewSetting_ShowScrollbar, false); } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(show_filebar) CUSTOM_DOC("Sets the current view to show it's filebar.") { View_ID view = 0; get_active_view(app, AccessAll, &view); view_set_setting(app, view, ViewSetting_ShowFileBar, true); } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(hide_filebar) CUSTOM_DOC("Sets the current view to hide it's filebar.") { View_ID view = 0; get_active_view(app, AccessAll, &view); view_set_setting(app, view, ViewSetting_ShowFileBar, false); } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(toggle_filebar) CUSTOM_DOC("Toggles the visibility status of the current view's filebar.") { View_ID view = 0; get_active_view(app, AccessAll, &view); b32 value; view_get_setting(app, view, ViewSetting_ShowFileBar, &value); view_set_setting(app, view, ViewSetting_ShowFileBar, !value); } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(toggle_line_wrap) CUSTOM_DOC("Toggles the current buffer's line wrapping status.") { View_ID view = 0; get_active_view(app, AccessProtected, &view); Buffer_ID buffer = 0; view_get_buffer(app, view, AccessProtected, &buffer); b32 wrapped; buffer_get_setting(app, buffer, BufferSetting_WrapLine, &wrapped); buffer_set_setting(app, buffer, BufferSetting_WrapLine, !wrapped); } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(toggle_fps_meter) CUSTOM_DOC("Toggles the visibility of the FPS performance meter") { show_fps_hud = !show_fps_hud; } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(increase_line_wrap) CUSTOM_DOC("Increases the current buffer's width for line wrapping.") { View_ID view = 0; get_active_view(app, AccessProtected, &view); Buffer_ID buffer = 0; view_get_buffer(app, view, AccessProtected, &buffer); i32 wrap = 0; buffer_get_setting(app, buffer, BufferSetting_WrapPosition, &wrap); buffer_set_setting(app, buffer, BufferSetting_WrapPosition, wrap + 10); } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(decrease_line_wrap) CUSTOM_DOC("Decrases the current buffer's width for line wrapping.") { View_ID view = 0; get_active_view(app, AccessProtected, &view); Buffer_ID buffer = 0; view_get_buffer(app, view, AccessProtected, &buffer); i32 wrap = 0; buffer_get_setting(app, buffer, BufferSetting_WrapPosition, &wrap); buffer_set_setting(app, buffer, BufferSetting_WrapPosition, wrap - 10); } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(increase_face_size) CUSTOM_DOC("Increase the size of the face used by the current buffer.") { View_ID view = 0; get_active_view(app, AccessAll, &view); Buffer_ID buffer = 0; view_get_buffer(app, view, AccessAll, &buffer); Face_ID face_id = 0; get_face_id(app, buffer, &face_id); Face_Description description = get_face_description(app, face_id); ++description.pt_size; try_modify_face(app, face_id, &description); } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(decrease_face_size) CUSTOM_DOC("Decrease the size of the face used by the current buffer.") { View_ID view = 0; get_active_view(app, AccessAll, &view); Buffer_ID buffer = 0; view_get_buffer(app, view, AccessAll, &buffer); Face_ID face_id = 0; get_face_id(app, buffer, &face_id); Face_Description description = get_face_description(app, face_id); --description.pt_size; try_modify_face(app, face_id, &description); } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(mouse_wheel_change_face_size) CUSTOM_DOC("Reads the state of the mouse wheel and uses it to either increase or decrease the face size.") { static Microsecond_Time_Stamp next_resize_time = 0; Microsecond_Time_Stamp now = get_microseconds_timestamp(app); if (now >= next_resize_time){ next_resize_time = now + 50*1000; Mouse_State mouse = get_mouse_state(app); if (mouse.wheel > 0){ decrease_face_size(app); } else if (mouse.wheel < 0){ increase_face_size(app); } } } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(toggle_virtual_whitespace) CUSTOM_DOC("Toggles the current buffer's virtual whitespace status.") { View_ID view = 0; get_active_view(app, AccessProtected, &view); Buffer_ID buffer = 0; view_get_buffer(app, view, AccessProtected, &buffer); i32 vwhite = 0; buffer_get_setting(app, buffer, BufferSetting_VirtualWhitespace, &vwhite); buffer_set_setting(app, buffer, BufferSetting_VirtualWhitespace, !vwhite); } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(toggle_show_whitespace) CUSTOM_DOC("Toggles the current buffer's whitespace visibility status.") { View_ID view = 0; get_active_view(app, AccessProtected, &view); b32 show_whitespace; view_get_setting(app, view, ViewSetting_ShowWhitespace, &show_whitespace); view_set_setting(app, view, ViewSetting_ShowWhitespace, !show_whitespace); } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(toggle_line_numbers) CUSTOM_DOC("Toggles the left margin line numbers.") { global_config.show_line_number_margins = !global_config.show_line_number_margins; } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(eol_dosify) CUSTOM_DOC("Puts the buffer in DOS line ending mode.") { View_ID view = 0; get_active_view(app, AccessOpen, &view); Buffer_ID buffer = 0; view_get_buffer(app, view, AccessOpen, &buffer); buffer_set_setting(app, buffer, BufferSetting_Eol, 1); } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(eol_nixify) CUSTOM_DOC("Puts the buffer in NIX line ending mode.") { View_ID view = 0; get_active_view(app, AccessOpen, &view); Buffer_ID buffer = 0; view_get_buffer(app, view, AccessOpen, &buffer); buffer_set_setting(app, buffer, BufferSetting_Eol, 0); } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(exit_4coder) CUSTOM_DOC("Attempts to close 4coder.") { send_exit_signal(app); } //////////////////////////////// CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(goto_line) CUSTOM_DOC("Queries the user for a number, and jumps the cursor to the corresponding line.") { u8 string_space[256]; Query_Bar bar = {}; bar.prompt = string_u8_litexpr("Goto Line: "); bar.string = SCu8(string_space, (umem)0); bar.string_capacity = sizeof(string_space); if (query_user_number(app, &bar)){ i32 line_number = (i32)string_to_integer(bar.string, 10); View_ID view = 0; get_active_view(app, AccessProtected, &view); view_set_cursor(app, view, seek_line_char(line_number, 0), true); } } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(search); CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(reverse_search); static void isearch__update_highlight(Application_Links *app, View_ID view, Managed_Object highlight, i32 start, i32 end){ Marker markers[4] = {}; markers[0].pos = start; markers[1].pos = end; managed_object_store_data(app, highlight, 0, 2, markers); view_set_cursor(app, view, seek_pos(start), false); } static void isearch(Application_Links *app, b32 start_reversed, String_Const_u8 query_init, b32 on_the_query_init_string){ View_ID view = 0; get_active_view(app, AccessProtected, &view); Buffer_ID buffer_id = 0; view_get_buffer(app, view, AccessProtected, &buffer_id); if (!buffer_exists(app, buffer_id)){ return; } Query_Bar bar = {}; if (start_query_bar(app, &bar, 0) == 0){ return; } b32 reverse = start_reversed; i32 first_pos = 0; view_get_cursor_pos(app, view, &first_pos); i32 pos = first_pos; if (query_init.size != 0){ pos += 2; } i32 start_pos = pos; Range match = make_range(pos, pos); u8 bar_string_space[256]; bar.string = SCu8(bar_string_space, query_init.size); block_copy(bar.string.str, query_init.str, query_init.size); String_Const_char isearch_str = string_litexpr("I-Search: "); String_Const_char rsearch_str = string_litexpr("Reverse-I-Search: "); b32 first_step = true; Managed_Scope view_scope = 0; view_get_managed_scope(app, view, &view_scope); Managed_Object highlight = alloc_buffer_markers_on_buffer(app, buffer_id, 2, &view_scope); Marker_Visual visual = create_marker_visual(app, highlight); marker_visual_set_effect(app, visual, VisualType_CharacterHighlightRanges, Stag_Highlight, Stag_At_Highlight, 0); marker_visual_set_view_key(app, visual, view); marker_visual_set_priority(app, visual, VisualPriority_Default + 1); isearch__update_highlight(app, view, highlight, match.start, match.end); cursor_is_hidden = true; User_Input in = {}; for (;;){ // NOTE(allen): Change the bar's prompt to match the current direction. if (reverse){ bar.prompt = SCu8(rsearch_str); } else{ bar.prompt = SCu8(isearch_str); } b32 step_forward = false; b32 step_backward = false; b32 backspace = false; b32 suppress_highligh_update = false; if (!first_step){ in = get_user_input(app, EventOnAnyKey, EventOnEsc); if (in.abort) break; u8 character[4]; u32 length = to_writable_character(in, character); b32 made_change = false; if (in.key.keycode == '\n' || in.key.keycode == '\t'){ if (in.key.modifiers[MDFR_CONTROL_INDEX]){ bar.string.size = cstring_length(previous_isearch_query); block_copy(bar.string.str, previous_isearch_query, bar.string.size); } else{ umem size = bar.string.size; size = clamp_top(size, sizeof(previous_isearch_query) - 1); block_copy(previous_isearch_query, bar.string.str, size); previous_isearch_query[size] = 0; break; } } else if (length != 0 && key_is_unmodified(&in.key)){ String_u8 string = Su8(bar.string, sizeof(bar_string_space)); string_append(&string, SCu8(character, length)); bar.string = string.string; made_change = true; } else if (in.key.keycode == key_back){ if (key_is_unmodified(&in.key)){ umem old_bar_string_size = bar.string.size; bar.string = backspace_utf8(bar.string); made_change = (bar.string.size < old_bar_string_size); backspace = true; } else if (in.key.modifiers[MDFR_CONTROL_INDEX]){ if (bar.string.size > 0){ made_change = true; bar.string.size = 0; backspace = true; } } } if ((in.command.command == search) || in.key.keycode == key_page_down || in.key.keycode == key_down){ step_forward = true; } if (in.command.command == mouse_wheel_scroll){ mouse_wheel_scroll(app); suppress_highligh_update = true; } if ((in.command.command == reverse_search) || in.key.keycode == key_page_up || in.key.keycode == key_up){ step_backward = true; } } else{ if (query_init.size != 0 && on_the_query_init_string){ step_backward = true; } first_step = false; } start_pos = pos; if (step_forward && reverse){ start_pos = match.start + 1; pos = start_pos; reverse = false; step_forward = false; } if (step_backward && !reverse){ start_pos = match.start - 1; pos = start_pos; reverse = true; step_backward = false; } if (!backspace){ if (reverse){ i32 new_pos = 0; buffer_seek_string_insensitive_backward(app, buffer_id, start_pos - 1, 0, bar.string, &new_pos); if (new_pos >= 0){ if (step_backward){ pos = new_pos; start_pos = new_pos; buffer_seek_string_insensitive_backward(app, buffer_id, start_pos - 1, 0, bar.string, &new_pos); if (new_pos < 0){ new_pos = start_pos; } } match.start = new_pos; match.end = match.start + (i32)bar.string.size; } } else{ i32 new_pos = 0; buffer_seek_string_insensitive_forward(app, buffer_id, start_pos + 1, 0, bar.string, &new_pos); i32 buffer_size = 0; buffer_get_size(app, buffer_id, &buffer_size); if (new_pos < buffer_size){ if (step_forward){ pos = new_pos; start_pos = new_pos; buffer_seek_string_insensitive_forward(app, buffer_id, start_pos + 1, 0, bar.string, &new_pos); if (new_pos >= buffer_size){ new_pos = start_pos; } } match.start = new_pos; match.end = match.start + (i32)bar.string.size; } } } else{ if (match.end > match.start + (i32)bar.string.size){ match.end = match.start + (i32)bar.string.size; } } if (!suppress_highligh_update){ isearch__update_highlight(app, view, highlight, match.start, match.end); } } managed_object_free(app, highlight); cursor_is_hidden = false; if (in.abort){ umem size = bar.string.size; size = clamp_top(size, sizeof(previous_isearch_query) - 1); block_copy(previous_isearch_query, bar.string.str, size); previous_isearch_query[size] = 0; view_set_cursor(app, view, seek_pos(first_pos), true); } } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(search) CUSTOM_DOC("Begins an incremental search down through the current buffer for a user specified string.") { isearch(app, false, SCu8(), false); } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(reverse_search) CUSTOM_DOC("Begins an incremental search up through the current buffer for a user specified string.") { isearch(app, true, SCu8(), false); } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(search_identifier) CUSTOM_DOC("Begins an incremental search down through the current buffer for the word or token under the cursor.") { View_ID view = 0; get_active_view(app, AccessProtected, &view); Buffer_ID buffer_id = 0; view_get_buffer(app, view, AccessProtected, &buffer_id); i32 pos = 0; view_get_cursor_pos(app, view, &pos); Scratch_Block scratch(app); String_Const_u8 query = push_enclose_range_at_pos(app, scratch, buffer_id, pos, enclose_alpha_numeric_underscore); isearch(app, false, query, true); } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(reverse_search_identifier) CUSTOM_DOC("Begins an incremental search up through the current buffer for the word or token under the cursor.") { View_ID view = 0; get_active_view(app, AccessProtected, &view); Buffer_ID buffer_id = 0; view_get_buffer(app, view, AccessProtected, &buffer_id); i32 pos = 0; view_get_cursor_pos(app, view, &pos); Scratch_Block scratch(app); String_Const_u8 query = push_enclose_range_at_pos(app, scratch, buffer_id, pos, enclose_alpha_numeric_underscore); isearch(app, true, query, true); } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(replace_in_range) CUSTOM_DOC("Queries the user for two strings, and replaces all occurences of the first string in the range between the cursor and the mark with the second string.") { Query_Bar replace = {}; u8 replace_space[1024]; replace.prompt = string_u8_litexpr("Replace: "); replace.string = SCu8(replace_space, (umem)0); replace.string_capacity = sizeof(replace_space); Query_Bar with = {}; u8 with_space[1024]; with.prompt = string_u8_litexpr("With: "); with.string = SCu8(with_space, (umem)0); with.string_capacity = sizeof(with_space); if (query_user_string(app, &replace) && replace.string.size != 0 && query_user_string(app, &with)){ String_Const_u8 r = replace.string; String_Const_u8 w = with.string; View_ID view = 0; get_active_view(app, AccessOpen, &view); Buffer_ID buffer_id = 0; view_get_buffer(app, view, AccessOpen, &buffer_id); Range range = get_view_range(app, view); replace_in_range(app, buffer_id, range, r, w); } } static void query_replace_base(Application_Links *app, View_ID view, Buffer_ID buffer_id, i32 pos, String_Const_u8 r, String_Const_u8 w){ i32 new_pos = 0; buffer_seek_string_forward(app, buffer_id, pos - 1, 0, r, &new_pos); Managed_Scope view_scope = 0; view_get_managed_scope(app, view, &view_scope); Managed_Object highlight = alloc_buffer_markers_on_buffer(app, buffer_id, 2, &view_scope); Marker_Visual visual = create_marker_visual(app, highlight); marker_visual_set_effect(app, visual, VisualType_CharacterHighlightRanges, Stag_Highlight, Stag_At_Highlight, 0); marker_visual_set_view_key(app, visual, view); cursor_is_hidden = true; i32 buffer_size = 0; buffer_get_size(app, buffer_id, &buffer_size); User_Input in = {}; for (;new_pos < buffer_size;){ Range match = make_range(new_pos, new_pos + (i32)r.size); isearch__update_highlight(app, view, highlight, match.min, match.max); in = get_user_input(app, EventOnAnyKey, EventOnMouseLeftButton|EventOnMouseRightButton); if (in.abort || in.key.keycode == key_esc || !key_is_unmodified(&in.key)) break; if (in.key.character == 'y' || in.key.character == 'Y' || in.key.character == '\n' || in.key.character == '\t'){ buffer_replace_range(app, buffer_id, match, w); pos = match.start + (i32)w.size; } else{ pos = match.max; } buffer_seek_string_forward(app, buffer_id, pos, 0, r, &new_pos); } managed_object_free(app, highlight); cursor_is_hidden = false; if (in.abort){ return; } view_set_cursor(app, view, seek_pos(pos), true); } static void query_replace_parameter(Application_Links *app, String_Const_u8 replace_str, i32 start_pos, b32 add_replace_query_bar){ Query_Bar replace = {}; replace.prompt = string_u8_litexpr("Replace: "); replace.string = replace_str; if (add_replace_query_bar){ start_query_bar(app, &replace, 0); } Query_Bar with = {}; u8 with_space[1024]; with.prompt = string_u8_litexpr("With: "); with.string = SCu8(with_space, (umem)0); with.string_capacity = sizeof(with_space); if (query_user_string(app, &with)){ String_Const_u8 r = replace.string; String_Const_u8 w = with.string; View_ID view = 0; get_active_view(app, AccessProtected, &view); Buffer_ID buffer_id = 0; view_get_buffer(app, view, AccessProtected, &buffer_id); i32 pos = start_pos; Query_Bar bar = {}; bar.prompt = string_u8_litexpr("Replace? (y)es, (n)ext, (esc)\n"); start_query_bar(app, &bar, 0); query_replace_base(app, view, buffer_id, pos, r, w); } } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(query_replace) CUSTOM_DOC("Queries the user for two strings, and incrementally replaces every occurence of the first string with the second string.") { View_ID view = 0; get_active_view(app, AccessOpen, &view); Buffer_ID buffer = 0; view_get_buffer(app, view, AccessOpen, &buffer); if (buffer != 0){ Query_Bar replace = {}; u8 replace_space[1024]; replace.prompt = string_u8_litexpr("Replace: "); replace.string = SCu8(replace_space, (umem)0); replace.string_capacity = sizeof(replace_space); if (query_user_string(app, &replace)){ if (replace.string.size > 0){ i32 pos = 0; view_get_cursor_pos(app, view, &pos); query_replace_parameter(app, replace.string, pos, false); } } } } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(query_replace_identifier) CUSTOM_DOC("Queries the user for a string, and incrementally replace every occurence of the word or token found at the cursor with the specified string.") { View_ID view = 0; get_active_view(app, AccessOpen, &view); Buffer_ID buffer = 0; view_get_buffer(app, view, AccessOpen, &buffer); if (buffer != 0){ i32 pos = 0; view_get_cursor_pos(app, view, &pos); Scratch_Block scratch(app); Range range = enclose_alpha_numeric_underscore(app, buffer, make_range(pos)); String_Const_u8 replace = push_buffer_range(app, scratch, buffer, range); if (replace.size != 0){ query_replace_parameter(app, replace, range.min, true); } } } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(query_replace_selection) CUSTOM_DOC("Queries the user for a string, and incrementally replace every occurence of the string found in the selected range with the specified string.") { View_ID view = 0; get_active_view(app, AccessOpen, &view); Buffer_ID buffer = 0; view_get_buffer(app, view, AccessOpen, &buffer); if (buffer != 0){ Arena *scratch = context_get_arena(app); Temp_Memory temp = begin_temp(scratch); Range range = get_view_range(app, view); i32 replace_length = range.max - range.min; if (replace_length != 0){ u8 *replace_space = push_array(scratch, u8, replace_length); if (buffer_read_range(app, buffer, range.min, range.max, (char*)replace_space)){ query_replace_parameter(app, SCu8(replace_space, replace_length), range.min, true); } } end_temp(temp); } } //////////////////////////////// static void save_all_dirty_buffers_with_postfix(Application_Links *app, String_Const_u8 postfix){ Arena *scratch = context_get_arena(app); Buffer_ID buffer = 0; for (get_buffer_next(app, 0, AccessOpen, &buffer); buffer != 0; get_buffer_next(app, buffer, AccessOpen, &buffer)){ Dirty_State dirty = 0; buffer_get_dirty_state(app, buffer, &dirty); if (dirty == DirtyState_UnsavedChanges){ Temp_Memory temp = begin_temp(scratch); String_Const_u8 file_name = push_buffer_file_name(app, scratch, buffer); if (string_match(string_postfix(file_name, postfix.size), postfix)){ buffer_save(app, buffer, file_name, 0); } end_temp(temp); } } } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(save_all_dirty_buffers) CUSTOM_DOC("Saves all buffers marked dirty (showing the '*' indicator).") { String_Const_u8 empty = {}; save_all_dirty_buffers_with_postfix(app, empty); } static void delete_file_base(Application_Links *app, String_Const_u8 file_name, Buffer_ID buffer_id){ String_Const_u8 path = string_remove_last_folder(file_name); Scratch_Block scratch(app); List_String_Const_u8 list = {}; #if OS_WINDOWS string_list_push_u8_lit(scratch, &list, "del "); #elif OS_LINUX || OS_MAC string_list_push_u8_lit(scratch, &list, "rm "); #else # error no delete file command for this platform #endif string_list_pushf(scratch, &list, "\"%.*s\"", string_expand(file_name)); String_Const_u8 cmd = string_list_flatten(scratch, list, StringFill_NullTerminate); exec_system_command(app, 0, buffer_identifier(0), path, cmd, 0); kill_buffer(app, buffer_identifier(buffer_id), 0, BufferKill_AlwaysKill); } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(delete_file_query) CUSTOM_DOC("Deletes the file of the current buffer if 4coder has the appropriate access rights. Will ask the user for confirmation first.") { View_ID view = 0; get_active_view(app, AccessAll, &view); Buffer_ID buffer = 0; view_get_buffer(app, view, AccessAll, &buffer); Scratch_Block scratch(app); String_Const_u8 file_name = push_buffer_file_name(app, scratch, buffer); if (file_name.size > 0){ Query_Bar bar = {}; bar.prompt = push_u8_stringf(scratch, "Delete '%.*s' (Y)es, (n)o", string_expand(file_name)); if (start_query_bar(app, &bar, 0) != 0){ b32 cancelled = false; for (;!cancelled;){ User_Input in = get_user_input(app, EventOnAnyKey, 0); switch (in.key.keycode){ case 'Y': { delete_file_base(app, file_name, buffer); cancelled = true; }break; case key_shift: case key_ctrl: case key_alt: case key_cmnd: case key_caps: {}break; default: { cancelled = true; }break; } } } } } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(save_to_query) CUSTOM_DOC("Queries the user for a file name and saves the contents of the current buffer, altering the buffer's name too.") { View_ID view = 0; get_active_view(app, AccessAll, &view); Buffer_ID buffer = 0; view_get_buffer(app, view, AccessAll, &buffer); Arena *scratch = context_get_arena(app); Temp_Memory temp = begin_temp(scratch); String_Const_u8 buffer_name = push_buffer_unique_name(app, scratch, buffer); // Query the user u8 name_space[4096]; Query_Bar bar = {}; bar.prompt = push_u8_stringf(scratch, "Save '%.*s' to: ", string_expand(buffer_name)); bar.string = SCu8(name_space, (umem)0); bar.string_capacity = sizeof(name_space); if (query_user_string(app, &bar)){ if (bar.string.size != 0){ List_String_Const_u8 new_file_name_list = {}; string_list_push(scratch, &new_file_name_list, push_hot_directory(app, scratch)); string_list_push(scratch, &new_file_name_list, bar.string); String_Const_u8 new_file_name = string_list_flatten(scratch, new_file_name_list); if (buffer_save(app, buffer, new_file_name, BufferSave_IgnoreDirtyFlag)){ Buffer_ID new_buffer = 0; create_buffer(app, new_file_name, BufferCreate_NeverNew|BufferCreate_JustChangedFile, &new_buffer); if (new_buffer != 0 && new_buffer != buffer){ kill_buffer(app, buffer_identifier(buffer), 0, BufferKill_AlwaysKill); view_set_buffer(app, view, new_buffer, 0); } } } } end_temp(temp); } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(rename_file_query) CUSTOM_DOC("Queries the user for a new name and renames the file of the current buffer, altering the buffer's name too.") { View_ID view = 0; get_active_view(app, AccessAll, &view); Buffer_ID buffer = 0; view_get_buffer(app, view, AccessAll, &buffer); Arena *scratch = context_get_arena(app); Temp_Memory temp = begin_temp(scratch); String_Const_u8 file_name = push_buffer_file_name(app, scratch, buffer); if (file_name.size > 0){ // Query the user String_Const_u8 front = string_front_of_path(file_name); u8 name_space[4096]; Query_Bar bar = {}; bar.prompt = push_u8_stringf(scratch, "Rename '%.*s' to: ", string_expand(front)); bar.string = SCu8(name_space, (umem)0); bar.string_capacity = sizeof(name_space); if (query_user_string(app, &bar)){ if (bar.string.size != 0){ // TODO(allen): There should be a way to say, "detach a buffer's file" and "attach this file to a buffer" List_String_Const_u8 new_file_name_list = {}; string_list_push(scratch, &new_file_name_list, file_name); string_list_push(scratch, &new_file_name_list, bar.string); String_Const_u8 new_file_name = string_list_flatten(scratch, new_file_name_list, StringFill_NullTerminate); if (buffer_save(app, buffer, new_file_name, BufferSave_IgnoreDirtyFlag)){ Buffer_ID new_buffer = 0; create_buffer(app, new_file_name, BufferCreate_NeverNew|BufferCreate_JustChangedFile, &new_buffer); if (new_buffer != 0 && new_buffer != buffer){ delete_file_base(app, file_name, buffer); view_set_buffer(app, view, new_buffer, 0); } } } } } end_temp(temp); } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(make_directory_query) CUSTOM_DOC("Queries the user for a name and creates a new directory with the given name.") { Scratch_Block scratch(app); String_Const_u8 hot = push_hot_directory(app, scratch); // Query the user u8 name_space[4096]; Query_Bar bar = {}; bar.prompt = push_u8_stringf(scratch, "Make directory at '%.*s': ", string_expand(hot)); bar.string = SCu8(name_space, (umem)0); bar.string_capacity = sizeof(name_space); if (!query_user_string(app, &bar)) return; if (bar.string.size == 0) return; String_Const_u8 cmd = push_u8_stringf(scratch, "mkdir %.*s", string_expand(bar.string)); exec_system_command(app, 0, buffer_identifier(0), hot, cmd, 0); } //////////////////////////////// internal void current_view_move_line(Application_Links *app, Scan_Direction direction){ View_ID view = 0; get_active_view(app, AccessOpen, &view); Buffer_ID buffer = 0; view_get_buffer(app, view, AccessOpen, &buffer); i32 pos = 0; view_get_cursor_pos(app, view, &pos); i32 line_number = get_line_number_from_pos(app, buffer, pos); pos = move_line(app, buffer, line_number, direction); view_set_cursor(app, view, seek_pos(pos), true); } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(move_line_up) CUSTOM_DOC("Swaps the line under the cursor with the line above it, and moves the cursor up with it.") { current_view_move_line(app, Scan_Backward); } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(move_line_down) CUSTOM_DOC("Swaps the line under the cursor with the line below it, and moves the cursor down with it.") { current_view_move_line(app, Scan_Forward); } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(duplicate_line) CUSTOM_DOC("Create a copy of the line on which the cursor sits.") { View_ID view = 0; get_active_view(app, AccessOpen, &view); Buffer_ID buffer = 0; view_get_buffer(app, view, AccessOpen, &buffer); i32 pos = 0; view_get_cursor_pos(app, view, &pos); i32 line = get_line_number_from_pos(app, buffer, pos); Scratch_Block scratch(app); String_Const_u8 s = push_buffer_line(app, scratch, buffer, line); s = push_u8_stringf(scratch, "%.*s\n", string_expand(s)); pos = get_line_side_pos(app, buffer, line, Side_Min); buffer_replace_range(app, buffer, make_range(pos), s); } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(delete_line) CUSTOM_DOC("Delete the line the on which the cursor sits.") { View_ID view = 0; get_active_view(app, AccessOpen, &view); Buffer_ID buffer = 0; view_get_buffer(app, view, AccessOpen, &buffer); i32 pos = 0; view_get_cursor_pos(app, view, &pos); i32 line = get_line_number_from_pos(app, buffer, pos); Range range = get_line_pos_range(app, buffer, line); range.end += 1; i32 size = 0; buffer_get_size(app, buffer, &size); range.end = clamp_top(range.end, size); if (range_size(range) == 0 || buffer_get_char(app, buffer, range.end - 1) != '\n'){ range.start -= 1; range.first = clamp_bot(0, range.first); } buffer_replace_range(app, buffer, range, string_u8_litexpr("")); } //////////////////////////////// static b32 get_cpp_matching_file(Application_Links *app, Buffer_ID buffer, Buffer_ID *buffer_out){ b32 result = false; Scratch_Block scratch(app); String_Const_u8 file_name = push_buffer_file_name(app, scratch, buffer); if (file_name.size > 0){ String_Const_u8 extension = string_file_extension(file_name); String_Const_u8 new_extensions[2] = {}; i32 new_extensions_count = 0; if (string_match(extension, string_u8_litexpr("cpp")) || string_match(extension, string_u8_litexpr("cc"))){ new_extensions[0] = string_u8_litexpr("h"); new_extensions[1] = string_u8_litexpr("hpp"); new_extensions_count = 2; } else if (string_match(extension, string_u8_litexpr("c"))){ new_extensions[0] = string_u8_litexpr("h"); new_extensions_count = 1; } else if (string_match(extension, string_u8_litexpr("h"))){ new_extensions[0] = string_u8_litexpr("c"); new_extensions[1] = string_u8_litexpr("cpp"); new_extensions_count = 2; } else if (string_match(extension, string_u8_litexpr("hpp"))){ new_extensions[0] = string_u8_litexpr("cpp"); new_extensions_count = 1; } String_Const_u8 file_without_extension = string_file_without_extension(file_name); for (i32 i = 0; i < new_extensions_count; i += 1){ Temp_Memory temp = begin_temp(scratch); String_Const_u8 new_extension = new_extensions[i]; String_Const_u8 new_file_name = push_u8_stringf(scratch, "%.*s.%.*s", string_expand(file_without_extension), string_expand(new_extension)); if (open_file(app, buffer_out, new_file_name, false, true)){ result = true; break; } end_temp(temp); } } return(result); } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(open_file_in_quotes) CUSTOM_DOC("Reads a filename from surrounding '\"' characters and attempts to open the corresponding file.") { View_ID view = 0; get_active_view(app, AccessProtected, &view); Buffer_ID buffer_id = 0; view_get_buffer(app, view, AccessProtected, &buffer_id); if (buffer_exists(app, buffer_id)){ Scratch_Block scratch(app); i32 pos = 0; view_get_cursor_pos(app, view, &pos); Range range = {}; buffer_seek_delimiter_forward(app, buffer_id, pos, '"', &range.end); buffer_seek_delimiter_backward(app, buffer_id, pos, '"', &range.start); range.start += 1; String_Const_u8 quoted_name = push_buffer_range(app, scratch, buffer_id, range); String_Const_u8 file_name = push_buffer_file_name(app, scratch, buffer_id); String_Const_u8 path = string_remove_last_folder(file_name); if (character_is_slash(string_get_character(path, path.size - 1))){ path = string_chop(path, 1); } String_Const_u8 new_file_name = push_u8_stringf(scratch, "%.*s/%.*s", string_expand(path), string_expand(quoted_name)); view = get_next_view_looped_primary_panels(app, view, AccessAll); if (view != 0){ if (view_open_file(app, view, new_file_name, true)){ view_set_active(app, view); } } } } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(open_matching_file_cpp) CUSTOM_DOC("If the current file is a *.cpp or *.h, attempts to open the corresponding *.h or *.cpp file in the other view.") { View_ID view = 0; get_active_view(app, AccessAll, &view); Buffer_ID buffer = 0; view_get_buffer(app, view, AccessAll, &buffer); Buffer_ID new_buffer = 0; if (get_cpp_matching_file(app, buffer, &new_buffer)){ view = get_next_view_looped_primary_panels(app, view, AccessAll); view_set_buffer(app, view, new_buffer, 0); view_set_active(app, view); } } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(view_buffer_other_panel) CUSTOM_DOC("Set the other non-active panel to view the buffer that the active panel views, and switch to that panel.") { View_ID view = 0; get_active_view(app, AccessAll, &view); Buffer_ID buffer = 0; view_get_buffer(app, view, AccessAll, &buffer); i32 pos = 0; view_get_cursor_pos(app, view, &pos); change_active_panel(app); get_active_view(app, AccessAll, &view); view_set_buffer(app, view, buffer, 0); view_set_cursor(app, view, seek_pos(pos), true); } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(swap_buffers_between_panels) CUSTOM_DOC("Set the other non-active panel to view the buffer that the active panel views, and switch to that panel.") { View_ID view1 = 0; get_active_view(app, AccessAll, &view1); change_active_panel(app); View_ID view2 = 0; get_active_view(app, AccessAll, &view2); if (view1 != view2){ Buffer_ID buffer1 = 0; Buffer_ID buffer2 = 0; view_get_buffer(app, view1, AccessAll, &buffer1); view_get_buffer(app, view2, AccessAll, &buffer2); if (buffer1 != buffer2){ view_set_buffer(app, view1, buffer2, 0); view_set_buffer(app, view2, buffer1, 0); } else{ i32 p1 = 0; i32 m1 = 0; i32 p2 = 0; i32 m2 = 0; GUI_Scroll_Vars sc1 = {}; GUI_Scroll_Vars sc2 = {}; view_get_cursor_pos(app, view1, &p1); view_get_mark_pos(app, view1, &m1); view_get_scroll_vars(app, view1, &sc1); view_get_cursor_pos(app, view2, &p2); view_get_mark_pos(app, view2, &m2); view_get_scroll_vars(app, view2, &sc2); view_set_cursor(app, view1, seek_pos(p2), true); view_set_mark (app, view1, seek_pos(m2)); view_set_scroll(app, view1, sc2); view_set_cursor(app, view2, seek_pos(p1), true); view_set_mark (app, view2, seek_pos(m1)); view_set_scroll(app, view2, sc1); } } } //////////////////////////////// CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(kill_buffer) CUSTOM_DOC("Kills the current buffer.") { View_ID view = 0; get_active_view(app, AccessProtected, &view); Buffer_ID buffer = 0; view_get_buffer(app, view, AccessProtected, &buffer); kill_buffer(app, buffer_identifier(buffer), view, 0); } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(save) CUSTOM_DOC("Saves the current buffer.") { View_ID view = 0; get_active_view(app, AccessProtected, &view); Buffer_ID buffer = 0; view_get_buffer(app, view, AccessProtected, &buffer); Arena *scratch = context_get_arena(app); Temp_Memory temp = begin_temp(scratch); String_Const_u8 file_name = push_buffer_file_name(app, scratch, buffer); buffer_save(app, buffer, file_name, 0); end_temp(temp); } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(reopen) CUSTOM_DOC("Reopen the current buffer from the hard drive.") { View_ID view = 0; get_active_view(app, AccessProtected, &view); Buffer_ID buffer = 0; view_get_buffer(app, view, AccessProtected, &buffer); buffer_reopen(app, buffer, 0, 0); } //////////////////////////////// static i32 record_get_new_cursor_position_undo(Application_Links *app, Buffer_ID buffer_id, History_Record_Index index, Record_Info record){ i32 new_edit_position = 0; switch (record.kind){ default: case RecordKind_Single: { new_edit_position = record.single.first + (i32)record.single.string_backward.size; }break; case RecordKind_Group: { Record_Info sub_record = {}; buffer_history_get_group_sub_record(app, buffer_id, index, 0, &sub_record); new_edit_position = sub_record.single.first + (i32)sub_record.single.string_backward.size; }break; } return(new_edit_position); } static i32 record_get_new_cursor_position_undo(Application_Links *app, Buffer_ID buffer_id, History_Record_Index index){ Record_Info record = {}; buffer_history_get_record_info(app, buffer_id, index, &record); return(record_get_new_cursor_position_undo(app, buffer_id, index, record)); } static i32 record_get_new_cursor_position_redo(Application_Links *app, Buffer_ID buffer_id, History_Record_Index index, Record_Info record){ i32 new_edit_position = 0; switch (record.kind){ default: case RecordKind_Single: { new_edit_position = record.single.first + (i32)record.single.string_forward.size; }break; case RecordKind_Group: { Record_Info sub_record = {}; buffer_history_get_group_sub_record(app, buffer_id, index, record.group.count - 1, &sub_record); new_edit_position = sub_record.single.first + (i32)sub_record.single.string_forward.size; }break; } return(new_edit_position); } static i32 record_get_new_cursor_position_redo(Application_Links *app, Buffer_ID buffer_id, History_Record_Index index){ Record_Info record = {}; buffer_history_get_record_info(app, buffer_id, index, &record); return(record_get_new_cursor_position_redo(app, buffer_id, index, record)); } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(undo) CUSTOM_DOC("Advances backwards through the undo history of the current buffer.") { View_ID view = 0; get_active_view(app, AccessOpen, &view); Buffer_ID buffer = 0; view_get_buffer(app, view, AccessOpen, &buffer); History_Record_Index current = 0; buffer_history_get_current_state_index(app, buffer, ¤t); if (current > 0){ i32 new_position = record_get_new_cursor_position_undo(app, buffer, current); buffer_history_set_current_state_index(app, buffer, current - 1); view_set_cursor(app, view, seek_pos(new_position), true); } } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(redo) CUSTOM_DOC("Advances forwards through the undo history of the current buffer.") { View_ID view = 0; get_active_view(app, AccessOpen, &view); Buffer_ID buffer = 0; view_get_buffer(app, view, AccessOpen, &buffer); History_Record_Index current = 0; History_Record_Index max_index = 0; buffer_history_get_current_state_index(app, buffer, ¤t); buffer_history_get_max_record_index(app, buffer, &max_index); if (current < max_index){ i32 new_position = record_get_new_cursor_position_redo(app, buffer, current + 1); buffer_history_set_current_state_index(app, buffer, current + 1); view_set_cursor(app, view, seek_pos(new_position), true); } } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(undo_all_buffers) CUSTOM_DOC("Advances backward through the undo history in the buffer containing the most recent regular edit.") { Arena *scratch = context_get_arena(app); i32 highest_edit_number = -1; Buffer_ID first_buffer_match = 0; Buffer_ID last_buffer_match = 0; i32 match_count = 0; { Buffer_ID buffer = 0; for (get_buffer_next(app, 0, AccessAll, &buffer); buffer != 0; get_buffer_next(app, buffer, AccessAll, &buffer)){ History_Record_Index index = 0; buffer_history_get_current_state_index(app, buffer, &index); if (index > 0){ Record_Info record = {}; buffer_history_get_record_info(app, buffer, index, &record); if (record.edit_number > highest_edit_number){ highest_edit_number = record.edit_number; first_buffer_match = buffer; last_buffer_match = buffer; match_count = 1; } else if (record.edit_number == highest_edit_number){ last_buffer_match = buffer; match_count += 1; } } } } Temp_Memory temp = begin_temp(scratch); Buffer_ID *match_buffers = push_array(scratch, Buffer_ID, match_count); i32 *new_positions = push_array(scratch, i32, match_count); match_count = 0; if (highest_edit_number != -1){ for (Buffer_ID buffer = first_buffer_match; buffer != 0; get_buffer_next(app, buffer, AccessAll, &buffer)){ b32 did_match = false; i32 new_edit_position = 0; for (;;){ History_Record_Index index = 0; buffer_history_get_current_state_index(app, buffer, &index); if (index > 0){ Record_Info record = {}; buffer_history_get_record_info(app, buffer, index, &record); if (record.edit_number == highest_edit_number){ did_match = true; new_edit_position = record_get_new_cursor_position_undo(app, buffer, index, record); buffer_history_set_current_state_index(app, buffer, index - 1); } else{ break; } } else{ break; } } if (did_match){ match_buffers[match_count] = buffer; new_positions[match_count] = new_edit_position; match_count += 1; } if (buffer == last_buffer_match){ break; } } } view_buffer_set(app, match_buffers, new_positions, match_count); end_temp(temp); } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(redo_all_buffers) CUSTOM_DOC("Advances forward through the undo history in the buffer containing the most recent regular edit.") { Arena *scratch = context_get_arena(app); i32 lowest_edit_number = 0x7FFFFFFF; Buffer_ID first_buffer_match = 0; Buffer_ID last_buffer_match = 0; i32 match_count = 0; { Buffer_ID buffer = 0; for (get_buffer_next(app, 0, AccessAll, &buffer); buffer != 0; get_buffer_next(app, buffer, AccessAll, &buffer)){ History_Record_Index max_index = 0; History_Record_Index index = 0; buffer_history_get_max_record_index(app, buffer, &max_index); buffer_history_get_current_state_index(app, buffer, &index); if (index < max_index){ Record_Info record = {}; buffer_history_get_record_info(app, buffer, index + 1, &record); if (record.edit_number < lowest_edit_number){ lowest_edit_number = record.edit_number; first_buffer_match = buffer; last_buffer_match = buffer; match_count = 1; } else if (record.edit_number == lowest_edit_number){ last_buffer_match = buffer; match_count += 1; } } } } Temp_Memory temp = begin_temp(scratch); Buffer_ID *match_buffers = push_array(scratch, Buffer_ID, match_count); i32 *new_positions = push_array(scratch, i32, match_count); match_count = 0; if (lowest_edit_number != -1){ for (Buffer_ID buffer = first_buffer_match; buffer != 0; get_buffer_next(app, buffer, AccessAll, &buffer)){ b32 did_match = false; i32 new_edit_position = 0; History_Record_Index max_index = 0; buffer_history_get_max_record_index(app, buffer, &max_index); for (;;){ History_Record_Index index = 0; buffer_history_get_current_state_index(app, buffer, &index); if (index < max_index){ Record_Info record = {}; buffer_history_get_record_info(app, buffer, index + 1, &record); if (record.edit_number == lowest_edit_number){ did_match = true; new_edit_position = record_get_new_cursor_position_redo(app, buffer, index + 1, record); buffer_history_set_current_state_index(app, buffer, index + 1); } else{ break; } } else{ break; } } if (did_match){ match_buffers[match_count] = buffer; new_positions[match_count] = new_edit_position; match_count += 1; } if (buffer == last_buffer_match){ break; } } } view_buffer_set(app, match_buffers, new_positions, match_count); end_temp(temp); } //////////////////////////////// #if 0 CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(reload_themes) CUSTOM_DOC("Loads all the theme files in the theme folder, replacing duplicates with the new theme data.") { String fcoder_extension = make_lit_string(".4coder"); save_all_dirty_buffers_with_postfix(app, fcoder_extension); Partition *scratch = &global_part; Temp_Memory temp = begin_temp_memory(scratch); load_folder_of_themes_into_live_set(app, scratch, "themes"); String name = get_theme_name(app, scratch, 0); i32 theme_count = get_theme_count(app); for (i32 i = 1; i < theme_count; i += 1){ Temp_Memory sub_temp = begin_temp_memory(scratch); String style_name = get_theme_name(app, scratch, i); if (match(name, style_name)){ change_theme_by_index(app, i); break; } end_temp_memory(sub_temp); } end_temp_memory(temp); } #endif CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(open_in_other) CUSTOM_DOC("Interactively opens a file in the other panel.") { change_active_panel(app); interactive_open_or_new(app); } // BOTTOM