#define win32_open_files_cap 32 char win32_open_file_paths[win32_open_files_cap][MAX_PATH]; u64 win32_open_files_len = 1; // zero is invalid HANDLE win32_open_files[win32_open_files_cap]; void win32_files_init() { for (u32 i = 0; i < win32_open_files_cap; i++) { win32_open_files[i] = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } } HANDLE win32_get_open_file_handle(Platform_File_Handle file) { return win32_open_files[file.value]; } internal u64 win32_high_low_to_u64(u32 low_part, u32 high_part) { ULARGE_INTEGER Time = {}; Time.LowPart = low_part; Time.HighPart = high_part; u64 result = Time.QuadPart; return result; } internal u64 win32_file_time_to_u64(FILETIME file_time) { return win32_high_low_to_u64(file_time.dwLowDateTime, file_time.dwHighDateTime); } Platform_File_Handle platform_file_open(String path, Platform_File_Access_Flags flags_access, Platform_File_Create_Flags flags_create) { Platform_File_Handle result = {}; DWORD flags_create_ = OPEN_EXISTING; HANDLE file_handle = CreateFileA( (char*)path.str, (DWORD)flags_access, 0, // share mode NULL, // security attributes (DWORD)flags_create, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL ); if (file_handle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { if (win32_open_files_len < win32_open_files_cap) { result.value = win32_open_files_len++; } else { // search for emtpy index for (u32 i = 1; i < win32_open_files_cap; i++) { if (win32_open_files[i] == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { result.value = i; } } } assert(result.value != 0); win32_open_files[result.value] = file_handle; memory_copy(path.str, (u8*)win32_open_file_paths[result.value], path.len); win32_open_file_paths[result.value][path.len] = 0; // null term } else { win32_get_last_error(); } return result; } void platform_file_close(Platform_File_Handle file_handle) { assert(file_handle.value < win32_open_files_len); CloseHandle(win32_get_open_file_handle(file_handle)); win32_open_files[file_handle.value] = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } u64 win32_get_file_size(HANDLE h) { DWORD size_low, size_high; size_low = GetFileSize(h, &size_high); if (size_low == INVALID_FILE_SIZE) { win32_get_last_error(); return 0; } LARGE_INTEGER win32_size; win32_size.LowPart = size_low; win32_size.HighPart = size_high; return (u64)win32_size.QuadPart; } Platform_File_Info platform_file_get_info(Platform_File_Handle file_handle, Allocator* allocator) { Platform_File_Info result = {}; HANDLE h = win32_get_open_file_handle(file_handle); if (h == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return result; // File Size u64 win32_size = win32_get_file_size(h); if (win32_size == 0 && win32_last_error != 0) return result; // File Times FILETIME time_created, time_last_write; if (!GetFileTime(h, &time_created, (LPFILETIME)0, &time_last_write)) { win32_get_last_error(); return result; } // File Path // call GetFullPathName with empty dest just to get the length needed DWORD file_name_len_needed = GetFullPathName( win32_open_file_paths[file_handle.value], 0, 0, 0 ); if (!file_name_len_needed) { win32_get_last_error(); return result; } result.path = allocator_alloc_string(allocator, (u64)file_name_len_needed); result.path.len = (u64)GetFullPathName( win32_open_file_paths[file_handle.value], (DWORD)result.path.cap, (char*)result.path.str, 0 ); result.path_abs = result.path; // File Attributes DWORD file_attrs = GetFileAttributesA((char*)result.path.str); if (!file_attrs) { win32_get_last_error(); return result; } result.size = win32_size; result.time_created = win32_file_time_to_u64(time_created); result.time_last_write = win32_file_time_to_u64(time_last_write); if (has_flag(file_attrs, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) { add_flag(result.flags, FileFlag_IsDir); } return result; } Data platform_file_read_all(Platform_File_Handle file_handle, Allocator* allocator) { Data result = {}; HANDLE h = win32_get_open_file_handle(file_handle); if (h == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return result; u64 file_size = win32_get_file_size(h); if (file_size == 0 && win32_last_error != 0) return result; result.base = allocator_alloc(allocator, file_size + 1); result.size = file_size + 1; DWORD bytes_read = 0; if (ReadFile(h, (void*)result.base, (DWORD)result.size, &bytes_read, NULL)) { result.base[result.size - 1] = 0; } else { win32_get_last_error(); } return result; } bool platform_file_write_all(Platform_File_Handle file_handle, Data file_data) { bool result = false; HANDLE h = win32_get_open_file_handle(file_handle); if (h == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return result; // Set file pointer to beginning SetFilePointer(h, 0, 0, FILE_BEGIN); DWORD bytes_written = 0; if (WriteFile(h, file_data.base, (DWORD)file_data.size, &bytes_written, NULL)) { result = (bytes_written == file_data.size); } return result; } void platform_dir_enum_(String path, Platform_Enum_Dir_Flags flags, Allocator* allocator, Platform_File_Info_List* list) { WIN32_FIND_DATA ffd; HANDLE search_handle = FindFirstFile((char*)path.str, &ffd); if (search_handle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { do { Platform_File_Info_List_Ele* ele = allocator_alloc_struct( allocator, Platform_File_Info_List_Ele ); sll_push(list->first, list->last, ele); } while (FindNextFile(search_handle, &ffd)); } } Platform_File_Info_List platform_dir_enum(String path, Platform_Enum_Dir_Flags flags, Allocator* allocator) { Platform_File_Info_List result = {}; platform_dir_enum_(path, flags, allocator, &result); return result; } String platform_get_exe_path(Allocator* allocator) { String result = allocator_alloc_string(allocator, (u64)MAX_PATH); result.len = (u64)GetModuleFileName(NULL, (char*)result.str, (DWORD)result.cap); if (!result.len) return result; return result; } bool platform_pwd_set(String path) { bool result = SetCurrentDirectory((char*)path.str); if (!result) win32_get_last_error(); return result; }