
474 lines
18 KiB

* Mr. 4th Dimention - Allen Webster
* 25.03.2018
* High level edit procedures
// TOP
inline void
edit_pre_maintenance(System_Functions *system, Heap *heap, Editing_File *file){
if (file->state.still_lexing){
system->cancel_job(BACKGROUND_THREADS, file->state.lex_job);
if (file->state.swap_array.tokens){
heap_free(heap, file->state.swap_array.tokens);
file->state.swap_array.tokens = 0;
file->state.still_lexing = 0;
if (file->state.dirty == DirtyState_UpToDate){
file_set_dirty_flag(file, DirtyState_UnsavedChanges);
internal void
edit_fix_marks__write_workspace_marks(Dynamic_Workspace *workspace, Buffer_ID buffer_id,
Cursor_With_Index *cursors, Cursor_With_Index *r_cursors, i32 *cursor_count, i32 *r_cursor_count){
for (Managed_Buffer_Markers_Header *node = workspace->buffer_markers_list.first;
node != 0;
node = node->next){
if (node->buffer_id == buffer_id){
Marker *markers = (Marker*)(node + 1);
i32 count = node->size/sizeof(Marker);
for (i32 i = 0; i < count; i += 1){
if (markers[i].lean_right){
write_cursor_with_index(r_cursors, r_cursor_count, markers[i].pos);
write_cursor_with_index(cursors , cursor_count , markers[i].pos);
internal void
edit_fix_marks__read_workspace_marks(Dynamic_Workspace *workspace, Buffer_ID buffer_id,
Cursor_With_Index *cursors, Cursor_With_Index *r_cursors, i32 *cursor_count, i32 *r_cursor_count){
for (Managed_Buffer_Markers_Header *node = workspace->buffer_markers_list.first;
node != 0;
node = node->next){
if (node->buffer_id == buffer_id){
Marker *markers = (Marker*)(node + 1);
i32 count = node->size/sizeof(Marker);
for (i32 i = 0; i < count; i += 1){
if (markers[i].lean_right){
markers[i].pos = r_cursors[(*r_cursor_count)++].pos;
markers[i].pos = cursors[(*cursor_count)++].pos;
internal void
edit_fix_marks(System_Functions *system, Models *models, Editing_File *file, Editing_Layout *layout, Cursor_Fix_Descriptor desc){
Partition *part = &models->mem.part;
Temp_Memory cursor_temp = begin_temp_memory(part);
i32 cursor_max = layout->panel_max_count * 3;
cursor_max += file->state.total_marker_count;
Cursor_With_Index *cursors = push_array(part, Cursor_With_Index, cursor_max);
Cursor_With_Index *r_cursors = push_array(part, Cursor_With_Index, cursor_max);
i32 cursor_count = 0;
i32 r_cursor_count = 0;
Assert(cursors != 0);
Assert(r_cursors != 0);
for (Panel *panel = layout->used_sentinel.next;
panel != &layout->used_sentinel;
panel = panel->next){
View *view = panel->view;
if (view->transient.file_data.file == file){
Assert(view->transient.edit_pos != 0);
write_cursor_with_index(cursors, &cursor_count, view->transient.edit_pos->cursor.pos);
write_cursor_with_index(cursors, &cursor_count, view->transient.edit_pos->mark);
write_cursor_with_index(cursors, &cursor_count, view->transient.edit_pos->scroll_i);
Lifetime_Object *file_lifetime_object = file->lifetime_object;
Assert(file_lifetime_object != 0);
edit_fix_marks__write_workspace_marks(&file_lifetime_object->workspace, file->id.id,
cursors, r_cursors, &cursor_count, &r_cursor_count);
i32 key_count = file_lifetime_object->key_count;
i32 key_index = 0;
for (Lifetime_Key_Ref_Node *key_node = file_lifetime_object->key_node_first;
key_node != 0;
key_node = key_node->next){
i32 count = clamp_top(lifetime_key_reference_per_node, key_count - key_index);
for (i32 i = 0; i < count; i += 1){
Lifetime_Key *key = key_node->keys[i];
edit_fix_marks__write_workspace_marks(&key->dynamic_workspace, file->id.id,
cursors, r_cursors, &cursor_count, &r_cursor_count);
key_index += count;
if (cursor_count > 0 || r_cursor_count > 0){
buffer_sort_cursors(cursors, cursor_count);
if (desc.is_batch){
buffer_batch_edit_update_cursors(cursors, cursor_count, desc.batch, desc.batch_size, false);
buffer_batch_edit_update_cursors(r_cursors, r_cursor_count, desc.batch, desc.batch_size, true);
buffer_update_cursors(cursors, cursor_count, desc.start, desc.end, desc.shift_amount + (desc.end - desc.start), false);
buffer_update_cursors(r_cursors, r_cursor_count, desc.start, desc.end, desc.shift_amount + (desc.end - desc.start), true);
buffer_unsort_cursors(cursors, cursor_count);
cursor_count = 0;
r_cursor_count = 0;
for (Panel *panel = layout->used_sentinel.next;
panel != &layout->used_sentinel;
panel = panel->next){
View *view = panel->view;
if (view->transient.file_data.file == file){
Assert(view->transient.edit_pos != 0);
i32 cursor_pos = cursors[cursor_count++].pos;
Full_Cursor new_cursor = file_compute_cursor(system, file, seek_pos(cursor_pos), 0);
GUI_Scroll_Vars scroll = view->transient.edit_pos->scroll;
view->transient.edit_pos->mark = cursors[cursor_count++].pos;
i32 new_scroll_i = cursors[cursor_count++].pos;
if (view->transient.edit_pos->scroll_i != new_scroll_i){
view->transient.edit_pos->scroll_i = new_scroll_i;
Full_Cursor temp_cursor = file_compute_cursor(system, file, seek_pos(view->transient.edit_pos->scroll_i), 0);
f32 y_offset = MOD(view->transient.edit_pos->scroll.scroll_y, view->transient.line_height);
f32 y_position = temp_cursor.wrapped_y;
if (file->settings.unwrapped_lines){
y_position = temp_cursor.unwrapped_y;
y_position += y_offset;
scroll.target_y += round32(y_position - scroll.scroll_y);
scroll.scroll_y = y_position;
view_set_cursor_and_scroll(view, new_cursor, 1, view->transient.file_data.file->settings.unwrapped_lines, scroll);
edit_fix_marks__read_workspace_marks(&file_lifetime_object->workspace, file->id.id,
cursors, r_cursors, &cursor_count, &r_cursor_count);
i32 key_count = file_lifetime_object->key_count;
i32 key_index = 0;
for (Lifetime_Key_Ref_Node *key_node = file_lifetime_object->key_node_first;
key_node != 0;
key_node = key_node->next){
i32 count = clamp_top(lifetime_key_reference_per_node, key_count - key_index);
for (i32 i = 0; i < count; i += 1){
Lifetime_Key *key = key_node->keys[i];
edit_fix_marks__read_workspace_marks(&key->dynamic_workspace, file->id.id,
cursors, r_cursors, &cursor_count, &r_cursor_count);
key_index += count;
internal void
edit_single__inner(System_Functions *system, Models *models, Editing_File *file,
Edit_Spec spec, History_Mode history_mode){
Mem_Options *mem = &models->mem;
Editing_Layout *layout = &models->layout;
// NOTE(allen): fixing stuff beforewards????
file_update_history_before_edit(mem, file, spec.step, spec.str, history_mode);
edit_pre_maintenance(system, &mem->heap, file);
// NOTE(allen): actual text replacement
i32 shift_amount = 0;
Heap *heap = &mem->heap;
Partition *part = &mem->part;
char *str = (char*)spec.str;
i32 start = spec.step.edit.start;
i32 end = spec.step.edit.end;
i32 str_len = spec.step.edit.len;
i32 scratch_size = partition_remaining(part);
Assert(scratch_size > 0);
i32 request_amount = 0;
Assert(end <= buffer_size(&file->state.buffer));
while (buffer_replace_range(&file->state.buffer, start, end, str, str_len, &shift_amount, part->base + part->pos, scratch_size, &request_amount)){
void *new_data = 0;
if (request_amount > 0){
new_data = heap_allocate(heap, request_amount);
void *old_data = buffer_edit_provide_memory(&file->state.buffer, new_data, request_amount);
if (old_data){
heap_free(heap, old_data);
// NOTE(allen): token fixing
if (file->settings.tokens_exist){
if (!file->settings.virtual_white){
file_relex_parallel(system, models, file, start, end, shift_amount);
file_relex_serial(models, file, start, end, shift_amount);
// NOTE(allen): meta data
Gap_Buffer *buffer = &file->state.buffer;
i32 line_start = buffer_get_line_number(&file->state.buffer, start);
i32 line_end = buffer_get_line_number(&file->state.buffer, end);
i32 replaced_line_count = line_end - line_start;
i32 new_line_count = buffer_count_newlines(&file->state.buffer, start, start+str_len);
i32 line_shift = new_line_count - replaced_line_count;
Font_Pointers font = system->font.get_pointers_by_id(file->settings.font_id);
file_grow_starts_as_needed(heap, buffer, line_shift);
buffer_remeasure_starts(buffer, line_start, line_end, line_shift, shift_amount);
file_allocate_character_starts_as_needed(heap, file);
buffer_remeasure_character_starts(system, font, buffer, line_start, line_end, line_shift, file->state.character_starts, 0, file->settings.virtual_white);
file_measure_wraps(system, &models->mem, file, font);
// NOTE(allen): cursor fixing
Cursor_Fix_Descriptor desc = {0};
desc.start = start;
desc.end = end;
desc.shift_amount = shift_amount;
edit_fix_marks(system, models, file, layout, desc);
inline void
edit_single(System_Functions *system, Models *models, Editing_File *file,
i32 start, i32 end, char *str, i32 len){
Edit_Spec spec = {};
spec.step.type = ED_NORMAL;
spec.step.edit.start = start;
spec.step.edit.end = end;
spec.step.edit.len = len;
spec.str = (u8*)str;
edit_single__inner(system, models, file, spec, hist_normal);
internal Edit_Spec
edit_compute_batch_spec(Heap *heap,
Editing_File *file,
Buffer_Edit *edits, char *str_base, i32 str_size,
Buffer_Edit *inverse_array, char *inv_str, i32 inv_max, i32 edit_count, i32 batch_type){
i32 inv_str_pos = 0;
Buffer_Invert_Batch state = {};
if (buffer_invert_batch(&state, &file->state.buffer, edits, edit_count,
inverse_array, inv_str, &inv_str_pos, inv_max)){
i32 first_child = undo_children_push(heap, &file->state.undo.children, edits, edit_count, (u8*)(str_base), str_size);
i32 inverse_first_child = undo_children_push(heap, &file->state.undo.children, inverse_array, edit_count, (u8*)(inv_str), inv_str_pos);
Edit_Spec spec = {};
spec.step.type = ED_NORMAL;
spec.step.first_child = first_child;
spec.step.inverse_first_child = inverse_first_child;
spec.step.special_type = batch_type;
spec.step.child_count = edit_count;
spec.step.inverse_child_count = edit_count;
internal void
edit_batch(System_Functions *system, Models *models, Editing_File *file,
Edit_Spec spec, History_Mode history_mode, Buffer_Batch_Edit_Type batch_type){
Mem_Options *mem = &models->mem;
Heap *heap = &mem->heap;
Partition *part = &mem->part;
Editing_Layout *layout = &models->layout;
// NOTE(allen): fixing stuff "beforewards"???
Assert(spec.str == 0);
file_update_history_before_edit(mem, file, spec.step, 0, history_mode);
edit_pre_maintenance(system, &mem->heap, file);
// NOTE(allen): actual text replacement
u8 *str_base = file->state.undo.children.strings;
i32 batch_size = spec.step.child_count;
Buffer_Edit *batch = file->state.undo.children.edits + spec.step.first_child;
Assert(spec.step.first_child < file->state.undo.children.edit_count);
Assert(batch_size >= 0);
i32 scratch_size = partition_remaining(part);
Buffer_Batch_State state = {};
i32 request_amount = 0;
while (buffer_batch_edit_step(&state, &file->state.buffer, batch,
(char*)str_base, batch_size, part->base + part->pos,
scratch_size, &request_amount)){
void *new_data = 0;
if (request_amount > 0){
new_data = heap_allocate(heap, request_amount);
void *old_data = buffer_edit_provide_memory(&file->state.buffer, new_data, request_amount);
if (old_data){
heap_free(heap, old_data);
i32 shift_total = state.shift_total;
// NOTE(allen): token fixing
switch (batch_type){
case BatchEdit_Normal:
if (file->settings.tokens_exist){
// TODO(allen): Write a smart fast one here someday.
Buffer_Edit *first_edit = batch;
Buffer_Edit *last_edit = batch + batch_size - 1;
if (!file->settings.virtual_white){
file_relex_parallel(system, models, file, first_edit->start, last_edit->end, shift_total);
file_relex_serial(models, file, first_edit->start, last_edit->end, shift_total);
case BatchEdit_PreserveTokens:
if (file->state.tokens_complete){
Cpp_Token_Array tokens = file->state.token_array;
Cpp_Token *token = tokens.tokens;
Cpp_Token *end_token = tokens.tokens + tokens.count;
Cpp_Token original = {(Cpp_Token_Type)0};
Buffer_Edit *edit = batch;
Buffer_Edit *end_edit = batch + batch_size;
i32 shift_amount = 0;
i32 local_shift = 0;
for (; token < end_token; ++token){
original = *token;
for (; edit < end_edit && edit->start <= original.start; ++edit){
local_shift = (edit->len - (edit->end - edit->start));
shift_amount += local_shift;
token->start += shift_amount;
local_shift = 0;
for (; edit < end_edit && edit->start < original.start + original.size; ++edit){
local_shift += (edit->len - (edit->end - edit->start));
token->size += local_shift;
shift_amount += local_shift;
// TODO(allen): Let's try to switch to remeasuring here moron!
// We'll need to get the total shift from the actual batch edit state
// instead of from the cursor fixing. The only reason we're getting
// it from cursor fixing is because you're a lazy asshole.
// NOTE(allen): meta data
file_measure_starts(heap, &file->state.buffer);
Font_Pointers font = system->font.get_pointers_by_id(file->settings.font_id);
// TODO(allen): write the remeasurement version
file_allocate_character_starts_as_needed(heap, file);
buffer_measure_character_starts(system, font, &file->state.buffer, file->state.character_starts, 0, file->settings.virtual_white);
file_measure_wraps(system, &models->mem, file, font);
// NOTE(allen): cursor fixing
Cursor_Fix_Descriptor desc = {0};
desc.is_batch = 1;
desc.batch = batch;
desc.batch_size = batch_size;
edit_fix_marks(system, models, file, layout, desc);
inline void
edit_clear(System_Functions *system, Models *models, Editing_File *file){
if (models->hook_end_file != 0){
models->hook_end_file(&models->app_links, file->id.id);
b32 no_views_see_file = true;
Editing_Layout *layout = &models->layout;
for (Panel *panel = layout->used_sentinel.next;
panel != &layout->used_sentinel;
panel = panel->next){
View *view = panel->view;
if (view->transient.file_data.file == file){
Full_Cursor cursor = {0};
cursor.line = 1;
cursor.character = 1;
cursor.wrap_line = 1;
view_set_cursor(view, cursor, true, file->settings.unwrapped_lines);
no_views_see_file = false;
if (no_views_see_file){
memset(file->state.edit_pos_space, 0, sizeof(file->state.edit_pos_space));
file->state.edit_poss_count = 0;
edit_single(system, models, file,
0, buffer_size(&file->state.buffer), 0, 0);
internal void
edit_historical(System_Functions *system, Models *models, Editing_File *file, View *view, Edit_Stack *stack,
Edit_Step step, History_Mode history_mode){
Edit_Spec spec = {};
spec.step = step;
if (step.child_count == 0){
spec.step.edit.str_start = 0;
spec.str = stack->strings + step.edit.str_start;
edit_single__inner(system, models, file,
spec, history_mode);
if (view != 0){
view_cursor_move(system, view, step.edit.start + step.edit.len);
view->transient.edit_pos->mark = view->transient.edit_pos->cursor.pos;
Style *style = &models->styles.styles[0];
view_post_paste_effect(view, 0.333f, step.edit.start, step.edit.len, style->main.undo_color);
edit_batch(system, models, view->transient.file_data.file, spec, hist_normal, spec.step.special_type);