#ifndef GS_LANGUAGE_H #if defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64) || defined(__WIN32__) #include #include // TODO(Peter): Get rid of stdio and math.h #include #include #elif defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__MAC__) // TODO(Peter): #else // Std lib #include #endif #define internal static #define local_persist static #define global_variable static #if !defined(GS_TYPES) #define GSINT64(s) (s) ## L #define GSUINT64(s) (s) ## UL typedef signed char b8; typedef short int b16; typedef int b32; typedef long long int b64; typedef unsigned char u8; typedef unsigned short int u16; typedef unsigned int u32; typedef unsigned long long int u64; typedef signed char s8; typedef short int s16; typedef int s32; typedef long long int s64; typedef float r32; typedef double r64; #define INT8_MIN (-128) #define INT16_MIN (-32767-1) #define INT32_MIN (-2147483647-1) #define INT64_MIN (-GSINT64(9223372036854775807)-1) #define INT8_MAX (127) #define INT16_MAX (32767) #define INT32_MAX (2147483647) #define INT64_MAX (GSINT64(9223372036854775807)) #define UINT8_MAX (255) #define UINT16_MAX (65535) #define UINT32_MAX (4294967295U) #define UINT64_MAX (GSUINT64(18446744073709551615)) #define FLOAT_MIN (1.175494351e-38F) #define FLOAT_MAX (3.402823466e+38F) #define DOUBLE_MIN (2.2250738585072014e-308) #define DOUBLE_MAX (1.7976931348623158e+308) #define Kilobytes(Value) ((Value) * 1024) #define Megabytes(Value) (Kilobytes(Value) * 1024) #define Gigabytes(Value) (Megabytes(Value) * 1024) #define Terabytes(Value) (Gigabytes(Value) * 1024) #define PI 3.14159265359 #define PI_OVER_180 0.01745329251f #define GS_TYPES #endif #ifdef DEBUG static void DebugPrint(char* Format, ...); #if !defined(Assert) // NOTE(peter): this writes to address 0 which is always illegal and will cause a crash #define Assert(expression) if(!(expression)){ *((int *)0) = 5; } #endif #define DEBUG_IF(condition) if (condition) #define InvalidCodePath Assert(0) #define InvalidDefaultCase default: { Assert(0); } #define DebugBreak __debugbreak() #define STBI_ASSERT(x) Assert(x) #ifdef GS_TEST_SUTE #define TestClean(v, c) SuccessCount += Test(v, c, &TestCount) internal s32 Test(b32 Result, char* Description, s32* Count) { char* Passed = (Result ? "Success" : "Failed"); if (!Result) DebugPrint("%s:\n................................................%s\n\n", Description, Passed); *Count = *Count + 1; return (Result ? 1 : 0); } #endif // GS_TEST_SUTE #else #define Assert(expression) #define InvalidCodePath #define DEBUG_IF(condition) //#define DEBUG_TRACK_SCOPE(a) #endif // DEBUG #ifndef GS_LANGUAGE_MATH #define GSZeroStruct(data) GSZeroMemory_((u8*)(&(data)), sizeof(data)) #define GSZeroMemory(mem, size) GSZeroMemory_((u8*)(mem), (size)) static void GSZeroMemory_ (u8* Memory, s32 Size) { for (int i = 0; i < Size; i++) { Memory[i] = 0; } } #define GSMemCopy(from, to, size) GSMemCopy_((u8*)from, (u8*)to, size) static void GSMemCopy_ (u8* From, u8* To, s32 Size) { for (int i = 0; i < Size; i++) { To[i] = From[i]; } } #define GSMemSet(buffer, value, size) GSMemSet_((u8*)buffer, value, size) internal void GSMemSet_ (u8* Buffer, u8 Value, s32 Length) { u8* Cursor = Buffer; for (s32 i = 0; i < Length; i++) { *Cursor++ = Value; } } #define GSMinDef(type) static type GSMin(type A, type B) { return (A < B ? A : B); } GSMinDef(s8) GSMinDef(s16) GSMinDef(s32) GSMinDef(s64) GSMinDef(u8) GSMinDef(u16) GSMinDef(u32) GSMinDef(u64) GSMinDef(r32) GSMinDef(r64) #undef GSMinDef #define GSMaxDef(type) static type GSMax(type A, type B) { return (A > B ? A : B); } GSMaxDef(s8) GSMaxDef(s16) GSMaxDef(s32) GSMaxDef(s64) GSMaxDef(u8) GSMaxDef(u16) GSMaxDef(u32) GSMaxDef(u64) GSMaxDef(r32) GSMaxDef(r64) #undef GSMaxDef #define GSClampDef(type) static type GSClamp(type Min, type V, type Max) { \ type Result = V; \ if (V < Min) { Result = Min; } \ if (V > Max) { Result = Max; } \ return Result; \ } GSClampDef(s8) GSClampDef(s16) GSClampDef(s32) GSClampDef(s64) GSClampDef(u8) GSClampDef(u16) GSClampDef(u32) GSClampDef(u64) GSClampDef(r32) GSClampDef(r64) #undef GSClampDef #define GSClamp01Def(type) static type GSClamp01(type V) { \ type Min = 0; type Max = 1; \ type Result = V; \ if (V < Min) { Result = Min; } \ if (V > Max) { Result = Max; } \ return Result; \ } GSClamp01Def(r32) GSClamp01Def(r64) #undef GSClamp01Def #define GSAbsDef(type) static type GSAbs(type A) { return (A < 0 ? -A : A); } GSAbsDef(s8) GSAbsDef(s16) GSAbsDef(s32) GSAbsDef(s64) GSAbsDef(r32) GSAbsDef(r64) #undef GSAbsDef #define GSPowDef(type) static type GSPow(type N, s32 Power) { \ type Result = N; \ for(s32 i = 1; i < Power; i++) { Result *= N; } \ return Result; \ } GSPowDef(s8) GSPowDef(s16) GSPowDef(s32) GSPowDef(s64) GSPowDef(u8) GSPowDef(u16) GSPowDef(u32) GSPowDef(u64) GSPowDef(r32) GSPowDef(r64) #undef GSPowDef #define GSLerpDef(type) type GSLerp(type A, type B, type Percent) { return (A * (1.0f - Percent))+(B * Percent);} GSLerpDef(r32) GSLerpDef(r64) #undef GSLerpDef static r32 GSSqrt(r32 V) { r32 Result = _mm_cvtss_f32(_mm_sqrt_ss(_mm_set_ss(V))); return Result; } #if 0 // TODO(Peter): Need a way to split the input into two f32's to supply to _mm_sqrt_sd static r64 GSSqrt(r64 V) { r64 Result = _mm_cvtsd_f64(_mm_sqrt_sd(_mm_set_sd(V))); return Result; } #endif static r32 DegreesToRadians (r32 Degrees) { return Degrees * PI_OVER_180; } static r64 DegreesToRadians (r64 Degrees) { return Degrees * PI_OVER_180; } #define GSIsPowerOfTwoDef(type) static type IsPowerOfTwo(type V) { return (V & (V - 1)) == 0; } GSIsPowerOfTwoDef(u8); GSIsPowerOfTwoDef(u16); GSIsPowerOfTwoDef(u32); GSIsPowerOfTwoDef(u64); #undef GSIsPowerOfTwoDef #define GSIsOddDef(type) inline type IsOdd(type V) { return (V & 1); } GSIsOddDef(u8); GSIsOddDef(u16); GSIsOddDef(u32); GSIsOddDef(u64); GSIsOddDef(s8); GSIsOddDef(s16); GSIsOddDef(s32); GSIsOddDef(s64); #undef GSIsOddDef #define GSIntDivideRoundUpDef(type) static type IntegerDivideRoundUp (type A, type B) { r32 Result = (r32)A / (r32)B; Result += .99999f; return (type)Result; } GSIntDivideRoundUpDef(u8); GSIntDivideRoundUpDef(u16); GSIntDivideRoundUpDef(u32); GSIntDivideRoundUpDef(u64); GSIntDivideRoundUpDef(s8); GSIntDivideRoundUpDef(s16); GSIntDivideRoundUpDef(s32); GSIntDivideRoundUpDef(s64); #undef GSIntDivideRoundUpDef #define GSTrigFunctionDef(name, type, func) static type name(type V) { return func(V); } GSTrigFunctionDef(GSSin, r32, sinf); GSTrigFunctionDef(GSSin, r64, sin); GSTrigFunctionDef(GSCos, r32, cosf); GSTrigFunctionDef(GSCos, r64, cos); GSTrigFunctionDef(GSTan, r32, tanf); GSTrigFunctionDef(GSTan, r64, tan); #undef GSTrigFunctionDef static u8 RoundToNearestPowerOfTwo (u8 V) { u8 Result = 0; if (IsPowerOfTwo(V)) { Result = V; } else { Result = V - 1; Result |= Result >> 1; Result |= Result >> 2; Result |= Result >> 4; Result += 1; } return Result; } static u16 RoundToNearestPowerOfTwo (u16 V) { u16 Result = 0; if (IsPowerOfTwo(V)) { Result = V; } else { Result = V - 1; Result |= Result >> 1; Result |= Result >> 2; Result |= Result >> 4; Result |= Result >> 8; Result += 1; } return Result; } static u32 RoundToNearestPowerOfTwo (u32 V) { u32 Result = 0; if (IsPowerOfTwo(V)) { Result = V; } else { Result = V - 1; Result |= Result >> 1; Result |= Result >> 2; Result |= Result >> 4; Result |= Result >> 8; Result |= Result >> 16; Result += 1; } return Result; } static u64 RoundToNearestPowerOfTwo (u64 V) { u64 Result = 0; if (IsPowerOfTwo(V)) { Result = V; } else { Result = V - 1; Result |= Result >> 1; Result |= Result >> 2; Result |= Result >> 4; Result |= Result >> 8; Result |= Result >> 16; Result |= Result >> 32; Result += 1; } return Result; } #define GS_LANGUAGE_MATH #endif // GS_LANGUAGE_MATH static u32 HostToNetU32(u32 In) { unsigned char *s = (unsigned char *)&In; u32 Result = (u32)(s[0] << 24 | s[1] << 16 | s[2] << 8 | s[3]); return Result; } static u16 HostToNetU16(u16 In) { unsigned char *s = (unsigned char *)&In; u16 Result = (u16)(s[0] << 8 | s[1]); return Result; } #define GS_LANGUAGE_H #endif