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Framework for test implementation + test discovery in jai


This Jai Module provies a means of writing tests and building a test executable that can be used in applications such as CI runners.

Test Executable Reference

Test executables can be run individually or via which is output in the same directory. Both tests and have the same options:

-colors: output colored information for easier readability -verbose: by default the output will only show test suites run, and full information on errors. Enabling verbose output indicates all tests that are run as well.

Test Harness Reference

Init_Test_Harness(suite_name: string): Call at the beginning of your test suite function to initialize the test suite. Run_Test_Harness(): Call at the end of your test suite function to execute all tests Before_Each(#type () -> ()): Define a function that will be run before each test After_Each(#type () -> ()): Define a funciton that will be run after each test Test(test_name: string, test_proc: #type () -> ()): Define a single test function

expect(received, expected): Checks for equality between the two values. Equivalent to if (received != expected) report_test_failure() expect_true(value) expect_false(value)

How It Works

  1. You call gs_test.build_all_tests from your build script
  2. gs_test scans your project directory for files ending in the specified extension (default is .test.jai)
  3. For each test file found, gs_test outputs an executable
  4. gs_test outputs a run_all_tests file

You can call run_all_tests in CI and it will output an error code if any tests fail.

To Try It Out:

  1. Put gs_test somewhere where your jai compiler can find it. ie. C:\jai\modules\gs_test
  2. Copy the two examples below into files in a sample project directory
  3. Run jai -import_dir C:\jai\modules build.jai
  4. Run ./tests/ (you might need to give it execute permissions first)

Example Usage:


  #import "Compiler";
  gs_test :: #import "gs_test";

  #run build();
  build :: ()
    w := compiler_create_workspace("Target Program");
    target_options := get_build_options(w);

    mc := gs_test.Config.{
      // See gs_test/module.jai::Config for information on how to configure things further
      root_path = #filepath
    gs_test.build_all_tests(mc, target_options);

    set_build_options_dc(.{ do_output = false });


main :: () {

  Test("my test", () {
    expect(5, 5); // succeeds
    expect(5, 3); // fails


Why One Executable Per Test File?

Because of the way Jai handles imports, we have to either have a single test executable which runs all your tests, or make an executable per test file. In the former case, we'd be forced to do a bunch of complicated things to deduplicate #load calls in the cases where you have separate tests importing the same files. This solution seemed simpler - you define your tests how you want, and for each file, just import what that test requires. I may revist this in the future.