Reimplemented PrintF
This commit is contained in:
@ -62,15 +62,15 @@ ParseAssemblyVector (char* String)
Tokenizer.At = String;
Result.x = ParseFloatUnsafe(Tokenizer.At);
Result.x = ParseFloatUnsafe(Tokenizer.At).FloatValue;
EatPastCharacter(&Tokenizer, ',');
Result.y = ParseFloatUnsafe(Tokenizer.At);
Result.y = ParseFloatUnsafe(Tokenizer.At).FloatValue;
EatPastCharacter(&Tokenizer, ',');
Result.z = ParseFloatUnsafe(Tokenizer.At);
Result.z = ParseFloatUnsafe(Tokenizer.At).FloatValue;
EatPastCharacter(&Tokenizer, ',');
return Result;
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ ParseAssemblyFileHeader (tokenizer* Tokenizer, assembly_definition* Definition)
assembly_token CountToken = ParseToken(Tokenizer);
if (CountToken.Type == AssemblyToken_Number)
Definition->LEDStripSize = ParseSignedIntUnsafe(CountToken.Token);
Definition->LEDStripSize = ParseSignedIntUnsafe(CountToken.Token).SignedIntValue;
@ -112,21 +112,21 @@ ParseLEDStrip (tokenizer* Tokenizer, assembly_definition* Assembly)
while (*Tokenizer->At && !IsNumericExtended(*Tokenizer->At)) { Tokenizer->At++; }
assembly_token BoxIDToken = ParseToken(Tokenizer);
Assert(BoxIDToken.Type == AssemblyToken_Number);
LEDStripDef->ControlBoxID = ParseSignedIntUnsafe(BoxIDToken.Token);
LEDStripDef->ControlBoxID = ParseSignedIntUnsafe(BoxIDToken.Token).SignedIntValue;
// Start Universe
EatPastCharacter(Tokenizer, ',');
assembly_token StartUniverseToken = ParseToken(Tokenizer);
Assert(BoxIDToken.Type == AssemblyToken_Number);
LEDStripDef->StartUniverse = ParseSignedIntUnsafe(StartUniverseToken.Token);
LEDStripDef->StartUniverse = ParseSignedIntUnsafe(StartUniverseToken.Token).SignedIntValue;
// Start Channel
EatPastCharacter(Tokenizer, ',');
assembly_token StartChannelToken = ParseToken(Tokenizer);
Assert(BoxIDToken.Type == AssemblyToken_Number);
LEDStripDef->StartChannel = ParseSignedIntUnsafe(StartChannelToken.Token);
LEDStripDef->StartChannel = ParseSignedIntUnsafe(StartChannelToken.Token).SignedIntValue;
// Strip Type
// TODO(Peter): This is unused for now, and would be a branch point for parsing
@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ ParseLEDStrip (tokenizer* Tokenizer, assembly_definition* Assembly)
assembly_token LEDsPerStripToken = ParseToken(Tokenizer);
Assert(BoxIDToken.Type == AssemblyToken_Number);
LEDStripDef->LEDsPerStrip = ParseSignedIntUnsafe(LEDsPerStripToken.Token);
LEDStripDef->LEDsPerStrip = ParseSignedIntUnsafe(LEDsPerStripToken.Token).SignedIntValue;
EatPastCharacter(Tokenizer, '}');
@ -423,7 +423,7 @@ INITIALIZE_APPLICATION(InitializeApplication)
Font->BitmapStride = Font->BitmapWidth * Font->BitmapBytesPerPixel;
GSMemSet(Font->BitmapMemory, 0, Font->BitmapStride * Font->BitmapHeight);
platform_font_info FontInfo = Context.PlatformGetFontInfo("Anonymous Pro", 14);
platform_font_info FontInfo = Context.PlatformGetFontInfo("Anonymous Pro", FontSize);
Font->PixelHeight = FontInfo.PixelHeight;
Font->Ascent = FontInfo.Ascent;
Font->Descent = FontInfo.Descent;
@ -435,12 +435,10 @@ INITIALIZE_APPLICATION(InitializeApplication)
Font->CodepointKeys = PushArray(State->Permanent, char, Font->CodepointDictionarySize);
Font->CodepointValues = PushArray(State->Permanent, codepoint_bitmap, Font->CodepointDictionarySize);
char CodepointValues[] = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890!@#$%^&*()-_=+{}[];':\",./<>?`~";
for (s32 CodepointIdx = 0; //FontInfo.CodepointStart;
CodepointIdx < sizeof(CodepointValues) / sizeof(CodepointValues[0]); //FontInfo.CodepointOnePastLast;
for (s32 Codepoint = FontInfo.CodepointStart;
Codepoint < FontInfo.CodepointOnePastLast;
char Codepoint = CodepointValues[CodepointIdx];
u32 CodepointX, CodepointY;
GetNextCodepointOffset(Font, &CodepointX, &CodepointY);
@ -909,18 +907,6 @@ UPDATE_AND_RENDER(UpdateAndRender)
Context.DeltaTime, State->Camera, Input, State->Transient);
render_texture FontTexture = {};
FontTexture.Memory = State->Font->BitmapMemory;
FontTexture.Handle = State->Font->BitmapTextureHandle;
FontTexture.Width = State->Font->BitmapWidth;
FontTexture.Height = State->Font->BitmapHeight;
FontTexture.BytesPerPixel = State->Font->BitmapBytesPerPixel;
FontTexture.Stride = State->Font->BitmapStride;
PushRenderTexture2D(RenderBuffer, v2{200, 200},
v2{200 + (r32)FontTexture.Width, 200 + (r32)FontTexture.Height},
v4{1, 1, 1, 1}, v2{0, 0}, v2{1, 1}, &FontTexture);
@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ GetIndexForCodepoint (bitmap_font Font, char Codepoint)
inline s32
NewLineYOffset (bitmap_font Font)
s32 Result = Font.Ascent - Font.Descent;
s32 Result = Font.Ascent + Font.Descent;
return Result;
@ -214,6 +214,7 @@ static void SetStringToCharArray (string* Dest, char* Source);
static void ConcatString (string* Dest, string Source);
static void ConcatString (string* Dest, string Source, s32 Length);
static void ConcatCharToString(string* Dest, char C);
static void ConcatCharArrayToString (string* Dest, char* Source);
static void ConcatCharArrayToString (string* Dest, char* Source, s32 SourceLength);
@ -235,16 +236,41 @@ static void NullTerminate (string* String);
// Parsing
static u32 ParseUnsignedInt (char* String, s32 Length);
static s32 UIntToString (u32 Int, char* String, s32 Length);
static s32 ParseSignedInt (char* String, s32 Length);
static s32 IntToString (s32 Int, char* String, s32 Length);
static s32 IntToString (s32 Int, char* String, s32 Length, s32 Offset);
static float ParseFloat (char* String, s32 Length);
static s32 FloatToString(float Float, char *String, s32 Length, s32 AfterPoint);
enum parse_type
struct parse_result
parse_type Type;
char* OnePastLast;
u32 UnsignedIntValue;
s32 SignedIntValue;
r32 FloatValue;
enum format_flags
FormatFlags_LeftJustify = 0x1,
FormatFlags_ForceSign = 0x2,
FormatFlags_ForceSpaceInsteadOfSign = 0x4,
FormatFlags_ForceDecimalOrPrependOx = 0x8,
FormatFlags_PadWithZeroesInsteadOfSpaces = 0x16,
static parse_result ParseUnsignedInt (char* String, s32 Length);
static parse_result ParseSignedInt (char* String, s32 Length);
static parse_result ParseFloat (char* String, s32 Length);
// PrintF
static s32 PrintF(string* String, char* Format, ...);
static void PrintFArgList(char* Dest, s32 DestMax, char* Format, va_list Args);
static void PrintF(string* String, char* Format, ...);
// String Memory Function Declarations
@ -880,6 +906,16 @@ ConcatString (string* Dest, string Source, s32 Length)
static void
ConcatCharToString (string* Dest, char C)
Assert(Dest->Length + 1 <= Dest->Max);
char* Dst = Dest->Memory + Dest->Length;
*Dst = C;
static void
ConcatCharArrayToString (string* Dest, char* Source)
@ -1082,52 +1118,44 @@ InsertStringAt (string* Dest, string Source, s32 At)
// String Parsing
static u32
static parse_result
ParseUnsignedInt (char* String, s32 Length)
parse_result Result = {};
Result.Type = ParseType_UnsignedInt;
char* Iter = String;
u32 Result = 0;
u32 ResultValue = 0;
for (s32 i = 0; i < Length; i++)
Result = CharToUInt(*Iter++) + (Result * 10);
ResultValue = CharToUInt(*Iter++) + (ResultValue * 10);
Result.UnsignedIntValue = ResultValue;
Result.OnePastLast = Iter;
return Result;
static u32
ParseUnisgnedIntUnsafe (char* String)
static parse_result
ParseUnsignedIntUnsafe (char* String)
char* Start = String;
char* End = EatNumber(String + 1);
return ParseUnsignedInt(String, End - Start);
static s32
UIntToString (u32 Int, char* String, s32 Length)
s32 Remaining = Int;
s32 CharsCopied = 0;
char* Iter = String;
while (Remaining > 0 && CharsCopied < Length)
*Iter++ = '0' + (Remaining % 10);
Remaining /= 10;
ReverseCharArray(String, CharsCopied);
return CharsCopied;
static s32
static parse_result
ParseSignedInt (char* String, s32 Length)
Assert(Length > 0);
parse_result Result = {};
Result.Type = ParseType_SignedInt;
s32 Negative = 1;
s32 LengthRemaining = Length;
s32 Result = 0;
s32 ResultValue = 0;
char* Iter = String;
if (*Iter == '-') {
@ -1138,15 +1166,18 @@ ParseSignedInt (char* String, s32 Length)
for (s32 i = 0; i < LengthRemaining; i++)
Result = CharToUInt(*Iter++) + (Result * 10);
ResultValue = CharToUInt(*Iter++) + (ResultValue * 10);
Result *= Negative;
ResultValue *= Negative;
Result.SignedIntValue = ResultValue;
Result.OnePastLast = Iter;
return Result;
static s32
static parse_result
ParseSignedIntUnsafe (char* String)
char* Start = String;
@ -1154,47 +1185,15 @@ ParseSignedIntUnsafe (char* String)
return ParseSignedInt(String, End - Start);
static s32
IntToString (s32 Int, char* String, s32 Length)
s32 Remaining = Int;
s32 CharsCopied = 0;
char* Iter = String;
bool Negative = Remaining < 0;
Remaining = GSAbs(Remaining);
while (Remaining > 0 && CharsCopied < Length)
*Iter++ = '0' + (Remaining % 10);
Remaining /= 10;
if (Negative)
*Iter++ = '-';
ReverseCharArray(String, CharsCopied);
return CharsCopied;
static s32
IntToString (s32 Int, char* String, s32 Length, s32 Offset)
char* StringStart = String + Offset;
s32 LengthWritten = IntToString(Int, StringStart, Length - Offset);
return LengthWritten;
static float
static parse_result
ParseFloat (char* String, s32 Length)
parse_result Result = {};
Result.Type = ParseType_Float;
s32 Negative = 1;
s32 LengthRemaining = Length;
float Result = 0;
float ResultValue = 0;
char* Iter = String;
if (*Iter == '-') {
@ -1207,7 +1206,7 @@ ParseFloat (char* String, s32 Length)
if (IsNumeric(*Iter))
Result = (float)CharToUInt(*Iter++) + (Result * 10);
ResultValue = (float)CharToUInt(*Iter++) + (ResultValue * 10);
else if (*Iter == '.' || *Iter == 0)
@ -1236,15 +1235,18 @@ ParseFloat (char* String, s32 Length)
AfterPoint = AfterPoint / GSPow(10, PlacesAfterPoint);
Result += AfterPoint;
ResultValue += AfterPoint;
Result *= Negative;
ResultValue *= Negative;
Result.FloatValue = ResultValue;
Result.OnePastLast = Iter;
return Result;
static float
static parse_result
ParseFloatUnsafe (char* String)
char* Start = String;
@ -1253,19 +1255,77 @@ ParseFloatUnsafe (char* String)
static s32
FloatToString(float Float, char *String, s32 Length, s32 AfterPoint)
UIntToString (u32 Int, char* String, s32 MaxLength, b32 FormatFlags = 0, s32 MinimumLength = 0)
s32 Remaining = Int;
char* Iter = String;
while (Remaining > 0 && (Iter - String) < MaxLength)
*Iter++ = '0' + (Remaining % 10);
Remaining /= 10;
s32 CharsCopied = Iter - String;
ReverseCharArray(String, CharsCopied);
return CharsCopied;
static s32
IntToString (s32 Int, char* String, s32 MaxLength, b32 FormatFlags = 0, s32 MinimumLength = 0)
s32 Remaining = Int;
s32 CharsCopied = 0;
char* Iter = String;
bool Negative = Remaining < 0;
Remaining = GSAbs(Remaining);
if (Remaining > 0)
while (Remaining > 0 && CharsCopied < MaxLength)
*Iter++ = '0' + (Remaining % 10);
Remaining /= 10;
else if (Remaining == 0)
*Iter++ = '0';
if (Negative)
*Iter++ = '-';
ReverseCharArray(String, CharsCopied);
return CharsCopied;
static s32
IntToString (s32 Int, char* String, s32 MaxLength, s32 Offset, b32 FormatFlags = 0, s32 MinimumWidth = 0)
char* StringStart = String + Offset;
s32 LengthWritten = IntToString(Int, StringStart, MaxLength - Offset);
return LengthWritten;
static s32
FloatToString(float Float, char *String, s32 MaxLength, s32 AfterPoint = 0, b32 FormatFlags = 0, s32 MinimumWidth = 0)
s32 IPart = (s32)Float;
float FPart = GSAbs(Float - (float)IPart);
s32 i = IntToString(IPart, String, Length);
s32 i = IntToString(IPart, String, MaxLength);
if (AfterPoint > 1)
String[i++] = '.';
s32 FPartInt = FPart * GSPow(10, AfterPoint);
i += IntToString(FPartInt, String, Length, i);
i += IntToString(FPartInt, String, MaxLength, i, 0, 0);
return i;
@ -1275,69 +1335,333 @@ FloatToString(float Float, char *String, s32 Length, s32 AfterPoint)
// PrintF
static void
OutChar (string* String, char C)
if (String->Length < String->Max)
String->Memory[String->Length] = C;
char OctalDigits[] = "01234567";
char DecimalDigits[] = "0123456789";
char HexDigits[] = "0123456789ABCDEF";
static void
U64ToASCII (string* String, u64 Value, s32 Base, char* Digits)
u64 ValueRemaining = Value;
char* Start = String->Memory + String->Length;
do {
s32 DigitsIndex = ValueRemaining % Base;
char Digit = Digits[DigitsIndex];
OutChar(String, Digit);
ValueRemaining /= Base;
}while (ValueRemaining);
char* End = String->Memory + String->Length;
while (Start < End)
char Temp = *End;
*End = *Start;
*Start = Temp;
static void
F64ToASCII (string* String, r64 Value, s32 Precision)
if (Value < 0)
OutChar(String, '-');
Value = -Value;
u64 IntegerPart = (u64)Value;
Value -= IntegerPart;
U64ToASCII(String, IntegerPart, 10, DecimalDigits);
OutChar(String, '.');
for (s32 i = 0; i < Precision; i++)
Value *= 10.f;
u32 DecimalPlace = Value;
Value -= DecimalPlace;
OutChar(String, DecimalDigits[DecimalPlace]);
internal s64
ReadVarArgsSignedInteger (s32 Width, va_list* Args)
s64 Result = 0;
switch (Width)
case 1: { Result = (s64)va_arg(*Args, s8); } break;
case 2: { Result = (s64)va_arg(*Args, s16); } break;
case 4: { Result = (s64)va_arg(*Args, s32); } break;
case 8: { Result = (s64)va_arg(*Args, s64); } break;
return Result;
internal r64
ReadVarArgsUnsignedInteger (s32 Width, va_list* Args)
u64 Result = 0;
switch (Width)
case 1: { Result = (u64)va_arg(*Args, u8); } break;
case 2: { Result = (u64)va_arg(*Args, u16); } break;
case 4: { Result = (u64)va_arg(*Args, u32); } break;
case 8: { Result = (u64)va_arg(*Args, u64); } break;
return Result;
internal r64
ReadVarArgsFloat (s32 Width, va_list* Args)
r64 Result = 0;
switch (Width)
case 4: { Result = (r64)va_arg(*Args, r64); } break;
case 8: { Result = (r64)va_arg(*Args, r64); } break;
return Result;
internal s32
PrintFArgsList (char* Dest, s32 DestMax, char* Format, va_list Args)
char* DestAt = Dest;
char* FormatAt = Format;
while (*FormatAt)
if (FormatAt[0] != '%')
*DestAt++ = *FormatAt++;
else if (FormatAt[0] == '%' && FormatAt[1] == '%') // Print the % symbol
*DestAt++ = *FormatAt++;
// Flags
if (FormatAt[0] == '-')
else if (FormatAt[0] == '+')
else if (FormatAt[0] == ' ')
else if (FormatAt[0] == '#')
else if (FormatAt[0] == '0')
// Width
b32 WidthSpecified = false;
s32 Width = 0;
if (IsNumeric(FormatAt[0]))
WidthSpecified = true;
parse_result Parse = ParseSignedIntUnsafe(FormatAt);
FormatAt = Parse.OnePastLast;
Width = Parse.SignedIntValue;
else if (FormatAt[0] == '*')
WidthSpecified = true;
Width = va_arg(Args, s32);
Assert(Width >= 0);
// Precision
b32 PrecisionSpecified = false;
s32 Precision = 0;
if (FormatAt[0] == '.')
if (IsNumeric(FormatAt[0]))
PrecisionSpecified = true;
parse_result Parse = ParseSignedIntUnsafe(FormatAt);
FormatAt = Parse.OnePastLast;
Precision = Parse.SignedIntValue;
else if (FormatAt[0] == '*')
PrecisionSpecified = true;
Precision = va_arg(Args, s32);
Assert(Precision >= 0);
// Length
b32 LengthSpecified = false;
s32 Length = 4;
if (FormatAt[0] == 'h' && FormatAt[1] == 'h')
LengthSpecified = true;
LengthSpecified = 1;
FormatAt += 2;
else if (FormatAt[0] == 'h')
LengthSpecified = true;
LengthSpecified = 2;
else if (FormatAt[0] == 'l' && FormatAt[1] == 'l')
LengthSpecified = true;
LengthSpecified = 8;
FormatAt += 2;
else if (FormatAt[0] == 'l')
LengthSpecified = true;
LengthSpecified = 4;
else if (FormatAt[0] == 'j')
LengthSpecified = true;
LengthSpecified = 8;
else if (FormatAt[0] == 'z')
else if (FormatAt[0] == 't')
else if (FormatAt[0] == 'L')
// Format Specifier
s32 DestLengthRemaining = DestMax - (DestAt - Dest);
char Temp[64];
string TempDest = MakeString(Temp, 0, 64);
if (FormatAt[0] == 'd' || FormatAt[0] == 'i')
s64 SignedInt = ReadVarArgsSignedInteger(Length, &Args);
if (SignedInt < 0)
OutChar(&TempDest, '-');
U64ToASCII(&TempDest, (u64)SignedInt, 10, DecimalDigits);
else if (FormatAt[0] == 'u')
u32 UnsignedInt = ReadVarArgsUnsignedInteger(Length, &Args);
U64ToASCII(&TempDest, UnsignedInt, 10, DecimalDigits);
else if (FormatAt[0] == 'o')
u32 UnsignedInt = ReadVarArgsUnsignedInteger(Length, &Args);
U64ToASCII(&TempDest, UnsignedInt, 8, OctalDigits);
else if (FormatAt[0] == 'x' || FormatAt[0] == 'X')
u32 UnsignedInt = ReadVarArgsUnsignedInteger(Length, &Args);
U64ToASCII(&TempDest, UnsignedInt, 16, HexDigits);
else if (FormatAt[0] == 'f' || FormatAt[0] == 'F')
r64 Float = ReadVarArgsFloat(Length, &Args);
s32 AfterPoint = 6;
if (PrecisionSpecified)
AfterPoint = Precision;
F64ToASCII(&TempDest, Float, AfterPoint);
else if (FormatAt[0] == 'c')
char InsertChar = va_arg(Args, char);
OutChar(&TempDest, InsertChar);
else if (FormatAt[0] == 's')
char* InsertString = va_arg(Args, char*);
s32 InsertStringLength = CharArrayLength(InsertString);
if (PrecisionSpecified)
InsertStringLength = GSMin(InsertStringLength, Precision);
InsertStringLength = GSMin(DestLengthRemaining, InsertStringLength);
for (s32 c = 0; c < InsertStringLength; c++)
OutChar(&TempDest, *InsertString++);
else if (FormatAt[0] == 'p')
// TODO(Peter): Pointer Address
// NOTE(Peter): Non-specifier character found
for (s32 i = 0; i < TempDest.Length; i++)
*DestAt++ = TempDest.Memory[i];
s32 FormattedLength = DestAt - Dest;
return FormattedLength;
internal void
PrintF (string* String, char* Format, ...)
va_list Args;
va_start(Args, Format);
#if 0
s32 LengthPrinted = 0;
char* DestChar = Destination;
char* C = Format;
if (*C == '%')
if (*C == 's') // string
char* InsertString = va_arg(Args, char*);
s32 LengthCopied = CopyCharArray(InsertString, DestChar, DestLength - LengthPrinted);
DestChar += LengthCopied;
LengthPrinted += LengthCopied;
else if(*C == 'd') // integer
s32 Integer = va_arg(Args, s32);
s32 IntLength = IntToString(Integer, DestChar, DestLength - LengthPrinted);
DestChar += IntLength;
LengthPrinted += IntLength;
else if (*C == 'f')
r32 Float = va_arg(Args, r32);
s32 FloatLength = FloatToString(Float, DestChar, DestLength - LengthPrinted, 5);
DestChar += FloatLength;
LengthPrinted += FloatLength;
*DestChar++ = *C++;
*DestChar++ = *C++;
if (LengthPrinted >= DestLength)
LengthPrinted = DestLength - 1;
*(Destination + LengthPrinted) = 0;
String->Length = PrintFArgsList(String->Memory, String->Max, Format, Args);
return 0;
Reference in New Issue