/* * Mr. 4th Dimention - Allen Webster * * 12.12.2014 * * Application layer for project codename "4ed" * */ // TOP // App Structs #define DEFAULT_DISPLAY_WIDTH 672 #define DEFAULT_MINIMUM_BASE_DISPLAY_WIDTH 550 typedef enum App_State{ APP_STATE_EDIT, APP_STATE_RESIZING, // never below this APP_STATE_COUNT } App_State; typedef struct App_State_Resizing{ Panel_Divider *divider; } App_State_Resizing; typedef struct CLI_Process{ CLI_Handles cli; Editing_File *out_file; b32 cursor_at_end; } CLI_Process; typedef struct CLI_List{ CLI_Process *procs; i32 count, max; } CLI_List; typedef struct Command_Data{ Models *models; struct App_Vars *vars; System_Functions *system; Live_Views *live_set; i32 screen_width, screen_height; Key_Event_Data key; } Command_Data; typedef enum Input_Types{ Input_AnyKey, Input_Esc, Input_MouseMove, Input_MouseLeftButton, Input_MouseRightButton, Input_MouseWheel, Input_Count } Input_Types; typedef struct Consumption_Record{ b32 consumed; char consumer[32]; } Consumption_Record; typedef struct Available_Input{ Key_Input_Data *keys; Mouse_State *mouse; Consumption_Record records[Input_Count]; } Available_Input; internal Available_Input init_available_input(Key_Input_Data *keys, Mouse_State *mouse){ Available_Input result = {0}; result.keys = keys; result.mouse = mouse; return(result); } internal Key_Input_Data direct_get_key_data(Available_Input *available){ Key_Input_Data result = *available->keys; return(result); } internal Mouse_State direct_get_mouse_state(Available_Input *available){ Mouse_State result = *available->mouse; return(result); } internal Key_Input_Data get_key_data(Available_Input *available){ Key_Input_Data result = {0}; if (!available->records[Input_AnyKey].consumed){ result = *available->keys; } else if (!available->records[Input_Esc].consumed){ i32 i = 0; i32 count = available->keys->count; Key_Event_Data key = {0}; for (i = 0; i < count; ++i){ key = get_single_key(available->keys, i); if (key.keycode == key_esc){ result.count = 1; result.keys[0] = key; break; } } } return(result); } internal Mouse_State get_mouse_state(Available_Input *available){ Mouse_State mouse = *available->mouse; if (available->records[Input_MouseLeftButton].consumed){ mouse.l = 0; mouse.press_l = 0; mouse.release_l = 0; } if (available->records[Input_MouseRightButton].consumed){ mouse.r = 0; mouse.press_r = 0; mouse.release_r = 0; } if (available->records[Input_MouseWheel].consumed){ mouse.wheel = 0; } return(mouse); } internal void consume_input(Available_Input *available, i32 input_type, char *consumer){ Consumption_Record *record = &available->records[input_type]; record->consumed = 1; if (consumer){ String str = make_fixed_width_string(record->consumer); copy_sc(&str, consumer); terminate_with_null(&str); } else{ record->consumer[0] = 0; } } struct App_Vars{ Models models; // TODO(allen): This wants to live in // models with everyone else but the order // of declaration is a little bit off... Live_Views live_set; CLI_List cli_processes; App_State state; App_State_Resizing resizing; Command_Data command_data; Available_Input available_input; }; global_const App_Vars null_app_vars = {0}; typedef enum Coroutine_Type{ Co_View, Co_Command } Coroutine_Type; typedef struct App_Coroutine_State{ void *co; i32 type; } App_Coroutine_State; inline App_Coroutine_State get_state(Application_Links *app){ App_Coroutine_State state = {0}; state.co = app->current_coroutine; state.type = app->type_coroutine; return(state); } inline void restore_state(Application_Links *app, App_Coroutine_State state){ app->current_coroutine = state.co; app->type_coroutine = state.type; } inline Coroutine* app_launch_coroutine(System_Functions *system, Application_Links *app, Coroutine_Type type, Coroutine *co, void *in, void *out){ Coroutine* result = 0; App_Coroutine_State prev_state = get_state(app); app->current_coroutine = co; app->type_coroutine = type; result = system->launch_coroutine(co, in, out); restore_state(app, prev_state); return(result); } inline Coroutine* app_resume_coroutine(System_Functions *system, Application_Links *app, Coroutine_Type type, Coroutine *co, void *in, void *out){ Coroutine* result = 0; App_Coroutine_State prev_state = get_state(app); app->current_coroutine = co; app->type_coroutine = type; result = system->resume_coroutine(co, in, out); restore_state(app, prev_state); return(result); } inline void output_file_append(System_Functions *system, Models *models, Editing_File *file, String value, b32 cursor_at_end){ i32 end = buffer_size(&file->state.buffer); file_replace_range(system, models, file, end, end, value.str, value.size); } inline void do_feedback_message(System_Functions *system, Models *models, String value, b32 set_to_start = 0){ Editing_File *file = models->message_buffer; if (file){ output_file_append(system, models, file, value, true); i32 pos = 0; if (!set_to_start){ pos = buffer_size(&file->state.buffer); } for (View_Iter iter = file_view_iter_init(&models->layout, file, 0); file_view_iter_good(iter); iter = file_view_iter_next(iter)){ view_cursor_move(system, iter.view, pos); } } } // Commands #define USE_MODELS(n) Models *n = command->models #define USE_VARS(n) App_Vars *n = command->vars #define USE_FILE(n,v) Editing_File *n = (v)->file_data.file #define USE_PANEL(n) Panel *n = 0; do{ \ i32 panel_index = command->models->layout.active_panel; \ n = command->models->layout.panels + panel_index; \ }while(false) #define USE_VIEW(n) View *n = 0; do{ \ i32 panel_index = command->models->layout.active_panel; \ Panel *__panel__ = command->models->layout.panels + panel_index; \ n = __panel__->view; \ }while(false) #define REQ_OPEN_VIEW(n) USE_VIEW(n); if (view_lock_level(n) > LockLevel_Open) return #define REQ_READABLE_VIEW(n) USE_VIEW(n); if (view_lock_level(n) > LockLevel_Protected) return #define REQ_FILE(n,v) Editing_File *n = (v)->file_data.file; if (!n) return #define REQ_FILE_HISTORY(n,v) Editing_File *n = (v)->file_data.file; if (!n || !n->state.undo.undo.edits) return #define COMMAND_DECL(n) internal void command_##n(System_Functions *system, Command_Data *command, Command_Binding binding) internal View* panel_make_empty(System_Functions *system, App_Vars *vars, Panel *panel){ Models *models = &vars->models; View_And_ID new_view; Assert(panel->view == 0); new_view = live_set_alloc_view(&vars->live_set, panel, models); view_set_file(system, new_view.view, models->scratch_buffer, models); new_view.view->map = get_map(models, mapid_file); return(new_view.view); } COMMAND_DECL(null){ AllowLocal(command); } COMMAND_DECL(undo){ USE_MODELS(models); REQ_OPEN_VIEW(view); REQ_FILE_HISTORY(file, view); view_undo_redo(system, models, view, &file->state.undo.undo, ED_UNDO); Assert(file->state.undo.undo.size >= 0); } COMMAND_DECL(redo){ USE_MODELS(models); REQ_OPEN_VIEW(view); REQ_FILE_HISTORY(file, view); view_undo_redo(system, models, view, &file->state.undo.redo, ED_REDO); Assert(file->state.undo.undo.size >= 0); } COMMAND_DECL(interactive_new){ USE_VIEW(view); view_show_interactive(system, view, IAct_New, IInt_Sys_File_List, make_lit_string("New: ")); } COMMAND_DECL(interactive_open){ USE_VIEW(view); view_show_interactive(system, view, IAct_Open, IInt_Sys_File_List,make_lit_string("Open: ")); } // TODO(allen): Improvements to reopen // - Perform a diff // - If the diff is not tremendously big, apply the edits. COMMAND_DECL(reopen){ USE_MODELS(models); USE_VIEW(view); REQ_FILE(file, view); if (file->canon.name.str == 0) return; if (file->canon.name.size != 0){ Plat_Handle handle; if (system->load_handle(file->canon.name.str, &handle)){ i32 size = system->load_size(handle); Partition *part = &models->mem.part; Temp_Memory temp = begin_temp_memory(part); char *buffer = push_array(part, char, size); if (buffer){ if (system->load_file(handle, buffer, size)){ system->load_close(handle); General_Memory *general = &models->mem.general; File_Edit_Positions edit_poss[16]; int32_t line_number[16]; int32_t column_number[16]; View *vptrs[16]; i32 vptr_count = 0; for (View_Iter iter = file_view_iter_init(&models->layout, file, 0); file_view_iter_good(iter); iter = file_view_iter_next(iter)){ vptrs[vptr_count] = iter.view; edit_poss[vptr_count] = iter.view->edit_pos[0]; line_number[vptr_count] = iter.view->edit_pos[0].cursor.line; column_number[vptr_count] = iter.view->edit_pos[0].cursor.character; iter.view->edit_pos = 0; ++vptr_count; } file_close(system, general, file); init_normal_file(system, models, file, buffer, size); for (i32 i = 0; i < vptr_count; ++i){ view_set_file(system, vptrs[i], file, models); int32_t line = line_number[i]; int32_t character = column_number[i]; *vptrs[i]->edit_pos = edit_poss[i]; Full_Cursor cursor = view_compute_cursor(system, vptrs[i], seek_line_char(line, character), 0); view_set_cursor(vptrs[i], cursor, true, file->settings.unwrapped_lines); } } else{ system->load_close(handle); } } else{ system->load_close(handle); } end_temp_memory(temp); } } } COMMAND_DECL(save){ USE_MODELS(models); USE_VIEW(view); REQ_FILE(file, view); if (!file->is_dummy && file_is_ready(file) && buffer_can_save(file)){ save_file(system, models, file); } } COMMAND_DECL(save_as){ USE_VIEW(view); REQ_FILE(file, view); view_show_interactive(system, view, IAct_Save_As, IInt_Sys_File_List, make_lit_string("Save As: ")); } COMMAND_DECL(change_active_panel){ USE_MODELS(models); USE_PANEL(panel); panel = panel->next; if (panel == &models->layout.used_sentinel){ panel = panel->next; } models->layout.active_panel = (i32)(panel - models->layout.panels); } COMMAND_DECL(interactive_switch_buffer){ USE_VIEW(view); view_show_interactive(system, view, IAct_Switch, IInt_Live_File_List, make_lit_string("Switch Buffer: ")); } COMMAND_DECL(interactive_kill_buffer){ USE_VIEW(view); view_show_interactive(system, view, IAct_Kill, IInt_Live_File_List, make_lit_string("Kill Buffer: ")); } COMMAND_DECL(kill_buffer){ USE_MODELS(models); USE_VIEW(view); REQ_FILE(file, view); interactive_try_kill_file(system, models, view, file); } COMMAND_DECL(toggle_line_wrap){ REQ_READABLE_VIEW(view); REQ_FILE(file, view); Assert(view->edit_pos); Relative_Scrolling scrolling = view_get_relative_scrolling(view); if (file->settings.unwrapped_lines){ file->settings.unwrapped_lines = 0; view->edit_pos->scroll.target_x = 0; } else{ file->settings.unwrapped_lines = 1; } view_cursor_move(system, view, view->edit_pos->cursor.pos); view_set_relative_scrolling(view, scrolling); } COMMAND_DECL(toggle_tokens){ USE_MODELS(models); REQ_OPEN_VIEW(view); REQ_FILE(file, view); if (file->settings.tokens_exist){ file_kill_tokens(system, &models->mem.general, file); } else{ file_first_lex_parallel(system, &models->mem, file); } } internal void case_change_range(System_Functions *system, Mem_Options *mem, View *view, Editing_File *file, u8 a, u8 z, u8 char_delta){ Range range = {0}; range.min = Min(view->edit_pos->cursor.pos, view->edit_pos->mark); range.max = Max(view->edit_pos->cursor.pos, view->edit_pos->mark); if (range.start < range.end){ Edit_Step step = {}; step.type = ED_NORMAL; step.edit.start = range.start; step.edit.end = range.end; step.edit.len = range.end - range.start; if (file->state.still_lexing){ system->cancel_job(BACKGROUND_THREADS, file->state.lex_job); } file_update_history_before_edit(mem, file, step, 0, hist_normal); u8 *data = (u8*)file->state.buffer.data; for (i32 i = range.start; i < range.end; ++i){ if (data[i] >= a && data[i] <= z){ data[i] += char_delta; } } if (file->state.token_array.tokens){ file_relex_parallel(system, mem, file, range.start, range.end, 0); } } } COMMAND_DECL(open_color_tweaker){ USE_VIEW(view); view_show_theme(view); } COMMAND_DECL(open_config){ USE_VIEW(view); view_show_GUI(view, VUI_Config); } COMMAND_DECL(open_menu){ USE_VIEW(view); view_show_GUI(view, VUI_Menu); } COMMAND_DECL(open_debug){ USE_VIEW(view); view_show_GUI(view, VUI_Debug); view->debug_vars = null_debug_vars; } COMMAND_DECL(user_callback){ USE_MODELS(models); if (binding.custom) binding.custom(&models->app_links); } global Command_Function command_table[cmdid_count]; #include "4ed_api_implementation.cpp" struct Command_In{ Command_Data *cmd; Command_Binding bind; }; internal void command_caller(Coroutine *coroutine){ Command_In *cmd_in = (Command_In*)coroutine->in; Command_Data *command = cmd_in->cmd; Models *models = command->models; USE_VIEW(view); if (models->command_caller){ Generic_Command generic; if (cmd_in->bind.function == command_user_callback){ generic.command = cmd_in->bind.custom; models->command_caller(&models->app_links, generic); } else{ generic.cmdid = (Command_ID)cmd_in->bind.custom_id; models->command_caller(&models->app_links, generic); } } else{ cmd_in->bind.function(command->system, command, cmd_in->bind); } } internal void app_links_init(System_Functions *system, Application_Links *app_links, void *data, i32 size){ app_links->memory = data; app_links->memory_size = size; FillAppLinksAPI(app_links); app_links->current_coroutine = 0; app_links->system_links = system; } internal void setup_ui_commands(Command_Map *commands, Partition *part, Command_Map *parent){ map_init(commands, part, 32, parent); map_clear(commands); // TODO(allen): This is hacky, when the new UI stuff happens, let's fix it, // and by that I mean actually fix it, don't just say you fixed it with // something stupid again. u8 mdfr_array[] = {MDFR_NONE, MDFR_SHIFT, MDFR_CTRL, MDFR_SHIFT | MDFR_CTRL}; for (i32 i = 0; i < 4; ++i){ u8 mdfr = mdfr_array[i]; map_add(commands, key_left, mdfr, command_null); map_add(commands, key_right, mdfr, command_null); map_add(commands, key_up, mdfr, command_null); map_add(commands, key_down, mdfr, command_null); map_add(commands, key_back, mdfr, command_null); } } internal void setup_file_commands(Command_Map *commands, Partition *part, Command_Map *parent){ map_init(commands, part, 10, parent); } internal void setup_top_commands(Command_Map *commands, Partition *part, Command_Map *parent){ map_init(commands, part, 10, parent); } internal void setup_command_table(){ #define SET(n) command_table[cmdid_##n] = command_##n SET(null); SET(undo); SET(redo); SET(interactive_new); SET(interactive_open); SET(interactive_switch_buffer); SET(interactive_kill_buffer); SET(save_as); SET(reopen); SET(save); SET(kill_buffer); SET(open_color_tweaker); SET(open_config); SET(open_menu); SET(open_debug); #undef SET } // App Functions internal void app_hardcode_styles(Models *models){ Interactive_Style file_info_style = {0}; Style *styles = models->styles.styles; Style *style = styles + 1; ///////////////// style_set_name(style, make_lit_string("4coder")); style->main.back_color = 0xFF0C0C0C; style->main.margin_color = 0xFF181818; style->main.margin_hover_color = 0xFF252525; style->main.margin_active_color = 0xFF323232; style->main.cursor_color = 0xFF00EE00; style->main.highlight_color = 0xFFDDEE00; style->main.mark_color = 0xFF494949; style->main.default_color = 0xFF90B080; style->main.at_cursor_color = style->main.back_color; style->main.at_highlight_color = 0xFFFF44DD; style->main.comment_color = 0xFF2090F0; style->main.keyword_color = 0xFFD08F20; style->main.str_constant_color = 0xFF50FF30; style->main.char_constant_color = style->main.str_constant_color; style->main.int_constant_color = style->main.str_constant_color; style->main.float_constant_color = style->main.str_constant_color; style->main.bool_constant_color = style->main.str_constant_color; style->main.include_color = style->main.str_constant_color; style->main.preproc_color = style->main.default_color; style->main.special_character_color = 0xFFFF0000; style->main.ghost_character_color = color_blend(style->main.default_color, 0.5f, style->main.back_color); style->main.paste_color = 0xFFDDEE00; style->main.undo_color = 0xFF00DDEE; style->main.highlight_junk_color = 0xff3a0000; style->main.highlight_white_color = 0xff003a3a; file_info_style.bar_color = 0xFF888888; file_info_style.bar_active_color = 0xFF666666; file_info_style.base_color = 0xFF000000; file_info_style.pop1_color = 0xFF3C57DC; file_info_style.pop2_color = 0xFFFF0000; style->main.file_info_style = file_info_style; ++style; ///////////////// style_set_name(style, make_lit_string("Handmade Hero")); style->main.back_color = 0xFF161616; style->main.margin_color = 0xFF262626; style->main.margin_hover_color = 0xFF333333; style->main.margin_active_color = 0xFF404040; style->main.cursor_color = 0xFF40FF40; style->main.at_cursor_color = style->main.back_color; style->main.mark_color = 0xFF808080; style->main.highlight_color = 0xFF703419; style->main.at_highlight_color = 0xFFCDAA7D; style->main.default_color = 0xFFA08563; style->main.comment_color = 0xFF7D7D7D; style->main.keyword_color = 0xFFCD950C; style->main.str_constant_color = 0xFF6B8E23; style->main.char_constant_color = style->main.str_constant_color; style->main.int_constant_color = style->main.str_constant_color; style->main.float_constant_color = style->main.str_constant_color; style->main.bool_constant_color = style->main.str_constant_color; style->main.include_color = 0xFF6B8E23; style->main.preproc_color = 0xFFDAB98F; style->main.special_character_color = 0xFFFF0000; style->main.ghost_character_color = color_blend(style->main.default_color, 0.5f, style->main.back_color); style->main.paste_color = 0xFFFFBB00; style->main.undo_color = 0xFF80005D; style->main.highlight_junk_color = 0xFF3A0000; style->main.highlight_white_color = 0xFF003A3A; file_info_style.bar_color = 0xFFCACACA; file_info_style.bar_active_color = 0xFFA8A8A8; file_info_style.base_color = 0xFF000000; file_info_style.pop1_color = 0xFF03CF0C; file_info_style.pop2_color = 0xFFFF0000; style->main.file_info_style = file_info_style; ++style; ///////////////// style_set_name(style, make_lit_string("Twilight")); style->main.back_color = 0xFF090D12; style->main.margin_color = 0xFF1A2634; style->main.margin_hover_color = 0xFF2D415B; style->main.margin_active_color = 0xFF405D82; style->main.cursor_color = 0xFFEEE800; style->main.at_cursor_color = style->main.back_color; style->main.mark_color = 0xFF8BA8CC; style->main.highlight_color = 0xFF037A7B; style->main.at_highlight_color = 0xFFFEB56C; style->main.default_color = 0xFFB7C19E; style->main.comment_color = 0xFF20ECF0; style->main.keyword_color = 0xFFD86909; style->main.str_constant_color = 0xFFC4EA5D; style->main.char_constant_color = style->main.str_constant_color; style->main.int_constant_color = style->main.str_constant_color; style->main.float_constant_color = style->main.str_constant_color; style->main.bool_constant_color = style->main.str_constant_color; style->main.include_color = style->main.str_constant_color; style->main.preproc_color = style->main.default_color; style->main.special_character_color = 0xFFFF0000; style->main.ghost_character_color = color_blend(0xFFFFFFFF, 0.75f, style->main.back_color); style->main.paste_color = 0xFFDDEE00; style->main.undo_color = 0xFF00DDEE; style->main.highlight_junk_color = 0xff3a0000; style->main.highlight_white_color = 0xFF151F2A; file_info_style.bar_color = 0xFF315E68; file_info_style.bar_active_color = 0xFF0F3C46; file_info_style.base_color = 0xFF000000; file_info_style.pop1_color = 0xFF1BFF0C; file_info_style.pop2_color = 0xFFFF200D; style->main.file_info_style = file_info_style; ++style; ///////////////// style_set_name(style, make_lit_string("Wolverine")); style->main.back_color = 0xFF070711; style->main.margin_color = 0xFF111168; style->main.margin_hover_color = 0xFF191996; style->main.margin_active_color = 0xFF2121C3; style->main.cursor_color = 0xFF7082F9; style->main.at_cursor_color = 0xFF000014; style->main.mark_color = 0xFF4b5028; style->main.highlight_color = 0xFFDDEE00; style->main.at_highlight_color = 0xFF000019; style->main.default_color = 0xFF8C9740; style->main.comment_color = 0xFF3A8B29; style->main.keyword_color = 0xFFD6B109; style->main.str_constant_color = 0xFFAF5FA7; style->main.char_constant_color = style->main.str_constant_color; style->main.int_constant_color = style->main.str_constant_color; style->main.float_constant_color = style->main.str_constant_color; style->main.bool_constant_color = style->main.str_constant_color; style->main.include_color = style->main.str_constant_color; style->main.preproc_color = style->main.default_color; style->main.special_character_color = 0xFFFF0000; style->main.ghost_character_color = color_blend(style->main.default_color, 0.5f, style->main.back_color); style->main.paste_color = 0xFF900090; style->main.undo_color = 0xFF606090; style->main.highlight_junk_color = 0xff3a0000; style->main.highlight_white_color = 0xff003a3a; file_info_style.bar_color = 0xFF7082F9; file_info_style.bar_active_color = 0xFF4E60D7; file_info_style.base_color = 0xFF000000; file_info_style.pop1_color = 0xFFFAFA15; file_info_style.pop2_color = 0xFFD20000; style->main.file_info_style = file_info_style; ++style; ///////////////// style_set_name(style, make_lit_string("stb")); style->main.back_color = 0xFFD6D6D6; style->main.margin_color = 0xFF9E9E9E; style->main.margin_hover_color = 0xFF7E7E7E; style->main.margin_active_color = 0xFF5C5C5C; style->main.cursor_color = 0xFF000000; style->main.at_cursor_color = 0xFFD6D6D6; style->main.mark_color = 0xFF525252; style->main.highlight_color = 0xFF0044FF; style->main.at_highlight_color = 0xFFD6D6D6; style->main.default_color = 0xFF000000; style->main.comment_color = 0xFF005800; style->main.keyword_color = 0xFF000000; style->main.str_constant_color = 0xFF000000; style->main.char_constant_color = style->main.str_constant_color; style->main.int_constant_color = style->main.str_constant_color; style->main.float_constant_color = style->main.str_constant_color; style->main.bool_constant_color = style->main.str_constant_color; style->main.include_color = style->main.str_constant_color; style->main.preproc_color = style->main.default_color; style->main.special_character_color = 0xFF9A0000; style->main.ghost_character_color = color_blend(style->main.default_color, 0.5f, style->main.back_color); style->main.paste_color = 0xFF00B8B8; style->main.undo_color = 0xFFB800B8; style->main.highlight_junk_color = 0xFFFF7878; style->main.highlight_white_color = 0xFFBCBCBC; file_info_style.bar_color = 0xFF606060; file_info_style.bar_active_color = 0xFF3E3E3E; file_info_style.base_color = 0xFF000000; file_info_style.pop1_color = 0xFF1111DC; file_info_style.pop2_color = 0xFFE80505; style->main.file_info_style = file_info_style; ++style; ///////////////// style_set_name(style, make_lit_string("stb dark")); style->main.back_color = 0xFF303030; style->main.margin_color = 0xFF383838; style->main.margin_hover_color = 0xFF404040; style->main.margin_active_color = 0xFF484848; style->main.cursor_color = 0xFFDDDDDD; style->main.at_cursor_color = 0xFF303030; style->main.mark_color = 0xFF808080; style->main.highlight_color = 0xFF006080; style->main.at_highlight_color = 0xFF303030; style->main.default_color = 0xFFAAAAAA; style->main.comment_color = 0xFF6AC000; style->main.keyword_color = 0xFFAAAAAA; style->main.str_constant_color = 0xFFAAAAAA; style->main.char_constant_color = style->main.str_constant_color; style->main.int_constant_color = style->main.str_constant_color; style->main.float_constant_color = style->main.str_constant_color; style->main.bool_constant_color = style->main.str_constant_color; style->main.include_color = style->main.str_constant_color; style->main.preproc_color = style->main.default_color; style->main.special_character_color = 0xFFFF0000; style->main.ghost_character_color = color_blend(style->main.default_color, 0.5f, style->main.back_color); style->main.paste_color = 0xFF00FFFF; style->main.undo_color = 0xFFFF00FF; style->main.highlight_junk_color = 0xFF482020; style->main.highlight_white_color = 0xFF383838; file_info_style.bar_color = 0xFF606060; file_info_style.bar_active_color = 0xFF3E3E3E; file_info_style.base_color = 0xFF000000; file_info_style.pop1_color = 0xFF00B0D0; file_info_style.pop2_color = 0xFFFF3A00; style->main.file_info_style = file_info_style; ++style; ///////////////// style_set_name(style, make_lit_string("Hjortshoej")); style->main.back_color = 0xFFF0F0F0; style->main.margin_color = 0xFF9E9E9E; style->main.margin_hover_color = 0xFF7E7E7E; style->main.margin_active_color = 0xFF5C5C5C; style->main.cursor_color = 0xFF000000; style->main.at_cursor_color = 0xFFD6D6D6; style->main.mark_color = 0xFF525252; style->main.highlight_color = 0xFFB87600; style->main.at_highlight_color = 0xFF000000; style->main.default_color = 0xFF000000; style->main.comment_color = 0xFF007E00; style->main.keyword_color = 0xFF8B4303; style->main.str_constant_color = 0xFF7C0000; style->main.char_constant_color = 0xFF7C0000; style->main.include_color = 0xFF7C0000; style->main.int_constant_color = 0xFF007C00; style->main.float_constant_color = 0xFF007C00; style->main.bool_constant_color = 0xFF007C00; style->main.preproc_color = 0xFF0000FF; style->main.special_character_color = 0xFF9A0000; style->main.ghost_character_color = color_blend(style->main.default_color, 0.5f, style->main.back_color); style->main.paste_color = 0xFFB87600; style->main.undo_color = 0xFFB87600; style->main.highlight_junk_color = 0xFFFF7878; style->main.highlight_white_color = 0xFFB87600; file_info_style.bar_color = 0xFF606060; file_info_style.bar_active_color = 0xFF3E3E3E; file_info_style.base_color = 0xFFFFFFFF; file_info_style.pop1_color = 0xFF007E00; file_info_style.pop2_color = 0xFFE80505; style->main.file_info_style = file_info_style; ++style; ///////////////// style_set_name(style, make_lit_string("Strange")); style->main.back_color = 0xFF161616; style->main.margin_color = 0xFF606590; style->main.margin_hover_color = 0xFF606590; style->main.margin_active_color = 0xFF9a99e7; style->main.cursor_color = 0xFFd96e26; style->main.at_cursor_color = style->main.back_color; style->main.mark_color = 0xFF808080; style->main.highlight_color = 0xFF703419; style->main.at_highlight_color = 0xFFCDAA7D; style->main.default_color = 0xFFFFFFFF; style->main.comment_color = 0xFF505f89; style->main.keyword_color = 0xFFaa8da7; style->main.str_constant_color = 0xFF9a99e7; style->main.char_constant_color = style->main.str_constant_color; style->main.int_constant_color = style->main.str_constant_color; style->main.float_constant_color = style->main.str_constant_color; style->main.bool_constant_color = style->main.str_constant_color; style->main.include_color = 0xFF9a99e7; style->main.preproc_color = 0xFF606590; style->main.special_character_color = 0xFFFF0000; style->main.ghost_character_color = color_blend(style->main.default_color, 0.5f, style->main.back_color); style->main.paste_color = 0xFFFFBB00; style->main.undo_color = 0xFF80005D; style->main.highlight_junk_color = 0xFF3A0000; style->main.highlight_white_color = 0xFF003A3A; file_info_style.bar_color = 0xFF9a99e7; file_info_style.bar_active_color = 0xFF9a99e7; file_info_style.base_color = 0xFF000000; file_info_style.pop1_color = 0xFF03CF0C; file_info_style.pop2_color = 0xFFFF0000; style->main.file_info_style = file_info_style; ++style; ///////////////// models->styles.count = (i32)(style - styles); models->styles.max = ArrayCount(models->styles.styles); style_copy(main_style(models), models->styles.styles + 1); } enum Command_Line_Action{ CLAct_Nothing, CLAct_Ignore, CLAct_UserFile, CLAct_CustomDLL, CLAct_InitialFilePosition, CLAct_WindowSize, CLAct_WindowMaximize, CLAct_WindowPosition, CLAct_WindowFullscreen, CLAct_WindowStreamMode, CLAct_FontSize, CLAct_FontStartHinting, CLAct_Count }; enum Command_Line_Mode{ CLMode_App, CLMode_Custom }; void init_command_line_settings(App_Settings *settings, Plat_Settings *plat_settings, Command_Line_Parameters clparams){ char *arg = 0; Command_Line_Mode mode = CLMode_App; Command_Line_Action action = CLAct_Nothing; i32 i = 0, index = 0; b32 strict = 0; settings->init_files_max = ArrayCount(settings->init_files); for (i = 1; i <= clparams.argc; ++i){ if (i == clparams.argc){ arg = ""; } else{ arg = clparams.argv[i]; } if (arg[0] == '-' && arg[1] == '-'){ char *long_arg_name = arg+2; if (match_cc(long_arg_name, "custom")){ mode = CLMode_Custom; settings->custom_arg_start = i+1; settings->custom_arg_end = i+1; continue; } } switch (mode){ case CLMode_App: { switch (action){ case CLAct_Nothing: { if (arg[0] == '-'){ action = CLAct_Ignore; switch (arg[1]){ case 'u': action = CLAct_UserFile; strict = 0; break; case 'U': action = CLAct_UserFile; strict = 1; break; case 'd': action = CLAct_CustomDLL; strict = 0; break; case 'D': action = CLAct_CustomDLL; strict = 1; break; case 'i': action = CLAct_InitialFilePosition; break; case 'w': action = CLAct_WindowSize; break; case 'W': action = CLAct_WindowMaximize; break; case 'p': action = CLAct_WindowPosition; break; case 'F': action = CLAct_WindowFullscreen; break; case 'S': action = CLAct_WindowStreamMode; break; case 'f': action = CLAct_FontSize; break; case 'h': action = CLAct_FontStartHinting; --i; break; } } else if (arg[0] != 0){ if (settings->init_files_count < settings->init_files_max){ index = settings->init_files_count++; settings->init_files[index] = arg; } } }break; case CLAct_UserFile: { settings->user_file_is_strict = strict; if (i < clparams.argc){ settings->user_file = clparams.argv[i]; } action = CLAct_Nothing; }break; case CLAct_CustomDLL: { plat_settings->custom_dll_is_strict = strict; if (i < clparams.argc){ plat_settings->custom_dll = clparams.argv[i]; } action = CLAct_Nothing; }break; case CLAct_InitialFilePosition: { if (i < clparams.argc){ settings->initial_line = str_to_int_c(clparams.argv[i]); } action = CLAct_Nothing; }break; case CLAct_WindowSize: { if (i + 1 < clparams.argc){ plat_settings->set_window_size = 1; plat_settings->window_w = str_to_int_c(clparams.argv[i]); plat_settings->window_h = str_to_int_c(clparams.argv[i+1]); ++i; } action = CLAct_Nothing; }break; case CLAct_WindowMaximize: { --i; plat_settings->maximize_window = 1; action = CLAct_Nothing; }break; case CLAct_WindowPosition: { if (i + 1 < clparams.argc){ plat_settings->set_window_pos = 1; plat_settings->window_x = str_to_int_c(clparams.argv[i]); plat_settings->window_y = str_to_int_c(clparams.argv[i+1]); ++i; } action = CLAct_Nothing; }break; case CLAct_WindowFullscreen: { --i; plat_settings->fullscreen_window = 1; plat_settings->stream_mode = 1; action = CLAct_Nothing; }break; case CLAct_WindowStreamMode: { --i; plat_settings->stream_mode = 1; action = CLAct_Nothing; }break; case CLAct_FontSize: { if (i < clparams.argc){ settings->font_size = str_to_int_c(clparams.argv[i]); } action = CLAct_Nothing; }break; case CLAct_FontStartHinting: { plat_settings->use_hinting = 1; action = CLAct_Nothing; }break; } }break; case CLMode_Custom: { settings->custom_arg_end = i+1; }break; } } } internal App_Vars* app_setup_memory(System_Functions *system, Application_Memory *memory){ Partition _partition = make_part(memory->vars_memory, memory->vars_memory_size); App_Vars *vars = push_struct(&_partition, App_Vars); Assert(vars != 0); *vars = null_app_vars; vars->models.mem.part = _partition; #if defined(USE_DEBUG_MEMORY) general_memory_open(system, &vars->models.mem.general, memory->target_memory, memory->target_memory_size); #else general_memory_open(&vars->models.mem.general, memory->target_memory, memory->target_memory_size); #endif return(vars); } App_Read_Command_Line_Sig(app_read_command_line){ i32 out_size = 0; App_Vars *vars = app_setup_memory(system, memory); App_Settings *settings = &vars->models.settings; *settings = null_app_settings; settings->font_size = 16; if (clparams.argc > 1){ init_command_line_settings(&vars->models.settings, plat_settings, clparams); } *files = vars->models.settings.init_files; *file_count = &vars->models.settings.init_files_count; return(out_size); } extern "C" SCROLL_RULE_SIG(fallback_scroll_rule){ i32 result = 0; if (target_x != *scroll_x){ *scroll_x = target_x; result = 1; } if (target_y != *scroll_y){ *scroll_y = target_y; result = 1; } return(result); } App_Init_Sig(app_init){ Partition *partition; Panel *panels, *panel; Panel_Divider *dividers, *div; i32 panel_max_count; i32 divider_max_count; App_Vars *vars = (App_Vars*)memory->vars_memory; Models *models = &vars->models; models->keep_playing = 1; app_links_init(system, &models->app_links, memory->user_memory, memory->user_memory_size); models->config_api = api; models->app_links.cmd_context = &vars->command_data; partition = &models->mem.part; { panel_max_count = models->layout.panel_max_count = MAX_VIEWS; divider_max_count = panel_max_count - 1; models->layout.panel_count = 0; panels = push_array(partition, Panel, panel_max_count); models->layout.panels = panels; dll_init_sentinel(&models->layout.free_sentinel); dll_init_sentinel(&models->layout.used_sentinel); panel = panels; for (i32 i = 0; i < panel_max_count; ++i, ++panel){ dll_insert(&models->layout.free_sentinel, panel); } dividers = push_array(partition, Panel_Divider, divider_max_count); models->layout.dividers = dividers; div = dividers; for (i32 i = 0; i < divider_max_count-1; ++i, ++div){ div->next = (div + 1); } div->next = 0; models->layout.free_divider = dividers; } { View *view = 0; View_Persistent *persistent = 0; i32 i = 0; i32 max = 0; models->live_set = &vars->live_set; vars->live_set.count = 0; vars->live_set.max = panel_max_count; vars->live_set.views = push_array(partition, View, vars->live_set.max); dll_init_sentinel(&vars->live_set.free_sentinel); max = vars->live_set.max; view = vars->live_set.views; for (i = 0; i < max; ++i, ++view){ dll_insert(&vars->live_set.free_sentinel, view); persistent = &view->persistent; persistent->id = i; persistent->models = models; } } { models->scroll_rule = fallback_scroll_rule; models->hook_open_file = 0; models->hook_new_file = 0; models->hook_save_file = 0; models->command_caller = 0; models->input_filter = 0; setup_command_table(); Command_Map *global_map = &models->map_top; Assert(models->config_api.get_bindings != 0); i32 wanted_size = models->config_api.get_bindings(models->app_links.memory, models->app_links.memory_size); b32 did_top = false; b32 did_file = false; if (wanted_size <= models->app_links.memory_size){ Command_Map *map_ptr = 0; Binding_Unit *unit = (Binding_Unit*)models->app_links.memory; if (unit->type == unit_header && unit->header.error == 0){ Binding_Unit *end = unit + unit->header.total_size; i32 user_map_count = unit->header.user_map_count; models->map_id_table = push_array(&models->mem.part, i32, user_map_count); memset(models->map_id_table, -1, user_map_count*sizeof(i32)); models->user_maps = push_array(&models->mem.part, Command_Map, user_map_count); models->user_map_count = user_map_count; for (++unit; unit < end; ++unit){ switch (unit->type){ case unit_map_begin: { i32 mapid = unit->map_begin.mapid; i32 count = map_get_count(models, mapid); if (unit->map_begin.replace){ map_set_count(models, mapid, unit->map_begin.bind_count); } else{ map_set_count(models, mapid, unit->map_begin.bind_count + count); } }; } } unit = (Binding_Unit*)models->app_links.memory; for (++unit; unit < end; ++unit){ switch (unit->type){ case unit_map_begin: { i32 mapid = unit->map_begin.mapid; i32 count = map_get_max_count(models, mapid); i32 table_max = count * 3 / 2; b32 auto_clear = false; if (mapid == mapid_global){ map_ptr = &models->map_top; auto_clear = map_init(map_ptr, &models->mem.part, table_max, global_map); did_top = true; } else if (mapid == mapid_file){ map_ptr = &models->map_file; auto_clear = map_init(map_ptr, &models->mem.part, table_max, global_map); did_file = true; } else if (mapid < mapid_global){ i32 index = get_or_add_map_index(models, mapid); Assert(index < user_map_count); map_ptr = models->user_maps + index; auto_clear = map_init(map_ptr, &models->mem.part, table_max, global_map); } else{ map_ptr = 0; } if (map_ptr && (unit->map_begin.replace || auto_clear)){ map_clear(map_ptr); } }break; case unit_inherit: if (map_ptr){ Command_Map *parent = 0; i32 mapid = unit->map_inherit.mapid; if (mapid == mapid_global) parent = &models->map_top; else if (mapid == mapid_file) parent = &models->map_file; else if (mapid < mapid_global){ i32 index = get_or_add_map_index(models, mapid); if (index < user_map_count) parent = models->user_maps + index; else parent = 0; } map_ptr->parent = parent; }break; case unit_binding: if (map_ptr){ Command_Function func = 0; if (unit->binding.command_id >= 0 && unit->binding.command_id < cmdid_count) func = command_table[unit->binding.command_id]; if (func){ if (unit->binding.code == 0){ u32 index = 0; if (map_get_modifiers_hash(unit->binding.modifiers, &index)){ map_ptr->vanilla_keyboard_default[index].function = func; map_ptr->vanilla_keyboard_default[index].custom_id = unit->binding.command_id; } } else{ map_add(map_ptr, unit->binding.code, unit->binding.modifiers, func, unit->binding.command_id); } } }break; case unit_callback: if (map_ptr){ Command_Function func = command_user_callback; Custom_Command_Function *custom = unit->callback.func; if (func){ if (unit->callback.code == 0){ u32 index = 0; if (map_get_modifiers_hash(unit->binding.modifiers, &index)){ map_ptr->vanilla_keyboard_default[index].function = func; map_ptr->vanilla_keyboard_default[index].custom = custom; } } else{ map_add(map_ptr, unit->callback.code, unit->callback.modifiers, func, custom); } } }break; case unit_hook: { i32 hook_id = unit->hook.hook_id; if (hook_id >= 0){ if (hook_id < hook_type_count){ models->hooks[hook_id] = (Hook_Function*)unit->hook.func; } else{ switch (hook_id){ case special_hook_open_file: { models->hook_open_file = (Open_File_Hook_Function*)unit->hook.func; }break; case special_hook_new_file: { models->hook_new_file = (Open_File_Hook_Function*)unit->hook.func; }break; case special_hook_save_file: { models->hook_save_file = (Open_File_Hook_Function*)unit->hook.func; }break; case special_hook_command_caller: { models->command_caller = (Command_Caller_Hook_Function*)unit->hook.func; }break; case special_hook_scroll_rule: { models->scroll_rule = (Scroll_Rule_Function*)unit->hook.func; }break; case special_hook_input_filter: { models->input_filter = (Input_Filter_Function*)unit->hook.func; }break; } } } }break; } } } } memset(models->app_links.memory, 0, wanted_size); if (!did_top) setup_top_commands(&models->map_top, &models->mem.part, global_map); if (!did_file) setup_file_commands(&models->map_file, &models->mem.part, global_map); setup_ui_commands(&models->map_ui, &models->mem.part, global_map); } // NOTE(allen): file setup working_set_init(&models->working_set, partition, &vars->models.mem.general); models->working_set.default_display_width = DEFAULT_DISPLAY_WIDTH; models->working_set.default_minimum_base_display_width = DEFAULT_MINIMUM_BASE_DISPLAY_WIDTH; // NOTE(allen): clipboard setup models->working_set.clipboard_max_size = ArrayCount(models->working_set.clipboards); models->working_set.clipboard_size = 0; models->working_set.clipboard_current = 0; models->working_set.clipboard_rolling = 0; // TODO(allen): more robust allocation solution for the clipboard if (clipboard.str){ String *dest = working_set_next_clipboard_string(&models->mem.general, &models->working_set, clipboard.size); copy_ss(dest, make_string((char*)clipboard.str, clipboard.size)); } // NOTE(allen): style setup models->global_font_id = 1; app_hardcode_styles(models); // NOTE(allen): init first panel Command_Data *cmd = &vars->command_data; cmd->models = models; cmd->vars = vars; cmd->system = system; cmd->live_set = &vars->live_set; cmd->screen_width = target->width; cmd->screen_height = target->height; cmd->key = null_key_event_data; General_Memory *general = &models->mem.general; struct File_Init{ String name; Editing_File **ptr; i32 type; }; File_Init init_files[] = { { make_lit_string("*messages*"), &models->message_buffer, true , }, { make_lit_string("*scratch*"), &models->scratch_buffer, false, } }; for (i32 i = 0; i < ArrayCount(init_files); ++i){ Editing_File *file = working_set_alloc_always(&models->working_set, general); buffer_bind_name(general, &models->working_set, file, init_files[i].name); switch (init_files[i].type){ case 0: { init_normal_file(system, models, file, 0, 0); }break; case 1: { init_read_only_file(system, models, file); }break; } file->settings.never_kill = true; file->settings.unimportant = true; file->settings.unwrapped_lines = true; if (init_files[i].ptr){ *init_files[i].ptr = file; } } Panel_And_ID p = layout_alloc_panel(&models->layout); panel_make_empty(system, vars, p.panel); models->layout.active_panel = p.id; hot_directory_init(&models->hot_directory, current_directory); // NOTE(allen): child proc list setup i32 max_children = 16; partition_align(partition, 8); vars->cli_processes.procs = push_array(partition, CLI_Process, max_children); vars->cli_processes.max = max_children; vars->cli_processes.count = 0; // NOTE(allen): init GUI keys models->user_up_key = key_up; models->user_down_key = key_down; } internal i32 update_cli_handle_without_file(System_Functions *system, Models *models, CLI_Handles *cli, char *dest, i32 max){ i32 result = 0; u32 amount = 0; system->cli_begin_update(cli); if (system->cli_update_step(cli, dest, max, &amount)){ result = 1; } if (system->cli_end_update(cli)){ result = -1; } return(result); } internal i32 update_cli_handle_with_file(System_Functions *system, Models *models, CLI_Handles *cli, Editing_File *file, char *dest, i32 max, b32 cursor_at_end){ i32 result = 0; u32 amount = 0; system->cli_begin_update(cli); if (system->cli_update_step(cli, dest, max, &amount)){ amount = eol_in_place_convert_in(dest, amount); output_file_append(system, models, file, make_string(dest, amount), cursor_at_end); result = 1; } if (system->cli_end_update(cli)){ char str_space[256]; String str = make_fixed_width_string(str_space); append_ss(&str, make_lit_string("exited with code ")); append_int_to_str(&str, cli->exit); output_file_append(system, models, file, str, cursor_at_end); result = -1; } if (cursor_at_end){ i32 new_cursor = buffer_size(&file->state.buffer); for (View_Iter iter = file_view_iter_init(&models->layout, file, 0); file_view_iter_good(iter); iter = file_view_iter_next(iter)){ view_cursor_move(system, iter.view, new_cursor); } } return(result); } App_Step_Sig(app_step){ Application_Step_Result app_result = *app_result_; app_result.animating = 0; App_Vars *vars = (App_Vars*)memory->vars_memory; Models *models = &vars->models; // NOTE(allen): OS clipboard event handling String clipboard = input->clipboard; if (clipboard.str){ String *dest =working_set_next_clipboard_string(&models->mem.general, &models->working_set, clipboard.size); dest->size = eol_convert_in(dest->str, clipboard.str, clipboard.size); } // NOTE(allen): check files are up to date { b32 mem_too_small = 0; i32 size = 0; i32 buffer_size = KB(32); Partition *part = &models->mem.part; Temp_Memory temp = begin_temp_memory(part); char *buffer = push_array(part, char, buffer_size); u32 unmark_top = 0; u32 unmark_max = (8 << 10); Editing_File **unmark = (Editing_File**)push_array(part, Editing_File*, unmark_max); Working_Set *working_set = &models->working_set; for (;system->get_file_change(buffer, buffer_size, &mem_too_small, &size);){ Assert(!mem_too_small); Editing_File_Canon_Name canon; if (get_canon_name(system, &canon, make_string(buffer, size))){ Editing_File *file = working_set_canon_contains(working_set, canon.name); if (file){ if (file->state.ignore_behind_os == 0){ file_mark_behind_os(file); } else if (file->state.ignore_behind_os == 1){ file->state.ignore_behind_os = 2; unmark[unmark_top++] = file; if (unmark_top == unmark_max){ break; } } } } } for (u32 i = 0; i < unmark_top; ++i){ unmark[i]->state.ignore_behind_os = 0; } end_temp_memory(temp); } // NOTE(allen): reorganizing panels on screen { i32 prev_width = models->layout.full_width; i32 prev_height = models->layout.full_height; i32 current_width = target->width; i32 current_height = target->height; models->layout.full_width = current_width; models->layout.full_height = current_height; if (prev_width != current_width || prev_height != current_height){ layout_refit(&models->layout, prev_width, prev_height); } } // NOTE(allen): prepare input information { if (models->input_filter){ models->input_filter(&input->mouse); } Key_Event_Data mouse_event = {0}; if (input->mouse.press_l){ mouse_event.keycode = key_mouse_left; input->keys.keys[input->keys.count++] = mouse_event; } else if (input->mouse.release_l){ mouse_event.keycode = key_mouse_left_release; input->keys.keys[input->keys.count++] = mouse_event; } if (input->mouse.press_r){ mouse_event.keycode = key_mouse_right; input->keys.keys[input->keys.count++] = mouse_event; } else if (input->mouse.release_r){ mouse_event.keycode = key_mouse_right_release; input->keys.keys[input->keys.count++] = mouse_event; } input->mouse.wheel = -input->mouse.wheel; } // NOTE(allen): detect mouse hover status i32 mx = input->mouse.x; i32 my = input->mouse.y; b32 mouse_in_edit_area = false; b32 mouse_in_margin_area = false; Panel *mouse_panel = 0; { Panel *used_panels = &models->layout.used_sentinel, *panel = 0; for (dll_items(panel, used_panels)){ if (hit_check(mx, my, panel->inner)){ mouse_panel = panel; mouse_in_edit_area = true; break; } else if (hit_check(mx, my, panel->full)){ mouse_panel = panel; mouse_in_margin_area = true; break; } } } b32 mouse_on_divider = 0; b32 mouse_divider_vertical = 0; i32 mouse_divider_id = 0; i32 mouse_divider_side = 0; if (mouse_in_margin_area){ Panel *panel = mouse_panel; if (mx >= panel->inner.x0 && mx < panel->inner.x1){ mouse_divider_vertical = 0; if (my > panel->inner.y0){ mouse_divider_side = -1; } else{ mouse_divider_side = 1; } } else{ mouse_divider_vertical = 1; if (mx > panel->inner.x0){ mouse_divider_side = -1; } else{ mouse_divider_side = 1; } } if (models->layout.panel_count > 1){ i32 which_child; mouse_divider_id = panel->parent; which_child = panel->which_child; for (;;){ Divider_And_ID div =layout_get_divider(&models->layout, mouse_divider_id); if (which_child == mouse_divider_side && div.divider->v_divider == mouse_divider_vertical){ mouse_on_divider = 1; break; } if (mouse_divider_id == models->layout.root){ break; } else{ mouse_divider_id = div.divider->parent; which_child = div.divider->which_child; } } } else{ mouse_on_divider = 0; mouse_divider_id = 0; } } // NOTE(allen): update child processes if (input->dt > 0){ Temp_Memory temp = begin_temp_memory(&models->mem.part); u32 max = KB(128); char *dest = push_array(&models->mem.part, char, max); i32 count = vars->cli_processes.count; for (i32 i = 0; i < count; ++i){ CLI_Process *proc = vars->cli_processes.procs + i; Editing_File *file = proc->out_file; if (file != 0){ i32 r = update_cli_handle_with_file( system, models, &proc->cli, file, dest, max, proc->cursor_at_end); if (r < 0){ *proc = vars->cli_processes.procs[--count]; --i; } } else{ update_cli_handle_without_file( system, models, &proc->cli, dest, max); } } vars->cli_processes.count = count; end_temp_memory(temp); } // NOTE(allen): prepare to start executing commands Command_Data *cmd = &vars->command_data; cmd->models = models; cmd->vars = vars; cmd->system = system; cmd->live_set = &vars->live_set; cmd->screen_width = target->width; cmd->screen_height = target->height; cmd->key = null_key_event_data; Temp_Memory param_stack_temp = begin_temp_memory(&models->mem.part); if (input->first_step){ #if 0 { View *view = 0; View_Persistent *persistent = 0; i32 i = 0; i32 max = 0; max = vars->live_set.max; view = vars->live_set.views; for (i = 1; i <= max; ++i, ++view){ persistent = &view->persistent; persistent->coroutine = system->create_coroutine(view_caller); persistent->coroutine = app_launch_coroutine(system, &models->app_links, Co_View, persistent->coroutine, view, 0); if (!persistent->coroutine){ // TODO(allen): Error message and recover NotImplemented; } } } #endif if (models->hooks[hook_start]){ models->hooks[hook_start](&models->app_links); } char space[512]; String cl_filename = make_fixed_width_string(space); copy_ss(&cl_filename, models->hot_directory.string); i32 cl_filename_len = cl_filename.size; i32 i = 0; Panel *panel = models->layout.used_sentinel.next; for (; i < models->settings.init_files_count; ++i, panel = panel->next){ cl_filename.size = cl_filename_len; String filename = {0}; Editing_File_Canon_Name canon_name; if (get_canon_name(system, &canon_name, make_string_slowly(models->settings.init_files[i]))){ filename = canon_name.name; } else{ append_sc(&cl_filename, models->settings.init_files[i]); filename = cl_filename; } if (i < models->layout.panel_count){ view_open_file(system, models, panel->view, filename); view_show_file(panel->view); Assert("Earlier" && panel->view->file_data.file != 0); #if 0 if (i == 0){ if (panel->view->file_data.file){ // TODO(allen): How to set the cursor of a file on the first frame? view_compute_cursor_from_line_pos(panel->view, models->settings.initial_line, 1); view_move_view_to_cursor(panel->view, &panel->view->recent.scroll); } } #endif } else{ view_open_file(system, models, 0, filename); } } if (i < models->layout.panel_count){ view_set_file(system, panel->view, models->message_buffer, models); view_show_file(panel->view); ++i; panel = panel->next; } panel = models->layout.used_sentinel.next; for (i = 0; i < models->settings.init_files_count; ++i, panel = panel->next){ Assert(panel->view->file_data.file != 0); } } // NOTE(allen): respond if the user is trying to kill the application if (app_result.trying_to_kill){ b32 there_is_unsaved = 0; app_result.animating = 1; File_Node *node, *sent; sent = &models->working_set.used_sentinel; for (dll_items(node, sent)){ Editing_File *file = (Editing_File*)node; if (buffer_needs_save(file)){ there_is_unsaved = 1; break; } } if (there_is_unsaved){ Coroutine *command_coroutine = models->command_coroutine; Command_Data *command = cmd; USE_VIEW(view); for (i32 i = 0; i < 128 && command_coroutine; ++i){ User_Input user_in = {0}; user_in.abort = 1; command_coroutine = app_resume_coroutine(system, &models->app_links, Co_Command, command_coroutine, &user_in, models->command_coroutine_flags); } if (command_coroutine != 0){ // TODO(allen): post grave warning command_coroutine = 0; } if (view != 0){ init_query_set(&view->query_set); } if (view == 0){ Panel *panel = models->layout.used_sentinel.next; view = panel->view; } view_show_interactive(system, view, IAct_Sure_To_Close, IInt_Sure_To_Close, make_lit_string("Are you sure?")); models->command_coroutine = command_coroutine; } else{ models->keep_playing = 0; } } // NOTE(allen): pass events to debug vars->available_input = init_available_input(&input->keys, &input->mouse); { Debug_Data *debug = &models->debug; Key_Input_Data key_data = get_key_data(&vars->available_input); Debug_Input_Event *events = debug->input_events; i32 count = key_data.count; i32 preserved_inputs = ArrayCount(debug->input_events) - count; debug->this_frame_count = count; memmove(events + count, events, sizeof(Debug_Input_Event)*preserved_inputs); for (i32 i = 0; i < key_data.count; ++i){ Key_Event_Data key = get_single_key(&key_data, i); events[i].key = key.keycode; events[i].consumer[0] = 0; events[i].is_hold = key.modifiers[MDFR_HOLD_INDEX]; events[i].is_ctrl = key.modifiers[MDFR_CONTROL_INDEX]; events[i].is_alt = key.modifiers[MDFR_ALT_INDEX]; events[i].is_shift = key.modifiers[MDFR_SHIFT_INDEX]; } } // NOTE(allen): Keyboard input to command coroutine. if (models->command_coroutine != 0){ Coroutine *command_coroutine = models->command_coroutine; u32 get_flags = models->command_coroutine_flags[0]; u32 abort_flags = models->command_coroutine_flags[1]; get_flags |= abort_flags; if ((get_flags & EventOnAnyKey) || (get_flags & EventOnEsc)){ Key_Input_Data key_data = get_key_data(&vars->available_input); for (i32 key_i = 0; key_i < key_data.count; ++key_i){ Key_Event_Data key = get_single_key(&key_data, key_i); Command_Data *command = cmd; USE_VIEW(view); b32 pass_in = 0; cmd->key = key; Command_Map *map = 0; if (view) map = view->map; if (map == 0) map = &models->map_top; Command_Binding cmd_bind = map_extract_recursive(map, key); User_Input user_in; user_in.type = UserInputKey; user_in.key = key; user_in.command.command = cmd_bind.custom; user_in.abort = 0; if ((EventOnEsc & abort_flags) && key.keycode == key_esc){ user_in.abort = 1; } else if (EventOnAnyKey & abort_flags){ user_in.abort = 1; } if (EventOnAnyKey & get_flags){ pass_in = 1; consume_input(&vars->available_input, Input_AnyKey, "command coroutine"); } if (key.keycode == key_esc){ if (EventOnEsc & get_flags){ pass_in = 1; } consume_input(&vars->available_input, Input_Esc, "command coroutine"); } if (pass_in){ models->command_coroutine = app_resume_coroutine(system, &models->app_links, Co_Command, command_coroutine, &user_in, models->command_coroutine_flags); app_result.animating = 1; // TOOD(allen): Deduplicate // TODO(allen): Should I somehow allow a view to clean up however it wants after a // command finishes, or after transfering to another view mid command? if (view != 0 && models->command_coroutine == 0){ init_query_set(&view->query_set); } if (models->command_coroutine == 0) break; } } } // NOTE(allen): Mouse input to command coroutine if (models->command_coroutine != 0 && (get_flags & EventOnMouse)){ Command_Data *command = cmd; USE_VIEW(view); b32 pass_in = 0; User_Input user_in; user_in.type = UserInputMouse; user_in.mouse = input->mouse; user_in.command.cmdid = 0; user_in.abort = 0; if (abort_flags & EventOnMouseMove){ user_in.abort = 1; } if (get_flags & EventOnMouseMove){ pass_in = 1; consume_input(&vars->available_input, Input_MouseMove, "command coroutine"); } if (input->mouse.press_l || input->mouse.release_l || input->mouse.l){ if (abort_flags & EventOnLeftButton){ user_in.abort = 1; } if (get_flags & EventOnLeftButton){ pass_in = 1; consume_input(&vars->available_input, Input_MouseLeftButton, "command coroutine"); } } if (input->mouse.press_r || input->mouse.release_r || input->mouse.r){ if (abort_flags & EventOnRightButton){ user_in.abort = 1; } if (get_flags & EventOnRightButton){ pass_in = 1; consume_input(&vars->available_input, Input_MouseRightButton, "command coroutine"); } } if (input->mouse.wheel != 0){ if (abort_flags & EventOnWheel){ user_in.abort = 1; } if (get_flags & EventOnWheel){ pass_in = 1; consume_input(&vars->available_input, Input_MouseWheel, "command coroutine"); } } if (pass_in){ models->command_coroutine = app_resume_coroutine(system, &models->app_links, Co_Command, command_coroutine, &user_in, models->command_coroutine_flags); app_result.animating = 1; // TOOD(allen): Deduplicate // TODO(allen): Should I somehow allow a view to clean up however it wants after a // command finishes, or after transfering to another view mid command? if (view != 0 && models->command_coroutine == 0){ init_query_set(&view->query_set); } } } } // NOTE(allen): pass raw input to the panels Input_Summary dead_input = {}; dead_input.mouse.x = input->mouse.x; dead_input.mouse.y = input->mouse.y; dead_input.dt = input->dt; Input_Summary active_input = {}; active_input.mouse.x = input->mouse.x; active_input.mouse.y = input->mouse.y; active_input.dt = input->dt; active_input.keys = get_key_data(&vars->available_input); Mouse_State mouse_state = get_mouse_state(&vars->available_input); { Panel *panel = 0, *used_panels = 0; View *view = 0; b32 active = 0; Input_Summary summary = {0}; Command_Data *command = cmd; USE_VIEW(active_view); USE_PANEL(active_panel); used_panels = &models->layout.used_sentinel; for (dll_items(panel, used_panels)){ view = panel->view; active = (panel == active_panel); summary = (active)?(active_input):(dead_input); view->changed_context_in_step = 0; View_Step_Result result = step_file_view(system, view, active_view, summary); if (result.animating){ app_result.animating = 1; } if (result.consume_keys){ consume_input(&vars->available_input, Input_AnyKey, "file view step"); } if (result.consume_keys || result.consume_esc){ consume_input(&vars->available_input, Input_Esc, "file view step"); } if (view->changed_context_in_step == 0){ active = (panel == active_panel); summary = (active)?(active_input):(dead_input); if (panel == mouse_panel && !input->mouse.out_of_window){ summary.mouse = mouse_state; } b32 file_scroll = false; GUI_Scroll_Vars scroll_zero = {0}; GUI_Scroll_Vars *scroll_vars = &view->gui_scroll; if (view->showing_ui == VUI_None){ if (view->file_data.file){ scroll_vars = &view->edit_pos->scroll; file_scroll = true; } else{ scroll_vars = &scroll_zero; } } i32 max_y = 0; if (view->showing_ui == VUI_None){ max_y = view_compute_max_target_y(view); } else{ max_y = view->gui_max_y; } Input_Process_Result ip_result = do_step_file_view(system, view, panel->inner, active, &summary, *scroll_vars, view->scroll_region, max_y); if (ip_result.is_animating){ app_result.animating = 1; } if (ip_result.consumed_l){ consume_input(&vars->available_input, Input_MouseLeftButton, "file view step"); } if (ip_result.consumed_r){ consume_input(&vars->available_input, Input_MouseRightButton, "file view step"); } if (ip_result.has_max_y_suggestion){ view->gui_max_y = ip_result.max_y; } if (!gui_scroll_eq(scroll_vars, &ip_result.vars)){ if (file_scroll){ view_set_scroll(system, view, ip_result.vars); } else{ *scroll_vars = ip_result.vars; } } view->scroll_region = ip_result.region; } } } // NOTE(allen): command execution { Key_Input_Data key_data = get_key_data(&vars->available_input); b32 hit_something = 0; b32 hit_esc = 0; for (i32 key_i = 0; key_i < key_data.count; ++key_i){ if (models->command_coroutine != 0) break; switch (vars->state){ case APP_STATE_EDIT: { Key_Event_Data key = get_single_key(&key_data, key_i); cmd->key = key; Command_Data *command = cmd; USE_VIEW(view); Assert(view); Command_Map *map = view->map; if (map == 0){ map = &models->map_top; } Command_Binding cmd_bind = map_extract_recursive(map, key); if (cmd_bind.function){ if (key.keycode == key_esc){ hit_esc = 1; } else{ hit_something = 1; } Assert(models->command_coroutine == 0); Coroutine *command_coroutine = system->create_coroutine(command_caller); models->command_coroutine = command_coroutine; Command_In cmd_in; cmd_in.cmd = cmd; cmd_in.bind = cmd_bind; models->command_coroutine = app_launch_coroutine(system, &models->app_links, Co_Command, models->command_coroutine, &cmd_in, models->command_coroutine_flags); models->prev_command = cmd_bind; app_result.animating = 1; } }break; case APP_STATE_RESIZING: { if (key_data.count > 0){ vars->state = APP_STATE_EDIT; } }break; } } if (hit_something){ consume_input(&vars->available_input, Input_AnyKey, "command dispatcher"); } if (hit_esc){ consume_input(&vars->available_input, Input_Esc, "command dispatcher"); } } // NOTE(allen): pass consumption data to debug { Debug_Data *debug = &models->debug; i32 count = debug->this_frame_count; Consumption_Record *record = 0; record = &vars->available_input.records[Input_MouseLeftButton]; if (record->consumed && record->consumer[0] != 0){ Debug_Input_Event *event = debug->input_events; for (i32 i = 0; i < count; ++i, ++event){ if (event->key == key_mouse_left && event->consumer[0] == 0){ memcpy(event->consumer, record->consumer, sizeof(record->consumer)); } } } record = &vars->available_input.records[Input_MouseRightButton]; if (record->consumed && record->consumer[0] != 0){ Debug_Input_Event *event = debug->input_events; for (i32 i = 0; i < count; ++i, ++event){ if (event->key == key_mouse_right && event->consumer[0] == 0){ memcpy(event->consumer, record->consumer, sizeof(record->consumer)); } } } record = &vars->available_input.records[Input_Esc]; if (record->consumed && record->consumer[0] != 0){ Debug_Input_Event *event = debug->input_events; for (i32 i = 0; i < count; ++i, ++event){ if (event->key == key_esc && event->consumer[0] == 0){ memcpy(event->consumer, record->consumer, sizeof(record->consumer)); } } } record = &vars->available_input.records[Input_AnyKey]; if (record->consumed){ Debug_Input_Event *event = debug->input_events; for (i32 i = 0; i < count; ++i, ++event){ if (event->consumer[0] == 0){ memcpy(event->consumer, record->consumer, sizeof(record->consumer)); } } } } // NOTE(allen): initialize message if (input->first_step){ String welcome = make_lit_string("Welcome to " VERSION "\n" "If you're new to 4coder there are some tutorials at http://4coder.net/tutorials.html\n" "\n" "Newest features:\n" "-New support for extended ascii input.\n" "-Extended ascii encoded in buffers as utf8.\n" "-The custom layer now has a 'markers' API for tracking buffer positions across changes.\n" "\n" "New in alpha 4.0.16:\n" "-<alt 2> If the current file is a C++ code file, this opens the matching header.\n"" If the current file is a C++ header, this opens the matching code file.\n" "-Option to automatically save changes on build in the config file.\n" " This works for builds triggered by <alt m>.\n" "-Option in project files to have certain fkey commands save changes.\n" "\n" "New in alpha 4.0.15:\n" "-<ctrl I> find all functions in the current buffer and list them in a jump buffer\n" "-option to set user name in config.4coder\n" " The user name is used in <alt t> and <alt y> comment writing commands\n" "\n" "New in alpha 4.0.14:\n" "-Option to have wrap widths automatically adjust based on average view width\n" "-The 'config.4coder' file can now be placed with the 4ed executable file\n" "-New options in 'config.4coder' to specify the font and color theme\n" "-New built in project configuration system\n" "-New on-save hooks allows custom behavior in the custom layer whenever a file is saved\n" "-When using code wrapping, any saved file is automatically indented in the text format, this option can be turned off in config.4coder\n" "\n" "New in alpha 4.0.12 and 4.0.13:\n" "-Text files wrap lines at whitespace when possible\n" "-New code wrapping feature is on by default\n" "-Introduced a 'config.4coder' for setting several wrapping options:\n" " enable_code_wrapping: set to false if you want the text like behavior\n" " default_wrap_width: the wrap width to set in new files\n" "-<ctrl 2> decrease the current buffer's wrap width\n" "-<ctrl 3> increase the current buffer's wrap width\n" "-In the customization layer new settings for the buffer are exposed dealing with wrapping\n" "-In the customization layer there is a call for setting what keys the GUI should use\n" "\n" "New in alpha 4.0.11:\n" "-The commands for going to next error, previous error, etc now work\n" " on any buffer with jump locations including *search*\n" "-4coder now supports proper, borderless, fullscreen with the flag -F\n" " and fullscreen can be toggled with <control pageup>.\n" " (This sometimes causes artifacts on the Windows task bar)\n" "-<alt E> to exit\n" "-hook on exit for the customization system\n" "-tokens now exposed in customization system\n" "-mouse release events in customization system\n" "\n" "New in alpha 4.0.10:\n" "-<ctrl F> list all locations of a string across all open buffers\n" "-Build now finds build.sh and Makefile on Linux\n" "-<alt n> goes to the next error if the *compilation* buffer is open\n" "-<alt N> goes to the previous error\n" "-<alt M> goes to the first error\n" "-<alt .> switch to the compilation buffer\n" "-<alt ,> close the panel viewing the compilation buffer\n" "-New documentation for the 4coder string library included in 4coder_API.html\n" "-Low level allocation calls available in custom API\n" "-Each panel can change font independently.\n" " Per-buffer fonts are exposed in the custom API.\n" "\n" "New in alpha 4.0.9:\n" "-A scratch buffer is now opened with 4coder automatically\n" "-A new mouse suppression mode toggled by <F2>\n" "-Hinting is disabled by default, a -h flag on the command line enables it\n" "-New 4coder_API.html documentation file provided for the custom layer API\n" "-Experimental new work-flow for building and jumping to errors\n" " This system is only for MSVC in the 'power' version as of 4.0.9\n" "\n" "New in alpha 4.0.8:\n" "-Eliminated the parameter stack\n" "\n" "New in alpha 4.0.7:\n" "-Right click sets the mark\n" "-Clicks now have key codes so they can have events bound in customizations\n" "-<alt d> opens a debug view, see more in README.txt\n" "\n" "New in alpha 4.0.6:\n" "-Tied the view scrolling and the list arrow navigation together\n" "-Scroll bars are now toggleable with <alt s> for show and <alt w> for hide\n" "\n" "New in alpha 4.0.5:\n" "-New indent rule\n" "-app->buffer_compute_cursor in the customization API\n" "-f keys are available in the customization system now\n" "\n" "New in alpha 4.0.3 and 4.0.4:\n" "-Scroll bar on files and file lists\n" "-Arrow navigation in lists\n" "-A new minimal theme editor\n" "\n" "New in alpha 4.0.2:\n" "-The file count limit is over 8 million now\n" "-File equality is handled better so renamings (such as 'subst') are safe now\n" "-This buffer will report events including errors that happen in 4coder\n" "-Super users can post their own messages here with app->print_message\n" "-<ctrl e> centers view on cursor; cmdid_center_view in customization API\n" "-Set font size on command line with -f N, N = 16 by default\n\n" ); do_feedback_message(system, models, welcome, true); } // NOTE(allen): panel resizing switch (vars->state){ case APP_STATE_EDIT: { if (input->mouse.press_l && mouse_on_divider){ vars->state = APP_STATE_RESIZING; Divider_And_ID div = layout_get_divider(&models->layout, mouse_divider_id); vars->resizing.divider = div.divider; f32 min = 0; f32 max = 0; { f32 mid = layout_get_position(&models->layout, mouse_divider_id); if (mouse_divider_vertical){ max = (f32)models->layout.full_width; } else{ max = (f32)models->layout.full_height; } i32 divider_id = div.id; do{ Divider_And_ID other_div = layout_get_divider(&models->layout, divider_id); b32 divider_match = (other_div.divider->v_divider == mouse_divider_vertical); f32 pos = layout_get_position(&models->layout, divider_id); if (divider_match && pos > mid && pos < max){ max = pos; } else if (divider_match && pos < mid && pos > min){ min = pos; } divider_id = other_div.divider->parent; }while(divider_id != -1); Temp_Memory temp = begin_temp_memory(&models->mem.part); i32 *divider_stack = push_array(&models->mem.part, i32, models->layout.panel_count); i32 top = 0; divider_stack[top++] = div.id; while (top > 0){ --top; Divider_And_ID other_div = layout_get_divider(&models->layout, divider_stack[top]); b32 divider_match = (other_div.divider->v_divider == mouse_divider_vertical); f32 pos = layout_get_position(&models->layout, divider_stack[top]); if (divider_match && pos > mid && pos < max){ max = pos; } else if (divider_match && pos < mid && pos > min){ min = pos; } if (other_div.divider->child1 != -1){ divider_stack[top++] = other_div.divider->child1; } if (other_div.divider->child2 != -1){ divider_stack[top++] = other_div.divider->child2; } } end_temp_memory(temp); } } }break; case APP_STATE_RESIZING: { if (input->mouse.l){ Panel_Divider *divider = vars->resizing.divider; i32 mouse_position = 0; b32 do_absolute_positions = 1; if (do_absolute_positions){ i32 absolute_positions[MAX_VIEWS]; i32 min = 0, max = 0; i32 div_id = (i32)(divider - models->layout.dividers); layout_compute_absolute_positions(&models->layout, absolute_positions); mouse_position = (divider->v_divider)?(mx):(my); layout_get_min_max(&models->layout, divider, absolute_positions, &min, &max); absolute_positions[div_id] = clamp(min, mouse_position, max); layout_update_all_positions(&models->layout, absolute_positions); } else{ if (divider->v_divider){ mouse_position = clamp(0, mx, models->layout.full_width); } else{ mouse_position = clamp(0, my, models->layout.full_height); } divider->pos = layout_compute_position(&models->layout, divider, mouse_position); } layout_fix_all_panels(&models->layout); } else{ vars->state = APP_STATE_EDIT; } }break; } if (models->layout.panel_state_dirty && models->hooks[hook_view_size_change] != 0){ models->layout.panel_state_dirty = 0; models->hooks[hook_view_size_change](&models->app_links); } if (mouse_in_edit_area && mouse_panel != 0 && input->mouse.press_l){ models->layout.active_panel = (i32)(mouse_panel - models->layout.panels); } end_temp_memory(param_stack_temp); // NOTE(allen): on the first frame there should be no scrolling if (input->first_step){ Panel *panel = 0, *used_panels = &models->layout.used_sentinel; for (dll_items(panel, used_panels)){ View *view = panel->view; GUI_Scroll_Vars *scroll_vars = &view->gui_scroll; if (view->edit_pos){ scroll_vars = &view->edit_pos->scroll; } scroll_vars->scroll_x = (f32)scroll_vars->target_x; scroll_vars->scroll_y = (f32)scroll_vars->target_y; } } // NOTE(allen): if this is the last frame, run the exit hook if (!models->keep_playing && models->hooks[hook_exit]){ if (!models->hooks[hook_exit](&models->app_links)){ models->keep_playing = 1; } } // NOTE(allen): rendering { begin_render_section(target, system); target->clip_top = -1; draw_push_clip(target, rect_from_target(target)); Command_Data *command = cmd; USE_PANEL(active_panel); USE_VIEW(active_view); // NOTE(allen): render the panels Panel *panel, *used_panels; used_panels = &models->layout.used_sentinel; for (dll_items(panel, used_panels)){ i32_Rect full = panel->full; i32_Rect inner = panel->inner; View *view = panel->view; Style *style = main_style(models); b32 active = (panel == active_panel); u32 back_color = style->main.back_color; draw_rectangle(target, full, back_color); draw_push_clip(target, panel->inner); b32 file_scroll = false; GUI_Scroll_Vars scroll_zero = {0}; GUI_Scroll_Vars *scroll_vars = &view->gui_scroll; if (view->showing_ui == VUI_None){ if (view->file_data.file){ scroll_vars = &view->edit_pos->scroll; file_scroll = true; } else{ scroll_vars = &scroll_zero; } } do_render_file_view(system, view, scroll_vars, active_view, panel->inner, active, target, &dead_input); draw_pop_clip(target); u32 margin_color; if (active){ margin_color = style->main.margin_active_color; } else if (panel == mouse_panel){ margin_color = style->main.margin_hover_color; } else{ margin_color = style->main.margin_color; } draw_rectangle(target, i32R(full.x0, full.y0, full.x1, inner.y0), margin_color); draw_rectangle(target, i32R(full.x0, inner.y1, full.x1, full.y1), margin_color); draw_rectangle(target, i32R(full.x0, inner.y0, inner.x0, inner.y1), margin_color); draw_rectangle(target, i32R(inner.x1, inner.y0, full.x1, inner.y1), margin_color); } end_render_section(target, system); } // NOTE(allen): get cursor type if (mouse_in_edit_area){ app_result.mouse_cursor_type = APP_MOUSE_CURSOR_ARROW; } else if (mouse_in_margin_area){ if (mouse_on_divider){ if (mouse_divider_vertical){ app_result.mouse_cursor_type = APP_MOUSE_CURSOR_LEFTRIGHT; } else{ app_result.mouse_cursor_type = APP_MOUSE_CURSOR_UPDOWN; } } else{ app_result.mouse_cursor_type = APP_MOUSE_CURSOR_ARROW; } } models->prev_mouse_panel = mouse_panel; app_result.lctrl_lalt_is_altgr = models->settings.lctrl_lalt_is_altgr; app_result.perform_kill = !models->keep_playing; *app_result_ = app_result; // end-of-app_step } extern "C" App_Get_Functions_Sig(app_get_functions){ App_Functions result = {}; result.read_command_line = app_read_command_line; result.init = app_init; result.step = app_step; return(result); } // BOTTOM