
457 lines
12 KiB

#if !defined(HANDMADE_H)
/* ========================================================================
$File: $
$Date: $
$Revision: $
$Creator: Casey Muratori $
$Notice: (C) Copyright 2014 by Molly Rocket, Inc. All Rights Reserved. $
======================================================================== */
- Flush all thread queues before reloading DLL!
- Debug code
- Logging
- Diagramming
- (A LITTLE GUI, but only a little!) Switches / sliders / etc.
- Draw tile chunks so we can verify that things are aligned / in the chunks we want them to be in / etc.
- Thread visualization
- Audio
- Rendering
- Get rid of "even" scan line notion?
- Real projections with solid concept of project/unproject
- Straighten out all coordinate systems!
- Screen
- World
- Texture
- Particle systems
- Lighting
- Final Optimization
- Z!
- Need to make a solid concept of ground levels so the camera can
be freely placed in Z and have mulitple ground levels in one
sim region
- Concept of ground in the collision loop so it can handle
collisions coming onto _and off of_ stairwells, for example.
- Make sure flying things can go over low walls
- How is this rendered?
- Collision detection?
- Fix sword collisions!
- Clean up predicate proliferation! Can we make a nice clean
set of flags/rules so that it's easy to understand how
things work in terms of special handling? This may involve
making the iteration handle everything instead of handling
overlap outside and so on.
- Transient collision rules! Clear based on flag.
- Allow non-transient rules to override transient ones.
- Entry/exit?
- What's the plan for robustness / shape definition?
- (Implement reprojection to handle interpenetration)
- "Things pushing other things"
- Animation
- Skeletal animation
- Implement multiple sim regions per frame
- Per-entity clocking
- Sim region merging? For multiple players?
- Simple zoomed-out view for testing?
- AI
- Rudimentary monstar behavior example
* Pathfinding
- AI "storage"
- Entity system
- Rudimentary world gen (no quality, just "what sorts of things" we do)
- Placement of background things
- Connectivity?
- Non-overlapping?
- Map display
- Magnets - how they work???
- Metagame / save game?
- How do you enter "save slot"?
- Persistent unlocks/etc.
- Do we allow saved games? Probably yes, just only for "pausing",
* Continuous save for crash recovery?
#include "handmade_platform.h"
#include "handmade_intrinsics.h"
#include "handmade_math.h"
#include "handmade_file_formats.h"
#include "handmade_meta.h"
#define DLIST_INSERT(Sentinel, Element) \
(Element)->Next = (Sentinel)->Next; \
(Element)->Prev = (Sentinel); \
(Element)->Next->Prev = (Element); \
(Element)->Prev->Next = (Element);
#define DLIST_INIT(Sentinel) \
(Sentinel)->Next = (Sentinel); \
(Sentinel)->Prev = (Sentinel);
#define FREELIST_ALLOCATE(type, Result, FreeListPointer, Arena) \
(Result) = (FreeListPointer); \
if(Result) {FreeListPointer = (Result)->NextFree;} else {Result = PushStruct(Arena, type);}
#define FREELIST_DEALLOCATE(Pointer, FreeListPointer) \
if(Pointer) {(Pointer)->NextFree = (FreeListPointer); (FreeListPointer) = (Pointer);}
struct memory_arena
memory_index Size;
uint8 *Base;
memory_index Used;
int32 TempCount;
struct temporary_memory
memory_arena *Arena;
memory_index Used;
#define Minimum(A, B) ((A < B) ? (A) : (B))
#define Maximum(A, B) ((A > B) ? (A) : (B))
inline b32
StringsAreEqual(char *A, char *B)
b32 Result = (A == B);
if(A && B)
while(*A && *B && (*A == *B))
Result = ((*A == 0) && (*B == 0));
inline void
InitializeArena(memory_arena *Arena, memory_index Size, void *Base)
Arena->Size = Size;
Arena->Base = (uint8 *)Base;
Arena->Used = 0;
Arena->TempCount = 0;
inline memory_index
GetAlignmentOffset(memory_arena *Arena, memory_index Alignment)
memory_index AlignmentOffset = 0;
memory_index ResultPointer = (memory_index)Arena->Base + Arena->Used;
memory_index AlignmentMask = Alignment - 1;
if(ResultPointer & AlignmentMask)
AlignmentOffset = Alignment - (ResultPointer & AlignmentMask);
inline memory_index
GetArenaSizeRemaining(memory_arena *Arena, memory_index Alignment = 4)
memory_index Result = Arena->Size - (Arena->Used + GetAlignmentOffset(Arena, Alignment));
// TODO(casey): Optional "clear" parameter!!!!
#define PushStruct(Arena, type, ...) (type *)PushSize_(Arena, sizeof(type), ## __VA_ARGS__)
#define PushArray(Arena, Count, type, ...) (type *)PushSize_(Arena, (Count)*sizeof(type), ## __VA_ARGS__)
#define PushSize(Arena, Size, ...) PushSize_(Arena, Size, ## __VA_ARGS__)
#define PushCopy(Arena, Size, Source, ...) Copy(Size, Source, PushSize_(Arena, Size, ## __VA_ARGS__))
inline void *
PushSize_(memory_arena *Arena, memory_index SizeInit, memory_index Alignment = 4)
memory_index Size = SizeInit;
memory_index AlignmentOffset = GetAlignmentOffset(Arena, Alignment);
Size += AlignmentOffset;
Assert((Arena->Used + Size) <= Arena->Size);
void *Result = Arena->Base + Arena->Used + AlignmentOffset;
Arena->Used += Size;
Assert(Size >= SizeInit);
// NOTE(casey): This is generally not for production use, this is probably
// only really something we need during testing, but who knows
inline char *
PushString(memory_arena *Arena, char *Source)
u32 Size = 1;
for(char *At = Source;
char *Dest = (char *)PushSize_(Arena, Size);
for(u32 CharIndex = 0;
CharIndex < Size;
Dest[CharIndex] = Source[CharIndex];
inline temporary_memory
BeginTemporaryMemory(memory_arena *Arena)
temporary_memory Result;
Result.Arena = Arena;
Result.Used = Arena->Used;
inline void
EndTemporaryMemory(temporary_memory TempMem)
memory_arena *Arena = TempMem.Arena;
Assert(Arena->Used >= TempMem.Used);
Arena->Used = TempMem.Used;
Assert(Arena->TempCount > 0);
inline void
CheckArena(memory_arena *Arena)
Assert(Arena->TempCount == 0);
inline void
SubArena(memory_arena *Result, memory_arena *Arena, memory_index Size, memory_index Alignment = 16)
Result->Size = Size;
Result->Base = (uint8 *)PushSize_(Arena, Size, Alignment);
Result->Used = 0;
Result->TempCount = 0;
#define ZeroStruct(Instance) ZeroSize(sizeof(Instance), &(Instance))
#define ZeroArray(Count, Pointer) ZeroSize(Count*sizeof((Pointer)[0]), Pointer)
inline void
ZeroSize(memory_index Size, void *Ptr)
// TODO(casey): Check this guy for performance
uint8 *Byte = (uint8 *)Ptr;
*Byte++ = 0;
inline void *
Copy(memory_index Size, void *SourceInit, void *DestInit)
u8 *Source = (u8 *)SourceInit;
u8 *Dest = (u8 *)DestInit;
while(Size--) {*Dest++ = *Source++;}
#include "handmade_world.h"
#include "handmade_sim_region.h"
#include "handmade_entity.h"
#include "handmade_render_group.h"
#include "handmade_asset.h"
#include "handmade_random.h"
#include "handmade_audio.h"
struct low_entity
// TODO(casey): It's kind of busted that P's can be invalid here,
// AND we store whether they would be invalid in the flags field...
// Can we do something better here?
world_position P;
sim_entity Sim;
struct controlled_hero
uint32 EntityIndex;
// NOTE(casey): These are the controller requests for simulation
v2 ddP;
v2 dSword;
real32 dZ;
struct pairwise_collision_rule
bool32 CanCollide;
uint32 StorageIndexA;
uint32 StorageIndexB;
pairwise_collision_rule *NextInHash;
struct game_state;
internal void AddCollisionRule(game_state *GameState, uint32 StorageIndexA, uint32 StorageIndexB, bool32 ShouldCollide);
internal void ClearCollisionRulesFor(game_state *GameState, uint32 StorageIndex);
struct ground_buffer
// NOTE(casey): An invalid P tells us that this ground_buffer has not been filled
world_position P; // NOTE(casey): This is the center of the bitmap
loaded_bitmap Bitmap;
struct hero_bitmap_ids
bitmap_id Head;
bitmap_id Cape;
bitmap_id Torso;
struct particle_cel
real32 Density;
v3 VelocityTimesDensity;
struct particle
bitmap_id BitmapID;
v3 P;
v3 dP;
v3 ddP;
v4 Color;
v4 dColor;
struct game_state
bool32 IsInitialized;
memory_arena MetaArena;
memory_arena WorldArena;
world *World;
real32 TypicalFloorHeight;
// TODO(casey): Should we allow split-screen?
uint32 CameraFollowingEntityIndex;
world_position CameraP;
world_position LastCameraP;
controlled_hero ControlledHeroes[ArrayCount(((game_input *)0)->Controllers)];
// TODO(casey): Change the name to "stored entity"
uint32 LowEntityCount;
low_entity LowEntities[100000];
// TODO(casey): Must be power of two
pairwise_collision_rule *CollisionRuleHash[256];
pairwise_collision_rule *FirstFreeCollisionRule;
sim_entity_collision_volume_group *NullCollision;
sim_entity_collision_volume_group *SwordCollision;
sim_entity_collision_volume_group *StairCollision;
sim_entity_collision_volume_group *PlayerCollision;
sim_entity_collision_volume_group *MonstarCollision;
sim_entity_collision_volume_group *FamiliarCollision;
sim_entity_collision_volume_group *WallCollision;
sim_entity_collision_volume_group *StandardRoomCollision;
real32 Time;
loaded_bitmap TestDiffuse; // TODO(casey): Re-fill this guy with gray.
loaded_bitmap TestNormal;
random_series EffectsEntropy; // NOTE(casey): This is entropy that doesn't affect the gameplay
real32 tSine;
audio_state AudioState;
playing_sound *Music;
u32 NextParticle;
particle Particles[256];
particle_cel ParticleCels[PARTICLE_CEL_DIM][PARTICLE_CEL_DIM];
struct task_with_memory
bool32 BeingUsed;
memory_arena Arena;
temporary_memory MemoryFlush;
struct transient_state
bool32 IsInitialized;
memory_arena TranArena;
task_with_memory Tasks[4];
game_assets *Assets;
uint32 GroundBufferCount;
ground_buffer *GroundBuffers;
platform_work_queue *HighPriorityQueue;
platform_work_queue *LowPriorityQueue;
uint32 EnvMapWidth;
uint32 EnvMapHeight;
// NOTE(casey): 0 is bottom, 1 is middle, 2 is top
environment_map EnvMaps[3];
inline low_entity *
GetLowEntity(game_state *GameState, uint32 Index)
low_entity *Result = 0;
if((Index > 0) && (Index < GameState->LowEntityCount))
Result = GameState->LowEntities + Index;
global_variable platform_api Platform;
internal task_with_memory *BeginTaskWithMemory(transient_state *TranState);
internal void EndTaskWithMemory(task_with_memory *Task);
#define HANDMADE_H