internal void ed_load_font_cb(File_Async_Job_Args result, u8* user_data) { App_State* state = (App_State*)user_data; UI* ui = &state->editor->ui; u8* f =; stbtt_fontinfo font; if (!stbtt_InitFont(&font, f, stbtt_GetFontOffsetForIndex(f, 0))) { invalid_code_path; } r32 scale = stbtt_ScaleForPixelHeight(&font, 16.0f); s32 ascent, descent, line_gap; stbtt_GetFontVMetrics(&font, &ascent, &descent, &line_gap); ui->font_ascent = (r32)ascent * scale; ui->font_descent = (r32)descent * scale; ui->font_line_gap = (r32)line_gap * scale; if (ui->font_line_gap == 0) ui->font_line_gap = 5; ui->font_texture_scale = 2; scale *= ui->font_texture_scale; String c = lit_str("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789!@#$%^&*()-=_+[]{}\\|;:'\",<.>/?`~"); for (u64 i = 0; i < c.len; i++) { s32 w, h, xoff, yoff; u32 id = (u32)c.str[i]; u8* bp = stbtt_GetCodepointBitmap(&font, 0, scale, (char)c.str[i], &w, &h, &xoff, &yoff); s32 x0, y0, x1, y1; stbtt_GetCodepointBitmapBoxSubpixel(&font, (char)c.str[i], scale, scale, 0, 0, &x0, &y0, &x1, &y1); v2 offset = (v2){ 0, (r32)y0 / ui->font_texture_scale }; texture_atlas_register(&state->editor->ui.atlas, bp, (u32)w, (u32)h, id, offset, TextureAtlasRegistration_PixelFormat_Alpha); stbtt_FreeBitmap(bp, 0); } Texture_Atlas_Sprite m_sprite = texture_atlas_sprite_get(&state->editor->ui.atlas, (u32)'m'); ui->font_space_width = (r32)(m_sprite.max_x - m_sprite.min_x); texture_update(ui->atlas_texture, ui->atlas.pixels, 1024, 1024, 1024); } internal void ed_draw_panel(u8* user_data, BSP_Node_Id id, BSP_Node node, BSP_Area area) { App_State* state = (App_State*)user_data; UI* ui = &state->editor->ui; scratch_get(scratch); UI_Layout title_layout = {}; ui_layout_set_row_info(ui, &title_layout); title_layout.bounds_min = (v2){ area.min.x, area.max.y - title_layout.row_height }; title_layout.bounds_max = area.max; = title_layout.bounds_min; UI_Layout panel_layout = {}; ui_layout_set_row_info(ui, &panel_layout); panel_layout.bounds_min = area.min; panel_layout.bounds_max = (v2){ area.max.x, title_layout.bounds_max.y }; = panel_layout.bounds_min; ui_layout_push(ui, &panel_layout); String title = {}; switch (node.user_data) { case 0: { title = lit_str("None"); } break; case 1: { ed_sculpture_visualizer(state); title = lit_str("Sculpture"); } break; invalid_default_case; } ui_layout_pop(ui); ui_layout_push(ui, &title_layout); UI_Widget_Desc bg = {}; = UIWidgetStyle_Bg; = (v4){.4f,.4f,.4f,1}; = WHITE_SPRITE_ID; bg.string = string_f(scratch.a, "%.*s_%u_title_bg", str_varg(title), id.value); bg.p_min = title_layout.bounds_min; bg.p_max = title_layout.bounds_max; UI_Widget_Result r = ui_widget_push(ui, bg); ui_layout_row_begin(&title_layout, 4); { ui_textc(ui, BLACK_V4, title); } ui_layout_row_end(&title_layout); ui_widget_pop(ui,; ui_layout_pop(ui); scratch_release(scratch); } Geometry_Buffer b; Shader shd; Texture tex; internal void ed_init(App_State* state, Editor_Desc* desc) { lumenarium_env_validate(); Editor* editor = allocator_alloc_struct(permanent, Editor); zero_struct(*editor); state->editor = editor; editor->window_dim = desc->init_window_dim; editor->content_scale = desc->content_scale; editor->ui = ui_create(4096, 4096, state->input_state, permanent); editor->ui.draw_panel_cb = ed_draw_panel; editor->ui.draw_panel_cb_data = (u8*)state; //bsp_split(&editor->ui.panels, editor->ui.panels.root, 700, BSPSplit_YAxis, 0, 1); file_async_read(lit_str("data/font.ttf"), ed_load_font_cb); r32 w = 1400; r32 h = 700; r32 z = -1; r32 tri[] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, w, 0, z, 1, 0, w, h, z, 1, 1, 0, h, z, 0, 1, }; u32 indices[] = { 0, 1, 2, 0, 2, 3 }; String shd_v = lit_str( "#version 330 core\n" "layout (location = 0) in vec3 pos;\n" "layout (location = 1) in vec2 auv;\n" "out vec2 uv;\n" "uniform mat4 proj;\n" "void main(void) { \n" " gl_Position = proj * vec4(pos, 1); \n" " uv = auv;\n" "}\n" ); String shd_f = lit_str( "#version 330 core\n" "in vec2 uv;\n" "out vec4 FragColor;\n" "uniform sampler2D tex;\n" "void main(void) { FragColor = texture(tex, uv) * vec4(1,1,1,1); }" ); String shd_a[] = { lit_str("pos"), lit_str("auv") }; String shd_u[] = { lit_str("proj") }; b = geometry_buffer_create( tri, sizeof(tri) / sizeof(r32), indices, 6 ); shd = shader_create(shd_v, shd_f, shd_a, 2, shd_u, 1); vertex_attrib_pointer(b, shd, 3, shd.attrs[0], 5, 0); vertex_attrib_pointer(b, shd, 2, shd.attrs[1], 5, 3); u32 tex_pix[] = { 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFF00FFFF, 0xFFFFFF00, 0xFFFF00FF }; tex = texture_create(texture_desc_default(2, 2), (u8*)tex_pix); ed_sculpture_visualizer_init(state); lumenarium_env_validate(); } internal u8* ed_leds_to_texture(App_State* state, Allocator_Scratch* scratch, u32 pixels_dim) { u32 at = 0; u32* pixels = allocator_alloc_array(scratch->a, u32, pixels_dim * pixels_dim); for (u32 a = 0; a < state->assemblies.len; a++) { Assembly_Pixel_Buffer leds = state->assemblies.pixel_buffers[a]; for (u32 p = 0; p < leds.len; p++) { Assembly_Pixel led = leds.pixels[p]; u32 index = at++; pixels[index] = ( led.r << 0 | led.g << 8 | led.b << 16 | 0xFF << 24 ); } } return (u8*)pixels; } internal void ed_sculpture_updated(App_State* state, r32 scale, r32 led_size) { lumenarium_env_validate(); Editor* ed = state->editor; if (!ed) return; scratch_get(scratch); // NOTE(PS): we need to know the total number of leds in order to give them // texture coordinates u32 leds_count = 0; for (u32 a = 0; a < state->assemblies.len; a++) { Assembly_Pixel_Buffer pixels = state->assemblies.pixel_buffers[a]; leds_count += pixels.len; } // round up to a texture whose sides are powers of two u32 pixels_dim = (u32)floorf(sqrtf((r32)leds_count)); pixels_dim = round_up_to_pow2_u32(pixels_dim); u32 pixels_count = pixels_dim * pixels_dim; r32 texel_dim = 1 / (r32)pixels_dim; // NOTE(PS): Rebuild the sculpture geometry to point to the new // sculpture. Geo_Vertex_Buffer_Storage storage = ( GeoVertexBufferStorage_Position | GeoVertexBufferStorage_TexCoord ); u32 verts_cap = leds_count * 4; u32 indices_cap = leds_count * 6; Geo_Quad_Buffer_Builder geo = geo_quad_buffer_builder_create(scratch.a, verts_cap, storage, indices_cap); geo_vertex_buffers_validate(&geo.buffer_vertex); r32 r = led_size; u32 pixels_created = 0; for (u32 a = 0; a < state->assemblies.len; a++) { Assembly_Pixel_Buffer pixels = state->assemblies.pixel_buffers[a]; for (u32 p = 0; p < pixels.len; p++) { v3 c = pixels.positions[p].xyz; c = HMM_MultiplyVec3f(c, scale); u32 pixel_count = pixels_created++; u32 pixel_x = pixel_count % pixels_dim; u32 pixel_y = pixel_count / pixels_dim; r32 texel_x_min = (r32)pixel_x / (r32)pixels_dim; r32 texel_y_min = (r32)pixel_y / (r32)pixels_dim; r32 texel_x_max = texel_x_min + (texel_dim / 2); r32 texel_y_max = texel_y_min + (texel_dim / 2); v2 t0 = (v2){texel_x_max, texel_y_max}; v2 t1 = (v2){texel_x_max, texel_y_max}; v2 t2 = (v2){texel_x_max, texel_y_max}; v2 t3 = (v2){texel_x_max, texel_y_max}; v3 p0 = HMM_AddVec3(c, (v3){ -r, -r, 0 }); v3 p1 = HMM_AddVec3(c, (v3){ r, -r, 0 }); v3 p2 = HMM_AddVec3(c, (v3){ r, r, 0 }); v3 p3 = HMM_AddVec3(c, (v3){ -r, r, 0 }); geo_quad_buffer_builder_push_vt(&geo, p0, p1, p2, p3, t0, t1, t2, t3); } } geo_vertex_buffers_validate(&geo.buffer_vertex); if (ed->sculpture_geo.indices_len != 0) { invalid_code_path; // TODO(PS): destroy the old geometry buffer or update it } ed->sculpture_geo = geometry_buffer_create( geo.buffer_vertex.values, geo.buffer_vertex.len * geo.buffer_vertex.stride, geo.buffer_index.values, geo.buffer_index.len ); vertex_attrib_pointer(ed->sculpture_geo, ed->sculpture_shd, 3, ed->sculpture_shd.attrs[0], 5, 0); vertex_attrib_pointer(ed->sculpture_geo, ed->sculpture_shd, 2, ed->sculpture_shd.attrs[1], 5, 3); // TODO(PS): make this have enough pixels for the sculpture // TODO(PS): map leds to pixels if (ed->sculpture_tex.desc.w != 0) { invalid_code_path; // TODO(PS): destroy the old texture } u8* pixels = ed_leds_to_texture(state, &scratch, pixels_dim); Texture_Desc pixel_texture_desc = { .w = pixels_dim, .h = pixels_dim, .s = pixels_dim, .min_filter = GL_NEAREST, .mag_filter = GL_NEAREST, .fmt_internal = GL_RGBA, .fmt_data = GL_RGBA }; ed->sculpture_tex = texture_create(pixel_texture_desc, pixels); scratch_release(scratch); lumenarium_env_validate(); } internal void ed_frame_prepare(App_State* state) { lumenarium_env_validate(); ui_frame_prepare(&state->editor->ui, state->editor->window_dim); lumenarium_env_validate(); } internal void ed_frame(App_State* state) { lumenarium_env_validate(); Editor* ed = state->editor; UI* ui = &ed->ui; { scratch_get(scratch); u32 w = ed->sculpture_tex.desc.w; u8* pixels = ed_leds_to_texture(state, &scratch, w); texture_update(ed->sculpture_tex, pixels, w, w, w); scratch_release(scratch); } edr_render_begin(state); ui_draw(&state->editor->ui); edr_render(state); lumenarium_env_validate(); } internal void ed_cleanup(App_State* state) { lumenarium_env_validate(); }