#include "../meta/gs_meta_lexer.h" #include "gs_font.h" #include "interface.h" #include "foldhaus_network_ordering.h" #include "foldhaus_sacn.h" #define LED_BUFFER_SIZE 256 struct led { s32 Index; v3 Position; m44 PositionMatrix; }; struct led_buffer { sacn_pixel* Colors; led* LEDs; s32 Count; s32 Max; led_buffer* Next; }; #define CalculateMemorySizeForAssembly(leds, name_length) ((sizeof(led) + sizeof(sacn_pixel)) * (leds)) + sizeof(led_buffer) + name_length; struct assembly { s32 MemorySize; u8* MemoryBase; string Name; string FilePath; led_buffer* LEDBuffer; // Memory managed by the SACN system sacn_universe_buffer* Universes; sacn_send_buffer* SendBuffer; }; #include "assembly_parser.h" //#include "foldhaus_environment.h" // TODO(Peter): remove this, and get pattern_system.h outta here!! typedef struct led_pattern led_pattern; #include "foldhaus_node.h" #include "foldhaus_patterns.h" #include "foldhaus_channel.h" #include "foldhaus_patterns.cpp" #include "foldhaus_channel.cpp" #include "assembly_parser.cpp" #include "test_patterns.h" #include "patterns_registry.h" #include "foldhaus_interface.h" typedef struct app_state app_state; #include "foldhaus_debug_visuals.h" #include "foldhaus_command_dispatch.h" #include "generated/foldhaus_nodes_generated.cpp" struct app_state { memory_arena* Permanent; memory_arena* Transient; memory_arena SACNMemory; render_texture* LoadedTextures; s32 LoadedTexturesSize; s32 LoadedTexturesUsed; camera Camera; input_command_registry InputCommandRegistry; streaming_acn SACN; s32 TotalLEDsCount; led_buffer* LEDBufferList; // TODO(Peter): Make this dynamic. WE want them contiguous in memory since we'll be accessing them // mostly by looping through them. On the other hand, I don't expect there to ever be more than 100 // of them at once. #define ASSEMBLY_LIST_LENGTH 32 assembly AssemblyList[ASSEMBLY_LIST_LENGTH]; s32 AssembliesUsed; //environment Environment; led_channel_system ChannelSystem; led_pattern_system PatternSystem; bitmap_font* Font; interface_state InterfaceState; interface_config Interface; r32 InterfaceYMax; r32 PixelsToWorldScale; v4 Camera_StartDragPos; b32 DrawUniverseOutputDisplay; v2 UniverseOutputDisplayOffset; r32 UniverseOutputDisplayZoom; b32 InterfaceShowNodeList; v2 NodeListMenuPosition; node_list* NodeList; node_interaction NodeInteraction; node_render_settings NodeRenderSettings; interface_node* OutputNode; v4* ColorPickerEditValue; }; #include "foldhaus_sacn_view.cpp" #include "foldhaus_command_dispatch.cpp" #include "foldhaus_node.cpp" #include "foldhaus_interface.cpp"